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Volume 6, Issue 1 – Jan/Feb 2005 “I have set a watchman upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night. You that make mention of YHWH, keep not silence”. Isaiah 62:6

By the rivers of Babylon [America], there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion [Jerusalem]….For there they that carried us away captive required of us a song. and they that wasted us required of us mirth [smiles], saying, Sing us one of the Songs of Zion [Spirituals]. How shall we sing YHWH’s song in a strange land? If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning.” Psalms 137:1-5

I f I do not remember you [Zion], let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth…”-Psa 137:6. These are the words

of our forefather, David [psalmist, poet, musician, and King of Israel]. Yet King David’s descendants [who according to prophecy were slaves and are captives in America], have not only forgotten their land and identity but most importantly, they’ve forgotten their cunning, [YHWH and his laws] that He said would be their righteousness among all the nations. As the tongue cleaves to the roof of the mouth in hunger, thirst, and especially in death, African Americans find themselves living under conditions just such as these. But, prophecy said the time would come when we would “call these things to mind”! [Deut 30:1]. Through the curses YHWH pronounced upon us, African Americans are unaware of their own [Hebrew] “culture”. Colonialism only continued the suppression well into the 21st century. We don’t recall old folks’ sayings [proverbs], songs, stories, customs, and health remedies of our forefathers!! But, George Washington University researchers say, we’ve begun to call these to mind!

“He said, Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God [Elohim]; to others in parables; that seeing they might not see…and hearing they might not understand”. Luke 8:10

According to an article entitled African American Culture Through Oral Tradition, oral tradition including storytelling has roots tracing back to West Africa where The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel

Hebrewism was widespread. Taken from Africa [what the world believes to be our homeland], slaves brought over their culture, language and customs – although they were vigorously suppressed. Having other ways to communicate, spirituals, sayings and storytelling became [covert-ly] dominate among us. This clever tactic outwitted slave masters, allowing our people to educate their own and pass on vital information on meeting places, plans, and dangers. The hidden meanings in the words and lyrics resulted in a form of communication unknown to slave-masters; thereby proving that there was [and is] nothing inferior about our people! They didn’t sing songs simply to compare their plight to Israel’s, they sang about what they knew--ZION [Israel]!! These stories often took the form of parables, and were used as a teaching tool to con-vey ideals, morals and cultural values [proverbs] from one generation to another. Scripture confirms it: “Moses spake in the ears of all the congregation of Israel the words of this song, until they were ended”. Deuteronomy 31:30

[Most spirituals don’t have known authors. So, could some have originated from Solomon’s lyrical genius??] Instead of destroying our oral traditions, slavery enhanced it, bringing it to another level. Slavery assured our oral traditions remained ours and it is this aspect of our tradition that was prominent in Black churches and our music. The lyrics of Negro Spirituals like Wade In The Water points back not only to our tradition of baptism by full emersion in the waters, but points directly to our fathers telling us who we are as a nation of people: W ho’s that yonder dressed in w hite? W ell, the leader looks like an Israelite

Many of today’s hip-hop artists and musicians are still influenced by the stories and songs of our forefathers’ struggles, making reference to them in their experiences within their lyrics in blues, jazz, soul, and hip-hop [rap]. With the spirituals they sang, our fathers could communicate feelings of discontent, homelessness and exile. “Solomon's wisdom excel-led the wisdom of all the Children of the [Far] East Country [Confucius] and all the wisdom of Egypt He was wiser than all men…and his fame was in all nations round about. He spoke 3,000 proverbs: and his songs were a thousand and five [1,005]”. 1 Kings 4:30-32

But not all of their songs were of disparity and loss. They also sang songs of love, joy and hope. Researchers say from there, story-telling, riddles [ancient parables] developed into an oral culture that gave way to rhythmic oral communication; [in short stories, songs and phrases], making it easier to recall rather than focusing on recalling a series of facts. This is simply our earliest forms of rap. The article was compiled by researchers and book authors who have collected these facts and stories from present-day elder African Americans themselves found living throughout the United States. “Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations: ask thy father, and he will shew thee; thy elders, and they will tell thee”. Deut 32:7

Our stories are held within and at times (unaware of their value) they are withheld, but they exist and are a direct contradiction to traditional views of Black culture that lacked formal education and literary tradition. More and more recent scholars are changing the way they look at Negro Spirituals. They now argue that there was a rich culture that existed in spite of the bonds of slavery that taught Black children a strong sense of survival, morality, culture and ancient tradition [history]. “This

is my COVENANT with them, said YHWH; My SPIRIT that is upon you, and my words which I The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel

have put in your mouth, SHALL NOT DEPART OUT OF YOUR MOUTH, nor out of the mouth of your seed, nor…your seed's seed, said YHWH, from henceforth and FOREVER”!!  FOREVER

