Faculty of HWB Guide to Placements

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Faculty of Health and Wellbeing

For further information please contact: Nursing: NursingPlacements@winchester.ac.uk Physiotherapy: PhysioPlacements@winchester.ac.uk Occupational Therapy: OccupationalTherapy@winchester.ac.uk Nutrition & Dietetics: DieteticsPlacements@winchester.ac.uk Social Work: Socialwork.Placements@winchester.ac.uk

Our healthcare programmes are designed with innovation at the forefront, both in terms of course design and placement delivery.

During my placement, I had a chance to follow a patient’s journey. This was a great experience that had an impact on my student journey. It made me realise that it is not only skills that are important, but equally compassion and the ability to hold a patient’s hand when they are frightened


Placements are allocated based on factors such as commuting distance from your home or university address, previous experiences, and car access.

Due to the range of organisations that we work with, you can expect to travel up to 90 minutes each way for your placement. If possible, we recommend having access to a car to enable us to place you in community settings.

Most students can currently claim mileage and other travel expenses through the NHS ‘Learner Support Fund’ which you can find out more about by scanning the QR code.

We work with a range of providers primarily across the South of England. We are always keen to develop relationships with new practice partners so should you wish to work for an organisation local to you, please let us know.

We provide innovative and contemporary practice learning opportunities across our Nursing and AHP programmes to allow you to develop skills fit for the future workforce.

Experience can be spread across NHS, private, voluntary and industry settings, supporting recruitment in new areas and creating multidisciplinary placement opportunities.

Examples of placements you may undertake include: Clinical, Leadership/ Management, Research, Role Emerging, and Simulation, Technology Enabled Care Services or ‘Virtual’. it be a leader. I was supported through completing supervision online which as personal and career development

You will undertake two placements over the course of your programme:

Placement One

Our first placement consists of 70 days and will provide students with an opportunity to develop their communication skills by working alongside service users. This placement is designed to allow students to consolidate learning and apply theory to practice.

Placement Two

This final placement consists of 100 days and further builds on learning and skills developed from the first placement and takes place in the final year of study. This placement will contain significant statutory elements, working with either adults or children.

To me, social work gives us the ability to change and build a new system of care and support. It’s a profession that is always cast in a bad light in the media. In reality though, social workers are the people on the front line, supporting and advocating for the people who the system has let down. Social workers have the power to instigate some of the changes the most vulnerable in society need and deserve.

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