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Sands says joblessness has risen due to govt’s aggressive taxation

FREE National Movement chairman Dr Duane Sands accused the Davis administration of trying to “spin”thelatestunemployment figures, which he said clearlyshowsanincreasein joblessness.

Bahamas National Statistics Institute officials revealed on Friday that the unemployment rate was 10.4 percent in the third quarterof2023and9.9percentinthefourthquarterof 2023. Those rates reflect an increase compared to the 8.8 percent rate from the Labour Force Survey


By LYNAIRE MUNNINGS Tribune Staff Reporter lmunnings@tribunemedia.net

THE Public Hospitals Authority (PHA) said it terminateditscontractwith its security company two weeks ago after learning that its employees had not beenpaid. Employees of Guard Force Security

International Limited protested outside the Princess Margaret Hospital yesterday, demanding they receive months of owed salaries.

“It is important to note thattheconcernsraisedare specific to the contracted security company and its employees and should be

TOURISM Director General Latia Duncombe said Ministry of Tourism officials are meeting

to determine the “best approach” to handle the negative consequences of the disappearance of an Americanwoman.

Chicago native Taylor Casey, 41, was last seen in the Paradise Island area


on June 19. Her relatives said she was in the country for the Sirvanada Ashram YogaRetreat. A contingent of her relatives, including her mother,


PRIME Minister Philip “Brave” Davis said he has personally intervened to cancel work permits that werenot“justified”. Hedidnotgivespecifics. His comments came during a Progressive LiberalPartysoutherncorridor regionalmeetinglastnight. Mr Davis has repeatedly talked tough about clampingdownonworkpermits. Ministers did not provide statistics about work permit grants during the recent budget debate in Parliament. Last year, former Labour Director Robert Farquharson said 40 percent of

vp of

THIS photo provided by Emily Williams shows Taylor Casey on July 2, 2022. Casey, 41, was last seen Wednesday, June 19, 2024, at the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat on Paradise Island, Bahamas, according to a news release from her family. Photo: Emily Williams/AP

BDOCS welcomes 106 new recruits to begin training

THE Bahamas Department of Correctional Services welcomed 106 recruits into training yesterday.

Commissioner Doan Clearesaidtherecruitswill help fill the gap after 123 officersleftthedepartment overthepastyear.

Of the 106 recruits, 58 are men and 48 are women, with an additional 14 expected to join in the upcoming week. They will train over the next five to sixmonths.

Commissioner Cleare toldrecruits:“Thisisnotan easy job. This is a difficult job we have. The police capture them, process them, take them to court, and then we may have them for a life so that’s the differencebetweenourlaw enforcementagencies.”

“For some of you who are coming here, you must always put at the forefront or even keep in your mind that you are not dealing with saints. We are holding people who don’t want to be here. We are holding persons who are the great corruptors of minds, and we are holding persons who are willing to change and contribute upon their release, so we have to balance things in this institution.”

Although he said women applicants tend to be more qualified than men, CommissionerCleareexpressed a desire to see an all-male

squadofrecruits. Mr Cleare also said he wants promotional exercises completed in March andOctobereachyear.

He said additional promotional recommendations have been made for staff that “was inadvertently left off” the recent promotional exercise, which increased employee morale.

He reiterated his call for the prison facility to be upgraded to improve employee and inmate conditions.

“Despite doing numerous things, this facility is aged,” he said. “There is nothing you could do with this facility, you know, the only thing you could do withitisuseitasatraining ground for future correctional officers. We need a new facility, point blank, and to improve conditions, that would be the only way toimproveit.”

“We still have slopping in a maximum-security prison, and until we could end that, until we could endfourtofivemeninone cell, you know there will be no improvement in conditions, so that is what we arelookingat,andthenew facilities will take care of thoseissues.”

National Security Minister Wayne Munroe told The Tribune yesterday he intends to present paperwork to Cabinet later this week to approve a new high-medium security correctionalfacility.

See more photos on PAGE SEVEN

BAHAMAS Department of Correctional Services (BDOCS) Commissioner Doan Cleare speaks during the Signing On Ceremony for the 2024 “A” Squad at The Correctional Training Institute yesterday.
Photos: Dante Carrer/Tribune Staff

‘You can’t spin itunemployment up’

releasedinMay2023.However, BNSIofficialssaidthequarterly ratesshouldnotbecomparedto earlier bi-annual rates because they reflect a different survey design.

Dr Sands said yesterday: “Thisisallaboutspinandtrying to put spin on some numbers whicharereallynotimpressive.

That demonstrates that this administration has taxed the economy so aggressively that unemploymentinTheBahamas yearoveryearhasincreased.”

“Notice that there was no commentary when the numbers went to 10.4 percent because they didn’t release those numbers; they released the numbers for both quarters atthesametime.Thentheysay unemployment is down when you compare 9.9 percent to 10.4 percent. But what about when you compare 9.9 percent to 8.8 percent? As I read the data, unemployment has gone up from 8.8 percent to 9.9 percent.”

Dr Sands questioned why joblessness in the third and fourth quarters of last year could not be compared to previous rates since all the surveys reflect a scientific analysis of unemployment. He suggested the government is creating a false narrative and trying to hide that unemployment has increasedinthecountry.

“By definition, the numbers arecomparable,”hesaid.“Now whether the methodology that you use is the same is a different discussion. But if you say that the unemployment rate in The Bahamas as of this quarter in 2023 is 9.9 percent, but in May of 2023 it was 8.8 percent and then in December of 2019 it was 10.7 percent, then you know, you don’t get your cake andeatittoo.”

On Monday, Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis said he was encouraged by the latest unemployment figures, adding thattherateislowcomparedto otherperiods.

Infact,sincetheGreatRecession of 2008, The Bahamas has consistentlyhadunemployment ratesnearorabovedouble-digit territory. from page one


from page one

is travelling to Paradise Island to coordinate search efforts with local authorities.

Yoga Retreat Bahamas said the woman’s disappearance was noticed on June 20 when she failed to attend morning classes.

In a popular Facebook post, a person who identified herself as Ms Casey’s relativewarnedpeoplenot to come to The Bahamas.

“Y’all choose wisely where you go and who you trust,” she said.

Mrs Duncombe told reporters the ministry obtained information about Ms Casey’s relatives and the visitor relations department would contact them.

“Whenever there’s a missing individual, there’s cause for concern, and so we’re going to be guided by the authorities,” she said. “However, on the other side, from a PR perspective, it’s all systems go. We have meetings even today because we do need to get ahead of it and to try and map it out.

Tourism is our number one business. The destinationissafe,andweneedto make sure that visitors do feel safe when they visit The Bahamas.”

“Whenever there is an odd occurrence, it does increase concern. We want to make sure that we address it in a very measured way and continue to allow the authorities the opportunity to do what they need to do with the situation and then to keep the family in our prayers.”

Police reportedly recovered the woman’s phone

from a Paradise Island beach.

Relativesandlovedones have created Facebook and Instagram pages, Find Taylor Casey, to aid search efforts.

“We are deeply concerned for Taylor’s safety and well-being,” Colette Seymore, Ms Casey’s mother, said in a statement.

Ms Casey is described as a light-skinned black woman, approximately 5ft 10in tall and 145 pounds, with brown hair and brown eyes.

Passenger traffic at LPIA has increased by six percent over the first five months of the year

Tribune Staff


PASSENGER traffic through the Lynden Pindling International Airport increased six per cent in the first five months of 2024, according to Nassau and Paradise Island PromotionBoardCEOJoyJibrilu.

She said overall, arrivals to New Providence are up 15.5percent.

She revealed this and other statistics as the NPIPB held its four-day International Travel Partner Conference (ITPC) to connecttravellerswithlocal industry partners to share information, create new partnerships and generate business.

The conference attracted 130 attendees, including tour operators and travel advisors.

Mrs Jibrilu said year to

date, US travellers booking a trip to New Providence and Paradise Island less than15daysaheadoftravel is up 54 percent this year.

She said bookings within the 15 to 30 window are up 21percent. She said New Providence has seen a 22 percent increase in total non-Caribbeanseatsversus2023.

“With non-stop service from 43 markets in the US, Canada, Europe and SouthAmerica,itiseasyfor travellers to visit our destination,” she said. “In fact, we have on average 6200 in seats capacity coming to NPIonadailybasis.”

She said one of the NPIPB’s priorities this year is increasing the number of guests from European and Canadianmarkets.

For her part, Director General Latia Duncombe said there were 3.9 million visitors from January to

April, a 12 percent increase over the same period last year. The visitors included 662,815byair,41,527bysea, and3,210,541bycruise.

Earlier this month, FNM leader Michael Pintard argued that the recordsetting increase in visitor arrivals in 2023 was driven by cruise passengers who spent less than $75 per personinthecountry.

“The average stopover visitor who spends 28 times more than the average cruise passenger, according totheCentralBank,didnot growbyonenewvisitor,”he said.

“To reiterate the point again, Madam Speaker, all of the growth that we have been celebrating is comingfromcruisepassengers that spend less than $75 per person. Those visitors that spend more than $2000 per person did not

grow at all.”

However, Tourism Minister Chester Cooper countered that stopover arrivals grew by 17 percent last year compared to 2022 and 3.5 percent over 2019.

NASSAU and Paradise Island Promotion Board CEO Joy Jibrilu.

PHA terminates security firm’s contract over unpaid guards

from page one

addressed directly between the company and its employees,” PHA said in a statement, adding that it has procured interim security services at PMH. “We urge respect for their privacyinhandlingthismatter internally.”