Israelis (not Israelites)

So-called Palestinians

“Your country is desolate, your cities are burned with fire: YOUR LAND, STRANGERS DEVOUR IT IN YOUR PRESENCE, it is desolate, as overthrown by strangers”. Isaiah 1:7

While African Americans [true Israelites] continue to seek acceptance they believe to be freedom [a “non-existent American Dream”], our younger generation is growing up without being exposed to this history of their past while African American adults, themselves fail to recall the truths hidden in our own stories and songs. Thus, they miss the prophet Isaiah’s warning that because of our people’s rebellious disregard of our own customs, our land would be over-thrown by strangers in our very presence; as it is to this day. Estranged from our land for almost two thousand [2000] years, what do we know about our actual homeland, Israel?? It was called “the City of Peace and “The Land of Milk and Honey”. Jerusalem, Israel was originally called Salem [Peace or Shalom]. The verb ‘shalom’ means "to be complete or whole" or "wellness." The noun, Shalom, can be grouped into approximately four categories: 1-Shalom, wholeness of life, of body; (i.e., health). 2-Shalom - prosperity (success); fulfillment (Lev 26). 3-Shalom, a right relationship or harmony between two parties or people. This right relationship of Peace will be established by Yahweh’s soon-to-be-enjoined (New) Covenant (see Num 25:12-13; Isa 54: 10; Eze 34:25-26). This New Covenant was sealed and ratified by the Messiah’s shed blood during his crucifixion. 4- Shalom, thus, refers to Israel’s [and Spiritual Israel’s] victory over their enemies or the absence of war. Shalom was used in both greetings and farewells. It was also meant to act as a blessing on the one to whom it was spoken: "May your life be filled with health, prosperity, and victory." As an adjective, it expressed completeness and safety. For the moment, while in alien Israeli [and so-called Palestinian hands], the city of Shalom remains war torn and covered in blood. The Land of Israel today is not close to the size that YHWH Elohim promised to give to Abraham in covenant. [Abraham was promised all the land from the River Euphrates (in Mesopotamia) to the Great Nile River. Thus, Israel is not in Africa, but Africa has swallowed up land that was promised to Israel]. But, today Israel is a narrow strip of land 290 miles in length and 85 miles across at is widest point between the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean coast. Bordered by Lebanon to the North, Syria to the northeast and Jordan to the east a land bridge links Israel to three continents: Asia, Africa and Europe. Israel is literally the very center of the earth!!

The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel

Israel encompasses the varied topographical features and climates like that of a continent. Although the climate is characterized by much sunshine, the rainy season runs from October/November through April with a total annual precipitation of 20-30 inches in the north to just over an inch in the far south. In the north, the forested Galilee highland of Galilee merges with fertile green valleys. This area has dry, comfortably warm summers and moderately cold winters, with rain and occasional light snow in the hilly regions. Mediterranean shore

The Dead Sea at Masada

Sand dunes and farmland mark the coastal plain bordering the Mediterranean shoreline that has considerably hot, humid summers and mild, wet winters in this area. The rocky peaks of the Samarian and Judean mountain ranges in the center of the country descend sharply to the semitropical Jordan Valley and the Dead Sea [the lowest place on earth]

The summers are hot and dry and the winters are pleasant in this area. Mountainous deserts stretch southward through the Negev [the area given to Esau and is the future location of the Lake of Fire] to Arava, end at the Gulf of Eilat, the northern most tip of the Red Sea [or Sea of Reeds].

The Negev

Gulf of Eilat

This area has year-round, semi-arid conditions, with warm to hot days and cool nights. However, water is scarce in Israel and intense efforts are made to maximize the use of what is available and to seek new resources. In the 1960’s the country’s fresh water sources were joined with an integrated national grid, who’s main artery, the National Water Carrier, brings water from the north and center of the country to the semi-arid south through a network of giant pipes, aqueducts, open canals, reservoirs, tunnels, dams and pumping stations. Israelis are planning new water sources through cloud seeding, desalination of seawater [like the Dead Sea] and recycling of sewage water [yuk!].

