9 minute read
Conveyancing terms all first time buyers need to know
Purchasing a property can be a daunting prospect, which is why it is important to instruct a conveyancer who will guide you through the process using plain English and not legal jargon. In this article, Coralie Phelan from Prince Evans Solicitors explains the key terms used at each stage of the transaction

A conveyancer (or solicitor/lawyer) is the legal professional who will act for a buyer or a seller in the conveyancing process.
This means the legal process of transferring property or land from one party to another.
Purchaser and Sellers
The parties to the conveyancing transaction, the seller/vendor being the party selling the property and the buyer the purchaser.
If you are buying a property and your seller is likewise buying a property (whose seller could also be buying a property) then this is known as the Chain of Purchasers and Sellers – the chain of conveyancing transactions which are linked together and must exchange and complete at the same time.
Source of Funds
Your conveyancer will need to check your source of funds to comply with the Government’s Anti-Money Laundering Regulations. This means they will need to see how you are financing your property purchase. This can include copies of wage slips and bank accounts to evidence how you have saved your contribution to the purchase price.
Contract Papers
Contract papers or the Legal Pack are provided by the seller’s conveyancer at the outset to the buyer’s conveyancer. The pack contains the contract, legal title together with the property information and fittings and contents form. It is upon receipt of these contract papers that the conveyancing process really begins.
Transaction Forms
This phrase refers to:
• Fittings and Contents form – indicates which items are included and excluded from sale
• The Property Information form – filled out by the seller confirming information regarding the property including alterations, guarantees and service connections.
Freehold or Leasehold
Freehold is a tenure of property and if you buy a freehold property this means you will own the property and the land it sits on.
Leasehold is a tenure of property and if you buy a leasehold property you will rent/lease the land or property from a landlord for a defined period of time.
Usually your conveyancer will order the following:

Local Authority Search
This is a search carried out with information obtained from the local council and reveals specific information which you will need to know when buying a property. This includes things such as whether the roads are maintained at the public expense, the planning history of the property and whether there are any orders/regulations that the property owner must observe.
Drainage and Water Search
Confirms water and drainage connections.
Environmental Search
Confirms whether the property would be designated as contaminated land.
Additional Enquiries
Once your conveyancer has received contract papers they will review the legal title and the information provided and will raise any legal questions that they need the seller to reply to, which are commonly referred to as the Additional Enquiries.
Report on Title
When your conveyancer has all the replies to enquiries and search results they will then prepare the Report on Title.
This is a full report on the contract terms, the transaction forms, Title and the replies to enquiries and often the search results (if not reported on separately). It is usually provided with the contract for signing by the buyer.
This is the legal document which sets out the terms of your purchase and which you and your seller will sign to commit you to purchase the property.
This is the sum paid by a buyer to the seller (via their conveyancer) on Exchange of Contracts. This is typically 10% of the purchase price (or 5% in some cases). The deposit is forfeited to the seller if the buyer fails to complete.
Gifted Deposit
Your conveyancer will ask you to pay your deposit at this stage. A gifted deposit is where (typically) a family member is contributing to the purchase by gifting a sum of money. In this case your conveyancer will have to carry out further checks and obtain consent from any mortgage lender.
A lease is the contract (document) which sets out the terms on which one party rents property from another. If you buy a leasehold property such as a flat you will have a lease of the property. If the property is leasehold you will receive a report on the lease terms as part of the report on title.
Ground Rent
Ground rent is payable under the terms of a lease in leasehold property. This is an annual amount paid to rent the property from the landlord.
Management Company
A management company may be in existence to deal with the management of an estate or development where the property is located. This is more common with leasehold property but may also apply to freehold too. You will generally pay service charges to the management company and may be asked to become a shareholder or member.
The landlord is the party who owns land or property and is paid by others for the use of this. If you are a leaseholder you will pay your landlord a ground rent for the use of the land.
Legal Title
Legal Title is the evidence of legal ownership of assets or land. Your conveyancer will check the Legal Title to ensure this is suitable for your needs and is good and marketable. Your conveyancer will report the terms in the Report on Title and send you a copy to read through.
Mortgage Deed
This is the document you sign to legally commit to your mortgage and to comply with the terms of the mortgage (such as to make the repayments). This deed is registered at the Land Registry.
Exchange of Contracts
When contracts are exchanged you are legally committed to purchase the property and this is also when a completion date is fixed. This is the point of no return in the purchase and failing to complete after exchange of contracts will have serious financial consequences.
This is the date you legally complete, become the owner of the property you are buying and the day you can collect the keys to the property.
Transfer Deed or TR1/TP1
This is the legal document which transfers property from one person to another and is filed at the Land Registry to evidence the change of ownership. This needs to be signed before completion.
Stamp Duty Land Tax (“SDLT”)
This is a Government tax on the purchase of property. Fortunately, there is relief for first time buyers subject to certain criteria.
There are many conveyancing and legal terms you will hear during your property purchase. This is a summary of the main terms, which should assist in simplifying the terminology and provide you with a better understanding of the whole conveyancing process.
Prince Evans specialise in all aspects of conveyancing.
Please contact Prince Evans for all your conveyancing needs and for a friendly no obligation quote on 020 8567 3477 or nbh@prince-evans.co.uk

