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Volume 3, Issue 1 – January 2002 “I have set a watchman upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night. You that make mention of YHWH, keep not silence”. Isaiah 62:6

We are nearing the closing scenes of the earth’s history. World events and the actions of nations are lining up with prophecy so quickly, it’s amazing to watch these changes take place before our very eyes. Changes like rising globalization, free trade, deregulation, privatization, foreign investment, mergers, international debt, pollution, war and peace agreements that give ‘false peace and security’ are constant topics of daily news. But are these really changes after all? Actually they are not changes, but seeds coming to fruition!! And as for change, it’s obvious that the ruling class refuses to change so the conditions of the world continue to deteriorate. The masses, however, are not alarmed because they have been fed a steady diet of ‘eclectic fruit’ [facts mingled with lies and deceptions] so that “truth” has become harder to discern. Like a soldier dressed in camouflage, the lies of these ‘power brokers’ are so ancient and sophisticated that they blend into the background like a chameleon. Like the “beast” that spawned them, this fruit is poison….multi-faceted deceptions on every level and in every aspect of life. The forbidden fruit looks pleasant…[it sounds right]; so man believes and he eats… and is deceived!! But, we have been warned that lies and deceptions are Satan’s business. He’s a liar and the father of them. – John 8:44.

Satan is found at the tree’s roots The bright, shiny tree to produce His version of truth… Eclectic fruit Counterfeits & lies pushing man up to the very brink of destruction And the people don’t think Or even question Things we are told traditions from old Even if the bible says it’s so Cause that’s the way it’s supposed to go!! To be plucked up by the root… The fate of the deceived Unfruitful trees without any leaves Acting like flowers but truly are weeds Satan planted these wicked seeds Of globalization and deregulation The rich are made richer By privatization Foreign investment, mergers & debt Can anyone see Satan’s M.O. yet? Eclectic fruit.. On the bright shiny tree Cover big, bloody sins with a withered fig leaf Lael Bhat Israel

The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel


• Serious New Year Resolutions • 2002: A Year of War • Nuclear ‘Chicken’ Missile Defense: The Untold Story • Black Money: The Euro Effect • Reviving Rome • 666 Fifth Avenue • Signs of The Times • The New Dark Ages • Land of the Free, Home of The Dead • There’s A Famine In the Land • Notes From The Elder: The Valley of Dry Bones • Strange Fruit • The Parable of the Fig Tree • Deep Despair • Worldwide Wickedness • Sin + Judgment = Plagues • The Three R’s of Education [Religion, Racism & Reform] • The Most Hated, The Most Loved • The Deceived • Yahshua, The ‘Hebrew’ Messiah

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The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel

This year, like last year, and the year before that, the people are busy JANUS, GOD OF DOORS making New Years resolutions, but according to the New York Times, the resolutions are supposedly being made in a more serious vein since the September 11 attacks. Quoting the December 31 article, “New Years resolutions date back more than 4,000 years when the Babylonians, seeking a clean slate, marked the holiday [a pagan, eclectic version of the word Holy Day] by returning borrowed farm equipment. Later the Romans, honoring the god of doorways and beginnings, Janus –for whom January is named – approached the New Year by reviewing the deeds of the previous one and vowing to improve in the next”. J

Exodus 12:2 “This month [Abib] shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you.”

The month the bible speaks of as the beginning of months is Abib [the March-April equivalent of the modern calendar]; as it once was! The Romans, having moved the beginning of the year from Abib to January, [called the Hebrews “April Fools” for obeying YHWH’s command instead of the new month they substituted]. They, then, chose to honor their pagan two-faced god by keeping this day with parties, revelry, gun-fire and a meal sacrificed to their idol [god]. Acts 15:28-29 “For it seemed good to the Holy Ghost, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things; that ye abstain from meats offered to idols….”

The article continued by pointing out the “humor” in the numerous resolutions that are abandoned soon after they are made. [But there really is nothing humorous about taking holy things and combining them into some “eclectic”, unholy form of dedication or worship to a “two-faced” god that does not even exist except in minds of men.] And speaking of “two-faced”, the article indicated that this year could be a year of nailbiting for the people instead of giving up the habit; referring to George Bush’s New Year resolution of war. It will be a year that will bring more ungodliness upon man.

The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel

2002: A “YEAR OF WAR” As the so-called New Year opened its doors, George Bush had little trouble declaring 2002 as “a year of war” according to As noted in their caption entitled “War, War, War”, it is not a secret that many countries are being proposed as terroristic targets for America’s wrath. Iraq, Somalia, Cuba, Libya, North Korea, Sudan, Yemen, and Syria are all on the ‘watch list’. Cuba, having “cooed” it’s way out of trouble, appears to have been given temporary “grace” along with several others who have, since the attacks, also denounced terrorism and expressed some form of sympathy for the US. However, Saddam Hussein, President of Iraq, chose a different method. While denouncing terrorism, referring to the 911 attacks on America, he did not hesitate to use his own propaganda in accusing the United States of “using sheer terrorism and blackmail” as an excuse, in order to settle old scores with Muslim countries, according to The Associated Press. [And most Arab/Muslim countries agree! It is unfortunate that many U.S. citizens do not realize that America, obtaining a foothold in the Middle East, is a power play and a desire that America has had for some time. Now, due to the 911 attacks, she has an excuse to exercise her plans.] Psalms 55:21 “The words of his mouth were smoother than butter, but war was in his heart: his words were softer than oil, yet were they drawn swords.

True to the words of the Muslims and the Psalmist, Bush’s efforts to “unite the world” in his anti-terrorism coalition, has proved to be a useful platform which has gained him political strides at home among Republicans, women, some Democrats, and minorities. Using his most recent comment that he would “raise American citizens’ taxes over his dead body”, he instead promised them tax cuts, which has the American people drooling. [As clearly indicated in The Watchman, December 2001 Special Edition, MONEY is the object of the Euro-Gentiles’ affection.] And for the ‘minorities’, he continues to reel-in Negroes by repeating his ‘election campaign rhetorical [empty] promises [The Watchman, Nov. 2001] of “racial inclusiveness and tolerance; while he and his cabinet members know that “racial profiling’ is at an all-time high []. According to the Washington Post, he attempts to court the Muslims by continuing to verbally emphasize that Islam is a “peaceful” [man-made] religion. All of this while he detains more than 500 people (most of the Muslim faith) under his anti-terrorism laws. According to a Nov. 28, 2001 article by The Chicago Tribune, of the 603 people the federal government is holding in jail, 548 were being held on only immigration charges and another 55 were held for other federal crimes such as lying to investigators. No one was charged with direct involvement in the 911 attacks however, lawyers indicated that there is evidence that the federal government is guilty of Muslim charges of abuse and even torture for some of the detainees. Six weeks later, by January 3, 2002, reported that U.S. lawyers and defenders of the constitution are still getting the ‘run-around’ regarding the details of the detainees being held on immigration charges. “People are being held secretly. Family and friends don’t know where they are”, one defender was quoted as saying. A prime example is Tarek Mohamed Fayad, a 34 year-old Egyptian dentist who came here in 1998, was arrested outside of his home for violating his student visa. It took 30 days of making phone calls to federal officials before his attorney would know his whereabouts. He has been cleared of all FBI charges but after four (4) months, he remains in jail, faces deportation, and all communication with or new about him has been cut off from his family and friends. What a mixture of contrasting words and deeds!!  The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel

NUCLEAR ‘CHICKEN’ Missile Defense: The UNTOLD Story America is playing a secret game of ‘chicken’ with the nuclear powers of the world. But it’s not a secret that man has changed YHWH’s laws and broken his everlasting covenant, the weekly Sabbath Day, [Isaiah 24:5], so no one should marvel that men continuously breaks covenants with one another. This is yet another end-time sign. 2 Tim 3:1-3 “ This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good…”

In the January 2001 issue of The Watchman, it was reported by The New York Times that Russia announced her plans to withdraw from a 1995 agreement to refrain from selling military weapons to Iran. Then in December 2001, not a year later, the U.S. caused a sensation, particularly with Russia and China, making public her intent to withdraw from the 1972 Anti–Ballistic Missile Treaty under the “loop hole” that the treaty was made with “Communist Russia” [that Bush says no longer exists.] Now, America’s focus is on patrolling U.S. and Canadian borders from potential terror attacks…or is it??!! On December 29, 2001, in a New York Times Editorial Exclusive, The “Untold Story of U.S. Missile Defense” appeared. The reporter said the debate is broken down into two camps: “the dreamers and the schemers”. George W. Bush, on the “dream-team”, is convinced that America would be invincible against nuclear weapons with a missile defense system. The National Security Advisor, Robert McFarlane, and Military Assistant to the Secretary of Defense, Colin Powell, the “scheme-team”, see our invincibility as a “pipe-dream”, but admits missile defense is a useful bargaining chip. [It would deter the enemy from raining nuclear warheads on America the way it deterred Russia.] But, the central theme of missile defense is not preventing America’s destruction but to stop Russia from advancing into West Europe [and West Germany]; thereby preventing the decimation of the planet in an international war in the effort to save Europe. [The central theme is to protect U.S. allies and the ‘global system of capitalism’ that is making the nations rich. Loss of freedom by America’s allies [particularly her mother, Europe] would weaken America and make her venerable.

