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Volume 7, Issue 1 – January 2006 “I have set a watchman upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night. You that make mention of YHWH, keep not silence”. Isaiah 62:6

“Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt; But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there shall your heart be also”. Matt 6:18-21

ealth, taxes, lucre, fines, mammon, usury, hire, bribes, prosperity and success…these words are everyday realities for us all. They are intrinsic components of American society that they call “The American Dream”. But the dream is more like an “idea” [named Capitalism] that says all people can fit into a one-size-fitsall mold and have the wealth of the world laid at their feet, if they follow man’s philosophies of life: [Earn a high school diploma at 17, a 4-year degree by age 21, marry by age 25 to sustain a two-income family living in a two-story home with a white picket fence, 2.5 kids, two cars and a dog]. All you have to do is simply trim enough of yourself away to squeeze into this tiny mold. And society pursues it by any means necessary!!! Even the church affirms the ‘misguided’ idea that prosperity is very much a part of salvation. But just how real is all of this? The entire world is consumed by the ‘busyness’ of toiling to overcome life’s cares---living to work, instead of working to live. Most are much “too busy with busy-ness” to even count the cost of labor for a ‘corruptible accumulation of goods’ that will perish with the using, or as soon as the individual does. A USA Today article entitled Middle Class Barely Treads Water confirmed that millions of middle-class families can no longer afford to live on even two incomes. A generation ago, an American middle-class family could live on the income of a single breadwinner. [Middle class incomes range between $25,000-$99,999]. The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel

In recent years, it has taken the income of two working spouses to live the modern middle-class dream. Now, that’s not enough to survive due to the skyrocketing cost of housing, food, utilities and health care, while saving for college and retirement. While debts grow, wages and unemployment opportunities shrink. Employees are increasingly being asked to provide their own health and pension benefits. [All of this in an environment where Corporate CEO salaries which were once increasing by only 4% just 10 years ago are now increasing by 475%]. It’s so bad that the average family of 4 is spending 21% less on clothes and 22% less on food!! “The people of the land have used oppression and exercised robbery, and vexed the poor and needy…” Ezek 22:29

Families are filling in the gaps between income and expenses using credit cards just to maintain their standard of living. Buying items on credit such as diapers, milk, food, and paying daycare fees, credit card debt is up by 75%. To make matters worse, the system allows businesses and service providers to charge exorbitant late fees, surcharges, and deposits to penalize already struggling families who are the ones who can least afford the added financial burden. Even globally, Americans are in worse shape than their European counterparts working longer hours with fewer paid vacation and holidays. “Therefore do you spend money for that which is not bread? And you labor for that which satisfied not? LISTEN DILLIGENTLY UNTO ME, And eat you that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness…” Isaiah 55:2

While some people are financially comfortable – even, well-off, the majority ride the merry-go-round of making ends meet while the poor of the earth, the homeless, orphan, infirmed, the widow and elderly are dying around us in record numbers!! Instead of enacting legislation to induce credit restraint and ensure fair trade in business, they allow uncontrolled spending that has exacerbated excessive debt, trade deficits, job outsourcing and destruction of resources, and the environment. But there is no power in heaven or on earth that will stop this global financial meltdown. Why; because human nature is never satisfied. It’s what YHWH Elohim has been saying to us for millennia. Human nature is filled with self-concern, yet it does not know what is best for it. What it lusts for may even (and many times does) lead to its natural and spiritual The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel

