1 minute read
By PAVEL BAILEY Tribune Staff Reporter pbailey@tribunemedia.net
A MAN has been charged with a double shooting off Market Street that left a young man dead last week.
Acting Chief Magistrate Roberto Reckley yesterday charged Davanno Miller, 25, with murder, attempted murder and possession of a firearm with intent to endanger life.
Miller is accused of driving up to Frantwion
“Lefty” Newton and Romeo Cooper as they stood on Dean’s Alley off Market Street on July 20. He is accused of pulling out a black Taurus G3 9mm pistol and shooting the two men before fleeing the scene in a white Japanese vehicle. While Mr Cooper
By LYNAIRE MUNNINGS Tribune Staff Reporter lmunnings@tribunemedia.net
MINISTRY of Works senior civil engineer Francis Clarke admitted insufficient funds are invested in developing roads in The Bahamas, calling it a costly venture. During the office of the Prime Minister’s press briefing yesterday, Mr Clarke said rain is partly responsible for the numerous potholes and poor-quality roads throughout New Providence.
“We know that the rain intensity has increased over the last few years and due to the more active precipitation events during June and July, conditions are being hindered for current road repair outputs with ponding wet areas and compromising the quality of repairs,” he said.
“This has resulted in larger potholes and road edge erosions. If you could compare the new roads that we can construct between 2004 and 2013, those roads were constructed to international standards and using international specifications.
“We don’t have any issues with those rules at this point.” recovered at the hospital, Mr Newton, 23, was pronounced dead upon arrival at Princess Margaret Hospital.
The epidemic of potholes in New Providence and the Family Islands has been the subject of public outcry for years. Areas that have attracted complaints in New Providence include Wulff Road, Joe Farrington Road and Gladstone Road.

Mr Clarke said the ministry has a comprehensive plan to improve roads throughout New Providence. He said projects in Gladstone Road, Sir Milo Butler Highway and the downtown area will begin shortly. He said contractors were hired to stabilise the roads to ensure safety for motorists.
Miller’s case will be transferred to the Supreme Court by a voluntary bill of indictment to be served on October 31. Before he was sent to prison, Miller requested to be fitted with a monitoring device should the Supreme Court grant him bail.