Jo Currant Tribute 1942-2010

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Tribute to Jo Curran 1942 — 2010



I've probably known Jo for longer than any of her friends in the US. We met sometime in the late 7o's or early 80's when Jo lived in Innsbruck...and was my almost-neighbors. I don't remember the exact date..and it's not important...I just remember we used to visit each other...I lived in a farmhouse at the time, and Jo and I used to have discussions, about everything under the sun...she remembered even last year some of our philosophical talks,that I had long since forgotten!! Typical Jo...fantastic memory!! When she left for the States..we lost touch completely...and only re-met (which was a wonderful surprise) at the IATM meeting in 1994 in South Africa. Since then,we were in constant touch...and met up often at the IATM meetings...both International and a few years ago in Italy,where she combined a visit to her daughter in Pergine,near Trento,with participating in our CER meeting in Bolzano. Jo was always cheerful...always positive...always kind and thoughtful...and even after her accident and cancer problems she lived life to the full. She was grateful for what she had.The way she died was the right way for her...and her belief in reincarnation helped her to choose that path. She knew exactly what she was doing...she always did!! I remember jiving with her to 'golden oldie'music in Costa Rica...I remember her courage at not giving up after her accident...I remember the last time we Italy...I will remember her always...she will never be forgotten!! Gina Braim, Innsbruck,Austria. CER Region

There are very few times you can have a telephone conversation with a person and feel like you have a friend. Jo was just that kind of person she was caring and you could tell she really enjoyed her life. She is gone but will not be forgotten. Sara Raney ITMI, IATM 2010 Member

I still cannot believe that Jo is not with us anymore!!! I never even got to meet her in person but between speaking with her on the phone and emailing I really felt like I knew her! It makes me so sad thinking about it! She truly was IATM to me! She was so dedicated and always so very very helpful, always responding to you right away and sending out the blurbs on job opportunities, Christmas cards........a very special lady and one that will be missed even from people like me who never got to meet her officially in person! I know one day that I will see her again and I will be at the first of the line to be a part of her tour! My thoughts and prayers go out to her friends and family! Denise Schafer

How one woman can leave behind a legacy that will never be lost is the legacy of Jo Curran. She had inspired so many in her travels in this world. The memories of our times together have helped shape my personality and who I am in my chosen field as a tour manager. When I close my eyes to visualize her face when she was here, those memories are locked inside my heart and those memories will go on and on. Go, traveler about your journey for this earth-bound chapter is but the preamble. Rest, O weary traveler, for with the dawn comes great joy. Respectfully memorized, Gary Culp CTM








Soon after joining IATM, I attended my first convention in Las Vegas. Not knowing anyone, I stood around looking at all these strangers busily talking to each other and taking no notice of a shy newcomer. I was finally rescued by the friendliest person in the room, who came to introduce herself and welcome me. From that moment, Jo became a dear and close friend, and my whole outlook on tour guiding changed thanks to her help and friendship, always given unstintingly and often without asking. She became my mentor, my teacher, my friend and my inspiration as a Tour Manager. Although we lived on opposite sides of the continent, I knew she was never further away than a telephone call if I needed help or if I just wanted to chat, and her cheerful “Jo here” never failed to raise my mood and my spirits. The North American Study Tour of the Four Corners that Jo organized and conducted for IATM was one which I will never forget. Her knowledge and understanding of the areas we visited, and her close affinity with the native cultures, especially the Navajo, was astounding, and will remain some of my most cherished memories of her. I was privileged to spend some time alone with her before the tour started, and learn something of her past life. Her adventurous spirit and courage and willingness to change her life when she needed to, inspired me to try and pass on to others the lessons she taught me. Pity, sadness and despair were not in her vocabulary, and I never heard anything in her voice other than optimism and a joy that showed how much she loved life, no matter whether she was on a high or a low. I don’t know anyone who could have borne with such fortitude the pain and long –drawn out suffering she endured after the terrible accident that damaged her leg. She accepted each new treatment with the optimistic certainty that it would help, and her positive outlook kept her going until her treatment was completed and she was able to resume her always independent way of life, never talking about the changes and limitations she had to live with unless you asked her. She showed the same courage when her first cancer was diagnosed, saying that she would undergo the conventional treatments because she was sure they would be successful. Once again her positive optimism won the day, and she was able to resume her busy life, always finding time for all the many duties she voluntarily undertook to further the professionalism of her chosen life’s work. When I spoke to her after learning that once again she was ill, she told me she hoped for a positive outcome again, but this time would rely on natural healing remedies in which she had great faith. If this did not work, she was ready to accept the outcome. Her voice was strong and matter-of-fact, full of hopeful optimism as before, without a hint of despair or pity. I spoke to her once more, before leaving for the Study Tour of Northern France, fully expecting to hear her voice when I called her on my return. It was not to be. Jo had a quality of spirituality about her which she was willing to share with me, and for which I will always be grateful. She was a shining example of a truly special person who passed on life lessons to all those who were in tune with her, and she will always be a special part of my life. I have lost one of my truest and best friends. I send my condolences to her family and thank them for giving us the gift of a unique and wonderful person whom it was a true privilege to know.