Agriculture is farming; the science, art and business of cultivating the soil, producing crops, and raising livestock. Israel remained an agricultural society through out biblical times. This is not surprising when it is remembered that YHWH is referred to in scripture by Yahshua as the Husbandman [i.e., Farmer-John 15:1)] who labors (2 Tim 2:6). The husbandman waits: The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel

“Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord [Adonay]. Behold, the husbandman waits for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain. Be you also patient; stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Adonay draws near. Grudge not one against another, brethren, lest you be condemned”. James 5:7-9

During the United Kingdom (under David and Solomon), agriculture prospered (I Kings 4:25). Some agricultural products such as wheat, olive oil and honey were even exported (Eze 27:17). King David (I Chron 27:26-31) and King Hezekiah (II Chron 32:28) took a special interest in agricultural production and none more so than Uzziah, who is described as “one who loved the soil”. Yahshua made frequent reference to the land and it’s products in his teachings (the sower of seed, wheat and tares, the mustard seed, treasure hidden in a field and the fisherman’s net cast into the sea). The traditional picture of Palestine is that of a land flowing with “milk and honey”. But the fertility of the land was neither automatic nor uniform. The Old Testament stresses that Israel’s success and prosperity in agriculture came from YHWH and that his blessing was closely associated with the people’s trust in Him and their obedience to His word (Deut 28). Agriculture was tied up with moral and spiritual attitudes unlike their neighbors, the Canaanites, who observed strict, ritualistic worship via idols. Many Israelites, however, were seduced by Canaanite ways and their desire for a good harvest. Their unbelief was assisted by the unpredictability of Israel’s climate. A reminder that thanks and worship were due to YHWH can be found in Israel’s Holy Feast Days. Passover and Unleavened celebrated at the beginning of the barley harvest. This was followed closely by the Feast of First Fruits of the wheat harvest. Tabernacles [or Ingathering] took place when the harvest was complete. Sadly these Holy Days degenerated into mere rituals for Israel. The prophet Hosea actually said of Israel, “She [Israel] did not know that I [YHWH] gave her corn, wine, and oil, and multiplied her silver and gold, which they prepared for Baal”. Steeped in pagan-ism, when they failed to respond to the prophet’s warning, YHWH pronounced judgment on the land as well as the people (Jeremiah 12:7-13). Three basic Israelite crops were grain (corn), olives (from which comes oil) and grapes (from which comes wine) just as YHWH said. Harvesting the grapes and making wine were great social events. The law allows a person to eat grapes while collecting them, but not to put them in their baskets while in someone else’s field (Deut 23:24). The grapes were mainly for wine but some were dried for raisins. The Harvest became a picture of YHWH’s judgment (Jeremiah 51:33, Joel 3:13). Yahshua compared the Final Judgment with the harvest in Matt 13:30, 39, Rev 14:14-20). He also used the same metaphor for the gathering together of believers (Matt 9:37-38, Luke 10:2). YHWH even gave us laws concerning trees :Lev 19:23; Lev 27:30; Deut 16:21; 20:19). TREES: Trees are first used as symbols in Gen. 2:9 where we are told YHWH made every “tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food”. The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was there with The Tree of Life in the midst of the garden”. The symbols represent a higher “spiritual” understanding of the tree and its purpose. One example of the biggest blessings surrounding the Promised Land is that of its fertility The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel

shown in the Old Covenant celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles which was kept during the time of harvestLev 23:38-40). Four (4) types of trees are used in to represent the fertility of the land in this celebration: “You shall take.on the first day the boughs of goodly trees [citrus//fruit trees], branches of palm trees, and the boughs of thick [leafy] trees, and willows of the brook; and ye shall rejoice before the LORD your God seven days”. Lev 23:40 Trees are considered symbols for both evil & good: Compared to sinners-(Ps 37:35; Mat 7:18; Luke 3:9 & Jude 12. Compared to The Saints: (Num 24:6; Psa 1:3; Psa 52:8; Psa 92:12; Isa 61:3; Jer 17:8; Ezek 47:7 & Hos 14:6). A variety are mentioned in Scripture: Aacacia: (see Shittah & Shittim): 20 ft tall, hard-grained orange-brown wood; thorny stems, of Sinai desert, Palestine (along Jordan River, Sea of Galilee to Dead Sea) & Egypt, used for boards, altars, pillars, staves and table bars for the Tabernacle; and Ark of Covenant [Exo 25;10], resistant to insects. Algum/Almug: large legumous tree similar to the red sandlewood, blossoms are pea-like, wood is close-grained, dark on the outside and red on the inside, highly scented, resistant to insects. Solomon ordered this wood from Ophir and Lebannon; he made terraces to the house of YHWH & king’s palace; and he made harps and psalteries for singers-2 Chron 2:8 & 9:10; 1 Kings 11:10 . Almond: Member of peach family, blooms very early, blossoms were the design of the temple bowls & carved in the lampstand (Exo 25:33-36). Aaron's rod sprouted almonds [a sign of his God-given authority (Num 17:1-10)]; Symbol: Speed/Hasten. Apple: Song 8:5, Isa 44:14, Symbol: Prophecy of the Messiah-Song 2:3 Balsam: Balm mentioned in Gen 37:25 is a very fragrant, pale yellow resinous substance used for incense [Exo 5:28] dissolved in water for ointment; oil in the bark, leaves and berries used as medicine; Symbol: spiritual healing.

