Strategic Plan 2010-2015

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S t r at e g i c P l a n 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 5 T h e U n i v ers i ty o f S c r a n to n

Introduction Over the past several years, The University of Scranton has carefully examined issues that are affecting today’s colleges and universities. We’ve talked about who we are and what we want to be. We’ve used the Jesuit practice of discernment – choosing between the many good things we could do to determine which we should do – to identify strategic directions for our University. This strategic plan for 20102015 presents goals that will help us reach our ambitious vision. The themes of this plan – Cura Personalis, Magis and Rei Solicitudo – present an integrated approach to strategic planning that will build collaboration across our campus. St. Ignatius Loyola long ago challenged us to go and set the world on fire. We at The University of Scranton take this challenge seriously, and intend to provide a learning experience that ignites the minds and hearts of our students.

The Universit y o f Sc r a n ton

Strategic Plan 2010 - 2015 : Go and Set the World on Fire


A message from University president Rev. Scott R. Pilarz, S.J. } he University of Scranton, as a Jesuit university, while always alert to the signs of the times, ultimately turns to the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola for direction and guidance with regard to our mission and planning. The Spiritual Exercises has as its ultimate aim the greater glory of God and the well-being of humankind – Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam inque hominum salutem. Those two intrinsically related ends animate all that we do as a university. All of our efforts across the full range of our endeavors are meant to give glory to God and promote the fullness of life of all members of our community and the wider world. This is especially true of our academic orientation and the formation of our students. The Spiritual Exercises promote in us a profound gratitude for God’s love revealed definitively in Jesus Christ. Therefore, in the course of our planning, we want to ask how we can best respond to that love. Our answer is shaped by a commitment to treating others, especially our students, as God treats us. This is what we mean by Cura Personalis. In understanding this theme of our strategic plan, the experience of Ignatius Loyola during his conversion is paradigmatic. Ignatius understood God interacting with him as a unique individual with his own inspirations and talents, anxieties and weaknesses. This style of interaction is our ideal as we interact with our students, with one another, and with every member of the University community. Our commitment to Cura Personalis sets us apart even among other Jesuit universities. At Scranton we choose Cura Personalis as one of the three core commitments of our new strategic plan. The second core commitment is also rooted in the dynamic of the Spiritual Exercises. As with Cura Personalis, our commitment to the Magis grows out of our response to God’s love. The Magis refers to our restless desire for excellence grounded in gratitude. As we know from the Spiritual Exercises, God loves us so well, and we want to do well in response. Our commitment to excellence, especially in academics and student formation, is not an end in itself. As in all that we do as a university, it aims at promoting the greater glory of God and the well-being of humankind. Gratitude is also the basis for the third core commitment of our new plan: Rei Solicitudo, caring for the gifts we have been given. This commitment to stewardship guides us with regard to all the resources at our disposal both capital and especially human. We are fortunate to be the beneficiaries of generous women and men both internal and external to the University. Looking forward, we want to use these resources to achieve our ultimate purpose as articulated in the Ignatian exercises: the greater glory of God and the well-being of humankind.


The Universit y of Scranton

Mission & vision Mission: The University of Scranton is a Catholic and Jesuit university animated by the spiritual vision and the tradition of excellence characteristic of the Society of Jesus and those who share its way of proceeding. The University is a community dedicated to the freedom of inquiry and personal development fundamental to the growth in wisdom and integrity of all who share its life. Vision: To be and be recognized as the finest master’s-level, Jesuit university in the nation, The University of Scranton will be boldly driven by a shared commitment to excellence. We will provide a superior, transformational learning experience, preparing students who, in the words of Jesuit founder St. Ignatius Loyola, will “set the world on fire.”

Strategic Plan 2010 - 2015 : Go and Set the World on Fire


Momentum Building on our foundation


The University of Scranton was founded as Saint Thomas College by Bishop William G. O’Hara, the first Bishop of Scranton, who had always hoped to provide an opportunity for higher education in the Lackawanna Valley. In August of 1888, with few resources at hand, he blessed a single block of granite as a cornerstone for his new college. The college was staffed by diocesan priests and seminarians until 1896 and then, for one year, by the Xaverian Brothers. From 1897 until 1942 the school, which was renamed The University of Scranton in 1938, was administered for the Diocese by the Christian Brothers. In the late summer of 1942, 18 Jesuits, led by Rev. Coleman Nevils, S.J., arrived on campus to administer the University.