Heather Nochomovitz



“She was a shining example of a truly special person who passed on life lessons to all those who were in tune with her...�

Personally, I enjoyed reading the IATM news briefings, with all the information relating to travel, plus a host of various articles covering items of interest to our profession, that the late Jo Curran periodically sent us. Of course, I am heartbroken to have learnt of Jo's medical condition and her sudden departure. She was a fine person, dedicated to pass on vital information connected to our line of work - plus much much more articles to enrich our lives. Jo Curran R.I.P.

Jo was kind, patient and extremely generous. She was always ready to help in any way possible. Each of us has so many inner struggles that are not so apparent to those around us. Each of us has within us vast knowledge, experience, and stories that are sometimes lost forever with the final chapter of our lives. But sometimes that experience and knowledge and those stories live on. Maybe that is why we give so much in the profession which we share. Jo shared much that will live on with hundreds of people. Paula Walvoord

Jack Epstein IATM

I was so shocked to hear about Jo's passing, it was too soon after she wrote that "she was joining the big "C" club again" letter. I was hoping what I hope for myself and all cancer survivors, that she would have another remission and a few more years. She knew that she had very little time and made her peace. She was a remarkable human being. I don't know if I could do it as gracefully as she did. But Jo did everything extremely well. I met her several years ago when I was in Seattle on one of the Alaska tours I direct. We connected right away. She was so open with her help and ideas on many occasions when I called or wrote to discuss some trip I was preparing for. A few years later I had almost a whole day with her before my late evening flight back to Boston. We went to Tacoma and had a wonderful visit to the Glass Museum. I wish I had a photo to send you, looked thru my pictures from the Vietnam meeting, but I have none of her. I will miss her Yvette Kaplan

I have no words to express my sorrow. Kind regards, Silvia Alves















Try as I can I do not remember how I met Jo or where--seems like I've known her forever. However, she really came into focus when she did a tour of the Southwest. We, my husband Bob was on the trip, and so were you Scott--lst time I had met you--it was a wonderful trip, that Jo had composed. I had done the Southwest a number of times so I had some knowledge but certainly not in the depth that Jo had arranged. Well worth the time and trouble for both Jo and the group--it was the only time that I traveled with her and my respect for her abilities certainly went way up. We kept in touch but mostly about what was going on with the IATM group and persons we knew mutually and the stories of her planned travels to add to her knowledge--until her accident in Africa and then her return to Seattle--I sent her books--she did love a good mystery and we had found and both started to read Nevada Barr on that SW trip--I sent some on to her when she was going for her treatments--they helped pass the time she said. So like Jo she mentioned one day as we talked on the phone, that she was "getting younger" and when she explained what she meant I told her to talk to her Dr. (I'm sure I wasn't the only person who refered her to medical.) That was about the time of the discovery of her Cancer. She had a lot on her plate with the leg/foot and this added up but she never was a whiner--asked, she just gave you the facts and that was that. I arranged for her to go with me to Healing Journeys--a free program for persons with life threatening health problems that is for the spirit not the physical, put on for the 1st time in Seattle--I had been a supporter for years and flew up from California to be there. (I have family in the area so it was a three fold trip to stay with them, see Jo and take her to the program and out to eat and do some grocery shopping for her.) It was a good trip as I npw knew what her needs were, her true frame of mind and that she had a wonderful support group in the area which was soo reassuring. It is important that one has friends to come home to when you do a lot of traveling or you can become isolated. We talked on the phone every once in a while (no set schedule) and even nearing the end of the year and her time on the planet her health was a footnote compared to her sense of wonder, love of travel, and ability to communicate both. I am sure as she said, it was her lst time to go out without a map and an ittenary--and I'm equally sure she is gathering knowledge and offering it to whomever is in her vicinity. God Bless!!

