The Debits and Credits, Issue #1. Vol #4. November 2024

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TheBetaAlphaPsiandSocietyofAccountingStudentsMonthlyNewsletter Issue #1. Vol #4. November 2024


PaulMeagher,aseniorfromHonesdale,PA,ispursuingamajorinaccountingwithminorsinfinanceand business leadership at the University of Scranton. He is also a distinguished member of the University’s highly selective Business Leadership Honors Program(BLDR),whichinvitesonly15sophomoreseachspringtocultivate theirtalentsforbusinessleadership.Inadditiontohisacademicpursuits,Paul is actively involved on campus, participating in the Knights of Columbus, servingontheKSOMStudentAdvisoryBoard,andcontributingasamember ofBetaAlphaPsi(BAP).

When asked why he joined BAP, Paul shared, “I decided to join BAP to become more involved on campus and because of the professional developmentandnetworkingopportunities.”

Paulbringsawealthofinternshipexperience,havingworkedintaxandaccountingroleswithMMQand Beck, Gogolski & Co. Inc. Certified Public Accountants. Additionally, he served as a Legislative Intern for the U.S. House of Representatives, gaining valuable insights into government operations. In November 2023, Paul was elected to a six-year term as the Auditor for Dyberry Township, demonstratinghiscommitmenttopublicservice.

Last summer, he interned with PwC in the Asset & Wealth Management Tax group in the New York office. Following graduation, Paul will begin his career with PwC as a tax associate on the Asset& Wealth Management Taxteam. Weare thrilledto havePaulasavaluedmemberofBAP.BestwishesforanincrediblesenioryearandsuccessatPwC!


● Mon,11/18-Mon,12/9:GiftmasGiveaway

● Wed,11/20@5:30pm(BRN228): YoungProfessionalPanel

● Tue,12/3@5:30pm(BRN500):Cookies,Cocoa,&CardsServiceEvent

PleasecontactNinaFigetakis,SAS&BAPSecretary,withquestionsconcerningattendanceand participation.


From July 25th-27th, our BAP President, Ryan Hanley, and Faculty Advisory, Dr. Amanda Marcy, traveledtoOrlando,FL,fortheBetaAlphaPsiAnnualMeeting:Embracing Innovation.EmpoweringProfessionals.Onourfirstday,weparticipatedin CommunityImpactDay(CID),sponsoredbyKPMG.Thisyear’seventwas Reading Rocks - which promotes literacy and supports local Orlando-area charities such as the Heart of Florida United Way. During this event, participants engaged in book trivia, book balance, and children’s book challenges. At the culmination of the event, we were able to donate more than 1,500 books, over 1,600 decorated bookmarks, and more than 200 stuffed animal “reading buddies” to local organizations in Florida. This provided us with an amazing opportunity to serve the community while meetingthemembersofotherchaptersacrossthenationtheworld!

Following CID, Ryan and Dr. Marcy attended an incredible presentation from PwC on the potential uses of Artificial Intelligence in the accounting and finance fields to improve their work,ensuringaccuracyandimprovingefficiencies.

The next day, President Ryan Hanley presented in the Chapter Operations Presentations on the topic of Engaging Professional Development Activities for Member Retention – demonstrating ways our Nu Kappa chapter has been successful in recruitment, retention, and meeting ideas. This session was attended by approximately50people,comprisedofchaptermembers,facultyadvisors,andprofessionalpartnersfrom organizationsaroundtheworld.

We were also able to attend two inspiring keynote sessions: Richard F. Chambers, CIA,QIAL, CGAP, CCSA,CRMA,Senior InternalAudit Advisor at Auditboard, who shared insights on the evolving role of internal audit in today’s dynamic business landscape; and Avani Desai, CPA, CISSP, CISA, CIA, PMP, CIPP, CCSK, CEO at Schellman, who provided a powerful perspective on cybersecurity challenges and leadership in the field of complianceandriskmanagement.Theirexpertiseofferedvaluablelessonsand actionable takeaways for those of us looking to make an impact in accounting andfinance.

