The Trojan Record 2022-2023 Edition 1

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Welcome to The Trojan Record

The Anderson High School Student Newspaper

Hello Anderson students! Welcome to The Trojan Record! We are a brand new club at Anderson High School in the 2022-2023 school year. Our mission is to provide students and faculty with information regarding Anderson High School andthetopicsathandoutsideof our academic community. This club aims to encourage students to become more involved in the processofpublicationinan

academic and diverse climate. The Trojan Record also aims to providestudentswithavoiceand an opportunity to share ideas, and practice professions they may be interested in beyond AndersonHighSchool.Withthis being our first publication, we inviteallstudentsatAndersonto join us participate in writing for The Trojan Record. We would lovetohearfromyou.

From your Editors, Luci Thompson and Ava Rener

Anderson High School 8403 Mesa Dr, Austin, TX 78759 October 31, 2022 Volume 1 Edition 1
Interested? Meetings on Tuesday at

School Functions

Why We Don’t Have Lockers

In books and movies set in high school, teenagers have lively conversations at lockers, make plans to meet friends at their lockers, and store textbooks and overflowingbinderstheresotheydon’thave to carry everything everywhere. Getting your own locker means taking on more responsibility. At Anderson though, lockers aren’t a part of our high school experience. But now that assignments are online in BLEND,doweneedlockersanymore?

When asked about the decision to not have lockers at Anderson, Brian Lancaster, an assistant principal for 10th through 12th said, “I'm not sure who made the decision. It was made long before I started at Anderson.” For some perspective, he started working at Anderson about three yearsago.

Some students have their own theories about why the change was made. Sakodian Wright, a junior, speculated, “The reason why we don't use lockers at AHS is that people will hide their drugs...They will probably hide weapons. They will break the lockers and steal things from other students.”

However, assistant principal Lancaster said, “Assigning a locker to a student at the beginning of the year and ensuring that they stay clean is an arduous process, and it hasn't seemed necessary whensomuchworkiselectronic.”

Many students still want lockers, though, even if most of their work is on the computer. “I think we should have lockers becauseit’smorehelpfultohaveallmy things at school because I leave my things in my room all the time. And I don’t need to have any more back pain from a heavy backpack,” Jacqui Buckland, a freshman, said. “I do still get paper work, so my backpackisheavy.”

For students who feel strongly about having a locker, Lancaster has good news: “If anyone wants a locker, all they have to do is request one. We just don't automatically assign them to students anymore.”

Helpful Apps for College Preparation

As the school year progresses, the time that students have to choose their path forward is getting shorter, as the decision would be best made before graduation (but that’s not necessary). For those who know exactly what career they want, the planning stage is effortless. However, for the people who are still figuring out what they want to do, it’s a lot tougher. To solve this increasing problem, many different solutions have been created for high school students.

One of these, known as Naviance, is a great tool to determine the interests of each student. It offers questionnaires to help determine each student's skill set and the career that might be interesting. Naviance can also connect students with a multitude ofscholarshipssothatmoreopportunitieswillbecome available in the future. Naviance also has a variety of other functions with the main goal being to help students stay organized throughout their time in high school. Especially since everyone at Anderson automatically has an account, it will be super helpful totakeadvantageoftheapp'sfeatures.

Another helpful tool for students trying to determine their interests is actually being able to experience different classes firsthand. The Coursera app allows people to explore courses that they might wanttotake,andgothrougheachoneallwhileonline. Plus, the app has a variety of different subjects and possible degrees to look through and try out. This app allowsstudentstoencounterdifferentcollegesubjects, and gain an understanding of what taking that class mightbelike,butwithoutallofthepressure.

Are you looking for universities that you want tovisit,butdon’thaveenoughtimetogotoinperson?

Clubs That Makeup AHS

Youmightbeoverwhelmedbyalltheclubsand activitiesthatareofferedhereatAnderson,sohere aresomeofthefunactivitiesoffered.Youcanbea partofsomethingthatembodiestheAHSspirit! Band

ThebandistheheartoftheTrojanspirit.Band isafamily,community,andhometogotofor studentswhowanttoplaytheirheartsout. Thesetalentedartistsplaytheirheartsand soulsoutateverypractice,peprally,andgame. Studentsputinmanyhoursoftheirweektohit thehighestnotesatpracticesandperformasa stunningensembleatgames.Ms.Lee,oneofthe bandinstructorssays,“Everytimetheyplay atthefootballgamestheirnewwork,compared totheirmiddleschoolwork,isimpeccable.”

