Volume 5, Issue 4 – October 2004 “I have set a watchman upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night. You that make mention of YHWH, keep not silence”. Isaiah 62:6
Habakkuk 1:6-9 “For, look, I raise up the Chaldeans [America], that bitter and hasty nation, which shall march through the breadth of the land, to possess the dwelling places that are not theirs. They shall come all for violence… they shall scoff at the kings, and the princes shall be a scorn unto them…”
A ccording to a USA Today article entitled “Prophecy Feed Fires of of Debate”, and beasts, seals, signs in the stars moon, trumpets, floods, hurricanes, plagues, earthquakes, famine, wars and political upheavals are prophetic images that continue to intrigue the faithful as well as the curious. This fascination soared to an all-time high during the month of April 2004 as The Kings of the Earth [world leaders] began to condemn America for her "doomed" policies [Christian Crusades] in the Middle East region. But, more than just her policies are doomed. The nation’s freedom burned in the same fire of the Twin Towers. America [who is likened to Ancient Chaldea/Babylon] is about to reach its height of wickedness. Bankrupt, with a gay agenda [that of Sodom & Gomorrah] she has dictated that employment opportunities be stamped “For The EU Only” and shipped overseas. Politically in chaos and spiritually amuck, there is the fear of terrorism while in the midst of a foolish war and a recent [so-called] election where the people [particularly African Americans] had no vote; and the Kings of the Earth are watching her treachery.
Called “The Great Satan” by Muslims and “America, The Ugly” by Europeans, an international research firm, Global Market Institute, asked citizens in the G-8 economic nations who they would select if they could vote in American’s presidential election. The poll found that John The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel
Kerry got 85% of the vote in China, 84% in Russia, 84% in Japan; 94% in Germany, 93% in France, 79% in Britain and 73% in Canada. Citing Bush’s lies about his reasons reasons for invading Iraq, it has been confirmed that Bush is one of the most unpopular American Presidents in modern times. Airing America’s dirty laundry, they continue to remind the world of America’s tactics of selling evil practices using “lies and word trickery”. An example of this is her referral to the Panama invasion which was an ‘aerial assassination attempt’ that she called “Operation Just Cause”. Mercenaries (military henchmen of deposed dictators) are referred to as “Freedom Fighters” while missiles and bombs have been referred to as “Peace-keepers”, knowing full well that “peace” is the last thing they keep. “They shall scoff at the kings, and the princes shall be a scorn unto them: they shall deride every strong hold; for they shall heap dust, and take it”. Habakkuk 1:10
But, the presidential election managed to push African Americans to the front and center of this world-wide spectacle as news story after story reported that Black voter Registration started breaking record after record as early as January 2004. New African American voters are expected to continue the trend of swelling the rolls all year long. The assumptions of traditional corporate pundits [who own the media] and polling organizations like The Washington Post and ABC News, were completely upset with the revelation that new registrations rose by over 250% countrywide since Jan. 2004. On October 14, 2004, The Pacific News Service reported that Registrars in Ohio, West Virginia, Colorado, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Florida hired workers just to handle the massive over-load. In Georgia, Atlanta Registrars say they worked over-time, six days a week. The phenomenon was reported to be fueled by Black determination to avenge the Great Theft of 2000 [the hijacking of the 2000 Presidential election–the international scandal involving Florida’s ballots]. Tradition-al pollsters tried to calm white America by pointing to the fact that registrations are one thing, but actual voter turnout is quite another. On that note, but truly alarmed by Black registration fervor, Ohio Republicans deployed their Secretary of State, J. Kenneth Blackwell, one of their their most highly valued African-American spokes models [Uncle Blackwell Toms] to erect classic Jim Crow-style stumbling blocks in the path of new registering voters. One example was their attempt to require that voter registration cards be printed on thick 80-pound paper. It’s the same as making someone guess [correctly] how many bubbles there are in a bar of soap before allowing him or her to vote. Or, how about demanding that illiterate people be able to read in order to vote? The Global Black News, in August 2004, spoke with Sen. Barack Obama [IL], the third Black senator elected since Reconstruction, who emphasized that Black men have exerted their influence in every nook and cranny of American life – cinema, athletics, media, medicine, and theater. However we cannot allow small breakthroughs for a certain few to obscure the very troubling assessment of the Black Man’s status. “It’s an emerging catastrophe”, The New York Times wrote in July. Many experts [including African Americans] are warning that Black men are in the middle of a social crisis that Americans seem eager to ignore. But The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel
then, even the article admitted that ‘ignore’ is the wrong word. America frequently airs the dirty laundry of African Americans, and gives the Black male relentless attention focusing only on their involvement in crime. INTENTIONALLY, THEY OMIT HIGH UNEMPLOYMENT, UNDER EDUCATION, NO HEALTHCARE, INADEQUATE HOUSING - - DOWNRIGHT UNJUST BEHAVIOR FOR A NATION WHO CLAIMS TO BE CHRIST-LIKE. African Americans are beginning to see that the black and white disparities in America have existed since our people arrived in chains. But do they really see? Have their eyes been opened to understand the reason for ‘our troubles’?? “Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, so he may run that reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, BUT AT THE END, IT SHALL SPEAK AND NOT LIE: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry”. Habakkuk 2:2-3
The symbols of Ancient Babylon do DICTATORSHIP not exist all around us for no reason. there is no freedom, choice, religion, African Americans have not realized or voice, the economy is looted, that is doesn’t matter who’s in place and the people are SLAVES in the White House; ultimately the results will be the same. This Euro - Elite country is being dissolved so the much-prophesized “Beast of the book of Revelation” can come together fully; something they CANNOT do as long as America exists. As dictated by the “ultraBUSH KERRY rich elite of high society, if the people of America have been made slaves, surely African Americans, who were brought here to be slaves, are now being made slaves of the lowest degree! If not this, what do African Americans see? And what are their feelings regarding their status and the election?? The Black Commentator published a Black political analysis performed by CBS and BET which uncovered the fact that the political/social views of Blacks are never reflected in traditional news polls; [like the fact that we are UNIFIED “All your enemies have against the draft], Blacks have mobilized behind the opened their mouth against you: they hiss and gnash the vote because they are angry!!! Rather than voting teeth: they say, We have primarily Democrat, as polls have told us that Blacks do, swallowed her up: certainly African Americans actually vote for candidates seeking this is the day that we looked seeking “change”. Rather than “party affiliation, Blacks for; we have found [it], we have will walk across party lines in a heart beat voting for “the seen it”. Lamentations 2:16 “the lesser evil” [i.e., John Kerry]. Blacks are disgusted by and disappointed with Democrats; but they reject the GOP. [This especially applies to Black Youth – the hip-hop generation. In times past, they have been portrayed by the media as vocal, but are more interested in their ‘toys’ than in the vote The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel
[the system through which they are allowed to have toys. The poll found, however, that this ‘youth factor’ is their disillusion with the ‘heritage’ that Black Politicians, Preachers and Black Leaders have left them…virtually nothing. P-Diddy told hiphoppers to “VOTE OR DIE”. “WE HAVE NO KING, BUT CAESAR” America is the same nation she was centuries ago; so, what can we possibly gain by continuing to trust a nation intent on our demise?? Prophecy tells us what… “Now on whom do you trust, that you rebel against me? Now, look, you trust upon the staff of this bruised reed, even upon Egypt [America, spiritually the same as Egypt], on which if a man lean, it will go into his hand, and pierce it: so is Pharaoh, King [president] of Egypt [America] unto all that trust on him”. 2 Kings 18:20-21 Again the direction of our future lies in learning the lessons of the past. In John, Chap. 19, Tiberius Caesar offered to release Yahshua, the Messiah, King of The Jews, from crucifixion, [a customary practice at Passover]. Desiring change, but not to righteousness [something that requires a rejection of man-made traditions], our forefathers [the Hebrew Israelites] once again rejected YHWH as they rejected His son, whom YHWH sent for their own redemption. As priests, chosen by YHWH [although they continued to fall], only they could offer up the sacrifice that would save them and ultimately mankind. Following the lead of their preachers and leaders [Scribes and Pharisees], our people are predestined to, once again, follow our preachers, politicians and leaders; [who are motivated by selfishness and greed and trust more in the system of their captors than in their own GOD, YHWH Elohim, who chose us [the so-called African American] to be His inheritance. On Aug. 18, 2004, The Atlanta JournalConstitution ran an article that informed readers of Pres. Bush’s royal ancestry. It includes blood-ties to 16 U.S. Presidents and England’s Queen Elizabeth; and is it King John Kerry, too? His blood is so-called “bluer” with ties to Forbes [all the royal houses of Europe]. Forbes is descended from William Forbes, The Laird of Newe, according to Burke’s Peerage (who researches genealogy)]. “I called for my lovers [white America], but they deceived me: my priests [black preachers] and my elders [black leaders and politicians] gave up the ghost [breath/died] in the city, while they sought their meat [food/wages] to relieve their souls”. Lamentations 1:19
“It is via this family that the Democrat, Kerry, is descended from Henry II, the King of England and father of Richard, The Lionheart Heart [leader of the 3rd Christian Crusade];