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Bedfordshire Berkshire Bristol Buckinghamshire Cambridgeshire Cornwall Devon Dorset East Sussex Essex Gloucestershire Hampshire Hertfordshire Isle of Wight Kent Norfolk Oxfordshire Somerset Suffolk Surrey West Sussex Wiltshire

Catalyst Housing catalyst.homes 0333 444 3500
Latimer myclarionhousing.com Need to find number
Estuary Housing Association estuary.co.uk 0300 304 5000
Fabrica fabrica.co.uk 0800 783 2159 020 8825 1000
Gateway Housing Association gatewayhousing.org.uk 020 8709 4300
Guinness Partnership guinnesspartnership.com 0303 123 1890
Hexagon hexagon.org.uk 020 8778 6699
Home Group homegroup.org.uk 0345 141 4663
Hyde New Homes hydenewhomes.co.uk 0345 606 1221
Islington and Shoreditch Housing Association isha.co.uk 0300 131 7300
L&Q lqhomes.com 0300 456 9997
SO Resi soresi.co.uk 020 8607 0550
Newlon Living newlonliving.co.uk 0800 058 2544
Notting Hill Genesis nhgsales.com 020 3797 0295
Nu Living nuliving.co.uk
020 3151 3394
Octavia Housing octaviahousing.org.uk 020 8354 5500
Optivo optivo.org.uk 0800 012 1442
Origin Housing originhousing.org.uk 0300 323 0325
Paradigm Housing paradigmhousing.co.uk 0300 303 1010
Peabody peabodysales.co.uk 020 7021 4842
Places for People placesforpeople.co.uk 01772 667 049
Sanctuary London sanctuary-homes.co.uk 0800 916 1444
Site Sales site-sales.co.uk 020 8502 5758
Shepherd’s Bush Housing sbhg.co.uk 020 8996 4200
Southern Home Ownership shosales.co.uk 0300 555 2171
Swan Housing Association swan.org.uk 0300 303 2500
Wandle Housing Association wandle.com 0300 200 0120
South East
Accent Group accentgroup.org 0345 678 0555
Aster Group buyanasterhome.co.uk 01380 735 480
CHP chp.org.uk 0300 555 0500
CHS Group chsgroup.org.uk 0300 111 3555
Latimer myclarionhousing.com 020 7378 5638
Crown Simmons crownsimmons.org.uk 0300 303 1064
Estuary Housing Association estuary.co.uk 0300 304 5000
Fabrica fabrica.co.uk 020 8825 1000
Flagship Homes flagship-homes.co.uk 0808 169 9297
Guinness Partnership (South) guinnesspartnership.com 0303 123 1890
Hastoe Housing Association hastoe.com 0300 123 2250
Home Group homegroup.org.uk 0345 141 4663
Housing Solutions Group housingsolutions.co.uk 01628 543101
Hyde New Homes hydenewhomes.co.uk 0345 606 1221
L&Q lqhomes.com 0300 456 9997
SO Resi soresi.co.uk 020 8607 0550
Moat moat.co.uk 0300 323 0011
Notting Hill Genesis nhgsales.com 0333 000 4000
Nu Living nuliving.co.uk 020 3151 3394
One Housing Group onehousing.co.uk 0300 123 9966
Optivo optivo.org.uk 0800 012 1442
Origin Housing originhousing.org.uk 0300 323 0325
Orwell Housing Association orwell-housing.co.uk 0345 601 0030
PA Housing pahousing.co.uk 0300 123 2221
Paradigm Housing paradigmhousing.co.uk 0300 303 1010
Peabody peabodysales.co.uk 020 7021 4842
Places for People placesforpeople.co.uk 01772 667 049
Rosebery Housing Association rosebery.org.uk 01372 814 000
Sanctuary South East sanctuary-housing.co.uk 0800 131 3348
Soha Housing Soha.co.uk 01235 515 900
Southern Home Ownership shosales.co.uk 0300 555 2171
Sovereign Housing sovereignliving.org.uk 0300 500 0926
Stonewater stonewater.org 01202 319 119
Swan Housing Association swan.org.uk 0300 303 2500
SO Resi soresi.co.uk 020 8607 0550
Town and Country Housing tchg.org.uk 01892 501 480
Worthing Homes worthing-homes.org.uk 01903 703100
South West
Aster Group buyanasterhome.co.uk 01380 735 480
Cornerstone Housing cornerstonehousing.net 01392 273 462 CURO curo-group.co.uk 01225 366 000
Elim Housing elimhousing.co.uk 01454 411 172
Green Square greensquaregroup.com 03001117000
Guinness Partnership (Hermitage) guinnesspartnership.com 0303 123 1890
Hastoe Housing Association hastoe.com 0300 123 2250
Places for People placesforpeople.co.uk 01772 667 049
Rooftop Housing Group rooftopgroup.org 01386420800
Sanctuary Southwest sanctuary-housing.co.uk 0800 131 3348
Sovereign Housing sovereign.org.uk 0300 500 0926
Stonewater stonewater.org 01202 319 119
Westward Housing westwardhousing.org.uk 0300 100 1010
Accent Group accentgroup.org 0345 678 0555
Green Square Accord greensquareaccord. org.uk 0300 111 7000
Acis Group acisgroup.co.uk 0800 027 2057
Bromford Group bromford.co.uk 0330 123 4034
Clarion Housing myclarionhousing.com/ sharedownership 03005008000
EMH emhhomes.org.uk 0300 123 6000
Long Hurst Group longhurst-group.org.uk 0300 123 1745
Home Group homegroup.org.uk 0345 141 4663
Guinness Partnership (Northern Counties) guinnesspartnership.com 0303 123 1890
Midland Heart midlandheart.org.uk 0345 602 0540
Muir Group muir.org.uk 0300 123 1222
Nottingham Community Housing Association ncha.org.uk 0800 013 8555