“Jo was a giver and I will always be indebted to her for her knowledge and support “

Shirley Sturdivant

After many years of correspondence via email and phone, I finally met Jo Curran last May in Denver. She had just completed a tour and treated three or four of us to dinner at the hotel where she was staying. What an inspirational spirit! She truly did dedicate her life to travel and sharing that love of travel and knowledge with others. I knew she was gravely ill, but did not know she had passed away. Wanted to share these thoughts about her. Was amazed at her dedication to IATM with getting all the new membership cards out while she was so very ill. Will always remember her and my thoughts are with her family. Sincerely, Roxanne Snell

"Knowing Jo for fifteen plus years allowed us to share not only Travel and Tourism Industry information, IATM projects but some personal information between us about our tours, trips, family, etc. I always welcomed opening Jo's emails to me for the interest they generated. Over the years, Jo strongly supported my business and I appreciate that very much. Her support as well as her comments will be missed and I wish her the best on the journey she is now undertaking." Frank Slater, Ph.D, CEO, International Guide Academy, Inc.



I had always wanted to meet Jo unfortunately it shan't be so.

“ whole outlook on tour guiding changed thanks to her help and friendship, always given unstintingly and often without

Both Heather Nochomovitz and Yvette Kaplan spoke highly of her. I particularly enjoyed the wonderful travelog she wrote up in the IATM News about her trip through Turkey with her niece. Did she write other articles for IATM ? Perhaps a special supplement of her articles could be included in a mailing.

We've all lost a wonderful friend and mentor. Jo Curran was a 'positive' influence regarding everything and everyone. She always had time to help all of us even when she was going through very trying times. Her huge heart lives on. We shall miss her very much; we know she is off 'somewhere' enjoying another great adventure. Mona A. Robertson, CTM

My fond memories of Jo is a lady with a kind and loving heart. She was always supportive and a dedicated professional....I can still hear her saying, "there is no such thing as a stupid question". You will truly be missed, may your soul rest in peace. God Bless.

asking.” Elaine Phillips

Marilyn Perlman

“She had inspired so many in her travels in this world”

She was a lady with an irreverent sense of humor, with only kind words about everyone. A person was not bad, but a challenge. Sometimes we lose sight of that after days of frustration from one individual on a trip. She was always prepared with advice, but pulled no punches. She was dedicated and professional to the end. She had two trips booked for JDR Reisen this year, a company in Wuerzburg. She spent a lot of time trying to find the right tour managers to take over these trips, and was one of the last things she did. I, with lots of Alaska experience, got the Alaska trip, and when she found someone for the trip to the Southwest; that is when she finally told the company of her health situation. A company she had worked with for 20 years. That was about a week before she died. Jo was also instrumental in passing the Death with Dignity Act in Washington State. She started that project the last time she had cancer, about 7 years earlier. About two weeks before her departure, she was working on trying to get the law changed so doctors COULD actually tell you about it, without having to be asked. Unfortunately, she wasn't able to get that far, but was able to make the right decision for herself when the time came. She had made peace with her situation the first time around and used her energy to help others. She was always only a phone call away when I needed advice. . . or a laugh. I'm going to miss her. I only hope that, faced with the same situation, I would handle it as well, and as gracefully, as Jo. Best,



JF Barnes

Thank you also for honoring Jo Curran - she was a wonderful person and I was fortunate enough to have dinner w/her and two other friends in June(?) when she was in Denver at the end of a tour. She was one of the most enthusiastic, supportive and interesting people I have ever met. She encouraged all of us to step off and take the trip, see the world, experience the unusual and enjoy and share it all. I met her about ten years ago and kept in contact w/her over the years. What a great loss!!!! Nancy Brueggeman

Rhonda Hansmann


She was I am sure well prepared for this other journey.