The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel

Bay: [or Laurel]: Psa 37:35- native to Canaan, small green-white flowers & red berries. Used for medicine, leaves for seasoning & perfumed oil, large spreading, Symbol: wickedness and prosperity. Box : Isa 41:19 –hardy evergreen, a very hard wood, glossy leaves, 20 ft., native of N. Palestine & Lebanon, used to beautify the temple (Isa 60:13). Used for wood engravings and musical instruments. Used by Isaiah to remind Israel of Yah’s s perpetual presence (Isa 41:17-20). Cassia: Used in anointing oil, [Exo 30:24] similar to cinnamon, aromatic, Tyre purchased from Dan in Palestine [Eze 27: 19 Cedars: 1 Ki 4:33; 2 Ki 14:9; Psa 29:5; Psa 80:10; Psa 104:16; Isa 2:13 ; Cedars of Lebanon: 2 Chr 2:8; Psa 92:12; Isa 40:16; Hos 14:5] magnificent, 120 feet, rot resistant, ideal for building (2 Sam 5:11, 1 Ki 6:9), ship building (Eze 27:5) and fashioning idols (Isa 44:14) David’s house made of cedar, used in sacrificial fires (Num 19:6), lofty, tall, resistant to insects, Symbol: Eminence & Pride/shall be humbled. Chestnut: (Plane Tree): Eze 31:8. Native of Syria & Lebannon, 90 ft, massive trunk. Cypress: Isa 44:14-very hard, durable wood, dark gloomy foliage, used as a funeral tree in East, Gopherwood, reddish, used in building Noah’s ark. The word for Cypress is also rendered Camelthorn. Fig: Jdg 9:10; 1Ki 4:25; Prov 27:18; Hab 3:17; Mat 21:19; Luke 13:6; Luke 21:29; John 1:48; Jas 3:12; Rev 6:13–Symbolic-for Israel, sitting under represents peace & prosperity (1 Ki, 4:25, Mic 4: 4; Zech 3:10); Sycamore is another type of fig tree (Luke 19:4). Figs were eaten fresh, pressed into cakes (1 Sam 25:18) & used as a poltice (Isa 38: 21); not tall, large leaves & wide-spread branches, called the Syke tree by Greeks. The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel

Fir: (Juniper) Isa 14:8; Hos 14:8; translated as pine and juniper by some; used to describe blessings of YHWH for Israel (Isa 41:19 & 55: 13); used for ship building and musical instruments (2 Sam 6:5: Eze 27:5); Symbol: Nobility (Isa 60: 13). Juniper: (See Fir) 1Ki 19:4 Mulberry: (fig family) 2Sa 5:23- S. Palestine, juice used as a refreshing drink (Mac 6:34); Psa 84:6 refers to the valley of Baca, which means “valley of mulberries”. Myrtle: Neh 8:15; Isa 41:19; Zec 1:8; Sym-bol: Perfection of Yah’s kingdom Isa 55:12-13 Oak: Gen 35:4; Jos 24:26; Jdg 6:11; 2Sa 18:9; 1 Ki 13:14; Isa 1:29; Isa 6:13- strong, magnificent, grows alone on high ground., strong, long life, lofty, 50ft., Symbol: The Saints Oil: Isa 41:19- called Jerusalem Willow, or Oleaster, produces a small bitter olive used for oil. (Isa 41:19) Olive: Jdg 9:9; Ps 52:8; Zec 4:3; Rom 11:17; Rev 11:4important source of food and oil. Fine olive oil used in Tabernacle Lamp (Exo 27:20); Symbol: The Holy Spirit (oil). Palm: Ex 15:27; Deut 34:3 Song 7:7; Jer 10:5; Joel 1:12 – could reach 100 ft., pro-duces great quantity of fruit on one tree, fibrous leaves used to weave mats, found in hot area like Dead Sea & Jericho (which was known as the City of Palms (Jdg 1: 16). In the Wilderness, Israel camped near springs at Elim of 70 palm trees-Ex 15:27). Symbol: Righteous- Psa 92:12 Pine: Isa 41:19- tall coniferous tree, long needles and seed-bearing "pine cones." It was often used for building (Isa 44:14). The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel

