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Volume: 121 No.13, December 7, 2023



Davis condemns ‘assault’ of trans woman - as US Embassy calls for a full investigation By LEANDRA ROLLE Tribune Staff Reporter lrolle@tribunemedia.net PRIME Minister Philip “Brave” Davis yesterday condemned the alleged attack on a transgender woman at a club on West Bay Street over the weekend. The US Embassy in Nassau said it expects a full investigation into the claims. Mr Davis told reporters violence in any form will not be tolerated in The Bahamas.


“So far as the single incident is concerned,” he said, “I want to express my concern to the victim and let that person know that we would be supporting her in whichever way we can to help her through that traumatic experience.” “In addition, the perpetrator ought to be held to account.” The embassy’s statement to The Tribune yesterday came after Mr Davis’ comments. SEE PAGE THREE

By LETRE SWEETING Tribune Staff Reporter lsweeting@tribunemedia.net FREE National Movement leader Michael Pintard said Desmond Bannister’s comments about the FNM’s need for a convention are disappointing, adding that the former deputy prime minister addressed the matter in an unfortunate way. He also suggested that Mr Bannister is sowing “seeds of discord” and diminishing his credibility “in the twilight of his political career”. SEE PAGE THREE

COMEDIAN CLEARED OVER SEX VIDEO ACCUSATIONS By RASHAD ROLLE Tribune News Editor rrolle@tribunemedia.net COMEDIAN Khing Kloud was acquitted yesterday of voyeurism and intentional libel after his accuser failed to show up for trial, ending what he said was an emotionally distressing saga that diminished his career and robbed him of economic opportunities. He claimed he would

sue the complainant and authorities for having him prosecuted. His lawyer, Alphonso Lewis III, told The Tribune that the judge, Magistrate Shaka Serville, acquitted his client instead of discharging him, ensuring proceedings cannot be brought against him again in the same matter. The comedian, whose real name is Terrance Gilbert II, was charged SEE PAGE THREE

MEETING ‘NO PLANS’ ‘MOTHER’ TO MOVE JUNKANOO CHRISTMAS OFF BAY ST GOVERNOR General Cynthia “Mother” Pratt greets a young child during the annual pre-Christmas tour of Princess Margaret Hospital yesterday. See PAGE FIVE for more photographs. Photo: Moise Amisial

that he will object to the appeal. Basil Cumberbatch, an Office of Public Prosecutions representative, was granted permission to see the inquest transcripts. Azario’s relatives expressed frustration over the weekend when it appeared that the officers who allegedly killed their loved one would get to appeal the Coroner’s Court ruling without opposition.

PRIME Minister Philip “Brave” Davis said the government is not considering moving the annual Junkanoo parades to another location, describing Bay Street as the essence of Junkanoo. However, he acknowledged problems with the parades’ location, noting that finding a new venue has been discussed for years. After residents expressed frustration with securing Junkanoo tickets this week, Junkanoo Corporation of New Providence chairman



CORONER TO OPPOSE POLICE APPEAL IN AZARIO CASE By PAVEL BAILEY Tribune Staff Reporter pbailey@tribunemedia.net THE Coroner’s Court will oppose police officers’ attempt to appeal the Azario Major homicide by manslaughter finding in the Supreme Court. Justice Franklyn Williams granted Keevon Maynard, a lawyer for the officers, leave last week to appeal the Coroner’s Court finding. He instructed the lawyer to submit the necessary

AZARIO MAJOR documents by December 15. Angelo Whitfield, the marshal of the Coroner’s Court, indicated yesterday

By LYNAIRE MUNNINGS Tribune Staff Reporter lmunnings@tribunemedia.net

Nassau & Bahama Islands’ Leading Newspaper

PAGE 2, Thursday, December 7, 2023


First day for new MP Smith MEMBER of Parliament for West Grand Bahama and Bimini Kingsley Smith during a sitting of Parliament yesterday. Photo: Dante Carrer By JADE RUSSELL Tribune Staff Reporter jrussell@tribunemedia.net THE Progressive Liberal Party’s Kingsley Smith, Jr, was officially sworn in yesterday as the member of Parliament for West Grand Bahama and Bimini. Mr Smith arrived at The House of Assembly with an entourage of friends, family, and supporters who were there to witness his inaugural address. Mr Smith won the November 22 by-election, beating the FNM’s Ricardo Smith and three others. Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis said Mr Smith is expected to act honourably in his new role. He said he should always have the demeanour of a “gentleman”, even in heated debates. “As we continue our representation, we honour the memory of our late and dearly departed friend and colleague, the Hon Obediah Wilchcombe,” he said. “The honourable gentleman that succeeds him shares and will build on our collective vision for the people of this

constituency.” Mr Davis encouraged Mr Smith to stick by the seven principles of public life, including showing integrity, objectivity, openness, honesty, accountability, and leadership. “As we move forward, I am compelled to apologise if our victory has caused a stir on the other side,” Mr Smith said during his first address. “It was never about personal gain, but about fulfilling the collective aspirations of our people.” Free National Movement leader Michael Pintard congratulated Mr Smith on becoming a member of Parliament. “At the end of the day, if you do well in fulfilling the few hundred million dollars pledges made by the government, you will transform the lives of people in West Grand Bahama and Bimini,” he said. “And quite frankly, we believe that you will hold the government’s feet to the fire as well in asking them to continue to do the things they have committed to.”


Thursday, December 7, 2023, PAGE 3

PM: Hate attack ‘not tolerated’ from page one

PRIME Minister Philip “Brave” Davis during a sitting of Parliament yesterday.

Photo: Dante Carrer

“No person –– regardless of their gender identity,” it said, “should fear for their safety in The Bahamas. The US embassy expects a full investigation in accordance with the law.” Owners and managers of the club in question have been difficult to reach to give their side of the story and have not publicly addressed the claims. Mr Davis, meanwhile, said while the incident was worrying, he did not believe it would negatively affect the country’s tourism industry, calling it “a single incident”. “This is not the norm as we all know in this country,” he added. “It’s a singular incident that is not consistent with the conduct of our Bahamian people, particularly towards our visitors and guests, so I don’t expect this to have any negative impact

anywhere.” Attorney Mark Rolle Symonette said the woman, China Diamond, 26, claimed she was attacked by five or six men on Saturday in what she called a “hate crime”. He claimed his client was stomped and had her wig torn off her head. He said she was beaten “black and blue”. She was later arrested for causing harm. She was taken to court, where she was warned before being discharged. The people involved in the altercation did not attend the hearing. Deputy Commissioner of Police Leamond Deleveaux said yesterday that when the woman was in custody, she did not make a complaint. He could not say if she declined to make a complaint, but noted she is no longer in the country. “I have ordered a full and immediate investigation to get to the bottom of this matter,” he said. “Again,

we do not condone disrespecting any human being. We fully support human rights.” Asked if police will question the people involved, he said: “Wherever the investigation takes us, it goes, so obviously that would mean seeing the persons concerned.” LGBTI activists reacted bitterly to the incident yesterday. Transgender activist Alexus D’Marco said in a Facebook post: “Every year, trans, intersex and other gender non-conforming individuals experience violence at the hands of individuals who wilfully ignore the fact that all individuals in any jurisdiction have rights and freedoms, chief among which are the right not to be discriminated on the basis of who they are –– that includes sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression and to be free from violence.”

PINTARD SAYS BANNISTER IS DIMINISHING CREDIBILITY from page one In an open letter on Monday, Mr Bannister urged Mr Pintard to hold a convention “at the earliest possible date”, saying failing to do so would diminish confidence in his leadership. Mr Pintard told reporters that Mr Bannister was focusing on the wrong things. “One would think that if a former minister would weigh in on issues, they would weigh in on issues that affect the Bahamian people, which is the purpose for which I am going into the Parliament of The Bahamas,” he said. “It’s most disappointing that he did not direct his attention to a ministry that he had oversight for or to comment on the energy crisis that we are facing in the country. “If Mr Bannister is concerned about the development of The Bahamas and the condition of Bahamian people, he should have directed his attention to those issues. Similarly, we are facing this threat of unregulated development throughout the country. He

might better serve the country by weighing in on a more consistent basis about the way forward as it relates to unregulated development or shanty towns.” Mr Pintard said Mr Bannister’s approach to airing his concerns was unhelpful. “It is unhelpful, and if you have worked to build an organisation, the last thing you want to do is be duplicitous in releasing a press release disguised as a letter because you know it is unhelpful to the organisation,” he said. “It is most unfortunate to see what he has condescended to.” He noted that a convention will be held between February and October of this year, with the FNM’s council to decide this. “We would welcome those people who are talking in the public to come to the council,” he added. “They seem to avoid coming out to council because they have a different agenda. The agenda is not the convention, but to sow seeds of discord, sow seeds of division, then give the impression that they are someone who can solve the

problem that they are creating and I think the public sees it.” Mr Bannister’s letter came after the party’s vice chairman, Richard Johnson, was involved in a physical altercation outside a meeting at the FNM’s headquarters last week. Responding to Mr Bannister, Mr Pintard said: “In the twilight of his political career, one of the best ways to protect any legacy that he was building up is not to speak on behalf of someone who has a pattern of behaviour of aggression, violence, both in terms of threats and behaviour. “It is rather sad to watch someone who we have all admired for so long to condescend to be the chief spokesperson for someone who has been a bad actor, who has behaved in a very aggressive way in an organisation that is poised to be the next government. “We’re pulling for him and hoping that he would recognise that he has some degree of credibility left in the country, so he ought to use it so that we can improve the conditions that Bahamians face.”

COMEDIAN CLEARED OVER SEX VIDEO ACCUSATIONS from page one last year after his accuser claimed he secretly filmed her performing oral sex on him on March 23, 2022, then leaked the recording on May 5, 2022. He said the virtual complainant failed to show up to court eight times, leading to the continuous adjournment of the case before his acquittal. He said the prosecutor revealed yesterday that the woman had moved abroad and, according to her mother, had no cell phone. Mr Gilbert said he was arrested and kept in custody for almost four days in 2022. He said at one point at the Central Detective Unit, he sat across from the virtual complainant and her mother as police showed them the explicit video. “I’ve never seen this young lady in my entire life,” he claimed. “Like, ma’am, who are you?” He said police showed them a seven-second video of the girl performing oral sex on a man.

KHING KLOUD “In the video, it was just her, like from the neck up, and it was just a male private part,” he said. “The guy never talked, he never moaned, he never scanned the room, nothing. That’s all it was, and I was arrested on that.” He said he looked “high and low” for the video, but never found or saw it again. “If it was out in the world on planet Earth, I woulda saw it,” he said, suggesting the video was never circulated. “We crack jokes in the courtroom saying the only people want to see this

is the police because ain nobody else have it.” He claimed police made no meaningful effort to confirm he was the man in the clip, but secured a warrant to search for and check his electronic devices, which he said revealed nothing helpful to their case. He believes he was charged just on the word of the complainant. He said he was arrested as he was about to embrace “an opportunity of a lifetime” in Canada to host comedy events abroad. He said the publicity of the matter caused companies to cancel events with him and people to cut ties with him. “Over like 20 to 30 different brands and services and companies were like, hey, you know Kloud, I’ll just go with the other guys,” he said. He said he used to publish three or more comedy videos a week but his output dropped dramatically after he was arrested and charged. “I’m not going to say I’m depressed,” he said, “but it’s like most places I turn,

people be like, ‘bey Kloud send me the video, bey.’ People always asking me that. When people ask me that, oh man, I is get mad.” He said the best thing about the ordeal is that he found a 9 to 5 job. Untested sexual misconduct allegations about him swirled before his voyeurism charge. Asked about this, he said the claims were unsubstantiated and no criminal case was brought against him. “Every rumour or sipsip you hear about Khing Kloud, turn around and say show me the proof,” he said. “I bet you every dollar in my bank account they can’t show you nothing. I don’t know how this became a wave, but all of these weird allegations when it comes to sex and females and blah blah blah, all of those stuff were ever bogus from day one. “All that is, is just females who is salty and mad and tryna get a come up for some apparent reason because every time I am involved in something when it comes to a female, nothing ever comes out of it.”

