05312024 WEEKEND

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Weekend Ginuwine pleasure entertainment interview gardening history community puzzles animals
Page 7 Complimentary star-studded shows light up Atlantis’ Bar Sol pgs 08 +09 Friday, May 31, 2024
Love Boat sets sail


Rom-com aims to delight audiences and advance Bahamian theatre

Part proceeds from ‘Porsha & The Prophit’ go to playwright’s medical bills

Asmall-town preacher who dreams of fame and fortune is willing to blur the lines between performance and reality to achieve his goals. Meanwhile, an ambitious congregant hopes to ensnare the dynamic pastor in order to fulfil a yearning inside herself.

This is the setup of the romantic comedy play “Porsha & The Prophit”, which is being staged this Saturday and Sunday at the University of the Bahamas’ Performing Arts Centre, at 8pm on both nights.

Featuring a wacky cast of characters who represent the different demographics of Bahamian society, the play examines modern-day religion, relationships, and leadership in the Bahamas, said playwright and producer Darion Spence.

“I wanted to do something different in Bahamian theatre. It seemed as though there were only foreign productions, and the few Bahamian productions featured were the same recycled tropes. I wanted theatre to be viewed through new eyes; a new passion and a new outlook on society,” said Darion.

Rayette Spence, a co-producer, added that being a part of a show like this is important because it not only gives upcoming actors a

PLAYWRIGHT Darion Spence and lead actress Mechelle McDonald

platform to showcase their talents, it also serves as a fundraiser to assist Darion with a kidney transplant.

The playwright was diagnosed with renal failure seven months ago and is currently on dialysis. He

MEMBERS of the StingRay Productions theatre company

hopes for a kidney donation to give him a second chance at life.

The show is being put on by Darion’s StingRay Productions, a company committed to enhancing theatre in the Bahamas and the world.

Darion said he hopes they will also be able to foster new and up-andcoming talent, as this is the only way for Bahamian theatre to evolve and be sustainable.

The cast of “Porsha & The Prophit” includes Earl Francis, Jr, who plays Barry; Keilli Brathwaite as Andrea; Rodericka Collie as Mother Butterfield; Frenrick “Bush Tea” Russell as Papa Butterfield; Sterling Bain as Elder Johnson; Dion Johnson as Prophet Mosley Green, and Mechelle McDonald as the titular Porsha Malcolm. There are also cameos by popular comedian

DasQuay and Stephen “Mullerz” Lightbourne.

Mechelle McDonald describes the main character Porsha Malcolm as street smart, strategic and sultry.

“She is a young, ambitious woman who knows what she wants and will do anything to get it, including finding love,” she said.

She added: “The experience of preparing and rehearsing for

‘Porsha and The Prophit’ has been very hands-on, strategic, exciting and engaging.

“The director, cast members and team are incredibly supportive. They have created an environment where you easily and openly able to express yourself creatively.”

The actress said she enjoyed the process of learning and developing the character of Porsha.

“We know the emotions we want the audience to experience, and so the rehearsals and preparation process have captured that. It has been a very memorable and teachable experience that has connected me with amazingly talented creatives within the Bahamian orange economy. Each rehearsal brought us closer to portraying the true story of ‘Porsha & The Prophit,” said Mechelle.

02 | The Tribune | Weekend Friday, May 31, 2024

Music icon to headline 25th Cat Island Rake n’ Scrape Festival

The legendary Phil Stubbs is set headline the 25th Cat Island Rake n’ Scrape Festival, slated for June 6-8.

Mr Stubbs is widely credited with popularising rake n’ scrape music, paving the way for other Bahamian artists to embrace this unique genre like never before.

At the festival, expect the singer to beld out Bahamian favourites like “Potcake”, “Bonefish Foley”, “Gofa”, and “Oh Cat Island” as he takes the stage at Arthurs Town.

Mr Stubbs, known as one of the Bahamas’ greatest storytellers, leads a stellar lineup that includes the likes of Veronica Bishop, Geno D, Bishop Lawrence Rolle, Iron Storr, Nishie LS, Blaudy, Jammin Rahming, the Lassie Doh Boys, Yogi and Da Rhythm Band.

Smithsonian Rake n’ Scrape inductees Bo Hog and Da Rooters and Ophie and the Websites will also perform at the festival, which will highlight the food, art and culture of Cat Island.

Bahamasair will introduce flights to Cat Island just for the Rake n’ Scrape Festival, beginning June 5 and running until June 11, with two flights offered daily. The national carrier does not usually travel to Cat Island, however, the airline’s executive team decided to offer these flights specifically to cater to the people wishing to attend the festival.

The current Cat Island Rake n’ Scrape committee includes: Caroline (Kay) Chriswell, president; Carolyn Stubbs, vice president; Sherrie Cleare, treasurer; Dornique King-Webb, secretary, and Roselda Gibson, chaplain.

Committee PR officer and stage manager Sidney Isaacs said this year’s festival will be like none other, as the committee intends to host three days of fantastic performances in honour of the historic 25th anniversary.

Paul Fernander, media executive, said the Cat Island Rake n’ Scrape Festival has been invaluable for the preservation and continuation of the music and culture of the Bahamas. Mr Isaacs added that young bands,

“I had the opportunity to play a small part in the evolution of this fantastic festival. In the early 2000s, I was asked by former committee member, Cat Island Senior Nurse Jessie Mae Higgins, to assist in the promotion of the now world-famous Cat Island Rake n’ Scrape Festival. As a part of the ZNS Marketing and Sales Department, I promoted the festival on television and radio.

such as Rhythm ‘ Youth Band, now a global performing group, got their start by competing in music competitions at this festival. Mr Isaacs noted that some of the greatest Bahamian musicians, artists and nation leaders were born and bred right in Cat Island.

Mr Fernander recalled: “I had the opportunity to play a small part in the evolution of this fantastic festival. In the early 2000s, I was asked by former committee member, Cat Island Senior Nurse Jessie Mae Higgins, to assist in the promotion of the now world-famous Cat Island Rake n’ Scrape Festival. As a part of the ZNS Marketing and Sales Department, I promoted the festival on television and radio.”

“Yvette Stuart, then ZNS DGM, Beverly Curry, a camera man, a radio production assistant and I travelled to Cat Island to broadcast the Cat Island Rake n’ Scrape Festival live as well as produce a TV programme that included Cat Island culture, history, it’s people. Over the years, I have continued to assisted in the promotion of the festival as well as being the master of ceremony for the festival under three presidents - Sidney Isaacs, Pam Poitier and Senior Nurse for Cat Island Kay Chriswell.”

The concerts start at 7.30pm nightly. Tickets are $30 for general admission. Children attend free.

Friday, May 31, 2024 The Tribune | Weekend | 03 entertainment
FESTIVAL master of ceremonies Paul Fernander, right, with headliner Phil Stubbs. THE LEGENDARY Bahamian entertainer Phil Stubbs


Tia Albury

This little girl is big on giving back and helping those in need. The Spanish Wells fifthgrader tells Cara Hunt how the tragic death of her young neighbour inspired her to donate to a special charity which helps sick children and their parents during dif ficult times.

04 | The Tribune | Weekend Friday, May 31, 2024

She may only be 10 years old, but Tia Albury has already shown that she has the compassion and generosity of someone much older.

After her young neighbour Ranard Davis died from childhood cancer, Tia had the brilliant idea to complete a pop tab fundraiser for the Ronald McDonald House Charities, which would then not only pay homage to his memory but also help other families who are dealing with the difficult challenge of having a child battling the disease.