Pomegranate: 1 Sam 14:2-Known in Palestine since earliest times (Num 13:23) sweet fruit used as cooling drink, as wine (Song 8:2), symbols of the fruit embroidered on bottom of High Priest’s robe (Exo 28:33-34), carved on pillars of Solomon’s Porch at the temple (1 King 7:20); 15 ft., bright red flowers, fruit the size of an orange, with 613 seeds, rind contains large amt of tannin, used as astringent & in tanning leather. Poplar: Member of the willow family, soft part of trunk used as paper pulp, rest used in light wood working, repairs and making crates. Two types: White Poplar [mentioned in Jacob’s genetic experiment in Gen 30:37] and Euphrates Poplar [different size & shape leaves on same branch], tall, fast-growing shade tree, moist areas along Euphrates & Jordan River (Gen 30:37), leaf shaped like a spade with white/silver underside [White Poplar]. (Ironically ‘spade’ is also a byword for Americans); gained fame in the South because Billie Holiday’s song, Strange Fruit mentions lynchings of our people on the tree; Symbol: Divine Blessing! Isa 44:4 Shittah: (See Acacia)-Ex 36:20 Sycamore: (see Fig/Mulberry) Tamarisk: small desert tree, called salt cedar, likes rivers & coastal areas, reddish-brown flowers, appears dead at times, Abraham planted one at Beersheba (Gen 21:33). Teil: (Terebrinth): Isa 6:13, Eccl 26:16 gives a poetic description, native to Palestine, clusters of red berries, yields a form of turpentine, wide spreading, Gideon met an angel under this tree (Judg 6:11-12), found at pagan altars. Thyine wood: Translated as citron wood, cypress family, small, slow-growing evergreen, used for Roman cabinet-making; produces sandarac (re-sin used for making varnish & incense), commercial items of Great Babylon-Rev 18, aromatic-wood burned for incense.

The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel

Turpentine: Found in hot, dry places, coppery-red bark, produces an oil resin with high commercial value (Isa 6:13), wooden posts put in the ground will take root and grow in moist soil. Willows: Lev 23:40, Job 40:22, Ps 137:2, Isa 15:7, Isa 44:4-Like poplars, favors wet areas (Euphrates river) & streams, native to Israel to Syria-Eze 17:5),Tabernacle booths built, Symbol: Sorrow, Ps 137:2 (rivers of Babylon). Wormwood: Western sagebrush family, oil used to flavor Absinthe, a liqueur, Symbol: bitterness-Rev 8:11, disobedience-Deut 29:18, punishment-Jer 9:15, 23:15 


We have sinned with our fathers, we have committed iniquity, we have done wickedly. Our fathers understood not thy wonders in Egypt; they remembered not the multitude of thy mercies; but provoked him… even at the Red sea”. Psa 106:6-7

Modern technology and archeology, are responsible for the discovery of [what scientists say are] the remains of an ancient chariot wheel found at the bottom of what is known as the Red Sea [pic below]. While many may question the authenticity of this find, the bible tells us that the Children of Israel witnessed this very miracle, and many, many more, but still didn’t believe! chariot wheel covered in algae SALMS 106,

written by King David, chronicles this miracle, others, as well as Israel’s perpetual unbelief in the GOD of Israel. This psalm is a prayer. Not a personal prayer, but a confession of sin and a prayer for forgiveness for the entire Israelite Nation. It’s a national prayer…an earnest outcry to YHWH spoken in love. In fact, David’s love for his people, Israel, is so complete that he begins the prayer in Egypt, where we were The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel

first gathered, and prays his way up to our final scattering and beyond; to our regathering from the nations. Some may reason that Israel has been a captive so many times, how can we know that David’s prayer includes our captivity in these latter days? As the saying goes, those who do not learn from their past are destined to repeat it. We know be-cause we can see these are the latter days, our people are still captives, and history does repeat itself !! Psalm 106 paints a clear picture that warns us that lust [whether sexual, a lust for possessions or for having our own way], fear, criticism, jealousy/envy, and spoken words could bring the ‘rod’ down upon us. They brought death to our forefathers. Prophecy confirms that YHWH Elohim will lead us from America into the wilderness where He will rule over us with his fury poured out [Eze 20: 34-35]. “...the waters covered their enemies… Then believed they His words; they sang his praise. They soon forgot his works…” Psa 106:11-13