OPPOSITION leader Michael Pintard speaks to reporters outside the House of Assembly yesterday. Photo: Dante Carrer

PAGE 4, Thursday, December 7, 2023


Saunders demanded $3,000 to start a new life - moments before he was shot dead By PAVEL BAILEY Tribune Staff Reporter pbailey@tribunemedia.net A BISHOP testified yesterday that Ishido Saunders showed up to the Golden Gates Assembly Church in 2022 and demanded $3,000 from him to start a new life before police fatally shot him. Acting Coroner Kara Turnquest-Deveaux presided as the inquest into how Saunders, 38, was killed by police outside 20 Antigua Street on April 28, 2022. Bjorn Ferguson represents the two officers whose actions are the subject of the inquest: Corporal Dominique Bain and PC Calvino Jones. Angelo Whitfield

marshalled the evidence. Bishop Trent Davis, who was a pastor at the time of the incident, testified that on the morning of Saunders’ death, he was upstairs in his church’s office when the deceased and his mother arrived. He said Saunders was angry from the start and argued with his mother, who he believes was under duress. He said he knew the deceased was an ex-con and described him as “a very angry young man”. Despite this, he assisted him in getting work and said he knew his family before they left his church when Saunders was a young boy. Bishop Davis said when he went downstairs to try and de-escalate the

situation, he saw how angry Saunders was, adding he had never seen him that upset. He said Saunders threatened him with a chain and demanded he be given $3,000 to start a new life, failing which no one would be allowed to leave the building. Bishop Davis, fearing for his father’s life, said he lied to the deceased and told him that he was going upstairs to get the money. Instead, he barricaded himself, his father and his staff in the office. He told the court he had no idea what the deceased was talking about and no prior arrangement with Saunders. After hearing that the deceased had locked the front door, Pastor Davis

said he once again tried calming him down through the glass window, telling him that the church didn’t have any money and that they were all friends. When he concluded he couldn’t de-escalate things, he said he let his staff call the police, telling Saunders to leave as the police were on their way. He said the deceased soon left the building through a side exit. This was the last time Bishop Davis saw him alive. He said he became distraught after learning Saunders had died and that it was the first time his staff had seen him become emotional. He said he did not see the police arrive. During cross-examination from Mr Ferguson,

Bishop Davis said he was in fear for his life during the incident. He also said that he knew by the look in Saunders’ eyes that he was either leaving the country or leaving this world. When questioned by Ruth Cox, the deceased’s mother, on whether he had spoken with her that day, she said yes, but couldn’t recall what they discussed. She asked the pastor why he believed she was there by force. Bishop Davis responded that he concluded this because of the way the deceased spoke to her, which he thought was uncommon between mother and son. Bishop Davis admitted that he gave Saunders money the day before his death. He denied inviting

Saunders back for more money. Facing the pastor, Mrs Cox said there were a lot of anomalies to his story. However, she said she does not hold him responsible for what happened to her son. Dr Caryn Sands, forensic pathologist at PMH, testified that Saunders’ cause of death was gunshot wounds to the head, right arm and left leg. She said the deceased suffered bullet wounds to the top of the head and cheek, as well as to his right arm and left leg. She said there was evidence of close-range shot to Saunders’ head. A bullet was also recovered from the defendant’s leg and he had an abrasion on his right shoulder.

A LEGENDARY BEGINNING FROM left are Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs Ryan Pinder, managing partner of the Legendary Blue Water Cay Development William Pizzorni, VP of marina development Rodney Chamberlain, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism, Investment and Aviation Chester Cooper, Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis, Minister of Energy and Transport JoBeth Coleby-Davis and chairman of Legendary Family of Companies Peter Bos during the groundbreaking ceremony for Legendary Marina Resort at Blue Water Cay yesterday. Photos: Dante Carrer By LYNAIRE MUNNINGS Tribune Staff Reporter lmunnings@tribunemedia.net A GROUNDBREAKING ceremony was held yesterday for the Legendary Marina Resort at Blue Water Cay, a project expected to employ more than 200 qualified Bahamians, according to Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis. Mr Davis called the project an economic catalyst for Eastern New Providence, saying it will complement

the country’s maritime heritage. He said the development will open up new opportunities for boat storage, provide more convenient routes to neighbouring islands, enhance access to marine services and construction, and add a projected $158b in government revenues over the next 25 years. “That’s good news,” he said. Deputy Prime Minister Chester Cooper said the project would adhere to environmental conservation and community engagement.

“The promise to rehabilitate the mangroves adjacent to this property in collaboration with the Bahamas National Trust stands out for me,” he said. The $110m marina development on the island’s eastern end aims to become the first world-class dry boat storage facility in The Bahamas. The 20-acre site is projected to attract 16,500 extra annual visitors to The Bahamas once the phased construction process is completed by 2025.


CHAIRMAN of the Legendary Family of Companies Peter Bos.

ESTABLISHED ARCHITECTURAL FIRM with a wide and varied client base has a vacancy for an experienced architect with proven Design and Project Management skills. A deep understanding of REVIT and Building Information Management (BIM) is essential. The successful candidate must have work experience with large scale and a variety of projects, including residential homes. This person would have managed relations with contractors, suppliers and clients efficiently and competently. Benefits and compensation will be commensurate with qualifications. Please apply with resume to: hightech.limited.bahamas@gmail.com by December 15th, 2023. Only suitable candidates will receive acknowledgement of their applications.

MANAGING partner of the Legendary Blue Water Cay Development William Pizzorni and his wife Maria kiss during the groundbreaking ceremony for Legendary Marina Resort.

DEPUTY Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism, Investment and Aviation Chester Cooper speaking yesterday.


Thursday, December 7, 2023, PAGE 5

GOVERNOR General Cynthia “Mother” Pratt speaks to nurses during the annual tour of Princess Margaret Hospital yesterday.

Darville concerned over PMH worries

Photos: Moise Amisial

By LETRE SWEETING Tribune Staff Reporter lsweeting@tribunemedia.net HEALTH Minister Dr Michael Darville said he is concerned about Bahamians’ mixed feelings about services at Princess Margaret Hospital. “I receive letters from clients just about every day, some speaking on excellent service provided at the Princess Margaret Hospital and others speaking about the disappointment in services received at the institution,” he said. “There’s a mixed feeling and perception that exists with the Bahamian people who interface to receive services from our tertiary health care facilities. “For us, this is a paramount concern, because in 2024 we are going to move with a spirit of excellence to ensure that the people that we are privileged to serve speak highly about their experience here at the Princess Margaret Hospital.” Dr Darville’s comment came before he joined Governor General Cynthia “Mother” Pratt on a tour of PMH, the governor general’s first official visit to the facility. Dr Darville, who sang Frank Sinatra’s “My Way”, delighting onlookers, discussed some of the improvements to the hospital in the past two years. He said a special pathogens unit had been opened, international obligations for post-pandemic preparedness were met, an ophthalmology assistance GOVERNOR General Cynthia “Mother” Pratt speaking yesterday.

HEALTH Minister Dr Michael Darville yesterday. programme with the Cuban government was launched, and renovations to the male medical one and female surgical one departments were conducted. He noted forty healthcare professionals from Cuba and 18 nurses from Guyana have been welcomed to healthcare facilities throughout The Bahamas. “Let Your Light Shine” was the theme of yesterday’s event. Governor General Pratt, who worked at the hospital for more than 14 years, said the hospital has gone from having one-room units to having multiple comprehensive departments. “I have lived long enough to know the then Princess Margaret Hospital and to

witness the now,” she said. “I knew when we had an injection room, a dressing room, one room for orthopaedics, and the x-ray department was one room. I spent 14 years in the operating theatre. Now we have departments. “Many of us who complain have never travelled, didn’t visit hospitals. Just look at our nurses. Look at how sharp they look.” She said she travelled to some countries where the nurses’ shoes were not white. “You will never see our nurses look like that,” she said. “I am saying this because of the pride and respect you have for your country.” • Sandilands visit, see PAGE 24

PAGE 6, Thursday, December 7, 2023


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Washington shifts right on immigration IT WAS a decade ago that Capitol Hill was consumed by an urgency to overhaul the nation’s immigration system, fueled in no small part by Republicans who felt a political imperative to make inroads with minority voters by embracing more generous policies. But nothing ever became law and in the time since, Washington’s centre of gravity on immigration has shifted demonstrably to the right, with the debate now focused on measures meant to keep migrants out as Republicans sense they have the political upper hand. Long gone are the chatter and horsetrading between parties over how to secure a pathway to citizenship for immigrants, or a modernised work permit system to encourage more legal migration. Instead, the fights of late have centered on how much to tighten asylum laws and restrain a president’s traditional powers to protect certain groups of migrants. Now, Democrats and Republicans are again struggling to strike an immigration deal — and the consequences of failure stretch far beyond the southern border. Congressional Republicans are insisting on tougher border measures as their price for greenlighting billions in additional aid to Ukraine, and the stalemate is putting the future of US military assistance to Kyiv at risk as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine nears the two-year mark. Democrats have “ceded the ground to Republicans on immigration and the border”, said Aaron Reichlin-Melnick, policy director at the American Immigration Council, a nonprofit that advocates for immigrant rights. “The administration seems to see no advantage in leading on this issue, but I think that they’re shooting themselves in the foot.” The intractable nature of immigration debates is coming into sharp relief this week as a bipartisan group of senators tasked with finding a border deal is running out of time to reach an agreement. The Senate on Wednesday failed to advance a nearly $106 billion emergency spending request from Biden to cover national security needs including Ukraine, Israel and the border. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky, is an unwavering backer of Ukraine yet has stressed privately to President Joe Biden that the administration will need to bend on border policy to unlock that money. In remarks at the White House on Wednesday, Biden made it clear that he was prepared to agree to at least some of the changes Republicans are seeking. “I am willing to make significant compromises on the border,” he said. “We need to fix the broken border system. It is broken.” Behind closed doors, Democrats have resisted demands from Republicans to scale back Biden’s executive powers to temporarily admit certain migrants into the country. Yet Democrats privately appear willing to concede to GOP negotiators in other areas, particularly on making it tougher for asylum-seekers to clear an initial bar before their legal proceedings can continue in the United States. That’s a shift in favor of Republicans from even last year: There were similar agreements around asylum among Senate negotiators back then, but that would have been in exchange for a conditional pathway to citizenship for roughly 2 million “Dreamers” who came to the United States illegally as children. Sen Thom Tillis, R-NC, a perennial negotiator on immigration, stressed that in “every Congress, the foundation for compromise changes.” “The Democrats have to understand we lead one of the two chambers on Capitol Hill,” Tillis said. “They have to understand that we rightfully will get something more conservative than some of the deals that are negotiated in the last Congress.” Throughout the Senate border negotiations, the White House has remained visibly hands off, largely trying to replicate its strategy on previously successful legislative talks like those that eventually led to tougher gun restrictions becoming law. But it’s also no secret the border is one issue Biden would prefer to avoid. Though Biden as vice president spearheaded the Obama administration’s diplomatic efforts in Central America,

the border specifically is one of the few issues that he did not manage during his 36 years in the Senate nor two terms as vice president. As president, Biden’s aim has been to adopt a foreign policy approach to the border, framing the issue as a hemispheric challenge, not solely a U.S. problem. Biden almost immediately after taking office unraveled some of former President Donald Trump’s more hardline policies. And last year, he oversaw the end of Title 42, the pandemic-era health restrictions at the border that had made it easier to deny migrants entry into the US. He has tried to broaden legal pathways while cracking down on illegal border crossings. But the number of migrants at the border, after an initial dip following the end of Title 42, has been climbing dramatically. Now, cities like Chicago, New York and Denver are struggling to manage the migrants who have been relocated to their cities, forcing Democrats in areas far north to confront similar challenges to those long faced by border states. Inside the White House, deputy chief of staff Natalie Quillian — tapped initially to oversee implementation of Biden’s signature laws, like the massive infrastructure package that just turned two years old — is now coordinating the administration’s response to Democraticled cities and states that have asked for help managing the influx of migrants. “There is a fundamental shift in the Democratic Party on immigration” that has happened within the past six months, as the number of migrants in those cities has swelled, said Muzaffar Chishti, a senior fellow and director of the Migration Policy Institute office at New York University’s law school. Before, Democrats would bristle at any potential discussion over the border, particularly following Trump. But Chishti added: “That’s no longer true. Their backs don’t go up when they see someone saying we want to make some changes in the policies at the border.” Aides and allies to Biden have said the president is willing to accept new restrictions on asylum and potentially other Republican-led immigration policy changes, particularly as the numbers at the border continue to rise. His supplemental funding request, which seeks $14 billion for the border, would hire more asylum officers, increase detention capacity for migrant families and hire more immigration court judges. There’s now a backlog of more than 1 million cases, and it’s only increasing. Some migrants are released into the US and wait for years before they are told whether they qualify for asylum. Arrests at the US-Mexico border in August through October more than doubled over the previous three months as migrants and smugglers adjusted to new asylum regulations following the end of Title 42. Illegal border crossings were at 188,778 in October, down from 218,763 in September, which was the second-highest month on record. The White House decision to lump additional funding for the border in with Ukraine assistance has given lawmakers, Republicans say, an implicit nod to negotiate policy changes that would otherwise make Democrats feel uncomfortable. Bolstering the GOP posture even further is a new House Republican majority that is largely resistant to continued Ukraine assistance, making the price of additional aid for the White House that much higher. And unlike the successful gun talks last year, immigration is largely seen as an issue that is being fought on Republicans’ turf. Sen Michael Bennet, D-Colo., one of the chief authors of the 2013 immigration bill that never became law, said the US immigration system, writ large, still needs an overhaul. But “we can’t do that right now in the context of this Ukraine bill,” he said. “It’s too complicated. It’s too far reaching. And frankly, there’s no reason to be attaching the border to Ukraine funding.” By SEUNG MIN KIM and COLLEEN LONG Associated Press

NEW Member of Parliament for West Grand Bahama and Bimini Kingsley Smith smiles during a sitting of Parliament yesterday. Photo: Dante Carrer

Dogs bark over FNM EDITOR, The Tribune.

THE by-election is over and the FNM has lost, however in the aftermath and post-mortem of it all there is lots of noise in the market. The noise has become deafening so much so that amidst the noise there were screams for a new leader for the party, even screams from one who claimed he had got a recent beatdown. What the big mouth did not scream or shout was that while the minions were crying for a change in the leader, Pintard’s support had grown tremendously with an increase in the level of confidence in his leadership. Perhaps all attempts to remove Pintard should have happened prior to the by-election. The base has become more excited and the level of support has heightened as FNM supporters far and near are now recommitting anew to their party and to supporting Michael Pintard.

