The Unexposed Magazine No. 3

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The Unexposed

Issue No. 3

The Unexposed

a magazine for emerging artists

Editor In-Chief Natasha Dominguez

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Front and back cover photograph by Hükon Borg. All content copyright the artists. No commercial use without express written permission. Š 2012

Table Of Contents A Letter From The Editor What's Next

...4 . . . 11

Photography Dasha Nikitenko Brooke Rosenblum Elizabeth Schaffer Jhonatas Jesus Silva Amanda Lynn Jurie Autumn Partington HaĚŠkon Borg Danil Surma Keegan Kapugal Laura Liebnitz Julia Yusupov Elle Hanley Katie Jade Sophie Fontaine

Fine Art ...6 . . . 12 . . . 24 . . . 28 . . . 34 . . . 46 . . . 52 . . . 62 . . . 68 . . . 74 . . . 80 . . . 94 . . . 100 . . . 106

Ben Giles Julien Raynaud Lidian Dutra Joni Belaruski Princess Mia

. . . 18 . . . 42 . . . 58 . . . 88 . . . 112

Writing Megan Leong Elizabeth Schaffer

. . . 40 . . . 87

A Letter From The Editor The coming of springtime brings to mind a number of things; warmer weather, green grass, newborn animals, blossoming plants... It is the beginning of a new cycle. Everything starts out fresh and new; and is in a sense, reborn. That is why I thought the theme of Birth/Beginning was appropriate for this issue of The Unexposed magazine. Artists and creative thinkers from around the world have come together in this issue to speak to what their own interpertation of "birth/beginning" means to them. Enjoy!


Photograph by Natasha Dominguez


Dasha Nikitenko 20 / Russia, Saint-Petersburg

How did you first become interested in photography? How long have you been photographing for? I used to take photos on a little snapshot camera in my early school years. When I grew older I used a digital camera for about a year. During my first year of university my passion for film photography began. Excluding childhood I've been photographing non-stop for 5 years already. What is your current relationship with photography? I'm studing advertising and currently working on a project connected with film photography. Who, or what is your biggest influence? There are a variety of events or things that can inspire me: a feeling, a smell, a sudden thought, nature, a face, a situation, etc. My photographer friends and the great artists of the past influence me.


Tell us a little bit about these particular photographs. All of them are works of a different time. Some of them were taken on Lubitel 2 or Lubitel 166B (these cameras started my devotion to medium format), and some of them were taken on Yashica M124G. The phoho with girl in the lake reminds me of from where each human came from - I mean water environment - and, moreover all known life began in water. The girl from the book is me myself. This photo shows the birth of idea and stresses the point that idea is a product not only of pure inspiration, but of existing information and knowledge. The photo with triple exposure is some kind of metaphor of embryonic condition. The black & white airy photo shows transience of life, confluence of its beginning and ending. Another black & white photo (girl in the foxskin) refers to the birth of human civilization. Not as obviously aboriginal as the previous photo but demonstrating the nearness of human and nature, as in ancient times, and the capability of nature to bring a life. I rarely give names to my works - because in my opinion photography is a visual language that should not be limited with words: every man according to experience finds his own treatment of every visual source. What are your other hobbies, besides photography? Drawing, reading and writing, travelling and making discoveries (not global, but at least for myself), cycling What are you plans for the future? Self development. Studing. Working on my film photography project. •




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Brooke Alexandra Rosenblum 22 / New York City

How did you first become interested in photography? How long have you been photographing for? My interest sparked long ago, while I was just a little busy bee! I owe my creative influence to my mother who ALWAYS had a camera or video cam on hand. I am ever grateful for the creative genes she passed along to my brother and I. My first course in photography was in B&W film development, I was only about 10 years of age then. (I had to take another B&W course at the School of Visual Arts in NY last year to refresh my memory!) What is your current relationship with photography? After deciding to leave behind the dream of making a career in the music industry, I made a commitment to myself in becoming a successful photographer. Currently, I am within the thick of business planning and should be an official legal entity in the state of NY this year! What a wild and enlightening ride it has been so far. Who or what is your biggest influence? I am a genuine, whole-hearted, compassionate being who is driven by the force of nature and the beings that surround me. As a huge supporter of togetherness, I feel empowered by the possibility of being able to touch the lives of individuals, and generating a positive ripple effect. The other force(s) I have on a more personal level would be my first source of inspiration - my mother, who has passed over, the love I find within my sacred mirror, Kevin, and my supportive family.