Shavon Seymour, a GuardForceSecurityInternational Limited employee for roughly two years, said payments are consistently late. She said she was evicted for being unable to pay rent. She said she often worked seven days a week and her employer failed to make National Insurance Boardcontributions.

“You are paying us two weeks pay once a month,” the mother of three said. “Comeon,it’sridiculous.”

“I had plenty of respect for them, but I don’t have any respect for them anymore because my children call me, mommy, I hungry. I can’t tell my children I cannot do this or I cannot do that. I have to provide for my children because I am a single mother. Right now, where can I go? They causemetogetputout.”

Ms Seymour said her contract states that she is expected to be paid on the 15th and 30th of each month. However, she said there has been no communicationaboutherbackpay.

Willy Petit-Frefre, president of Guard Force Security International Limited, said the dispute is a “private matter” that the

company expects to rectify “no later than next week”. He declined to provide furtherdetails.

PHA further said: “The

safety and security of our patients, visitors, vendors, and dedicated staff are of utmost importance to us.

As with any organisation,

Charles Sealy appointed as lead consultant for Bahamas Wellness Health System (BWHS)

THE Bahamas Wellness Health System (BWHS) announced the appointment of Charles Sealy as lead consultant providing strategic operational and financialsupportandproject management for its four medical centres, three in Eleuthera and one in New Providence.

Bahamas Wellness president Dr Arlington Lightbourne called Mr Sealy “a proven and passionate leader with significant experience in healthcare managementinTheBahamas”.

Mr Sealy, who holds a graduate degree in healthcare administration and a degree in law from the University of London, served as CEO of Doctors Hospital for 13 of his 22-year career. Since leaving Doctors Hospital, he has built a successful consultancy company along with several businesses, including SEACOAST Shipping Services and Narvi FX, an

audio-visual productioncompany.

“Bahamas Wellness Health System started with a ten-year plan that we exceeded by Year Five,” said Dr. Lightbourne. “It has not been easy, and we would never be where we are today without the incredible support of the Eleuthera community. We want to continue to earn the trust the community has graced us with and we are grateful to have someone of Charles Sealy’s experience, knowledge and dedication to help us do that in every step we take in depth of expansion. Charles understands and appreciates our culture whichis‘peoplebefore profits and affordable healthcareforall’both in Eleuthera and in Nassau.”

Bahamas Wellness operates clinics in North Palmetto Point, Spanish Wells and Lower Bogue in Eleuthera and in Nassau.



NOTICE is hereby given that CLAUDE ALIX of #16 Major Subdivision, New Providence, The Bahamas is applying to the Minister responsible for Nationality and Citizenship, for registration/naturalization as a citizen of The Bahamas and that any person who knows any reason whyregistration/ naturalization should not be granted, should send a written and signed statement of the facts within twenty-eight days from the 19th day of June, 2024 to the Minister responsible for nationality and Citizenship, P.O. Box N-7147, Nassau, Bahamas.


responsible for Nationality and Citizenship, for Registration Naturalization as a citizen of The Bahamas, and that any person who knows any reason why registration/ naturalizationshouldnotbegranted,shouldsendawritten andsignedstatementofthefactswithintwenty-eightdays fromthe 26thdayofJune,2024totheMinisterresponsible for nationality and Citizenship, P.O. Box N-7147, Nassau, NewProvidence,TheBahamas.

NOTICE is hereby given that NATUIS ANTONIO MEJIAS of #3 CharlesStreet,Nassau,TheBahamas applying to the Minister responsible for Nationality and Citizenship, for Registration Naturalization as a citizenofTheBahamas,andthatany person who knows any reason why registration/naturalizationshouldnot be granted, should send a written and signed statement of the facts within twenty-eight days from the 19th day of June, 2024 totheMinisterresponsiblefornationalityand Citizenship,P.O.BoxN-7147,Nassau,NewProvidence,The Bahamas.


NOTICE is hereby given that FRANCISCA MERGER of General Delivery, Queen’s Highway, Governor’s Harbour, Eleuthera, Bahamas, The Bahamas applying to the Minister responsible for Nationality and Citizenship, for Registration Naturalization as a citizenofTheBahamas,andthatany person who knows any reason why registration/naturalization should not be granted, should send a written and signed statement of the facts within twenty-eightdaysfromthe 26th day of June, 2024 tothe Minister responsible for nationality and Citizenship, P.O. BoxN-7147,Nassau,NewProvidence,TheBahamas.

we regularly review our vendor performance and make changes as needed to ensure the efficacy of our services. Rest assured, we are committed to implementing robust policies and procedures that align with the standards of our institutions.”


DEPUTY Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism, Investments&Aviation,ChesterCooper,participatedina two-paneldiscussionforum.

The first forum, “Caribbean Airlift Forum,” included Mr Jose Freig, vice-president, International Operations of American Airlines, and Mr Dave Appleby, director of Air Services Development Consulting for ASM at Aviation Week Network, Information PLC. The panel was moderatedbyMsRosaHarris,chairmanofCTOBoardof DirectorsandDirectorofTourism,CaymanIslands.

The Deputy Prime Minister’s second forum was the “Minister’s Forum - Leveraging Artificial Intelligence.” This forum included the Minister of Tourism & Ports for the Cayman Islands and CTO Chairman, the Hon. KennethBryan;theMinisterofTourismforJamaica,theHon. Edmund Bartlett; Founder of Clarity Media Agency, Mr. LeeHall;andHostandReporter,Ms.JenniferBisram.


NOTICE is hereby given that WERMY DIEUVEILLE of General Delivery St. James Road, Nassau, The Bahamas applying to the Minister responsible for Nationality and Citizenship, for Registration Naturalization as a citizen of The Bahamas, and that any person who knows any reason why registration/ naturalizationshouldnotbegranted,shouldsendawritten andsignedstatementofthefactswithintwenty-eightdays fromthe 26thdayofJune,2024totheMinisterresponsible for nationality and Citizenship, P.O. Box N-7147, Nassau, NewProvidence,TheBahamas.

PRINCESS Margaret Hospital
Photos: Kemuel Stubbs/BIS

Davis says he personally intervened to refuse work permits that weren’t ‘justified’

from page one

the 12,000 work permits issued were related to jobs Bahamians could fill, but the failure of Bahamians to apply for the positions contributed to the issuance of work permits.

Last night, Mr Davis said he would meet with the ministers of immigration and labour and their teams “so they can advise the industry partners so there’ll be no confusion or mixed messages between my tongue and teeth”.

He added: “I refuse to accept a status quo where Bahamians are qualified and ready to work, yet jobs are kept from them by foreigners. No more companies manipulating job requirements to shut out our own people.

“Our immigration policy, It’s simple: protect Bahamian workers, safeguard businesses in sectors reserved for Bahamians. I’ve personally ordered the cancellation of work permits where they weren’t justified. So let everyone know, Brave insists on Bahamians first in their own country.

“We’re not here to train foreigners for jobs that Bahamians can do. I’ve already stepped in to cancel work permits myself. So, PLPs, spread the word: Brave says Bahamians first in their own country, and I assure you, we’re not teaching any foreigner how to do a job that a Bahamian can do. The PLP has your back.”

In a press statement last night, FNM chairman Dr Duane Sands criticised the PLP and Mr Davis, who accused Michael Pintard of standing with the Grand Bahama Port Authority instead of Bahamians.

Dr Sands said the PLP “prefers spectacle and partying” instead of addressing issues the country faces, such as the water crisis in Eleuthera. He said Mr Pintard travelled to that island on Tuesday to deliver water to residents.

HG Christie sails in to help the Abaco Regatta

REGATTA in the Abacos (RITA) started Tuesday in Abaco, with the first of five races taking place in Hope Town after a kick-off Skipper’s Party at Pete’s Pub in Little Harbour.

RITA events are scheduled for the whole week throughout the Abacos, which brings together the entire community.

Long-time sponsor and Regatta enthusiast John Christie noted, “We are pleased to sponsor regattas in our archipelago; it's a part of our heritage,” said the HGC President and Broker.

Besides financial support, HGC also assisted with branded dry bags for participating sailors and sponsored the lane marker buoys for all races.

Pictured below are (left to right) Sheree Wallas, HGC Sales Agent, Wynsome Ferguson, Ministry of Tourism and RITA committee member and Dwayne Wallas.

“Our former president, Peter Christie, raced our beautiful waters for over 30 years, and we are proud to support RITA’s events and especially the Commodore, Dwayne Wallas, who is also a long-time sales agent with HGC.”

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Debate brings possible spin and errors, but also chance to change

THE two leading presidential candidates are set to debate on live television on June 27, 2024. Neither will yet be the official nominee of his party, which is expected to happen at the parties’ conventions in the coming weeks.

The timing of the debate – on the Thursday leading into the week of the Fourth of July, far earlier than the usual fall debates – virtually guarantees a much smaller audience than would usually watch a presidential debate.

The event itself will be unlike most previous debates between presidential candidates, though it will be broadcast live on several TV channels and online, as is the norm.

It is sponsored and hosted by CNN, not by the nonpartisan Commission on Presidential Debates, which has sponsored every presidential debate since 1988. The debate rules say there will be no audience – the candidates will be in a television studio with just the moderators and production personnel. Duringthetwocommercialbreaks,the candidates will not be allowed to interact with their campaign staff. CNN will mute the microphone of each candidate when it is not his turn to speak.

As a former political communications consultant who now teaches political communication at Auburn University, I believe there are key ways this new type of debate, at a different place and time than usual, could affect the presidential election.


Historically, debates tend to have greater effects on the outcome of elections when one of the candidates says or does something stupid.