During their downtime, Ryan and Dr. Marcy explored the Orlando area, enjoying Disney Springs, Universal Studios CityWalk, and the Magic Kingdom. They savored delicious meals and experienced plentyofthrillingrides.Attendingthisconferencewastrulyanunforgettableexperience,andwe'reexcited tobringbackandimplementtheinsightsandideaswegainedtoenhanceourclub'sfutureactivities!


Internships serve as gateways to fulfilling careers by offering a comprehensive look into the responsibilities and structures of industries of interest. Often, they prove to be even more effective as learning experiences than classroom instruction. Internships can also ease the challenge of securing a position within desired firms by helping students build strong reputations with hiring staff. To offer guidance, we surveyed our BAP members about their internship experiences and advice for aspiring interns.

Ryan Hanley: President Ryan Hanley is a junior Finance and Accounting student, Co-President of PRISM, and President of IMA. This past summer, he interned with Wiss & Company, a public accounting firm with offices in New York, New Jersey, and Florida. Through a variety of tasks and functions during his internship, Ryan experienced the welcoming environment that Wiss offered, describing its cultureas comparable to that ofScranton. Ryan is always willing to discuss his experiences and help younger students navigate their own journeys.

Nina Figetakis: Secretary Nina Figetakis is an MBA student who earned her BSinAccountingwithaminorinForensicAccounting.Shespenthersummer interning at Forvis Mazars in audit in their NYC office, where her responsibilities included updating prior-year audit documentation and sampling non-profit clients. Nina described the work culture as very inviting, with a strong emphasis on answering questions without making anyone feel unwelcome. She advises young students to keep an eye out for potential opportunitiesasearlyaspossibleandtocontinuallymeetnewpeoplewhocan sharetheirexperienceandadvice.

IsabellaRose:IsabellaisaseniorAccountingmajorwithminorsinFinance and Business Leadership, and serves as Chair of the Kania Young Alumni Day planning committee and Promotion Officer for Scranton’s IMA Chapter.SheinternedatBakerTilly’sPittston,PAoffice,whereherprimary responsibilities included employee benefit plan audits and financial statement audits. Isabella appreciated the balanced work environment at Baker Tilly, which prioritized both professional growth and personal well-being. She advises future internsto seekopportunitiesthatresonatepersonally andprioritizetheirdevelopment.

JuliannaCrandle:JuliannaisanMBAstudentwhoearnedherBSinAccounting. She gained experience working at Ostrowski, Beckley, & Thorpe, PC, where her responsibilities included preparing tax returns for individuals, partnerships, corporations, and non-profits. Julianna describes her experience as one where she was treated like family, and where her opinions and ideas were always respected.

Sheadvisesstudentsnottooverlooksmalleraccountingfirms,astheyprovideopportunitiestoworkwith avarietyofclients,whichallowedhertolearnagreatdeal.Additionally, she encourages students neverto be afraid to ask questions during their internships.

Alice Dierkes: Alice is a junior Accounting major with a minor in Business Analytics. This past summer, she interned with Chubb, an international insurance company, as a corporate accounting intern in Philadelphia. Alice utilized various software applications to coordinate with potential account owners, review and prepare quarterly financial reports, and ensure accuracy in financial documents. She described the work culture as collaborative and team-oriented, with many opportunitiestoworkwithseniormanagementandreceivetheirsupportandguidance.Heradviceincludes taking the opportunity to build relationships during the internship and always keeping your approach authentic.

BriannaKerrane:VicePresidentBriKerraneisaMAccstudentwho completed her BS in Accounting, with minors in Business Analytics and Business Leadership. This past summer, Bri interned with EY. Her application process involved applying directly through the company website, after which a recruiter followed up to answer her questions and arrange an interview. Her responsibilities included taking notes, attending meetings, and tying out trial balances. She describes the work culture as inclusive and welcoming and advises students to be proactive in their preparation: reach out to alumni, ask professorsorotherstudentsforadvice,stayfamiliarwithcareerservices,and bereadytodiscussthecontentsofyourresume.

