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A Message From the President
Dear Faculty, Staff, Students, Alumni, Parents & Friends,
This fall, more than 1,000 students joined the Class of 2023. When I see the new faces, I can’t help but think of what the future holds for these students. Will theyjoin the business club and be inspired to become an entrepreneur? Will they take acourse in history that drives them to pursue a Ph.D.? Will they lead retreats or serveabroad? Will they meet their lifelong partner here? Whatever the case may be, wehope to inspire them, to energize them.
St. Ignatius once said that the “energetic and industrious” make progress in virtue and “peace of soul.” A Scranton education, a Catholic and Jesuit education,encourages students to be contemplative in action, energetic and industrious.These are enduring characteristics that can last from the college years throughretirement. Take, for example, Betsy Peck ’82 who began a consulting business afterher “retirement” or James Murray ’90 who now lives and breathes the mission of theSecret Service, both of whom you can read about in the pages of this magazine.
It is my hope that you continue the work it takes to be energized, whatever yourpassion or path. And I hope you are as inspired by your fellow alumni (and futurealumni) as I am. Thank you for your support of the University and of each other.
God bless you, and God bless The University of Scranton.
Rev. Scott R. Pilarz, S.J. President