4 minute read
Editor’s Welcome
Welcome to Healthcare World
Sarah Cartledge
Group Editor
Welcome to Healthcare World 2, or HWF2 as we like to call it. We’ve all come a long way since the last edition, Healthcare World as a Festival and as global nations handling a pandemic. We’ve had to grow and learn daily, taking on board the opinions of those who are dealing with their own version of the COVID reality as it moves into the second year of its allconsuming presence.
We’re coming to terms with the fact that there’s a global division between the ‘have-vaxxes’ and the havenots. While we can accept it’s a little like the aircraft safety instructions – make sure you have put on your own lifejacket before you help others – we need to step up to the reality of the situation.
And in many ways we have. The plethora of digital innovation and its uptake is on a scale previously inconceivable. We now understand the potential and limits of digital healthcare and we examine this in our first Festival session with esteemed speakers including Dr Nicholas Crisp, Deputy Director General, National Health Insurance, South Africa Department of Health, the Rt Hon Stephen Dorrell, former UK Secretary of State for Health, Jim Campbell, Director of Workforce WHO and Alistair Grenfell, President of Europe, Middle East, Africa and South Asia, IQVIA, who are kindly sponsoring HWF2.
Our digital session – How to digitise your health system – brings together a wealth of expertise from this sector, including Nic Fox, Chief Commercial Officer at NHS Digital, Niti Pall, Head of Universal Healthcare at KPMG, Simon Swift of Methods Analytics, Elliott Engers of InfinityHealth, and Dr Anushka Patchava of Vitality Health, Expert Adviser on Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain to the United Nations.
In a fascinating article for Healthcare World, Iqvia’s Alistair Grenfell examines how the pandemic has changed the face of healthcare for the good. Healthcare and data will finally be united, underpinned by technology, but public and private bodies will need to communicate effectively to maximise the benefits of digital advancements.
We’re looking at opportunities in Dubai with experts including Mawan Abdulaziz Janahi, MD of Dubai Science Park who has played an instrumental role in establishing Dubai Science Park as the region’s leading community for scientific research and innovation, attracting more than 400 companies and strengthening partnerships among corporations, universities, and communities. Also speaking are Andrea Tithecott of lawyers Al Tamimi, based in Dubai, and Isabel Arango from healthcare and infrastructure consultants Mott Macdonald.
Our US session with CSSi Life Sciences outlines the routes to market for companies wishing to enter the US. As Ernesto Chanona explains, there are many regulatory and legislative components, and having US partners can really expedite the process.
Consultant and former Medicaid Director for New York State Jason Helgerson is a luminary in healthcare solutions. In an fascinating feature for the magazine he outlines his belief that healthcare is going “Back to the Future”, as it bases itself back in the home with the help of digital technology.
The economic impact of the pandemic and the restrictions on travel have added to the global workforce scarcity. Our experts will be looking at the reality of the situation and how governments can use new initiatives and technology to overcome the current difficulties.
We also looking at the need for global clinical standards that can bring together all the learnings and enhance medical care for the whole global population. By achieving these standards, we could be well on the way to achieving UHC or Universal Health Coverage, giving all citizens equal opportunity to the best solutions and practices in healthcare today.
We look forward to welcoming you to our sessions and to hearing your views. We’ll be writing regular updates on the Festival so please contact me if you would like to comment or write an article for the magazine.
Email: sarah@thetradeagency.co.uk
The Healthcare World team
Steve Gardner
Managing Director Sarah Cartledge
Campaign Director Emma Sheldon MBE
CCO & Head of Consultancy Joe Everley
Designer Emma Williams
Operations Manager Fabian SutchDaggett
Website Editor
3 Editor’s Welcome 5 Healthcare World Festival II - Sessions 8 Healthcare World Festival II - Speakers 12 The astonishing speed of pandemic healthcare innovation
The healthcare industry has met the pandemic challenge and changed the face of healthcare for the future, says Alistair Grenfell, President, EMEA, IQVIA
14 Meeting consumer expectations in a hybrid health IT landscape
Patients are increasingly expecting a fast, smooth, digitaldriven experience with their healthcare providers that resembles what they can do in other aspects of their lives, says Royston Adamson-Green of NextGate

Healthcare World Magazine | Issue Two
18 Back to the future?
Jason Helgerson, Founder and CEO of Helgerson Solutions, believes the pandemic will ultimately prove a catalyst for home healthcare
20 Streamlining hospital processes
Hospitals need all the help they can get to manage patients successfully, says Elliott Engers, CEO of Infinity Health
22 The International Affiliate Network – a pathway to better patient care
Sarah Cartledge speaks to Alistair Russell, Head of Business Development at Imperial Private Healthcare about their latest venture to ensure better patient experience
24 Entering the UAE market
Well-researched homework is the key to success, says Mazin Gadir, Government healthcare adviser and Director of Partnerships and Strategic Alliances Iqvia
26 Meeting the unmet need
The key to success in US market entry is picking the right commercial partners, says Ernesto Chanona, Director of Business Development at CSSi Life Sciences
28 Developing stronger global health systems post-pandemic
Healthcare World’s Fabian Sutch-Daggett previews Health Education England’s revised strategy