LETTERS letters@tribunemedia.net While nasty tactics are engaged and the ammo seemed to be firing from within and without many onlookers and supporters alike wish party leader Michael Pintard would speak and become squablly, however, Pintard has skillfully chosen his words to be few. The minions scurry in an all out frenzy like dogs who do not bark at parked cars, constantly reassuring people to look again and recommit to master, skilled man, Michael Pintard. While a fool pulls at your last ounce of patience to endure their presence there is another level needed when dealing with an old fool. While Dr Minnis may try to now distance himself from those whose sensationalism, erratic and lying tongues cause public disdain at the sight and

sound of their appearance, it is honestly too late - the damage has been done. Monies now being spent to recreate a leader who has caused national displeasure and encouraged his minions to attack the leadership and the brand only allowed those observing to become infuriated at any thought of a return of former leader Dr Hubert Minnis. Not even a toupee, a facelift and a tummy tuck could reverse a national rejection. While the past is the past it will be no time soon that The Bahamas will forget or be so forgiving of one who once led with utter arrogance and disdain. Nor will there be anything more than a laughable embrace of the minions who now follow in tote. Respectfully, sir, you have had your one and now YOU ARE DONE. DOWN WITH REAL LEADER December 5, 2023


Business cards EDITOR, The Tribune. THERE has been a debate surrounding the perceived weight of traditional paper business cards versus modern smart business cards. I strongly disagree with the notion that paper business cards hold more significance. It is more knowledgeable to assume that smart business cards are equal to or are more important than paper business cards. Smart business cards serve as a crucial primary and backup source for data analytics and lead generation. Not only are smart business cards helping local businesses and professionals, but they are also advancing society. The distinction between the two types of business cards lies mainly in their adaptability. Unlike paper business cards, smart business cards can be updated and integrated into digital systems. Many of us say networking is about “genuine connections,” but many of us also forget that you, yourself, are the deciding factor in that “genuine connection.” It should not be assumed that connections are based on the look or style of any business card. If it is really about genuine connections, then, so to speak, you must remember you are making that connection when building a rapport. Drawing from my experience in both the creative

and analytical aspects of marketing, as well as sales, I’ve witnessed a higher return on prospecting and networking with smart business cards. Marketing involves traditional materials like graphics, flyers, and social media posts. A paper business card is essentially just a small graphic. Paper business cards lack convenience, but smart business cards are full of convenience. To truly be prepared for any opportunity, higherlevel professionals carry a smart business card and a few paper business cards. In the event of spreading awareness, they might give out paper business cards, but in the event of a “genuine connection,” they might use their smart business card. From a conversation standpoint, smart business cards offer more room for conversation as well. With a smart business card, during a conversation, you can tap the recipient’s phone and show your site, social media, and contact information rather than just looking at links on a paper business card. Ultimately, the choice between paper and smart business cards should be based on the trajectory of your interactions leading to a sale or partnership, not the hopes of a sealed connection. While opting for paper business cards isn’t inherently wrong, it limits awareness of customer actions post-handoff. Smart

business cards extend the customer’s lifetime, offering analytical insights and more. The main focus of smart business cards is to open the door for something more. We should not be so focused on what we are used to because that will diminish growth. My company, Haumi, will focus on pushing the norm and researching, developing, and improving technology in The Bahamas. Our first product, Blac Pearl Teccard, is a smart business card, and the feedback we have received from others as well as what we have experienced ourselves is phenomenal. As we speak, we are working on updates that will aid in bringing more convenience to customers and businesses. We have offered businesses, for a limited time, the opportunity to take advantage of this product for only a small monthly fee of $10. To learn more about this opportunity and our company you can visit our website ( haumi. co ). Embracing new possibilities is very important for growth. In the 50th anniversary year of The Bahamas, we aim to make the upcoming years truly special through innovation and progress. KEVONDRE HIELD Freeport November 30, 2023

For more letters, see PAGE 25 today


Thursday, December 7, 2023, PAGE 7


MORTUARY services personnel transport the body of US woman Lauren Erickson Van Wart, 44, after she was killed in a shark attack in waters off Sandals Beach on Monday. By EARYEL BOWLEG Tribune Staff Reporter ebowleg@tribunemedia.net BAHAMAS Hotel and Tourism Association (BHTA) president Robert Sands said the association will establish a task force to examine watersports and beach activity concerns. His comment came after a shark killed an American woman on Monday and weeks after a Blue Lagoon Island vessel teetered, resulting in the death of another American woman. Announcing the task force at the BHTA’s 71st annual general meeting, he said the tourism industry must maintain certain standards. “We must ensure we are a safe and secure destination for visitors and our own community members,” he said. “Along this vein, BHTA will be galvanising a task force to examine and address concerns in particular that have recently been occurring and which require specific, focused attention, especially in our watersports and beach activities.” Pressed for details after

the event, Mr Sands told reporters: “I think the issues that have been happening with some rapidity in the country demands that we take a greater look at how we surveil beach and waterway activities, and also ensure that guests enjoy these amenities in a safe environment going forward.” A 75-year-old American from Colorado died last month in the catamaran Blue Lagoon Island incident. On Monday, 44-yearold Lauren Erickson Van Wart of Massachusetts was paddle boarding away from the shoreline near Sandals resort when she was bitten and killed by a shark. “The issue of sharks is really being addressed by the Cabinet,” Tourism Minister Chester Cooper told reporters after an unrelated event yesterday, noting similar shark attacks have happened elsewhere in the world. “We are monitoring it,” he said. Mr Sands also emphasised that shark attack incidents are rare.

THE BLUE Lagoon vessel that sank last month.


Photo: Dante Carrer

PAGE 8, Thursday, December 7, 2023


Christmas won’t be the same this year E

PHOTO: Motaztawfik/Pexels

VEN at the beginning of Advent, we are already purchasing or thinking about the Christmas gifts we may want to give this year. A part of our Advent meditation and preparation for Christmas may be greater thoughtfulness about how we will celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Released in 1970, the Jackson Five’s Christmas Album was wildly popular and included memorable tunes such as the group’s versions of “Santa Claus Is Coming to Town” and “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus”. The commercial pop songs were fun and meant as light fare. Another song on the album was “Christmas Won’t Be the Same This Year”, a lament of a young man who had lost his girlfriend and was missing her “loving arms” during Yuletide. The song’s title captures a feeling of loss many have at Christmas, such as the death of a loved one, the regret that a daughter or son who won’t be home for the holiday, a worrying health diagnosis, or other feelings of grief and loss.

The spiritual value of Christmas is primary. This includes a deeper experience of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ and its plenitude. Christmas is also a time for family and fellowship. Though material concerns sometimes outstrip its meaning and deeper joy, certain material attributes do enrich the celebration. A gaping loss felt by many near the end of 2023 is the battering families are experiencing from the high cost of living, especially the amount of money eaten away by exorbitant electricity bills and the high cost of food.

Amidst such anxiety, many have experienced extraordinary expenses they did not expect such as a health matter, a major appliance that no longer worked, a busted water pump, mechanical problems with a vehicle, or some other expense. Many are concerned about how they will afford basic features of Christmas such as gifts for family members, a tree, food for the season, and other items that help to make this time of faith, fellowship and family more meaningful and enjoyable. A number of Salvation Army volunteers

stationed at the entrance of commercial establishments were asked about how donations are doing this year. The response was similar across the board – donations appear to be down. Christmas won’t be the same this year for many Bahamians who have spent so much money just surviving the onslaught of ever mounting prices. Yes, we must remember the spiritual meaning and purpose of Christmas. But this meaning includes our generosity in helping to provide material goods that will bring a certain joy to children, families, the elderly, the sick and others in need of Christmas cheer and love. While we may be unable to afford certain gifts we want to purchase, there are less expensive and other forms of gifts we may offer. A recent New York Times article explored gift-giving: “People tend to overestimate the correlation between a gift’s monetary value and its emotional impact, explained Julian Givi, an assistant professor of marketing at West Virginia University’s John Chambers College of Business and Economics. ‘These no-cost gifts that people are creating from scratch, they’re conveying

thoughtfulness and care and appreciation,’ he said, all of which mean more than a receipt.” While many of us are reasonably or even very good at giving gifts to family and friends at Christmas, we might widen our giving this year to include donations and gifts to those whose Christmas we can make more enjoyable or richer through grants of money or gifts. Our neighbours live and are in need beyond the confines of our neighbourhoods and circle of family and friends. Our monetary or other gifts may enable someone to buy a ham or turkey, to get a Christmas tree, to provide presents for children. A friend tells the story of buying gifts one Christmas. He purchased gifts for his nieces and nephews along with a few other presents he took to a local charity. Some weeks later, an official at the charity told him that the presents he brought, which were not expensive, made all the difference for a number of children. No matter the friend’s financial situation in a given year, he has been giving presents to this charity for nearly two decades.

There is another compelling Christmas story told on the television series M*A*S*H that exemplifies the spirit of generosity and how giving manifests itself in myriad ways: “After an attack on the supply convoy, [the camp] realise their Christmas dinner is being cancelled. In addition to ruining everyone’s holiday, this is going to be even more devastating to local orphans, [who have] been invited. “In order to salvage the party, they take up a collection - everyone’s received non-perishable food shipped from home, so there’s more than enough. And, of course, everyone happily parts with it, with one exception. “[The wealthy Major] Winchester … refuses to give much of anything despite having received several large packages. He’s hated for this … but he holds firm, then slips away into town. “Turns out, the reason he didn’t want to hand over his chocolate stemmed from a family tradition: every year, they’d give away expensive food to the less fortunate anonymously. He wants it to go to the orphans; he just doesn’t want to receive credit. The only one who knows is the director of the orphanage. “At the party, Winchester discovers the chocolate he [gave] to the orphans made its way to the black market. Furious, he pulls the director outside and yells at him, until it’s explained the candy was sold to purchase rice and cabbage, which the kids need more than candy.” We do not need to provide extravagant gifts to help others celebrate Christmas. Still, certain basic gifts may make all the difference. These include material gifts as well as non-material gifts such as spending time with someone who still mourns the loss of a loved one, the gift of a fruit cake, minutes on a phone card, some beers, movie tickets for a group of children or gifts that will simply ease a burden or make someone feel lighter, better, happier, even for a day or two or even more. For a number of families Christmas won’t be the same this year without our generosity of spirit and basic gift-giving. At the dawn of Advent and as we prepare for the great gift of the Incarnation, how might we become a source of light for another in need of such warmth, kindness and generosity?

PAGE 10, Thursday, December 7, 2023


The mixed legacy of Henry Kissinger


ENRY Kissinger died a week ago. He was 100 years old. Major newspapers such as the New York Times and the Washington Post devoted several full pages to accounts of his life and many accomplishments. In doing so, however, they also did not gloss over the immense resentment and even hatred he engendered in many parts of the world, especially those many nations not in Europe, the Middle East or East Asia which did not particularly interest him, nor to which he devoted any particular attention beyond what seemed to be required. But this eminent scholar turned diplomat and consummate power player in Washington and New York also was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to end the Vietnam War, and remains the only person to have served as both American Secretary of State and National Security Adviser. After his death, he was probably most favourably recalled by state leaders in China, whose post-World War II political acceptance into the rest of the world was inaugurated and facilitated by Kissinger’s quiet diplomatic efforts – the famous “opening to China” - 50 years ago. A widely-quoted biography notes that “Henry Alfred Kissinger (born Heinz Alfred Kissinger)

was a German-born American bureaucrat, diplomat, and 1973 Nobel Peace Prize laureate. He served as National Security Advisor and later concurrently as Secretary of State in the Richard Nixon administration. Kissinger emerged unscathed from the Watergate scandal, and maintained his powerful position when Gerald Ford became President.” Kissinger, who with his Jewish family immigrated to the US as the Nazi grip tightened on Central Europe in 1938, made his early reputation at Harvard University, where his doctoral research led him to a fascination with the 19th Century Austrian Foreign Minister Prince Klemens von Metternich, whose name will probably for centuries to come remain familiar to even casual students of European diplomatic history. Kissinger’s masterful account of the Congress of Vienna and efforts to restore stability in Europe after the revolutionary upheaval unleashed by the military success of Napoleon, A World Restored, may be the finest book of diplomatic history ever written in the US. The book gave insight into how to create long-lasting geopolitical peace from the chaos that follows widespread regional or even global conflict. The peace brokered in 1815 by Metternich and others prevented another

Napoleonic-style upheaval in Europe for an entire century, even as the forces of nationalism forged the modern states of Italy and Germany and worker revolts shook major capitals. In his book, Kissinger recalled Metternich’s tireless efforts as lessons that Kissinger saw as applicable to the period following World War II, when he was writing this book. Attracted to and sympathetic with Metternich’s determination to maintain international order through big power relationships, Kissinger believed Metternich’s Realpolitik to be an appropriate template for navigating the natural tensions that emerged from the rise of the Soviet Union and later China after World War II. He is credited with largely developing and deploying the American policy of détente, a French word that has no single English language equivalent. Détente became the watchword of American foreign policy leadership during and after the tumult of the Vietnam War, both in the US and elsewhere. Kissinger led the charge toward détente during his greatest ascendancy from 1969-1977. But while this enigmatic, brilliant figure managed relations with the USSR and China with consummate skill, and also notably helped to broker a degree of peace in the Middle East after wars in 1967 and 1973 that substantially endured