Girls Basketball

Ifyou’reinterestedinsports,thenbasketballisfor you.Butboysbasketballisn’ttheonlyteam ofkidsmakingbaskets.Girlsbasketball isabigpartoftheAHSexperience. AlliyahEdmonsontells usaboutherexperienceontheteam asaSophomore,“Ijoinedbasketball myFreshmanyearbecauseIhadagenuinepassionforit.I’vecontinuedplaying becauseit’simportanttomyfamily.OurmaincoachisCoachHall,Ireallylike her. She’s different from other coaches because she cares about us and the sport and wants to seeussucceed.”


Cheerisagreatclubtohavefun,attendschoolfunctionsandgames,andcheerforonlythebest; AHS. Our freshman captain, Gillian Lawrence has great things to say about cheerleading, “Cheer is a good place to meet new people and learn new things”. When you walk into each practice for cheer, you’re welcomed into a family where you can know and learn collaboration, teamwork, and how to be your best self while dancing and flipping. Some of our Freshman cheerleaders, Emily Sochocket, Talia Septimus, and Ava Franks, love being a part of a family that loves and supports each other. “I came to Anderson not knowing anyone but cheer welcomed me,” says Emily Schocket. “It’s such a supportive group of people,” says Talia Septimus. “I joined cheer because I enjoy spending time with my friends and learning new things. I really love it, there hasn’t been a single bad moment. Mrs. Stuart is our coach. She’s so encouraging and has a great personality, I love her! I’m definitely returning next year. Cheer is awesomethewayitisandIwouldn’tchangeathing.”saysFreshmanAvaFranks.


The Dreamcatchers club's job is to help people in need of assistance with any medical disabilities. Sophomore, Sydney Neff, tells us how being with the Dreamcatchers not only helps other people feel good but helps create a well-rounded philanthropist. Thanks to Dreamcatchers, students have the opportunity to do good in their community. To quote Sydney, “I joined Dreamcatchers last year because they had cupcakes, now a year later, I’m helping people. Dreamcatchers is run by its senior body. The change in leadership has brought some changes, we have shorter meetings and I’d like for them to be more informational. I’ll most likelyjoinnextyear.Asawhole,Ithinkthisclubisareallygoodthing.”

Well, YouVisit offers this opportunity, all while being completely online! Using the app, students will have the ability to visit college campuses everywhere, without ever leaving their houses. YouVisit allows students to virtually tour different campuses all around the world, so they can experience the campus beforedecidingtoattendthecollege.

So, now that you know about all of these useful apps, pick one that sounds interesting, and try

Student Concerns at Anderson

So… You may have heard the recent rumors about the AB Lunches, and we know it might be a big change from previous years, especially for the people whohavebeenatAndersonforawhile.

On the first day of school we were given a rundown of all the new school policies implemented, and it might have been a shock to many people this year. As we know one of the newer policies that has sparked controversy is the no sitting in the hallway rule. If you have walked around the halls at lunch or the stairwells you would see papers indicating that there are no students allowed in those areas during lunch. To many, this was a huge confusion because no one knew why this wouldn't be allowed. If you attended Anderson last year, you know how many people sat in the halls. The halls are not the only places impermissible this year; the field, track, auditorium,andparkinglothavebeenbanned.

The new phone policy has sparked even more controversy, which is not a complete surprise. Last year each teacher had their own rules on whether phones are allowed or not, but this year the rules are

There are a multitude of reasons why these rules are being so enforced this year: school fights, not being respectful of school equipment, and not picking uptrash.Thetrashisawholenotherissueinitselfand should be made more aware of. Students should take some accountability in regard to these new policies because there is only so much staff can do to accommodate us, but if we aren’t meeting them halfwaythenourneedswon’tbemet.

1 Trojan Record Oct. 31, 2022
Credit: Luci Thompson

Mahsa Amini’s death, the “Morality Police” in Iran, and why people are speaking out

Followingthedeathof22-year-oldMahsa AminiinthecustodyofIranianpolice,large-scale protestsinmanymajorcitiesacrossIranhave eruptedandpersistedforthepastfewdays.Amini wasdetainedbyandtakenintothecustodyof Iran’s“moralitypolice”onallegedreportsofAmini incorrectlyfollowingIran’smandatorydresscode forallwomen.Amini“suddenlysufferedaheart condition,”accordingtoIranianstatetelevision, thenfellintoacomaandpassedaway.

ManyIraniansandothersfollowingthis recenteventareskepticalaboutthisreport.

