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A uniquely Bahamian way with words

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By JEFFARAH GIBSON | Tribune Features Writer | jgibson@tribunemedia.net

THE way we express ourselves as Bahamians can be as vibrant as the colours in our national flag. As the country marks it 50th anniversary of Independence and we celebrate all things Bahamian, Tribune Weekend is putting a spotlight on local words of wisdom. While some of the phrases, or proverbs, if you will, are not exclusive to the Bahamas, they have become part of our vocabulary. Some of these idioms are used as warnings, others to chastise or threaten, and some can warrant a chuckle. Once thing is for sure though; Bahamians have a unique way with words. Our choice of sayings is indicative of who we are as a people and something worth reflecting upon.


too familiar, sometimes it can lead to humiliation.

“Pig das grow to hog”

Definition: Children don’t stay children for long, so be careful how you treat them

“Fattening frog for snake”

Definition: You make all the preparations and investments, only for someone else to enjoy the fruits of your labour.


Definition: You get what you ask for, or simply put, if you play with fire, you get burned. It can also mean when you get

Definition: Casting judgement on someone when you are in a similar situation.

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