SECRETARY of State Henry Kissinger briefs reporters in 1973, at the State Department in Washington. Kissinger died on Wednesday, Nov. 29, 2023. He was 100. (AP Photo, File) until Hamas shattered it two months ago, he also seemed not to care much about the rest of the world, except as it played a supporting role in great power relationships. Most other nations didn’t really matter to Kissinger: The world order was set in Bonn (until 1990 the capital of divided post-war Germany), Moscow, Beijing and Washington. “Nothing important can come from the South,” Kissinger is reported to have said to the Chilean foreign minister Gabriel Valdes at a luncheon in June 1969. When Valdés retorted “you know nothing of the South,” Kissinger responded: “No. And I don’t care.” Chile is one of many nations that particularly revile the memory of Kissinger for his influencing the American role in the overthrow of Chile’s democratically elected leader Salvador Allende in 1973. Cambodia is another nation hardly enamoured of Kissinger. During the Vietnam War, Kissinger reportedly urged Nixon to bomb previously neutral Cambodia, ultimately shattering its monarchy and providing a chaotic context for the rise of the murderous Khmer Rouge. Kissinger enjoyed his celebrity immensely during the administrations of Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. He became a darling of the society pages of major newspapers and magazines. His owlish appearance did not deter an astounding array of actresses, models and other beauties who accompanied

him to glittering social events. “Power,” he ruefully noted on more than one occasion to explain his appeal to beautiful women, “is the ultimate aphrodisiac.” As a boss, State Department and NSC staff recall him with little affection. He was well-known in both departments for receiving well-wrought analysis and recommendations from his most senior advisers, then dismissively returning the documents to their authors with the order to rethink and revise their work. It was widely understood that he would only rarely even read a position paper when it was first presented to him. It gradually emerged that he felt he would be wasting his time on most papers until they had been laboriously reworked at least twice. Kissinger also surrounded himself with a small coterie of trusted outside advisers, ignoring the career officials whose experience and expertise sustain most democratic governments. While this is not unusual in either the State Department or the White House, it was exceptionally pronounced under Kissinger. Insiders still recall an incident that illustrates his disregard for “lesser” issues that might undermine his larger policy goals. For instance, in negotiations with the Soviets on new embassy sites in Washington and Moscow in the mid-1970s, Kissinger reportedly ignored experts’ concerns in his haste to conclude an agreement.

Even as the vital importance of interception of microwave communication was steadily increasing in intelligence work, a lofty embassy perch was best for clandestine monitoring of official communications. Nonetheless, Kissinger as Secretary of State agreed to establishment of the new US Embassy in Moscow on low ground near the Moscow River. But he allowed the Soviets to buy a site for their new mission near the Washington National Cathedral on one of the highest points in America’s capital city. Any stigma from this modest subordination of American security interests to his higher strategic goals has largely missed Kissinger. After leaving government service over 40 years ago, he amassed a considerable personal fortune as a consultant to wealthy politicians, businessmen and even monarchs. For many years, Kissinger also wrote surpassingly readable and insightful commentary for the Post and Times on a dazzling array of international subjects. He made a ceremonial visit to China just this past summer, where he was reportedly received with considerable affection and even reverence. There is little question that this was a man of substantial consequence in the world, serving literally at the right hand of American presidents who were the most powerful figures on earth. But his legacy will always be mixed. One headline noted his passing thus: “Celebrity statesman drew acclaim and criticism.”

SANDRA DAY O’CONNOR, THE FIRST WOMAN APPOINTED TO US SUPREME COURT, DIES AGE 93 SUPREME Court Associate Justice Sandra Day O’Connor poses for a photo in 1982. O’Connor who joined the Supreme Court in 1981 as the nation’s first female justice, died at age 93. (AP Photo, File)


andra Day O’Connor died just two days after Kissinger at age 93. Hers was also an American life of great consequence, but with almost none of the controversy that surrounded Kissinger. The first woman ever appointed to the American Supreme Court in 1981, she often remarked that “it’s fine for me to be the first to do something, but I don’t want to be the last.” Four women now sit on the highest US court. A female majority is likely in the future. O’Connor set a

standard for grace and devotion to the law that will help to ensure that. After 25 years on the high court, O’Connor resigned to care for her ailing husband. He soon died, and in her place George W Bush appointed Samuel Alito, whose retrograde conservatism helped lead to the many hard-right decisions the court continues to make. O’Connor’s greatest wish in retirement was the removal of politics from American judicial appointments. It has not happened yet.


Thursday, December 7, 2023, PAGE 11

Coroner to oppose police appeal in Azario case from page one “This extraordinary delay is extremely burdensome and has brought a lot of stress on the family because this matter should have been dismissed in May,” said Frederick Major, Azario’s father, on Friday. In February, a five-person jury ruled against two officers after Azario was killed outside Woody’s Bar on Fire Trial Road on December 26, 2021. At the start of the

coroner’s inquest, Mr Maynard filed a motion questioning the constitutionality of the coroner’s inquest. He argued that pretrial publicity prevented his clients from having a fair inquiry. When he argued this before the Supreme Court, Justice Williams told him he was doing a “disservice” to his clients by insisting the inquest finding be quashed because Acting Coroner Kara Turnquest-Deveaux did not consider his constitutional motion.

Justice Williams said the acting coroner was within her rights not to refer his initial constitutional motion to the Supreme Court because the inquest was underway. He indicated in August that his decision on the motion would be revealed on October 30, but has not yet released the ruling. Azario’s relatives want the officers to face criminal charges. Acting Director of Public Prosecutions Cordell Frazier has said she will decide on this after the various appeals end.

$6,500 FINE OVER MARIJUANA IN CAR By PAVEL BAILEY Tribune Staff Reporter pbailey@tribunemedia.net A MAN was fined $6,500 after admitting to having 4.8lb of marijuana in his car near Potter’s Cay Dock earlier this week. Magistrate Samuel McKinney charged Robin Ferguson, 27, Javar Ferguson, 26, and Marvin Bodie, 22, with possession of

dangerous drugs with intent to supply. The trio were arrested after police found several packages containing a total of 4.8lb of marijuana in their vehicle near Potter’s Cay Dock on December 5. The drugs seized have an estimated street value of $4,800. Robin Ferguson pleaded guilty to the charge while his co-accused Javier

Ferguson and Marvin Bodie - pleaded not guilty. The charges against Javier Ferguson and Bodie were dropped. Magistrate McKinney ordered Robin Ferguson to pay a fine of $6,500 or face a one-year prison sentence. He must pay $4,500 of his debt before his release, with the balance to be paid by the end of December.

ACCUSED OF CARRYING LOADED GUN By PAVEL BAILEY Tribune Staff Reporter pbailey@tribunemedia.net A MAN was sent to prison after he was allegedly seen walking with a loaded gun at his waist on Lily of the Valley Corner last weekend. Magistrate Lennox Coleby charged Jacky

Auguste, 23, with possession of an unlicenced firearm and possession of ammunition. Auguste was allegedly seen walking with a gun around 2pm on December 3. When the accused spotted officers, he allegedly attempted to run away and tossed the weapon during the chase.

After Auguste was caught, officers recovered a black Taurus G3 pistol with eight rounds of 9mm ammunition from the surrounding area. After Auguste pleaded not guilty to the gun charges, the prosecution objected to him getting bail until they have had time to do a background check on him.


from page one Dion Miller said the problem is that the parades have outgrown their venue, with interest in the events growing post-pandemic. Mr Davis told reporters yesterday: “You know, the essence of Junkanoo is Bay Street, and so the question is, do we move that essence of Junkanoo from Bay Street?” “We are not giving any consideration to that at this time because that’s a question of managing persons. “We could only accommodate so many persons

on Bay Street, and those who are unable to come, we might have to find a way to ensure that they could see it virtually.” An estimated 8,100 seats are available for the 2023/2024 parades. Thirty-seven per cent of seats in prime locations –– Rawson Square and in front of Scotiabank –– are reserved for government partners, groups and sponsors. The premium seating in Rawson Square holds 1,728, and the section in front of Scotiabank holds 624. Mr Miller estimated on Tuesday that an additional 4,000 seats are required to

comfortably satisfy the demand for seating. On Monday, residents complained about technical challenges with the ALIV Events app, with many encountering a tedious process of securing tickets. The launch of the app last year was seen as an opportunity to modernise ticket purchasing for the Junkanoo parades. People can also buy tickets at ALIV Cable Beach and Habour Bay stores. • Do you think Junkanoo has outgrown Bay Street and should move to a new location? Vote in our poll on www. tribune242.com.

PAGE 12, Thursday, December 7, 2023


FIGHTING BETWEEN ISRAEL AND HAMAS RAGES IN GAZA’S SECOND-LARGEST CITY, BLOCKING AID FROM POPULATION By NAJIB JOIBAIN, JACK JEFFERY and LEE KEATH Associated Press RAFAH, Gaza Strip (AP) — Israeli troops battled Hamas militants Wednesday in the centre of the Gaza Strip’s second-largest city, the military said, pressing a ground offensive that has sent tens of thousands of Palestinians fleeing to the territory’s southernmost edge and prevented aid groups from delivering food, water and other supplies. Two months into the war, Israel’s offensive into southern Gaza was bringing to Khan Younis the same fierce urban fighting and intensified bombardment that obliterated much of Gaza City and

the north of the territory in past weeks. But in the south, the areas where Palestinians can seek safety are rapidly shrinking. Ahead of the assault, Israel urged residents to evacuate Khan Younis, the childhood home of two top Hamas leaders. But much of the city’s population remains in place, along with large numbers who were displaced from northern Gaza and are unable to leave or wary of fleeing to the disastrously overcrowded far south. Cut off from outside aid, people in U.N.-run shelters in Khan Younis are fighting over food, said Nawraz Abu Libdeh, a shelter resident who has been displaced six times. “The hunger war has

started,” he said. “This is the worst of all wars.” The U.N. says some 1.87 million people — over 80% of the population of 2.3 million — have already fled their homes, many of them displaced multiple times. Almost the entire population is now crowded into southern and central Gaza, dependent on aid. International officials escalated warnings over the worsening humanitarian calamity. “Palestinians in Gaza are living in utter, deepening horror,” U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk said at a news conference in Geneva. “My humanitarian colleagues have described the situation as apocalyptic.”

PALESTINIANS displaced by the Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip set up a tent camp in Rafah on Wednesday. (AP Photo/Hatem Ali) Israel’s campaign has killed more than 16,200 people in Gaza — most of them women and children — and wounded more than 42,000, the territory’s Health Ministry said late Tuesday. The agency has said many are also trapped under rubble. The ministry does not differentiate between civilian and combatant deaths. Israel has vowed to fight on, saying it can no longer accept Hamas rule or the group’s military presence in Gaza after the Oct. 7 attack that triggered the war. Hamas and other militants killed about 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and took captive some 240 men, women and children in that attack. An estimated 138 hostages remain in Gaza after more than 100 were freed during a cease-fire last week. Their plight and accounts of rape and other atrocities committed during the rampage have deepened Israel’s outrage and further galvanised support for the war. URBAN WARFARE NORTH AND SOUTH The refugee camp within Khan Younis was the childhood home of Hamas’ top leader in Gaza, Yehya Sinwar, and the group’s military chief, Mohammed Deif, as well as other Hamas leaders — giving it major symbolic importance in Israel’s offensive. Israeli military spokesman Daniel Hagari said Sinwar is “not above ground, he is underground,” but would not elaborate on where Israel believes him to be. “Our job is to find Sinwar and kill him.” The military said its special forces at Khan Younis had broken through defence lines of Hamas fighters and were assaulting their positions in the city centre. It said warplanes destroyed tunnel shafts and troops seized a Hamas outpost as well as several weapons caches. The Israeli accounts of the battle could not be independently confirmed. Video released by the military showed commandos and troops moving amid sounds of gunfire down city streets strewn with wreckage and buildings with giant holes punched into them. Some took positions behind an earthen berm, while others inside a home fired out through a window, its flowered curtains fluttering around them. Hagari said heavy fighting was also continuing in the north, in the Jabaliya

refugee camp and the district of Shujaiya. Hamas posted video it said showed its fighters in Shujaiya moving through narrow alleys and wrecked buildings and opening fire with rocketpropelled grenades on Israel armored vehicles. Several of the vehicles are shown bursting into flames. Its account could not be independently confirmed. But Hamas’ continuing ability to fight in areas where Israel entered with overwhelming force weeks ago signals that eradicating the group while avoiding further mass casualties and displacement — as Israel’s top ally, the U.S., has requested — could prove elusive. Israel accuses Hamas, which has ruled Gaza for 16 years, of using civilians as human shields when the militants operate in residential areas and blames that for the high civilian death toll. But Israel has not given detailed accounts of its individual strikes, some of which have leveled entire city blocks. The military says 88 of its soldiers have been killed in the Gaza ground offensive. It also says some 5,000 militants have been killed, without saying how it arrived at its count. PUSHED TO THE EDGE Tens of thousands of people have fled from Khan Younis and other areas to Rafah, on Gaza’s southern border with Egypt, the U.N. said. Rafah, normally home to around 280,000 people, has already been packed with more than 470,000 who fled from other parts of Gaza. On the other side of the border, Egypt has deployed thousands of troops and erected earthen barriers to prevent any mass influx of refugees. It says an influx would undermine its decades-old peace treaty with Israel, and it doubts Israel will let them back into Gaza. Overcrowded shelters and homes are now overflowing, residents say. “You find displaced people in the streets, in schools, in mosques, in hospitals … everywhere,” said Hamza Abu Mustafa, a teacher who lives near a school-turned-shelter in Rafah and is hosting three families himself. For the past three days, aid groups have only been able to distribute supplies in and around Rafah — and mainly just flour and water, the U.N.’s humanitarian aid office said. Access farther north has been cut