The“Gasht-e-Ershad”,or“moralitypolice”, isaspecializedpoliceunitinIranthatenforcesa publiclymandateddresscodelawapplyingtoall womenabovetheageofpuberty--regardlessof theirethnicity,nationality,orreligiousconnection. Thisdresscoderequireswomentodressmodestly aswellascovertheirhairandneck.

ThedeathofMahsaAmini“comesamid growingcontroversybothinsideandoutsideIran overtheconductofthemoralitypolice,”onearticle fromnewssourceAlJazeerastates.Thisgrowing controversysurroundingthemoralitypolicepaired withthesuspiciousdeathofAminihassparked outrageandintensereactionsfrommanyIranians inandoutsideIran.

One Iranian student livinginAustin,who

has, for confidentiality reasons, declined to provide their name, states: “[When] you see police or guards, you should feel [safe], you should feel the peacefulness of that safety when they’re around, but with the morality police of Iran, [they] do not give you that feeling. [They] just give you the feelingofbeingterrified.”

Many young Iranians have begun publicly denouncingtheactionstakenbythemoralitypolice regarding Amini’s detainment and her suspicious death. Subsequently, protests have arisen and intensified as the Iranian government continues to push back violently against protesters. Recently, Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi has “decried the protests as ‘riots’ organized by Iran’s ‘enemies’” according to the New York Post, illustrating the foreseenviolentconsequencesoftheseprotests.

So why exactly are the morality police in charge of seeing that this code is “adequately” followed,andwhyaretheyenforcingitsoharshly?

Historically speaking, after the Islamic Revolution in 1979, the sentiment that the women of Iran, and those who were to visit or stay in Iran, were to wear a headscarf (like a hijab, for example) was adopted by the new government. This idea was then put into legislation as a kind of “Dress code Law” in 1983, just four years after the end of the Revolution. Between 1979 and1990, themorality

police began developing into a more formal presenceinIraniansociety.

Some sources view this mandatory public dress code as an “intensified misinterpretation of the Islamic Sharia law”, which states that both men and women should dress modestly. However, unlike the Sharia law, this dress code law does not necessarily hold religious or personal value and is targeted mainly at women, regardless of religion, ethnicbackground,ornationality,inIran.

Many disagree with the harsh enforcement of this law, as well as the harsh nature of the morality police, including popular Iranian athletes such as footballer Hossein Mahini, who states in a public tweet, “addressing the morality police: ‘We hate you’”, AlJazeera reports. “They are brutal. They do not know anything about guilt.” states the same Iranian student in Austin, describing their personalobservationsofthemoralitypolice.

This outcry and protesting have not been carried out in vain, however. Growing numbers of people are demanding reform and investigation, and President Raisi, in reaction to Amini’s death and the outrage sparked by the event, has “[promised] an investigation is being carried out,” according to another news source. The United Nations, following the most recent general assembly, has also “demanded an independent investigation”regardingAmini’ssuspiciousdeath.

2 Trojan Record Oct. 31, 2022

Vote in the Texas Gubernatorial Elections

By now, you have probably been harassed by history teachers and campaigners to register to vote. If you are a senior, you were likely caught coming back from lunch by people imploring you to register, and I sincerely hope you allowed them to help you. If you are registered to vote, you will be able to vote in the Texas Gubernatorial Elections (governor elections), on November 8, at your local polling place. If you are not sure if you are registered to vote, you can find out at Texas Electionet Administration System, “My Voter Portal”. Here, you will also find poll locations closest to you. In-person early voting this year begins on Monday, October 24, and ends on Friday, November 4. If you do not get to the poll during this period, no worries! You can go to the polls on Tuesday, November 8, the official election day and your last chance to vote for Texas governor.

Greg Abbott and Beto O’Rourke, the two main candidates, have some very opposing views on current hot topic issues. For example, Abbott’s gun policies are very reflective of the current laws Texas has, with very few restrictions on who can buy guns and when. O’Rourke, on the other hand, plans to increase the age to buy assault rifles from 18 to 21. This decision largely comes after the gunman in Uvalde bought a gun days after his 18th birthday, using it to kill nineteen children and two teachers. Abbott’s abortion policies are the strictest in the United States, banning it even in cases of rape and incest. O’Rourke, on the other hand, has been using this trigger law (thus named as it went into effect as soon as Roe v Wade was overturned) in his campaign against Abbot as he advocates for the rights of women. To learn more about the candidates and their policies,

Regardless of who you support and which issues matter to you, voting is essential to a democracy. Legitimate, fair elections are necessary for the survival of the United States. Every vote counts, so if you are registeredtovote…VOTE!!!