For instance, in 1976 GOP candidate and then-President Gerald Ford insisted, wrongly, that Poland wasn’t under Communist rule. In 1988, Democratic candidate Michael Dukakis answered a question about his wife’s safety with a dispassionate speech on drug policy. In 1992, President George H.W. Bush repeatedly looked at his watch while debating Bill Clinton.

All three men lost their races for the White House.

Both candidates in the June 27 debate have weaknesses that could lead to similar problems – or worse.

If Biden appears lost or confused at any point in the debate, it could raise questions about his competence and seriously hurt his chances for reelection. If Trump launches into one of his tirades about any number of subjects, he could frighten moderates into voting for Biden or not voting at all. Because neither political party has held its nominating conventions, it is not out of the question that a very poor showing by either candidate could lead to serious discussions about replacing that candidate as the party’s nominee


The rules for the debate create some challenges and opportunities for each candidate.

The fact that microphones will be muted for the candidate who isn’t being asked a question should make it easier for Biden to stay focused and on message without being constantly interrupted by Trump, as he was when they debated in 2020. It should also make it easier for Trump to appear more like a statesman and less like a bully, since television audiences will be less likely to hearanyinterruptionsoroutbursts.

CNN’s moderators face the challenge of managing the speaking times and microphones in a way that does not appear to favor one candidate over the other.

Ideally, with no live audience to react to the candidates, viewers’ attention should be more easily focused on the substanceofthecandidates’words.

Whether that happens will depend on the moderators. Jake Tapper and Dana Bash need to be careful not to appear to interrupt or challenge one candidate more than another. Many conservatives are already suspicious that CNN will show favor to Biden by asking him fewerfollow-upquestionsordoingmore on-the-spot fact-checking of Trump’s responses.


With fewer viewers in real time, there will be more opportunities for partisans to put their post-debate spin on what happened, both in traditional mediaandonline.

Spin doctors are not new to presidential debates, but with fewer people having seen the full event in context, therewillbemoreopportunityforselectively editing clips by the right to make Biden appear dazed and confused or by the left to show Trump as a bigot and a bully.

Even if the intent of a debate is for the candidates’ words to matter most, what carries a debate in the public’s eye is not the wise policy discussion or the nuanceddiplomacy:It’sthesoundbite.

Examples include Ronald Reagan’s quip about not making an issue of Walter Mondale’s youth and inexperience in 1984 and Lloyd Bentsen’s “Senator, you’re no Jack Kennedy” reply to Dan Quayle’s 1988 assertion that he had as much experience in the Senate as John F. Kennedy had before becomingpresident.

The single advantage of the June 27 debate is that it gives both campaigns the chance to test their candidates and messages while very few voters are paying attention. This could allow the campaigns to adjust their messages or – if things go terribly, horribly wrong –even letting the party choose another candidate.

Fillippeli, Auburn University


Gatekeeper - step out of the shadows

EDITOR,TheTribune. PLEASEallowmeaspot in your papers to address a recently published letter from a creation hiding under a pseudonym.

Legitimate commentators, political operatives, proxies and fake profiles have the benefit of speaking to one Mrs Arinthia S Komolafe in the flesh as I do not hide behind or under any cover. Standing up requires courage, fortitude, integrity and conviction; this is not common in our society today and creates a space for ghost writers. This is why respect is due to persons who possess those qualities and can stand firm in their beliefs.

The personal attacks following my defence of common sense and promotion of an elevated national discourse on the NIB’s sale of US corporate shares during the COVID-19 pandemic let’s me know that I am on the right track. Interestingly, a coward, writing under the pseudonym “The Gate Keeper” presumably disturbed by my contribution on this matter, saw fit to question my conviction and political journey to date.

Mr or Ms Gate Keeper will do well to conduct properresearchratherthan speaking based on emotions and fiction. Proper duediligencewillshowthat my political ideology, philosophy or conviction has never changed. The message and the messenger has been consistent throughout my political journey. I am an advocate for transparency, accountability and good governance. I am adamant in my opposition to deliberate attempts to manipulate or dumb down

the Bahamian population.

For those like The Gate Keeper who have a challenge with my stance, I make no apologies. That being said, the ghostwriter did state the obvious in highlighting that I effectively discharged my duties as the leader of an Opposition party and took strong positions on national matters.

It is apparent that the timid writer has a political leaning one way or the other and that is his/her prerogative. What is inexcusable however, is the amplified ignorance, selective rage and misdirected energy of the specter. The writer should know that I am not the first person to challenge a sitting governing party and later join that party. Has this individual in the solitude of his/her sober reflection ever heard of the names Paul Adderley, Hubert A Ingraham, Fred Mitchell, Charles Maynard, Phenton Neymour, Renward Wells, etc? Were these persons unworthy of seeking political officeinthiscountry?Were they opportunists or were they simply free thinking independent minded patriots who utilised the tools and vehicles available to them to make a national contribution?

Where was the zeal of this phantom writer when the likes of Wayne Munroe - a former member of the DNA called former Prime Ministers Ingraham and Christie “dumb and stupid” only to later join the PLP?

Where was this energy from The Gate Keeper

when one Vaughn Miller left the FNM to join the PLP? Perhaps the ghostwriter is unaware of the scathing attacks the current PLP National Chairman heaped on the PLP’s beloved leader and Father of the Nation - the late Sir Lynden Oscar Pindling. Shallweremindthespecter of the insults hurled by the same individual at former Prime Minister Perry Gladstone Christie? It is worth noting that I detest character assassination and gutter politics but rather choose to take aim at issues rather than personalities. The keeper of the selective phantom gate would have shown some semblance of consistency if he had attacked these good gentlemen the same way he was excited to question my credibility under the disingenuous guise of looking out for the Bahamian people. Alas, the phantom writerhasasinistermotivation and took advantage of the gift of anonymity.

A word of advice for Mr or Ms Gate Keeper –summon the courage to step out of the shadows and stand in your truth. Do not be afraid to stand up for what you believe once you have done your homework and can defend your writings or speech. I have been a public commentator for over a decade, and by the grace of God, I don’t intend to stop anytime soon –especially not at the behest ofghosts.

NB: The last name is KOMOLAFE, not KOMOLOFE, but I’m sure you’re quite aware of that.

ARINTHIA S KOMOLAFE NewProvidence, June2024.

FIRST lighthouse of The Bahamas built on Hog Island (also known as Paradise Island).
Photo: Rick Josey

BDOCS welcomes new recruits for training

BAHAMAS Department of Correctional Services (BDOCS) Commissioner Doan Cleare speaks during the Signing On Ceremony for the 2024 “A” Squad at The Correctional Training Institute yesterday.

Photos: Dante Carrer/Tribune Staff

106 new recruits were welcomed to training at Bahamas Department of Correctional Services.

SEE PAGE TWO for story.


A 21-YEAR-OLD man was ordered to be psychologically evaluated after he was accused of indecently assaulting and threatening to kill a womanlastweek.

Magistrate Kendra Kelly charged Brian Bain with indecent assault and threatsofdeath. Bain allegedly inappropriately touched and threatened to kill a woman on Infant View Roadat7pmonJune15.

The defendant was not allowed to enter a plea to these charges after the magistrate noticed his erraticbehaviourincourt.

Bain will return to court on August 15 after a report on his mental competency has beencompleted.



A WOMAN was sentenced to two and a half years in prison after she admitted to stealing over $1,000 from an 87-year-old womanin2022. Magistrate Kendra Kelly presided over Anastacia Moree’s trial on fraud charges by false pretences andstealing.

Moree, 45, reportedly stole $900 from Monica Charlton using her bank card under false pretences between December 19 and 22, 2022. During this time, Moree stole $120 from the elderlyMsCharlton. Throughout the trial, Ms Charlton consistently appeared in court and gave testimony against the defendant. Moree later reversed her earlierpositionandpleaded


Before passing her sentence, Magistrate Kelly noted the defendant had severalconvictionsforsimilaroffences.

In addition to her prison sentence, Moree must fully reimburse the complainant orriskanadditionalmonth inprisonforeachcharge. Ian Jupp represented the defendant. Sergeant Vernon Pyfrom servedastheprosecutor.



A WOMAN was remanded in custody yesterday after she allegedly assaulted someone with a cutlass and another person with a knife within a week thismonth.

Senior Magistrate Raquel Whyms charged Terrans Pyfrom, 43, with twocountsofassaultwitha dangerousinstrument. Pyfrom allegedly assaulted Sharnell Holbert with a cutlass on Mantol StreetonJune18. She is also accused of assaulting Gregory Buchanon with a knife at the same location on June 24. Afterpleadingnotguilty to the charges, the defendantwasdeniedbail.

Pyfromwillberemanded to the Bahamas Department of Correctional Services until her trial beginsonAugust14.


A 16-YEAR-OLD boy was remanded to Simpson Penn after he was accused ofagunattacklastweek. Magistrate Algernon Allen, Jr, charged the teenager with possession of a firearm with intent to endangerlife. The juvenile was arraigned in the presence ofhismother. The defendant allegedly endangered the life of Brian McPhee with a handgunonJune18inNew

Providence. The accused was informed that his matter would proceed to the Supreme Court through a voluntarybillofindictment (VBI). He will be remanded until his VBI is served on September11.

What happened to the expectation of good service?



plaint by Bahamians in The Bahamas is about the low quality of customer service. We may have the reasonable expectation of encountering less than satisfactory customer service on a rare occasion, but it is nowthe norm.