death. The Hebrew Israelites (African Americans) had a constant craving for tasty food (and still does) to this day)!! Like Esau, we are selling our birthright as divinely chosen sons and daughters for a morsel of bread (and life styles that we love and refuse to modify). Tasty food has a place in life, but who said food has to contain pork fat, bacon, ham, catfish, shrimp and crab to be good?! And. understanding that all the creatures mentioned above are scavengers (garbage-feeders of the earth and sea) how good is this for anyone knowing it will ultimately cause physical illness, disease and eventually death; especially spiritual death since it is a willful violation if we continue to eat what we’ve been commanded not to eat. The price of eating tasty food is not to let our cravings for food [or desires for good things] to take our eyes off the reality of using those things in accordance with their purpose when created. Salvation is a gift [because spiritual things cannot be purchased]; so the price tag says $0.00 (zero), but how much is it worth for you to be sure you obtain it?? (2 Peter 1:10). How much do you treasure your salvation? Costly ‘Grace’ is the hidden treasure in the field. Are you willing to sell out those things within your present lifestyle for this treasure? It is the explanation of the parable in Matt 13:44. (He buys the ENTIRE FIELD – not just the treasure—to be sure the treasure is rightfully his). It is the instruction of the Adonai Yahshua, The Christ to pluck out the eye (whatever thing in your life) that causes you to stumble (offend) and fall (sin). Who is willing to lose overtime hours and pay, thus giving up funds to buy the most recent upscale car? The cost of the gospel of grace is that it must be sought out again and again to renew the mind. Look at its beauty often (dwell on things pleasant and lovely) which will remind you of its value to keep you focused. It is the call to discipleship of the truth for which a man leaves I stand at his nets (occupation) and the corporate climb to the door follow Christ. Still a fisherman, but will YHWH and knock accept leftover time and resources? It is the door at which the Messiah knocks, and if you ask him in, he would enter in? The gift must be asked for but how much do we really desire it and what are we willing to do to get it? Would you let the Messiah in if you knew he would walk in a direction contrary to what you have been taught or have believed? And how long would you follow that direction? Does everyone have a price? The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure hid in a field; which when man has found, The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel

he hides it and for joy, sells ALL that he has and BUYS THE FIELD.” Matt 13:44 The Great Price that YHWH Elohim paid was giving up his only son (Israel who indwelt the Messiah) which was not too dear a price to pay for the nation of Israel’s redemption (and through them, the redemption of the world). IT WAS THE ULTIMATE PRICE!! Thus, scripture says, “You were bought with a price” - [1 Corinthians 10:20], and what has cost YHWH much, will not be cheap for us. YHWH tested Abraham when he asked him to sacrifice his beloved son, Isaac). A high price to pay! Abraham was obedient [willing to pay the price] and because he was willing to ‘SACRIFICE’ for YHWH, Abraham was not only GIVEN the gift, but was also given back the life of his son. HOW MUCH ARE WE WILLING TO SACRIFICE FOR SALVATION?? The treasure in the parable was not in a place where it was easily located. In fact, it was hidden. Digging it out is searching and studying to prove that it was actually as valuable as it appeared to be. Have you proved the rituals, holidays and teachings you’ve believed? And are we willing to sacrifice the time necessary to study the scriptures? Once we are willing to sacrifice {WORK) to not only gain the treasure but are we willing to work to be sure you can keep it?? It is in our groping for truth and righteousness that we will encounter the thoughts and opinions of family, friends and co-workers. What will they think of your newfound treasure?? One of the biggest lies ever told is Christianity’s ‘once saved, always saved doctrine”. Their 2nd biggest lie is the church’s method of paying indulgences to BUY salvation and blessings). On Dec. 16, 2005, The Christian Post advertised that Catholics and Protestants are entering into new talks to jointly examine purgatory, indulgences and prayers for the dead. Purgatory is simply the Catholics’ utter failure to understanding the state of the dead and the parable of Lazarus, The Rich Man and the Beggar. Prayers for the dead is a direct contradiction of the Messiah’s instructions to “follow him and let the dead bury their dead” – Matt 8:22. The dead know nothing and the work on earth is done. YHWH said he is the Elohim of the living. As for indulgences, (seed-planting with

