Centre for Animal Welfare Activity Report 2021-22

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CENTRE FOR ANIMAL WELFARE Activity Report 2021-2022

Hedgehogs are in dramatic decline, but by enacting positive change on their campuses, universities can be part of the solution. Following our successful student and staff campaign to make Winchester an accredited Hedgehog Friendly Campus, in 2022 we were awarded Gold Hedgehog Friendly Campus status by the British Hedgehog Preservation Society.

The Centre for Animal Welfare (CAW) is a high impact centre dedicated to the advancement of animal welfare. In 2021-2022 it hosted 19 permanent and visiting faculty members, including several who are world leaders in their fields. The Centre also hosts some of the University’s best students, including six talented research students pursuing PhD or MPhil degrees.


Postgraduate research degree completions page 7

Animal welfare successes page 4

External presentations page 12

Grants awarded page 8

Student awards page 7

Media Coverage page 6


Overview page 2

Academic articles and chapters page 8

Books and reports page 8

Popular articles/technical letters page 10

Who we are page 14

Professional awards page 7

The 2020 - 2021 academic year was a time of much growth and change for the Centre for Animal Welfare (CAW). The centre, and the entire animal welfare world, sadly lost one of its champions in 2021. Visiting Prof. Bernard Rollin passed away after an exemplary career. He was an American philosopher, and also Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, Animal Sciences, and Biomedical Sciences at Colorado State University. Considered the ‘father of veterinary medical ethics’, Prof. Rollin also co-wrote the 1982 US federal laws giving protection to animals used in research. He published more than 20 books, hundreds of scholarly articles, and lectured more than 1500 times internationally. His intellectually provocative and sometimes humorous presentations and discussions were both unforgettable and inspiring.

Our students and faculty continued to be extremely active in their research and knowledge exchange (RKE) activities in support of animal welfare, with the CAW remaining one of Winchester’s most active RKE centres. CAW members and students published at least two key reports, 11 academic articles and book chapters, and 42 popular articles, blogs and letters on the Animal Sentience Bill and legislative efforts to protect animals, the animal welfare and environmental impacts of intensive farming, the decline of UK wildlife – notably birds, rewilding and species reintroductions – notably wolves, and vegan diets for companion animals and humans. Some of these attracted much attention within their fields. A study on vegan dog health outcomes by myself, Dr Brown et al., attracted worldwide attention, being reported in over 400 news outlets globally, in multiple languages.

Visiting veterinary Prof. Luke Gamble was one of seven permanent and visiting faculty members to join us in 2021 - 2022. He is CEO of charities Worldwide Veterinary Service (WVS) and Mission Rabies.


Prof. Rollin was a valued colleague and member of our Centre, and is sorely missed.

Dr Steven McCulloch was invited to act as head of research for the Conservative Animal Welfare

However, we were joined by seven other excellent permanent and visiting faculty members, and by additional postgraduate research students, who are already providing many valuable contributions highlight in the following. Additionally, our two existing animal welfare degrees continued to thrive in 2021 – 2022. After six years of successful operation and growth, both our BA (Hons) Animal Welfare and Society, and our MSc. Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Law were revalidated for another six year term. The latter was renamed very slightly to MSc. Animal Welfare, Behaviour, Ethics and Law, from 2022 – 2023, reflecting its significant inclusion of animal behaviour. Additionally, our new BSc (Hons) Animal Science and Conservation was validated, and will accept its first students in 2022 - 2023. This degree focuses on animal welfare, behaviour and conservation, and following the strong success of our 100% distance learning MSc, will also be entirely distance learning.



Visiting Prof. Bernard Rollin passed away in 2021. He was an internationally-renowned champion of animal welfare, and is sorely missed.

Foundation (CAWF) in 2022, publishing reports on animal slaughtering and sow farrowing crates as described in the following. Centre members also worked hard producing key new textbooks. Sixty Harvests Left: How to Reach a Nature Friendly Future, authored by Prof. Lymbery, and the Routledge Handbook of Animal Welfare edited by myself, Prof. Sparks, et al., are both expected to make major contributions to their fields. They will feature in next year’s report.

Additionally, CAW members delivered at least 32 external presentations, many of them as plenary, keynote or invited lectures, at universities and conferences internationally, including the universities of Oxford and Cambridge. Within the premiere annual public lecture series at Cambridge, my own invited presentation on vegan petfood was most attended of 2022, with the recording attracting many thousands of views.

CAWrebrand.ly/caw-channel.studentsalsoexcelled this year. MSc students Kate Affleck and Eleanor Goodchild successfully published essays within the University’s student journal Alfred. Winchester has 8,000+ students, but only 15 essays were selected for publication. Hence, these are some of the very best produced at Winchester. Charlotte Smith also won not only the 2021 CAW/IFAW Essay Competition, but also the 2022 CAW/CIWF Essay Competition with our partner organisations the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) and Compassion in World Farming (CIWF). Such a double success is extremely unusual. Our postgraduate research students also published several academic articles based on their work, with details following. We are extremely proud of these successes, but not surprised – our students have repeatedly achieved such successes previously, demonstrating that we have some of the University’s best students in our animal welfare programmes.

