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The TLC Outcomes Service advocates for adults with disabilities to find and keep jobs and live independently in the community We succeed in finding our participants competitive, substantive jobs and educational and social opportunities that are vital to their independence and wellbeing.

Here, we highlight the employment experience of Patrick, a participant utilizing the TLC Outcomes Service. Patrick’s experience is just one example of the various types of employment opportunities we facilitate, support, and help blossom.

Patrick works for multiple employers, utilizing his various strengths, talents, and work experience. He is employed by the FCC, Senator Tim Scott’s Office, and a chocolate factory. For this article, we will discuss his work experience Senator Tim Scott’s office through an informal interview.

TLC Outcomes Service recognized Patrick’s multiple talents and capabilities that could help a business thrive. When asked what his role was in Senator Tim Scott’s Office, he stated “faxing, petitions, meet and greets, and receptionist.” His diverse skillset helped fulfill various essential areas of need in Senator Scott’s office.

Patrick stated “he has worked in the Senator’s office a long time,” demonstrating his dependability and value. When asked what he likes about his job, Patrick stated, “doing the meet and greets, meeting people, and helping in the office.” Patrick is a capable employee with both interpersonal and administrative skills; his potential is vast.

Describing a typical day further shows the diverse skill set Patrick has, and the trust his employer holds. Patrick states he “puts out the daily newspapers, fills the peanut baskets, stocks business cards, stocks the fridge, shreds paperwork, refills the printers, checks for the petitions and record, and greets people as they come into the office.” Patrick encounters multiple departments every day, which is a mutually beneficial experience for both Patrick and the various employers from different departments.

The TLC Outcomes Service empowers, supports, and embraces participants and their unique strengths and skill sets. When Patrick was asked about what he learned on the job, he stated “how to communicate and be on time ” Patrick added that having a job made him feel “great,” and one of the best things about his job was getting paid to do things that he enjoys. The TLC Outcomes Service is an essential community resource for individuals with disabilities and employers to both thrive and exceed potential.

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