Romans 1:28-29 “And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind…Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers…” But the “schemers”’ say a ‘rogue state’ with nuclear weapons could do the same thing to the U.S. – prevent us from sending our superior conventional military forces into the world, so the strategy The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel

is to protect freedom. [There’s that word again]. Bush agrees that a ‘rogue state’ might not be dissuaded by the threat of annihilation unless U.S. military forces were parked outside their door, ready to move in. [And so, she is positioning herself, moving further and further into the Middle East. But, Bush has just described the exact method by which America could be most venerable and through which she could mostly likely be destroyed – leaving her own back door open while her forces are busy vexing the earth]. This “rogue state” Bush referred to not only describes Russia, but it could also be Iran, North Korea, or Iraq. However, he was referring to Red China. Quoting the editorial, “you won’t hear President Bush say so, but the concern that occupies those in and around the Pentagon is this one: If Taiwan decides to risk a break away from main-land China, and China respond with a ‘military tantrum’, America would like to defend Taiwan’s demon-acracy [capitalism] against the Communist giant — but would Americans support a war for foreign freedom?” Rev 16:12 “And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.”

But what of the little island of Taiwan? On January 1, 2002, Taiwan became a member of the World Trade Organization, ending a 12-year quest for her membership. Taiwan has the 14th largest trading economy IN THE WORLD and is fighting hard for her independence from China while China is doing everything in her power to prevent it. Chinese citizens are forbidden to travel to Taiwan, but Taiwan ‘symbolically’ has her doors open to China. Now that Taiwan is a member of the WTO, all restrictions previously held by one member nation against another is immediately discarded. This is expected to move jobs, factories and investment capital into Taiwan’s doors but it may also be the very thing to move China out of its quiet corner!! Or perhaps it’ll be China’s discovery of American ‘bugs’ in the plane of their President. The United States, interfering in everybody’s business, is hiding her plots from the people. Concerned with China’s 200 million-man army and it’s nuclear power, if the U.S. defends Taiwan, China may threaten war. China’s nuclear build-up will make her nuclear neighbor, India, nervous. If India amasses nuclear weapons, it will alarm her nuclear neighbor, Pakistan. [Pakistan and India are already on the verge of war.] America is playing a game of “nuclear chicken” and the winner of this game is the one who has the best surprise attack. 

‘BLACK’MONEY THE EURO EFFECT Fifty billion coins and 14.5 billion bank notes—totaling $568 billion—became legal tender at midnight on Monday according to Blue lights and Euro signs “illuminate” the Port Neuf bridge over the Siene in Paris, France. Of the 15 member nations The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel

of the European Union [EU], 12 nations, or 300 million Europeans started their new year crossing a “symbolic bridge” toward unity in the most ambitious currency swap IN HISTORY, according to the president of the European Central Bank. [As clearly noted in the December 2001 issue of The Watchman, use of the word ‘illuminate’ and crossing a ‘symbolic bridge’ are not words used coincidentally. There are no coincidences! These are “tell-tale” signs that let the reader know that this Euro Beast has the full backing of Lucifer, the adversary]. The remaining three (3) Euro members, Denmark, Sweden and the United Kingdom, have all chosen to retain their own currencies. Since this Euro “tree” the Gentile have grown is now spreading its limbs all over the earth, what kind of fruit can we expect from it; even at this early stage? Matt 7:17 “Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.”

Spain calls the fruit from this evil tree “dinero Negro”…..“Black Money”; [i.e., money laundering]. Black money in Spain is nothing new, but according to Spanish authorities, with the introduction of the Euro, black money is at an all-time high. As the Euro replaces the Spanish peseta at the end of February 2002 [as it will for many countries who have chosen the former phase-out option], black money is coming out of hiding places and is being laundered in luxury items. Fearing tighter financial controls once the phase out ends, the Spanish are buying cars, homes, jewelry and yachts out of the view of tax inspectors. A real-estate broker told, “Officially we [brokers] don’t know about black money.” But here is how they say it works. There is an official price the buyer and seller report to the tax authorities. Then there’s the real price, which is higher. The difference is paid in ‘black money’ to the seller”. The EC calls this ‘the Euro Effect”. As some of us may already suspect, the Euro is having a UNIVERSAL effect. Even countries who are not members, like Russia and the United States, are being affected. Ezek 31:8 “The cedars in the garden of God could not hide him: the fir trees were not like his boughs, and the chestnut trees were not like his branches; nor any tree in the garden of God was like unto him in his beauty.”

Like Satan’s tree [of the knowledge of good and evil], which was the most beautiful tree of all the trees in the garden of Eden, the Euro is so attractive that men cannot resist it. The people, like Adam and Eve, are attracted to the ‘bright, shiny thing… Russia, who is also using the Euro on an optional basis, like the United States, did so because she had to. Up to 40% of Russia’s international trade is with European countries and many Russians work for companies with commercial ties to Europe. And the United States is no exception to this trend since the largest percentage of U.S. trade also comes from European countries, according to the Foreign Policy in Focus Organization, an economic watchdog:

1991 1994 1998 Total U.S. Exports

421.7 512.6 682.1

Total U.S. Imports

488.5 663.3 911.9

Numbers are from European trade

European trade in billions of US $

Motivated by a 40% growth of European imports in 2000, [compared to 1999’s 20%], Bush is busy encouraging The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel

the expansion of the EU via expansions through The World Trade Organization. But the country to watch is Switzerland. Almost 80% of her imports come from the EU and 31% from Germany. The ‘most neutral country in the world’ has one foot on her shores with the other foot already in the EU door. [Switzerland was the banker for Hitler and Mussolini in their reign of terror during World War II. Europe will not let her go and she will be drawn in.] However, Russia, supposedly, is not very concerned about any of it at the moment. The official currency of Russia is still the ruble, and the unofficial currency is the U.S. dollar. [Their own word for it is bucks]. Russians pay for merchandise in rubles, but save in dollars, holding up to $50 billion in cash…often saving it at home. They often joke that the U.S. is “using their bucks”, but truly the dollar is only paper and green ink. 

For the first time since the fall of the Roman Empire, Europe has a single currency. 2000 years before the advent of the Euro, Rome had a single currency and system of weights of weights and measures, and measures, and – since andall– taxes since all were taxes set by and delivered to Rome – they had a rudimentary form of centralized monetary control. Matt 22:19-21 “Shew me the tribute money. And they brought unto him a penny. And he saith unto them, Whose is this image and superscription? They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.”

The Romans first started using coins around 290 B.C. As Pope John Paul, II seated next they conquered Europe, the Mediterranean and the Near to a ‘gargoyle-looking’ creature East, their currency – and their language -- went with them. All coinage, however, bore the image and the name of the ruling emperor. [In earlier times, ‘Caesars’ demanded worship as a ‘god. [Titles for foreign dictators like Czar or Tsar and Kiser are derived from the Roman title of ‘Caesar’.] In the 3rd century, Emperor Caracalla was reputed to have ordered the entire population of Thrace – roughly modern Bulgaria – to be sold into slavery for refusing to use the standard Roman coinage. [The Hebrews (Negroes) were also sold into Emperor Nero slavery by Romans to Africans for flimsier reasons than that]. Now Rome depicted on a Roman “aureli” coin 22 carat is quietly being resuscitated. gold – 54 A.D.

Rev 13:3 “And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.”

The Vatican is the world’s smallest [so-called] sovereign state with the smallest economy, but that does not mean it can’t have it’s own Euro. As the Italian mint is busy stamping out Euro coins, a part of the production has been dedicated to the Vatican Euro. Coins worth one and two euros, as well as other values of euro cents, will bare the ‘image’ of Pope John Paul II. The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel

The Pope’s allotment is 670,000 coins per year [although he requested one million]. The “not so holy See” [The Vatican] has the option of doubling the allotment of the Vatican Euro during Jubliee years [which he called himself declaring in 2000] or when there is a change of pope. There are so many things that, particularly, Christians do not seem to know about their ‘mother church’, The Vatican. Since few outsiders have ever been permitted to look over the Vatican walls and rarely over it’s books, no one knows exactly how much the mini-state stands to make from minting it’s Vatican Euro. But there are really good indications. Earning a tidy sum each year from the sale of its stamps and coins packaged in sets, mainly to collectors, private coin shops sell packaged sets of Vatican coins in Italian lire at 17 times the face value. And a 50-year old lire coin sells for 7,000 times the face value. At this rate, if the Vatican minted 300 fifty-cent Euros and they sold for 7,000 times the face value, the total would be one million-fifty euro dollars [є1,050,000] for doing nothing but Satan’s bidding! Isaiah 56:11 “Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand: they all look to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter.” The Vatican Euro will circulate throughout Europe into catholic and non-catholic countries alike. The general concession among EU nations is that the rarity of the coin is almost assured of bringing a monetary ‘blessing’ as the Vatican Euro rises in value. [The Pope doesn’t conduct himself as the Apostles were instructed.] Mark 6:7-11 “And he called unto him the twelve…And commanded them that they should take nothing for their journey, save a staff only; no scrip, no bread, no money in their purse….”

Being guided by the adversary’s need for blood shed and death, Rome spilled blood worldwide with the Roman army of the Caesars [political Babylon]; and then later with the Roman Catholic [Christian] Church [Ecclesiastic Babylon]. And true to form, Rome still has her army!! The wound of this beast IS being healed. According to The National Geographic,

The Vigilanza

[one of few who have gained admission inside the

Vatican], the Pope and all of Christianity, have

their own army, police force and intelligence agents. The Pope has his own bodyguards…and this isn’t anything new. Reported as having the most efficient and widespread spy network in the world [called Sodalitium Pianum formed in 1909 by Pope Pius XII], the Vatican has: •

The Vigilanza [Papal Gendarmes] – Vatican police force whose duties overlap with

The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel

the Swiss Guards, but they carry out criminal investigations. •

Guardia Svizzera [Swiss Guards] – 100 guards who guard the Pope and [so-called] Apostolic Palaces. They have very extensive religious privileges and carry a large sword called “doublehanded” – this is the pseudo equivalent of the word’s “double-edged sword”.

