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I N T R OD U C T I ON Math is the least understood academic subject and is disliked by many students. Math often draws national attention as it causes state and national academic performance records to decline. Students fail in maths for reasons including low accountability, poor parental monitoring, low reading skills and other non-school events that diminish student concentration. Math is either taught incorrectly or students lack the motivation to understand it.

1. A t t i t u d e Towards Learning The Subject

The success and failure for a given thing depends on the attitude that a person has about it. The same applies in case of Math. If a student dislikes the subject, to begin with, then learning the same becomes difficult. This attitude plays a crucial role here. If a student thinks that he/she will not do well in the given subject, he/she will develop a phobia for it. Under such circumstance, a student loses his/her interest in the subject

2. M e t h o d o f Teaching

Maths may not be very easy for all of the students to follow. Since it is very analytical in nature, the concept behind it must be made clear to the students. In that light, the methods used to teach the subject plays a very important role. It must be taught in a manner which is easy to comprehend. The selected style to teach the subject should make sense to the children even after the class is over. If the selected method is effective, the students will be able to use their analytical skills to solve tricky problems.

3. A Lack o f C on n ec t i on B e t w e e n The Subject a n d Students

This is one of the major reasons why many students perform so poorly the so subject. The lack of connection between the subject and the students must be addressed if the latter aims to be successful. When there is no connection , students tend to get scared of the subject and they start avoiding it. This leads to lack of practice and results in failure.

Though peer pressure can be of merit in

4 . Self Dou b t

many cases, when it comes to Math, peer pressure can prove to be detrimental. It has been found that due to peer pressure many students fail to perform properly. In short, they are unable to bear up with the pressure put on them at school. When this is coupled with constant comparison with other students, selfdoubt arises. And once self-doubt sets in, the student’s ability to perform effectively in Maths gets shattered.

5 . Lack o f Un d er st an d in g A b o u t Signs a n d Symbols

If a student is not very attentive in class, getting the signs confused is quite common. If a student fails to put the correct symbols after solving a problem, his/her marks are likely to get deducted

6 . Many Mathematics Teachers are n o t w e l l versed In t h e Subject

Not many teachers can be effective in teaching. The problem arises when there are many students in a given class. Under such circumstance, Home Tuition Services can be a good option. This way students can get personalized help.

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