Mayoral Elections

In a city as dynamic and ever-changing as Austin, no election is of more consequence to our day-to-day lives than the local mayoral election. Austin’s current mayor, Steve Adler, has reached his term limit, meaning that for the first time in eight years the city ofAustinwillundergoachangeinleadership.Therearecurrentlysixcandidateswhowishto fill the position: Anthony Bradshaw, a security guard from southeast Austin; Phil Campero Brual, a student at UT Austin and legislative intern at the Capital; Celia Israel, a member of theTexasHouseofRepresentatives;GaryS.Spellman,co-founderofUltimate Face Cosmetics; Jennifer Virden, a real estate agent; and Kirk Watson, aprevious statesenatorandmayorofAustin. News is often solely focused on international scandals and global catastrophes, letting us forget that we have the power to make a difference in our government and in our lives; that we have the responsibility ofselectingwho we want to represent us and lead us. Early voting begins on October 24 and the general election will take place on November 8. One of the candidates above will soon be the new leader of Austin,and we get to decide which one. To learn more about voting in

The House and Senate Elections of 2022

This year, Midterms for the House and Senate have the nation watching on the edge of their seats; maintaining a majority or taking it will be determined on a razor-thin margin. For the Senate, Vice President Kamala Harris’ tie-breaking vote keeps the Senate locked in a 50-50 split. Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s position in the House will be decided when either Democrats remain in control, or the republicans can win the elections in 3 states. In 2022, all 435 House seats and 35 of the 100 Senate seats are on the ballot. Additionally, 36outof50stateswillelectgovernors.

Important Voting Dates 2022 Monday, October 24 -Firstdayofearlyvoting Friday, October 28 -Lastdaytoapplyforballot bymail Friday, November 4 -Lastdayofearlyvoting Tuesday, November 8 -ElectionDay Voting center at UT Austin Credit: Luci Thompson
3 Trojan Record Oct. 31, 2022

Popular Culture

Emmys Rundown

About seven weeks ago on September 12, one of the most watched awards ceremonies in America took place– the Emmys. As with many Emmysceremoniesinthepast,therewerevarioushighsandlows.

Ted Lasso, which is probably your dad's favorite show, took home four Emmy wins, the most notable being Outstanding Comedy Series, as well as Outstanding Directing for a Comedy Series. Jason Sudeikis (most recently in the tabloids for serving custody papers to OliviaWildeatthemovie’sComic-Condebut)won OutstandingLeadActorinaComedySeries.Many expertspredictedthatBillHaderwouldwin OutstandingLeadActorforhisTVshow thiswasnotthecaseandthetrendcontinued throughoutthenight.Barryonlyendedup winningthreeawardsattheCreativeArtsEmmys (differentfromregularEmmys),causingTwitterusers andfansoftheshowtotaketotheappinprotest,callingthe resulta“snub.”

ButBarrywasn’ttheonlyshowthatcausedfanoutrage thisyear. OnlyMurdersintheBuilding streamingonHuluhadthreewins,allattheCreativeArts ceremony. OnlyMurdersInTheBuilding Gomez,SteveMartin,andMartinShort,wasnominatedfor OutstandingComedySeriesandOutstandingLeadActor(twice!), butthebiggestshockwasthatGomezwasn’tnominatedforlead actress.This,however,wasoneofthelesserdisappointmentsofthe night.

ThehitTVshowamongstmultiplegenerations, Bad,starringBryanCranstonandAaronPaulgavebirthtothesequel, BetterCallSaul,starringBobOdenkirk,whichfinisheditssixthand finalseasonthisyear.BCS,asit’scommonlyreferredto,hadseven Emmy nominations– and won none. This was a disappointment to some, withOdenkirkbeingafavoriteforOutstandingActorinaDrama Series,whichwasultimatelywonbyLeeJung-Jaefor SquidGame

However,forallthefan-favoritelossesthat occurred,significantwinsstilltookplace.Lizzowonan EmmyforherTVShow WatchOutForTheBig Grrrls,whichisnowstreamingonAmazonPrime. ThiswinmakeshertwoawardsawayfromanEGOT (Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, Tony), having previously won three Grammys in 2020. Abbott Elementary, hailed for bringing back the mockumentary sitcom, first introduced by The Office won three Emmys. Sheryl Lee Ralph won Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series, making her the second Black woman to win the category since 1987. The series also won Outstanding Writing for a Comedy Series, with writer and star Quinta Brunson accepting the award. Criticism occurred duringthisevent,notofBrunson,butinsteadoflate-nightshowhostJimmy

World Cup XXII: Everything to know in 100 words or less

The World Cup is a global event where 32 teams from all around the world compete to win one of the most prestigious trophies any athlete can win during their career. It’s very prestigious because of its unpredictability and competitivenature,theteamthatyouleastexpectmightcauseafewupsets thatnobodysawcoming.Traditionfloodsthe stadium after every kick off, fans all around the world gather in the hosting nation towitnessallthe emotion and action the game can offer. Theinauguralkick off is on November 20th, hardtomissaneventlike this.

