New Student Guideline Introduction during the first class; please go over the following conversational terms/pieces: •
Hello. Nice to meet you. It is a pleasure to meet you. How are you? How are you today? How is your day? How are you doing today?
What is your name? My name is “_____”.
How long have you been in Singapore? I have been in Singapore for about “_____”.
What do you do in Singapore? I work as a “_____” with the “_____”.
Excuse me. Pardon me. I am sorry. I beg your pardon. Sorry to bother you.
Did you understand that? Did you understand what he/she said? Did you get/understand what just happened? What is going on? What is he/she talking about? Sorry. I am sorry. I didn’t understand. Can/Could you repeat it?
Sorry, can you explain it again? I am still not getting/understanding it.
Thank you. I finally got it.
Can you help me with this/that? Sure, this is how you do it. Ok, let me show you how. Sorry, I don’t know either. I am not sure; let’s ask around.
What is this in English? What do you call this in English?
You have 5/10/20 minutes to work on this. Please hurry up. Now is the time to wrap up.
1. Introduction General introduction of the instructor and students
Phrases Can you share something about yourself? Tell us a little bit about yourself. Please introduce yourself. Did you understand /follow what just happened? Were you able to follow what he just said/explained? What did you understand from that? I am sorry. Pardon me. Could you repeat what you just said? Can you explain it again? I didn’t get it. I still don’t get it. What did you mean by this/that? Sorry, I still do not understand it. Can you give me some background information? Can you give me some context? Hi. Hello. What is your name? My name is “_____”. How long have you been in Singapore? I have been in Singapore for about “_____”. Have you been in any other countries? Yes, I have been to “_____”. Do you live in Jurong? Or Woodlands? Or Bedok? I live in “_____”. Where do you work? I work at “_____”. What is your occupation? I work as a “_____”. How long does it take for you to get to work in the morning? It takes about “_____”. How do you get to work? Do you drive? Do you take public transportation? I drive to work.
Vocabulary Mom, Dad Brother, Sister, Cousins In-laws Uncle, Aunt Grandma, Grandpa From my mom side From my dad side Oldest, eldest Youngest
Study Read Experiment Analyze Discuss Debate Rebut Present Memorize Question Research Collaborate
Report Oversee Direct Manage Perform Initiate Solve Approach Explain Supervise Coordinate Negotiate
2. My day Overview of what the instructor and students did to today
Phrases What did you do this morning/afternoon/evening? Did you go to work/school today? Did you stay at home today? What did you have for breakfast/lunch/dinner? Have you had your breakfast/lunch/dinner? How do you like your coffee/tea? Explain what you did at work/school/home? What would/do you do on your free day? What would/do you do on a rainy day? How would you describe your perfect day?
Vocabulary Clean Cook Mop Sweep Laundry Hang Dry Vacuum Sew Experiment News Catch up
Study Read Experiment Analyze Discuss Debate Rebut Present Memorize Question Research Collaborate
Report Oversee Direct Manage Perform Initiate Solve Approach Explain Supervise Coordinate Negotiate
List Window shopping Compare Bargain Haggle Variety Selection
3. Phone call Phone calls role-play including caller, receiver and the intended caller.
Phrases 1. Identify yourself 2. Indicate others will come to the phone 3. Ask callers to wait if called person is busy 4. Offer assistance if the called person is not available 5. Take a message a. Name of the person called b. Name of the caller and his/her company c. Caller’s telephone number and extension d. The message e. Action requested and promised f.
Date and hour of the call
g. Name of the person who recorded the message I.
Hi/hello, this is Ko Naing. I am looking for Theta. May I speak with Theta please?
Just a moment please. Just a minute. Sorry, she is not in right now. Sorry she is busy at the moment.
Can I leave a message for Theta? Can I take a message for Theta?
Can/May I have your name please? May I know who is calling?
Can you pass a message to her for me? Can you tell her to call me back at 5 pm?
Vocabulary Impression Gesture Apparent Nervous Pleasant Reception Promptly Portray Courteous Demonstrate Confidence
Expecting Indicate Approximately Typical Interrupt Gently Equipped Introductory Transfer Connect/Disconnect Complain