Tell us a little bit about these particular photographs. The selections I have chosen intertwine to create a message that exemplifies the dawn of a new day in collective consciousness. Amidst all the fear, war, and ignorance in our world today, I find that people are waking up and tuning into Mother Nature's call. There is a shift coming, and as we respond to it through different forms or expressions, we are allowing room for this infinite growth. I see here a story of new adventure, fresh wonder and unstoppable strength. The universe(s) are effecting each and every single one of us beings of light and love as if we are all pores upon a single surface. As we strive to persevere, to further the exploration of man kind, we must make room for change. I see the change in these photographs I captured, the emergence of greater connectedness through man and nature. What are your other hobbies, besides photography? I resonate most with various forms of art and self expression. Whether I sing, draw/paint, or write, I find a piece of home in these acts wherever I may be performing them. I thoroughly enjoy yoga and meditation. Exercise through biking, swimming, horseback riding, tennis or just a plain old walk around my neighborhood can always lift my spirits. Reading, cooking (+ juicing) and traveling are all very important to me. What are your plans for the future? I am on a mission to innovate something that is not offered within the field of photography in NY tri-state area. It will be a very interesting journey to not only figure out exactly how I am going to translate my life's greatest work into this on-going project, but how I will also to infuse my passion of the spirit. Bottom line, If all goes well with my photography business and my boyfriend is equally successful in his personal endeavors, we would like to open a center for arts and healing. :)

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Ben Giles 19 / Bury St Edmunds, England

How did you first become interested in art? How long have you been making art? I've always drawn and made collages at school, but it only became the thing it is to me now around two years ago. What is your current relationship with art? I'm currently studying in my last year at college, then by September hopefully I'll attend Uni, but art is a compulsion to me, it's not something I study for, it's like biting my nails, I just do it, I rarely think I'll sit down and create something I just start doing it. It's my way of expressing myself to the world I guess, it's just part of me now and my relationship with art will continue to grow. Who, or what is your biggest influence? At the moment the biggest influence right now is Nick Van Woert, I'm rarely influenced by other artists work, but his keeps growing on me, he focuses mainly on sculpture and sculpture manipulation, which really interets me at the moment, and also Jacob Ring's fashion photographs, they look like these clay pieces, but it's just these items of clothing layered on top of the models head. Tell us a little bit about these particular pieces. The Flower pieces are a part of the evolution of my exploration of collage work, but it's about entering a new time, a breath of fresh air; our lives are short and fragile, but we should celebrate them while we last, the flowers show this, and the subjects in the pieces interact with this idea. For instance the sailors are celebrating, trying to grab each flower, or the vase of flowers rotting away, its a personal theme for me, after being in a certain place for a long time, finally stepping out and seeing things differently and feeling differently. To realize how precious life is, and seeing it with new eyes almost, it's almost a new birth. I haven't changed in that I've moved or got a new haircut, but the way I see things, things are just more colorful. The other pieces, such as the birdcage are relatively obvious in what they suggest, such as the bird escaping and finding fulfillment, a return to nature and the dangers that accompany it, and the ballet dancer finding his talents and expressing himself with them. What are your other hobbies, besides art? I play the drums in a band called Cassetto, we released an Ep called Future Absent Fathers and I'm really proud of it. I try and see other bands where and when I can. I'm not really a sports person anymore. What are you plans for the future? I made my first sculpture the other day, which I think went really well. It's made entirely out of melted wax crayons and a glue gun, it looks like melted sweets. So I hope to continue experimenting with that, it's something totally different from anything I've done before. I want to continue with the wax crayon sculptures and just find new ways of playing around with them as well as another sculpture project I'm beginning to work on; using wax to fossilize flowers as this certain wax dries clear and looks like crystals, like some Indiana Jones artifact. Once I go to university I plan on just broadening the mediums I can use as an artist and continue making music with my band. 20



Website Links: My band


Elizabeth Schaffer 34 / Colorado, United States How did you first become interested in photography? While completing a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree with a drawing concentration, I took a black-and-white photography class. We developed our film, made prints in the darkroom, and explored a variety of creative techniques. What is your current relationship with photography? Recently, I have regained interest in photography as a hobby and have been taking photos on a weekly basis. Who, or what is your biggest influence? I am inspired by the still life paintings of the Dutch Baroque. These paintings are often characterized by dark backgrounds contrasted by bright pinpointed highlights and use symbolic imagery to promote contemplation on spirituality in response to the impermanence of human life and its pleasures. I am also impacted by Francisco de Zurbaran, a Spanish Baroque painter who frequently employed chiaroscuro in his works. Tell us a little bit about these particular photographs. With these photographs, which are all symbolic of rebirth, or the beginning of a cycle, I would like the viewer to imagine an accompanying narrative of his or her own. I believe there is something more personal about an individual's interpretation than being informed directly about the artist's precise intentions. What are your other hobbies, besides photography? I enjoy science, listening to a wide variety of music, reading (non-fiction, such as psychology and self-improvement), playing the piano, cooking from scratch and trying out new recipes, thinking, and analyzing. I also work out regularly and am currently investigating pilates. What are you plans for the future? I would like to complete more pieces to add to a series of charcoal drawings involving hands, mood, and emotion and will continue to improve my skills in various areas of art, including illustration.





Jhonatas Jesus Silva 20 / Sao Paulo, Brazil

How did you first become interested in photography? How long have you been photographing for? I always had a big desire, to do something remarkable. I cannot explain well, but I always had the need to create, to put my feelings out and somehow be remembered for that. I've had trying to draw and other stuff, but nothing had me fascinated yet. When I discovered Flickr, I met a boy with incredible photos taken in my city, in common places, but displayed in a way that I had never seen before. His pictures were different, they had a gorgeous color, beautiful texture, and he used much HDR. When I saw that I felt understood. I just thought I want to do that. And from that day forward I take pictures. I use them to say what I feel and think. It's nearly five years of work What is your current relationship with photography? Lately I've had very little time for photos and I do not feel well Photography to me is more than hobby, it's something that makes me feel myself Who, or what is your biggest influence? I believe to have created a long time for Flickr. Many of the people I most admire in photography are almost unknown. But over time I just like having my biggest idols of photography Steven Klein and David LaChapelle.