off by fighting and road closures by Israeli forces. The World Food Program warned of the worsening of “the catastrophic hunger crisis that already threatens to overwhelm the civilian population.” Israeli strikes continued in Rafah, where the military has told evacuees to take refuge. One strike Wednesday evening leveled a home in the town’s Shaboura district, where hours earlier the military had announced a pause in operations to allow delivery of aid. A wave of wounded flowed into a nearby hospital, including at least six children. Medics carried in the limp form of one little girl, her face bloodied. “We live in fear every moment, for our children, ourselves, our families,” said Dalia Abu Samhadaneh, now living in Shaboura with her family after fleeing Khan Younis. “We live with the anxiety of expulsion.” She said diarrhea was rampant among children, with little clean water available. A Palestinian woman who identified herself as Umm Ahmed said the harsh conditions and limited access to toilets are especially difficult for women who are pregnant or menstruating. Some have taken to social media to request menstrual pads, which are increasingly hard to find. “For women and girls, the suffering is double,” Umm Ahmed said. “It’s more humiliation.” Gaza has been without electricity since the first week of the war, and several hospitals have been forced to shut down for lack of fuel to operate emergency generators. Israel has barred entry of food, water, medicine, fuel and other supplies, except for a trickle of aid from Egypt. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said his Security Cabinet has approved small deliveries of fuel into the southern Gaza Strip “from time to time” to prevent a humanitarian crisis and the spread of disease. The “minimal amount” of fuel will be set by the war cabinet, a three-member authority in charge of managing the war against Hamas, Netanyahu said. The decision comes as Israel faces mounting pressure from the United States to ramp up aid to Gaza. Israel has greatly restricted shipments of fuel, saying Hamas diverts it for military purposes.

US ANNOUNCES NEW WEAPONS AID FOR UKRAINE AS CONGRESS IS STALLED ON MORE FUNDING By LOLITA C. BALDOR and MATTHEW LEE Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. is sending a $175 million package of military aid to Ukraine, including guided missiles

for the High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS), anti-armour systems and high-speed anti-radiation missiles, the Pentagon and State Department announced on Wednesday. The latest aid comes as Congress remains stalled on legislation that would provide new funding for Ukraine as it battles to push back Russian forces, as well as money for Israel’s war with Hamas and other security needs. The Biden administration has said funding to aid Ukraine is running out, and the Pentagon packages of weapons and other equipment for the war have become much smaller in recent months. In a statement, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that unless Congress approves the supplemental funding, “this will be one of the last security assistance packages we can provide to Ukraine.” The White House is seeking nearly $106 billion, but the bill has gotten bogged down in negotiations over border security and because of increasing

reluctance from Republican lawmakers to approve significant spending on the Ukraine war. GOP lawmakers are insisting on policy changes to halt the flow of migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border as a condition for the assistance. As part of the push to break the deadlock, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was scheduled to address U.S. senators by video Tuesday, but Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said he had to cancel his appearance. The latest weapons package will be provided through presidential drawdown authority, or PDA, which pulls weapons from existing U.S. stockpiles and sends them quickly to the war front. Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder, the Pentagon press secretary, said Tuesday there is about $1.1 billion left in funding to replenish U.S. military stockpiles for weapons and equipment sent to Ukraine. And he said there is roughly $4.8 billion in drawdown authority still available.


Thursday, December 7, 2023, PAGE 13


AN INDUCTION ceremony was held for 11 recruits of the Bahamas Alrae Ramsey Institute of Foreign Affairs (BARIFA) at the National Training Agency on Tuesday. THE late founding Chancellor of the Bahamas Alrae Ramsey Institute of Foreign Affairs (BARIFA), Ambassador HE Alma Adams was celebrated and remembered throughout the induction ceremony for 11 new recruits of the Institute at the National Training Agency on Tuesday, December 5. The vision of the institute is to be the centre of excellence for foreign service education, training and research which prepares foreign service officers and diplomats to function effectively in the global arena. Minister of Foreign Affairs Fred Mitchell congratulated the newly inducted officers and explained that the institute

Photos: Mark Ford/BIS

was established to make sure that the country’s Foreign Service Officers are prepared for the roles that they play in representing The Bahamas in countries all around the world. Mr Mitchell said the institute will ensure that the training of foreign service officers will continue across successive government administrations. The most outstanding recruit taking home the Minister’s Award as well as several subject awards was Romica Josey. Karen Symonette took home the Vice-Chancellor Award and Obafemi McKenzie took home the Alma Adams Award for Leadership.

ROMICA Josey was the most outstanding recruit.

MINISTER of Foreign Affairs Fred Mitchell.

OBAFEMI McKenzie took home the Alma Adams Award.

KAREN Symonette took home the Vice-Chancellor Award.

Climate talks shift into high gear. Now words and definitions matter at COP28 DUBAI, United Arab Emirates Associated Press THE mood is about to shift, the hours grow longer and the already high sense of urgency somehow amp up even more as the United Nations climate summit heads into its final week. Every sentence, every word — especially those about the future elimination of planet-warming fossil fuels — will matter at the UN conference in oilbuilt Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. Professional negotiators who have been working on getting options into shape will turn over their work to senior national officials, many at minister levels, who will have to make the tough political choices. “We’re heading into quite a political process, less access into the negotiating rooms, negotiations

will go deep into the night, a number of nights,” said David Waskow, international climate initiative director for the World Resources Institute. Even with the hard work to come, some of those who are about to do it have this sense of optimism, especially because everyone has the day off on Thursday. “We had a pretty damn good week here in Dubai already. Now, obviously, there are some complicated issues to still resolve. We all know that. Nobody is ducking and nobody is going to pretend about that,” US Special Envoy John Kerry said. “The negotiators are basically trying to put together in each section a relevant a set of options. And then we ministers will have the fun and pleasure next week of kind of noodling through those options.” Multilateral negotiations

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— involving in this case nearly 200 parties — are much different and often more difficult than the horse-trading two countries can do in bilateral talks, said veteran diplomat Adnan Amin, the COP28 CEO. The key document is called Global Stocktake. It’s the first of its kind in UN climate negotiations, saying how far the world has come from the 2015 Paris agreement — where nations agreed to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) since preindustrial times — and what it has to do next. A draft came out late Monday and negotiators have been poring over it. Next, officials like Amin will get “a very clear sense by the end of the week where people stand on the text.” Amin said there’s a rhythm to these climate talks. “You start off very hopeful, euphoria,” Amin said. “Things are happening. Then the negotiations get hard and people start spreading rumors and conjecture and a little bit of depression, and then things start to come up again. And the clarity of the negotiation process becomes clearer. Then you have the

political engagement, and that’s where the real intensity and excitement comes.” This is all going the way it should, even if it seems overwhelming, said German special climate envoy Jennifer Morgan. “There’s now a text with many, many brackets (choices), 30 different groups of options for the global stocktake that now needs to be consolidated so that ministers next week can start getting into each of those topics and finding solutions,” Morgan said. “There’s this moment when one thinks, oh, my gosh, so many texts, so many brackets. But I think, actually the process is going along as it should.” EU negotiators say the core document is in pretty good shape and are confident the key issues are clearly defined. Options remain open for ministers taking over the negotiations which is not often the case at this stage of these difficult multilateral talks. They expect a new text with the latest amendments to be issued in the early hours of Friday morning, for talks to begin in earnest on Friday at a ministerial level and for a presidentialled process similar to talks Glasgow or Paris.

EU countries, along with small island countries — oft-victimised by climate change — and some progressive Latin American countries are aligned on calling for a phase-out of fossil fuels, negotiators said. While there will be strong resistance to this measure, officials are confident references to fossil fuels will appear in the final text for the first time and within a timeline compatible with UN science reports. Representatives for poor nations and climate advocates are putting a lot of pressure on negotiators for the fossil fuel sections. “The success of COP28 will not depend on speeches from big stages,” said Uganda climate activist Vanessa Nakate. “It will depend on leaders calling for a just and equitable phase-out of all fossil fuels without exceptions and distractions.” Wopke Hoekstra, the European Union climate commissioner said the bloc will make a big push on the issue, “giving it our all”. A phase-out “will cost money,” Avinash Persaud, climate envoy for Barbados said, asking who’ll pay. “I don’t understand why they are pushing for it to be global. United States

and Canada are two of the richest countries and largest producers of fossil fuels. Why don’t we have phaseout there? It’s the cheapest place to phase-out and will have the biggest impacts.” Kerry said he gets that. “There has to be a fairness in the air here,” Kerry said. “You know, we don’t want people just coming ... feeling maybe, you know, punched a little bit here.” And it’s not just fossil fuel language. “One way or another, next week is going to be really difficult,” said Power Shift Africa policy adviser Amy Gillian-Thorpe. “I think we’re leaving the lights on the second week. And that’s really unfortunate that we haven’t been able to move forward, particularly on adaptation issues.” Kerry said the sense of urgency will win out. “I’m not telling you that everybody’s going to come kumbaya on the table,” Kerry said. “But I am telling you we’re going to make our best effort to get the best agreement we can to move as far as we can, as fast as we can, and that’s what people in the world want us to do. It’s time for adults to behave like adults and get the job done.”



NFL PICKS, Page 17

Shockers win title

CROSS COUNTRY: QC, SAC Xavier’s Lower School Giants tie series 1-1 FINISH ON TOP

By TENAJH SWEETING Tribune Sports Reporter tsweeting@tribunemedia.net


he Sts Francis and Joseph School Shockers’ boys swept the Xavier’s Lower School Giants 2-0 in the Catholic Board of Education Primary Schools Championships to become the 2023 champions yesterday at Loyola Hall. The Shockers’ girls will return to the same venue today to try and accomplish the same feat after the Giants evened their best-of-three series 1-1 in game two. For the boys, the win not only made them champions but it was the cherry on top of an undefeated regular season and postseason run. Nkomo Ferguson, head


By TENAJH SWEETING Tribune Sports Reporter tsweeting@tribunemedia.net

ALL FOR ONE: The Sts Francis & Joseph School Shockers boys are Catholic Board of Education Primary Schools champions. Photo: Tenajh Sweeting/Tribune Staff

DON’T BLINK FESTIVITIES UNDERWAY By TENAJH SWEETING Tribune Sports Reporter tsweeting@tribunemedia.net DON’T Blink Week got off to a rousing start yesterday at the Andre Rodgers Stadium with a kids baseball and softball skills clinic followed by a celebrity softball game getting this week’s festivities started. The kids’ clinic was organised by the Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA) with Don’t Blink and Players Way collaborating to aid in the development of youth in The Bahamas. Tony Clark, executive director of the MLBPA, was grateful for the collaboration between Don’t Blink and the MLBPA along with the potential opportunities it can bring. “We are grateful for an opportunity to be here, thanks for coming out today and bringing our next generation of ball players. As an organisation our commitment is to

the well-being of the game, our player fraternity, that’s the past, present and future and that is why we are excited to be here alongside Todd Isaacs Sr and Jr, Lucius and Don’t Blink. The great work that has been done over the last six years and will continue to be done moving forward,” Clarke said. The Don’t Blink Home Run Derby was first started in 2018 by childhood friends Todd Isaacs Jr and Lucius Fox. Since its inception nearly six years ago, the baseball extravaganza has grown to astronomical heights which was apparent yesterday when more than 200 kids attended the baseball and softball clinic. The MLBPA executive director is hopeful that the partnership between Don’t Blink and Players Way can continue beyond this. “We are hopeful in the years to come that we can continue to have a presence in support of Don’t Blink and the programming around it. A lot of

SPORTS CALENDAR MACEDONIA BAPTIST CHURCH FAMILY FUN WALK THE Men’s Department of Macedonia Baptist Church is scheduled to hold a Family Fun Walk Race to kick off the new year and the beginning of its Men’s Anniversary at 6am on Saturday, January 6 with a Family Fun Walk Race. The event will honour the late Minister Charles Albury, who passed away this year. It starts at the church on Bernard Road, Fox Hill, and heads west on Bernard Road to the Village Road round-a-bout and returns on Bernard Road to the church. Awards will be presented to the first three finishers in each category for men and women. There will be an award for the church with the most finishers. T-shirts will be provided, as well as a bowl of souse. The registration fee is $20 per person. For those not participating in the walk, souse will be sold at $10. Interested persons are urged to contact Brent Stubbs at 426-7265 or stubbobs@gmail.com for further information.