Swiss Guards

Guardia d’Onore [Palatine Guard] – dates back to Pius IX when their services were not confined to the palace but were [false] “watchers” in the city and in military operations in wars. •

Guardia Nobile [Noble Guard]– formed by Pope Pius VII in May 1801 from the Roman ‘light calvery”, this force serves as a body guard to the Pope and appears in public only when the Pope takes part in a public function. Otherwise, they stand guard at the service of the College of Cardinals at the ‘Holy See’. Gudarie dei Fuoco [Fire Brigade] – is organized according to the most modern methods, but rarely needed.

Look at the fruit of this beast!!!

Psalms 74:4 “Thine enemies roar in the midst of thy congregation; they set up their ensigns for signs.”

Because of Christianity and other false religions like it, many think that if the world were really nearing its end, and nearing its end it most certainly is, the LORD would speak to say so. What do they think the bible is? Particularly, The Old Testament; where YHWH speaks quite plainly through his servants, the Hebrew prophets. In the June 2001 issue of The Watchman, the feature story of “Prophecy Speaks” addressed the issue that YHWH has already spoken to man. There is nothing else to say, so the masses continue on in sin awaiting word from GOD. Matt 13:13-14 “Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel

they hear not, neither do they understand. And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive:”

People commonly look for ‘miracles’ to drop from the sky and seldom believe that the “fruit of this world” is only evil. Thus, they miss the signs that appear to us on a daily basis which identifies what kind of fruit we are dealing with and from whence it comes. Like the three giant red sixes [“666” sign] that graces the “skyscraping tower” at 666 Fifth Avenue near Times Square, New York, NY. The caption in a The New York Times news article on January 3 read “The sixes are giving way to the Citi”. One might think it odd that this is an issue. Digging deeper, it is an issue; a spiritual one. The 666 sign, as the article states, ‘illuminated in blazoning blood red’ at night”, is being replaced by the Citigroup Corporation that occupies six floors of the 41-story tower. The sign might becoming down, but the recently publicized “dirty money” Citigroup participates in is not down but climbing to new plateaus daily. Scoffers might say this is insignificant or merely coincidence. It is neither a coincidence nor is it insignificant. When you look at the fruit of this ‘natural’ occurrence, this is what you’ll find: is one of the largest financial lending, banking, mortgage, stock market brokerage and insurance conglomerates in the world. They own:

With their own “private bank” as a subsidiary company, Citigroup has a deep global presence: in the following countries and territories: Now what do you see in the ‘spirit” regarding this ordinary corporate sign, 666? Rev 13:18 “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”

The bible has already told us the world will awe in wonder at the beast saying, ‘who can make war’ with this monster. YHWH has allowed Satan to make this “tree” so far reaching into the earth…like the tree in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, that many in this country already work for companies who have major EU involvement. And when the “marking” or “sealing” goes down…how shall we stand?? NO ONE will be able to stand without serving the True and Living GOD, YHWH Elohim. 

Algeria Angola Argentina Aruba Australia Austria Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belgium Bermuda Bolivia Brazil Brunei Bulgaria Cameroon Canada Cayman Islands Channel Islands (Jersey) Chile China Colombia Congo Costa Rica Saudi Arabia Senegal Singapore Slovakia South Africa South Korea Spain Sri Lanka Sweden United Arab

Côte d'Ivoire Czech Republic Denmark Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Emirates Finland France Gabon Germany Ghana Greece Guam Guatemala Haiti Honduras Hong Kong Hungary India Indonesia Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Switzerland Taiwan Tanzania Thailand Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey

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Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Lebanon Luxembourg Macau Malaysia Mexico Monaco Morocco Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nigeria Norway Oman Pakistan Panama Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Romania Russia Ukraine Uganda United Kingdom United States Uruguay Venezuela Vietnam Virgin Islands (U.S.) Zambia

Luke 21:25 “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring”.

On December 28, 2001, Saturn [Roman so-called god of agriculture, whose reign was supposedly during the ancient golden age] appeared at its fullest and brightest followed by a disappearing act. Signs are increasing in the heavens, at a rapid pace, bringing forth their own fruit. But what kind of fruit is it? Featured in the June 2001 issue of The Watchman, a story reported that on June 21, Earth and Mars were about only 42 million miles apart, the closest the two planets had been since 1988. Mars [named after the pagan god of war] faded but remained the brightest star in the evening sky until October. Following Saturn’s display, Jupiter, on December 31, 2001, exactly at midnight on [so-called] New Year’s Eve, took Mars’ place as being at it’s brightest and closest to Earth since 1752. [Jupiter, the supreme Roman (so-called) god, ruler of all gods, is the same as Zeus, supreme god of the Greeks]. Directly overhead at the stroke of midnight [accompanied by a dazzling full moon], Jupiter glowed as the revelers kissed [and ‘orgied’] in Times Square. [Satan gave his children quite a show; with his ‘666’ Fifth Avenue sign searing the New York skyline nearby.] Who said YHWH is not speaking? But it’s only to those with [spiritual] ‘eyes’ to see and ‘ears’ to hear as we watch man violate Yah’s word everyday; turning them into things that were not meant to be like tarot cards, the hotline psychic, and ‘horror’-scopes. “Let now the astrologers, the star-gazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up, and save thee from these things that shall come upon thee. Behold, they shall be as stubble; the fire shall burn them; they shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame…” Isaiah 47:13-14

As the world turns, our universe is rapidly aging. On January 10, 2002 ran an article that indicated that the universe [if shown in colors visible to the eye] would be “pale turquoise to pale mint green”; a sickly sign of aging [but we already know that from the bible]. Mixing together the rainbow of colors that comprise the universe, John The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel

Hopkins University researchers say the study of these colors have helped to shade light on the fate of the universe…and it ain’t pretty. Having studied light from over 200,000 galaxies, researchers say the universe has progressed in stages of growth: “first it went through the “blue phase” when the universe was full of young stars; next the “green phase”, currently in the “pale blue/green phase” and is rapidly approaching “the red phase” in which stars expand into giants then explode [die]. But the bible has already said this world is waxing old because the transgressions of man are heavy upon it. [Isa 24:20]

“And the city [THE New Jerusalem which comes down from heaven] had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.” Rev 21:23 “Stargazing” continued the following day, January 11, 2002, in’s evidentiary findings announcing their discovery of the first planet orbiting around a giant “red” star that sheds a great deal of light on the “fate of planet Earth”. Iota Draconis resides 100 light years away in the constellation of of Drago, just east of the Big Dipper. Boasting of a radius 13 times bigger than the sun, the sun itself has been identified as a star in our own universe that will most likely become a ‘red star’ star’ and explode. If the earth hangs on, man can expect to experience 60 times more radiation that Iota Draconis, that will push earth’s temperature up to AT LEAST a giant red star LEAST two times the boiling point of water. [Water boils at 212°F which would bring temperatures to 424°F. [The bibles says seven times!]

Isaiah 30:26 “….the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days.” Nothing in the natural [particularly human flesh] will survive that. Deut 4:19 “And lest thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven, and when thou seest the sun, and the moon, and the stars, even all the host of heaven, shouldest be driven to worship them, and serve them, which the LORD thy God hath divided unto all nations under the whole heaven.” The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel

Wise men used a celestial sign to search for a divine king [Yahshua the Messiah] in Judea, according to Matthew’s Gospel, but how “wise” were they really? As Winter Solstice.& Astrology stated in The Watchman, “A World Without Wisdom”, July 2001 issue, there is man’s wisdom [which is no wisdom at all] and then there is the wisdom of GOD [YHWH]. An article featured on on December 27, 2002, said astrology websites took the #1 spot, drawing 868,000 surfers in the last week of December 2001; trying to locate the answers to life’s questions. This is the proof that this world is steeped in methods by which man has taken the wisdom of GOD [YHWH] and lowered it to his own faulty standards and methods. The story of the Christmas Star is a great example of that! THE CHRISTMAS STAR

On December 27, 2001, reported that a U.S. astronomer said he has uncovered the first reference to the star of Bethlehem outside the Bible, in the 4th-century writings of a Christian convert [a man] who wanted to hide the astrological roots of the celestial phenomenon. Michael Molnar, concluded that the star was actually a double eclipse of Jupiter roughly 2,000 years ago. Molnar, a former Rutgers University researcher, concluded this while studying a symbolic star on an ancient Roman empire coin from Syria that he purchased for $50. It depicts Aries the ram and other celestial symbols. Molnar deduced that Aries was the sign of the Jews, [thoughts from his own mind] and indicated that a computer model [a man-made machine], proved this theory to be correct but he lacked historical evidence, until now. Recently locating a Greek Translation of the bible in an old bookstore, it named the celestial event as the star of Bethlehem. Matt 2:2 “…where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.”