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proving that the Illuminati has always run the U.S. Our vote should be for the KING who makes Kings, YHWH; HE IS OUR KING! “But the thing displeased Samuel, when they said, Give us a king to judge us. And Samuel prayed unto YHWH (the Lord). And YHWH said unto Samuel, Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them”. 1 Samuel 8:5-7 ■
It is difficult for most to understand that
“Nebuchadnezzar, The King of Babylon [America] has devoured me, he has crushed me, he has made me an empty vessel, he has swallowed me up like a dragon, he has filled his belly with my delicates, he has cast me out. The violence done to me and to my flesh be upon Babylon, shall the inhabitant of Zion [Judah/African Americans] say; my blood upon the inhabitants of Chaldea [America], shall Jerusalem say. Therefore says YHWH…I will plead your cause, and take vengeance for you.” Jeremiah 51:34-36
because America is a nation that relies upon the power of its weapons and privileges of wealth, that she is a nation that YHWH has condemned. Her Preamble, “We, The People” has never really applied to anyone other than White America [them]. The evidence in her court actions, government, social and ‘religious’ policies reflect a nation that is dodging, hiding and hoping it can avoid the fruit of its ongoing oppression [spoiling] of African Americans [YHWH’s chosen NO!! people]. Black Voters
“And when thou art spoiled, what will you do? Though thou clothe yourself with crimson…you deck yourself with ornaments of gold, though you rent your face with painting, in vain shall you make thyself fair; your lovers [America] will despise you, they will seek your life”. Jeremiah 4:30
But now, even White America has begun to feel the sting of America’s venom. As the U.S. Constitution is in shredded shambles, America is being questioned from without and within. The 9/11 Commission Report, which became a national best-selling, award-nominated book, has also been read by every nation in the world. U. S. Historian, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., told the United Kingdom’s Guardian and Italy’s La Repulica, America’s “foolish policies” have alienated moderate Muslim opinion everywhere, set Europe against America, increased the threat of terrorism and made the U.S. resented in almost every corner of the globe”. However, our people are largely responsible for their “Time of Trouble” coming via America, but they fail to realize it. The reason for the persecution is SPIRITUAL as is the solution that will save us from being fully destroyed as a nation of people. African Americans, largely Christian, have virtually refused to acknowledge or research the fact that this nation The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel
suppressed the beliefs of our forefathers. This has caused them to continue to believe the “Christian philosophy” that YHWH’s law has been removed, changed or never existed. Sadly, refusal to return to keeping YHWH’s law will be the demise of many of our people. “Why then is this people of Jerusalem backslidden back by a perpetual backsliding? THEY HOLD FAST TO DECEIT, THEY REFUSE TO RETURN…Yes, the stork in the heaven knows her appointed times… but my people [BLACK AMERICANS] don’t know the Judgment of YHWH. How do you say, We are wise, and the law of YHWH is with us? Look, certainly he made it in vain; the pen of the scribes is in vain”. Jeremiah 8:5-8
The law is SPIRITUAL and does not justify the use of evil to attain good. Paul told The Romans [Gentiles in Rom 12:17-20], “recompense to no man evil for evil”, “provide things honest in the sight of all men”, “avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath”, therefore if thine enemy hungers, feed him; if he thirst,
give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head”. The so-called War on Terror, is war none-the-less, but it’s mostly retaliation for the violence of 9/11 while taking no responsibility for the violence she has committed in foreign lands. Even on her own shores, rather than living so that all men can live, America’s systems are fueled by love of power and wealth. Even her justice system doesn’t even pretend to rehabilitate offenders, but she has begun stockpiling our men in prison and accumulated the largest prison population on earth! Favoring the rich over the poor, America’s systems are a regressive form of theft where the middle and lower class are robbed of the decency of life. Surely, even the blind can see these are crimes against YHWH for which HE will recompense, as He said: “Make bright the arrows; gather the shields…his device is against Babylon TO DESTROY IT because it is the Vengeance of YHWH, The Vengeance of His Temple”. Jeremiah 51:11
An October 14, 2004 article in The Wall Street Journal recently indicated that the actions of people in America are not motivated by ‘unselfishness or the desire to be good stewards’. According to scientists, the good people of Florida who helped out their neighbors after last month’s numerous hurricanes were merely polishing their reputations and collecting IOUs in case they themselves need help one day. They also tracked the tendency of individuals to “punish” those who don’t contribute to their cause [the common good] even if it costs money!! In the U.S. the *common good is actually identified as Democracy. Vote for [YHWH’s] Theocracy!