THE sports rivalry between the Queen’s College Comets and St Augustine’s College (SAC) Big Red Machine continued over the weekend at St Andrew’s School for the Bahamas Association of Independent Secondary Schools (BAISS) Cross Country Championships. The Big Red Machine and the Comets collected three division titles apiece at the one-day event last week Friday. SAC won the under-13 boys, under-17 girls and under-20 boys divisions. Meanwhile, the Comets emerged victorious for the under-13 girls, under15 boys and under 20 girls divisions. The remaining division titles went to Temple Christian High School and




A JOINT EFFORT: Tony Clark, executive director of the Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA), extends a token of their appreciation to Don’t Blink to celebrate the partnership between the two to host a successful baseball and softball kids’ clinic at the Andre Rodgers Baseball Stadium on Wednesday. that programming that we We are excited about the both got their starts in hope to be involved with opportunity to be here and Nassau, Bahamas but had both here in The Bahamas support Dont Blink and the to move abroad to pursue and beyond, it is gonna be vision that they have had their baseball aspirations. focused on teaching and for baseball here in The Now with the chance to development of the game Bahamas. We are excited bring those opportunities in the next generation. It about what it is gonna look back home, Isaacs talked is also gonna be in support like, not just today but also about the pros of being of the coaches and encour- tomorrow,” he said. partnered with Players aging and equipping them Fox and Isaacs, co- Way. to continue to breathe founders of the “The into the next generation. Greatest Show on Sand”, SEE PAGE 18

Dec 2023

NPVA VOLLEYBALL NEW Providence Volleyball Association continues its regular season this week with the following games on tap: Friday - 7:30pm - Spikers vs. Poppers (L). 9pm - Lady Techs vs. UB Mingoes (L). Sunday - 3:30pm - UB Mingoes vs. Lady Warhawks (L) 5pm - Panthers vs. Spikers (L). A BASEBALL CHRISTMAS THE National Sports Authority is slated to host a Baseball Christmas at the Andre Rodgers Baseball Stadium from December 22-23. The public is invited to come out and get signed autographs from the Bahamian professional baseball players, who will also complete in a series of games. There will also be an over-40 exhibition game between some of the former players. Tickets are priced at $5.

THE Bahamas Professional Golfers Association (BPGA) is gearing up for its 50th Year National Professional Golf Championships for men, women and senior men. The Championship will be held at the Ocean Club Golf Course December 14-17 at the Atlantis resort on Paradise Island. The 72-hole showdown is expected to be a display of the best professional golf talent from the Bahamas. Coming home to compete for the professional championship for first time will be Bahamian U.S. Touring


PRESIDENT OF BOXING FEDERATION VINCENT STRACHAN OFF TO CONGRESS VINCENT Strachan, president of the Boxing Federation of the Bahamas, left town on Tuesday for the International Boxing Association Ordinary Congress in Dubai, UAE. Strachan is slated to return December 10. This is expected to be one of the most contentious and challenging Congress for IBA and its members in a very long time. For the first time, many of the major countries would not be in the room. They broke away and formed the World Boxing to rival IBA. The president is Boris van der Vorst from the Netherlands. He realised that his dream of becoming IBA’s president has become a nightmare or an illusion because he has not defeated Russian Umar Kremlev, IBA’s president, since 2020. Van der Vorst has done more for members of IBA than any president. Among some of the great things he implemented in his abbreviated first term

VINCENT STRACHAN that lasted for two years are providing training and competition equipment to all the members of IBA. He also introduced payments for medal winners at all elite boxing championships and introduced The Golden Belt series and the Professional five rounds for male and females and they receive equal pay to male boxers. Most of all, he cleaned up the mess that president Woe left IBA in which in part led to IBA suspension in 2019 by the IOC. Since IBA complied with all the requirements from

the IOC just before their review, the gold post shifted every time and new requirements emerge. Finally after the formation of World Boxing, by a minute portion of IBA members, including USA, England, France, Germany. “I would not be surprised if the IOC gives control of Olympic boxing to World Boxing,” Strachan said. “It was widely believed that Boris van der Vorst was always very close to the IOC. In fact, he provided current and future updates from the IOC that was circulated by some of their cronies in the Caribbean region.” The IOC seems quite interested in the possible control of boxing in the world. The IBA, for now, controls more than 80% of the member federations/ associations of boxing in the world. “I am looking forward to this Congress and will represent my country the Bahamas and the Caribbean region with my colleagues,” Strachan said.


Thursday, December 7, 2023, PAGE 15

Upgrade to PGA Tour scoring includes ‘ShotLink in a suitcase’ in the Bahamas By DOUG FERGUSON AP Golf Writer JUST how far was Tiger Woods hitting his driver in the Bahamas? How many putts was Scottie Scheffler holing from outside 12 feet? Those details from the Hero World Challenge might not have been available until this year. Those tiny clips all but a few players wore on the back of their belts at Albany is what the PGA Tour refers to as “ShotLink bugs,” enabling the tour to gather most data it typically gets at domestic PGA Tour events. It’s part of a massive upgrade in the tour’s scoring and data collection which has reshaped the game from a statistical standpoint, providing more data for the media, invaluable statistical analysis for players and more information for fans. The tour has been testing them on the Korn Ferry Tour for the last 18 months. Ken Lovell, the tour’s senior vice president of golf technologies, said the devices players wore were accompanied by employees carrying a carbon fiber pole with GPS that can localise data within seconds. ShotLink is now handled remotely out of PGA Tour headquarters. “We built them for events like this,” Lovell said. It’s a big step toward making sure the ShotLink data — distances,

tendencies in shot dispersion, ball speed, shape, everything imaginable — is available at all PGA Tour events, even those outside the U.S. And eventually, it will be available at tournaments that have multiple courses, such as Torrey Pines or Pebble Beach. Another code name for the ShotLink bugs is “ShotLink in a suitcase.” “We cannot ship that much equipment into the Bahamas,” Lovell said, citing costs and other logistics. It’s a work in progress to make sure the data is accurate to an inch, not a foot. But it’s part of a larger upgrade for the PGA Tour in which the number of 4K cameras used to track shots will increase at tour events. “A total rebuild,” Lovell said. The full ShotLink system will be in Hawaii next month for the first time. Lovell also said ShotLink would be provided at the U.S. Women’s Open for the second straight year. THE BALLOT The ballot is in the mail — electronically, of course — for PGA Tour members to vote on their player of the year, and it’s all the usual suspects. British Open champion Brian Harman is the only major champion not on the ballot, as that was his only win this season. Players who choose to vote will decide among Scottie Scheffler (two wins

VIKTOR Hovland lines up his putt on the third green during the Hero World Challenge PGA Tour at Albany Golf Club Saturday. (AP Photo/Fernando Llano) NIEMANN’S CHOICE including The Players Joaquin Niemann had a Championship, money title and lowest scoring aver- successful two weeks Down age), U.S. Open champion Under, and now the LIV Wyndham Clark (two wins), Golf player from Chile has Masters champion Jon some decisions ahead of Rahm (four wins), FedEx him. Niemann, who didn’t Cup champion Viktor Hovland (three wins) and Rory have a finish higher than seventh his year on the LIV McIlroy. McIlroy had only two circuit, was fifth in the Auswins in going a 10th straight tralian PGA and then won year without a major. He the Australian Open. That was cited for having 13 top moved him to No. 59 in the world ranking, though he 10s in his 18 starts. Different from previous has no other tournaments years, the winner will not be this year to try to crack the announced until the start of top 50 and earn another trip next season at The Sentry to the Masters. Niemann, however, at Kapalua. The rookie of the year has two weeks to decide ballot has Ludvig Aberg, whether to take European Eric Cole, Nico Echavar- tour membership because ria and Vincent Norrman. the Australian Open was Aberg won at Sea Island co-sanctioned. That would and played in the Ryder give him a chance to play Cup just four months any of three Middle East after he turned pro. Nor- events before the LIV rman and Echavarria won season starts. Niemann opposite-field events. Cole resigned his European tour finished in the top 50 in the membership in 2022 when he joined the Saudi-backed FedEx Cup.

league. Still unclear was whether he would need to pay any fines, and any effect of not playing enough when he was a member. His manager, Carlos Rodriguez, said he would speak to Niemann over the next few days. Niemann is playing the Chile Open this week, which is not affiliated with a world ranking tour. His only other way into the Masters would be to play the International Series on the Asian Tour in the spring, though ranking points are not that high. FAMILY AFFAIR Steve Stricker is making his debut in the PNC Championship next week, and he should be thankful he didn’t have to choose between his two daughters, both good players. Stricker will be playing with his youngest, Izzi, a Wisconsin state high school champion. “I didn’t have a choice,” Stricker said. “Plus, Bobbi is a pro, and I think they’re staying away from that part of it.” Part of the criteria is that partners don’t have playing status on a professional tour. Bobbi Stricker, who played at Wisconsin, had Epson Tour status this year. She missed by one getting out of the first stage of LPGA Q-school. “She’s excited for Izzi, but I know deep down it hurt a little bit,” Stricker said. “We talked about that over the years how cool it would be.” It’s still going to be a family affair. Stricker’s wife

and Bobbi will caddie. To be determined is who caddies for whom. “That will depend on personalities,” Stricker said with a laugh. TIS THE SEASON The LPGA Tour is wrapping up its rain-delayed Q Series in Alabama. The PGA Tour has its first Q-school in a decade next week near PGA Tour headquarters. In between is PGA Tour Champions qualifying, which starts this week with a field that includes one major champion (Shaun Micheel) among some 18 players who have won on the PGA Tour. It also includes former Atlanta Braves pitcher John Smoltz, who made it through the first stage of qualifying and now hopes for a second career. Only the top five earn cards for the 50-and-older circuit (a playoff would decide any ties). Those who finish between Nos. 6 and 30 are allowed to play qualifiers for Champions events. STAT OF THE WEEK Scottie Scheffler had an adjusted scoring average of 68.63. It was the seventhlowest average on the PGA Tour since 1980. The six ahead of him all belong to Tiger Woods. FINAL WORD “You spend more time in the treatment room and weight room than you do on a golf course. That’s just part of wanting to hang around as an athlete.” — Tiger Woods.

GOLF OFFICIALS TO ROLL BACK BALL FOR PROS AND WEEKEND HACKERS ALIKE - NOT EVERYONE IS HAPPY By DOUG FERGUSON AP Golf Writer GOLF’s ruling bodies are changing the equipment testing to make sure the golf ball goes shorter for everyone from Tiger Woods to the amateur who plays public courses on the weekend. The USGA and R&A announced its decision yesterday, capping more than five years of intensive study on distance that led them to believe consistent gains off the tee — some 30 yards by PGA Tour players over the last 25 years — was detrimental to the game. “There’s virtually no denying that the game at the highest end is longer by a long shot today than it was 20 years ago,” said Mike Whan, the CEO of the USGA. The change is not effective until 2028 for tour and elite golf, 2030 for recreational golfers. The original proposal in March was a “Model Local Rule” that would lead to a shorter golf ball only at the elite level, which would

create two sets of rules for the first time. The PGA Tour and PGA of America strongly opposed it. Instead, the USGA and R&A are changing the test that measures how far the ball goes, leaving in tact the “Overall Distance Standard” limit of 317 yards with a 3-yard tolerance. The new test will be a club swung at 125 mph, equivalent to ball speed of 183 mph (up from 120 mph club speed and 176 mph ball speed); with a spin rate of 2,200 rpm (down from 2,520 rpm) and a launch angle of 11 degrees (previously 10 degrees). For the longest hitters, they expect the ball to go up to 15 yards shorter — 11 yards shorter for average tour pros, 7 yards for female tour players and 5 yards or less for everyone else. Keegan Bradley isn’t sure about that. He said Srixon made him a golf ball that would have met proposed standards and it was flying 40 to 50 yards shorter. “I think that the USGA … everything that they do is reactionary,” Bradley

said last week in the Bahamas. “They don’t think of a solution. They just think we’re going to affect 100% of the population that plays golf. For the amateur world to hit the ball shorter is monstrous. I can’t think of anything more stupid than that.” The PGA Tour had said it would not adopt the proposed “Model Local Rule.” It was not entirely pleased with a new equipment rule. “Throughout the process, we have provided feedback to the USGA and The R&A and are pleased to see a number of our recommendations reflected in this most recent announcement,” the tour said in a statement. “However, we believe the proposed increase in test clubhead speed to 125 mph is disproportional to the rate of increase we see when analysing PGA Tour radar data.” The PGA Tour had 98 players who averaged 300 yards in driving distance, led by Rory McIlroy at 326.3 yards. McIlroy took to social media last week

when Golf Digest first reported the new test. “It will make no difference whatsoever to the average golfer and puts golf back on a path of sustainability,” McIlroy said. “It will also help bring back certain skills in the pro game that have been eradicated over the past two decades.” Woods said last week in the Bahamas he has long been in favour of bifurcation — two sets of rules — similar to aluminum bats and wooden bats in baseball. That example, however, would suggest changing the drivers. Drivers were on the table for the USGA and R&A a year ago until they zoomed in on the ball. Their only action on drivers was to expand the test of how long the ball stays on the face of the club, known as characteristic time. There is concern that with extended use of the club, the face gets thinner and allows for more of a trampoline effect. The big development was the golf ball — how far distance has come in 40-plus years, fear by the governing

bodies how much farther it will go as players get stronger and move faster with better technique. The PGA of America, with its 30,000 club professionals, joined the PGA Tour in saying it was happy the governing bodies did not go with two sets of rules, and even pushed back the date the rollback begins — it originally was proposed to start in 2026. “We remain opposed to any change that may potentially lessen the enjoyment of the game for recreational golfers or diminish the unprecedented momentum the game is enjoying,” the PGA of America statement said. “It appears recreational golfers will see a greater reduction in distance than we would advise. “While this decrease has been lessened, we continue to recommend being more moderate on the swing speed change for the golf ball conformance test.” Manufacturers and tour officials were hopeful of providing input before the testing change was announced, especially

because it doesn’t take effect for four years. Whan said the 125 mph club speed was open for feedback in 2022 and there was no point in delaying the decision with another comment period. He also balked at the notion that distance will plateau if nothing is done now. “Some people will argue, ‘We don’t think distance is going farther. The speed these top guys are hitting it is the fastest we’re going to see,’” Whan said. “We’ve said consistently, ‘Then you’re not spending enough time with the high-end amateur golf like we are.’ Spend a day with me at the Walker Cup and I’ll show you ball speed at a whole other level. “There’s no logical reason to believe that speeds, and therefore distances, are coming down.” PGA Tour data, however, indicates big hitters from the Korn Ferry Tour slow down their swing speed when they get to the PGA Tour to adapt to the way courses are set up.

