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Atlantis will ‘certainly’ submit more Royal Caribbean queries
from 06132023 BUSINESS
by tribune242
By NEIL HARTNELL Tribune Business Editor
A SENIOR Atlantis executive yesterday said Royal Caribbean has “addressed some of our concerns” about the impact its project will have on Paradise Island’s coastline but the mega resort will “certainly” be submitting more questions.
Vaughn Roberts, Atlantis’ senior vice-president of government affairs and special projects, told Tribune Business that the cruise giant’s $100m Royal Beach Club development is “clearly taking shape” after taking several of the issues raised by the resort and other observers into account.

Describing last week’s second public consultation as “just a step in the process” that Royal Caribbean has to follow to obtain the necessary environmental approvals, he declined to comment when asked by this newspaper if the cruise line had adequately satisfied all Atlantis’ concerns
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Mr Roberts said Royal Caribbean still appeared to be “working through their plans, and working through the details of what they want to do”, so elements of the proposed Royal Beach Club remain unclear to both the cruise line and those pressing for answers on key environmental and socioeconomic issues raised by the project.
Atlantis has been especially vocal with its concerns to the clear irritation of the Davis administration, which has approved the Royal Beach Club in principle provided it satisfies all environmental concerns. Mr Roberts noted that Royal Caribbean is now “sharing more information” as to its intentions and plan details with the Bahamian public, which will aid betterinformed public feedback and questions.
“Clearly they’re sharing more information, clearly the project is taking shape having considered some of the concerns we have raised,” Mr Roberts told Tribune Business. “Obviously we have continued to follow it very closely. I think their revised plan