Tell us a little bit about these particular photographs. Although many people associate the name in this photo with Born This Way. The idea of the name came from last episode, the first season of Dexter. In which they talk a lot about being born of truth, without tethers or other barriers. And the concept was something that was growing when I stopped to think how I've changed as an artist, how do I create differently today and think differently. And I care less about people, I no longer think what they will think about it, I do not care if people like it, I just want to put out, scream the pain of my soul and share my heart smiled. Think less about techniques, forget the critics, and be who I am because it is that I want to be Born again as myself. Start again today doing what I always wanted Because photography and art as a whole are environments, where we are so charged. Where we are separated into categories that define us as X or Y, and people really believe that we are ONLY X or Y. The man is magic, incredible and more creative than they think he is capable. The most difficult is to be who we really want to be. Even more difficult to create without thinking about others I think when you do it right, stop and turn off enough to create without any pressure... You are free. You are born again as an artist. You... Born Free! What are your other hobbies, besides photography? I love to write, usually write texts to conceptualize my photos. I really like to write. Other than that nothing beyond the ordinary, movies, music and many people. What are you plans for the future? I dream to work with art, photo or something in between. It is really a big desire of my life.

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Amanda Lynn Jurie 19 / British Columbia, Canada

How did you first become interested in photography? How long have you been photographing for? I have been photographing for five years and shooting portraits/photo stories for three years. Honestly, I'm not sure how I became interested in photography! I was an active member of DeviantART when I started shooting, so I'm sure that had something to do with it. I do remember how I developed an interest in portraiture and fashion photography though! For the longest time, I thought that photographing people was lame and vain, but then I found Lara Jade's portfolio on DeviantART. I was amazed at the beauty and creativity of her art, and re-evaluated my opinion of photographing people. I realized that the human form could be used to convey emotion and communicate stories, and that each photographer could create a vision that was unique to their minds. What is your current relationship with photography? We are in a passionate, maddening, and fickle relationship. Photography has become a huge part of my life over the past year, and I expect this to continue for many more years (maybe forever). I would love to make a career out of photography, but for the moment, I guess it's just an intense and consuming hobby with big ambitions. Who, or what is your biggest influence? Tim Walker, Paolo Roversi, Nirrimi, and fashion!



Tell us a little bit about these particular photographs. My childhood home is immersed in farm-fields, orchard trees, gentle creeks, and heavy cedars. Its serene, natural beauty is a constant source of inspiration for my art. When photographing, it really is important for me to be inspired by the model; their mannerisms, features, and emotions are all valuable to my creating process. Kirin—who modeled for these photographs—is a beautiful, enthusiastic friend with galaxies of freckles and enchanting blue eyes. Throughout this shoot, I thought of a quiet girl surrounded by reborn nature and suspended in a breath of stillness. An innocent wanderer Although these photographs were taken in the waning summer, they remind me of spring and life with the bright light and vivid greens. I am still in the beginning of my life with photography, so all my work has a very 'young' feel to me. What are your other hobbies, besides photography? I write prose, plays, scripts, and poetry— I have always been a story-teller, ever since I was a small and playing with my plastic animals and dolls. I adore movies, and hope to soon create a few short films of my own. I have dabbled in many forms of design (web, graphic, interior) and draw and paint in my spare time. I have a severe case of wanderlust and love to travel and explore strange cities and wild forests. What are you plans for the future? Travel-travel-travel and photograph-photograph-photograph! I want to see the world and document my memories in pictures. I would love to start working for companies, photographing their designs and creating visual villanelles with my camera. In the meantime, I plan to continue building my portfolio.

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Stillborn Eyes red and shut, filmy Little mouth limp and open, tender Baby hair wet and soft, matted. Air heavy quiet, missing. Little baby dead. Dead. Died at birth. These baby shoes, No one to wear.

By Megan Leong 18 / United Kingdom

Website: 40

Photograph by Natasha Dominguez 41

Julien Raynaud 24 / Marseille, France

How did you first become interested in art? How long have you been making art? I first become interested in art with graffiti. I was around 12 years old when I really started being interested in tagging. I was looking around my city wondering how they could do that. It’s few years later, when I turned sixteen that I really got involved in graffiti. I bought my first painting spray, and I started to explore my style. Later on I found it interesting to paint on canvas so I continued my work but on a different support. I'm now using canvas as my major support for about 8 years and spray painting for 6 years. What is your current relationship with art? Painting is more than a hobby for me. My entire life is based on art. My aim is to have the possibility to live from my art. I'm also passionate about tattoos and I plan to learn how to tattoo myself. I would love to study art at school but unfortunately at that time I was not willing to study. Consequently I didn’t get my diploma so I couldn’t apply to enter an art academy. Who, or what is your biggest influence? I'm very influenced by the landscapes where I grew up in the south of France: the fields of lavender, the boat on the sea; all have the same warm colors. I'm also inspired by Spain, La Costa Blanca, Altea… It is where my family is living. Every year since I was born I went there and it’s today what comes first in my head when I need inspiration. Furthermore, there are lot of artists from my city that inspired me a lot, like: IBT, CAG, MTK CREW, RCA TKO, PM CREW and Arman ANTONIAN who helps me a lot, he’s a very good painter. An other very good artist with whom I'm collaborating very often: Aymeric BEGAIN. I love to travel and definitely I have to say that it’s with all this diversity that I've learned a lot.