“When my neighbour’s son got really really sick, he had to be taken to the United States which led to a year long battle of hospital visits and and a myriad of testing. Unfortunately, in August of 2022, he passed away. But while they were in the States, his mother, Miss Rachel, told me how they were able to stay at the Ronald McDonald House

“Anyone knows that with any illness there is a big financial burden that comes along with it. While I know that there isn’t a lot one can do to help heal the pain of losing a child, I still wanted to find someway to help.”

in Miami,” she explained.

Ronald McDonald House Charities is an US-based nonprofit organisation that provides assistance for the families of children who may have to remain in hospitals for extended periods of times. There are almost 400 Ronald McDonald homes in 64 countries over the world.

Most of the homes are located near hospitals and families are able to stay there at no charge while their children are receiving treatment; they also get free meals. Not having to worry about those types of financial expenses allows parents to focus on their child’s treatment.

The RMDH may also provide family waiting rooms inside the hospital and care mobiles - buses which travel to more rural areas to provide medical and dental care and supplies.

One of the ways the organisation funds these projects is by their Pop Tab programme which allows companies, organisations and individuals like Tia to recycle their collected pop tabs and donate the funds they receive to the RMDH.

“Anyone knows that with any illness there is a big financial burden that comes along with it. While I know that there isn’t a lot one can do

to help heal the pain of losing a child, I still wanted to find someway to help,” said Tia. When her neighbour explained about the pop tab fundraiser, Tia knew immediately that it was something she wanted to do as she had been collecting pop tabs since the age of seven and she wanted to donate them to the organisation that had helped her neighbours during a very difficult time.

A few weeks ago, she was able to travel to Miami and donate more than 10lbs of aluminum pop tabs she’d collected from cans over the years.

“In my research, I also found out about the wish list that they have and I was able to go shopping and purchase a lot of the items, which included cases of water snacks and cleaning products,” she said.

Tia said the staff at the facility were extremely grateful to receive the items.

“It made me feel amazing, and on my way back home to the Bahamas all I could think about was when I return to Florida I want to bring garbage bags full pop tabs to help everyone that I can,” she said.

Tia also pointed out that even though the donations were made in the United States, they also benefitted Bahamians.

“Miss Rachal and her son are Bahamians and the Ronald McDonald House and Charities were there for them at a very rough time,” she said.

Tia hopes to place collection bins around the country and encourages everyone to donate when possible.

“Always remember that you are never too small to make a difference,” she said.

Tia is a grade five student at the Wellington Preparatory School on Spanish Wells, Eleuthera.

She hopes to one day be an Olympic gymnast and a teacher.

Friday, May 31, 2024 The Tribune | Weekend | 05

Best described as a number crossword, the task in Kakuro is to fill all of the empty squares, using numbers 1 to 9, so the sum of each horizontal block equals the number to its left, and the sum of each vertical block equals the number on its top. No number may be used in the same block more than once. The difficulty level of the Conceptis Kakuro increases from Monday to Sunday.


Sudoku is a number-placing puzzle based on a 9x9 grid with several given numbers. The object is to place the numbers 1 to 9 in the empty squares so the each row, each column and each 3x3 box contains the same number only once. The difficulty level of the Sudoku increases from Monday to Sunday


Across: 1 Cite, 3 Producer, 8 Tier, 9 Classify, 11 Redletter day, 13 Clever, 14 Outset, 17 Picture house, 20 Obedient, 21 Cede, 22 Malinger, 23 Real.

Down: 1 Cataract, 2 Treadle, 4 Relate, 5 Distraught, 6 China, 7 Rays, 10 Pedestrian, 12 Ethereal, 15 Squeeze, 16 Orange, 18 Ideal, 19 Poem.

FIND where the fleet of ships shown is hidden in the grid. The numbers to the right of and below the grid indicate how many of the squares in that row are filled in with ships or parts of ships. The ships do not touch each other, even diagonally. Some squares have been filled in to start you off.

9 Save Eve’s corn, possibly (8)

14 Addictive substance, not nice, I misplaced (8)

16 Master might, after some deliveries (9)

17 Memo about one group wanting hazelnut chocolate (8)

19 Feature on joker’s talk (7)

HOW many words of four letters or more can you make from the letters shown here?

21 Its lace turned out to be stretchy (7)

22 Cured, he’d swallowed beer (6)

24 Big and incredibly regal (5)

HOW many words of four letters or more can you make from the letters shown here? In making a word, each letter may be used once only. Each must contain the centre letter and there must be at least one nine-letter word. No plurals. Verb forms ending in “s” permitted.

25 Secured by nurse, the right anaesthetic (5)

In making a word, each letter may be used once only. Each must contain the centre letter and there must be at least one nine-letter word. No plurals. Verb forms ending in “s” permitted.





HOW many words of four letters or more can you make from the letters shown here?

JOVIALITY aioli alit alto jail jilt jolt jovial JOVIALITY laity oily oval tail toil vial

Yesterday’s Sudoku Answer

FIND where the fleet of ships shown is hidden in the grid. The numbers to the right of and below the grid indicate how many of the squares in that row are filled in with ships or parts of ships. The ships do not touch each other, even diagonally. Some squares have been filled in to start you off.


In making a word, each letter may be used once only. Each must contain the centre letter and there must be at least one nine-letter word. No plurals. Verb forms ending in “s” permitted.


Lease (4)

Item worn on the head (3)


Belonging to them (5)

Metallic element (3)


Good 24; very good 36; excellent 48 (or more). Solution next Saturday.





Metaphysical (9)



Concur (5)

Leg joint (4)

Communications (8)

Tire beast (anag.) (9)


call: 0907 181 2583


ACROSS 1 Although, 6 Deer, 8 Plane, 11 Asleep, 12 Arts, 14 His, 15 Spade, 16 Tin, 17 Spin, 19 Prison, 20 Green, 21 Urge, 22 Daughter. DOWN 1 Advantage, 2 Test, 3 Operating, 4 Gap, 5 Messenger, 7 Earlier, 9 Lends, 10 Nailing, 13 Spare, 18 Port, 19 Pea.

Not bright (3)

Examples (9)

Latter part of day (7)

Restrict (5)

Tire beast (anag.) (9)

Not bright (3)

Examples (9)

Latter part of day (7)

Restrict (5)

Look at closely (7)

In that place (5)

Bird’s limb (4)

Raw material (3)

elemi elite else isle islet lest lime limo list lite litotes lose lost melt mettle mile milt MISTLETOE mole molest motel motile motliest mottle settle silo silt sleet slim slime slit sloe slot smelt smile smolt soil sole steel stele stile stilt stole tile tilt title toil toile toilet

Call 0907 181 2586 for today’s Target solution *Calls cost 80p per minute plus your

Chambers Dictionary


Across: Quintet, Plan, Risk, Evacuate, Reject, Debase, Heroic, Garage, Fumigate, Weak, Stye, Eastern.

CAN you crack the Alphabeater? It’s a tough twist your mental muscles to the limit. Each grid number in Alphapuzzle, every letter of the alphabet is used. the given letters and the given black

TODAY’S TARGET Good 24; very good 36; excellent 48 (or more). Solution next Saturday.

TODAY’S TARGET Good 24; very good 36; excellent 48 (or more). Solution next Saturday.

Down: Equine, Exults, Oink, Erosive, Attest (clue), Crazed, Strand, Greasy, Plumber, When, Cactus, Granny.