The book, written by Firmicus Maternus, an astrologer of Constantine the Great, is called The Mathesis and was written in 334 A.D. [Just the mention of the name Constantine should send all believers in bible ‘truth’ running in the opposite direction. Constantine was responsible for changing the day of true worship on the Sabbath Day (Saturday) to Sunday (The Sun’s Day); and was responsible for one of the bloodiest reigns in Christian history. Now, people are so busy ‘stargazing’ and calling the psychic hotline that they don’t understand that this type mixture of the holy with the unholy is sinful in the eyes of GOD [YHWH]. 2 Cor 11:14 “And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.” The approximate time [season] of birth of the Messiah can be obtained with a little under-standing of the Hebrew calendar. According to the bible, [in Luke], his birth was not anytime near the month of December. In addition, “stargazing” was a custom of the nations, not of the Hebrews. If it’s not YHWH, Satan is at the “root”!! The proof is in the fruit…

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As a December 22, 2001,, article indicated, the “Winter Solstice heralds a new sun with old rituals”, it is the shortest day of the year when the sun reaches it’s greatest distance away from earth. Continuing it indicated, “the reason for the season is that the planet tilts about 23 degrees on it’s axis, like a top spinning slightly off balance and it occurs during the period the people have come to love: The [so-called] Christmas Season! The article continued truly telling it like it is:

“The December [Winter] Solstice spawned numerous myths and traditions in the ancient world which have evolved into holiday celebrations in contemporary times. In England, the druids held rituals at Stonehenge, a prehistoric collection of mysterious boulders that still work like an astronomical calendar marking the dawn of both winter and summer. They burned ‘Yule Logs’ to ensure the return of the sun to earth. The Chinese had their [pagan] Ju Dong feast celebrated on the day of the Winter Solstice. Ancient Egyptians celebrated the passing of Osiris, the god of the dead, on December 21. The Greeks celebrated by sacrificing a goat to the god Dionysus while the Romans celebrated the birth of numerous pagan gods during Saturnalia, a weeklong festival at the time of the Winter Solstice.” Early church leaders, eager to establish a holiday marking the birth of the Messiah, selected December 25th because the residents of Rome were already accustomed to celebrating their false gods [which included the sun, moon and stars] during this time”. Deut 32:17 “They sacrificed unto devils, not to God; to gods whom they knew not, to new gods that came newly up, whom your fathers feared not.” What a mix of lies; but the truth is mixed somewhere therein. So, the Christmas Story should be read in this manner: ‘Once upon a time, the primitive Gentile nations, who

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were alienated from the commonwealth of Israel and without GOD [YHWH] in the world, living away from the equator in the ‘Caucasus Mountains’, recognized irregular movements of the sun and eventually began to worship it. Conquering the Hebrews, they continued to worship, their pagan gods while giving biblical names [like Christmas and Easter] to their new form of blasphemy and sin.” And about this kind of worship, [GOD] YHWH said to the Hebrews: “ …I have spread out my hands all the day unto a rebellious people, which walketh in a way that was not good, after their own thoughts; A people that provoketh me to anger continually to my face; that sacrificeth in gardens, and burneth incense upon altars of brick; Which remain among the graves, and lodge in the monuments, which eat swine's flesh, and broth of abominable things is in their vessels; … Behold, it is written before me: I will not keep silence, but will recompense, even recompense into their bosom, Your iniquities, and the iniquities of your fathers together, saith the LORD, which have burned incense upon the mountains, and blasphemed me upon the hills: therefore will I measure their former work into their bosom.” – Isaiah 65:1-7 

The prevailing attitude of today is one of relativism…the belief that there is no source of truth or authority above the individual. Individualism provokes a “spirit” of competition in a society where the ‘norm’ is each man’s own standard of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’. Discarding over 4,000 years of moral and righteous law delivered to the human race through the Hebrew ‘way of life’ called Judaism, man has created his own law, moral standards and lifestyle which has led the world down a path of utter confusion. Darkness is spreading upon the earth… Jer 23:12 “Wherefore their way shall be unto them as slippery ways in the darkness: they shall be driven on, and fall therein: for I will bring evil upon them, even the year of their visitation, saith the LORD.”

From the moment salvation opened up to the Euro-Gentiles, it would not be long before the Hebrew Apostles, sent to teach the world “righteousness”, would be martyred and The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel

replaced by the Gentiles themselves. [Even the false Hebrew prophets and their followers, who were too busy protecting their positions of power and leadership, could not recognize the Messiah because “self” was in the way.] Gentiles, a people whom YHWH had never known [Amos 3:2], and who had no experience in the miracles of Yah, no background history or knowledge of Hebrew culture or scripture, dare to teach the world about righteousness!! They were called dark days because they were dark, dark days….and they’re growing even darker. The present “works” of this country and around the world are contributions toward Satan’s desired result. Man is entering upon a new era of ‘spiritual freedom’ to enjoy an unprecedented condition of political, social and moral liberty, which is really slavery. Running from their sins and abominations [and finding every excuse in the world that will exempt them] the nations are running directly into their ‘predestined’ end. Believing that if they dig deep enough, or soar high enough into heaven, [Satan’s fruit] they will find the answer to immortality that will allow them to “cheat death and judgment’. But this ain’t the movies!! There is little truth in the world; and without truth, there are mostly lies. Lies come only from darkness. The world is steeped to the core in sin; self-will and necromancy. They treat the dead like the living…with reverence and ceremony…while the living are treated as the dead. Pagan symbols [like the cross and steeples] are emblems representing Satan [death]. Even dead bodies, are found in the churches of today -- in the midst of man’s so-called worship of GOD, on the day of their choosing; thereby ignoring the day YHWH declared was ‘holy!!!. Isn’t this darkness?! The blind know only darkness, because they cannot see.. 

LAND OF THE FREE… HOME OF THE DEAD In a very interesting article entitled “The Making of the Megiddo Project”, the author hit the nail on the head. The Megiddo project is the FBI’s report on the religious groups they say are cults because of apocalyptic teachings. In the midst of some of these groups with the socalled truth, are those who do have

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the truth [Hebrew Israelites]…and Satan is determined that the “truth” remains hidden to the masses; particularly the Negro. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Eph 6:12

Project Megiddo is about the bible and its instruction on the “way of life” people should live [even if man distorts it though his personal opinions]. The bible speaks condemnation to homosexuality, abortion, pagan practices, witch craft [which includes Ms. Cleo and the daily astrological horror-scopes] and it teaches about the sins of man. Many who profess to believe in GOD are aware that there is an aggressive agenda to get prayer and the bible out of schools. But they remain unaware of the aggressive agenda to get prayer and the bible [or any other so-called religion] out of man and ultimately out of the earth. Because the bible speaks against the direction America and the world is headed, the bible has to go…[along with anyone who professes to believe half of what it says like Christianity.] Believers are viewed as “intolerant” because the bible teaches the way of repentance, reconciliation and at-oneness [Atonement] with God. America and others claim to have “tolerance”…that is, as long as it doesn’t get in the way of their desires and passions. [There can be no replacement of demon-acracy for “theocracy”.] Thus, the world’s definition of tolerance is a moving target. [Watch this word]. Those who believe and teach about a “one world order” and the beast and its mark are educating the people on what the elite are doing behind the scenes. This is “intolerable” to them. And so, the nations [the blind/disobedient or the dead], as the Hebrews once did, are crying out, “Give us Barabbas!” Last year, a man attacked the Liberty Bell; another one of America’s idols. As he did so, he cried out, “You are taking my freedom”. And the dead came, arrested him ….and imprisoned him. Psalms 37:32 “The wicked watcheth the righteous, and seeketh to slay him.” 

We live in a world where many philosophies about GOD’s word are being preached; but the word is not being read!! Instead preachers give their stories about stories in the bible. The word of GOD has been absent from churches for ages due to a lack of truth. Now, according to CSNBC News, “the sale of bibles have skyrocketed. Whether it’s the King James Version or the New World Version,

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they are all flying off the shelves.” National publishers say, “if bible sales continue in this manner, it will set a record of the most bibles ever purchased in one year.” Just like the days when bibles were out-lawed during the rule of Roman Emperor, Diocletian, having a bible that you don’t fully understand OR READ bears the same fruit. Christian shops, bookstores and homes are bursting with bible translations and paraphrases to suit every taste. So, at a time when bible sales are at an alltime high, with millions of bibles being printed everyday, many would ask, “How can there be a famine for GOD’s word? Amos 8:11-12 “Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD: And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the LORD, and shall not find it.” (KJV) The “never-ending” production of various bible translations and their accompanying “bible study guides” are the problem. The word of GOD is being so effectively “watered down that the “truth” of GOD’s word is now hard to find…and so is the King James Version of the bible! Although the real word of YHWH, the KJV [which is the most accurate version of the bible being printed today], is available, the KJV is hard to find in mass quantities. It’s competition? You name it, they have it: The Revised Standard Version, The New International Version, The Living [or the dead] Bible and many more -- Eclectic Bibles; and if he doesn’t have it, Satan will get it to you! Amos 8:13 “In that day shall the fair virgins and young men faint for thirst”. (KJV) The “word” of GOD is his “spirit”. Man is tampering with the “spirit” that gives men “living waters” by which to be filled. The ‘bread of life’ is the Messiah who was the embodiment of YHWH’s word. Now the word of YHWH is being printed in much the same format of Christian sermons. How shall it “feed” men? The masses want sermons and bible versions that please them…versions that speak to them in the same manner that we speak to one another…in comfortable sayings, and smooth things. Man wants an informal GOD that does not speak of ‘fire and brimstone’ or ‘sin and death’. The word of GOD is the helmet of salvation and the sword of the “Spirit”. When the helmet [the covering for the head] is gone, so is the protection of the mind and beliefs…And a soldier without a sword, has no defense to fight the adversary. The word of GOD is the “Spirit” and without it, man shall die! Eph 6:17 “And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:”

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NOTES FROM THE ELDER PRIEST YACHOV BEN ISRAEL (YHWH is pronounced Yahweh; He is The Most High, The True and Living God of Israel)

Eze 37:3 live?”