MANCHESTER CITY LOSES 1-0 AT ASTON VILLA AS WINLESS RUN EXTENDS TO FOUR MATCHES IN WOBBLING EPL TITLE DEFENCE BIRMINGHAM, England (AP) — Manchester City was thoroughly outplayed in a 1-0 loss at Aston Villa in the Premier League yesterday that extended the champions’ winless run to four matches and left them six points behind leader Arsenal. Leon Bailey scored off a deflected shot in the 74th minute, one of 22 efforts on goal by Villa in a dominant victory that lifted Unai Emery’s team above City and into third place. City fell to fourth place and its title defence is starting to creak after 15 of 38 games. So underwhelming was City’s display at Villa Park that the team attempted just two shots, the fewest ever by a team managed by Pep Guardiola in league play. City was overrun in midfield without Rodri, its anchorman who was

banned. It has lost three league games this season and all of those have come while the Spain holding midfielder has been out through suspension. When Rodri is in the team, City is unbeaten in its last 43 matches. Fourteen was the magic number for Villa. It was Emery’s first career win over Guardiola in 14 attempts and the team’s 14th straight home win, tying a club record. Bailey was the matchwinner, cutting inside onto his weaker right foot and sending in a shot that flew up off the outstretched leg of Ruben Dias and beyond Ederson. Villa also struck the post through Douglas Luiz and forced Ederson into a slew of saves, leaving City on its worst run since MarchApril 2017 — Guardiola’s first year in charge of the club.

MANCHESTER City’s Bernardo Silva leaves at the end of the English Premier League soccer match between Aston Villa and Manchester City at Villa Park in Birmingham, England, yesterday. (AP Photo/Rui Vieira)

“In these years, we have found a way to win games but we have struggled a bit and we have to find a way,” Guardiola said. “It is my job to find a solution. The dynamic changes by winning games. “When a team is better, you have to recognise it.” With Jack Grealish and Jeremy Doku also missing for City through suspension and injury, respectively, Guardiola was forced into a midfield that included two defenders — John Stones and Rico Lewis — with another, Manuel Akanji, pushing forward. City was imbalanced and Villa took advantage, swarming all over the visitors and having 13 shots in the first half alone. Aside from Erling Haaland being denied twice in quick succession by Emiliano Martinez in the 11th minute, City struggled to get out of its own half in

what proved to be a tactical masterclass by Emery. For Villa, it was a 23rd home win of the calendar year. It can match a top-flight club record that dates back to 1931 when Arsenal visits on Saturday. A win and Villa would be just one point behind Arsenal after nearly half the campaign. “We have to be excited but we need to keep the balance,” Emery said. “I want us to be a team with a winning mentality and be balanced. “We are aware of where we are in the table. But behind us is Manchester City, Manchester United and Tottenham and it is going to be very difficult,” said Emerry. The loss for Manchester City came after three straight draws, against Chelsea, Liverpool and Tottenham.

PAGE 16, Thursday, December 7, 2023


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Thursday, December 7, 2023, PAGE 17

Pro Picks: Steelers will top Patriots in a close, low-scoring game featuring two struggling offences

By DAVE SKRETTA AP Sports Writer

By ROB MAADDI AP Pro Football Writer MITCH Trubisky gets another chance to prove he can be a starting quarterback, stepping in for the injured Kenny Pickett to lead the Pittsburgh Steelers on Thursday night. He won’t have to do much against the dreadful New England Patriots (2-10). The Patriots have scored 13 points over the past three games and are averaging 9.4 points per game in five straight losses. Bailey Zappe was no better than Mac Jones, producing even fewer points. New England might as well bring back Steve Grogan or Tony Eason. The Steelers (7-5) are sixpoint favorites, according to FanDuel Sportsbook. Pro Picks expects a closer game with few points. STEELERS, 13-8 DETROIT at CHICAGO Line: Lions minus 3 Jared Goff and a highoctane offense has Detroit (9-3) winning despite a shaky defense that has given up an average of 28.8 points in the past six games. The return of Justin Fields and a much-improved defense keeps the Bears (4-8) competitive. BEST BET: LIONS, 27-20 TAMPA BAY at ATLANTA Line: Falcons minus 2 1/2 The NFC South is on the line and the Buccaneers (5-7) must win this game to have a shot at their third straight division title. The Falcons (6-6) are winning despite QB Desmond Ridder. UPSET SPECIAL: BUCCANEERS, 20-17 LOS ANGELES RAMS at BALTIMORE Line: Ravens minus 7 1/2 A three-game winning streak has the Rams (6-6) in the playoff race. Lamar Jackson and the Ravens (9-3) are chasing the AFC’s No.1 seed. Baltimore is 1-8 against the spread in the past nine games it’s been favored by seven points or more. RAVENS, 24-17 CAROLINA at NEW ORLEANS Line: Saints minus 5 1/2 A coaching change helped the Panthers (1-11) play more competitive. The Saints (5-7) have lost three straight and Derek Carr is back in concussion protocol. SAINTS, 23-16 INDIANAPOLIS at CINCINNATI Line: Colts minus 1 1/2 Rookie coach Shane Steichen has the Colts (7-5) in the playoff race with backup quarterback Gardner Minshew leading an offense averaging 25 points per game. They’ll face the


NEW England Patriots quarterback Bailey Zappe (4) is sacked by Los Angeles Chargers linebacker Eric Kendricks (6) during the second half of an NFL football game on Sunday, December 3, in Foxborough, Mass. (AP Photo/Michael Dwyer) league’s lowest-ranked defence. But the Bengals (6-6) are coming off a stunning upset in Jacksonville that put them back in the playoff chase. COLTS, 27-23 JACKSONVILLE at CLEVELAND Line: Browns minus 3 Trevor Lawrence has a sprained ankle that could force him to miss a game for the first time in his career and the Jaguars (8-4) lost wide receiver Christian Kirk to injury. They’re 6-0 away from home this season, but the Browns (7-5) are allowing just 10.2 points per game in Cleveland. Veteran QB Joe Flacco played well in his first game for the Browns, but the defense needs to step up with Myles Garrett slowed by a shoulder injury. BROWNS, 20-19 HOUSTON at NEW YORK JETS MINNESOTA at and the Bills (6-6) have no TENNESSEE at Line: Texans minus 5 1/2 LAS VEGAS margin for error. This game MIAMI Rookie QB C.J. Stroud Line: Vikings minus 3 shaped up to be a potential Line: Dolphins minus 13 and the Texans (7-5) are The Vikings (6-6) hope AFC championship pre- 1/2 making a playoff run. The a week off gave them view when the schedule Tua Tagovailoa, Tyreek hapless Jets (4-8) have answers to fix a two-game came out. Now Buffalo has Hill and the Dolphins given Aaron Rodgers losing streak. Same for the to fight just to get a wild- (9-3) seem unstoppable on no reason to attempt an Raiders (5-7). card spot. CHIEFS, 27-23 offense. The good news for improbable comeback this VIKINGS, 23-19 PHILADELPHIA at the Titans (4-8) in a lost season. DENVER at LOS DALLAS season is rookie QB Will TEXANS, 20-10 ANGELES CHARGERS Line: Cowboys minus 3 Levis has shown plenty of SEATTLE at Line: Chargers minus 2 1/2 potential. SAN FRANCISCO 1/2 The humbled Eagles DOLPHINS, 31-20 Line: 49ers minus 10 1/2 The Chargers (5-7) (10-2) still own the best GREEN BAY at NEW Brock Purdy, Christian snapped a three-game record in the NFL after get- YORK GIANTS McCaffrey and the 49ers losing streak with a 6-0 win. ting whipped by the 49ers. Line: Packers minus 6 (9-3) are looking like the They’ll need to score more The surging Cowboys 1/2 best team in the NFL. They against Russell Wilson and (9-3) are closing in fast. Fresh off an upset win have to keep winning to the Broncos (6-6). The Eagles beat Dallas over Mahomes and the surpass Philadelphia for CHARGERS, 23-22 28-23 in Philadelphia last Chiefs, Jordan Love and the NFC’s No. 1 seed. BUFFALO at month. The Cowboys had the Packers (6-6) are back The Seahawks (6-6) have KANSAS CITY a chance at the end with a in the playoff race. Tommy lost three in a row and were Line: Chiefs minus 2 1/2 first down at the Eagles 6 DeVito has led the Giants blown out by San Francisco The Chiefs (8-4) are in the final minute before (4-8) to two straight wins, at home on Thanksgiving. 18-3 after a loss with Pat- self-destructing. but they’re home under49ERS, 31-22 rick Mahomes. Josh Allen COWBOYS, 27-26 dogs. PACKERS, 23-20

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — The Kansas City Chiefs could be getting injured linebacker Nick Bolton back just in time after they lost his replacement, Drue Tranquill, and several other key players to injuries during last week’s loss to the Green Bay Packers. Tranquill was still in the concussion protocol on Wednesday, when the Chiefs resumed preparation for Sunday’s game against the Buffalo Bills. But coach Andy Reid said that Bolton would continue to practice after they opened the 21-day window in which they must decide whether to activate him or put him on season-ending injured reserve. Bolton has been out since having surgery for a dislocated wrist sustained during a Week 7 win over the Los Angeles Chargers. “Nick is a great player, a significant impact player,” Chiefs defensive end Mike Danna said. “Just having his presence back there is going to be huge for us.” The Chiefs also lost starting safety Bryan Cook to what appeared to be a significant ankle injury in Green Bay, though most of the tests on it have revealed encouraging results. Reid called it “a sprain” and said that he was still being evaluated. Mike Edwards and rookie Chamarri Conner are likely to replace Cook in the lineup. On the opposite side of the ball, the Chiefs are preparing to play without left tackle Donovan Smith because of a neck stinger, and they are unsure whether running back Isiah Pacheco will be available because of a bruised shoulder. Pacheco ran 18 times for 110 yards and a touchdown against the Packers. If he is unable to play against the Bills, the Chiefs would lean on Clyde Edwards-Helaire and potentially Jerick McKinnon, who returned to practice Wednesday after a groin injury. Wanya Morris, a thirdround pick in April’s draft, played well in Smith’s place against the Packers. He had been earning a few spot reps even before the injury, and that left him prepared to take over when Smith had to leave the game. “Your preparation should never change,” Morris said Wednesday. “I just have to make sure I’m focused on the details.” Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes certainly has faith in his backup blindside protector. “He’s played well. If you watch the tape, he’s done a great job in the run game and the pass game,” Mahomes said.

49ers’ McCaffrey, Dolphins’ Hill among best bets to score in Week 14 By DORIAN COLBERT IT’S crunch time, playoff time, and scoring is of the utmost importance. These are the players who will take you to the top in Week 14, the best bets to score. Running Back JOE MIXON, BENGALS It’s a tale of two halves for Mixon, who’s scored in all but one game since his Week 7 bye. Backup QB Jake Browning hasn’t been the end for the Bengals offense and Mixon is playing a major role to help alleviate the pressure. Only seven running backs had more snaps than Mixon last week. In Week 14 he’ll face the Colts, our fourth-best matchup for opposing runners. Indy has allowed 13 rushing TDs this season, the third-highest mark in the league, so Mixon is in a

prime position to thrive this week. ALVIN KAMARA, SAINTS Kamara has trudged through a tough run of opponents these past few weeks and come out on the other side with two scores. He’ll get a major reprieve this week against a Panthers defense that’s our absolute best matchup for opposing running backs, allowing a league-high 19 TDs to running backs this season. Kamara has 130 odds from Vegas, better than most, to find the end zone this week. CHRISTIAN MCCAFFREY, 49ERS I couldn’t keep CMC off the list this week as his matchup with Seattle is just too tempting to pass up. He had 139 combined yards and two TDs in his first meeting with the Seahawks, so expectations are high for the encore this week.

49ERS running back Christian McCaffrey is tackled by Eagles players on December 3 in Philadelphia. (AP Photo/Matt Slocum) The league leader in run- again, but he’s the CMC ning back scoring (17 TDs), of WRs, a virtual lock to McCaffrey is likely to main- find the end zone in almost tain and extend his lead in every game. Week 14. Vegas has him at His matchup this week -200 odds to score, the best only strengthens the arguof any player this week. ment as Miami gets the Wide Receiver Titans at home, the fourthTYREEK HILL, best matchup for opposing DOLPHINS wide receivers in the league I’m stating the obvious coming in. The league by putting Hill on the list leader in receiving TDs,

Hill has -150 odds, highest for a receiver this week, so mark him down for at least one trip to the end zone. CEEDEE LAMB, COWBOYS Similar to Mixon, Lamb came alive after his bye, scoring seven TDs in his six following games, compared to just one in the first six games. He’s going to be the key of the Cowboys offense this week, as his opponent, the Eagles, are second best against the run but last against receivers. Staying on the field more than 92% of the time, Lamb brings a 27.49% TD dependency and -135 Vegas scoring odds into the game. COURTLAND SUTTON, BRONCOS Sutton has yet to reach 100 yards receiving this season, but his nine TDs

are the third-highest wide receiver tally in the league. He’s strong in the red zone and he’s going against a Chargers team that’s our second-best matchup for opposing wide receivers. They’ve allowed 15 TDs to wide receivers this season, the third-highest mark for a defense thus far. Sutton is the likely recipient of any expected scores, and Vegas gives him 120 odds to do so, the fourthbest odds for a receiver this week.