The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel

money], Christianity blasphemously teaches that spiritual things can be bartered for like fish at the market. Indulgences originated in the Catholic Church during the Dark Ages and were modified during the Crusades and the times of Pope Leo X, Martin Luther and the Council of Trent. Catholics believe that Christ satisfied our payment of eternal death so they began exacting payment as temporal punishment for sin. If done properly, they say the person “goes to heaven.” If not, the first destination is purgatory for more suffering as payment on the balance due [The Catholic Encyclopedia]. What Nonsense!! The Protestants also have indulgences “Man knows not the price thereof; [but with a twist]. neither is it found in the land of the They simply call it “The living. The depth said, It is not in me: Prosperity Gospel”. A and the sea said, It is not with me. It May 2005 Business cannot be gotten for gold, neither shall Week article features silver be weighed for the price thereof. It “The Church of the cannot be valued with the gold of Ophir, Mighty Dollar: - World with the precious onyx, or the sapphire. Changers Church The gold and the crystal cannot equal it: International, that has and the exchange of it shall not be for churches in Atlanta, jewels of fine gold. No mention shall be New York City, made of coral, or of pearls: for the price Australia, Europe, of wisdom is above rubies”. Job 28:13-18 Nigeria, South Africa and Britain. It’s pastor, Creflo Dollar [The Flo] says his church operates on a budget of $70 million! Dollar, who grew up poor in College Park, GA, said the bible speaks on more on money than heaven. [And the warnings on ‘filthy lucre/mammon’ are too numerous for him to have missed]! When asked to define success in his ‘not-so-holy bargain doctrine’, Dollar was quoted as saying, ‘success is doing God’s will and possessing a lot of material things’. When asked about “the gospel”, he said, “The Bible is clear: Preach the gospel to the poor”. What is the gospel to the poor? “You don’t have to be poor anymore”!! His key potential members are ‘middle-aged black women and those who are professional, able and faithful’. Many of his members own their own businesses and make six-figure salaries. [This doesn’t sound like the poor fits his description of potential members!! World Changers International is the largest and fastest growing church [of abominations] in the U.S.!! With ATM machines and one-stop-shopping facilities on its grounds, he certainly noted all the references to money in the bible, but he couldn’t have read many of them! For example: The Passover was at hand, and Yahshua…found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep, doves and the changers of money sitting…and he drove them out of the The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel

temple, and poured out the changers’ money, overthrew the tables; And said to them, take these things; make not my Father’s house an house of merchandise. John 2:13-16 Salvation, without sacrifice, isn’t known in scripture and thus – The Great Price! Are you storing riches for this life [a violation of Matt 6:19-21] or, storing them in heaven for eternal life in the kingdom on earth?? Apparently, Creflo also missed this verse, too: “He said to them, TAKE HEED, AND BEWARE OF COVETOUSNESS: a man’s life consists not in the abundance of the things which he possesses. Luke 12:15 

On December 8, 2005, The Wall Street Journal published the results of a recent Harris Inter-active Poll, where 75% of the Americans surveyed said they feel “the rich get richer and the poor, poorer”. The results of 2005 are significantly up from the 2004 results at 68%. The poll has been conducted annually since 1972 where thousands of Americans were asked to truthfully answer specific questions regarding their historical experience with issues on earnings, expenses, social influence, taxes, and fines. In the nationwide telephone poll, 100% of adults believe that “most people with power try to take advantage of people like them”, up sharply from 53% in 2004. More than half of those poled say they tend to fell “people running the country don’t really care what happens” to them, which is up from 44% last year. Additionally, 74% feel that “the people in Washington are out of touch with the rest of the country [and never in touch with Blacks], up from 67% in 2004 and at its highest level since 1998. The levels of alienation varied greatly in different segments of the population. The highest levels were among people who are struggling [“those with household The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel

incomes of $15,000 or less, Democrats and, of course, African Americans]. The lowest levels were found among Republicans, college graduates and people with incomes over $75,000. While The Harris poll is just a poll, The Rich are getting richer; according to CNN Money and Business Week. Their articles justified the trend of mounting wealth, explaining that “it’s okay, because the poor also do better”. There are consistent gaps between rich and middle-income earners from 2000 to 2003. The most wealthy 400 U.S. taxpayers accumulated nearly $70 billion in adjusted gross income in 2000 alone!! The same years there were 2.8 million high-income tax returns; 14.1% higher than the prior year [CNN Money via IRS Report]. “And he spoke a parable unto them: saying, The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully: And he thought within himself, saying, What shall I do, because I have no room where to bestow my fruits? And he said, This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and build greater; and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods. And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry. But God [Elohim] said unto him, THOU FOOL, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided? So is he that lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward Elohim”. Luke 12:16-21 

“There was a certain creditor which had two debtors: the one owed five hundred pence, and the other fifty. And when they had nothing to pay, he frankly forgave them both. Tell me therefore, which of them will love him most? Simon answered and said, I suppose that he, to whom he forgave most. And he said unto him, Thou hast rightly judged”. Luke 7:41-43

In an AJC 2005 article, guest editorial writer Jim Hightower wrote a very candid synopsis on the activities and business practices of credit card companies. The article indicated, credit card companies absolutely love their customers, but it certainly isn’t the kind of love and forgiveness expressed in the above parable. Hightower said, “Giants like Citibank, Chase Manhattan and MBNA constantly fill the public’s mail boxes with little “love letters’ [offers], wooing them to accept their cards. But, once you signup, the companies suddenly show a selfish side of their personality. Hightower explained further, “For example, I recently paid a monthly bill of about $1,000 on an MBNA card, but I accidently wrote the check $10 short of the actual amount. The next month MBNA billed me for the $10 plus a finance charge of more than $21 [over 200% interest on $10]! When he called, they calmly explained that they don’t just assess the penalty on the amount he was short, but on the entire amount that he owed for that month [even though he’d already paid $990 of it]. “Check the fine print of your agreement,’ they said lovingly. Some people, like Hightower try to pay the balance in full each month to avoid such usurious interest rates. The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel

“If you lend money to any of my people that is poor by you, you shall not be to him as an usurer, neither shall you lay upon him usury. Exodus 22:25

Now they’ve invented one of the most injurious tricks ever! They have oh-so quietly shrunk the grace period from 30 days to 20 days or less for banks. MBNA and Citibank are among those who now include sly fine print specifying an hour that your payment is due, [i.e. 1 p.m. on the 20th]. Miss it and they can whack you with a late fee of up to $39, plus penalty interest rates as high as 30% even though you think you’ve paid your bill on time and in full. Credit card profiteers can stiff their customers because there is no real competition or regulation to stop them and it’s hugely profitable. Card banks collected nearly $15 billion from customers in 2004 from penalties and fees alone. This un-godly practice has caused bankruptcy filings to explode. 90% of families with children who filed cited three (3) reasons: job loss, divorce or medical problems, according to the Consumer Bankruptcy Project at Harvard University. 1/3 of families owned an entire year’s salary on the credit cards. Credit card issuers spent a fortune to get bankruptcy laws reformed to push higher-income consumers toward repayment plans, but the law backfired. Credit Counseling Agencies say 80% of customers don’t have the means to repay. Thus, the week before the law took effect, 500,000+ people filed bankruptcy on 1 week. 50% more than in 2004, whereas the norm was 35,000 per week! A historical record, costing credit card issuers millions more!! Over 2 mil-lion bankruptcy cases have been filed so far and it’s certainly not over yet. 

