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Integrated reporting journey
Winchester remains at the cutting edge of this important global reporting initiative. We pre-empted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) recommendations, published in January 2020, by aligning the SDGs with Winchester’s value creation model in last year’s report, published in December 2019.
Winchester is one of a select group of universities that have embraced the integrated reporting framework. Therefore, we are leaders in the UK Higher Education Sector providing an exemplar for other public and private sector organisations.
This framework has enabled us to develop a new and better understanding of how we create, or diminish, value for all our stakeholders. It has improved institutional decision making, accountability and governance, while promoting transparency and trust. Integrated reporting has enabled Winchester to develop a new approach to stakeholder engagement. Consequently, this has led to improved relationships and enhanced our understanding of our strategic enablers. Adopting the framework has facilitated us to broaden our perspectives, and better connect Winchester’s departments and faculties, to improve the delivery of our Strategic Plan.
Our Board of Governors has been involved in the development of this annual integrated report. We are still on our integrated reporting journey and are not yet fully compliant with the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) Framework. However, this year’s report significantly improves upon the previous two years reports. We aim to think well beyond financial value when evaluating the value Winchester has generated throughout the year. In addition to monetary value creation, this report also considers Winchester’s non-monetary value creation. Winchester’s most valuable capital resources include: • Staff and students • Business partners • Social and relationship capital • Intellectual capital
These are underpinned by Winchester’s: • Financial capital • Campus estates • Natural resources
In preparing for this year’s report, we have also fully embedded integrated thinking in our core operations. Indeed, integrated thinking has been a fundamental principle in our response to the COVID-19 pandemic, drawing support and collaboration from all our departments, as exemplified by our COVID-19 preparedness project detailed on page 14.
Our values
Individuals matter
We’re passionate about seeing staff and students succeed and flourish, so they feel encouraged to help others and empowered to make a real difference in the world. To achieve this, we seek to provide a challenging and supportive environment that encourages ambition, nurtures the embrace of equality, diversity and inclusivity, develops wisdom for a fulfilling life and embeds knowledge needed for a successful career. Our staff and students will have the resilience and resourcefulness to seize the opportunities and face the challenges of life. We are committed to working globally to fight for equality, integrity and justice. Together, we will uphold the dignity and wellbeing of others, whoever they are and whatever their background.

We love and respect the planet and all life. In alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals, we strive to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. We seek to nurture a love and value for all life and the planet, and challenge all staff and students to adopt this as second nature. Staff and students are empowered to change the world for the better, challenge convention with compassion and stand up for what they believe to be true.

Together, we aim to explore the mysteries of life and grow wisdom and love. We celebrate our Anglican Christian foundation and welcome people of all faiths and none. In a world in which religion is often associated with exclusivity and anti-intellectualism, we seek to model ways of being religious that are inclusive and intellectually robust. We believe that everyone should be encouraged to express themselves through a unique collage of values, disciplines and practices. Our staff and students will have the opportunity to experience and reflect on the creativity, beauty and compassion in life.