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St Christopher’s ACM in Lyford Cay receive their charter; Prime Minister is new member
from 08032023 OBITUARIES
by tribune242
Last Sunday, the Anglican Church of St Christopher the Martyr celebrated its patronal festival at its 9am service.
At that service, the Anglican Church Men Branch (ACM) of St Christopher's received their official charter from the ACM Council President Gevon Moss who presented it to the rector of St Christopher, Diocesan Bishop Laish Boyd.

During the service, the ACM members of St Christopher's branch were formally pinned and jacketed.
Mr Moss further remarked: “We are ecstatic and grateful that we will now have the ministry of the Anglican Church Men operating in the community of Lyford Cay. It has been a work in progress for many years. We welcome the 20 new members, including Prime Minister Phillip Davis. We see possibilities for mentorship, fel- that will and in the growth and develop-
“I think it is important to free ourselves from the chains in our minds,” reader Lynette told Tribune Religion.
“A lot of people are trapped in circumstances that they feel they can’t get out or; abusive relationships or family trauma, and they are just trapped because they feel that there is no way out; that is modern slavery.” Marissa agreed.
“I think social media is its own form of slavery, because you get so wrapped up into what other people have and then you start comparing it to your own life. ‘I don’t have what she has. ‘I don’t have a man or a house or the wardrobe’, or the this or the that, and you become dissatisfied and so unhappy that you don’t focus on what you do have,” she said.
Valarie added, “As Christians, it is important to remember that we are free from all the negative effects of the world; we don’t have to be involved in all that drama – the drugs, the gossip, the backbiting, the negativity, you know?
“A lot of those things are what make people feel stressed and trapped. But when you focus on God and living a pure life, a lot of that goes away. As Christians, we have the love of God and the peace that transcends all understanding, and that makes us free in a way.”