LAST SATURDAY’S SOLUTION elemi elite else isle islet lest lime limo list lite litotes lose lost melt mettle mile milt MISTLETOE mole molest motel motile

Yesterday’s Kakuro Answer

06 | The Tribune | Weekend Friday, May 31, 2024
Black squares: 2, 10, 11, 21, 25, 28, 29, 34, 37, 38, Across: Black, Currant, Fish, Wrong, Ritualism, Debug, Dabs, Eponym, Calyx. Down: Warped, Ooze, Upsets, Kilogram, Nuance, Academic, Rueful, News, Unity, Humbug.
viol viola vital volt A A R A P A L I C I A G R A S E D R E A M B O N S A I W E O U S B L P E R S I S T S A N K E G O A D M I T E M A O W I L D E R B O T T O M O A H A A C T U A T P O G O P A S K S I N S T A N T O N S A V E A T E G G L I M P R O L E A K N E E M
U E O C L U E V C A M T N M J X L A F K A N O Y H G N I D A O N P Q J C T B U N G A L O W J G Y M K H A N A A U S E V T S K L O V E E L G N A B X B J A J U G G E R N A U T T O O L M K G U L T T D W I U V D F L A T O R C A U K C S B H E G T J R M U Y H U E O P P L U Y T Y P S E W O I D W U G H X E O P H J X T K K V R N T C K N T Y O O P M A H S U D J M H T I R M F N O P Y J G I G X A U K D U N G A R E E S T O H K H O R U O L N T S G C Y I I I C D 19 Feature on joker’s talk 21 Its lace turned out stretchy (7) 22 Cured, he’d swallowed 24 Big and incredibly regal 25 Secured by nurse, the anaesthetic (5)
elemi elite else isle islet lest lime limo list lite litotes lose lost melt mettle mile milt MISTLETOE mole molest motel motile motliest mottle settle silo silt sleet slim slime slit sloe slot smelt smile smolt soil sole steel stele stile stilt stole tile tilt title toil toile toilet U G I T N A L P S Call 0907 181 2586 for today’s Target solution *Calls cost 80p per minute plus your telephone company’s network access charge. All puzzles use The Chambers Dictionary GET THE BRILLIANT
A 1 B C D E F G H I J 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 2 2 1 1 2 2 4 1 1 4 1 0 4 1 0 5 2 2 1 LAST SATURDAY’S SOLUTION 1 x Battleship 4 x Submarine 3 x Destroyer 2 x Cruiser CAN you crack the Alphabeater? your mental muscles to in Alphapuzzle, every the given letters and the To add to the fiendish same if you turn the page So, for example if there a corresponding six-letter Every black square number. This can help corresponding ‘twin’. Solution 16 22 11 19 6 18 5 27 29 26 33 32 38 2 4 3 10 13 10 20 35 38 9 28 9 16 9 29 2 1 3 17 15 12 39 27 23 14 8 30 16 2 9 4 24 2 19 10 39 1 16 19 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
6 Highest point
8 Extra-terrestrial
11 Casualty
12 Lease
15 Belonging to them (5) 16 Metallic element (3) 17 Exact double (4) 19 Source (6) 20 Concur (5) 21 Leg joint (4) 22 Communications (8) DOWN 1 Metaphysical (9) 2 Most important (4) 3 Tire beast (anag.) (9) 4 Not bright (3) 5 Examples (9) 7 Latter part of day (7) 9 Restrict (5) 10 Look at closely (7) 13 In that place (5) 18 Bird’s limb
19 Raw material
LAST SATURDAY’S SOLUTION ACROSS 1 Although, 6 Deer, 8 Plane, 11 Asleep, 12 Arts, 14 His, 15 Spade, 16 Tin, 17 Spin, 19 Prison, 20 Green, 21 Urge, 22 Daughter. DOWN 1 Advantage, 2 Test, 3 Operating, 4 Gap, 5 Messenger, 7 Earlier, 9 Lends, 10 Nailing, 13 Spare, 18 Port, 19 Pea. For today’s solution call: 0907 181 2583 *Calls cost 80p per minute plus your telephone company’s network access charge. 1 6 12 16 20 7 11 22 2 15 19 13 3 8 9 17 21 4 14 18 10 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 21 22 23 24 25 F 26 Cured, he’d swallowed 24 Big and incredibly 25 Secured by nurse, anaesthetic (5)
Item worn on the head (3)
motliest mottle settle silo silt sleet slim slime slit sloe slot smelt smile smolt soil sole steel stele stile stilt stole tile tilt title toil toile toilet U G I T N A Call 0907 181 2586 for today’s Target solution *Calls cost 80p per minute plus your telephone company’s network access charge. All puzzles use The Chambers Dictionary GET THE BRILLIANT
FIND where the fleet of ships shown is hidden in the grid. The numbers to the right of and below the grid indicate how many of the squares in that row are filled in with ships or parts of ships. The ships do not touch each other, even diagonally. Some squares have been filled in to start you off. B C D E F G H I J 4 2 2 1 1 2 2 4 1 4 1 0 4 1 0 5 2 2 1 LAST SATURDAY’S SOLUTION 4 x Submarine 3 x Destroyer CAN you crack the your mental muscles in Alphapuzzle, every the given letters To add to the fiendish same if you turn So, for example a corresponding Every black square number. This can corresponding ‘twin’. 16 22 11 19 6 18 5 27 29 26 33 32 38 2 4 3 10 13 10 20 35 38 9 28 9 16 9 29 2 1 3 17 15 12 39 27 23 14 8 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
6 Highest point
8 Extra-terrestrial
11 Casualty
19 Source
22 Communications
Exact double
Concur (5)
Leg joint
Most important
SOLUTION ACROSS 1 Although, 6 Deer, 8 Plane, 11 Asleep, 12 Arts, 14 His, 15 Spade, 16 Tin, 17 Spin, 19 Prison, 20 Green, 21 Urge, 22 Daughter. DOWN 1 Advantage, 2 Test, 3 Operating, 4 Gap, 5 Messenger, 7 Earlier, 9 Lends, 10 Nailing, 13 Spare, 18 Port, 19 Pea. For today’s solution call: 0907 181 2583 *Calls cost 80p per minute plus your telephone company’s network access charge. 1 6 12 16 20 7 11 22 2 15 19 13 3 8 9 17 21 4 14 18 10 5 1 2 3 4 5 21 22 23 24 25 F
point, ten,
8 It’s lengthened for
and looked
telephone company’s network access charge. All puzzles use The
A 1 B C D E F G H I J 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 2 2 1 1 2 2 4 1 1 4 1 0 4 1 0 5 2 2 1 LAST SATURDAY’S SOLUTION 1 x Battleship 4 x Submarine 3 x Destroyer 2 x Cruiser
squares below To add to the fiendish fun, Alphabeater is ‘rotationally same if you turn the page upside down. So, for example if there is a six-letter word Across a corresponding six-letter word Across which ends Every black square has a symmetrical ‘twin’ but number. This can help identify other black squares. corresponding ‘twin’. Solution next Saturday. 16 22 11 19 6 18 5 27 29 26 33 32 38 2 4 3 10 13 10 20 35 38 9 28 9 16 9 29 2 1 3 17 15 12 39 27 23 14 8 30 16 2 9 4 24 2 19 10 39 1 16 19 36 20 16 19 37 20 27 22 13 36 16 9 7 21 16 23 8 17 22 6 18 3 5 21 17 24 14 2 17 12 9 31 33 40 16 9 25 6 36 22 40 5 33 12 1 28 8 16 10 38 27 19 27 35 3 31 31 38 9 29 12 33 13 24 15 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Highest point (4) 8 Extra-terrestrial (5) 11 Casualty (6) 12 Lease (4) 14 Item worn on the head (3) 15 Belonging to them (5) 16 Metallic element (3) 17 Exact double (4) 19 Source (6) 20
10 Look at closely (7) 13 In that place (5) 18 Bird’s limb (4) 19 Raw material (3) LAST
1 Unspecified person (8) 6
Metaphysical (9)
Most important (4)
*Calls cost 80p per minute plus
telephone company’s network
1 6 12 16 20 7 11 22 2 15 19 13 3 8 9 17 21 4 14 18 10 5 ACROSS 12 Utensil, 13 25 Singlet, DOWN 1 Collie, 8 Tireless, 9 Smoulder, 21 Amnesia, NAME ADDRESS Weekly Please 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ■ 9 10 ■ 11 12 13 21 22 23 24 ■ 25 F 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 14 34
access charge.