From taking a deep breath and assuming a particular tone before asking for ketchup at the pickup window of the fast food drive-thru to informing a supervisor that more than anhourisneededforlunch today in order to collect an item that should have been ready at a government agency, only to be told without apology, after a long in-person wait, that it is not ready, we know what to expect — little or nothing. The issue here is layered.

Many businesses and government agencies have insufficient systems in place which compromises the delivery of products and services. Customer service agents are not trained in clear, pleasant communication. Managers are unavailable or unwilling to intervene, troubleshoot, or resolve issues. Owners and decision makers are far removed from the day-to-day operations.

In addition, for various reasons, Bahamians are reluctant to withdraw their patronage, preferring the inconvenience of the very slight possibility of getting what they need to the inconvenience of finding another option or doing without.

Changing practices is inconvenient. It can be uncomfortable. The onboardingprocessisoften frustrating. In some cases, there are even upfront costs to taking a stand by refusing to support a particular entity and switching to another. Doing the research alone can be a heavy lift, from listing the available options and identifying their locations and services to digging for information on any required paperwork and the experiences of others. It is, far too often, enough work to dissuade people from disengaging from terriblebusinesses. In December 2023, I noticed fraudulent charges on my card. I immediately went to the commercial bank to report it. I was told to use the mobile app to report the charges. I did so with the assistance of the staff member working

at the window for digital services, and I insisted that the matter be recorded in writing and that I receive acknowledgement of the reportinhandorviaemail. Iaskedquestionsaboutthe lengthoftimefortheinvestigation, having the funds credited to my account, and the replacement of my card.IwastoldthatIcould use the mobile app to turn online and international transactions which would allow me to continue to use the card in person and at the automatic banking machines. This worked for a few weeks. Days before I was scheduled to travel, without notification, my card was disabled. I, of course, found out when a transaction declined. Unable to go to the bank in person, I called customer service and the agent spoke to me as though I was wrong for expecting the process to unfold in the way her colleague described to me. The agent repeatedly told me that I had reported fraud. In the same way, I repeatedly told her that I asked questions, recorded the answers, and was bringing to the bank’s attention that I was being inconvenienced by the lack of information from the first agent in branch, the failure ofthebanktocommunicate the change in conditions, or both, and this was the fault of the bank and the bank alone. Eventually, I had to inform the customer service agent of the nature and parameters of our relationship, who was actually wrong, and the appropriate way to speak to me, a customer. This is a common experience, frequently shared in Facebook groups where people express dissatisfaction with the terrible, continuously declining customers service in The Bahamas and from regionalcallcentres. It eventually became clear that I had to go into the branch — in a shopping centre that does not have enough parking for the dozens of businesses in it — to formally request a replacement card, regardless of the fact that I had

done so on my visit in December and the fact that the bank itself disabled my card without notification. I went to the branch as soon as I was able to, completed the form, and was told the card would be available for collection in branch in three weeks. There was no way to expedite it. I travelled to the other side of the world with no access to my own money on this, my main commercial bank account.

I have been to that branch no less than four times over the past four months to collect the replacement card. The most recent attempt to collect the card in person was in May when I explained, very clearly, that I needed to have the card by a specific date, after which I wouldnotbeabletocollect it. I provided an address, and the customer service agent assured me that it wouldbe sent to me.

After weeks of waiting and email inquiries, I was told that the bank would not, in fact, be able to send the card to the address I provided. Even then, I was only informed when I initiated the follow-up. Instead of following through on the comment to send the card to me, the bank wants me to send someone else to collect my card on my behalf and have them get it to me. Why would I want to send anyone, stranger or not, to collect my card? If I have a personal relationship with the person, why would I inconvenience them as I have been inconvenienced for months, wasting gas and time to collect what was not there? If I hire the person, why wouldIpayforthemtofail to collect what has proven to beelusive? I demanded compensation for, at the very least, thecostofacourierservice. Only then did they magically find a workaround that would allow them to send the card to me as requested. It has now been more than six months since I first reported the fraudulent charges, and I still do not have my new card. Will I ever get a replacement

“It may be that good customer service — not excellent or exemplary customer service — is so rare that it is a treat and no longer seems like a reasonable expectation.”

card? If I go to the branch before the card reaches me by mail, would I even want itanymore?

I have now done everything I needed to do without the use of the card issued by the bank and, though using very inconvenient means, why would I not continue to do so to avoid paying more fees to this bank of incompetent people and malfunctioning systems and a bank that has yet to even have a manager initiate communication to, at the very least, apologize for its abysmal service?

This is the point that many of us reach. We have to decide whether or not we will expend any more energy on getting what is due to us, and whether or not we will take the chance of having the same experience with the same people. It is at least a little satisfying to walk away, even if the experience will not be better for very long, no matter the alternative we find.

I am most inclined to close the account. Commercial banking in The Bahamas is, as they say, for the dogs. More than a decade ago, I decided to reject the inferior service of two of the most popular commercial banks, moving myfundstoabankthathad enough branches and automated banking machines to meet my needs. A major sellingpointwasthatithad a branch at the mall where I worked at the time, and that made it easy for me to completetransactions.This commercial bank had one of the first and most robust online banking platforms, and its app was easy to use. Customer service agents quickly and efficiently resolved issues by phone and email. Now, possibly related to its change in branding, the service is not what I have come to expect.

What would you do? While closing the account is my preference, I do have to consider the cost and other implications of this action. What would it mean for me to move my money from this commercial bank to another commercial bank? Would it be better to open, once again, a bank account with aCanadianbank,orshould IturntoaBahamianbank?

What are the limitations of Bahamian banks? What conveniences will I have to give up? What administrative tasks will I have do to

completely set up my new account, from changing the payment information on invoices to adding the information of payees all over again? I know what I intend to do, and I can do it rather quickly. The part that takes much longer and requires more thought is the preparation for that move. I have homework to do. I have to get comparative information on all of the commercial banks in The Bahamas, from interest rates and account fees to credit card options and wait times on international wire transfers. When I choose a bank to open a new account, I have to request a job letter and prepare other required documents—allforacommercial bank that is likely to render horrible customer service while having access to my money. This is where we are. This is where we have been for a long time. This

is what we have convinced ourselves to bear. It may be that we have resigned ourselves to atrocious customer service. It may be that we are too exhausted, too pressed for time, to make adjustments as often as we are repeatedly and embarrassingly inconvenienced.Itmaybethatthere is really no alternative, or alternative that we trust to be so much better that it is worth the trouble. It may bethatitistoooverwhelming to go through the steps of making the switch. It may be that good customer service — not excellent or exemplary customer service — is so rare that it is atreatandnolongerseems like a reasonable expectation. It may be that the bar is beneath the floor, and the only way to be treated like human beings who are paying for products and services is to be white, to be foreign (of the “expat” or “tourist” variety), to be wealthy.


A SOLAR energy project has been launched to supply power to St Andrew’s International School. (SAIS)

The school’s board of directors and special projects committee announced the ground breaking for its Sustainable Solar Energy Project at the Yamacraw campus.

A statement said: “This first phase will be a ground-based photovoltaic solar farm capable of generating almost half of our electrical consumption. Bahamas Energy and Solar Supplies Ltd (BESS) was the successful bidder selected by SAIS, and we look forward to working with them to complete our first solar infrastructure project as we complete our 75th anniversary year as a school.”

The state- ment added:

The board of directors said it was proud to be launching the initiative.

“Our electricity costs are astronomical and this solar energy solution will offset expenses that can be put to much better use and help the continued development and growth of our school. We also look forward to using this as a tool to educate our students on sustainability concepts that not only help us protect our planet but can also utilise smarter ways energy.”

Savings from the project will be redirected to improvements elsewhere on the campus.

Thestatementwentontothank Bruce Stewart for his stewardship of the project, and Barbara Thompson, whose legacy gift to the school allowed it to initiate phase one of the project.

Other donors were also thanked.

A big step forward for power from the Earth

ONEmethodofmakingelectricitycleanly to address climate change has been quietly advancing and on Tuesday it hit a milestone.

A California utility is backing the largest new geothermal power development in the US — 400 megawatts of clean electricity from the Earth’s heat — enough for some 400,000 homes.

Southern California Edison will purchase the electricity from Fervo Energy, a Houston-based geothermal company, Fervo announced.

The company is drilling up to 125 wells in southwest Utah.

Clean electricity like this reduces the need for traditional power plants that cause

climate change. The boost could go a long way toward bringing down the cost of a new generation of geothermal energy, said Wilson Ricks, an energy systems researcher at Princeton University.

“If these purchases help to get this technology off the ground, it could be massively impactful for global decarbonization,” he said. Decarbonisation refers to switching out things that produce carbon dioxide and methane, which cause the climate to change, infavorofmachinesandmethodsthatdon’t.

Today the world still relies mainly on fossil fuels for round-the-clock power. This new deal shows that clean power can meet a growing demand for electricity, said Sarah Jewett, vice president of strategy at Fervo.

“I think that’s why it’s so exciting. This isn’t a niche energy resource going to a

niche use,” she said. “And that is something we have not had, you know, readily available” and able to be scaled up.

The first generation of geothermal plants, for example, The Geysers in California, tapped into superheated reservoirs of steam or very hot water close to the Earth’s surface. Such reservoirs are relatively rare.

New geothermal companies are adapting drilling technology and practices taken from the oil and gas industry to create reservoirs from hot rock. That unlocks the potential for geothermal energy in many more places. Engineers have been working to advance the methods for years.

The United States is one of the world leaders in using the Earth’s heat to make electricity, but geothermal still accounts for less than half a percent of the nation’s total large-scale electricity generation, according to the US Energy Information Administration.

