1 minute read

Lobster fishermen face ‘bad situation all around’

By NEIL HARTNELL Tribune Business Editor nhartnell@tribunemedia.net

Knowles said the impact was especially evident in the weeks leading up to Christmas 2022 when the Atlantis marina become “a ghost town”.


The Association of Bahamas Marinas (ABM) has called on the Government to consolidate the two levies into one given that the main objections from boat captains and yacht brokers relate to the process involved in paying the VAT, and having to make two separate payments, rather than taxation increase itself.

Mr Knowles said some in the sector had indicated they would accept a combined 10 percent tax rate, but the Government - despite suggestions it might remove the VAT from yacht charter fees in this year’s Budget - has maintained the structure imposed in 2022. The Atlantis dockmaster also voiced disquiet that the online portal set-up by the ABM at its own expense to facilitate seamless payment of due fees by

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