“And he said unto me, Son of man, can these bones

Can the Negro live? The bible story of Ezekiel’s ‘dry bones’ is about the spiritual resurrection of the House of Israel, The Negro. Ezekiel, with the ‘hand of YHWH’ upon him had a vision of very dry, broken bones that eventually become bodies. The dead bones represent the “uncleanness of the people” because of their ways and the “programming” of our minds [brought on by the curse of the law]. Today we even target our own people for robberies and murder. Ezek 22:26-29 “Her priests have violated my law, and have profaned mine holy things: they have put no difference between the holy and profane, neither have they shewed difference between the unclean and the clean, and have hid their eyes from my sabbaths, and I am profaned among them. Her princes in the midst thereof are like wolves ravening the prey, to shed blood, and to destroy souls, to get dishonest gain. And her prophets have daubed them with untempered morter, seeing vanity, and divining lies unto them, saying, Thus saith the Lord GOD, when the LORD hath not spoken. The people of the land have used oppression, and exercised robbery, and have vexed the poor and needy: yea, they have oppressed the stranger wrongfully.”

Our children are fatherless and our women have no ‘husbandman’ because of the fruit of our enslavement, originally. But now, we want to live near “master”, most of us work for master”, we want to eat where master eats, play like master plays and be just like master. The Negro even serves master’s god, Jesus [who Gentiles made to look just like them; although the bible says differently]. And many of us know it! Will we ever let master go??!! What a hopeless situation of a lost people!! Eze 37:4

“…O ye dry bones…”

Their dryness is ‘their hopelessness’ – they have no ‘breath’ [of life] to live. They are envisioned as broken bones because they are broken and tired; tired of continuous “last” class treatment’, of unemployment, ghetto life, of racial profiling, of imprisonment

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and death. The wind that blows through their bodies is the “breath” He will breathe into us to bring us back to life from the same four winds to which we were scattered and cursed. At the appointed time, we died as a people [tribe/nation], and likewise we will be raised up. But many of us don’t know we are dead! It is only with the call of a ‘prophet’ that he [through the prophecies of YHWH], cause the people to look at their own condition of separation, sin and death. Ezek 37:11-12 “Then he said unto me, Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel…they say, Our bones are dried, and our hope is lost: we are cut off for our parts. Therefore prophesy and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, O my people, I will open your graves, And cause you to come up out of your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel.”

Considering the individual advancement of some Negroes, known as ‘The Talented Tenth, just looking around, we know this advancement only benefits the individual…which is no advancement at all. The problem that plagues the Negro the most is the curse of his lost identity. Identity is the link that connects the individual to his origins [history], land [nationality], language and culture. Since the Negro’s identity is perpetually [forever] tied to his GOD [YHWH Elohim] as the ones He chose to deliver His righteousness to mankind, the Negro will never be ‘whole’ without YHWH! THIS is the Plight of the Negro! Ezek 37:5-7 “I will lay sinews upon you, and will bring up flesh upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and ye shall live; and ye shall know that I am the LORD. So I prophesied as I was commanded: and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and behold a shaking, and the bones came together, bone to his bone.” The curses the Negro is enduring are due to his sin of disobedience of keeping YHWH’s laws and commandments. The curses are judgments upon the [unholy] “holy people”. But as YHWH breathes life into us, His miracle of life, the last shall be first, and the first shall be last. Look up, Negro man, children of GOD [YHWH], for your redemption is nigh. Be who you were created to be since before the foundation of the world was formed! 

By: Lewis Allan

Billie Holiday first performed the song, Strange Fruit, at Cafe Society in 1939. Holiday approached her recording label, Columbia Records, about the song, but the company feared reaction by record retailers in the South, as well as negative reaction from affiliates of its co-owned radio

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network, CBS. Even John Hammond, Holiday's producer, refused. She turned to friend Milt Gabler, whose Commodore record label produced alternative jazz. Holiday sang "Strange Fruit" for him a cappella, and moved him to tears. Columbia allowed Holiday a one-session release from her contract in order to record the song. It sold over 1 million copies!! "Strange Fruit" was a poem written by Abel Meeropol, a Jew-ish high-school teacher from the Bronx, as a protest against lynchings. Meeropol, his wife, and black vocalist Laura Duncan performed it at Madison Square Garden. Meeropol sometimes published under the pen name Lewis Allan, after two sons who were both stillborn. Southern trees bear strange fruit, Blood on the leaves and blood at the root, Black bodies swinging in the southern breeze, Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees.

Pastoral scene of the gallant south, The bulging eyes and the twisted mouth, Scent of magnolias, sweet and fresh, Then the sudden smell…of burning flesh Here is For the For the Here is

fruit for the crows to pluck, rain to gather, for the wind to suck, sun to rot, for the trees to drop, a strange and bitter crop.

“And thy carcass shall be meat unto all the fowls of the air, and unto the beasts of the earth, and no man shall fray them away.” Deuteronomy 28:26

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The Parable of the Fig Tree The fig tree is a symbol of YHWH’s people. Just before the Messiah’s death, he cursed a fruitless fig tree to illustrate what was going to happen to the Hebrew Nation, and the apostate church [Christianity, Islam, false Judaism] and all the lawless of the world. Fig trees are unique in that both the mature leaves and ripe fruit appear at the same time. The tree was cursed because it had all the outward signs of bearing fruit, yet the tree was a hypocrite; as he called the Pharisees and Sadducees earlier [Matt 22:23 - 23:33]… a perfect description of the Hebrew people, [the Negroes of ancient times] and of our modern day. While Judaism is the “true way of life”, the Pharisees and Sadducees [ our modern day preachers and lawyers] filled it with their own thoughts, interpretations, and will. Like, Christianity [the eclectic tree], the tree had to be fruitless. A [withered] fig leaf is a reminder of man’s failed attempts to cover his own sins; [the fig leaf attire of Adam and Eve]. So, the “Pharisees” would receive this judgment: Matt 23:33-35 “Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell? Wherefore, behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes: and some of them ye shall kill and crucify; and some of them shall ye scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from city to city: That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias on of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar.”

As Israel literally had all the outward forms of true religion before the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70, the masses of the world [the apostate and their churches] are, in these last days, putting forth leaves without bearing any fruit. Christianity has all the outward appearances of revival --- lots of praise, miracle-healing services, big attendance, and TALK of love and tolerance, but have no fruit of the Holy Spirit, thereby denying the power [and the true name of the Messiah, Yahshua, in whom lies the POWER AND THE NAME OF YHWH [GOD]. The “eclectic” name for their messiah is “Jesus”. Let’s look at the fruit of Christianity around the world…. The National New York-Times reported, on January 13, 2002, that after months into the expanded war on bioterrorism, the government is still making available to the public hundreds of formerly secret documents that tell how to turn dangerous germs into deadly weapons. For years, experts have called called such documents cookbooks for terrorists and condemned their public release. Now, with new urgency, [as if they didn’t already know it was there], military experts and scientists are campaigning to have the report locked away from public access. America largely a Christian nation, [according to George Bush and the people’s own admissions] keeps the ‘hype’ of terror going.

Diagram from a once secret 1952 U.S. document on germ weapons

On January 17, 2002, the U.S. announced a “global manhunt for five ‘suicide terrorists’ whom they say may be planning, new, possibly imminent terrorists attacks”. [Is anybody tired of the word terrorist?]. Yes, Saddam Hussein is one. Also, on January 17, 2002, carried an article in which Saddam Hussein is said to have told the United States that they will lose their “superpower” status because of its use

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of force rather than dialogue to settle disputes. In a 30-minute televised address to the nation of Iraq, which marked their 11th anniversary of the start of the Gulf War, he commented Iraq had learned from the war, gained strength from it thereby increasing its chances of repulsing any future attacks from the U.S. It was a warning! Two days before, in a separate CNN article, Iraqi newspapers indicated Saddam accused the United States of “interpreting international law on a whim and operating a foreign policy motivated by hatred. Personal malice coupled with brute force has resulted in this mean action in Afghanistan, Palestine, Iraq and other countries”, he told his cabinet in a meeting. This is because Iraq knows full well the U.S. Secretary of State is urging Bush and his administration to make Iraq the next target, justifying it by their claims of Iraqi ties to terrorism. Saddam said the U.S. foreign policy had brought Americans hatred. “How can the American [Christian] citizen feel optimistic while he is living in a world which hates him”, he said. U. S. Senator Joseph Lieberman, [a professed so-called Jew back from a tour of Central Asia and Afghanistan] said, “The unique threat to American security by Saddam Hussein’s regime is so real, grave and imminent that, even if no other nation were to stand with us, we must be prepared to act alone”. Thus, Bush has called on Hussein to reopen his nation to U.N. arms inspectors or “find out” the consequences. America, the Daughter of Babylon, is ready to take another walk through this earth to produce more of her ‘Christian’ fruit. And the fruit [which is actually the lack thereof] is being eaten worldwide. India, wedged between Pakistan and China, is ready to push their nuclear button; if it comes to that. Having made clear to Pakistan that they are ready to defend any aggression, relations between Pakistan and India grows more tense each day. But the America, DAUGHTER OF BABYLON: daughter of Babylon is nearby to interfere. With robes of royalty, a crown of authority and religion in hand, she fornicates worldwide Relations between the two nuclear neighbors deteriorated after two deadly terror attacks last year -- one in October at the India’s legislature in Srinigar, in the disputed Kashmir region, and the other last month at India's Parliament. Luke 21: 9-10 “But when ye shall hear of wars and commotions, be not terrified: for these things must first come to pass; but the end is not by and by. Then said he unto them, nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.”