Fervo is pioneering horizontal drilling in geothermal reservoirs. It signed the world’s first corporate agreement with Google in 2021 to develop new geothermal power and drilled three wells in Nevada. That project began sending carbon-free electricity onto the Nevada grid in November to power data centers there.

The Cape Station project, about 200 miles south of Salt Lake City, is expected to start delivering electricity to California as early as 2026.

California Energy Commission Chair David Hochschild said the state is committed to clean, zero-carbon electricity. He said geothermal complements wind and solar farms by providing steady power when it’s not windy or sunny, and that is key to ensuring reliability as the state cuts fossil fuels.

committee, school eco clubs and the St Andrew’s Foundation.


CAR dealerships in North America arestillwrestlingwithmajordisruptions that started last week with cyberattacks on a company whose software is used widely in the auto retail sales sector.

CDK Global, a company that provides software for thousands of auto dealers in the US and Canada, was hit by back-to-back cyberattacks on Wednesday. That led to an outage that has continued to impact operations.

For prospective car buyers, that’s meant delays at dealerships or vehicle orders written up by hand. There’s no immediate end in sight, but CDK says it expects the restoration process to take “several days” to complete.

On Monday, Group 1 Automotive Inc, a $4 billion automotive retailer, said it is using “alternative processes” to sell cars to its customers. Lithia Motors and AutoNation, two other dealership chains, also disclosed that they implemented workarounds to keep their operations going.

• Indonesia’s national data centre has been compromised by a hacking group asking for a $8m ransom that the government says it won’t pay.

The cyberattack has disrupted services of more than 200 government agencies at both the national and regional levels since last Thursday.

Some government services have returned — immigration services at airports and elsewhere are now functional — but efforts continue at restoring other services such as investment licensing, Pangerapan told reporters Monday.

The attackers have held data hostage and offered a key for access in return for the $8m ransom, said PT Telkom Indonesia’s director of network and IT solutions, Herlan Wijanarko, without giving further details.

Wijanarko said the company, in collaboration with authorities at home and abroad, is investigating and trying to break the encryption that made data inaccessible.

PICTURED are Godfrey Thomas from BESS, a St Andrew’s alum, along with members of the board and special projects
A DRILL rig at a Fervo Energy geothermal site under construction near Milford, Utah, in November 2023. Southern California Edison will purchase electricity from Fervo Energy, Fervo announced on Tuesday. Photo: Ellen Schmidt/AP

UN-backed contingent of foreign police arrives in

Haiti as Kenya-led force prepares to face gangs


THE first UN-backed contingentofforeignpolice arrivedinHaitionTuesday, nearly two years after the troubled Caribbean country urgently requested help to quell a surge in gang violence.

A couple hundred police officers from Kenya landed in the capital of Portau-Prince, whose main international airport reopened in late May after gang violence forced it to close for nearly three months.

It wasn’t immediately known what the Kenyans’ first assignment would be, but they will face violent gangs that control 80% of Haiti’s capital and have left more than 580,000 people homeless across the country as they pillage neighbourhoods in their quest to control more territory.Gangsalsohavekilled several thousand people in recentyears.

The Kenyans’ arrival marks the fourth major foreign military intervention in Haiti. While some Haitians welcome them, others view the force with caution,giventhattheprevious intervention — the UN’s 2004-2017 peacekeeping mission — was marred by allegationsofsexualassault and the introduction of cholera,whichkillednearly 10,000people.

Romain Le Cour, senior expert at Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime, urged the international community and government officials to share details, including the mission’s rules of engagement and conceptofoperation.

“Whatisgoingtohappen vis-a-vis the gangs,” he said. “Is it a static mission? Is it a moving mission? All those details are still missing, and I think it’s about time that there’s actually transparency.”

Hours after the Kenyans landed, Prime Minister Garry Conille thanked the EastAfricancountryforits solidarity,notingthatgangs havevandalizedhomesand hospitals and set libraries on fire, making Haiti “unlivable.”

“The country is going through very difficult times,” he said at a news conference. “Enough is enough. ... We’re going to start working little by little toretakethecountry.”

Conille said the Kenyans would be deployed in the next couple of days, but he did not provide details. He was accompanied by Monica Juma, Kenya’s former minister of foreign affairs who now serves as national security advisor to President William Ruto. She said the Kenyans will “serve as agents of peace, ofstability,ofhope.”

“We stand united in our commitment to support Haiti’s National Police to restore public order and security,” she said. “It is our hope that this will not become a permanent mission.”

The deployment comes nearly four months after gangs launched coordinated attacks, targeting key government infrastructure in Haiti’s capital and beyond. They seized controlofmorethantwodozen police stations, fired on the main international airport and stormed Haiti’s two biggest prisons, releasing morethan4,000inmates.

“We’ve been asking for security for the longest time,” said Orgline Bossicot, a 47-year-old mother of two who sells carrots andcharcoalasawholesale distributor.

Gang violence has stymied her sales, and she tries to stay out as late as possible before sundown to make up for the losses despitebeingafraid.

“You don’t know who’s waiting for you around the corner,” she said, adding that she is hopeful about the Kenyan police joining forces with local authorities.

Critics say the gang attacks that began Feb. 29 could have been prevented if the foreign force had been deployed sooner, but multiple setbacks — including a legal challenge filed in Kenya and political upheaval in Haiti —delayeditsarrival.

The attacks prevented then-Prime Minister Ariel Henry, who at the time was in Kenya to push for the

deployment, from returning to Haiti. He resigned in late April as the violence surged. Afterward, a nine-member transitional presidential council chose former UN official Conille as prime minister and appointedanewCabinetin mid-June.

Still, the gang violence has persisted, and experts say it will continue unless the government also addresses socioeconomic factors that fuel the existence of gangs in a deeply impoverished country with a severely understaffed and under-resourced police department.

Le Cour said the reaction of the gangs to the mission is difficult to predict. “Some of them might fight. Some of them might want to negotiate and open dialogue with the Haitian government,”hesaid.

In a recent video, Jimmy Chérizier, a former elite police officer who now leadsapowerfulgangfederation known as G9 Family and Allies, addressed the new prime minister for the


“Do not play into the hands of traditional politicians and businessmen, whousedviolenceforpolitical and economic ends,” said Chérizier, best known as Barbecue. “The problem that exists today can only be resolved through dialogue.”

Conille has not commentedonthevideo.

The UN Security Council authorized Kenya to lead the multinational police mission in October 2023, a year after Henry first requested immediate help.

President Joe Biden praised the arrival of the first contingent, saying that the mission overall “will bringmuchneededrelief.”

“The people of Haiti deserve to feel safe in their homes, build better lives fortheirfamilies,andenjoy democratic freedoms,” he said. “While these goals may not be accomplished overnight, this mission provides the best chance of achievingthem.”

Rights groups and

others have questioned the use Kenyan police, pointing out the years of allegations against officers of abuses, including extra-judicial killings. On Tuesday, police again were accused of opening fire in the Kenyan capital of Nairobi, where thousands of protesters stormed the parliament.

Kenyan police in Haiti will be joined by police from the Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Benin, Chad and Jamaica for a totalof2,500officers.They will be deployed in phases at a cost of some $600 million a year, according to theUNSecurityCouncil.

So far, the UN-administered fund for the mission has received only $18 million in contributions from Canada, France and the United States. The US also has pledged a total of $300millioninsupport.

“While gang violence appears to have receded from its peak earlier this year, the country’s security situation remains dire,” the UN Security Council said


More than 2,500 people were killed or injured in the first three months of this year, a more than 50% increase from the same periodlastyear.

Many Haitians live in fear, including Jannette Oville, a 54-year-old mother of two universityage boys. She sells crops like plantains and green peppers, and gangs have robbed her several times as she travels aboard public buses with her goods. She tucks money in her armpit orunderweartotrytokeep itsafe,shesaid.

“I need security. I need to work. I need the roads to open up so I can provide for my family,” she said.

“Being a female entrepreneur in Haiti is never easy. There’salotofrisk.Butwe takearisktomakesureour familiesaregood.”

An estimated 1.6 million Haitians are on the brink of starvation, the highest number recorded since the devastating 2010 earthquake, according to theUN.

Health officials tell US doctors to be alert for dengue as cases ramp up worldwide

US health officials on Tuesday warned doctors to be alert for dengue cases as the tropical disease breaks internationalrecords.

Thevirus,whichisspread by mosquitoes, has been surging worldwide, helped byclimatechange.Inbarely six months, countries in the Americas have already broken calendar-year recordsfordenguecases.

The World Health Organization declared an emergency in December, and Puerto Rico declared a public health emergency in March. Dengue remains less common in the continental United States, but in the 50 states so far this year there havebeenthreetimesmore casesthanatthesamepoint last year. Most were infections that travellers got abroad, and officials note there is no evidence of a current outbreak. But they alsowarnthatlocalmosquitosposeathreat. In its health alert Tuesday,theCentersforDisease Control and Prevention advised doctors to know the symptoms, ask questions about where patients recently travelled and consider ordering dengue tests whenappropriate. Dengue (pronounced DEHN’-gay) is caused by a virus spread by a type of warm weather mosquito that is expanding its geographic reach because of climatechange,expertssay.

Many infected people don’t get sick, but some experience headache, fever and flu-like symptoms.

Severe cases can involve cause serious bleeding, shockanddeath.

Repeated infections can be especially dangerous.

There are four types of dengue virus, simply known as 1, 2, 3 and 4. When someone is first infected, their body builds antibodies against that type for life. If they get infected with another type of dengue, the antibodies from the first infection

may fail to neutralize the second type — and actually can help the virus enter immune cells and replicate.