Tell us a little bit about these particular pieces. « I hope » represents the birth and the beginning of a new life. For me, the background in very dark colors, represents the death, the recent loss of my grandparents. I consider the character in the middle as me, sad but at the same time hopeful to see them again one day. I look at the sky and the flowers which are growing up represent them. These flowers are the symbol of a new life, the unknown and the future at the same time. But before everything it embodies the love that I have for them. Now they will be forever with me. It’s really important for me to dedicate this painting for them, because they raised me when I was a kid, so I almost consider them as my parents. « A ma mere » represents the growth of love between a mom and her child. It’s an homage of all the love my mom gave me. In this painting she’s taking me in her arms, as if she’s protecting me from the unknown world and we become the only one. The painting is very colorful because she’s a very optimistic person. We can also see a book because she is a lover of books and works in a library. I made this painting especially for her birthday. What are your other hobbies, besides art? My passions apart from art, are traveling, my family, my friends, music… but to be honest. All my entire life focuses on art. Everything is linked. I'm a tattoo addict, a fan of music, drawing, painting, sculpture, fashion. I try to find interest in everything, because I love to learn new things. I'm an hyperactive person so I need to see everything. It’s difficult for me to do only one thing, I need to try everything! One life won’t be enough to do everything I want! What are you plans for the future? In june, I'm going to participate in the Upfest festival in Bristol, United Kingdom; a street art festival. For the moment I try to draw the most as I can, because I really want to improve my technique in drawing in order to tattoo soon. I'm of course always looking for galleries where I could exhibit my paintings. If someone is interested please contact me by mail : I would like to thanks all the people that support and trust in me, like my two guardians spirits, my sister, my father, my mother and all my family all around the world in, France, Italy, New York and Chicago. My closest friends: Loic, Yann, Laurine, Marjo and all those who recognize themselves as well as Thibault Lemaitre who has made my website ( •




Autumn Partington 24 / Concord, New Hampshire

How did you first become interested in photography? How long have you been photographing for? As long as I can remember! I was the girl with the little disposable camera, and I was taking photos of everything I found interesting. I took so many I still have over 40 undeveloped! My parents bought me one each week, thank goodness for their patience! I have always been fascinated by nature, and when I turned 22 my husband bought me my first digital camera. I was outside every day taking photos of any plant I found intriguing. Shortly after I was assigned the role of photographer at every family event, which I loved. It wasn’t until after the birth of my son I shot my first wedding using a friend's Canon DSLR, and then after bought my first Nikon DSLR. I have been shooting nature, portraits, weddings, and self-portrait art since. I am completely teaching myself everything I can absorb! What is your current relationship with photography? As of right now, photography to me is not only a passion but a budding small business. I am doing as many sessions and weddings as possible. I am working on selling my self-portrait and nature photographs, aside from constantly photographing my son! Who, or what is your biggest influence? There is no one person, but I would say nature and music influence me the most. The simple beauty you find in the woods, mixed with the emotions music can induce, really get my mind and thoughts going! My husband, Josh, is my biggest supporter and fan (always standing beside me patiently while I take hundreds of photos) and my son, Isaiah, is my biggest and cutest motivation! The fellow artist who inspires me the most, I would have to say is Lissy Elle, I love her child like wonder, her boldness in each shoot and the timeless emotion of her photos!


Tell us a little bit about these particular photographs. I felt the inspiration to focus on the final point prior to realizing you needed a change. Right before you can go on to a new beginning. The waiting for your dreams to come true, and the bitter regret when it fails. Needing to let go of your worries, and watching them leave beautifully as you are left feeling relieved. Then comes the time to heal yourself, and grow into what you need to be free. Learning, growing, and being reborn. What are your other hobbies, besides photography? My other hobbies are hiking, being outdoors, and hanging with my little family! What are you plans for the future? My plans for the future are to share my photography! My work is showing more and more emotion in each photo; as I become more daring with conceptual themes. I hope to sell my nature photography, and continue to expand my business. My husband enjoys photography as well, and my 16 month old son is already obsessed with the camera, he loves taking photos, so we both hope to share the passion with him! •

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HaĚŠkon Borg 33 / Olso, Norway