Prof. Andrew Knight, Director, Centre for Animal Welfare

Selected examples of our work are highlighted in the following. However, much additional fine work exists. I remain very grateful for the support of our academics and students, administrative staff, and the various faculties, departments and others who have supported us all. These successes would not have been possible without their support.

The CAW also hosted a public webinar on ‘Representing other animals in politics’, with Animal Welfare Party councillor Jane Smith and myself. Recordings of all CAW events continue to attract further views on the CAW YouTube channel www.


In 2022 Winchester was awarded Gold Hedgehog Friendly Campus status, by the British Hedgehog Preservation Society, for our efforts to support hedgehog conservation on campus. We’re one of only a few UK universities to have achieved this, and are very proud of the efforts of our staff and students in protecting our campus hedgehogs.

animals. Dr McCulloch’s research previously documented the exclusion of sentient species from Government policy-making, and provided recommendations for reforms, including a specific advisory committee to scrutinise impacts on sentient animals. Dr McCulloch’s research and impact on the development of the Sentience Bill formed a University of Winchester REF 2021 impact case study. The Sentience Act also recognises cephalopods (e.g., octopus and squid) and crustaceans (e.g., crabs) as sentient beings.

The University of Winchester is now one of very few to have received Bronze, Silver and Gold accreditation from the British Hedgehog Preservation Society, for our efforts to support hedgehog conservation on campus.


CAW faculty and students continued to support a large number of animal welfare campaigns in the UK and abroad, often working with NGO partners. Dr Steven McCulloch was invited to provide oral and written evidence to the UK Parliamentary EFRA Committee on the Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill in July 2021, which became law in April 2022. The Sentience Act recognises the sentience of animals and provides a duty for the Government to establish an Animal Sentience Committee, scrutinising adverse impacts of policy on sentient

Prof. Knight also provided oral and written evidence to an Australian parliamentary committee scrutinizing animal research in June 2022. This was recently followed by the University of Newcastle confirming they will end their nose-only forced inhalation research on mice – one of the topics under scrutiny.



In 2022, BBC’s Panorama programme helped expose major animal welfare problems within the UK.

Well over 500 media stories within the UK and abroad interviewed CAW members or covered their work. Some members appear weekly in animal welfare-focused stories. Prominent examples included Channel 4’s Dispatches: The Truth About Your Chicken in 2021 and BBC Panorama’s A Cow’s Life: The True Cost of Milk? in 2022, both interviewing Prof. Knight. Both prime time television documentaries helped expose major animal welfare problems within the UK, with the latter being reported in 10+ additional media outlets.

The 2022 publication of Prof. Knight and Dr. Brown’s study ‘Vegan versus meat-based dog food: guardian-reported indicators of health’ in a leading science journal was prominently reported within The Times, The Guardian, and over 400 other media outlets globally (in multiple languages), with coverage continuing by mid 2022. Within a week of publication this open access article had been viewed 19,000+ times, and is on course to become the most viewed article in its field. Even the Queen was being encouraged to reconsider what she feeds her corgis (Woman & Home, 2022).


• 2022 CAW/CIWF Essay Competition with ‘Why octopus farming should not be permitted on a commercial scale and the urgent need for change in current farming systems’.

Charlotte’s winning essays can be accessed via www.winchester.ac.uk/CAW > 2021-22 news.



• Donelle Gadenne received her PhD from Edge Hill University in 2022 for her thesis, Veganism and the Veterinary Profession: An Incongruous Union? The Experiences of Vegan Veterinary Professionals Working in Small Animal Veterinary Practice in England


• Pamela Adams-Wright, received an MPhil in 2021 for her thesis, Stereotypical Pacing in Captive Red Squirrels: Possible Aetiology (Director of Studies: Dr. Riley).

• Visiting Professor David Clough was elected President of the Society for the Study of Theology, and Fellow of the International Society for Science and Religion.

MSc student Charlotte Smith won two awards for her essays on gamebird keeping and shooting, and octopus farming.

• 2021 CAW/IFAW Essay Competition with ‘The ethics and environmental consequences of gamebird keeping and shooting in the UK.’

• Prof. Knight, Ms. Mace and other Winchester colleagues had their publication ‘Enriching learning whilst reducing staff time through a screencast-based flipped classroom model’ shortlisted for a 2021 e‐Learning Excellence Award.


MSc AWSEL student Charlotte Smith won two awards:

• McCulloch, S. (2022). Banning Farrowing Crates in the UK: Transitioning to Free Farrowing to Meet the Welfare Needs of Pigs. Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation: London, UK. mcculloch-transitioning-to-free-farrowing-to-meet-the-welfare-needs-of-pigs/conservativeanimalwelfarefoundation.org/resources/banning-farrowing-crates-in-the-uk-author-dr-steven-https://www.

• Goodchild, E, (2022). An evaluation of altruism in chimpanzees. Alfred 11(1), 83-91.