That’s a concern in Puerto Rico, which for the last two decades has been widely exposed to type 1. Last month, the island reported its first dengue deathoftheyear.

“We’re currently seeing isincreasesinthecasesdue to dengue 2 and dengue 3, for which the population has very little immunity,”

said Dr. Gabriela Paz-Bailey, the Puerto-Rico-based chief of the CDC’s dengue branch.

There is no widely available medicine for treating dengue infections.

Vaccines have been tricky. US officials in 2021 recommendedonevaccine, made by Sanofi Pasteur. The three-dose vaccine is built to protect against all four dengue types and is recommended only for

children ages 9 to 16 who have laboratory evidence of an earlier dengue infection and who live in an area—likePuertoRico— wheredengueiscommon.

Given those restrictions and other issues, it hasn’t been widely used. As of late last month, only about 140 children had been vaccinated in Puerto Rico since shots became available there in 2022, and Sanofi Pasteur has told the CDC it is going to stop makingthevaccine.

A different vaccine made by the Tokyo-based pharmaceutical company Takeda is not currently licensed in the US Others areindevelopment.

Across the world, more than 6.6 million infections were reported by about 80 countries last year. In the first four months of this year, 7.9 million cases and 4,000 deaths have been reported, according to the World Health Organization. It’s been particularly intense in the Americas, including in Brazil and Peru.

In the United States, the numbers have been far more modest — about 3,000 cases last year in US statesandterritories.Butit was the worst in a decade, and included more infections that occurred locally, courtesy of native mosquitoes. Most were in Puerto Rico, but about 180 were in three US states — Florida,TexasandCalifornia. So far this year, there have been nearly 1,500 locally-acquired US cases, nearly all of them in PuertoRico.

Most cases in the continental US continue to be people who were infected while travelling internationally. It’s “a traveller’s nightmare” and a growing international concern, said Dr. Lulu Bravo, who studies pediatric tropical diseases at the University of the Philippines Manila and who has worked with Takedaonitsvaccine.

“When you have an outbreak in a country, tourists might not want to come,” Bravosaid.

POLICE from Kenya stand on the tarmac of the Toussaint Louverture International Airport after landing in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, yesterday. The first UN-backed contingent of foreign police arrived nearly two years after the Caribbean country requested help to quell a surge in gang violence.
Photo: Marckinson Pierre/AP
THIS 2003 photo provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows a female Aedes albopictus mosquito acquiring a blood meal from a human host. Dengue, a tropical illness caused by a virus, is spread by Aedes mosquitos, a type of warm weather insect that is expanding its geographic reach because of climate change, experts say.
Photo: James Gathany/CDC/AP

‘The Gateway to Paris Olympics’

A2024 Volkswagen Atlas vehicle with the Bahamas’ first Vanity Licence plate and a hefty donation of $250,000 were presented to the Bahamas Olympic Committee during the Unveiling Ceremony last night.

“The Gateway to Paris” ceremony for the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, France, from July 27 to August 11, was filled with fanfare, entertainment by Julian Believe, fire dancing, a junkanoo rush out and fireworks on the Walk of Legends outside of the Thomas A. Robinson NationalStadium.

On hand to address the crowd was Prime Minister Philip Davis and Minister of Youth, Sports


Swimmer Rhanishka Gibbs looks ahead

AFTER making her splash as a freshman at Texas Christian University, top swimmer Rhanishka Gibbs is now looking forward to her debut at the Olympic Games in Paris, France,nextmonth.

The 17-year-old graduate of Queen’s College will be joining Lamar Taylor as part of the Bahamas representatives as they were awarded their spots by the FINA points system after they fell short of attaining the qualifying standards in theirrespectiveevents.

Gibbs, the daughter of Tonya and Randall Gibbs, said she’s thrilled to have achieved the status of now being recognised as an Olympian. Theannouncementcame from Bahamas Aquatics’ president Algernon

Cargill at the conclusion of the 52nd National Swimming Championships at the Betty Kelly Kenning Swim Complex on Sunday on the final day of qualificationforswimmersforthe Olympics.

“I felt my performance in the meet was pretty decent. I had some high expectations for myself that I didn’t meet, but we’re working towards the bigger goal, which is Paris at the end of the summer, so that’s my goal after the Olympics,”shesaid. Now that she has been given that opportunity to liveoutherdreamofbeing an Olympian, Gibbs said it’s a wonderful experiencetogettheexposureto compete against some of the best competitors in the world on the biggest stage insports.

“To say that I am going to get to go to the Olympics at the age of 17 is a


wonderfulexperience,”she stated.

Gibbs, a member of the Barracuda Swim Club, saidshewillspendthenext few weeks training here at



THE sporting community and friends have planned a series of events as they pay their last respects tothelateRenee‘Sunshine’Davis. A memorial service for Davis, 56, will be held at 7pm today in the foyer of the Andre Rodgers Baseball Stadium. On Thursday at 7pm, the Eastern Star Memorial will take place at Demeritte’sFuneralHome. Then at 10am on Saturday, Davis’ homegoing funeral service will take place at Bible Truth Ministries on Cowpen Road through the corner oppositeGordon’sLiquorStore.

June, 2024


THE newly formed Bahamas Baptist Sports Federation has pushed back its Co-Ed Softball Invitational TournamenttoSaturday,July6atthe Charles W. Saunders High School, JeanStreet. The tournament was delayed from starting on Saturday, June 22, due to the passing of the federation’s director of track and field, Renee ‘Sunshine’ Davis, of Golden Gates NativeBaptistChurch.

The registration fee is $200 per team that will include a maximum of 28players,includingthemanagerand


NATIONAL Basketball Association player DeandreAytongavetheyounger guys trying out for the men’s national basketball teamanA-plusastheytook on the older guys in their practicesessionyesterday.

Ayton was speaking following the team’s practice session in Attica, Greece wheretheywillbeginplayin the Acropolis Tournament today against Montenegro and host nation Greece on Thursday before they head to Valencia, Spain for the FIBA Olympic Qualifying Tournamentnextweek.

“A-plus, a complete A-plus,” was how Ayton summed up the session against the younger guys.

“Their competitive drive is insane. VJ (Edgecombe) to (Donnie) Freeman, AJ Storr, I feel that’s really the future and face of The

home with coach Camron BruneyfortheOlympicsto ensurethatshewillbepreparedforParis.

“I just want to get the exposure competing in my


(AP) — Nick Gordon’s infield hit highlighted the Miami Marlins late two-out rally for a 2-1 win over the Kansas City Royals yesterdayevening.

After collecting just two singles in six scoreless innings against Seth Lugo, the Marlins recorded four hits in the seventh, scoring both runs with two out against relievers Carlos Hernández (0-1) and Will Smith.

Otto López doubled and scoredthetyingrunonGordon’s two-out hit. Gordon later scored on Jasrado “Jazz” Chisholm Jr’s infield hit and Smith’s throwing error. López had two hits and has four of the Marlins’ 11hitsintheseries.

Starter Yonny Chirinos and four Marlins

firstOlympics,”shesaid.“I knowit’sgoingtobetough, but anything is possible with God. I just hope I can go there and make myself, my family and my friends proud.”

If there’s anyone who’s already proud of her accomplishment, it’s Bruney, who noted that Gibbs’ selection to the OlympicswithTalyoristhe culmination of the goals theysetouttoachieve.

“I’mproudofher.We’ve been setting goals for the past four years, completing thecycle,”hesaid.

“It’s good to see her making these international teams. She started off with theCommonwealthGames andthenshedidtheWorld Championships and now she’s heading off to the Olympics.

“I’m proud of her, proud of the example she has set

NEW YORK (AP) — Bridget Carleton scored 23 points and Napheesa Collier added 21 to help the Minnesota Lynx win their first Commissioner’s Cup championship with a 94-89 victory over the New York Libertylastnight.

The Lynx became the fourthdifferentteamtowin the Cup in the event’s fouryear history and continued the trend of the host team losing.

New York was trying to be the first to repeat as champions after winning in LasVegaslastseason.

The game was tied at 60 late in the third quarter when Carleton and Cecilia Zandalasini hit consecutive

relievers retired 15 consecutive Royals hitters before Salvador Perez’s single with oneoutintheninth.

In his second start of the season, Chirinos permitted arunonthreehitsandthree walks with five strikeouts in fiveinnings.

A.J. Puk (2-8) struck out two while recording four outs for the win. Tanner Scottearnedhis10thsaveas theMarlinshavewon5of7. Lugo spun four hitless innings, allowing only a second-inningwalk.Hefinished six shutout innings, allowing twohitsandtwowalks,striking out eight. Lugo leads the majors with 110 innings pitched, and his 12 starts of at least six innings with no more than two runs allowed aremostinthemajors. The Royals took a firstinning lead when Maikel Garcia walked, stole two bases and scored on Vinnie Pasquantino’ssharpsingleto center. Kansas City managed just four hits and have lost 12 of 16.

MIAMI Marlins’ Jazz Chisholm Jr., left, celebrates after getting a base hit during the first inning of a baseball game against the Seattle Mariners on Saturday, June 22, in Miami. (AP Photo/Wilfredo Lee)
TOP athletes show off their new Puma uniforms for the Olympics during “The Gateway to Paris” ceremony for the 2024 Games in Paris, France, July 27 to August 11. Last night was filled with fanfare, entertainment by Julian Believe, fire dancing, a junkanoo rush out and fireworks on the Walk of Legends outside of the Thomas A. Robinson National Stadium. Photo: Nikia Charlton SEE MORE PHOTOS ON PAGES 12 & 13
OLYMPIC DEBUT: Rhanishka Gibbs is looking forward to her debut at the Olympic Games in Paris, France, next month.
AP Basketball Writer

‘The Gateway to Paris’ brings


and Culture Mario Bowleg.