“I will incline mine ear to a parable: I will open my dark saying upon the harp…They that trust in their wealth, and boast themselves in the multitude of their riches; None of them can by any means redeem his brother, nor give to God a ransom for him…For he sees that wise men die, likewise the fool and the brutish person perish, and leave their wealth to others. Their inward thought is, that their houses shall continue forever, and their dwelling places to all generations; they call their lands after their own names…This their way is their folly: yet their posterity approve their sayings”. Psalms 49:4-13

According to the March 2005 issue of Tome Magazine, millions of Americans who think they will retire with benefits are in for a nasty surprise. Corporations are picking people’s pockets and they’re doing it with the help of Congress. Pension and health care plans were a part of the American Dream, a pledge [vow] made by corporations to employees for decades of toil. But more companies in the public and private sector are walking away from their vows leaving millions at the risk of impoverishment. How bad is it? Philadelphia’s pension benefits were short $2.6 billion in 2003. Illinois owes $43.1 billion in unfunded pension liabilities [double the state’s budget]. San Francisco’s public employee pension fund are short $700 billion which is more than all state and local governments collected last year in property sales and property income taxes combined. A study of state and pension systems found that 54 were underfunded by a total of $175 billion. How could this happen?? Politicians neglected to put money into pension plans, made poor investments, handed extraordinarily generous retirement packages and gave special treatment of their fellow politicians!! The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel

As San Diego city attorney Mike Aguirre put it, “What has happened is that the pension plan has become a personal-benefit slush fund for council members and senior officials”. Not only did they give themselves preferential treatment, they also distributed enormous benefits to certain city workers. The scandal in San Diego has cost the mayor his job, six pension fund trustees have been charged, city services are being cut and investigations have been launched by the FBI, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the U.S. Attorney. And, the story’s the same across the United States. “Better is it that you should not vow, then you should vow and not pay. Suffer not your mouth to cause your flesh to sin”. Eccl 5:5-6

A Time Magazine investigation has concluded that Congressional lawmakers wrote bankruptcy regulations to allow corporations to scrap the health insurance promised to early retirees and wrote pension rules that encouraged companies to defraud retirement plans while encouraging them to repudiate life-time benefit agreements. 

CAN WORKS ACTUALLY BE “DEAD”? According to scripture, absolutely !! “…Leaving the principles of the Doctrine of Christ, let us go on to perfection; not laying once again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward Elohim”. Hebrews 6:1

Many churches [particularly Black churches] faithfully feed the hungry, minister to the ‘sick’, and even have out-reach programs which are very successful in restoring former drug users and prisoners back into society to become productive members. Surely those works are accounted as ‘righteous works’, right? Not necessarily!!! Read the following scripture: “Not every one that says unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; BUT HE THAT DOES THE WILL OF MY FATHER which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I pro-fess unto them, I NEVER KNEW YOU: depart from me, ye that work iniquity”. Matt 7:21-23

The above scripture is one of the most frightening pieces of that a believer could possibly encounter. It’s a clear warning to all that blessings, miracles, healings and possessions ARE NOT indicators that our beliefs are accurate or our lives and deeds are righteous because Satan is the lord of this world who gives riches to whom he pleases-Luke 4:6. We also know that “sunshine and rain” falls on everyone-Matt 5:45. But, casting out devils and healing the sick are The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel

powerful ‘works’, so how could they do such things and still be told that the Messiah never (at anytime) knew them?? He even called them ‘workers of iniquity’! Well, what is iniquity?? According to the Strong’s Concordance, the Hebrew word [#5771] means: evil, mischief, fault, SIN… “…for sin is the transgression [breaking] of the law”. 1 John 3:4 Yes! When you break the law [and the law is SPIRITUAL], sin is pre-sent. We must follow YHWH’s laws because he commanded that they be followed [obedience] as we allow the SPIRIT of Truth [the WORD] to guide us in it’s application. Repetitive sin requires repetitive repentance. [But, repent means to turn from/go in the opposite direction]. So, if we continue in repetitive repentance, did we really repent [go in the opposite direction] in the first place?? We must mortify the flesh! And the only way to know the will of the Father for obedience is to follow the Messiah (who embodied the law) and his directions since he spoke words of the Father YHWH, and not of his own. ‘Study to show yourself approved… RIGHTLY dividing the word of truth’ – 2 Tim 2:15. This is a sure caution that you can wrongly divide the word. [We must study every subject from Genesis to Revelation]; line upon line, precept upon precept – Isaiah 28:9-10. “Prove all things, hold fast to that which is good” – 1 Thess 5:21. We should not trust our salvation to popular teachings, traditions, or following others without first having proved what is true according to what is written in scripture. A great example is the false doctrine: “once saved, always saved”. Scripture does indicate that names can be blotted out of the Lamb’s Book of Life – [Exodus 32:32-33]. With so many versions of faith and “spiritual works”, [the Baptist version, Catholic, etc.], many people are unknowingly deceived into believing that their works are accumulating into their ‘spiritual bank accounts’. How can you be sure they were not burned like the ‘ash’ of the dead?? Genesis 15:6 indicate Abraham believed [faith] in YHWH and it was counted to him at righteousness. Now look at what YHWH said to Isaac about Abraham: “I will make your seed multiply as the stars of heaven, and give to your seed all these countries; and all nations of the earth shall be blessed: BECAUSE Abraham obeyed [faith] my voice and kept MY COMMANDMENTS, STATUTES AND MY LAWS [works]. It’s ‘through grace [by faith] that men are saved’ yet, we are warned that faith without works [which includes the law] is DEAD – Eph 2:8-9; Jam 2:17. The works of the law will not save, but we were never told that they would!! We were told to be perfect [which requires obedience to be led by the Spirit unto perfection]. Keeping the law is an outward show of belief/faith within!! But many think they are living “a called-out life” without keeping the law [because most have never read what the law actually commands]. The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel

One example is the 7th Day Sabbath. The day was sanctified [blessed, separated] and kept by YHWH Elohim’s own example when he rested after creation-Gen 2:3. Keeping this day as commanded separates and single out believers in ways most never imagined possible. [While ‘the obedient’ worship on the 7th day Sabbath, the masses are partying, shopping, cleaning house, playing sports and washing cars]. But scripture has devoted the day to rest and holy convocation [gathering for worship] FOREVER. This means Sunday worship [which is on the 1st day of the week] is disobedience to the scripture and sin! Then why does the world keep holidays when YHWH gave us seven (7) Holy Days?? All males should appear before YHWH for 3 of the 7 feasts: “Three times in a year shall all thy males appear before the YHWH thy Elohim in the place which he shall choose; in the Feast of Unleavened Bread (First Fruits), and in the Feast of Weeks [Pentecost], and in the Feast of Tabernacles: and they shall not appear before YHWH empty.” Deut 16:16

Even the angels, including Satan, are obedient to YHWH’s instructions to appear before him. Why not man?? “Now there was a day when the Sons of Elohim came to present themselves before YHWH, and Satan came also among them”. Job 1:6

Having replaced Holy Days [what YHWH calls ‘His ways’] with holidays, how can one be considered a child of Yah and not be present at the time and place commanded? Can we serve YHWH with days and ways of our own choosing and still expect to receive eternal life from Him? Having eternal life in a disobedient state would only make us eternally disobedient to Him. Herein lies the answer to dead works. If the works specified by YHWH are not performed, then you are obedient to ‘the god of this world’ [Lucifer]!! N OTES FR OM TH E ELD ER PR IEST Y A CH OV BEN ISR A EL (YHWH is pronounced Yahweh; He is The Most High, The True and Living God of Israel)

“All these things spoke Yahshua unto the multitude in parables; and without a parable spoke he not unto them: That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying, I will open my mouth in parables; I WILL UTTER THINGS WHICH HAVE BEEN KEPT SECRET FROM THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD”. Matt 13:34-35

