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Mr Bell has been in the crosshairs of the FNM recently. Last month, the opposition thrashed him for overseeing a citizenship oath ceremony at a funeral. This week, FNM Leader Michael Pintard said Mr Bell superseded senior immigration officials on January 17 to force the release of dozens of Chinese nationals working illegally at the British Colonial Hotel.

Mr Pintard has submitted 14 questions for Mr Bell to answer in the House of Assembly.


The questions include: how many citizenship applications have been approved since the Privy Council’s ruling, and how many persons are of Haitian origin?

Mr Pintard has also asked: “Will the honourable Minister Bell provide the information on the process to audit current work permit holders and scrutinise the visa granting process?

“Will the honourable Minister Bell advise this honourable House what measures will be taken to develop a regularised means of migration from Haiti?

“Will the honourable Minister Bell advise this honourable House why government officials, law enforcement, and land inspectors aren’t in place to prevent further construction of illegal structures?

“Will the honourable Minister Bell advise this honourable House on the steps the government has taken to stop the ongoing construction of illegal structures?

“Will the honourable Minister Bell advise if he gave directives for Chinese workers, who were employed in the British Colonial Hotel, to be released after they were found to be in breach of the Bahamian labour laws? Please indicate the justification for such interference into the work of immigration officers.

“Will the honourable Minister Bell provide the breakdown of persons who were granted citizenship since September 2021?

“Will the honourable Minister Bell advise how many persons were sworn in as citizens outside the precincts of the Ministry of Immigration and where?” has been no meaningful update from police about its investigation after a police officer allegedly beat and bruised several Bimini primary school students more than four months ago.

Man Killed And Two Are Hurt In Latest Shootings

“The first victim who suffered gunshot injuries to the upper torso, back and right arm remains in stable condition.”

Nearly an hour later, police received reports of another shooting in the Quarry Mission Road area.

“Preliminary reports confirmed the victim was standing on the street when he was approached by occupants of a champagne colored Nissan vehicle who discharged a firearm at him, resulting in him receiving gunshot injuries to both legs,” police said.

The victim was taken to hospital where he remains listed in stable condition.

Police Probe Drowning Of American Man

POLICE in New Providence are investigating the drowning death of a 46-year-old male of Pennsylvania, USA.

The incident reportedly occurred shortly after 11am yesterday. The man died after he began experiencing difficulties while swimming in waters near Blue Lagoon Island. The victim was retrieved from the water in an unresponsive state and transported to Princess Margaret Hospital for further medical attention but succumbed a short time later.


By PAVEL BAILEY Tribune Staff Reporter pbailey@tribunemedia.net

A MAN on bail for murder who allegedly failed to charge his electronic monitoring device was granted bail again yesterday.

Magistrate Shaka Serville charged Kevin Ramsey, 30, with eight counts of violation of bail conditions.

Ryzard Humes represented the accused.

The Supreme Court had granted Ramsey bail after he was charged with allegedly murdering Patrick Thompson on April 21, 2017, outside a car wash on Market Street.

Ramsey was also charged with the attempted murders of Terrance Rigby and police constable 3825 Hall during the same incident.

Ramsey allegedly failed to charge his EMD eight times between April 2 and June 6. After pleading not guilty to the charges, he was granted $5,000 bail with one or two sureties. Under the bail conditions, he is mandated to follow a 7pm to 6am residential curfew and must sign in at the Carmichael Road Police Station every Monday, Wednesday and Friday by 7pm. His trial will begin on September 29.


By PAVEL BAILEY Tribune Staff Reporter pbailey@tribunemedia.net

A YOUNG man breathed a sigh of relief after he was cleared of armed robbery charges in the Supreme Court yesterday.

Justice Guillimina Archer-Minns oversaw the trial of Bradshaw Demeritte, 23, who was charged with armed robbery and receiving. Demeritte was found not guilty of robbing Linda Poitier of her black handbag at

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