Kimmel who laid down on the stage while she gave her acceptance speech. Many took to social media platforms like Twitter to call him “disrespectful” and his actions “unacceptable.” Kimmel later let Brunson interrupt one of his late-night monologues, but many fans of the show still felt that was not

More historic wins occurred throughout the night such as ZendayawinningOutstandingLeadActressinaDramaSeriesfor Euphoria for the second time, the first Black woman to win the category twice. , however, did not win Outstanding Drama Series – that award wenttotheotherHBOhitSuccession.MatthewMacFadyen,known otherwiseforhisroleinthe2005adaptationof Prideand

Prejudice asMr.Darcy,took hometheOutstandingSupporting Actor in a Drama Series, beating out Kieran Culkin and NicholasBraun,alsonominatedfor Succession

Finally,thebiggestsweepofthenightcamefromthelimitedHBO series,TheWhiteLotus.AfterwinningtenEmmysthroughoutthe night, they also took home Supporting Actress in a Limited Anthology Series or Movie,whichwenttoJenniferCoolidge.This was her first Emmyever,but herabilitytofinishherspeechwascut shortasthenetworkcuttoacommercialbreak. AsusualwiththeEmmys,historywasmade,insultswerethrown, andTwitterwaspissedoffregardless.Can’twaittodoitallagainnextyear!

What if..?

Whatifyoucouldtakealookintothemindofaserialkiller? Areviewandrecommendationof You byCarolineKepnes

Haveyouever readabookand thought to yourself,“Iwonder why thevillain does what theydo?”If you have,you’renot alone. Weallwanttounderstand howandwhypeople'sminds work the way they do, especiallythosewhowepinas “evil.” Shows like Criminal Minds and Mindhunter seek toachievethisgoalbyexplaining these types of peoplefromanoutsideperspective,plainandsimple. But whatifwe couldgetafirst-handexperience?A primary source? What if you could take a look into the mind of a serial killer? In this special Halloween edition of “What if..?” that question is answered with Caroline Kepnes’ psychological thriller You

You isthestoryofabookstoremanagernamedJoe.Heleads a normal, New York life, but there’s one thing missing from it: love. When he finds the perfect girl, he gets a little in over his head. He gets a little… obsessed. But does he go too far? The answer is yes, obviously, but I implore you to read more. I absolutely loved this book.Itwassuchadeparturefromwhatweconsumeonthedaily.As readers, we are only subjected to the stories of the victims, but with the narrative flipped, we are able to make conclusions that we hadn’t ever thought of before. You will find yourself making excuses for his inexcusable actions, rooting for him, cheering at his triumphs and “aww”-ing at his failures. In the end, you realize this is not just a book about a stalker, but a look into the troubled mind of a man who thinkseverythinghe’sdoneisallrightinthenameoflove. You isthe perfect book for those of you who love true crime, psycho-analysis (I’m looking at you Psychology students), and love stories of the cute and creepy variety. Pick up a copy at your local bookstore or the Andersonlibrarytoday!

Dates:Sunday, November20,2022 throughSunday, December18,2022

Love On Tour - Update HarryStyles-Didheplayfanfavorite“Medicine”?Whatdidhewear? By Chloe Rizk and Adrienne Glover |StaffWriters
4 Trojan Record Oct. 31, 2022

Prospective viewers were drawn to Olivia Wilde’s newest film, Don’t Worry Darling, long before its release date. An immersive style, surprising cast list, and rumored on-set drama should be the perfect formula for a blockbuster movie; it should be. But, audiences with high expectations were sorely disappointed when they watched a film with a predictable plot, rushed ending, and a less-than-ideal performance from singer/songwriterHarryStyles.

The movie takes place in a charming neighborhood in the 1950s called “Victory,” a suburb of the “Victory Project.” Husbands leave all day for classified work and the wives happily clean and cook, eagerly awaiting their return. Although Wilde clearly wants to address the stigmatization of traditional family roles, she almost ends up glorifying them. The movie is categorized as a horror film, but the fear we may experience has nothing to do with Alice, played by Florence Pugh, slaving away in the kitchen or performing the same mundane tasks each day. Instead, it is up to us to draw a conclusion about the idea as a whole instead ofWildeclearlyinsertinghersocialcommentaryfor theaudiencetothinkabout.