How did you first become interested in photography? How long have you been photographing for? I started out as a painter and began playing with photography whilst studying at a really cool art school named Mølla. I was not - and honestly am not - particularly interested in photography in itself. My focus is on images in a broad sense of the word meaning, paintings, movies, social structures, religion, myths and so on. But I like to do photographs because I can experiment with viewpoints and potential representations of my surroundings without using much time and place. When it comes to painting I got a bit disturbed by the exclusive object always hanging around. I feel kind of bad being responsible for having produced an image or object that tends to demand treatment as some holy shit. Photography is easy to do, but difficult to make it holy :) What is your current relationship with photography? I feel a little bored of it at the moment. Everyone's doing it, and I feel there's a hell of a noise drowning beautiful voices. I'm crossing the border into the middleaged-manhood, and am a bit frustrated that I'm still getting bored and restless of doing something at the point where I'm starting to get the hang of it. I've bought some canvases and try to gather motivation to pick up the brush. Painting never left my mind and I've felt an urge to get back in touch with it lately. Who, or what is your biggest influence? Alienation Tell us a little bit about these particular photographs. As most of my work, these photographs are born out of a whim. My photo shoots - if planned at all - are poorly thought out in advance. An embarrassing, foggy hunch - some keywords at best. I work very fast, sloppy and full of distress and I usually finish a series in one day, planning and editing included. When it comes to The ladder, I had this idea of portraying a person going in and out of a mental crisis, being confronted with different emotional aspects like inadequacy, shame and despair when the veil gets torn and in that way being sort of reborn into either madness or into a new set of more acceptable views. I did many weird things that day but it finally worked out OK. Some practical facts; these photos are hardly edited and I used slow shutter speed (bulb) together with a flash. What are your other hobbies, besides photography? Movies and books. What are you plans for the future? I'm not a planner. Not even close. But I practice. Example by doing this series for this magazine. • 54


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Lidiane Dutra 27 / Rio Grande, Brazil

How did you first become interested in art? How long have you been making art? My interest in art began in childhood. I always liked drawing and viewing images. I consider myself an image accumulator. At school, I was not interested in the art classes because the teachers always tried to establish a pattern, a "correct" way to draw and make art, and I did not agree with that. As a teenager, I started drawing comics and manga, always giving preference to female characters. I always thought the figure of the woman more graceful, elegant and smooth to draw. And ever since that time I was interested in attending College of Visual Arts. In 2005, I could finally join the long awaited College of Arts and complete the course in 2008. Since then, I did Masters in Environmental Education, which discussed the possibilities of working with the design in preparation of environmental educators. At that time, I created a blog (, in which I began to disclose my drawings, works that were shelved and little by little, have been drawing the attention of lovers of the blog and people entering in contact with my works by searching the internet. Since the beginning of 2011 I am taking my first steps as a freelance illustrator. What is your current relationship with art?

Today, as I said earlier, I work as a freelance illustrator. I develop illustrations for textbooks, poetry books, posters, etc.. I work also as a designer and manager of the production of teaching materials for distance education at the Federal University of Rio Grande. I also do personal work, which then put on sale in stores such as Society6 ( Who, or what is your biggest influence? I have many influences, and they range according to the stage that I'm going through. My first major influence was the Brazilian artist Tarsila do Amaral. The colors of his works amaze me even today. Then I started getting inspired by other artists such as Vincent Van Gogh and Frida Kahlo. Now, my influence is the poetry of poets like Fernando Pessoa and Manoel de Barros, and also by the Uruguayan writer Eduardo Galeano. I have friends who are writers and poets that inspired me a lot through their art. The list here is immense... And I am also influenced by what I see on the internet, I love sites like Pinterest, I always find interesting things there. The fashion world is another great inspiration, I love fashion illustration. Lately, I've gone through a period in Mexico, my biggest influence at the moment is the work of Sylvia Ji.


Tell us a little bit about these particular pieces. I am at a Mexican stage. The first Sugar Skull emerged at the time of the celebration of the Day of the dead on November 2, 2011. The culture surrounding the Day of the Dead is very rich. While this day celebrates death, it also celebrates life, the beginning of a new cycle. People go to the cemeteries not to cry but to celebrate. From children, Mexicans otherwise deal with death. It's just part of the life cycle, a passage. So the skulls began to emerge in my work as a way of renewing my feelings, the birth of a new way of seeing things and face my work. The colors of makeup and roses are always very vivid, very strong, contrasting with the black graphite used in the rest of the drawing. It is an allegory of life and death, celebrating my art. I hope to continue drawing a lot of Sugar Skulls, these are the first of more to come. What are your other hobbies, besides art? I belly dance! It's great because I'm just beginning, so it's a challenge to get my body to dance as well as dance my hand as if to draw. I also like to write journals, being with my boyfriend and my dogs, Axl and Luna, and to drink cappuccinos in coffee shops (alone or accompanied). I love coffee shops! And when I'm not doing anything like that, really like is to be quiet in my room/studio, renewing my energies. What are you plans for the future? I'm always changing so I hope not be in the same place than I am today, although I like what I do. I hope to grow as an illustrator, but I'm not dreaming of becoming the next da Vinci. I just want to make my drawings, participate in exhibitions, to showcase my art and make other people feel good about it. Whenever someone sends me an email saying they liked the work and an accompanying my work since I created the blog, I am very happy and fulfilled, and if I can keep it up, it will be very good.


