Believe in a woman. Empower a community.
Transform a nation. t , as another grea Oli otya! (hello!) , support and contributions, 2011 w of lf ul for. On beha
kf prayer uch to be than our Thanks to your d we have so m an ld like to extend PO ou UA w e e w Th r rs, ee nt year fo lu vo d am of staff an st year. our incredible te n for your support over the pa tio ia mpletion of the sincere apprec year was the co is th e ts en m ish Named by th or accompl ern Uganda. rth as No One of our maj e rv in se r ill te w en nter cational C self” and this ce Konye Keri Vo eans “Help Your m ri ills, training and sk Ke e e th ny Ko ive , ce re to en community stitute om for men and w years of life in de ina br a training facility ed to rebuild their lives after 20 Sa d ne Jim Kasper an discipleship they e also welcomed Brad Smith, have to d are thrille .W in Uganda and eek refugee camps rs w be o em tw th m al ff ll time sta r 6 annu fu ou as d z ste de ho an rn e w Fe st, s together team. In Augu ns and American da an Ug t them on our gh da trip that brou spirit of Jesus. Experience Ugan n and love one another in the ar le to collaborate, t vocational e Akola Projec th on nd ou gr and continue to we will break rthern Uganda, No in ls the In Spring 2012, el w er at omen through drill more w t to over 200 w or out center in Jinja, pp ith su w d n an itio e istent incom of this to fru ns y co an a g e in id br ov ot pr nn ng $100,000 However we ca t a goal of raisi se ve ha e Akola Project. W t. . Please or our 2012 budget ing a d financial supp your prayers an st 11 in order to secure 40% of m ily and ak 20 r The UAPO fam fo g in ort by December 31 ay pr by ur gracious supp rtner with us ank you for yo continue to pa Th y! da to n io contribut tax-deductible s! er and pray PO Family, ve from The UA lo d an de itu at With hope, gr
Blake Smith or Executive Direct
Mallori Morris Chris Petty rations Akola Project pe O da an Ug l r ager Brittany Merrilident Manager/Enginee Man Founder/Pres
Sarah David US Office Manager
Kalyabe Emelda - Buwala, Jinja District - Eastern Uganda Emelda, 60, grew up in the village of Busogya with her six brothers and sisters. After giving birth to eight children, she lost two sons to HIV and then her husband passed away of liver cancer a few years later in 1982. Worried how she was going to provide for her family as a widow, she jumped at the opportunity to join the Akola Project in 2007. Over the past four years, Elmeda has used the money she has earned from the Akola Project to put 7 of her grandchildren through school, take care of her 86 year old mother-in-law, provide a balanced diet for her family, contribute to the Akola savings program, purchase livestock for her farm and provide for her family’s general well being. She is proud that even at her old age she is able to provide for the daily needs of her family through her own hard work.
2011 EXPERIENCE UGANDA TRIP Bringing Americans and Ugandans together to connect in the spirit and love of Jesus
t This past August I embarked on a trip to Uganda withou not is trip The me. of ahead y journe expectations of the structured around the impact or difference one could make in it the lives of the women and families we would meet. Rather, to is rightfully described as an “Experience Uganda Trip,” provide a deeply meaningful experience to work, live, eat, pray of Jesus. and dance as we share our lives in the spirit and love as a stood who n wome to ss witne During the trip, I bore were days Our hope. and th true symbol of resilience, streng spent learning, listening, farming and working alongside the women of the Akola project; encouraging women in Northern Uganda in their skills and crafts; singing, dancing and teaching their children; all while sharing uninhibited joy with one another. The UAPO empowers both Ugandans andl Americans to positively transform our shared globa community. It is difficult to sufficiently express my deep and sincere gratitude and appreciation to the women of the Akola project, the dedicated UAPO team, and supporters of my trip. If I have one word of advice, it’s GO! Your life will never be the same... , Atlanta GA
- Catherine Bass
Pader District, Northern Uganda
“Konye Keri” Center means “Help Yourself” (named by the community) The facility will provide vocational training, health, and agricultural programs
Jim & Sabrina Join The UAPO in Uganda! Just two days after tying the kno t on October 15th in Atlanta, Jim Kasper and Sabrina Fernan dez were on a plane bound for Uganda. Jim and Sabrina hav e joined The UAPO Team in Uganda to serve as Program Coordinators for the Mukisa Project in Pader. From 2007-2009 , they both worked in rural villages in Malawi as volunteers for the United States Peace Corps. After returning to the US for a few years, they soon felt the urge to return to serve in Afri ca. When they learned about The UAPO’s reconstruction effo rts in Northern Uganda, they eagerly jumped at the opportunity to join the team. Jim and Sabrina will work hand in han d wit h The UAPO’s Ugandan Staff Anthony Rackara and Jen nife r Ayumo to provide skills training at the newly comple ted Konye Keri vocational center. Classes will include a var iety of vocational and life skills including basket weaving, soap making, sewing, discipleship programs, and sustainable agricul ture. We are thrilled to have their skills, experience, and pas sion a part of The UAPO family and can't wait to see the project progress over the next year!
Support Anthony, Jennifer, Jim and Sabrina in their efforts to develop sustainable programs in Northern Uganda!
Donate to the Mukisa Project online at
Believe in a woman. Empower a community. Transform a nation. The mission of The UAPO is to actively participate in Uganda’s development through sustainable partnerships that bring Americans and Ugandans together to engage, collaborate, and learn through the love of Jesus.
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CONTINUE TO PARTER WITH US AND SUPPORT OUR 2012 BUDGET OF $250,000 We can meet this budget if YOU contribute $100 today!