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Responding to threats made by George Bush, the Iranian President Mohammed Khatami emphasized to British Prime Minister Tony Blair that their county will not allow any al Qaeda members to cross the Afghanistan border into his country. Bush warned Iran on January 10 against harboring members of the Al Qaeda network that might be seeking to undermine the interim Kabul government. Supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, called Bush’s warning “rude and impudent”. [The U.S. and Iran have been exchanging threats to revive a war since the overthrow of the late shah of Iran in 1979. He was a strong ally of the U.S.]. The United Kingdom has been doing some trampling of her own. A team from Britain’s Scotland Yard is in Egypt to investigate the activities of Egyptian Islamic militants now living in Britain, Cairo-based sources told Egypt has, in the past, criticized Western states including Britain, for allowing Muslim militants to take refuge on their soil. Now they want to investigate!! But Africa is certainly not quiet while all of this is occurring. Ezek 30:4-5 “And the sword shall come upon Egypt, and great pain shall be in Ethiopia, when the slain shall fall in Egypt, and they shall take away her multitude, and her foundations shall be broken down. Ethiopia, and Libya, and Lydia, and all the mingled people, and Chub, and the men of the land that is in league, shall fall with them by the sword.”

Ethiopian troops, who entered a breakaway [fractionalized] Somali region are said to have left overnight after a three-day visit aimed at training local militia, residents and security sources say. [The Somali breakaway region is cited as a possible haven for terrorists. The Ethiopian force, estimated at 150-300 men, left Sunday without explanation along with a small number of Ethiopian military personnel who had been in the capital, Garowe [in a region called Puntland], for about a month. Residents say the Ethiopian troops came to train gunmen loyal to Abdullahi Yusuf, the Ethiopian-backed former President of Puntland. Diplomats expect Abdullahi’s forces to try to overthrow the administration of Puntland President, Jama Ali Jama. Italy has singled out Puntland as a possible refuge for al Qaeda fighters fleeing Afghanistan. [Italy still has not let go of Africa after all these years]. In southern Somalia, residents and security sources say 100 Ethiopian troops crossed into Somalia recently and entered a military camp 250 miles southwest of Mogadishu to train more resistance fighters. But some, like the U.S. and China, are quiet for now. said The Washington Post and The Financial Times reported on January 18, 2002, that Chinese intelligence officers discovered more than 27 “bugging devices” throughout a new Boeing 767 purchased in June 2000. 20 of the 27 devices are listening devices which were found in President Jiang Zemin’s official jet, planted everywhere from the presidential bathroom to the headboard of Jiang’s bed. Chinese officials said even if it were true, it would constitute a “small incident” that would not distract China from pursuing good relations with the U.S. [To the contrary, The Financial Times reported that Jiang was furious at the discovery, but CIA officials called the discovery ‘pure allegations’.] Matt 24:33 “Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.” 

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In the July 2001 issue of The Watchman, an article on the types of food eaten from the waters and the condition of the waters appeared. ..And bible prophecy tells us it will get worse. Scientists are always busy trying to prove something in the bible is or isn’t true. In January 2001, an article in The New York Times, Science, indicated that the chemical makeup of an ancient coral is showing signs of worsening weather [like La Niña and El Niño]. The bible has already prophesied that and Yah’s word is much more ancient that any coral. Psalms 107:23-28 “They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; These see the works of the LORD, and his wonders in the deep. For he commandeth, and raiseth the stormy wind, which lifteth up the waves thereof. They reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man, and are at their wits' end. Then they cry unto the LORD in their trouble, and he bringeth them out of their distresses.” But devastation to the waters are coming from every corner of the earth and for every nation. The March 2001 news is a prime example. There were news reports of “global warming thawing tropical icecaps causing rising oceans, that cause floods, and land erosion and that threaten the eco-system. In April 2001, reported that “damming, drilling, and burning in or near waterways impact everything; [especially the waters and it usually impacts them first. That’s why they keep damming, drilling and burning. Satan is destroying this earth.] Topping the list as the worst body of water in the U.S. is the Missouri River where the Army Corps of Engineers is located. Birds [like, cranes, gulls, and swallows, etc.], who eat from the waters are affected. Now we hear reports that the birds are dying. U.S. sins are also affecting Canada in a big way. The American Bullfrog [who eats other frogs] is invading Canada’s shores; [while a strange “rotting” disease is killing frogs in Europe.] But the American Bullfrog, will actually eat anything it can get into its large mouth – insects, fish, snakes, birds, and even small mammals!! Another predator they are also watching very closely is the European Green Crab, also featured in The Watchman July 2001. With a budget of $467,868 to study and control the crab, the Wildlife And Fisheries Department has reported the green crab is a highly adaptable invader species. They grow extremely quickly, produce a large number of offspring and are voracious predators. They eat oysters, mussels and other crabs [which man should not eat anyway] and a variety of plants, small fish, insects and anything else it can get its claws on. [Oysters are generally predator proof having a very difficult shell to open, but the green crab specializes in eating oysters, opening shells quicker and faster than any

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species known to man]. [We are losing the order of the food-chain…as men destroy each other, beasts do likewise - Zeph 1:3]. Driving this change is the rapid growth of trans-world shipping as the global free trade zone expands. It appears that green crab larvae is being transported by attaching itself to the hull of trade ships as they travel around the world; The sponge Telchaxinella is a source of a thereby spreading the species. The green crab so-called an anti-tumor compound. is costing the commercial and recreational fisheries millions of dollars. While the plans are to put this crab on the dinner table to eliminate the predator, the irony of this is that the green crab has very little meat and therefore, has very little commercial value. According to the Environmental News Network, scientists have begun to look to the seas deepest resources for cures to cancer and AIDS [so they say]. Their activities to date have focused on the collection of sea sponges that are thought to contain a tumor-fighting compound. Scien-tists are analyzing the sponges in their onboard lab as the boat cruises out to the Gulf of Mexico and the Florida Keys where the deepest dives will take place. Isaiah 19:8 “The fishers also shall mourn, and all they that cast angle into the brooks shall lament, and they that spread nets upon the waters shall languish.

Never before in history has man been able to completely suck the ocean floor dry of its resources because man has never before had the capabilities of remaining underwater for more than several hours at a time in the deep. Now that, too, has come to fruition. According to the Environmental News Network, the discovery of the Johnson Sea Link will The Johnson Sea Link now allow man to dive to depths of 3,000 feet and remain on the bottom of the deep, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. The medical and science fields as well as the insurance industry agree that diving to depths deeper than 100 ft. can cause great spinal injury to man. Imagine the damage the digging, drilling and bombing will cause to the ocean floors having constant access. We know, as featured in the June 2001 issue of The Hebrew Yisrael Lite, entitled Prophecy Speaks, a Tusnami, pronounced soo-NAH-mee is a series of waves that occur in an ocean or other large body of water. Violating the deep in such a manner could give the U.S. a taste of the destruction caused by Tsumanis. Jer 51:42 “The sea is come up upon Babylon [America]: she is covered with the multitude of the waves thereof.”

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WHEN WWW MEANS WORLDWIDE WICKEDNESS The web is often thought of as either a lawless place, filled with pornographers, gamblers, criminals or vast virtual shopping malls where customers feverishly max out credit cards. But the extent to which religious groups of all faiths use the web might come as a surprise to many. On line are broadcasts, sermons and classes that help some of the faith to study. But the web is also a place where many lies and fabrications on every level are readily available as well. Even the Vatican which set up its own radio station in 1931 was not slow in embracing the web. The Vatican has it’s own country code ‘.va’, and the web-site of the Holy See (supported by servers named Gabriel, Michael and Raphael) hosts information in six languages around the world. However, they somehow don’t get around to telling surfers that the hat on the Pope’s head originates from ancient myths of the Babylonian and Philistine fish-god named Dagon. Judges 16:23 “Then the lords of the Philistines gathered them together for to offer a great sacrifice unto Dagon their god, and to rejoice: for they said, Our god hath delivered Samson our enemy into our hand.”

The Web is also a place where kids may learn about witchcraft and the popularity of playing with tarot cards. These are things of a “different spirit”. Harry Potter is available on the internet in cute animated form, guaranteed to attract young children. The movie that opened on November 16, 2001 in the U.S., was a blockbuster – one of the biggest-grossing films of all time. Britain’s top news papers, The Sun Tabloid [Gentiles love the sun], reported that a movie-goer said, “ It’s dark, it’s scary, it’s funny – with special effects that will make your hair stand up on the back of your neck. [When Satan finally walks this earth, no one will think that’s funny. Sorcery is nothing to play with; particularly concerning young children who are more vulnerable. When will we learn that we cannot practice the things of Satan and call ourselves “holy”?] Isaiah 8:19 “And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead?”