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Danil Surma 20 / Russia, Saint-Petersburg

How did you first become interested in photography? How long have you been photographing for? I started photographing when I was child. It was interesting for me to take cards of cars and other vehicles. But it wasn't long, because I had no financial opportunity to continue my practice. The years had passed and when I was on my first year of university I became interested in film photography, so I took my first film camera FED-5 from my grandfather. So I've been photographing for 3 years already. What is your current relationship with photography? I'm studying graphic design. But actually I feel myself more like a photographer, than a designer. Who, or what is your biggest influence? The beauties around me, my friends-photographers, the great photographers of XX century influence me. Tell us a little bit about these particular photographs. Sky and clouds inspire me a lot. Everything came from the sky. So it is kind of the beginning for humanity. And the photo with the sunrise is obvious - the new day has come. And each day brings a new life. Photos of demolition seems to be the end - but life is cyclic, so the destruction is sometimes needed for building something new. The forest photo means the difficult way of all the creations through deep "wood" starting with birth . The girl on the coast is on the doorstep of new beginning. What are your other hobbies, besides photography? Design, snowboarding, travelling. What are you plans for the future? The nearest future is continue to study ambrotype. In a couple of years I'm going to work on the project, connected with film photography. •




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Keegan Kapugal 18 / Springdale, AR

How did you first become interested in photography? How long have you been photographing for? I honestly don't remember how I started photographing things. I assume it started with taking pictures of my pets and family, just like many others, and moving on to more of what I do today! I have been photographing for about four years now. What is your current relationship with photography? Right now, I am currently just photographing for fun. I do some senior pictures or families to make money, but I really want to be doing fashion photography in the long run. In the fall I will be studying photography at SVA in New York. Who, or what is your biggest influence? My biggest influence would probably be my family. My mom and brother have always told me to do what makes me happy, as cheesey as that may sound! Tell us a little bit about these particular photographs. My series portrays a girl trying to recreate her life. By having Madi start out normal and gradually change her hairstyle and mannerisms, you get a sense of this. I tried to distort some of the images and act as if you were viewing from a distance to also aid in the emotions of trying to change ones self. For the most part, changing ones identity is an emotional time in their life, and I feel as if this technique helps the viewer understand what the girl was going through. What are your other hobbies, besides photography? Besides photography, I don't do a whole lot. My life right now is comsumed with school and working on shoots between classes. What are you plans for the future? I plan on studying photography at The School of Visual Arts in New York, eventually getting my own place and doing fashion photography.






Laura Liebnitz 35 / Glasgow, UK

How did you first become interested in photography? How long have you been photographing for? I have always been interested in Art and Film and discovered photography during a college course when I was 18 where I learned to develop my own film and create prints in the darkroom. I remember the first print I ever developed. I thought it was amazing when the image started appearing in the developing tray. The subject itself was a piece of stone architecture and I still remember every detail of that image. It was real magic and I was hooked What is your current relationship with photography? My passion in photography resulted in me leaving regular employment and working offshore on oil rigs so that I could fund my studies. It has always been a hobby and I recently studied photography and digital imaging to degree level. I am currently doing commissions, personal and assistant work. Who, or what is your biggest influence? I am influenced by environments, locations, people, cinematography, film and the ever-changing weather and character of this colourful city. My main photographic influences are Nadav Kander and George Logan for their vision and craftmanship, Erwin Olafs stylistic imagery, Albert Watson and David Eustaces portraiture. Nick Brandt and Tim Flachs animal portraiture is simply beautiful and was part of the inspiration for this series. The list goes on and on ... Tell us a little bit about these particular photographs. The Cowfords series of images stemmed from my curiosity of the relationships between animals and people. I chose pig farming because the functionality of their existence is dependent on humans. My intention was to capture stages throughout the farming cycle, to portray the reality of their being while remaining unbiased to their predicament What are your other hobbies, besides photography? I really enjoy looking at other photographers work, watching movies, learning and traveling. I also keep fit regularly, do the occasional 10k run and tri-athlon. I am also a proficient swimmer. What are you plans for the future? I plan to keep creating work and try to always be inspired. I am interested in doing an internship abroad and I am always looking for more assistants work and collaborative projects.





Julia Yusupov 23 / New York

How did you first become interested in photography? How long have you been photographing for? I've always been interested in photography even before I had a camera! My first cameras were my eyes, and what images they created in my mind. My uncle was an amateur photographer with amazing photographs. He photographed my mother and her friends when they were young. I still look at his photos even in the present day for inspiration. I have to thank him for opening me up to a world of photography. As a child I would play with disposable cameras and come up with some interesting photos. I bought my first camera at a flea market about 6 years ago. It was a Nikon EM and it got me really interested in taking photos wherever I went. A couple of years after that I bought a Canon XSi which was a great starter camera and practiced with that. Now I am settled with a Canon T2i and hopefully getting a Canon Mark soon. What is your current relationship with photography? Photography started out as a hobby for me, now I hope to make a career with it. Who, or what is your biggest influence? My uncle is my biggest influence. His photographs were full of emotion, movement, and so much life. He always seemed to capture the most beautiful moment. Tell us a little bit about these particular photographs. Most of these photographs were taken with different film cameras. These photos are the beginning of my new journey towards old films. The moments in which I took these photos were always beautiful moments in my life. I remember how I felt when I took each of these photographs. Always with feelings of hope and excitement, wondering if these moments of joy would bring to joy to others when they look at these photos. They were all taken in the beginning of spring. Spring is always a new beginning after a cold and dreadful winter. Spring is beautiful and this beauty shows in the photographs. What are your other hobbies, besides photography? Writing, cooking, painting, sewing, designing, dreaming. What are you plans for the future? To explore the world. •