Sailing to love

Online marriage community to host ‘The Love Boat’

TAKING its connections outside of cyber space, the Pillow Talk online marriage club is hosting a boat cruise to help couples inject more fun into their relationships while also creating healthy bonds with other couples.

Pillow Talk is presenting “The Love Boat” cruise for June 7; it will be hosted by entertainer Das Quay.

The group is inviting people to enjoy a relaxing evening with their significant other, family member or friend.

Founded by the husband-and-wife duo Pastor Marvin and Dr Tamalia Gibson, Pillow Talk is an interactive, educational and fun community dedicated to nurturing healthy marriages free of charge.

The marriage club was created to bring couples together and help them socialise with one another.

Ever since hosting dynamic and informative sessions on Zoom, the group has been wanting to give people and couples a chance to connect in real life.

“In addition to having virtual sessions, we like to create opportunities for people to connect in person and have some good clean fun with their spouse and other married couples. The Love Boat was created with this in mind. However, The Love Boat is not just for couples. You can bring anyone that you love and have a great time talking, laughing and enjoying the relaxing and refreshing boat cruise. With all the crime and pain going on in our country, we wanted to have an event that is positive, light-hearted and fun that everyone can enjoy. There are even people coming on The Love Boat with family members and friends to celebrate their birthdays,” Tamalia said.

The Love Boat, she added, presents the perfect opportunity for couples, family or friends to have a sweet escape.

“There is something about being on the water under the moonlit sky that is so romantic.

Cruising Nassau’s beautiful harbour, listening to great music, enjoying deli cious food while having a chance to win top notch prizes makes for a five-star date night,” she said.

“If you are single, you will also enjoy The Love Boat. It is a great opportunity to meet new people, spend time with your friends and family, and enjoy a relaxing atmosphere. You don’t want to miss it.”

With comedian Das Quay being the host and entertainer for the evening, attendees can expect to laugh a lot, said Tamalia said.

“People can expect to laugh more than they laughed in a long time and

enjoy the best boat cruise of 2024,” she said.

“We believe that laughter is good medicine. Our hope is that everyone will leave feeling more refreshed, make new connections with people, foster deeper connections with their family, friend or significant other that they came on the cruise with. There will be games and a chance to win a lot of great prizes.”

The marriage club offers free virtual monthly meetings, including date nights, training sessions, games, discussions and more.

It also offers an exclusive social group on Facebook and a global network.

The Pillow Talk Marriage Club strives to provide a safe community where married couples can learn effective communication skills, address issues that marriages commonly face, and gain support from other couples around the world.

“We will continue to focus on our goal of building healthy marriages around the world, one marriage at time. We are grateful and excited that Pillow Talk Marriage Club is growing and members are learning more about how we can have more fulfilling marriages,” said Tamalia.

The group will continue having its monthly virtual sessions and its next in-person event will be the Marriage Retreat called “Pillow Talk in Paradise”, from November 15 to 17, 2024, at British Colonial. The theme of the event is “Igniting Intimacy”.

“We encourage married couples to take the time to invest in your marriage. Whether you feel like your marriage is great or if you feel like you are on the verge of divorce, there will be something at the marriage retreat that can help to build your marriage,” said Tamalia.

For more information, send a message to WhatsApp 242-465-7774.

Friday, May 31, 2024 The Tribune | Weekend | 07
PASTOR Marvin and Dr Tamalia Gibson

STAR-STUDDED complimentary shows light up Atlantis’ Bar Sol

Bar Sol, located in Atlantis Paradise Island’s casino, has become the ultimate destination for live music lovers and craft cocktail connoisseurs.

Last Saturday, the resort kicked off its Bar Sol Summer concert series to highlight the intimate atmosphere of the venue and showcase great international live acts.

R&B star Ginuwine delivered an unforgettable show as the first guest performer - free of charge for not only guests of the hotel, but locals as well.

So if you just happened to be strolling through the casino after dinner at Silan, Poseidon’s Table, or elsewhere in the Royal or Coral Towers, you would have suddenly walked into a high-energy live concert.

Performing his hits like “Pony”, “So Anxious”, “In Those Jeans” and “Stingy”, Ginuwine took the elevated stage above the casino floor by storm.

He expressed his love for those that have followed his career over the decades and thanked everyone that came out to enjoy what turned out to be an amazing show.

Jason Spencer, Atlantis’ vice president of Marketing and Special Events, told Tribune Weekend that his team recognised Bar Sol, which opened only recently, was the perfect venue to offer something different to their guests.

Named after the founder of Atlantis, Sol Kerzner, the bar pays homage to Kerzner’s love for live music and Bahamian entertainment.

“We really took a look at how we can enhance entertainment there and bring in platinum-selling and famed celebrity acts through a series. And that’s pretty much where it was birthed from. Bar Sol is a venue known for daily live entertainment. And we bring some of the best bands from the Bahamas to play for us daily. But from time to time, we’re now going to mix in some world-renowned music artists in this format,” said Mr Spencer.

Most people know of the Atlantis Live and the Music Making Waves concert series (which

“This is actually more like a nightlife event, if you will. So within Bar Sol, which is a super intimate venue, a lounge venue where, again, each and every night some of the best bands in the Bahamas play, we are having pop-up concert performances. But it’s different than a traditional seated concert.. the seating is more table seating; something that you would experience a little bit more in a nightclub atmosphere.”

will feature Grammy Award-winning artist Christina Aguilera concert on July 13), but the Bar Sol Summer concert series is something entirely different, said Mr Spencer. It is geared towards creating an intimate venue for people to enjoy quality live acts up close and personal.

“This is actually more like a nightlife event, if you will. So within Bar Sol, which is a super intimate venue, a lounge venue where, again, each and every night some of the best bands in the Bahamas play, we are having pop-up concert performances. But it’s different than a traditional seated concert.. the seating is more table seating; something that you would experience a little bit more in a nightclub atmosphere,” he explained.

“We have general admission standing area around in the upper level of Bar Sol, and the great thing about it is this is a complimentary experience for guests, so you could come to Bar Sol and get to watch an amazing performers for free in the standing room area…but there is limited standing capacity so we are encouraging guests to reserve a table (at a cost).”

He said this particular concert series will continue with performances from Montell Jordan (“This is How We Do it”) on July 27 and Mya (“Case of the Ex”) on August 31.