Also speaking during the ceremonies were Bahamas Association of Athletic Associations’ president Drumeco Archer, Bahamas Aquatics’ president Algernon Cargill and BOC presidentRomellKnowles.

Knowles said that while there have been many “roadstoParis,”hewanted to assure everybody that there’s only one “gateway toParis”andthat’sthrough the BOC, who will reveal the official team for the Bahamas at the conclusion of the BAAA National TrackandFieldChampionshipsthisweekend.

The Bahamas, however, will have to wait until the FIBA Olympic Qualifying Tournament is completed in Valencia, Spain on July 7 when it will be known whether or not the men’s national basketball team wouldhavequalifiedtoalso beapartofTeamBahamas.

In attendance were Olympic swimmer Lamar Taylor, world indoor 60m record holder Devynne Charlton and reigning men’s400mOlympicchampion Steven Gardiner, along with Olympic qualifier Charisma Taylor, who participated with a number ofathletesinmodellingthe uniformforTeamBahamas atthegames.

Gardiner, who will be amongtheathletescompeting in the BAAA National TrackandFieldChampionships from today through Friday at the original ThomasA.RobinsonTrack and Field Stadium, drove the black Atlas car on the walkway accompanied by twopoliceoutriders.

The car was presented to the BOC by Christine Robinson, the CEO and president of Volkswagen Bahamas. She also presented the BOC with an extra$10,000.

The car was designed in the Olympic rings and the colours of the Bahamian flagbySignIsland.

As a company who is deeply rooted in the community, Volkswagen Bahamas understands the importanceofperseverance and the pursuits of excellence,”Robinsonsaid.



coach. Interested persons areurgedtocontactfederationpresidentBrentStubbs at 426-71265 or tournament director Thomas Sears at 424-2888 for more information.

BAAA NATIONALS THE Bahamas Association of Athletic Associations will hold its National Track and Field Championships from Wednesday to Friday at the original Thomas A. Robinson Track and Field Stadium. The meet will begin at 6pm and will serve as the qualifier for the 2024

Olympic Games in Paris, France, July 27 to August 11. Junior athletes will also get a chance to qualify for the World Athletics Under-20 Championships, scheduled for August 27-31 inLima,Peru.

FORD BASEBALL THE annual Mario Ford Summer Baseball Camp is all set for July 1-12 from 9am to 1pm at Windsor

Park on East Street and Wulff Road. It’s open to campers between the ages of 7-15 years. Interested persons are urged to contactMarioFordat556-0993 for more information and to register their child or children.


STREETS THE annual Peace On Da Streets Basketball

Classic, dubbed “Shooting Hoops instead of Guns,” is scheduled for July 15-21 at the Michael ‘Scooter Reid” Basketball Center at the Hope Center. All games start at 6pm daily. Categories include 12-andunder, 16-and-under, 20-and-under, government ministry, church and open divisions.Theeventisbeing promoted by Guardian

Radio and Radio House Outreach.


ASpartofthePeaceON Da Streets Classic, organiserswillonceagainstagethe showdown between members of the Clergy against theMembersofParliament. The game is scheduled for 8pm Sunday, July 21 at the KendalIsaacsGymnasium.

Photos by Nikia Charlton
A NIGHT TO REMEMBER: “The Gateway to Paris” ceremony for the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, France, from July 27 to August 11, was filled with fanfare, entertainment by Julian Believe, fire dancing, a junkanoo rush out and fireworks on the Walk of Legends outside of the Thomas A. Robinson National Stadium.

the fanfare and the fireworks


“These values resonate with the athletes who represent our nation on the globalstage.

“The Bahamas Olympic Committee’s dedication to postering sporting talents and promoting the spirit of sportsmanshipiscommendable and aligned perfectly with our own commitment to supporting local initiatives that enrich our society.”

Robinson advised the athletes, who will embark on the Olympic journey, that they carry the “hopes and dreams of our nation” and their hard work, passion and unwavering commitmenttotheirsports, serves as a beacon of inspirationtoallBahamians.

“We believe in you and we stand firmly behind you,”shestated.

Jobeth Coleby-Davis, the Minister of Energy and Transport, with assistance from Bowleg, pinned the vanitylicenceplatewiththe unique customised identificationofBahamasOlympic Committee BO0242 on the back and the front of the car.

“Davis congratulated the BOCandBowlegforbringing to their attention the idea of producing the “first ever vanity plate, which is legally licenced to operate on the road, so we are excited to partner with you. Congratulations.”

The biggest surprise of the night came when Tyrone McKenzie, representing the Kirk Oswald Management Company, presented the BOC with a donationof$250,000.

McKenzie said the funds will go a long way in assisting the BOC with Team Bahamasatthegames.

“Ourcompanyisjusttwo years old, but I advised the principals and the other executive members that the country is certainly looking forth to new enterprise, new development, new investments, but we wanted to invest in particular with the youth of the nation and more particularly through sports,”McKenzieaid.

McKenzie, whose company deals with hedge funds and assets management, hinted that they will be in talks with Charlton to see how they can invest in herasa“brand”becausehe believes that she will be the future for track and field in thecountry.

In his address, Davis said the Bahamas has a proud story as a country, rising to international prominence in sports and he’s proud of thejourneytheyhavetaken together to consistently demonstrate its remarkable achievement to achieve greatestpercapita.

Davis called on every Bahamiantouniteandsupport the men and women who will represent the Bahamas through the BOC and the sponsors who are assisting to make the journeypossible.

“To our athletes, you hold in your hands, not just theflagoftheBahamas,but theheartofourpeople,”he

A 2024 Volkswagen Atlas vehicle with the Bahamas’ first Vanity Licence plate and a hefty donation of $250,000 were presented to the Bahamas Olympic Committee during the Unveiling Ceremony last night. On hand to address the crowd was Prime Minister Philip Davis and Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture Mario Bowleg.

stressed. “Your resilience, your passion and dedication, light the way for our future generations. “As you compete on the global

LOCAL non-profit Youth Empowerment through Soccer International (YESI) held its inaugural YESI Soccer Festival earlier this month with an exciting turnout of soccer enthusiasts and competitors. YESI was founded in 2011 by former Bahamian footballer Happy Hall, with an aim to provide young Bahamians the opportunitytolearnaboutandplay soccer, with the potential for further opportunities locallyandbeyondfordedicatedplayers. Since its inception, over onemilliondollarsinscholarshipped funds has been raised to make an impact onlocalyouth.

Held at King’s College School, the new soccer festival was created as a community event to bring together players from

stage, remember you carry withyou,theprideandsupportofyournation.”

Both Prime Minister Davis and Minister of

various clubs and groups on the island to compete in a two-day tournament with a family-friendly festival for spectators and players alike. The tournament was openforageseighttoadult, and over 40 teams signed up for their chance at bragging rights. Hundreds of spectators filled the festival area to enjoy food, activities, music, a live-stream

of the Champions League football game, and most importantly, all the action onthepitch. In all, five teams from various age groups walked away as winners, complete with medals and donated gift certificates from establishments such as Sports Center, Mudda Freeze and BestBrew. Theevent’ssuccesswould not have been possible

withoutthesupportofsilver sponsors, including: King’s College School, RBC Capital Markets, Bahamas Freight Logistics, PDC Corporate Services, CAB ArtGallery&Studio,Pineapple House Restoration Limited, BahamasAir, Aliv Cable Bahamas and FYPBahamas. A special shout out to the event sponsors whose donated resources made for a successful event, including: SoundCrate, Bahamas Waste, Furze Entertainment, Bristol Wine & Spirits, Pirate RepublicBrewery,andCaribbeanBottlingCompany. YESI plans to have futuresoccerfestivalevents to continue the camaraderie that was found at the inaugural event and take it to the next level as soccer continues to expand and evolve here in Nassau and TheFamilyIslands.

Sports Mario Bowleg were presented with their own BOCaquajacketsthatthey wore in celebration of the occasion.
Photos by Nikia Charlton
SOCCER enthusiasts and competitors enjoy the inaugural YESI Soccer Festival earlier this month.
Photo: Phalmon Ferguson

Swimming sensation Rhanishka Gibbs looks ahead to her Paris Olympics debut

for the club. It’s the second straight Olympics that the Barracuda has had a competitor at the Olympics, so I’m proud. I’m happy.”

In the next few weeks, Bruney will get the opportunity to work with Gibbs as she trains at home at the Betty Kelly Kenning Swim Complex.

“She’s only expected to swim in one event, so we will be able to work specifically on that and not so many other events as if she’s competing in the Nationals,” he said. “We

will get her strong, so she should be ready go out and compete and represent us tothebestofherability.”

Gibbs will more than likely compete in the 50m freestyle where she admitted that it’s not just a fast race,butonethatshehasto betotallypreparedfor.

“It’s all about execution so I’m working on my underwater as I dive in, my technique. It’s the little things that matter, so that’s what I’m really going to be workingon.” Hopefully it will culminate with a very good showing in Paris in her Olympicdebut.


Olympic champion swimmers tell Congress U.S. athletes have lost faith in anti-doping regulator


— United States Olympic athletes have lost faith in the World Anti-Doping Agency to rid their sports of cheaters ahead of next month’s Summer Games in Paris, two former gold medallists told a House subcommittee on Tuesday night.

ThetestimonybyMichael Phelps and Allison Schmitt followed revelations this spring that 23 Chinese swimmers had tested positive for a banned heart medication ahead of the TokyoOlympicsin2021but were allowed by WADA to compete.