PAGE 18, Thursday, December 7, 2023


Joel Embiid has seasonhigh 50 points in 76ers’ 131-126 win over Wizards WASHINGTON (AP) — Joel Embiid scored a season-high 50 points and had 13 rebounds to help the Philadelphia 76ers beat the Washington Wizards 131-126 last night. Embiid reached 50 points for the sixth time in his career. He had a careerbest 59 on November 13, 2022, against Utah. The reigning NBA MVP was 19 of 24 from the field, making a 3-pointer on two attempts, and hit 11 of 13 free throws. He also had seven assists and six turnovers in just over 38 minutes. Tyrese Maxey added 26 points and also had seven assists, and De’Anthony Melton had 18 points. Kyle Oubre returned after missing 11 games after being struck by a vehicle November 11 in a hit-and-run incident in downtown Philadelphia. He had 12 points in 19 minutes. Jordan Poole led Washington with 23 points. The Wizards are 3-17. MAVERICKS 147, JAZZ 97 DALLAS (AP) — Luka Doncic had 40 points, 11 rebounds and 10 assists playing only three periods after the first first-half triple-double of his career in Dallas’ victory over Utah. Doncic had his 60th career triple-double to move past Larry Bird for sole possession of ninth place on the career list. It was the first 25-point firsthalf triple-double in NBA history. It was the Mavericks’ highest-scoring game this season and two points short of their highestscoring game ever in regulation. Dallas’ 52-point lead in the closing minutes was one point short of the franchise record set in November 2014 in a 123-70 win over Philadelphia. Kyrie Irving added 26 points for Dallas. Ochai Agbaji led Utah with 21 points. GRIZZLIES 116, PISTONS 102 DETROIT (AP) — Desmond Bane scored 32 of his career-high 49 points in the second half and Memphis handed Detroit its 18th straight loss. Detroit is 2-19, with the losing streak the longest

PHILADELPHIA 76ers centre Joel Embiid greets fans after an NBA basketball game against the Washington Wizards last night in Washington. (AP Photo/Nick Wass) in one season in franchise Mike Conley added 18 their fifth win in six games. He also had six history and second-longest points, Anthony Edwards Atlanta has lost four of rebounds in 27 minutes. overall behind a 21-game had 17 and Naz Reid 15. five. Shai Gilgeous-Alexander slide at the end of the Karl-Anthony Towns finTrae Young had 30 led Oklahoma City with 1979-80 season and start of ished with 14 points and 10 points for Atlanta. 33 points on 13-of-18 1980-81. rebounds to help MinneHEAT 112, shooting. The streak is the longest sota improve to 16-4. RAPTORS 103 BULLS 111, in the NBA since Houston Edwards returned after TORONTO (AP) HORNETS 110 lost 20 straight in 2020-21. missing two games because — Caleb Martin had a CHICAGO (AP) — The Philadelphia 76ers of a right hip pointer, but season-high 24 points and DeMar DeRozan scored hold both NBA records, went 4 of 17 from the field. a career-best 12 rebounds, 29 points and Chicago beat setting the single-season Gobert matched up Duncan Robinson scored short-handed Charlotte for mark at 26 in a row in 2013- often with good friend 21 points and Miami beat its third straight victory 14 and the overall mark at and French countryman Toronto. following a five-game skid. 28 at the end of 2015-16 Victor Wembanyama in Jimmy Butler scored Nikola Vucevic had 20 and start of 2016-17. the rookie’s first game in 19 points, Orlando Rob- and 11 rebounds for the Bane was 19 of 31 from Minnesota. inson had 15 points and Bulls and and Coby White the field, hitting 4 of 8 Wembanyama struggled 12 rebounds and Jaime added 19 points. 3-pointers, and made against Minnesota’s height Jaquez Jr. added 15 points Gordon Hayward scored seven free throws without with Gobert, Towns and to help the Heat win for 27 points for Charlotte, a miss. Reid, scoring just 12 points the second time in six and Terry Rozier had 25. He also had eight assists on 4-of-13 shooting. He games. CAVALIERS 121, and six rebounds. His pre- had 10 rebounds. Pascal Siakam scored 30 MAGIC 111 vious scoring high was 38 NETS 114, points for Toronto. CLEVELAND (AP) — against Brooklyn on Oct. HAWKS 113 ROCKETS 110, Donovan Mitchell scored 24, 2022. ATLANTA (AP) — THUNDER 101 35 points, Darius Garland TIMBERWOLVES 102, Mikal Bridges hit the HOUSTON (AP) — added 26 and Cleveland SPURS 94 deciding fadeaway jumper Dillon Brooks scored 23 overcame Paolo BancheMINNEAPOLIS (AP) with 4.5 seconds remain- points and Houston beat ro’s 42-point night to beat — Rudy Gobert had 16 ing and scored 32 points Oklahoma City to end a Orlando. points and 21 rebounds in Brooklyn’s victory over three-game losing streak. The No. 1 overall pick in and NBA-leading Min- Atlanta. Aaron Holiday scored a the 2020 draft, Banchero nesota held on to beat There were 43 lead season-high 22 points off went 16 of 26 from the field San Antonio for its fifth changes and 11 ties, with the bench and matched for Orlando, which lost for straight victory and the Bridges hitting the deci- a career best with six just the second time in 11 Spurs’ 15th loss in a row. sive shot to give the Nets 3-pointers. games.


FROM PAGE 14 “The benefit of the partnerships that we have this week with the MLBPA, Players Trust, Players Way and also Players Alliance, it just goes to show the strength in unity. Collaboration is the best thing, when you bring several different heads in baseball together it creates possibilities that you didn’t even know existed. Being here today with this kids’ camp, in the beginning we did not know it would grow into something like this. We did not know that it would have grown at this rate being able to bring down the MLPBA to be a part of this event,” “It just goes to show in year six what is to come in the future. The future is bright, the future is endless. We just want to continue to push the narrative to just show the world what we have to offer in The Bahamas. We are no different than anyone else in the baseball community and just want to show the kids what is possible. We are starting to change the game, make the game a little bit more exciting, showing the game and our country in a new light,” he said. Next up on the schedule of events will be the Don’t Blink/ Minority Baseball Prospects Futures Showcase in Paradise 5pm today at the Andre Rodgers Stadium. The Bahamian minority baseball prospects expected to compete are Edwin Darville, Tavano Baker, Alex Eneas, Dave Neely, Lamar Sealy, Tejahri Wilson, Teron Davis, Amari Burrows, Lorenzo Stevenson Jr, Chamont Barry and Aden Taylor. “With the showcase that we are hosting tomorrow with the minority baseball prospects it was something that Lucius and I talked about years ago, wanting to do a tournament around the event to provide an opportunity for the kids that are coming behind us, an opportunity that we did not have. Lucius and I both had moved off to high school in the United States where we had to be away from our families just to chase a chance of having the opportunity to being professional baseball players. “For us to be here today with these partnerships and now having a showcase in The Bahamas, us as Bahamians not having to travel to the US but the US coming here to the Bahamas and the kids getting to see and experience The Bahamas for the first time. “At that age it just continues to set lights off and opens their minds to what is out there in the world. “The impact that is gonna have on them is gonna last forever just like it did for us,” Isaacs said. The week of festivities will lead up to the Don’t Blink Home Run Derby in Paradise 1pm December 9 at Fort Montagu Beach.


coach of the Shockers and recipient of the coach award, was very pleased with the 16-3 dominant victory. “It feels awesome and they played well. The game was a bit sloppy but they cleaned it up at the end. It feels really good to close out the season undefeated,” Ferguson said. The Shockers meant business in game two of the best-of-three championship series against the Giants. The team steamrolled the latter for two consecutive quarters and went into the halftime break leading 8-0. In the third quarter, the team kept the run going by scoring another two points to make the lead 10-0 at the 1:03 mark. The Giants were finally able to get on the scoreboard in this period following a lone made free throw. The latter then scored a layup to change the score to 10-3. However, the Shockers remained unphased and scored backto-back uncontested layups to seal the deal on a perfect basketball season. Emery Sturrup was the team’s leading scorer with 6 points in the closeout game. Overall, he culminated his postseason run with a total of 29 points between the

RUNNERS-UP: The Xavier’s Lower School Giants boys finished the 2023 Catholic Board of Education Primary Schools Basketball Championships as the runners up. Photo: Tenajh Sweeting/Tribune Staff playoffs and championship rounds to earn him the League’s Most Valuable Player (MVP) and championship MVP trophies.

Sturrup talked about the experience of winning his first championship with the Shockers. “I feel good and I am excited because I have

never won a championship so I am happy for all of us. The game was fun and I learned a lot,” the MVP said.

Girls Although the boys fell to the Shockers, the Giants’ girls rebounded 7-6 in game two to force a win or go

home game three today at Loyola Hall. Both teams traded baskets in the opening minutes of the contest to even the score at 2. The halftime break saw the Giants in charge 4-3. The game came down to which team could knock down their shots at the charity stripe and the Giants answered the call. Grace Smith, who finished with 4 points for the Shockers, split a pair of free throws at the line making the score 6-4. Smith was fouled again on a shot attempt and made a free throw while missing another off the iron. With the Giants in charge 7-5, the Shockers had a chance to force an extra period of play but Smith was unsuccessful in her final attempts at the foul line. Raygail Smith, head coach of the Giants, said a change in the team’s game plan helped them to earn Wednesday’s win. “We had to change our game plan from yesterday’s game. We made a couple more defensive plays. We knew we could not double team them so we played a tight man to man defence and it paid off,” she said. “We have to finish the job, we want to win tomorrow,” she added. Game three gets underway 3:45pm today at Loyola Hall for the girls division of the Catholic Board of Education Primary Schools Championships.


Thursday, December 7, 2023, PAGE 19






COMETS, BIG RED MACHINE FINISH ON TOP IN BAISS CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIPS FROM PAGE 14 Windsor Preparatory School for the under-15 girls and under-17 boys respectively. For SAC, Dylan Simon took home a first place finish ahead of his competitors with a time of 10:59.09 in the under 20 boys’ event. Zion Miller placed second for QC trailing behind Simon with a time of 11:23.50. The Big Red Machine’s Edoney Russell earned the third podium spot in 11:32.44. Chrislynn Smith led the way for a Comets win in the under 20 girls’ event, finishing with a time of 12:51. Mical Bullard, of Temple Christian, was not too far behind with a time of 12:56. Queen’s College earned another podium spot as Olana Prince collected a third place finish in 13:00. In the under 17 girls’ event, Yulianis Akompi

crossed the finish line first with a time of 13:08.22 for SAC. Zoe McCarroll, of Lyford Cay International School, followed behind to stop the clock at 13:35.05. The Comets’ Taylor Robinson wrapped up in third place at 13:39.45. For the boys, Ross Martin of Temple Christian outran his opponents with a time of 10:24.55 for first. William Minor, of St John’s College, wrapped up next in the event in 10:29.54 and Breck Kemp gave Temple Christian another top finish with third place. Hugo Enander benefitted from running on his home field to propel him to a win for St Andrew’s in the under 15 boys’ event. Windsor’s Donald Bain followed behind for second in 6:40.91 and Correll Davis of St Andrew’s as well ended in third. The Comets’ Jade Knowles bested her

competitors with a time of 7:26.29 to take home the victory for the under 15 girls. Issa Bournas, of Lyford Cay, settled for second in 7:26.44. Meanwhile, Emma Johnston, representing Windsor School, crossed the line third with 7:38.69 on the clock. The Comets’ Chyanne Hepburn and Cierra Delancy rounded up first and third place finishes in the under 13 girls event with times of 8:02.24 and 8:11.52. Temple Christian’s Ariel Thompson claimed second place with a time of 8:07.09. Ayden Russell represented Queen’s College well when he ran a time of 6:59.52 in the under 13 boys’ event. Thomas Fox, of Windsor School, concluded in second and Christon Joseph of St Anne’s was third out of all competitors.

professionals DeVaughn Robinson from Nassau and Cameron Riley from Freeport, Grand Bahama. Heading this group of professional golf talent for the men is current champion and best all-time player in the history of golf in the Bahamas, Greg Maycock from Freeport, Grand Bahama. Returning to competitive golf after 25 years is

Vernon Lockhart - the most all-around dominant junior, amateur and professional player of the 70s 80s and 90s in The Bahamas For the first time in history, the BPGA is introducing the Female Professional Golf Championship Division and heading up the women’s division is the talented junior, amateur and professional golf sensation Raquel Riley from Freeport and Georgette Rolle-Harris,

head golf professional at Royal Blue Golf Course, Baha Mar. This 50th Year Championship is dedicated to the memory of the late, great 1973 Bahamas Professional Golfers Association National Golf Champion, Donald “Nine” Rolle. Additionally, the BPGA will be hosting the Korn Ferry Golf Tour Qualifiers for Exuma and Abaco, one exemption spot for each event.

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