“It’s an intimate lounge so the upper level is going be dedicated to standing and then the bottom level is where we’ll have our table seating, so the doors open at 8pm. The earlier you get there, the better, because that obviously will help guarantee your spot if you didn’t reserve a table. And then once we’re at capacity, folks will just be able to listen from afar. We’re also going to push the music into the Moon Bar, which is right directly across the casino, so (the audience) will still be able to hear the performance in Moon Bar once we hit capacity at Bar Sol,” said Mr Spencer.

R&B star Ginuwine delights audience members at the first free Bar Sol Summer concert at Atlantis Paradise Island.

When asked why they specifically chose these three artists - Ginuwine, Montell Jordan and Mya - Mr Spencer said the team was aiming for a “real grown and sexy” R&B feel-good dance vibe for the concert series.

“All three of those artists… have songs that we think are fitting for the venue and folks are going to come out and have a great time. It’s going to be lively and we’re just excited to have

all three of those artists join in for the series,” he said.

“We love these events because number one, they’re rare. You don’t get a lot of opportunities to see the likes of like Ginuwine or Mya in such a small venue, extremely up close and personal, and it’s really something for everyone from every price point.”

Mr Spencer said the whole goal of the series is to gain additional exposure for Bar Sol.

“It’s a perfect date night, it’s the perfect girls’ night out, or if you want to come alone or with a large group, it’s truly something for everyone; unique. We don’t see these type of events offered on the island for free, and of course open to all hotel guests and everyone on the island,” he said.

“I also think everyone’s looking for a great party atmosphere where you can let your hair down, dance and have a little fun.”

Friday, May 31, 2024 08 | The Tribune | Weekend Friday, May 31, 2024 entertainment

Oleander caterpillars

Good day, gardeners. The rainy season is gearing up, and along with it and right on time as expected is the oleander caterpillar (seen pictured).

These crawling insects are classified in the Lepidoptera order of the insect class, in the genus Empyreuma and the species heros, which is distinct from other species in the same genus and are specific to the Bahamas from other species of Empyreuma.

It was first described as a moth of the subfamily Arctiinae by Marston Bates in 1934.

I’ve just learned this fact today thanks to the help of our premier Bahamian biologist Scott Johnson (check out Wild Bahamas on Facebook!).

These caterpillars are guaranteed to be on oleander (Nerium oleander) as the rainy season begins every year. Commonly it’s called the oleander caterpillar (makes sense), and they feast on the leaves of oleander typically, but also enjoy the Cascabela thevetia (synonym Thevetia peruviana) or what some folks refer to as yellow oleander which isn’t actually oleander, but it is related, so close enough, I guess. Don’t you love common names? They’re all over the place, but some do make sense!

Don’t forget that the only way to positively identify any plant or insect, or any living thing for that matter is by its “scientific” name, it’s the only one accepted in all places that adhere to a set of standards created by the Swedish biologist Carl Linnaeus in the 1700s.

The naming system is referred to as binomial nomenclature, and it is the modern system of naming organisms. Carl Linnaeus is known as the “father of modern taxonomy”.

History lessons aside, the oleander caterpillar is about in the midst of breeding, laying eggs, and enjoying a buffet of oleander foliage. Not to fret though! They really don’t do all that much damage, and the plant will not be affected in any negative way. Be kind to our earth I ask, and don’t spray for these caterpillars. The only reason one would have a reason to spray pesticide is in the case of a nursery grower who had a monoculture of oleander at a young stage

being grown for sale. Many nursery customers are overly obsessive with noticing leaves that have been chewed or damaged, but I throw this at you… imagine that it’s natural and that the plant will grow out of it, it will happen every year, several times a year, and the plant will grow even better when it’s taken home or to the job site for installation. It’s a bit silly to stress out over a few damaged leaves.

I ask that you use only spinosad or bacillus thuringiensis as either of these will not negatively affect creatures that are beneficial, but what creatures aren’t?! Well, mosquitoes, but they provide food for birds and lizards, sandflies, why do they exist?! I fear I’ve digressed.

Back on track we go. Empyreuma is a genus of tiger moths in the family Erebidae, containing three closely related species. The name is derived from the Greek word ἐμπύρευμα, meaning “a live coal covered with ashes”. (Please, my Greek friends, correct me if I’m wrong)

After pupating, the moth emerges and is a day flier. They have a black body with auburn, carmine or orange wings, resembling the colors of a live coal in fact. Please let them be. I don’t advise touching or playing with the caterpillars as they are covered in stiff black hairs. Ah, the wonders of nature. It’s available to all if interested to grow a garden, the benefit of gardening is a benefit to all, and it’s a joy to share in it and to pass it along to future generations. Get out there, even when it’s hot! Who’s to blame if you’ve no shade because the trees are being or have been cut down? What a great day it is to plant a tree. As always, I wish you happy gardening.

The only exceptions would be specimen plants that are extremely slow growing for indoors or to be shown off. Then I can accept some concern, but for plants in the landscape it’s absolute nonsense to worry about a few caterpillars or to blast poisons about all willy nilly. Thanks for letting me share.

If you’re a bit obsessive and can’t help yourself but to spray, first I ask you to reconsider, seriously, secondly,

10 | The Tribune | Weekend Friday, May 31, 2024 gardening

What to stream this week: Chip & Joanna Gaines, Jim Henson and Benedict Cumberbatch


– Jim Henson died in 1990 at the age of 53 but his Muppet creations and their rambunctious spirit have long outlived him. Ron Howard’s “Jim Henson Idea Man” (Friday, May 31 on Disney+) is an attempt to document the life and imagination behind one of the most beloved entertainers. Howard made the film with the involvement of the Henson family and use of its extensive archive

— George Clooney’s “The Boys in the Boat” (on Prime Video) is an almost daringly old-fashioned sports drama that makes “Seabiscuit” look comparatively cutting edge. It tells the true-life tale of the University of Washington rowing team who in 1936 reached the Olympics in Berlin. In her review, AP National Writer Jocelyn Noveck wrote that “Clooney has gone for stirring and a bit stodgy, pleasing and a bit predictable.”

— AP Film Writer Jake Coyle


— “The Border,” Willie Nelson’s 152nd album — you read that correctly, at least, according to Texas Monthly — arrives Friday, May 31. Across the release, Nelson offers idiosyncratic interpretations of compositions from country songwriting greats: Mike Reid (“Nobody Knows Me Like You”), Rodney Crowell with Will Jennings (“Many a Long and Lonesome Highway”), and Larry Cordle with Erin Enderlin (“I Wrote This Song for You”) among them. The title track, “The Border” is another reimagination of Crowell, a track from his 2019 album “Texas.” It’s a love letter to the Lone Star state, the kind Nelson knows better than anyone else.

— It wasn’t so long ago that every conversation about the K-pop girl

group aespa focused on their digital avatars. The quartet are actually an octet, if their AI counterparts are to be counted – an inventive exercise in transmedia storytelling to match their forward-thinking pop sound. But that was then. Now the group is preparing to release their debut fulllength studio album, “Armageddon.” Lead single “Supernova” samples Afrika Bambaataa ’s ‘Planet Rock’ from 1982 and brings their electronic experiments even further into the future.

— Grammy-, Tony- and Emmywinner Ben Platt brings his Broadway-sized pop to a third studio album, “Honeymind.” It’s a cheery pop-rock record (produced by Dave Cobb, known for his work with country greats Chris Stapleton, Brandi Carlile and most recently, Zayn Malik), deeply informed by his own love story and Peter Gabriel melodies. It’s an ideal record for musical theater fans looking for a different change of pace.

