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Director Of Vocational Services And Quality Assurance

sessions on Wednesdays, where they engage in four hours of skills development covering areas such as social communication, job readiness, job seeking, stress management, current job opportunities, and helpful tips for job retention. For unemployed or underemployed DDA SE participants, there is also an in-person SE job group available on Thursdays. The morning group focuses on job readiness skills from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, while the afternoon group from 1:30 pm to 5:30 pm emphasizes the development of job-seeking and job-retention skills.

DORS Programs for Transitioning

Youth (TY) have transitioned from primarily virtual services to in-person services in fiscal year 2023. TLC Outcomes conducted a fall and winter-spring program called Life After High School (LAHS), specifically designed for high school juniors, seniors, and senior plus years. This 12-week program takes place once a week from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm at TLC Outcomes, covering topics such as interest assessments, social skills, selfadvocacy, employer expectations, and job readiness. We will be offering a fall Life After High School Program starting in September 2023. If you are interested in participating, please reach out to DORS. To be eligible, you must have an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or a 504 Plan with your high school. In fiscal year 2023, 24 youth participated in the LAHS program, and four individuals took part in the Summer Workplace Success program.

The Outcomes Department at TLC has worked diligently to enhance services and programs, offering a blend of in-person and virtual support, to ensure the successful transition and employment of individuals with diverse needs.

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