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Affordable Learning Implementation Grant Update
The Weinberg Memorial Library continues to award Affordable Learning Implementation Grants in an effort to encourage faculty to adopt Open Educational Resources (OER) and library-licensed materials in their courses.
In Fall 2022, an interdisciplinary judging panel comprised of volunteers from the Library Advisory Committee selected five outstanding applicants to receive Affordable Learning Implementation Grants for courses that will be taught in the Spring/Summer 2023 semesters.
The grant recipients for Fall 2022 are:
• Dr. U. Melissa Anyiwo, Associate Professor of History
• Professor Tara Hamilton-Fay, Faculty Specialist in Biology
• Dr. Rebecca Mikesell, Assistant Professor of Communication and Media
• Dr. Yamile Silva, Professor of World Languages and Cultures
Adoption of OER and other no-cost resources in these courses is expected to save an estimated total of $10,150 for approximately 90 students.
The next round of Affordable Learning Implementation Grants will be for courses taught in the Fall 2023 or Intersession 2024 semesters.
—Assistant Professor Sylvia Orner, Collections and Resource Management Librarian