Another issue with the movie is its pacing. Wearealmostimmediatelyshownreasontobelieve theVictoryProjectisnotasitseems,nnnnnnn

The Lead Up to Halloween Ends

In the next couple of weeks, the final movie of the Blumhouse Halloween trilogy, Halloween Ends, will premiere in theaters and on Peacock. The trilogy first started with Halloween (2018), which gathered generally positive reviews, while last year’s Halloween Kills gathered a mixed response in general. Many people are awaiting this year’s entry, and time will tell whenever it leaves an impact on its viewers.

But speaking of time, there is plenty of history behind the scenes from overthedecades.

The man who created the first two movies, John Carpenter, also known for The Thing, They Live, and Escape From New York, was approached to direct a film about a psychotic killer who stalked babysitters. He and his then-girlfriend Debra Hill began to write the script which took ten days, with the inspiration for Michael Myers coming from a trip to a Kentucky psychiatric institution, where an adolescentboygavea“blank,schizophrenic stare”. From there, production continued until the movie was finally released on October 25, 1978, to positive reception. This view grew over time and the film is now considered one of the best horror movies of all time, with the haunting Michael Myers becoming a popular horror icon among others and Laurie Strode often considered as one of the best final girls in horrormovies.

In 2018, Blumhouse produced Halloween, which was a big hit that not only revived the Halloween franchise since 2009, but eventually inspired ‘requels’ in other horror movie franchises. These include Scream (2022) and Texas Chainsaw Massacre. After last year’s Halloween Kills, Halloween Ends is being hyped up for the supposedly final fight betweenLaurieStrodeandMichaelMyers.

Sometime soon after the release of Halloween Ends, Blumhouse’s rights to the Halloween franchise will revert back to Malek Akkad, whose father had produced the original films before his unfortunate death in 2005. Hopefully, Halloween Ends will live up to its legacy and provide a satisfying conclusion to the Blumhouse trilogy.

Popular Culture

enigmatic facade. This produces little to no thrill when the plot twist comes since it has been made clear from the beginning that there is something wrong. And yet, even with an obvious plot, it is impossible to follow what is happening because we are fed so much information with no explanation. Where did the crashing plane come from? Why did some eggs have yolks and others were hollow? What’s with all the earthquakes? All valid questions that not even the “big reveal” at the end could answer. There are simply too many plot holes to make this movie comprehensible and the story as a wholefeelstoorushedtoenjoy.

The only clear point that can be gathered from the film isa well-formulated exampleofthe dangers of fragile masculinity. Jack, played by yourrrr

Harry Styles, is made insecure by Alice’s power and success and he even tries to trap her in the Victory Project with the prospect of having a child. Without giving too much away, it is revealed that Jack’s intentions are selfish and rooted in jealousy, which isnotaspureashemakesthemouttobe.So,Wilde successfully attacks his insecurity when it comes to stereotypical roles, but it takes watching it more thanoncetofigurethatout.

All in all, the movie is a fun watch if you aren’t looking for a cognitive payoff. The visuals are breathtaking and the original score is innovative. Florence Pugh gave a stellar performance that contrasted Harry Styles’ empty expressions and lack of emotion. He wasn’t awful, but putting a formerboybandmembernexttoanaward-winning actress was not the most complimentary arrangement. There's only one direction Wilde couldhavetakentomakethemoviebetter,andthat would be replacing Styles with a more qualified actor. The plot was rushed, unoriginal, and poorly paced, but Wilde made a valiant effort of exposing long-held ideas of social roles which should not go unrecognized. The trivial 39% it got on Rotten Tomatoes and general audience reaction would imply it wasn’t the best movie of the year, but don’t let that stop you from watching it and deciding for yourself.

ACL Weekend One Rundown 2022

Red Hot Chilli Peppers: The Red Hot Chilli Peppers closed on Sunday night and performed on the American Express stage. They came on stage at 8 pm opening with “Can't Stop” from their “By the Way'' album. The rest of the show included songs all throughout their discography, including one of their newer songs, “Black Summer”, and the classic “Californication”. Due to technical difficulties, they had to end a half hour early with an encore followed by “By the Way'' leaving the crowd without singing “Under theBridge”.

