2017 disABILITY Conference
As a graduate student in the Rehabilitation Counseling Program, I believe this year’s disABILITY Conference proved to be an incredibly valuable and exciting experience from start to finish. The day began with a joint training seminar that not only allowed me to gain some very practical insight into the inner workings of the individual agencies throughout our area, but also provided an illustration of the ways in which these agencies work together to more effectively meet the needs of the clients they serve. The concepts, skills, and evidencebased practices that I had been learning about in class really came to life as I participated in a variety of discussions and exercises with industry specialists throughout the day. But perhaps the most notable aspect of the daytime training session was the invaluable networking opportunity it afforded me, as I was able to connect with seasoned professionals that I hope to one day work alongside. Following the seminar, and in true Hollywood fashion, fellow advocate and Breaking Bad superstar, RJ Mitte, took the stage and undeniably stole the show. While his star power alone was more than enough to draw in the masses, it was the stories he told and the messages he conveyed that had the greatest impact. Throughout his presentation, Mr. Mitte chronicled his life, discussing everything from his early childhood experiences, to his current roles as official Ambassador for United Shannon Saxon-Price Cerebral Palsy and celebrity face of the #CutTheBull campaign. While revealing what his personal disability has meant to him, Mr. Mitte very poignantly expressed what he hopes disability might one day mean to everyone. As he spoke, I felt a genuine sense of pride in the profession I am pursuing, as well as an inherent awareness of the importance of advocacy. By the end of the night, there was no question how grateful I was to have had the opportunity to attend such an exceptional event. And with that said, I would like to leave you with this…if anyone reading this has the opportunity to attend next year’s disABILITY Conference, whether it be the daytime seminar, the evening presentation, or both…please go…you’ll be so glad you did!