— Tanerélle, Republic Records latest signee, is preparing to release a new EP, “Electric Honey.” The Atlanta singer-songwriter’s strength is her rich vocal tone – classic and futuristic-sounding in the same breathy delivery of her grounded R&B. She might be a new name to

and will stream on mylifetime.com. Both parts will also be available for purchase on VOD platforms.

some, but she’s already landed some impressive co-signs in the form of A-list syncs: Her music has been used in Spike Lee’s “She’s Gotta Have It” and Issa Rae ’s great HBO drama “Insecure.”

— AP Music Writer Maria Sherman


— It’s 1980s New York in the new Netflix series “Eric” and Benedict Cumberbatch plays a curmudgeon puppeteer named Vincent with a crumbling marriage. When Vincent’s son Edgar goes missing, he becomes obsessed with finishing a puppet that the boy was drawing, convinced its key to bringing him home.

— A new Lifetime docuseries called “The Life and Murder of Nicole Brown Simpson” shares details of her life before she and Ron Goldman were murdered outside her home, thirty years ago on June 12, 1994. Her ex-husband, OJ Simpson was acquitted of their murders after a lengthy trial that aired live on TV. Simpson, who died in April from cancer, always maintained his innocence. The two-part docuseries premieres June 1 and 2 on Lifetime

— Chip and Joanna Gaines get a taste of #lakelife with their latest project filmed for TV. They’re fixing up a mid-century modern lake house near Lake Waco, just in time for the 10-year anniversary of “Fixer Upper” on HGTV. “Fixer Upper: The Lakehouse” premieres Sunday, June 2 on the Magnolia Network and HGTV. It will also stream same day on Max and Discovery+.


— For 25 years, Super Smash Bros. has owned its self-created category — goofy, family-friendly, multiplayer brawling — because none of Nintendo’s competitors have its deep bench of characters. Warner Bros Games could mount a serious challenge, though, with MultiVersus. Why not team up Wonder Woman and Jason Voorhees vs.\ Bugs Bunny and Steven Universe? And have them fight it out in the Batcave or the throne room from “Game of Thrones”? And it’s free-to-play, although WB hopes you’ll spend cash on season passes and cosmetic upgrades. The initial roster has a couple dozen fighters, and who knows how far WB will dig into its massive film library? Dirty Harry and The Exorcist go toe-totoe in Casablanca? The battle begins Thursday on PlayStation 5/4, Xbox Series X/S/One and PC.

Friday, May 31, 2024 The Tribune | Weekend | 11
— Lou Kesten

literary lives

The far-fetched, ribald and infamous life of Joan Crawford - Part I

Sir Christopher Ondaatje delves into the life of the American actress who started her career as a dancer before debuting on Broadway, and eventually signing a contract with Metro-Goldwyn-Meyer in 1925. A nationally known flapper by the end of the 1920s, her fame rivalled MGM colleagues Norma Shearer and Greta Garbo in the 1930s.

“I need sex for a clear complexion, but I’d rather do it for love.”

- Joan Crawford

Joan Crawford was born Lucille Fay Le Sueur on March 23, 1906. She was the second of two children of Thomas E Le Sueur, a construction worker, and Anna Johnson, later known as Anna Cassin. Crawford had one sister, Daisy, and one brother, Hal Le Sueur. Thomas Le Sueur abandoned the family when Lucille was ten months old, eventually settling in Abilene, Texas. Crawford’s mother married Henry J Cassin in Fort Worth, Texas. He is incorrectly listed in the 1910 census as her second husband rather than her third. Cassin ran the Ramsey Opera House. He booked both Anna Pavlova and Eva Tanguay. Crawford, nicknamed “Billie”, was fascinated watching vaudeville acts on her stepfather’s stage. From childhood Crawford’s ambition was to be a dancer. One day, in an attempt to escape piano lessons, she leapt from her front porch on to a broken bottle and cut her foot severely. She had three surgeries to repair the foot and was unable to attend school or continue dancing lessons for eighteen months.

In June 1917, the Cassin family moved to Kansas City, Missouri after Cassin was accused of embezzlement – later acquitted.

“You have to be self-reliant to survive. Otherwise you will be destroyed.”

-Joan Crawford

After the move, Cassin placed Crawford at St Agnes Academy in Kansas City. When her mother

and stepfather separated, she stayed on as a work student. She spent more time cooking and cleaning than studying. She later went to Rockingham Academy – also as a working student. It was there that she had her first serious relationship – with a trumpet player – Ray Sterling. This didn’t last long.

In 1922, she registered at Stephens College in Columbia, Missouri. However after only a few months she left realising that she wasn’t cut out for a college education. Crawford’s schooling never surpassed the primary level.

Under her own steam, Lucille Le Sueur began dancing in travelling revues and was seen in Detroit by Jacob J. Shubert, who put her in the chorus line for his 1924 show, Innocent Eyes, at the Winter Garden Theatre on Broadway. There she met Saxophone player James Welton – whom she married in 1924. They lived together for several months, but the marriage was never mentioned when she got to Hollywood.

Hungry for more work Crawford went to Loews Theatres publicist Nils Granlund, who got her a position with singer Harry Richman’s act and arranged for her to have a screen test, which he

sent to Harry Rapf in Hollywood. Rapf told Granlund that MGM had offered Crawford a contract at $75 a week. When Crawford got the news from Granlund she dropped everything, went back to her mother in Kansas City and borrowed $400 to cover travelling expenses. A star was born.

“Hollywood is like life. You face it with the sum total of your equipment.”

- Joan Crawford

Her first film with MGM, using her old name Lucille Le Sueur, was in Lady of the Night, as a body double for Norma Shearer – MGM’s most popular star. In 1925 she appeared in both The Circle and Pretty Ladies starring ZaSu Pitts, which were followed by bit parts in The Only Thing and The Merry Widow – two 1925 silent films.

MGM publicity head Pete Smith soon realised that she wasn’t going to get very far with a stage name like Le Sueur, so he organised a contest with Louis B Mayer’s approval called “Name the Star” in Movie Weekly. The name they came up with was Joan Arden, but another actress had already made a claim to that name, so they used the alternate surname “Crawford”. She hated the name but admitted that she liked the security that the name gave her.

Frustrated with the size and quality of the parts she was getting, Crawford embarked on a campaign of self-promotion.

“No one decided to make Joan Crawford a star. Joan Crawford became a star because Joan Crawford decided to become a star.”

- Frederica Sagor Maas MGM screenwriter

She began attending dances in the afternoons and evenings at hotels around Hollywood and at dance venues on the beach piers. She often won dance competitions with her performances of the Charleston and the Black Bottom. Her strategy worked and MGM cast her in Sally, Irene and Mary with Edmund Gould. Crawford considered Norma Shearer, MGM’s most popular actress, her nemesis. She was married to Irving Thalberg, MGM’s Head of Production and had first choice of scripts.

“How can I compete with Norma? She sleeps with the boss!

- Joan Crawford

12 | The Tribune | Weekend Friday, May 31, 2024

Nevertheless, Crawford was a timeless self-promoter and she was named as one of MGM’s Baby Stars with Mary Astor, Dolores del Rio, Janet Gaynor, and Fay Wray. She co-starred in Paris with Charles Ray, and within a few years became the romantic lead with many of MGM’s top male stars, including Ramón Novarro, John Gilbert, William Haines and Tim McCoy.