P!NK: Pink played Saturday night at 8:30 on the American Express stage. She opened with “Get the Party Started'' followed by “Raise Your Glass.” Her outfits went from a red jacket with an animal-printed shirt and green bottoms, to a white jacket, then a long pink dress, and lastly a red sparkly jumper. P!NK also included a variety of covers throughout her show, some being: “Me and Bobby McGee”, “Bohemian Rhapsody”, and “What's Up?” The show lasted for an hour and a half and finished with P!NK strapped to a harness, flyingoverthecrowdandsingingSoWhat.

The Chicks: The Chicks’ performance on the American Express stage at 8 pm was unforgettable. They began their show with the song “Sin Wagon”. Throughout their set, political cartoons were displayed in the background visuals. They made a beautiful tribute to gun violence, police brutality, and many other movements to the song “March March”. This tribute was especially admirable because The Chicks faced major backlash and were essentially blacklisted for opposing the Iraq war and shaming President Bush. After this notable tribute, Natalie Maines brought her father, Lloyd Maines, on stage to perform lighter songs. The Chicks soon closed their show with “Goodbye Earl” from their sophomorealbumFly.

SZA: SZA played Friday night on the Honda stage at 8 pm. She was dressed as a pirate, in a black corset with white ruffles. The nautical set included a lighthouse that she entered on and eventuallyclimbeddownasthe showprogressed.Shehadasetof dancerswithherundertheblue stagelightsandthebackground startedasasunset butchangedasanew

new song was sung. SZA opened with “All The Stars,” followed by a collection of her hits like, “Kiss Me More'', “Broken Clocks”, “Good Days”, andfinally,closedwith“TheWeekend”.

Kacey Musgraves: Kacey Musgraves closed the festival on Sunday night at the Honda Stage. Before the show, the crew handed out light-up bracelets that turned on at planned times during the concert. She opened with "Star Crossed", the first song and title of her newest albumStarCrossed.Musgravesplayedmanysongs from her fourth album Golden Hour and the song “Merry Go Round” as a tribute to her first album Same Trailer Different Park. She called for "Kaceyoke"askingeveryonetosingalongwhileshe playedacoverof“Dreams”byFleetwoodMac.And finally, she closed the show by playing “Slow Burn” fromGoldenHour.

Paramore: Paramore played Sunday evening at 6pm on the American Express stage before the Red Hot Chilli Peppers. The band opened with “This is Why”, with Hayley Williams on vocals. With her bright orange hair, orange fishnets, and yellow dancing shoes Williams was arguably the star of the show. They played many songs during their set, one of them being the controversial “Misery Business” which hasn’t been performed live since 2018. Paramore finished with “Hard Times”, for a total show of 50 minutes, ending the show early, without singing their hit “StillIntoYou”.

LIL NAS X: Lil Nas X played at the American Express stage at 6:05. He came on stage wearing a black and gold outfit that resembled a WWE champion belt, performing his hit single “Panini”. His hero’s journey, story-esque performance included four memorable outfit changes and eye-catching backgrounds. During his set, Lil Nas X prompted the crowd to shake their asses, bringing fans on stage to twerk. This spectaclewassurprising,tosaytheleast,especially since one of the fans was a child. Lil Nas X closed off his hour-long set with the single “Industry Baby” featuring Jack Harlow. Some would argue thathehadthemosttheatricalperformance.

5 Trojan Record Oct. 31, 2022

Literature and Opinions

Hot Take: Why Weekends should be three days long.

Why is my life so different from everyone else? Am I too difficult to remember anything that is happening?

It’s just that I am myself in anyway, I have a tough life to handle, But I can overcome these difficult times from my past, And endure it to the present. And towards the end.

A Quick Expansion on Tragic Myth

The myth of Orpheus and Eurydice is a well-known tale– to know it, all you have to know is that love ends in tragedy. There is no otherendingtothisstory.

It’s not hard to recall the desperation of Orpheus, the pleading, the begging, the blood-streaming tears as he stood above Hades a second time, wanting nothing but a second chance.

The god would not give it to him through no rules of his own– the laws were laid beforeevenhehimselfhadbeencreated.

It’s not as though Orpheus was able to findloveafterwards,either.


