3 minute read
Clinical Mental Health Counseling
How is gratitude important for mental health?
Gratitude is actually a positive emotion, so experiencing gratitude is a way to improve mental health! Gratitude can lead people to be in a state of mind where they are thankful for the beneficial things in their lives and not thinking about the non-beneficial things in their lives, which can also improve mental health. There is also spiritual aspects to gratitude that can connect people with their values, with loved ones, and with a Higher Power.
How do you incorporate thankfulness and gratitude into your everyday life?
Thankfulness and gratitude are essential elements of my spirituality and religion. I have been given so much, and showing gratitude for the many blessings that I have received should be integrated into every relationship and most situations that I am in. Even in "negative" situations, there are usually things that I can be thankful for when I reflect closely enough. Sometimes I have the gratitude in my heart, sometimes I say it aloud, and sometimes I act on my gratitude. Prayer is a very common way that I will incorporate thankfulness and gratitude into my life. A type of prayer that I learned when I was young that has stuck with me is the ACTS prayer: Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication. While I do not
Dr. Ben Willis, commonly pray that specific way, I typically include what I am thankful for Program Co-Director when I pray to God.
How is gratitude important for mental health?
Gratitude is important for mental health because I believe it influences one's level of happiness and one's ability to remain positive, even when we experience hardships in life. Additionally, expressing gratitude can help us feel better and engage in more satisfying relationships, which contributes to having better mental health overall.
I incorporate thankfulness and gratitude in my everyday life through daily prayer & reflection, and writing thank you notes to others. Additionally, saying "thank you" to others where credit is due.
Dr. Bordonada, Program Co-Director
How is gratitude important for mental health?
How do you incorporate thankfulness and gratitude into your everyday life?
Gratitude and thankfulness are imperative to daily life and mental health. It can be so enticing to dwell on the things in life that did not go as expected or took us down. It is easy to become shrouded in misery and lose sight of the things that make the world a beautiful place to live in. Thankfulness and gratitude remind us of those things. It is important to acknowledge that the world is not perfect, but reminding ourselves that it is not an absolutely evil place is just as important to keeping ourselves together. I do this for myself by looking back at the times that I have been knocked down. What I focus on about those moments is the incredible people around me that never let me stay there for very long. I am thankful everyday for the family. The family that I was born
John Vincent Stocks with, and the family that I chose.
IV, CMHC Student
How is gratitude important for mental health?
For me, gratitude is an important part of keeping a positive, adaptive mindset. Remaining mindful of the many good things in my life helps me to accept and respond to new obstacles without becoming overwhelmed by the stress of school or internships.
How do you incorporate thankfulness and gratitude into your everyday life?
The most important way I incorporate thankfulness and gratitude into my everyday life is by taking a moment to stop and thank God for the situation He has placed me in. It serves as a reminder of the many blessings in my life and is a reminder to use stressful or challenging experiences as opportunities for growth. Geoffrey Morton, CMHC