Never one to miss an opportunity, Crawford appeared as a skimpily clad young carnival assistant in The Unknown (1927) starring Lon Chaney – a knife thrower who hopes to marry her. She later stated that she learned more about acting from watching Lon Chaney work than from anyone else in her career. She said that for the first time she became aware of the difference between acting and standing in front of a camera.

In 1927, she appeared with William Haines in Spring Fever – the first of three movies they made together.

In 1928, she starred opposite Ramón Novarro in Across to Singapore, but it was her role as Diana Medford in Our Dancing Daughters that catapulted her to stardom. The role established her as a symbol of modern 1920s-style femininity, and rivalled Clara Bow – the original It Girl, and Hollywood’s foremost flapper. A stream of hits followed Our Dancing Daughters, getting Crawford a legion of fans and an idealised version of the free-spirited, all-American girl.

“Joan Crawford is doubtless the best example of the flapper, the girl you see in smart nightclubs, gowned to the apex of sophistication, toying iced glasses with a remote, faintly bitter expression, dancing deliciously, laughing a great deal, with wide, hurt eyes. Young things with a talent for living.”

- F Scott Fitzgerald

Crawford added: “If you want to get the girl next door, go next door.”

Despite her former marriage, Crawford married Douglas Fairbanks, Jr, at Saint Malachy’s Roman Catholic Church, although neither were Catholic. Fairbanks was the son of Douglas Fairbanks, Sr, and the stepson of Mary Pickford – who were considered Hollywood royalty. They did not approve of the marriage and shunned the young couple for many months – but eventually the relationship warmed and they were invited to Pickfair and became part of the family.

Crawford worked hard at improving herself.

“I would lock myself in my room and read newspapers, magazines and books out loud. I kept a dictionary at my elbow. When I came to a word I did not know how to pronounce, I looked it up and repeated it correctly fifteen times.”

- Joan Crawford

After the release of The Jazz Singer with Al Jolson in 1927, sound films became all the rage in Hollywood. The transition from silent to sound caused panic in the movie business and particularly for the silent film stars – many of whom were unemployable because of their terrible voices and hard-to-understand accents. Many refused to make the transition to “talkies”, and MGM was one of the last of the major studios to switch over to sound. The Hollywood Revue of 1929 was one of the studio’s first attempt to showcase their stars’ ability to make the transition, and Crawford was among the few MGM stars to be included in the movie. She sang “I’ve Got a Feeling for You” in the film’s first act. Always ahead of her time, Crawford studied singing with Estelle Liebling – a voice coach who had also trained Beverly Sills in the 1920s and 1930s.

Crawford made the successful transition in one of the first all-talking feature films Untamed (1929), co-starring Robert Montgomery. It was a success at the box office, but received mixed reviews. She seemed a nervous performer but became one of the most popular actresses in the world. Montana Moon (1930) teamed her with John Mack Brown and Ricardo Cortez, and had problems with censors although a huge success. Our Blushing Brides (1930) was another success co-starring Robert Armstrong and Anita Page. By then she had learned to share the burden of dramatics with her co-stars.

Crawford’s next movie Paid (1930) paired her with Robert Armstrong – another success. During the early sound era, MGM began to place Crawford in more sophisticated roles rather than continuing to promote her flapper-inspired celebrity of the silent era. She was able to handle the pressure and in 1931 MGM cast Crawford in five films opposite the studio’s biggest male star, Clark Gable – the King of Hollywood. Dance, Fools, Dance was released in February 1931, and followed by Laughing Sinners (May 1931). Possessed was also released in October 1931, and proved immensely popular, establishing Crawford’s position as one of MGM’s top female stars, along with Norma Shearer, Greta Garbo, and Jean Harlow. The only other notable film released in 1931 was This Modern Age.

“There was a saying around MGM. Norma Shearer got the productions, Greta Garbo supplied the act, and I made the money to pay for both.

- Joan Crawford

Friday, May 31, 2024 The Tribune | Weekend | 13
MARIE Prevost and Crawford in “Paid” (1930) STUDIO portrait (1925) CRAWFORD with John Gilbert in the film ‘Four Walls’ (1928)


Who really was Mona Lisa? More than 500 years on, there’s good reason to think we got it wrong

(THE CONVERSATION) In the pantheon of Renaissance art, Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa stands as an unrivalled icon. This half-length portrait is more than just an artistic masterpiece; it embodies the allure of an era marked by unparalleled cultural flourishing.

Yet, beneath the surface of the Mona Lisa’s elusive smile lies a debate that touches the very essence of the Renaissance, its politics and the role of women in history.


The intrigue of the Mona Lisa, also known as La Gioconda, isn’t solely due to Leonardo’s revolutionary painting techniques. It’s also because the identity of the subject is unconfirmed to this day. More than half a millennium since it was first painted, the real identity of the Mona Lisa remains one of art’s greatest mysteries, intriguing scholars and enthusiasts alike.

The painting has traditionally been associated with Lisa Gherardini, the wife of Florentine silk merchant Francesco del Giocondo. But another compelling theory suggests a different sitter: Isabella of Aragon.

Isabella of Aragon was born into the illustrious House of Aragon in Naples, in 1470. She was a princess who was deeply entwined in the political and cultural fabric of the Renaissance.

Her 1490 marriage to Gian Galeazzo Sforza, Duke of Milan, positioned Isabella at the heart of Italian politics. And this role was both complicated and elevated by the ambitions and machinations of Ludovico Sforza (also called Ludovico il Moro), her husband’s uncle and usurper of the Milanese dukedom.


The theory that Isabella is the real Mona Lisa is supported by a combination of stylistic analyses, historical

connections and reinterpretations of Leonardo’s intent as an artist.

In his biography of Leonardo, author Robert Payne points to preliminary studies by the artist that bear a striking resemblances to Isabella around age 20. Payne suggests Leonardo captured Isabella across different life stages, including during widowhood, as depicted in the Mona Lisa.

US artist Lillian F Schwartz’s 1988 study used x-rays to reveal an initial sketch of a woman hidden beneath Leonardo’s painting. This sketch was then painted over with Leonardo’s own likeness.

Schwartz believes the woman in the sketch is Isabella, because of its similarity with a cartoon Leonardo made of the princess. She proposes the work was made by integrating specific features of the initial model with Leonardo’s own features.

According to Vogt-Luerssen’s detailed analysis of the Mona Lisa, the symbols of the Sforza house and the depiction of mourning garb both align with Isabella’s known life circumstances. They suggest the Mona Lisa isn’t a commissioned portrait, but a nuanced representation of a woman’s journey through triumph and tragedy.

Similarly, Kulski highlights the portrait’s heraldic designs, which would be atypical for a silk merchant’s wife. He, too, suggests the painting shows Isabella mourning her late husband.

The Mona Lisa’s enigmatic expression also captures Isabella’s self-described state post-1500 of being “alone in misfortune”. Contrary to representing a wealthy, recently married woman, the portrait exudes the aura of a virtuous widow.

Joanna Woods-Marsden suggested the Mona Lisa transcends

ideal, rather than being a straightforward commission.

This perspective frames the work as a deeply personal project for Leonardo, possibly signifying a special connection between him and Isabella. Leonardo’s reluctance to part with the work also indicates a deeper, personal investment in it.


The theory that Isabella of Aragon could be the true Mona Lisa is a profound reevaluation of the painting’s context, opening up new avenues through which to appreciate the work.