Isaiah 19:3 “And the spirit of Egypt shall fail in the midst thereof; and I will destroy the counsel thereof: and they shall seek to the idols, and to the charmers, and to them that have familiar spirits, and to the wizards.” YHWH knows man well and having created him, how could he not know? But the people don’t believe in Yah [not really]. Even though a Christian church in Pennsylvania took the Potter books and magazines and burned them in a bonfire in protest, no one seems to recognize the The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel

importance of studying the entire bible – even after it was banned, collected and burned during the Dark Ages. [And sadly, it’s due to be burned again]. As a result, with man’s lack of wisdom, he continues to fund experiments of the so-called ‘perfection’ of computers with the ‘not-soperfect’ human, [called bio-technology]; as though GOD [YHWH] made a mistake. The University of Oregon received $20 million dollars within two week’s time upon announcing a neuroscience research institute’s plans to study the human brain and the artificial intelligence of computers. The March 2001 issue of The Watchman, clearly illustrated just how “off the deep end” this thinking is. Boasting of Dolly last year, the first cloned animal born in 1996, the article included experiments with animal to human body parts [and vice versa]. Hasn’t the bible already warned us about the ways of men? Eph 4:17-19 “This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind, Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart: Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness.”

It’s all about money and greed, but no one can deflate man’s ego like YHWH. The New York Times has advised that Dolly has arthritis, raising fears that the cloning process may have given her a defect. They have since then genetically engineered pigs -- one of their most used [and the most unclean] of all animals. However, the research has allowed them to further their studies with pig-to-human transplants. The cloned piglets [named Noel, Angel, Star, Joy and Mary], are “successful knock-out” pigs. They are called this because of a gene that causes the human immune system to reject pig organs within minutes of a transplant has been “knocked-out” of their genetic makeup. They will be bred to be used as a limitless organ supply…and don’t be surprised to find that some might make it to your local grocery store! Every one is using the internet and other computer technology and employers are no exception. It seems the world of the “dot.coms” has created another avenue to make billions. A San Diego-based Company, Websense, has found a niche in a software they developed that monitors the amount of time employees spend surfing the net at work for personal use. Websense estimated that U.S. companies lose $63 billion a year in productivity because of the Net, which Websense said is a ‘major distraction’ for employees. In spite of the fact that Americans work longer hours [with less productivity], businesses are still trying to squeeze as much work out of employees that they can. [That’s because there is serfdom in the Dark Ages, not employment]. Now, for scientists, the study of the brain has lead to heat-sensing cam-eras that can detect liars by their faces. The instrument is being used to spot terrorists at airports and detainees questioned about terrorism. The way the high-resolution thermal imaging camera works is by detecting a faint blush [in body heat] around the eyes that Mayo Clinic researchers say is evidence of deception. In an experiment, 20 recruits were asked to pretend to steal something or not steal it. [And when questioned, they could lie about it or not lie]. Upon asking the 20 men the same questions, the test detected that 6 of the 8 robbers showed the telltale heat patterns and 11 of the 12 remaining volunteers were correctly tagged as innocent. Men worship, WORLDWIDE, the work of their own hands. In this work, Satan is glorified. Everything occurring in technology today is ‘preparing the way’ for the unclean one -- after all, he is the false Messiah that will successfully deceive many. The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel

SIN + JUDGMENT=PLAGUES Ultra-violet radiation is said to impair our immune systems. This will make us even more susceptible to rampant disease and pestilence (plagues). [However, we can believe that sin will cause disease and pestilence much more rapidly.] The continuing increase in intensity in of disease and pestilence is biblical prophecy that we can expect; [The Watchman, April 2001 issue]. Micah 6:12-13 “For the rich men thereof are full of violence, and the inhabitants thereof have spoken lies, and their tongue is deceitful in their mouth. Therefore also will I make thee sick in smiting thee, in making thee desolate because of thy sins. Infectious Diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide, and ranked third among the leading causes of death in 1992 in the United States. In recent years, the wide use of effective antibiotics, the potential for universal immunization for many childhood illnesses and success stories such as the imminent eradication of polio encouraged the perception that infectious diseases had been conquered. Not so… Man has recently had quite a fascination with rats and scientific experiments. Now the rats are getting a little payback. announced the outbreak of bubonic plague in Uganda which has killed 14 people in three weeks. Only 23 were affected at the printing of the CNN article. The disease is said to be caused by an influx of rats into several villages. The rats entered four villages near the Congo region. Since Congo residents were forced out of the area, by volcanic lava, so were the rats. Where will they go next? Even as some previous epidemic infectious diseases have been controlled, new diseases emerge and old diseases rebound, sometimes in drug-resistant forms. Germs, or microorganisms, as they are called by scientists. The most common microorganisms are bacteria and virus, but others are fungi, protozoans, and worms. Bacteria, which are one-celled organisms, and viruses, which are even smaller, are mainly parasites that multiply sometimes with astonishing speed. Lev 26:15-16 “And if ye shall despise my statutes, or if your soul abhor my judgments, so that ye will not do all my commandments, but that ye break my covenant…I will even appoint over you terror, consumption, and the burning ague, that shall consume the eyes, and cause sorrow of heart:…

There are 3 forms of the plague including bubonic. At least three major plague outbreaks have claimed over 200 million lives in the past 1,500 years. [That is more than half the 2,520 years the Gentiles are to rule, according to prophecy. In 541 A.D., the first outbreak of the plague swept through Rome. Europe’s Black Death started in 1347 during the Dark Ages and killed 25 million in Europe and 13 million in the Middle East and China within five years.  THE THREE R’s OF SCHOOL [Religion, Racism & Reform] ….and let’s not forget Witchcraft What of Black children? They are born in a world where Negroes believes they are Gentiles and are hated for the color of their skin. Unaware that we are the holy people of YHWH [Hebrews], we unknowingly walk through “the valley of the shadow of death” from the time of birth. Since Satan is the lord of this world, we then, are are the objects of his plans for complete demise. Just look at the the condition our people are in without truth! The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel

Prov 16:6-7 “By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear of the LORD men depart from evil. When a man's ways please the LORD, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him.

Separated from the family for more hours than most parents are comfortable with, our children leave us to be taught, each day by the people who have enslaved then held us captive for over 400 years. What are they teaching to our children? Well, let’s look at the fruit… We began hearing about “No Tolerance” – there’s that word again! “No Tolerance” arrived in our prison systems and it wasn’t long before ‘No Tolerance’ arrived in our schools… Now, harmless objects are defined as lethal weapons, while our children are being taught by people who are willing to suspend them; “blindly” obeying rules that even the kids know are foolishness. They face ‘in-school detentions’ which are modeled after solitary confinement and can be suspended from school for the least infraction. Last year, according to Education News, parents and politicians began pushing educators to add lessons on teaching what is ‘right and wrong’….called Character Education. ‘Character” was backed by $2.5 million U.S. government funds in 2000, with $50 billion proposed for 2002. [Something is up with these ‘spirits’ in school !!] This money will allow them massive programs that will teach children the following: caring, civic virtue, citizenship, justice, fairness, respect, responsibility and trust-worthiness; while the Negro has received none of them [as a people] in our history of this nation. 2 Peter 2:9-10 “The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished: But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise [YHWH’s] government. Presump-tuous are they, self-willed, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities.

Nearly a year after it’s decision refusing to allow student-led prayer in schools, the Supreme Court did an about face allowing a use of religion that simply ‘pulled the sheets off’ the ‘church and state’ bridge that’s always been there. Now teachers are teaching black children that Jesus is the savior while failing to tell them that the name “Jesus” is only 500 years old – along with the “J”. The ‘church’ is now controlling the schools [through the government] and we can see from the condition of the world that they are ineffective in teaching “truth”. Then there’s the school projects involving horror-scopes and stargazing, not to mention Harry Potter’s books that have been on “school reading lists” for at least a year! The children are being led to play with “Unclean spirits”…And we wonder why “prostate cancer” is on the rise among young black school-age boys [The New York Times, 2000]. Matt 10:1 “And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease.”

On January 2, 2002, Bush signed an education bill in to law that will completely reform public schools. The “No Child Left Behind Act of 2001” is providing $26.5 billion dollars to promote more regimented “annual tests” and performance gauges with supplemental services for summer school and after school tutoring [Let’s not forget their plans for year-round schools so they will have “24/7” access to your children to teach them “Euro-Gentile ways, thoughts and ideas. The same ones that are destroying us as a people and that are destroying this earth. Mark 9:42 “And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.” 

