One-stop solution for all vehicle emergencies

Towing service means removing wrecked and disabled vehicles from places where they have met with an accident or have become disabled. During emergencies first, you need to call for a medical to those who need it then later on you can call towing services for further help. So whenever you come across such incidents here is the one you need to contact.
THE TRUCK FACTORY - is one of the most trusted companies in the truck smash repair industry, a specialist in heavy vehicle recovery. This company is located in Burton, South Australia. It delivers day and night services and they also work on holidays and festive seasons. The truck factory has completed 3 decades in this industry which has helped them to gain an immense experience and technical know-how in heavy vehicle management. All these achievements and their consistent efforts have made this company the most trusted company in South Australia in the field of towing and truck recovery services.
Speaking about the well-established company, let's talk about the man who has laid down the foundation of this company, Mr. Mark who started this journey at the young age of 15 years. He left school and worked at a car repair shop and there he learned whole and sole about this industry. When he was eligible to own a tow truck license he moved into the recovery of the heavy vehicle management business and that is when his journey of excellence began. His years of perseverance and consistent efforts have given rise to this phenomenal company.
The company's bountiful knowledge and expertise extend to all kinds of vehicles. Their generous, responsive, and professional team handles all situations effortlessly. The truck factory's decades of experience in this field have made them experts who can decide what the best approach should be and how quickly and efficiently the problem can be resolved.
Truck Recovery by TRUCK FACTORY
The TRUCK FACTORY's most essential service is truck recovery, they are recognized for this particular service. The people in South Australia completely rely on them as they provide exceptional emergency recovery services that are quick yet worthwhile. This company is in this industry, for 30 years now and retains expertise in all the jobs that are from miniature recoveries to humongous and tedious tasks they have everything under one roof. Their highly developed technology and advanced equipment and machinery make them able to do rigorous tasks including overturned tractors, tankers, dump trucks, or any such heavy vehicle.
Reasonable pricing and immediate service are their key factors. The truck factory has been certified to provide tremendous service in towing, hauling, and truck recovery services. They have an astonishing track record of delivering the quickest and most dependable emergency services. In an emergency, help from the truck factory is at your fingertips that is just a call away.
Apart from truck recovery services, they offer several other services. They are certified by the prescribed authority to do it and have been following all the rules and regulations that come under them. Let us give you a quick gist of all the other services rendered by The Truck Factory:
1. Fiberglass repair: They have the finest equipment, and combining years of experience have truly made them phenomenal in the repair of fiberglass components of heavy vehicles.
2. Paintwork service: Being one of the leading companies in this industry fulfills all the minute requirements of the customers. When it comes to paintwork, they use various techniques to ensure that the vehicle looks brand new and wellfurnished. They have a team who are specialists in spray paint which enables the company to deliver the best outcome possible. Color matching and unique layouts are their forte.
3. Chassis repair: They dedicated a team of professionals to repair the chassis. Modifications, extensions, and fabrication are assured with top-notch quality products and under the supervision of experts.
So to conclude, THE TRUCK FACTORY is a wholesome solution to all problems from towing heavy vehicles in emergencies to refurbishing your vehicle. We hope that this piece of content has helped you out.