Whenyouworkfivedaysaweek,9a.m.-9p.m,lifegetsboring.Youcan’tgo onaweekendgetawaywhenyouhavetogohomethenextday.Thisiswhyweekends shouldbethreedayslong.Theopportunitiesareendlesswhenyoudon’thaveto returnhomeortoyourjobjustwhenyourweekendstarts.FromAustin,it takeslessthan 4hours toflytoFloridaor drivetoGalveston, Tx.IfFriday wasaweekend,you couldleave Thursday nightor Fridaymorningandhavetime toenjoyyourselfwithoutthe reminderthat youhavetogo backto schoolor work, whichwould makeyourvacation lesspleasurable.If youcome back from the weekendrefreshedandhappy,youaremorelikelyto excelatwork,thesamewayyouwouldaftergettingagoodnight's sleep.Thetimesomeonehastothemselvesisnotonly goodfortheirmentalhealth,butalsotheirphysical.Stress takesatollonpeople'shearts,immunesystems,digestive systems,andleadstoearly aging.Isan extradayofworkreallyworthdestroying employees'mentalandphysicalhealth?


greenery blooming with honeysuckle did nothing to comfort him. The flowers were simply more reminders of her, the ghost he chasedandcouldnotcatch.

As he was ripped apart by the Maenads, theonlygoddessesmercifulenoughtoputan end to his suffering, his only thought was So I willseemyloveagain.

It’s customary for gods to intervene in divinefate,constellations,oracles,godhood.

A head used for prophecy, singing fortunes from people all over, a fate that he considershimselfcursedto.

Eons later he will rest easy, Apollo takingmercyonhim,sendinghisspirittothe

Underworld with nothing but a Good luck. The god knows what Orpheus does not, what awaits him in the dripping caves run by tired-eye ghosts.

Eurydiceisgone,Lethetakinghermind threetimesover,fledtotheIslesoftheBlessed.

He is not as good as her, even if he is reborn again (never guaranteed), he will not be judged like she was. He is a hero, he kills with little purpose, ruled too much by his heart, when his head needs to be the guide. He could notsurvivewithouther,hedidn’t wish to.


To Ban or Not to Ban? That is the Question.

1984 by George Orwell, the “Junie B. Jones” series by Barbara Parks, The Lord of the Flies by William Golding, and the “Captain Underpants” series by Dav Pilkey. While there is a stark contrast between these books, they have one thing in common: they are banned titles. Book banning has become more and more frequent throughout history; in fact, it is the most commonformofcensorshippresentintheUnitedStates today.

Sowhatdoesitmeantobanabook?Accordingtothe article“BookBanning”bySusanL.Webb,thisparticular form of censorship “occurs when private individuals, government officials, or organizations remove books from libraries, school reading lists, or bookstore shelves becausetheyobjecttotheircontent,ideas,orthemes.”

The bottom line? Book banning is wrong. It’s tragic that great masterpieces that teach valuable lessons are being removed from shelves just because of a person with power and an opinion. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that Captain Underpants and his diapered cohorts or rude Junie B. Jones are characters with positive influence. But that is my personal opinion. Everyone is allowed to have opinions. This whole column is about opinions! However, people should still have the option to read whatever books they choose regardless of how I or anybody else feel about them. Everyone has different tastes, and certain books should not be banned or challenged based on the view of someonewithalotofpower.

Furthermore, how is this banning not a violation of the First Amendment? This addition to the Constitution protects freedom of the press and freedom of speech among other critical rights. Book banning is going against what the Founding Fathers had in mind for us when they established the United States of America: the land of the free. Banning certain literary works is in direct violation of the First Amendment, which is utterly and completely unconstitutional.

Book banning has become such an issue that there is actually a banned books week that just passed (September 18-24). It highlights and celebratesthefreedomtoreadwhatever wechoosewheneverwechoosetoreadit.

Daretoreadwhatyouchoose.Dare toreadbooksthatarechallenged. Daretoreadbooksthatare banned.Youhavethe right.Youhavethe freedom.

6 Trojan Record Oct. 31, 2022


Across 4. It 5. Flies on broomstick 6. Trick or _____ 8. Taste the rainbow 11. Chocolate bar 13. Bean candy 15. Snapchat icon 16. Wicked Witch musical 17. Smart candy 19. Detective dog owner 20. Halloween Great Lake 22. “Let’s see Paul Allen’s Card” 26. Yellow goblin/personified tic tac 27. The 13th 28. Don’t say it 3 times Down 1. Chocolate for felines 2. Chewy gum drops 3. Peanut butter candy 4. Home of recycled pizza and animatronic rats 7. Red braid candy 9. Funny candy 10. Possessed braided doll 12. Dog who solves mysteries 14. Caramel chocolate bar 18. Sparkly vampire 20. Live backwards 21. Ghostface 23. Nightmare on ___ Street 24. SZN 25. Hocus _____ 7 Trojan Record Oct. 31, 2022

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