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Photograph by Natasha Dominguez

Metamorphosis Eyes flutter open-Light flares in glaring beams, Disturbing a long slumber Unfolding wet and delicate wings. Countless choices lie ahead, But the life left behind must be grieved.

By Elizabeth Schaffer 34 / N/A


Joni Belaruski 30 / London

How did you first become interested in art? How long have you been making art? Always have been as far as I can remember. I was usually to be found stuck in some corner drawing or colouring in. It was the best form of escapism. I was obsessed with doodling animals, particularly horses, so not a huge amount has changed there….although the pictures back then were more of the ‘Black Beauty’ variety than the ‘Who shot and gutted Bambi?’ sort that I produce today. I continued to draw and paint as I grew older because, to me it was the most natural thing in the world to do but have only really been focusing on it seriously the last three years. What is your current relationship with art? I tried University as a ‘mature’ student but it didn’t suit me (or maybe it was the other way about) and I left after the second year. Currently I am starting to develop a living through exhibiting and also selling prints. This is in between work and playing with my bands so there is a lot of juggling going on. (I used to be a clown though so this is second nature to me ;) For all that, I would hate producing art to feel like a ‘job’ so there has to be a balance. Who, or what is your biggest influence? I couldn’t single out any one as being particularly seminal but here’s a lazy list (in no special order) of artists and other people or things that have influenced and inspired me along the way: Caravaggio/Francis Bacon/good tattoos/Egon Schiele/cheap pornography/music/asian art/alternative cabaret/graffiti/punk rock/foreign countries/bad behavior/bad dreams/Kierkegaard/Guy Denning/Bosch/Japan/Art Nouveau/Jamie Hewlett/Grimms fairy tales/film screenplay/Diane Arbus/Goya... and so many more over the years but if left unchecked the list could get ridiculous.


Tell us a little bit about these particular pieces. A newborn represents birth in the most obvious way and is the ultimate in fresh beginnings. My animals are unsteady on their feet and are in either a state of falling or trying to get up. And natural as this is, I wanted to show an element of ambiguity in their might not be as innocent as it appears. Showing elements of birth and death together serves as a reminder that to be alive is to be in a constant state of flux in both the physical and the nature is. Sickness is health is growth is atrophy, and destruction can lead only to renewal. What are your other hobbies, besides art? I also play drums in two bands: THE GREAT MALARKEY, a 7-piece gypsy/punk/folk riot and DEADCUTS, which can be described as a DIY post-punk dark beat experiment. I’d find it difficult to separate art and music….my sketchbook comes with me everywhere so ideally I would tour with the band, collecting inspiration as I go and spend the rest of the year developing work out of the ideas to show. I like the alliance of art and bands. There is a really cool gallery in East London called Signal who specialise in edgy urban figurative art and I was fortunate enough to open the recent Guy Denning/Frank Rannou show ‘We are all Prostitutes with The Great Malarkey, and then a few weeks later Deadcuts did the same for the TRXTR exhibition ‘Pretty Lethal’. Both brought a very interesting mix of people together! What are you plans for the future? I’m hoping for more of what I’m doing right now! • 91



Elle Hanley 39 / Seattle, Washington

How did you first become interested in photography? How long have you been photographing for? I became interested in photography about 2 and a half years ago and have been at it ever since. I stumbled across some of the self-portraits on flickr and was entranced. I began studying the light and composition in the images I saw and tried it myself. What is your current relationship with photography? I love photography and know now that I want to pursue it as a profession. While I do have a regular full time job right now my goal is to do photography full time by the end of this year. I’m working towards creating conceptual art for gallery exhibitions and am very pleased to have my one of my images accepted for show at the Kat Kiernan Gallery in April. Who, or what is your biggest influence? Many things influence me including nature and the feeling of times gone by. I’ve recently become inspired by the works of painters Waterhouse and Leighton and want to create images inspired by their art. And of course I’m constantly inspired by my friends from flickr. What an incredible resource flickr is! Tell us a little bit about these particular photographs. It started with one vintage sailing ship model and grew into an entire story. I imagined myself sailing away into the unknown and remembered what it was like being young and yearning for adventure. I think we all secretly wish to give in to the tide that pulls us away from what we know and towards something we can only imagine as new and fresh. The chance for a new beginning is something we all crave and I wanted to reflect that in this series. What are your other hobbies, besides photography? Well, I really love music and I go to shows as often as I can. I’ve also got a pretty strong love of vintage clothing so I’ve paired with my photography. That makes it’s perfectly alright for me to keep buying more, right? What are you plans for the future? I’m working on my second photo book now and hope to have it published within a month. I’m also hoping to offer workshops as soon as I can get a good crew together. Solo exhibitions across the country, even the world! Hum, I guess world domination really is on my do to list. :) •






Katie Jade 20 / Norwich, UK

How did you first become interested in photography? How long have you been photographing for? I started having an interest in photography when I was 8 when I decided to take photos of my toys for a made up magazine! Since then I took a lot of photos of my friends and loved playing around with a camera. When I was 15 I started taking self portraits and from then I developed my skills and interests. So I have been taking photos for about 5 years professionally now. What is your current relationship with photography? I am currently in my second year of university studying at Norwich University College Of The Arts. Who, or what is your biggest influence? I am influenced by a lot of things; music, nature, people e.t.c. My boyfriend is a huge influence for me as he constantly inspires and encourages me to push my work and ideas further. My favourite photographers are Brooke Shaden and Tim Walker. Tell us a little bit about these particular photographs.

I am inspired by the mystery, beauty and fascination of the world. I use this element of curiosity throughout my work. These five self portraits represent my love for the world around me. I wanted to show the significance of the Birth of Cosmology. What are your other hobbies, besides photography?

I love art! I’m always drawing or painting something! I find that doing this helps me come up with ideas for my photography. I also enjoy singing. What are you plans for the future? My immediate plans are to finish university with a good grade. In the near future I will be creating my own website for my photography. I’m very excited! I hope that I will continue to work with inspiring, creative talents and become successful in my career. •


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Sophie Fontaine 32 / Nancy, France

How did you first become interested in photography? How long have you been photographing for? I grew up with the passion to arts and drawing, and gradually the desire for taking pictures came to me. Photography is a kind of extension of my graphic and pictorial works. I seriously went back to photography for 1 or 2 years. What is your current relationship with photography? Currently, I'm a self-taught photographer and freelance illustrator, and I dedicate myself completely to my artistic works. Who, or what is your biggest influence? I'm influenced by a lot of things: music, old movies, landscapes, books, a fragrance, my close entourage, a dream and of course artists I admire.... Tell us a little bit about these particular photographs. I selected these photos because they are ambiguous, between, dawn and dusk, sunrise and sunset, birth and death. For me, Birth and Rebirth are intimately linked to the idea of End, as well as the circle represents the life cycle. And in my personal beliefs, those two elements are closely related to the Earth, source and tomb of all life. This paradox is a never-ending source of inspiration and interpretation. What are your other hobbies, besides photography? Besides photography, I paint and draw, create humoristic and satirical illustrations, walk in the forest and let my imagination run wild. What are you plans for the future? I would very much like to create a book collecting my photos, drawings and texts around themes dear to my heart. And continue to learn, again and again. •




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Princess Mia 17 / California How did you first become interested in art? How long have you been making art? I was around five to six years old when I first started doing art. No one really noticed me and the only thing that did get them to notice me was my name. I found myself drawing a lot, and soon fell in love with art. Soon people started to notice me more because of it. Also at the time and even until now I wasn't good at explaining feelings and emotions through words. I feel like words can not justify what an emotion can really bring out and my art helps me give life to that emotion and have people visually try to understand. What is your current relationship with art? Currently I am doing freelance work for my art. I have been working with music labels and been doing commissions for my work, along with selling my original pieces. Who, or what is your biggest influence? My biggest influences are different artists that I have admired so much like Jeff Soto, Craola, Minjaelee, Alex Pardee, Audrey Kawasaki, Miss Van, and Fafi. Other influences are graffiti, I used to graffiti before and it still is a huge influence for me. People are a huge influence to me as well, I feel they are both beautiful and tragic beings. Everyone is so unique and has a different story from everyone else that it makes them all beautiful. They have taught me so much about life and the emotions that life can bring to someone, it is all very beautiful.


Tell us a little bit about these particular pieces Destruction Of Creation was inspired by the stories that people have shared with me about their lives. They have been through so much and it allowed them to become a stronger person. Life has killed them but along with that gave birth to a stronger person in the end. Spill This Beautiful Accident is based on happy accidents. Where someone can make a complete accident out of something and dread the fact that it had happened. But in the end be thankful that it did happen. Happy accidents can create a new beginning; something beautiful and unexpected. Something that can change us for the better or give us something to be thankful for. What are your other hobbies, besides art? I love to sing and dance and also play video games. I enjoy watching movies and pretty much hanging out with friends. What are you plans for the future? My plans for the future is to try to become that successful artist I have always strive to be. I hope to do more commissions, meet other artists, work with more music labels and hopefully have my own solo show somewhere.





What's Next Issue No. 4

The theme for the fourth issue is Youth. As an artist, you have creative freedom to conceptualize a work of art in any way you choose in regards to the theme. Your work could be reminiscent of childhood, illustrate the gritty lives of teenagers, or simply speak to what it means to you to be young and free. Please consider your submission carefully. Not all submissions will be accepted for publication. Remember we accept photography, fine art, and creative writing! Deadline for submissions: Sunday, May 13th 2012 Expected release date: June 1, 2012 To submit your work for consideration please send samples to: For more guidelines on submissions please visit:


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