I have had the good fortune to know Jo since she started working in the USA. I was at that time President of PGAA and met Jo casually during a cocktail party. Immediately I was impressed with her sense of openness as we engaged in a discussion relating to the role of a Tour Manager. As I was then already a member of IATM since 1972, I convinced Jo to take an active role and although she did not get immediately involved, I knew that Jo was slated for great things. As soon as she became US Region Chairwoman she opened up IATM for our Canadian colleagues, many of whom joined IATM because of Jo's relentless efforts. Jo had also the determination to restore the NA Region to full status within IATM and it is also due to the innovative participation in the liability insurance that we have grown tremendously in the past 2 years. Jo, you will be remembered by me and many others for your addictive positive attitude especially the last 8 years. May the last tour you took be the one that will take you to Tour Manager's heaven, where all the drivers are willing to do the extra mile, where the busses are always spotless clean, where our employers give you salary increases every year and where your customers actually tip you correctly. Frederick M Verkempinck

Unfortunately I have never personally met her but talked to her on the phone when I first inquired to join IATM in 2007. She was extremely welcoming and encouraging and very efficient in pushing the membership through so that I could join the first educational trip with IATM to Portugal. Since then I was always amazed to observe her energy in running the Ameria Region as a one person entity. Whether it was finances, questions regarding certification, spreading news about job offers or accomodating ways of sending my dues from Canada, she was always so upbeat and dedicated. Even practically on her deathbed she enlightened me on the scope of her duties. Even if one took away the editing and the finances she was still doing so many different jobs that trying to step into her job-shoes seemed overwhelming to me. I realized that in our Tourist Guide Association in Toronto it takes 5 board members to do what she did all by herself! On top of it she did it without complaining about the loads she was carrying. Even now that I am free from the board in Toronto and thinking of trying to take some of the load she was doing, I feel so inadequate and yet ashamed that I did not offer any help when she shyly asked for it 2 years ago. I can only hope that our growing IATM Region will reorganize the administration of running us all in a way that even mere mortals can do their part and still make progress for us all. We will never match your efforts, Jo, and it does seem so unfair that only your sudden and unexpected death will finally force the rest of us to wake up and step in and carry on. Scott cannot do it alone, I am willing to help but could not possibly do all Jo did. We shall miss Jo terribly. We all owe her so much for too long. We owe it to her to make good use of her legacy to us. Brigitta Gamm

First of all, I'm deeply saddened by Jo's passing because I allowed time to pass without calling to talk to her as was my intention. Jo recommended me for my first tour job. It wasn't because she knew me well, but because I was a member of IATM (good credentials) and we had talked on the phone a few times. One reason why this was beneficial for me, was that my job had ended two weeks prior. It's the nature of the economy now. If there was something of interest to me and I wanted more information, I would email her and she would respond right away. At different times, she'd recommend I call her and we'd talk on the phone. So I considered her as a kind of mentor. She was encouraging to me and extremely helpful. The last thing she did was pay up my liability insurance out of her pocket as long as I had a check in the mail so that it wouldn't be late. There are not many willing people who don't mind giving of themselves. But Jo was a giver and I will always be indebted to her for her knowledge and support. Sincerely, Sydney Avery

In loving memory of

Jo Curran 1942 – 2010 IATM NEWSLETTER 2011 ADDENDUM EDITION 1, 2011

24 Blevins Road Kerhonkson, NY 12446 USA

She lived the legacy of how

Phone/Fax: 212-208-6800 E-mail:

a professional Tour Manager should be.

I first met Jo Curran after I signed up for her IATM South West Indian Lands Study Tour. We had already talked many times over the phone since she was the chairman of IATM-NA and I was the Vice-Chairman. Though my real adventure with her started when we traveled together… I remember that she looked smaller and older than I pictured her. That was part of her beauty. She had a spunky energy about her that many people leave behind in their youth. It was contagious and inspirational. I will never forget her energy. I have always thought that the best way to get to know somebody is to travel with them. We traveled together in a small group for over a week and got to know each ther very well. I was impressed with her depth of knowledge. It was not only long and wide, but deep – if you know what I mean. She introduced us to people from all walks of life. People that only a well travelled person can come into contact and bond with. They were her friends and she made them our friends. I gained the knowledge that only a lifetime of travel in an area can provide. Each of us on the tour was a Tour Manager and now able to lead a superior tour in America’s South West. Jo’s heart was so pure that the thought that she was educating colleagues who might someday compete for a job with her probably never entered her mind. I have now worked out there many times and even offer my own tours, so it is the smallest of praise to say that she helped me. She gave me an energy that is now part of me and I shall pass down to my children. Scott MacScott CTM Chairman IATM

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