*Microsoft Encarfa Encyclopedia 2002, Facts & Figures “Woe unto them that join house to house, that lay field to field, till there be no place, that they may be placed alone in the midst of the earth”. Isaiah 5:8
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N OTES FR OM TH E ELD ER PR IEST Y A CH OV BEN ISR A EL (YHWH is pronounced Yahweh; He is The Most High, The True and Living God of Israel)
LAMENTATIONS… and begin at my sanctuary “YHWH
has trodden the virgin, the daughter of Judah [African Americans], as as in a winepress…I weep…my children are desolate, because the enemy prevailed. Zion [African Americans] spread forth her hands, and there is none to comfort her… YHWH has commanded concerning Jacob [African Americans] that his adversaries be around about him: Jerusalem is as a menstruous woman [righteousness as filthy rags] among them. YHWH is righteous…I have rebelled against his commandment”. Lamentations 1:15-18
Watching the evening news with the violence, murder, signs in the heavens, odd weather and freak accidents, not to mention the injustice around the world, some question why GOD isn’t doing something. The prophet Habakkuk felt the same way around 620 B.C. when he penned the bible book by the same name. Habakkuk means to “embrace or wrestle”. This meaning has much to do with the message of the book. In Israel, Habakkuk is outraged at the behavior in his society. He listed them: ‘sin, wickedness, destruction, violence, injustice in the courts and the wicked by far out-numbered the righteous”. “The law is ignored”, he said, Hab 1:4. Doesn’t this sound like America? Actually America is far worse. Not only does America ignore the law, but also it’s illegal now to have the 10 commandments hanging on the wall in public schools or even in the courts. But YHWH revealed to Habakkuk that he WAS doing something…he raised up a foreign, barbaric nation to destroy Judah because of Judah’s own wickedness. The bible states, they were worse than the 10 Tribes of Israel who were scattered hundreds of years earlier [Jer 3:6-11]. Habakkuk knew that YHWH hates evil [Zech 8:17], and was stunned that YHWH would use a nation more wicked than Judah [i.e., the Chaldeans/Babylonians] to punish Judah; but at least Judah was better than the Babylonians, right??? [Man’s assessment]; but in YHWH’s eyes, Judah was worse than all of the rest of the nations because she KNEW BETTER. Judah’s ancestors were taught the ways of YHWH. This was an advantage that the nations never had. Habakkuk 1:6-10, 1:15–17 and 2:9-12 describes just how evil the Babylonians were as well as their power and indestructibility. They would be successful in destroying Judah - - foreshadowing America’s destruction of Judah’s descendants!! Habakkuk first wrestled with YHWH for understanding, but by Chapter 3, he had embraced YHWH’s judgment in humble prayer. This is our story, Black America [daughter of Judah] here in the daughter of Babylon. African Americans continue to wrestle with YHWH believing that they can correct or avenge the wrongs done to them [and too numerous they are to count], but YHWH said, “Vengeance Is Mine; I will repay it”. Regardless of the candidate who took the U.S. Presidency, YHWH is using America’s evil to place African Americans in a position in which they will be forced to seek Him as their only avenue to a better life. But, that “better life” will not come while here in America. A recent labor market The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel
report entitled, “Trends in Black Male Joblessness and Year-Round Idleness: An Employment Crisis Ignored” reported that adult African American males are so completely disenfranchised that 1 out of 4 have been idle over the past two years!! “Behold, is it not of YHWH of Hosts that the people shall labor in the very fire [trials], and the people shall weary themselves for very vanity [nothing]?” Habakkuk 2:13
Seething mad, Blacks are used the vote in an attempt to change their circumstances, but the vote is the vanity that Habakkuk 2:13 mentions. The vote is nothing and it will change nothing for our people! Habakkuk knew the times coming upon his people [and perhaps even upon him] would be severe. Habakkuk 3:13 indicates that the fig tree [Israel] wouldn’t blossom [bring forth righteousness], nor would there be fruit be in the vines [Israel]; the labor of the olive [to produce oil, i.e., the Holy Spirit] shall fail [not be present to protect], and the fields shall yield no meat [resulting in hunger]; the flock [Israel] shall be cut off from the fold [many of our people shall die]. Yet, this will cause African Americans to seek their true roots and cleave to their GOD [Elohim] of Ancient Days. To prepare us for these times, when the signs begin to appear, we have been instructed to: ”ARISE!! CRY OUT IN THE NIGHT: in the beginning of the watches pour out your heart like water before the face of YHWH: LIFT UP YOUR HANDS TOWARD HIM FOR THE LIFE OF THY YOUNG CHILDREN that faint for hunger in the top of every street. Behold, O YHWH, and consider to whom you have done this [your chosen people]. Lam 2:19-20
…in the midst of thy wrath, O YHWH, please Father, remember mercy; for you are merciful!! ■
The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel
The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel