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CHS Awards
Undergraduate Awards
I came into the Counseling and Human Services major three years ago simply knowing that I wanted to “help people.” I had no idea at the time how much this major would shape the person I am today, or how much I would learn about “helping people.” Each professor I have had has taught me an infinite number of lessons. Through their passion, I have grown as a student, an individual, and a future counselor. Their warmth and openness has made the CHS community my second family. I cannot thank them enough for being the strong examples of what professionals in this field should be.
My classmates have all contributed to my passion for this department as well. As we all learned together, I found myself forming the beginnings of lifelong bonds with colleagues who lift me up. We have all grown together as men and women for, and with, others. I wish them all the best as they go out to the world and set it on fire with their love, and commitment to justice. I am truly honored to receive this year’s Excellence in Counseling and Human Services Award. This award is a testament to the quality of the professors, my classmates, and the entire department. Through all my classes, two internships, service learning, and countless hours of writing reflections, I have strived for excellence in order to someday be able to “help others.” I know I made the right decision joining the major three years ago, just as I know that I made the right decision selecting this program for my Master’s Degree. My time here is (luckily) not over. I have more professors to learn from, more classmates to grow with, and more passion to explore.
Panuska Service Learning Award- Bridget Furdon

I was honored to be chosen as this year’s receipt of the Father Panuska Community Based Learning Award! Over my four years at the University, I have spent a lot of my time volunteering within the community to help agencies such as AseraCare, the Girl Scouts, the Jewish Home of Eastern PA and the Arc. Spending time completing Community Based Learning was an invaluable experience, and I am honored that my efforts were recognized by PCPS. Although I never personally met Father Panuska, he had a wonderful reputation on our campus and I am so proud to have won an award named after such an influential individual. I have loved my time as a CHS major at the University of Scranton, and really felt Community Based Learning helped me grow both as a person and as an aspiring professional.