It elevates Isabella from a figure overshadowed by the men in her life, to a woman of courage and complexity who deserves recognition in her own right. Through her strategic marriage and political savvy, Isabella played a crucial role in the alliances and conflicts that defined the Italian Renaissance. By possibly choosing her as his subject, Leonardo immortalised her and also made a profound statement on the complexity and agency of women in a male-dominated society.

The ongoing debate over Mona Lisa’s identity underscores this work’s significance as a cultural and historical artefact. It also invites us to reflect on the roles of women in the Renaissance and challenge common narratives that minimise them.

In this light, it becomes a legacy of the women who shaped the Renaissance.


14 | The Tribune | Weekend Friday, May 31, 2024
portraiture and embodies Leonardo’s
A LUNETTE of Isabella of Aragon from the house of the Atellani, Milan COULD Isabella of Aragon be Leonardo da Vinci’s elusive Mona Lisa?


Animal matters


The Puppy Chronicles

- Part II

(of many)

OK, off the bat, I need to tell you that, I, Peanut, have hijacked the computer and will write this particular episode of my personal chronicles.

My new mother wrote about me last week and did a pretty good job, though I felt she could have spent a little more time describing my keen intelligence for just a wee puppy.

As she didn’t elaborate, I would like to tell you that I am as smart as a cricket (and how smart is that?).

I like my new home; it has a very large garden where I can get up to lots of mischief. I particularly like collecting stones; it is a very trendy thing nowadays for puppies to have rock collections. I have quite a pile around the house. It is really very amusing to hear my mother yell when she treads on one that I left on the floor. She makes it sound like something terrible happened, but it was just a tiny stone. Honestly, humans can be such crybabies. I mean, Mum, wear shoes if you are going to make such a fuss!

The garden is also fun to dig holes in; under bushes and by the wall. It is particularly good at night on the porch when the light is on, attracting all sorts of bugs that I can chase around the garden. I think I eat some, but they don’t taste very good. I prefer the food I get from Mum three times a day.

My new dog Mum, Bella, got jealous when she saw I ate three times a day and she only ate once a day, and she kicked up such a fuss barking and being miserable so now she eats twice a day. Therefore, I have learned if you want your own way, you make lots of noise and then sulk… humans are very reliable.

Ten days ago, they took me to the vet. Now, I love my vet - his name is Dr Grant - and he gives me lots of pets and plays with me, but this time he gave me an injection and when I


woke up I had a lamp shade over my head (yes, they call it a cone, I call it a lampshade).

My tummy was a little sore and I was kind of woozy. My Mummy made me a special “nest” out of super cozy blankets and I slept right next to her bed so if I needed her she was right there. I didn’t need her, and I slept really well. I only had to wear the cone when I was alone. I got my stitches out yesterday. No more cone.

My Mum tells me it is so I will

Get cosy with Coco

Five-month-old Coco would love to fnd a home of her own as there are just too many puppies to be hanging about with at the Bahamas Humane Society. She doesn’t mind a bit of company, but 12 is just too many. Coco would love a quiet cosy spot to curl up in and a human who understands she’s a smart young lass who’d love to try learning new things, like leash walking, and sitting, and more. Coco is believed to be a Shepherd mix. Do you have a

never have to worry about becoming a mummy myself if some rude boy ever broke into the garden…Ha! That’s not about to happen. I am a very good little guard dog.

I may not be big, but I have the biggest ears in the world, and I can hear absolutely everything and everybody. I am fierce and fearless.

I have lots of friends, and everybody says I am a very cute, “funny looking little” dog. I have a long body, short legs, the longest of tails (completely

spot for Coco? If so, come in to the BHS to meet her or call 821-4121 for more information. Coco looks forward to meeting you!

• The BHS Thrift Shop is open and has lots of amazing items for sale! All proceeds go to the BHS. Wednesday/Thursday/ Friday from 11am to 3pm, and Saturday 10am to 2pm. Thank you to our donors and customers for keeping us busy!

the wrong colour) and enormous ears that decide if they want to be up or down. I have no control over them. I actually think that I am very original and that there are very few in the world like me, which, incidentally, is why adopting a potcake is so special. You never know how we are going to turn out. I have two siblings and we were rescued from a not very good situation during Operation Potcake. So, this is my fourth home, but they tell me this is my forever home and I love the sofas, garden and toys.


Peanut had to endure the cone for a few days after her procedure.

I chew and bite everything in my reach. Mummy’s arm is particularly appealing, and when I do, off she goes again complaining that I hurt her. Today she even said I made her arm bleed. I just looked at her and thought, “So lick it..crybaby put a Band-Aid on!”

It took a while for me and my new canine Mum, Bella, to bond, I immediately tried to bound over to her and grab her tail, but she didn’t think that was very terribly amusing (a bit like my human Mum…maybe it’s their age?)

Anyway, Bella and I get on very well. Sometimes she tells me off in a very stern voice, and I listen. She has never tried to bite me or anything and allows me to share her favourite sofa, though she gets to choose which bit she will sit on first and then I can jump up.

I am planning some playdates with some boys I know and I will hijack the computer and tell you about them after they have happened.

Friday, May 31, 2024 The Tribune | Weekend | 15

Miss Teen Bahamas to crown new queen

No matter the outcome this Sunday when a new Miss Teen Bahamas is crowned, it is the hope of the organsation’s founder that all of the contestants leave with a greater sense of confidence and a belief that they can accomplish anything.

This Sunday, a new teen queen will be named as the 2024 pageant activities culminate with a grand finale at the Atlantis Theatre beginning 8pm.

There are 12 teen girls competing in this year pageant. Over the past few weeks, they have been engaged in professional and personal development events and activities that sought to give them polish them in all areas of life.

The finale highlights will include the opening dance, the ‘BombResults’ sportswear parade, awards, the evening gown segment and the crowning and unveiling of a new titleholder.

interview techniques, public speaking, etiquette, stage presence, pageant walking, modelling, selfcare, and makeup application. They are also receiving guidance on college readiness.

Anishka Lockhart, director of the organisation, said it is always her hope that each contestant leaves their youth development and empowerment programme more confident in who they are, more driven on where they are going and more focused on their true potential.

“Being a former pageant veteran having competed in more than eight pageants, capturing two titles and competing at one international pageant, I would say for me pageantry has taught me many life skills,” she said.

The theme for this year’s Miss Teen Bahamas is “The Shift” and was chosen as the organisation celebrates its 10th anniversary. This year, the organisation shifted gears to further enhance its programme and take the pageant to new heights.

This year’s contestants have received intense training in judges’

“Participating in a pageant can provide contestants with a range of valuable skills and experiences that can benefit them in the future. For example, contestants often develop confidence, poise, and public speaking skills through their participation. They also learn how to handle pressure, work hard towards a goal, and interact with a diverse group of people. Additionally, the networking opportunities that come with participating in a pageant can open doors to future opportunities in various fields. Overall, the pageant experience can help contestants grow personally and professionally, setting them up for success in their future endeavours.”

Preparations for the international competition will happen immediately after Sunday’s finale to have the new queen ready within eight weeks.

16 | The Tribune | Weekend Friday, May 31, 2024 pageants
The winner will represent he Bahamas at the Miss Teen Mundial (Teen World) international pageant in El Salvador. The winner will travel
to the Central American country on July 29 and take part in several days of competition in the lead-up to the pageant finale on August 3.

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