Orbit orbitcustomerhub.org.uk 0800 678 1221

Places for People placesforpeople.co.uk 01772 667 002
Riverside Housing Association riverside.org.uk 0345 155 9029
Rooftop Group rooftopgroup.org 01386420800
Sanctuary Midlands sanctuary-housing.co.uk 0800 131 3348
Homes Plus homesplus.co.uk 08000488955

North West
Accent Group accentgroup.org 0345 678 0555
North Jigsaw Homes northjigsawhomes.org.uk 0300 111 1133
Arcon Housing Association arcon.org.uk 0161 214 4120
CDS Co-operatives cds.coop 0204 551 0080
Eden Housing Association edenha.org.uk 01768 861 400
Equity Housing equityhousing.co.uk 0300 123 4460

Guinness Partnership (Northern Counties) guinnesspartnership.com 0303 123 1890
Home Group homegroup.org.uk 0345 141 4663
Riverside Housing Riverside.org.uk 0344 873 6290
Irwell Valley Housing Association irwellvalley.co.uk 0300 561 1111
Knowsley Housing Trust k-h-t.org 0151 290 7000
Livv Housing Group livvhousingroup.com 0151 290 7000
Onward onward.co.uk 0300 555 0600
Muir Group muir.org.uk 0300 123 1222
Places for People placesforpeople.co.uk 01772 667 002
Progress Housing Group progressgroup.org.uk 0333 320 4555
Regenda Homes regenda.org.uk 0344 736 0066
Riverside Housing Association riverside.org.uk 0345 155 9029
Sanctuary North sanctuary-housing.co.uk 0800 131 3348
Your Housing Group yhghomes.co.uk 0845 163 4689
Accent Group accentgroup.org 0345 678 0555
Acis Group acisgroup.co.uk 0800 027 2057
Broadacres broadacres.org.uk 01609 767 900
Crucible Homes cruciblehomes.co.uk 0114 241 3433
Guinness Partnership (Northern Counties) guinnesspartnership.com 0303 123 1890
Home Group homegroup.org.uk 0345 141 1663
Leeds Federated Housing Association lfha.co.uk 0113 386 1000
Longhurst Group longhurst-group.org.uk 0300 123 1745
Manningham Housing Association manninghamhousing.co.uk 01274 771 144
Muir Group muir.org.uk 0300 123 1222
Places for People placesforpeople.co.uk 01772 667 002
Together Housing togetherhousing.co.uk 0845 077 0027
Sanctuary North sanctuary-housing.co.uk 0800 131 3348 Stonewater stonewater.org 01202 319 119
Wake eld and District Housing wdh.co.uk 0345 850 7507
Your Housing Group yhghomes.co.uk 0845 163 5008
Accent Group accentgroup.org 0345 678 0555
Bernicia bernicia.com 0344 800 3800
Castles and Coasts castlesandcoasts.co.uk 0800 085 1171
Guinness Partnership (Northern Counties) guinnesspartnership.com 0303 123 1890
Home Group homegroup.org.uk 0345 141 1663
Karbon Homes karbonhomes.co.uk 0808 164 0111
Places for People placesforpeople.co.uk 01772 667 002
Sanctuary North sanctuary-housing.co.uk 0800 131 3348
Thirteen thirteengroup.co.uk 0300 111 1000