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THE MOST LOVED, THE MOST HATED… There are Negroes in elected positions in Washington, D.C. and all around corporate America who are in powerful positions. But remove them from The ancient Hebrew that setting and they The modern-day Hebrew The chastised Hebrew are as powerless as the rest of the Negro community. As a community, [or lack thereof] we have money, but no capital [wealth], we have homes, but we have no land [or homeland], we have institutions [but no independent institutions] and we have a name, so-called “African-Americans”, but we have no identity [nationality]. Named after Africans [the sons of Ham] and Americans [the Euro-Gentiles, sons of Japheth], the Negro identity [Hebrews, sons of Shem] remains hidden because we continue to try to ‘fit in’. As a result, we continue to strive with GOD – denying that something is seriously wrong. [Israel means “he who strives with GOD”]. In a world where all things of darkened hue are considered tainted and inferior, even terminology, such as blackball and blackmail and the like, bears this stigma. The black man runs from his identity by trying to convince white society that he is harmless, and so his mentality becomes one of compromise and caution. Thus he assimilates into white society, never actually becoming equal. Unfortunately, Negro politicians and preachers are no different because they cling to their dreams and tithes while our people languish in darkness and sin. In essence, we have been taught to hate ourselves in the midst of the hatred of white society. Romans 11:28 “As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the fathers' sakes.” Negro speech [Ebonics] is criticized on every turn, yet Euro-Gentiles have always mimicked our slang and expressions. Our hairstyles are also claimed by them, and presented to the masses as their own. The inventions made by our people, having come from the deep recesses of slavery, speak for them-selves….modern inventions that are used every day in society, but no EuroGentile made it known that they were designed by Negro hands. Our skin color, that we were trained to hate and think of as a “curse” they envy…tanning themselves to the brink of severe sunburn to achieve it. They secretly admire the brown hue of Negro skin…from the darkest ‘brown’ to the ’creamiest’. Unknown to Negroes, these varying shades of black is a Shemitic trait, not African]. But many of us secretly hate our own skin color, trying our best to blend into the framework of society so that “color” will not be so noticeable. Or the youth who have not been trained in the ways of [Yah’s] wisdom, so they really don’t know what this pain they feel is all about. Like the rap song says, “I’m a dead man walking”! Even the songs and dance of the Negro are admired and imitated...we are soulful and rhythmic… Jazz and blues, our songs of the experiences of ghetto life are no longer of interest to the The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel

Mount Moriah Negro; songs that came from the deep repressions of a society that knows only sin and sorrow. No longer do Negroes sing the songs of our people, Negro Spirituals, which spoke of the hope of the Negro’s deliverance back to our homeland of Zion songs, which also included names of Hebrew landmarks like Mount Moriah and Beth El, do we remember. The songs themselves gave us clues to our identity and we named our churches after them; songs that spoke about the Jordan River and that Ole ship of Zion [Jerusalem]. We have allowed Euro-Gentiles to train us to sing the Gospels which speak of going off to heaven, as they [and Satan] believe will come to pass. Psalms 137:3-5 “For there they that carried us away captive required of us a song; and they that wasted us required of us mirth, saying, Sing us one of the songs of Zion. How shall we sing the LORD'S song in a strange land? If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning.” We are so confused…and blinded by the “curses” of Deuteronomy 28 upon us [for our own disobedience to YHWH’s laws] that we cannot see our own identity…and bits and pieces of our true identity have been with us all along. Deut 28:48 “Therefore shalt thou serve thine enemies which the LORD shall send against thee, in hunger, and in thirst, and in nakedness, and in want of all things: and he shall put a yoke of iron upon thy neck, until he have destroyed thee.” Are we not destroyed as a people??!! But the bible tells the story, through the prophecies, that we will be raised [from the dead] as a nation to speak the word of YHWH’s unto all ends of the earth. Ezek 11:17 “Therefore say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; I will even gather you from the people, and assemble you out of the countries where ye have been scattered, and I will give you the land of Israel.”

…And we are loved by YHWH. We are engraved upon the palm of the True and Living GOD’s hands; and so, our ‘walls’ are forever before His face!! Isaiah 49:16 “Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands; thy walls are continually before me.” As the chosen people, we were gifted with song, dance, poetry, and the like, so we would be fully equipped to be the nation of priests to the world that we were created to be. Because the world is walking backwards, away from GOD, we can no longer afford to follow the nations because all who follow Satan will fall into the pit [the lake of fire]. Psalms 9:15 “The heathen are sunk down in the pit that they made: in the net which they hid is their own foot taken.” The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel


Israelis [Esau] at the so-called Wailing Wall They have consulted with one consent They’ve stolen, and plundered Refused to repent They that hate YHWH, Have lifted their heads Tents of Edom, the Arabs and of Moab Amelek and Ammon, the Hagarenes Gebal and Asshur, the Philistines How are the things of Esau sought up, His hidden things, out they are brought, You claim possession The land's part of deception You've hidden deep down in your heart. Behold, you are small among the heathen And you are so greatly despised, The pride of your heart is made large, you're deceived, Though you dwell in the rocks, you can't hide. Exalting yourself as the eagle, on high, Set thy nest, in the midst of my stars, The stars are my princes The 12 tribes of Israel You helped not in times of their wars. For you stood and you watched in the day that the stranger Took Judah as captives away, Cast lots upon Zion, you joined in their forces And entered into Judah's gates. Crying “Raze it to the foundation thereof”

So Israel’s name’s not remembered again When Titus the Roman destroyed the temple In 70 A.D. and killed Hebrew men You should not have joyfully Looked on your brother The day he became a stranger Should not have rejoiced Over Judah’s chastisement The day they were taken by danger ‘Should not have spoken So proudly about it The day of Judah’s distress Should not have taken The place of my people When Romans came down to oppress You should not have put Your hands on their substance When Judah was taken as away Nor should you have stood In the path to cut off Those of Judah who tried to escape Jerusalem, the city, By Rome, was condemned Judah’s foes cast their lots You were as one of them. All of the men of your treaty agree But I say you’re deceived Cause you think you’ll have peace Though poor, you returned To rebuild and replace You rebuild, Yah throws down Indignation’s your fate By perpetual hatred of Israel you slew As I live YHWH said, “blood shall pursue you” You said of my land I’ll possess and consume Thus you boast against Me , multiplied your own doom.. For your violence against Your own brother Jacob You’re shamed and forever cut off As you have done, Shall be done unto to you Your own actions shall be your reward. Lael Baht Israel

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An article in The Philadelphia Trumpet Magazine, December 2001, indicated that there was a great assumption made by the “intellectuals” during the 19th and 20th centuries that the rituals, superstitions, myths and irrational practices [traditions] of religion would be overridden in time by a society that would be rational, progressive, humanistic and secular. They have not been overridden, but combined. Now, what we consider “The Church” is what the world calls “Christianity”, and it is nothing like the Early New Testament Church. In order to find the truth, as with any great struggle, we must dig through layers of man’s influences, shoveling off and discarding man’s traditions, theories, interpretation and philosophies from Greek and Roman “civilizations” – if we can call them that. The word comes from “civil” which is the ability to be peaceful. Greek and Roman history tells stories of everything but peaceful behavior. The nation of Israel was not chosen because they were special. Hebrews were chosen because GOD [YHWH] decided to choose. Nor were they chosen for their own sakes, but they were chosen to be nation of priests - - a “light to the Gentiles” [who are called a ‘wild olive’ tree] – Romans 11:17. But with the in grafting of the ‘wild tree’ into the Hebrew’s ‘natural’ tree, the words and instructions of the bible became like a wild, and bitter fruit. Where is the ‘Hebrewness’ in Christianity?? Matt 2:2 “Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews?

Why is the Messiah referred to repeatedly throughout scripture as King of the Jews? [Matt 2:2; 27:37] Why did the Messiah say to the Canaanite [African] woman, “I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel? [Matt 15:24] Or why does it say, “To the Jew first, and then the Gentile?” [Romans 1:16, 2:9-10] The “Hebrewness” of the Messiah has been completely removed from all of Christian sermons, literature, teachings, and thought. It has even been removed from his name. Called “Jesus”, the name bears no semblance to the name of the Father, YHWH and actually has no meaning in relation to word origin. As a matter of fact, it really isn’t necessary to look to too far into history to determine that the name “Jesus” is so new that in the 1611 King James Bible, the name “Jesus” cannot be found. The name that is there is “Iseous” – supposedly a transliteration of the ‘true’ Hebrew name of the Messiah, [Yahshua; which means “YHWH is salvation”]. The Latinized-Greek “Iseous” identified him as the son of Zeus [Je-Zeus] to Greeks whom they worshipped. Thus, Jesus is a “new name” for a new ‘god’ that bears little resemblance to the words and The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel

deeds of the true biblical Messiah who kept the Law of Moses. Deut 32:17 “They sacrificed unto devils, not to God; to gods whom they knew not, to new gods that came newly up, whom your fathers feared not.”

If the name YAHSHUA has power, [so that every knee shall bow and every tongue confess], why would anyone seek to transliterate the name? Early Gentile believers painted many portraits of the Jews that remain hidden from public view such as this one. [The Hebrews were not allowed to make images as commanded in the law]. The Gentiles changed the image of Yahshua into a ‘figure that looked much like they did. They Cesare Borgia changed the law to agree with their own thoughts on salvation. The false name Iseous is also similar to the son of a pagan god of the Greeks known as Isu, so-called Greek god of healing – they change the incorruptible into an image that matched their own corruption and likeness. Cesare Borgia was the model for the image of “Jesus”, the so-called white Messiah, that the Negro was trained to worship. This false image should remind believers of the blasphemous image of a MAN that men will create and worship in the not too distant future. It should send chills up and down Christian spines. Cesare Borgia was one of the biggest criminals of his day. Eventually becoming Pope [and possibly the most wicked], he used poison to eliminate those who opposed him -- like the poisoned fruit that these lies produce. He even murdered his own son. Rev 1:14-15 “His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace…”

In the past few decades, many blacks have read the the Messiah’s description in Revelation and realized that if the Messiah was a Negro, the Gentile image of the “white” Messiah was not true to scripture. And it’s not true to history either! On July 8,1999, ABC News Science, ran a story announcing the discovery of 58 coins found during a construction site dig. The coins, falsely called the “Jesus Coins”, were discovered near the Sea of Galilee in October 1998 and do not support the Gentile images of the Messiah. If we are to serve Yah in spirit and in TRUTH, the things we believe must be truthful, otherwise we

So-called Jesus Coin

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we will be deceived to believe the LIE…then Satan becomes the one we worship. 

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