Paul Meagher: Paul is a senior Accounting major who spent his summer interning with PwC in their NYC office. Paul worked in the tax department, preparingtaxreturnsforassetandwealthmanagementfirms,aswellasprivate equity firms and hedge funds. He described the work culture at PwC as fast paced,with ampleopportunitiestogainavarietyofexperience.Hisadviceis tonetworkwithasmanyScrantonalumniaspossibleandtoresearchdifferent positions,firms,andindustriesofinteresttoensureit’stherightfitforyou.


In this edition, we are thrilled to highlight the accomplishments of Abby Hatch, CPA, an extraordinary alumnawhosejourneyfromScrantontoaleadershiproleatTheCitadelismarkedbydedication,growth, andapassionforservice.


Abby graduated from the University of Scranton in May 2017 with a BS in Accounting and Philosophy, along with minors in Finance and Business Leadership. She was a student in both the SJLA Honors Program and the Business LeadershipHonorsProgram.AbbycontinuedherstudiesatScranton, earning her MAcc in December 2017, and she is currently pursuing an M.S. in Leadership at The Citadel, with anticipated graduation in May2025.

During her years at Scranton, Abby embraced a diverse range of extracurriculars,reflectinghercommitmenttoleadership,service,and artistic expression. A violinist for Campus Ministry and the University Orchestra, Abby also held multiple leadership positions across studentorganizations, includingVicePresidentofBAPandSAS;SecretaryoftheBusinessClub; Co-Founder and Co-Chair of the Kania Student Advisory Board; and Secretary, President, and Alumni Advisor for Kania Young Alumni Day. She served as a Resident Assistant, CLTE Accounting Tutor, Admissions Tour Guide, University Review Board member, and Club Office Finance Intern. Abby was also inducted into Omicron Delta Epsilon and Omega Beta Sigma honor societies. Her international experiences included a service project in Mexico and studying abroad in London, which broadened her worldviewandenrichedhercollegeexperience.


Abby began her career at PwC in Manhattan, excelling in audit for banking and capital markets, which led to an early promotion to Senior Associate. At PwC, she initiated an engagement onboarding committee,participatedinarisingleadersprogram,andservedasanadoption specialist fortheYourTomorrow AdoptionNetwork,helpingteamsintegrate PwC digital tools. During the pandemic, Abby worked remotely from South Carolina and, in March 2021, decided to pivot from public accounting to exploreacareerinhighereducation.

InJune2021,AbbyjoinedTheCitadel,MilitaryCollegeofSouthCarolina,as a Senior Accountant, where she focused on financial reporting and general accounting. Her dedication led to her promotion to Associate Vice President for Finance and Business. In this role, Abby oversees The Citadel’s financial services and student business services departments, managing accounts payable, payroll, student billing, and collections. Reporting to the CFO, she leadsateamwiththreedirectandelevenindirectreportsandcollaborateswith other departments to ensuresmooth financialoperations. Abby also expanded her role by teaching principles of accounting courses as an Adjunct Professor attheBakerSchoolofBusiness.


Outside of work, Abby enjoys exploring historic Charleston, baking cookies, researching genealogy, and reading. Her musical talents continue to shine as she occasionally performs violin with the Mt. Pleasant Symphony. She was recently named to the University of Scranton’sAlumniSocietyAdvisoryBoard.

"I greatly enjoyed my time in Beta Alpha Psi, gaining valuable knowledge from meetings, conferences, and guest lectures. My experienceasVicePresidentwasespeciallyrewardingasweworkedtoincreaseengagementanddiversify guestspeakers,bringingfreshperspectivestoourcampus."

Abby exemplifies Scranton’s values of service, leadership, and continuous learning. Her journey demonstrates where a Scranton education, combined with passion and hard work, can lead. Those interestedinconnectingwithAbbycanfindheronLinkedIn.


For the third year, our BAP and SAS members organized a Blessing Bag Drive for the NEPA Youth Shelter, located in Scranton. The NEPA Youth Shelter is a nonprofit organization that provides housing, after-school activities, food, clothing, educational resources, counseling, and a safe place for local high school students in need. As Scranton students, our members recognize the tremendous impact the shelter has on thecommunity.

