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another school (I couldn t say it any better), Ssuuna s presentation enriched the lives of our students by teaching them a different language along with dance and music native to his country. He also taught the students about self-respect, discipline, and valuing different perspectives...”
The amount of positive energy flowing through the school building was palpable. Students were divided into groups, and they rotated throughout the day with one period with our artist in residence and then classes with school staff for the remaining periods. The whole focus was on Africa, and the classes included:
Making terrariums and soil research, Making galimotos (from a book called, “ Galimoto” –galimoto means “car” in the national language of Malawi) from wire and other materials
Immersion in the math/music connection by making Kalimbas and performing songs, making batik flags (traditional method of dyeing cloths), and researching and cooking East African breakfast food.
On Tuesday, with the counseling department, the students participated in activities around accepting differences while using 3D glasses. On Wednesday, students traveled to Kenya with the Speech-Language department to explore the social customs of East Africa and how they are similar to and different from ours. On Thursday, the OT department focused on the Zones of Regulation and while playing charades, identified different strategies and whether they are appropriate for home, school, or both. On Friday, students performed their dances and drumming for the whole high school program. The roaring cheers were a perfect tribute to the exhilarating week!