In the Parable of the Treasure in the Field [Matt 13:44], the finder parted with all he had to obtain the hidden riches–first hiding [securing] it until his return. Leading from the natural to The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel

the spiritual kingdom, The Parables of Yahshua are keys to the treasure [grace, truth and salvation] uniting man with Elohim, and the earthly with the heavenly. Elohim (divinity) was manifested in the likeness of humanity (Yahshua) and so, through Christ’s parables, men could learn of the unknown spiritual world through the known earthly one. Like a golden treasure, the truth of redemption was entrusted to the Hebrew people, but that truth was veiled to many. The treasure of the gospel is hidden to those who are wise in their own minds. Puffed up by the teachings of men, the mystery of the plan of redemption is not understood by them. Elohim does not conceal His truth from men, but by their own course of action they make it obscure. During Yahshua’s earthly ministry, “many among the chief rulers in Jerusalem believed on Him, but because his teachings were not in line with their ambitions in life, they denied him [due to fear of being put out of the synagogue - John 9:22]. They saw if they received Christ, they would be converted and compelled to change, thus giving up their cherished maximums, traditions, opinions, and ungodly practices. They sought worldy treasure proving that carnal men cannot receive the things of the Spirit because they are foolishness to him. Thus, the veil that Christ came to remove from their eyes, [the barrier that separates man from Elohim], hid the treasure of the kingdom. “If our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost; in whom the god of this world [SATAN] has blinded the minds of them which believe not”. 2 Corinthians 4:4 In the earlier portion of his ministry, Christ had spoken so plainly that every-one might have grasped the truth, making them wise unto salvation. But in many hearts, truth had not taken root and quickly fell away. Therefore, he said, “I speak to them in parables be-cause seeing, they see not, and hearing, they hear not”. A parable is used or spoken to bring the listener to a conclusion or decision. Christ spoke in parables to reveal his identity to those who had an ear to hear. In Matthew 13:10, the disciples asked him why he spoke in parables. He replied, “Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but unto them it was not given; for whosoever has, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance; but whosoever has not, from him shall be taken away even that he has”. To those who were prepared, Christ revealed himself, but to those unprepared, he used parables to further conceal his identity so their hearts would be further hardened. If we have prepared, [studied, worked, prayed and groped for truth to embrace it], he will give more abundantly because they will choose Christ and grow. But those who have not prepared [study only what you believe, sporadic prayer and casual approach to truth], to him, he will lose whatever tiny bit he has because he will ultimately choose things in opposition to Christ’s instructions and way of life. This is The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel

because the Spirit of YHWH works to prepare the hearts of men [the soil] for truth. When truth comes, will it be acknowledged as the revelation of truth? Or, will it be denied and ultimately rejected?? When truth visits, it will either enter into the heart [the seed into supple ground], or it will encounter a doubtful, uncultivated heart [upon rocky soil] then falls away. Yahshua used parables to awaken Israel from their sleep [complacency and apathy], to renew their minds, and alter their thoughts and deeds. He used the natural, familiar things to prepare men for the truth of the supernatural--the hidden treasure in the field and the vast sea. He used parables of agriculture, food, people and relationships, money and talents [gifts], flowers, and clothing, [i.e., the wedding garment]. Yahshua used parables that pointed to the divinity of Elohim [Israel] in creation, revealing him as the Elohim of Saboath [The Sabbath]. And so, Yahshua [although of divine birth, but in all of his humanity] prayed to YHWH and summed up his calling and purpose of his ministry, which was to reconcile a separated world back to YHWH: “THIS IS LIFE ETERNAL, that they might know you, the only true Elohim, and Yahshua the Christ, whom you have sent. I have glorified you on the earth: I have finished the work which you gave me to do. And now, O Father, glorify thou me with your own self WITH THE GLORY I HAD WITH YOU BEFORE THE WORLD WAS. JOHN 17:3-5

In the Spirit, Israel spoke through Yahshua [divinity & Humanity unified] as both sought the Father’s face. 

The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel

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