ThroughoutOctober,weheldourBlessing Bag Drive, gathering individually packaged non-perishable food and beverages, clothing items, personal care products, and, thanks to PwC, Scranton-branded waterbottles to includein each drawstring bag. At the end of the drive, BAP and SAS hosted a Build-a-Blessing Bag event, proudly sponsored by PwC. Our BAP and SAS members, alongside our PwC friends, packed 100 University of Scranton drawstring bags withthedonateditems,hand-writtennotesofinspiration,and Scranton accounting fact cards, ready for distribution at the NEPAYouthShelter.

Thank you to our members, everyone who donated, and our PwC friends for making this event a resoundingsuccess!


Headquartered in New York, Goldman Sachs is a leader in global investment banking and asset management, offering services in banking, securities trading, investment management, and consumer banking. The firm provides numerous internship and career programs for undergraduate and graduate students,including:

Goldman Sachs Possibilities Summits: Goldman Sachs invites first-year undergraduate students (graduating December 2027-June2028) toparticipatein theyear-longvirtualprogram.Thisinteractive experience aims to expand networks, develop industry skills, and explore the array of career paths available at Goldman Sachs. Running January 2025 - December 2025, the program includes sessions on resume building, interview skills, and professional development, allowing participants to connect with peers nationwide and build meaningful relationships. Specialized tracks include summits for Black, Hispanic/Latinx,LGBTQ+,women,andveteranstudents,amongothers.Applicationsfor2025areopen.

Emerging Leaders Series: Goldman Sachs invites second-year undergraduate students to join this 5month program running from October - February. Participants will expand their networks, develop top industry skills, and explore opportunities within various business tracks, including Asset Management, Engineering,andInvestmentBanking.Theprogramfeaturestechnicaltraining,mentorship,andinterview preparation, with both virtual and potential in-person elements. Applications are currently closed; future opportunitieswillbeavailable.

Goldman Sachs Virtual Insight Series: This is a 4-week virtual program for undergraduate students (graduatingJune2025– May2028),offeringa personalizedorrecommendeddigitalcurriculum tailored to grade levels. The program’s modules help participants understand themselves, the firm, and their potentialcareerjourneyatGoldmanSachs.ApplicationsopenWinter2025.

Asset & Wealth Management Insight Day: First-year MBA students interested in a career in Asset & WealthManagementareinvitedtoapplyforthisprogram,anopportunitytonetworkwithindustryleaders andprofessionals atGoldmanSachs whilelearningabout SummerAssociateopportunities.Applications for2025arenowopen.

Summer Analyst Program: This is a 9-10 week internship for undergraduate students in their third or penultmate year of study, offering full immersion in the firm’s day-to-day activities. Participants will attend an orientation to learn about the company culture, receive training to support their success, and work on meaningful responsibilities alongside peers and Goldman Sachs professionals. Applications for 2025arenowopen.

Summer Associate Program: This is a 9-10 week internship designed for graduate students in their second or penultimate year of study. This internship provides a comprehensive immersion into the daily responsibilities of a full-time Goldman Sachs employee. Participants will attend an orientation to learn about the firm’s culture, receivetailored training for success, and gain hands-on experiencethrough real projectsalongsidefellowinternsandGoldmanSachsprofessionals.Applicationsfor2025arenowopen.

MBA Fellowship: This Fellowship recognizes exceptional first-year MBA students who have made a positive impact in their community by fostering a culture of positive change, teamwork, and inclusion. Fellowship recipients receive a $35,000 award in addition to the Summer Associate salary. Those who successfully complete the summer internship and accept a full-time offer will receive an additional $40,000,plusanyapplicablefull-timeAssociatesigningbonus.Applicationsfor2025arenowopen.

NewAnalystProgram:Thisisafull-timeopportunityforfinalyearundergraduateandgraduatestudents, provideing participants with an in-depth understanding of the firm’s operations, the chance to build important relationships, and the opportunity to develop career-enhancing skills. Participants will learn aboutthefirm’sbusinesspractices,gainessentialskillstosupportGoldmanSachs’operations,andreceive comprehensivetrainingandguidancetoadvancetheircareers.Applicationsfor2025arenowopen.