Five of those swimmers went on to win medals, including three golds. Phelps is the most

decorated swimmer in history and a 23-time Olympic goldmedallist.

Schmitt, a four-time gold medallist, was part of the U.S. 800-metre freestyle relay team that finished a closesecondtoChinaatthe TokyoGames.

Both the Chinese and U.S. teams broke the previous world record in the relay.

“We raced hard. We trained hard. We followed every protocol. We accepted our defeat with grace,”Schmittsaid.

“Many of us will be haunted by this podium finish that may have been impactedbydoping.”

Eleven of the Chinese swimmers who tested positive ahead of Tokyo are set tocompeteagaininParis.

Phelps, wearing a dark suit, was joined by his wife,

Nicole, and youngest son, Nico, who was born in January.

He nodded in agreement multiple times as members of Congress criticised WADA and said Americans should be able to watchtheOlympicswithout wondering if the competitionisrigged.

Phelps expressed frustration that nothing had changed since he testified before the same subcommittee seven years ago about WADA’s handling of Russian state-sponsored doping. “Sitting here once again, it is clear to me that any attempts of reform at WADA have fallen short, and there are still deeply rooted, systemic problems that prove detrimental to the integrity of international sports and athletes’ right to fair

competition, time and time again,”Phelpssaid.

The global doping regulator accepted Chinese anti-doping officials’ conclusion that the 23 athletes had ingested the banned substance through contaminatedfoodatahotel.

Independent anti-doping experts have questioned that finding, with U.S. Anti-Doping Agency CEO Travis Tygart calling it “outrageous.”

“The banned drug, which is only available in pill form, somehow ended up inthekitchenofahotelthe swimmers were staying at,” said Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers,R-Wash.

She is the chair of the Energy and Commerce Committee, adding that WADA “somehow concluded this explanation was plausible.”

WADA said COVID19 pandemic restrictions in China prevented an “on the ground probe” of the positive tests and concluded that it could not disprove Chinese authorities’explanation. WADA President Witold Bankawasinvitedtotestify Tuesday but declined to do so.

“Unfortunately, there persists a narrative from some in the U.S. suggesting that WADA somehow acted inappropriately or showedbiastowardsChina, despite there being no evidence to support that theory,” Banka said in a statement.

“WADA understands the tense relationship that exists between the governments of China and U.S. and has no mandate to be part of that. It is not

appropriate for anti-doping to be politicised in this way.” In response to criticism, WADA appointed an independent investigator, Swiss prosecutor Eric Cottier, to review its handling of the China case. Cottier was appointed on April 25 and was expected to deliver his findings within two months. His appointment, too, angered critics who pointed outhispotentialconflictsof interest.

The U.S. contributes more funding to WADA than any other country, including nearly $3.7 million this year. China has given WADA $1.8 million more than its required dues since 2018, Tygart noted in his testimony. Tygart called on the U.S. to condition its future funding of WADA onreformsattheagency.

OLYMPIC DEBUT: Rhanishka Gibbs is looking forward to her debut at the Olympic Games in Paris, France, next month.
Photo: Mondadori Portfolio/Getty Images
MICHAEL PHELPS, former Olympic athlete, left, Travis Tygart, Chief Executive Officer of the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency, centre, and Allison Schmitt, former Olympic athlete, are sworn in during a House Committee on Energy and Commerce | Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations examining Anti-Doping Measures in Advance of the 2024 Olympics, on Capitol Hill, Tuesday, June 25, 2024, in Washington.
(AP Photo/Rod Lamkey Jr)





3-pointers to start a 10-0 run that spanned the periods.

Breanna Stewart scored nine straight points to get the Liberty within 70-69, but they could never regain thelead.

Courtney Williams and Carleton scored the next five points for Minnesota and New York never really threatenedagain.

Collier, who also had six rebounds and three assists, won the game’s MVP award. Stewart scored 24 points and Sabrina Ionescu added23.

Jonquel Jones, who has been fantastic for the Libertyallseason,struggledon Tuesday night. She missed all three of her field-goal attempts and didn’t score untilhittingtwofreethrows with1:20left.

The game was moved from the Liberty’s usual home Barclays Center to UBS Arena — about 20 miles away — because the NBA draft was being held there Wednesday night and therewasn’tenoughtimeto changeover the arena after thegame.

Even though it wasn’t their normal home, the Liberty faithful showed up andwereloudtryingtospur ontheirteamtovictory.

New York built a 47-37 lead midway through the second quarter before the

Lynx scored eight straight points to get within two. The Liberty led 50-47 at thebreakasIonescuhad18 points and Kayla Thornton 14.

Deandre Ayton gives the younger guys on national basketball team ‘a complete A+’


Bahamas basketball.

“Just seeing how they compete on this type of level and compete with us at the same time is truly amazing. It shows where our talent is and it shows where we are as a nation and, you know, just sharing talent wise is justcontagious.

“Just having that drive and wanting to compete against each other with that energy. Us older guys, we areapartofthegameevery day, but these younger guys bring a different type of energy that helps us and puts us into another gear as well. That’s what they dragged out of us in practice.”

Ayton, the NBA overall number one pick by the Phoenix Suns but now a member of the Portland Trail Blazers, said he’s proud of the younger guys, who are either beginning their collegiate careers or are getting ready to wind it down before they step out intotheprofessionalranks.

“I just know they have more from here. We just have to keep them under our wings and make sure we guide them in the right way,”hesaid.

“It’s truly a true profession and compassion and dedication that you have to put into this game and theseguyscheckedallthose boxes.

“We just have to make sure that they stay consistent until they start getting paid for this thing to where they can just stay on top the whole time and be the nextexamplefortheyouths comingup.”

In addition to Ayton, Edgecombe, Freeman and Storr, the coaching staff will have a cross section of youth and experience to selecttheteamfromforthe Olympic Qualifying Tournament in Valencia, July 2-7. The tournament will be played at the Pavello Font De Saint Lluis. The Bahamas has been placed in Group A with Finland Poland, while Group B will

feature Lebanon, Angola andSpain.

The Bahamas will take on Finland in their first game on Tuesday, July 2 and Poland the next day on Wednesday,July3.

The top two teams in each Group will advance to the cross over semifinals on Saturday, July 6 with the two winners advancing to the final on Sunday, July 7 to determine who willclinchtheberthintothe OlympicGames.

The Olympic Games is scheduled for July 27 to August11inParis,France. If the men’s team advances to the games, it will be the first time that the Bahamas will ever have a team participating in the Olympics.

Theteamiscurrentlyparticipatinginatrainingcamp with a number of players, including Ayton, VJ Edgecombe, Storr, Freeman, Dominick Bridgewater, Franco Miller, Radshad Davis, Travis Munnings, Chavano “Buddy” Hield, Eric Gordon, Lourawls ‘Tum Tum’ Nairn, Kentwan Smith, Deyton Albury, Sammy Hunter, Isaiah Mobley, David Nesbitt, Jaraun Burrows and Kai Jones. Chris DeMarco, an assistant coach with the Golden StateWarriors,willserveas theteam’sheadcoach.

He will be assisted by Mikhail McLean, Mychal Thompson, Charles Allen, Addison Eaters, Nashad Mackey and Moses Johnson. The team’s general managerisLJRose. Lee Rabas is the chief of staff and Kellen Hutchinson and Rodney Wilson are a part of the team operations,whileHenryParkand Alicia Greene are the athletictrainers. Whoever is selected to play on the team, the 25-year-old Ayton said he’s willing to give as much assistance to the younger players. Because, he added, they will be the future stars for the men’s national basketballteam.

The Liberty welcomed back Courtney Vandersloot, who hadn’t played since June 4 to be with her mom who passed away two weekends ago. She checked inforthefirsttimewith3:30 left in the opening quarter and finished with four points.

New York also saw the return of Betnijah-Laney Hamilton, who had been sidelined with right knee soreness for the past week. She was back in the starting lineup, finishing with 13 points.


The teams for the WNBA Commissioner’s Cupwillsplitaprizepoolof $500,000.PlayersonMinnesotacanmakeupto$30,000 while each player on the New York makes $10,000. Every player competing will also receive $5,000 in cryptocurrency. There was also a charitable component with New York raising $15,000 for Women Creating Change and Minnesota earning $13,500forGenderJustice. The Lynx earned an additional $10,000 for their charity by winning and the Liberty received $5,000 for finishingsecond.

“I’m willing to give them everything. You can see in their eyes that they want to know everything,” he pointedout.

“No matter how good they are, they know they are good and they know theyareready.

“But for us to give them a little more juice, they appreciate it so much and you could see it on their faces because they showed it through their game of play. They are so coachable andsohumble.

“These young guys are so great to be around and it brings more passion to me even though I’m a young guy myself. I’m happy to be that example for them because they’re watching everything I do and I’m just happy to be one of the examples for them. I’m just happy to play alongside themaswell.”

PICK AND ROLL: NBA player Deandre Ayton working on a pick for Travis Munnings in practice yesterday. Ayton gave the younger guys trying out for the men’s national basketball team an A-plus as they took on the older guys during practice. Team Bahamas will begin play in the Acropolis Tournament today against Montenegro and host nation Greece on Thursday before they head to Valencia, Spain, for the FIBA Olympic Qualifying Tournament next week.
TITLE HOPES DASHED - Jonquel Jones and the New York Liberty suffered a tough loss last night to the Minnesota Lynx, who won their first Commissioner’s Cup championship title with a 94-89 victory.
(AP Photo)

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