The Universit y of Scranton

The Jesuits restructured and strengthened Scranton’s traditional and pre-professional programs with an emphasis on the liberal arts, which are the foundation for every program at a Jesuit university. The University has flourished under the Jesuits, growing from a primarily commuter school with fewer than 1,000 students to a broadly regional, comprehensive university with a total enrollment of more than 5,800 students in 86 undergraduate and graduate programs. Today, Scranton stands among the top tier of universities recognized nationally, with rankings in a multitude of venues, including U.S. News & World Report, Princeton Review, Barron’s Best Buys and the Carnegie Classification for Civic Engagement.

Not long after Saint Thomas College was founded in 1888, classes began in the “Old Main” building on Wyoming Avenue.

In the summer of 1942, 18 Jesuits, led by Rev. Coleman Nevils, S.J., the newly appointed president, arrived on campus to administer the University.

Commencement 2010 marked the largest graduating classes in Scranton’s history, with nearly 1,620 bachelor’s and master’s degrees conferred.

During the unified science center’s construction, steel workers placed a purple beam with the inscription “Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam.“ The Latin motto means “For the greater glory of God.”

“This new building is designed to encourage students and faculty from different existing departments to interact with each other in research, teaching and social settings. These interactions serve as the basis of effective intellectual collisions - interactions that lead to a deeper understanding of the diversity of thoughts and ideas from faculty and students across campus.” – George Gomez, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Biology

Rendering of the unified science center scheduled for completion in the fall of 2011.

Strategic Plan 2010 - 2015 : Go and Set the World on Fire


Momentum • • }

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Since 2005, students in the Panuska College of Professional Studies have completed more than 78,000 hours of service learning. Since 2005, three University of Scranton faculty have been awarded Fulbright scholarships to study in the nations of Mauritius, Germany and Kazakhstan. During that period, the University has hosted three Fulbright scholars, visiting us from Cameroon, Mexico and Malaysia. Alumni Reunion has drawn record-breaking numbers in the past two years, with 1,235 alumni and guests returning to campus for Reunion 2010 and 1,321 for Reunion 2009. In total, almost 6,600 alumni and guests have attended Reunion in the past five years. For five consecutive years, Scranton has been recognized among the nation’s top producers of Fulbright students, according to The Chronicle of Higher Education. Sixteen Scranton students have received the highly-competitive Fulbright fellowships in the past five years.

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Since 2005, the University has committed nearly $5 million each year to faculty development and scholarly support initiatives, providing more than $22 million in grants, release time for research, sabbatical support, teaching enhancement and travel.

Since 2005, the University has invested nearly $200 million in campus improvements. Major projects completed or under way include the DeNaples Center, Condron Hall, Dionne Campus Green, a new unified science center scheduled for completion in the fall of 2011, and a new apartment/fitness center complex, also scheduled for completion in fall 2011. To date, the University has received more than $116 million in donations and pledges toward its $125 million Pride, Passion, Promise capital campaign. Since 2005, the University has received more than $20 million in generous gifts to provide scholarships for our students.

The Universit y of Scranton

Scranton faculty are actively engaged in research, scholarly writings and professional presentations. Scholarly activity of faculty from 2005 - 2010 includes: • Articles Published: 668 • Books Published: 94 •B ook Articles Published: 97 •B ook Chapters Published: 134 • Book Reviews Published: 204 • Creative Activity: 117 • Editorship: 56 • Fellowships: 8 • Grants: 142 • Patents & Patent Applications: 33 • Peer Reviews: 340 • Scholarly Presentations: 1,435 • Proceedings: 57

Since 2005, almost 500 students have taken part in the faculty/student research program. More than 800 students have completed an internship over the past five years.

“Our campus has changed dramatically over the last few years, a sprint forward in what has been a long period of significant campus development. More subtle are the transitions in curriculum and faculty. In the last five years, thanks to growth, attrition and a window-plan to assist senior faculty into their retirement, The University of Scranton has hired more than 100 new faculty.” – Dr. Harold Baillie, Ph.D., Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs

“ The International Service Program engages students in living our Jesuit and Christian mission. As we continue our efforts to enact faithfully the call to be men and women for and with others, we foster a growing relationship with our international community. It is this relationship that is defining to the mission based service that we offer as an enriching experience for our students.” – Elise Gower, International Service Programs Coordinator Scranton students take part in service trips across the globe, including El Salvador.