Many times our nation survived YHWH’s wrath of destruction because a mediator stood in the breach and executed judgment like Phineas [Psa 106:29-31] who stopped the plague that broke out on them all because Israel had bowed down to and ate sacrifices dedicated to Baal-peor. But, not before 24,000 people died in that plague!! - Num 25:9 . They joined themselves also unto Baal-peor, and ate the sacrifices of the dead. Psa 106:28 “They made a calf in Horeb, and worshipped the molten image.. They changed their glory into the similitude of an ox that eats grass”. Psa 106:19-20

Israel ‘rose up to play’ [with fire], because this act of idolatry resulted in the fall [death] of 3,000 men-Exo 32:28, 1 Cor 10:8. Israel even complained of the “bitter waters”, murmuring against Moses, asking, What shall we drink? Exo 15:23-24 Even Miriam and Aaron criticized their brother, Moses for having married an Ethiopian [African] wo-man; challenging his authority. Miriam was immediately chastised with a plague of leprosy [Num 12:1-10] while Aaron was spared. As a spokesperson for Moses, he was of the priesthood with works to be carried out. They both, however, would die in the wilderness. The most important lesson, however, is in the strivings of Dathan and Abiram, who were famous in the congregation [(stars) Num 26:9]. With Korah, they strove against YHWH The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel

when they crafted a golden calf [of the Egyptian god] and ‘rose up to play’--strove against Moses and Aaron, falsely accusing them of ‘lifting themselves above the congregation” [Num 16:3]. Pointing out that ‘all the people were holy’, he accused YHWH’s anointed of ‘being puffed up”, when in fact, they were puffed up and provoked the same discontentment in the hearts of the people. This caused the entire congregation to eventually side with them. 250 men [Dathan, Abiram, and all their families and possessions] were swallowed up by the earth. However, Korah [alone] died for his sin, but his family “died not”- Num 26:11. It’s because of this disobedience/rebellion that a plague broke out among the people. Moses ordered an immediate atonement by sacrifice, but not be-fore an additional 14,700 men died by the plague!! Dathan, Abiram and Korah’s insolence was yet more complaints about prophetic gifts given to some [Moses] and not to others [them]. This example underscores the importance of carrying out the business of holy things “decently and in order”. It highlights the grave danger of criticizing those whom YHWH has anointed to perform His works. The sins of others, or of those anointed with gifts, may be visible to the ‘natural eye’, but we must look upon all workers sent by YHWH, especially those in positions of leadership, with the ‘spiritual eye’. How can we know whether YHWH has imputed sin to a soul or whether He has put that sin away, as he did with David?-2 Sam 12:13. This story is a stern reminder that YHWH has reproved [rebuked] Kings, rulers, government officials, and powerful for his anointed. The bible states, “Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm”. - 1 Chron 16:22

Our forefathers didn’t see that YHWH was humbling them, proving them… to know what was in their hearts; whether they would walk in his law or not. The Israelites even came to the brink of stoning Moses because of thirst!! [Exo 17:4]. They missed YHWH’s food for their souls [spiritually] because they were focused on having their souls fed [carnally]. “They soon forgot his works; they waited not for His counsel: but lusted exceedingly in the wilderness, and tempted Elohim in the desert”. Psa 106:1-14

Given the gift of manna for food [the ‘Bread of Heaven’, rained down from heaven] they were provoked by the mixed multitude who’d clung to them just to escape Egypt. They lusted for meat [fish, melons, leeks, onions and garlic]-Num 11:4-35. Literally weeping in the night for meat, even though they left Egypt with ‘very much cattle’ [Ex 12:38], they spoke blasphemous words before Elohim [Psa 78:19]. Thus, Phil 3:19 says, “their bellies’ is their god”. Their request was granted, but each murmurer died while quail was yet hanging from their mouthes! But, the sin that pronounced divine judgment, condemning Israel to 40 years of wandering was Israel’s complaint against the Promised Land itself!! “Yes, they despised the pleasant land, they believed not His Word: But murmured in their tents, and listened not to the voice of YHWH”. Psa 106:24-25