New Associate Program: This is a full-time program for individuals with 2-5years ofwork experienceand an advanced degree. As a new associate, participants will develop productspecific and function-specific skills and interact closely with seniorprofessionalsandclients.Thisprogramprovidesthetools needed for professional growth and career advancement, offering new opportunities and challenges to prepare participants for the next level. Participants will build their professional network and engage with colleaguesacrossthefirm.Applicationsfor2025arenowopen.

Any time spent working at this prestigious firm makes for great experience. Individuals interested in internship or career opportunities at Goldman Sachs should visit:



The accounting profession is facing challenges, including talent shortages and misconceptions about AI replacing accountants. However, accounting remains a vital, flexible career that builds valuable skills, from financial literacy to problem-solving, and can lead to high-paying opportunities in various fields. NotablebusinessleaderslikeArthurBlankandPhilKnightbeganasaccountants,highlightingthecareer’s potential as a foundation for success. As the profession evolves, technology will help accountants focus on more meaningful work, and demand for accountants is expected to rise. To secure the future of accounting, industry professionals need to promote the career’s opportunities, flexible paths, and worklifebalancetoattractnewtalent.

Readmorehere:Let'sputaccountingontopagain |AccountingToday


To address the accounting workforce shortage, statesmay allowCPA candidatesto substitute afifth year of education with an additional year of supervised work experience. This proposal from national accounting groupsaimstoreducecostsandeaseentrybarriers,makingtheprofessionmoreappealing.Candidateswould demonstratespecificskillsthroughworkexperience,whichwouldbeevaluatedmorerigorouslythancurrent standards. Students welcome the change for potential cost savings, though some feel internship experience shouldcounttowardrequirements.Ifpassed,theproposalcouldleadtolegislativechangesinearly2024.

Readmorehere:NewCPAPathsEmergeasStatesTrytoStemAccountantShortage -WSJ


Integratingsustainabilityintoaccountingeducationcantransformhowstudentsviewtheprofession,showing it as asocially impactful field ratherthan a stereotypicalnumbers-focused career.By studying sustainability reports,studentsconnectaccountingtobroadersocietalgoals,understandingtheroleofstakeholdersandthe importance of ethical and sustainable business practices. Historical context, like the evolution of GAAP following economic crises, further illustrates the profession’s responsiveness to societal needs, making accounting more relevant. This focus on sustainability appeals to youngergenerations and could expand the talent pipeline by highlighting accounting’s potential for positive societal impact. Ultimately, such an approachmayfosteradeepercommitmentamongstudentstopursueaccountingasameaningfulprofession.



ThePennsylvaniaInstituteofCertifiedPublicAccountants(PICPA)isthepremieraccountingassociation for Pennsylvania CPAs. Its 22,000 members represent practitioners in public accounting, private industries, the government, and education. The PICPA developed the Pennsylvania CPA Foundation to inspire students to pursue careersinaccountingandtoprovideeducational,motivational, and financial support to those working to attain the CPA credential. Through this foundation, the PICPA gives more than $200,000 in student scholarships each year. Applying is simple,and the2024 scholarship window will open inJanuary, so make sure to apply! The PICPA also provides for CPA Exam scholarships, granting $1,000 to recipients to support the costs of preparing for the CPA Exam. For more information on PICPA scholarships and to apply, please visit

ThePICPA alsohascountlessevents andwebinarsavailableto college studentstohelpthemlearn more about the profession and to provide networking opportunities with other students and emerging professionals in the field. For more information about these events and to register, please visit

Finally, you can gain access to all these benefits by becoming a PICPA Student Affiliate Member. The best part? IT’S FREE! If you are interested in becoming a student member of the PICPA, please visit If you have any additional questions, please contactScranton’sPICPAStudentAmbassador,RyanHanley,at







SocialEngagementDirector:AlaynaWocniski– Instagram:uofs_bap_sas



ThePICPA,inpartnershipwithSurgentCPA,offersexclusiveMockCPAExamopportunities.Afterthe exam, candidates receive a ReadySCORE and a diagnostic report highlighting strengths and areas for improvement aligned with the CPA Exam Blueprints. Registration closes 24 hours before each event: onthefollowingdates:


March27,2025 May15,2025




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