S t r at e g i c P l a n 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 5 T h e U n i v ers i ty o f S c r a n to n

Cura Personalis Magis Rei Solicitudo

cura Personalis }


The Universit y of Scranton

Cura Personalis


e will be distinctive in the formation of students in the Ignatian tradition, emphasizing discernment, excellence and service. The individual attention we provide to students and families will be reflective of a university community that manifests respect and mutual support in keeping with our Catholic and Jesuit identity.

Strategic Plan 2010 - 2015 : Go and Set the World on Fire


cura Personalis Strategies }

We will offer a worldaffirming, transformational

and engage our students


We will integrate international study, service and

through a community-wide

research opportunities for

of St. Ignatius across the

commitment to offer an

students, faculty and staff.

breadth of our curriculum,

unparalleled learning and

We will increase the diversity

rooted in personal atten-

living experience across all

of our campus and expand

tion, developed within the

years of study, preparing them

opportunities for multicul-

freshman seminar, and

to be leaders for change. Of

tural experiences for our

growing through academi-

necessity, this will demand


cally rigorous programs that

new and stronger collabora-

will include internships and

tions between academic and

mentoring opportunities

student affairs.

among academic advising, career services and alumni. The Universit y of Scranton

We will challenge, empower

education in the spirit

born of collaboration




We will, as a faculty, staff and administration, respect


We will make support for mission part of our hiring

and care for each other,

practices at all levels and

encouraging the individual

will provide faculty and staff,

growth and development of

especially those who are new

all members of the University

to our community, with

community. In so doing,

opportunities to help them

we will model our decision-

understand and appreciate

making on the method of

the sacred and centuries-old

discernment set forth by

work of Catholic and Jesuit

St. Ignatius.


Strategic Plan 2010 - 2015 : Go and Set the World on Fire


magis }


The Universit y of Scranton



rounded in gratitude, we will commit ourselves to excellence, especially in academics and student formation, for the greater glory of God and the well-being of humankind.

Strategic Plan 2010 - 2015 : Go and Set the World on Fire


Magis Strategies }

We will embody an interdisciplinary and


We will ensure the vitality of academic programs at all


We will establish structured approaches and programs,

We will seek out and promote opportunities for

civically engaged philoso-

levels, adding new and

beginning in the first year,

our faculty and students

phy of teaching and

innovative undergraduate and

that will engage undergradu-

to engage in high-quality

scholarship that inspires

graduate options that are in

ate students across all majors

research and scholarship

students to apply their

character with our mission

to provide a more rigorous

that promises the opportunity

knowledge to the joys and

and responsive to the market.

and enriched educational

to improve materially the

hopes, the grief and

This includes the integration

experience. This includes

capabilities and reputation

anguish of the people of

of technology and sustainabil-

greater attention to support-

of our institution and lead

our time, especially of those

ity into the curriculum.

ing students as they pursue

to increased resources.

who are poor or afflicted.

prestigious fellowships and scholarships, and seeking opportunities for pre-professional internships.



The Universit y of Scranton


We will expand the breadth and depth of our reputation


We will continuously improve our University by

and recruitment, ensuring

assessing, reflecting and

enrollment success and

acting in ways that are

sharpening our efforts to

aligned with our mission

share the Scranton story by

and goals so that we can

focusing more keenly on

better demonstrate the value

admissions, marketing and

of a Scranton education.

communications, athletics, and parent and alumni engagement.

Strategic Plan 2010 - 2015 : Go and Set the World on Fire


rei solicitudo }


The Universit y of Scranton

Rei Solicitudo


e will refine financial planning and management practices, cultivate the talents of our people, and invest in our campus environment in order to sustain and enhance the University we have inherited for future generations.

Strategic Plan 2010 - 2015 : Go and Set the World on Fire


rei solicitudo Strategies }

We will be sensitive to

the financial pressures


We will achieve our strategic aspirations and maintain


We will build a culture of philanthropy and grant

We will plan for and invest in technology and facilities,

facing students and families

essential operations through

writing that stirs the broader

embracing principles of

by moderating increases

integrated financial planning,

campus community to

environmental sustainability,

in tuition and by providing

efficient and sustainable use

embrace efforts to secure gifts

that will enhance educational

appropriate financial aid

of resources, and opportunis-

and grants. We will successfully

excellence and serve the

and scholarships.

tic approaches to generating

conclude the Pride, Passion,

evolving needs of our

new revenue that are consis-

Promise Campaign and

students and community.

tent with our mission.

prepare for the next campaign, in which support for pedagogy, research and endowed chairs is a priority. We will express our deep gratitude to our many generous benefactors.