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12 Spies/leaders, were sent to spy out the land and bring back a report. In spite of the grapes and figs the spies brought back, or the report of pomegranates in the land, 10 leaders brought back an evil report [becoming unrighteous witnesses-Exo 23:1]. This provoked the people into fear[of the giants in the land], unbelief, crying and blasphemy: saying “Would Elohim we had died in this wilderness! Num 14:2 [Old folks used to say, ‘be careful what you pray for, because you might get it!!] Using the very words from their own mouths, YHWH allowed them to manifest - Num 14:28 Israel’s story in the wilderness was for an example to our fathers who Pomegranate survived the wilderness, but they are for our admonition [instruction]; s we will also be just as Paul said in 1 Cornthians 10:11. During our experience in the wilderness, joined by those who don’t understand the law or know YHWH. Many will eat unclean foods in our midst; break the Sabbath Day… continuing the Sun’s Day worship. Some may challenge the instructions and the leadership we’re given. We know that 2/3 of our people will turn their hearts aside like the wandering stars of Jude 1:13. Will they return to America for comfort/wealth? Will they land to join the masses that will die when America’s covered with waves? Will they arrive after her destruction, only to be redirected to Europe to be offered the Mark or death? Who will be weakened by their folly and turn away? Will their names become “blots” in the Book of Life? Will WE have learned the lessons of trust, patience, faith, obedience and love to strengthen souls? To stand in the breach for sin? ”Remember me, O YHWH, with the favor that You bear unto your people: O visit me with your salvation; That I may see the good of your chosen…rejoice in the gladness of your nation…glory with your inheritance. Psa 106:4-5

David [once a shepherd] shall be remembered, as he asked. He shall be raised up in the wilderness Eze 34. A man of sin, but also ‘a man after YHWH’s own heart’, David had a passionate love for his people. African Americans should take comfort in reading this prayer that was prayed to YHWH thousands of years ago, on our behalf, on things that would involve his offspring thousands of years after he was dead!!! Let us all be admonished to love one another like our father, David who displayed his love for us from ancient days! “He made them also to be pitied of all those that carried them captives. SAVE US, O YHWH our Elohim…GATHER US from among the heathen, to give thanks unto thy holy name, and to triumph in thy praise”. Psa 106:46-47

■ “I will give her her vineyards from there and The Valley of Achor for a door of hope and she shall sing there, as in the days of her youth, and as in the day when she came up out of the land of Egypt. Hosea 2:15

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The Valley of Achor mentioned in Hosea 2:15 is in the West Bank [the Gaza Strip] near the city of Shechem. Achor means ‘trouble’. It is not a place of joyful singing to YHWH today, but a place of violence and the ongoing Arab-Israeli dispute over the land of Israel [of which neither the so-caplled Palestinians nor Israelis have rights to claim]. Verse 18 speaks of living in safety without the threat of war or violence. Why is Achor so significant??? It’s the valley wherein Achan was stoned to death for stealing some of the things devoted to YHWH for himself. Thus, the valley is named after him (Joshua 7:22-24). At Jericho, Israel was instructed to utterly destroy all except the silver, brass and gold. These were devoted to YHWH to be brought into the national treasury once they entered the Promised Land. Upon losing the battle at Ai, YHWH revealed to Joshua that they were overcome by their enemies because ‘Israel sinned’, ‘transgressed His covenant’, had “even taken of the accursed [devoted] thing”, “stolen and dissembled”, then “put it even among their own stuff”. Confessing his sin, Achan admitted he had stolen a Babylonish garment, 200 shekels of silver, and a wedge of gold at the weight of 50 shekels]. Achan’s behavior is also a parallel testimony involving Ananias and Sapphira in the New Testament. This married couple sold a possession, but “kept back part of the price for themselves, then laid the remainder at the Apostles’ feet - Acts 5:1-11. Both warns of the danger of taking or holding back things devoted to YHWH. In Achan’s case, the Valley of Achor was a door where sin could not enter in. This is a type or a shadow of entering into the kingdom [or the Promised Land]. The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel

“I will cause you to pass under the rod [the word], and I will bring you into the bond of the covenant: And I will purge out from among you the rebels, and them that transgress against me… For in mine holy mountain… there will I accept them, and there will I require your offerings, and the first fruits of your oblations, with all your holy things”. Ezekiel 20:37-40 Achan, and the valley named after him, represented the place where everything should have been given up to YHWH. Everything, then, becomes devoted to Him because Elohim will lead us out of the wilderness into the Secret Place and on into the Promised Land where we will enter under the BOND of The New Covenant. We give up the natural to attain the spiritual [The Pearl of GREAT Price]. Achan’s confession and stoning turned away the ‘trouble’ [the fierce wrath of YHWH]. At Achor, YHWH’s ancient wrath with His people will finally be appeased. Here lies our hope!! "Achan" was a man [the old man] who harbored secrets! …skeletons buried deep in his closet [the earth of his tent] that no one knows is there, but YHWH. Achor is the place where "the old man” [FLESH] is exposed because it was not willingly revealed and offered up by Achan to be killed. Thus this dark secret [the old man] was exposed and stoned to death!! By this, the door of the "Valley of Achor" then swings open to us. Hosea focused on this prophecy; that some Israelites in the valley will judge themselves on this vital matter! At Achor, we shall remember our former ways and doings and loathe ourselves in our own eyes; becoming fully dead to sin. Thus, we take on the newness of Christ [the DOOR] since it’s “the consciousness of ‘CHRIST IN YOU’, THE HOPE OF GLORY" (Colossians 1:27)! "…THOU SHALT CALL ME ISHI [My Husband]...no more BAALI [My Lord]. For I will take away the names of Baalim out of her mouth…" -Hos 2:16-17. He will offer us a new relationship…a marriage proposal for “He that is joined to YHWH is ONE SPIRIT"! - 1 Corinthians 6:17 “I will betroth you unto Me FOREVER: yes…IN RIGHTEOUSNESS, and IN JUDGMENT, and IN LOVINGKINDNESS, and IN MERCIES. I will even betroth you unto Me IN FAITHFULNESS: and YOU SHALL KNOW YHWH"- Hosea 2:19-20! This "knowing” speaks intimacy, a consummation as a married couple; a penetration of His Life into our own so that there is no more sin [secret or presumptuous], no more separation, but an eternal union! YHWH Elohim is even now preparing this Bride; a people who will come “up from the wilderness, leaning on her Beloved". (Song of Solomon 8:5) ■ The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel

NOTES FROM THE ELDER PRIEST YACHOV BEN ISRAEL (YHWH is pronounced Yahweh; He is The Most High, The True and Living God of Israel)

Have you ever really considered the new heaven and the new earth that Saint John witnessed in the book of Revelations? John saw the heavenly city of New Jerusalem descending upon the new earth with great detail. He was given the measurements and de sign as well as a look inside the city. Behind the pearly gates and “in the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve [12] manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.” (Rev 22:2). Although there will be trees of healing during Yahshua’s thousand year reign (Eze 47:20), The Tree of Eternal Life has been withheld from man since the Garden of Eden. As part of Adam and Eve’s punishment for breaking the command not to eat of the tree of knowledge, YHWH banished them from the garden saying “ Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever…” so he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubim, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life (Gen 3:22-24). As a by-product of sin, man is now physically weak and often falls victim to viruses and diseases of today’s environment. Doctors and scientists work tirelessly to discover new cures or at least, preventatives for everything from cancer to supposed afflictions such as A.D.D. Pharmaceutical companies funnel billions of dollars into research and come up with ‘legalized dope’ that may well lower cholesterol or control the flow of blood to the heart, yet have side effects that cause seizures, stroke and even destroy a woman’s reproductive organs. And for all this, our wizards and mages still cannot cure the common cold. But Yahshua promised that there would be no more tears and no more sickness. He promised healing and eternal life proclaiming “He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of

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the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of Elohim (Rev 2:7.)” This access to the tree of life will be given back to those who are written in the Lambs Book of Life. It is one of the many rewards that our Messiah wishes to lavish upon Yah’s creation. No longer will man have to fear illness and feverishly search for cures to diseases which probably have no end in number, it is our heavenly Father who will ensure that fleshly man is no longer a victim of his weakness. “They shall have the tree of life for an ointment of sweet savor; they shall neither labor nor be weary (2 Esdras 2:12). Death came upon man as result of sin. And since Adam, just about every human has died a man’s death. There is freedom in the knowledge of YHWH, knowing what he has planned to reward those who walk in his ways. There is a reason to have faith when we diligently study the legacy left in the bible. Though man as a whole may fear disease today, there will soon come a time when these fears will be a thing of past generations. YHWH will provide healing waters and the tree of life to comfort all our pains. “For unto you is paradise opened, the tree of life is planted, the time to come is prepared, plenteousness is made ready, a city is builded, and rest is allowed, yea, perfect goodness and wisdom (2Esdras 8:52). “Blessed are they that DO his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates of the city. For outside are dogs, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and whosoever loves and makes a lie (Rev 22:14-15). ■

New Jerusalem coming to earth

The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel

The W atchm an – The U nited Congregation of Israel

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