2 minute read
SydneyElwell RachelSeney
● Did anything she could related to theatre: sound, lights, costumes, acting,stagemanaging,etc.
● She wanted to act after college, but realized she didn’t enjoy auditioning.However,sheloved directing in college. She was invited to teach an acting workshopatalocalhighschool, and realized how much fun teachingcouldbe.
Rachel Seney teaches theatre classes at Anderson. “I didn't love high school.” She said, “My attendance and grades were pretty low. The only timeIenjoyedbeinginschoolwaswhenIwasinmytheatreclass.Ihad aprettygreatteacher.Shekindofgotmethroughit.Ilovedcollegeand didwell.SoIamluckyIhadateacherthatgavemespacetofigureitout inhighschool.”
Fast Facts
● Was a “quirky overachiever”
● Wanted to be a math teacher
● Extracurriculars she participated in:
● Robotics Team 696: the Circuitbreakers
● Dance Club (president)
● GSA (president)
Anderson Girls Doubles at Cedar Park High School
Adrienne Glover |StaffWriter
Zero all. Love all. First serve. The matches of the Vista Ridge Tennis Tournament started at 8 am, Thursday, March 9th. Girls doubles was played at Cedar Park High School and consisted oftwoAndersonAdrawteams(Shayna Levy/Emilia Wrona, Sydney Nguyen/Adrienne Glover) and one B drawteam(SavannaElsea/AnyaKhan).
Starting early and strong, Khan and ElseaplayedCedarRidge,winningtheir first match 8-5 in a pro-set, putting them in the quarterfinals of their bracket. Glover and Nguyen played next, losing to Lake Belton 0-8. Levy and Wrona were last on the court and played Burnet. They also lost 0-8, placingbothNguyen/Gloverand
Levy/Wrona in the consolation bracket. Late in the morning, Elsea and Khan went back to court to play against Lake Belton. They fought hard but ended up losing the match1-8,endingthedayforElsea/Khan.Nguyen/Gloverwasquicktogetbackonto thecourttoplayPflugerville,finishingthematchwithawin,andascoreof8-5.Soon after Levy/Wrona played Cedar Creek, putting their best foot forward, and won 8-3. Winning these matches allowed Levy/Wrona and Nguyen/Glover to progress to the consolationsemi-finals.Inthefirstconsolationsemi-finalmatch,Nguyen/Glover played Hendrickson. They tried their best but lost 4-8 in a pro set. The last matchofthedaywentonmid-afternoon, and it was Levy/Wrona vs Buda Johnson. It was a long, brutal, match, but Anderson lost in a tiebreaker with a score of 7-9. The loss of this match ended girls' doubles for the day at around3:30pm.Noneofthegirlsended up placing, but they all made an effort. However, the team can still look at the tournament as a successful day. The losses and struggles will only help them preparefordistrictsinthreeweeks.
The Affluent
Zoe Huels |StaffWriter
In the squall of an alley
The dim dusk does demise
A boy scales the stone sea Pallor pale at the sun’s rise
Light crests the worn walls
The marred surface a hazy charcoal Behind him a beggar calls
Pulls to the top like a frightened foal
A distant bell tolls the hour
Rooftops glisten in the filtered shine
The clouded sky spells a future, dour Up, the boy gazes, to the divine
On hill, peak, and summit Grand villas protrude from the earth Ocean separates a two-wealth climate Dilapidated cottages dot the firth
With nimble grace he dances roof to roof
At last, the grass stems soft on bare feet
Forested mountains loom paces ahead, aloof The high life, to him a dream obsolete
He turns, facing the azure expanse Ahead, those blinded by assurance, illicit Behind, those gazing outward, askance Between, him, to the earth ever befit.