The Universit y of Scranton


We will strive to recruit, retain, develop and reward


We will invest resources to promote the well-being

talented faculty and staff,

of our students, staff and

being recognized as an

faculty, developing support

employer of choice in our

services and personal growth

region and beyond.

opportunities that will help them meet their individual and collective needs, and aid them in their service of others.

Strategic Plan 2010 - 2015 : Go and Set the World on Fire


Board of Trustees 2010-2011 Mrs. Paula K. Barrett ’81 Mr. William J. Brady ’83 Mrs. Ellen H. Casey Mr. Christopher M. Condron ’70 - Chair Mr. Thomas J. Davis ’69 Lisa DeNaples, D.M.D. Mrs. Donna M. Doherty Rev. James Duffy, S.J., M.D. ’88 Ms. Mary Beth Farrell ’79 Mrs. Michele Finn

Mr. Matthew Geiger ’81 Marie A. George, Ph.D., G’78 Mr. Michael P. Glinsky ’66 Rev. Edward Glynn, S.J. Rev. Otto Hentz, S.J. Joseph J. Kadow, Esq. ’78 Mr. Eugene J. Kane, Sr. ’54 Mr. James J. Knipper ’81 Mr. Lawrence Lynch ’81 Mr. George V. Lynett, Jr.

Rev. Ryan Maher, S.J. Margaret Q. Mariotti, Au.D. Mr. Dennis J. McGonigle ’82 Mr. James F. Mullery, Jr. ’86 Mr. Francis J. Pearn ’83 – Vice Chair Karen L. Pennington, Ph.D. ’76 Rev. Scott R. Pilarz, S.J. Rev. Robert E. Reiser, S.J. Rev. Thomas Roach, S.J. Kathleen C. Santora, Esq. ’80

Joseph Sebastianelli, Esq. ’68 Ms. Teresa M. Schafer ’81 Patrick W. Shea, Esq. ’78 Mr. Joseph L. Sorbera, Jr. Mr. Thomas J. Sullivan Mr. John A. Walsh’66

Trustees Emeriti Arthur J. Kania, Esq. ’53 Hon. Joseph M. McDade

University Planning Committee 2009-2010

Administrators’ Conference 2010-2011

Chair: Mr. Jerome P. DeSanto ’75, G’78, Vice President for Planning & CIO Dr. Harold W. Baillie, Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Gerald Biberman, Professor, Kania School of Management Dr. Vincent Carilli, Vice President, Student Affairs Ms. Patricia A. Day, Vice President, Human Resources Mr. James Devers ’95, Assistant Vice President for Facilities Operations Rev. Terrence Devino, S.J., Vice President, University Ministries Ms. Robyn Dickinson, Associate Vice President, Planning & Information Management Dr. Joseph Dreisbach, Associate Provost for Academic Affairs Mr. Robert B. Farrell, Esq., Executive Director of Community Relations, General Counsel Ms. Marise Garofalo ’83, Executive Director of Development Dr. Steven Jones, Associate Provost for Civic Engagement and Academic Mission Mr. Mark Murphy, Assistant Director Utilities & Plant; Staff Senate Mr. Joseph Quinn ’11, Student Senate President Mr. Edward J. Steinmetz ’81, Vice President for Finance/Treasurer Dr. Robert Waldeck, Professor, College of Arts & Sciences; Faculty Senate President Dr. William Wallick G’95, Associate Professor, Panuska College of Professional Studies Dr. W. Jeffrey Welsh, Dean, College of Graduate and Continuing Education Ms. Kathryn Yerkes G’04, Director of Planning Mr. Gerald C. Zaboski ’87, G’95, Vice President, Alumni & Public Relations

Rev. Scott R. Pilarz, S.J., President of the University Dr. Harold W. Baillie, Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Vincent Carilli, Vice President, Student Affairs Ms. Patricia A. Day, Vice President, Human Resources Mr. Jerome P. DeSanto ’75, G’78, Vice President for Planning & CIO Mr. Robert B. Farrell, Esq., General Counsel Dr. Patrick Leahy, Executive Vice President Mr. Thomas Mackinnon, Executive Assistant & Chief of Staff to the President Rev. Richard G. Malloy, S.J., Vice President, University Ministries Mr. Edward J. Steinmetz ’81, Vice President for Finance/Treasurer Mr. Gerald C. Zaboski ’87, G’95, Vice President, Alumni & Public Relations

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