• Knight A. £5,000. Open access publication of the Routledge Handbook of Animal Welfare, RSPCA UK.

• Knight A, Huang E, Rai N, and Brown H (2022) Vegan versus meat-based dog food: Guardian-reported indicators of health. PLoS ONE 17(4): e0265662. https://rebrand.ly/2022/pet-food-dog-health.

• Knight A. £5,000. Open access publication of the Routledge Handbook of Animal Welfare, Compassion in World Farming.

• Clough, DL, (2022). The Bible and animal theology, in H Marlow and M Harris (eds), The Oxford Handbook of the Bible and Ecology, 401-412. Oxford University Press.

• McCulloch, S. and Riley, L. (2022). Reforming UK Non-Stun Slaughter Regulation: Assessing Impacts on Meat Exports in Germany, New Zealand and other Nations with Progressive Licensing and Prohibition Law. Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation: London, UK.


Affleck K, (2022). The science of slaughter: is the stunning of pigs in UK slaughterhouses currently humane? Alfred 11(1), 4-16.

• Knight A. £10,000. Sustainable Pet Food, Edgard & Cooper.

• Clough D. £80,000. Christian Ethics of Farmed Animal Welfare - Impact in Schools and Theological Education, AHRC.

• Knight A, Mace J, O’Brien C and Carter A (2021). Enriching learning whilst reducing staff time through a screencast-based flipped classroom model. In D Remenyi (ed.), 7th e-Learning Excellence Awards 2021 An Anthology of Case Histories, 29 – 46. Academic Conferences International Ltd.



• Halliday, C. and McCulloch, S. P. (2022). Beliefs and attitudes of British residents about the welfare of fur-farmed species and the import and sale of fur products in the UK. Animals 12, 5, 538. DOI 10.3390/ani12050538. https:// www.mdpi.com/2076-2615/12/5/538.

• Knight A. £19,734.90. The environmental sustainability of meat-based and alternative pet foods’, Food System Research Fund.

• Knight A. £500. Video summaries of recent research, U. Winchester Knowledge Exchange Fast Track award.


• Shaw, N., Wemelsfelder, F., and Riley, L. M. (2022). Bark to the future: The welfare of domestic dogs during interaction with a positively reinforcing artificial agent. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 249, 105595. https:// doi.org/10.1016/j.applanim.2022.105595.

MSc student Kate Affleck successfully published her essay on pig slaughtering within the University’s student journal Alfred in 2022. Among around 10,000 students, only 15 essays were selected for publication.


• Knight A. and Zemanova, M.A. (2022). Animal use in veterinary education. In B. Kipperman and B.E. Rollin (eds). Ethics in Veterinary Practice. Wiley. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119791256.ch18.

• Riley, L. M., Satchell, L., Stilwell, L. M., and Lenton, N. S. (2021). Effect of massage therapy on pain and quality of life in dogs: A cross sectional study. Veterinary Record, 189(11), e586, https://doi.org/10.1002/vetr.586.

• Rose, P.E. and Riley, L. M. (2021). Conducting behavioural research in the zoo: A guide to ten important methods, concepts and theories. Journal of Zoo and Biological Gardens, 2(3), 421-444. https://doi.org/10.3390/ jzbg2030031.

• Mace, J.L. and McCulloch, S.P. (2022) Yoga teachers on consuming animals: Dietary journeys, barriers to veganism, and negotiating ahimsa. Worldviews: Global Religions, Culture, and Ecology. 1-29. https://doi. org/10.1163/15685357-20211211.

• Lymbery, P. (2022) Battle for the planet: Why animal welfare holds the key. RSPCA Book of Essays: What Have Animals Ever Done For Us? RSPCA.

• Lymbery, P. (2022) Pesticide coated seeds: How peregrine falcon is acting like canary in coal mine about effects of pesticides on human health. The Scotsman, 18 Jul.

• Lymbery, P. (2022). Puffins face extinction in Scotland with overfishing of their main source of food. The Scotsman, 17 Jan.

• Lymbery, P. (2022). Pet food: We love our animal companions, but what we feeding them? The Scotsman, 28 Mar.

• Lymbery, P. (2022). What my dog taught me about life can help Britain regain its status as a nation of true animal lover. The Scotsman, 14 Feb.

• Lymbery, P. (2022). Farming Intensification has hit barn owls hard, but it doesn’t have to be this way. The Scotsman, 9 May.

• Lymbery, P. (2022). Worried about the rainforest? Woodlands much closer to home are being trashed. The Scotsman, 25 Apr.

• Lymbery, P. (2022). ‘Apocalyptic’ global food crisis is being exacerbated by factory farming of grain-fed animals, The Scotsman, 23 May.

• Lymbery, P. (2022). One health, one welfare: how protecting people means protecting animals too. Biodiversity, 2.

• Knight A (2022). Call for evidence-based positions on vegan diets. Vet Times 52(29), 19.


• Lymbery, P. (2022). Wolves and rewilding: Reactions to the reintroduction of this ‘apex predator’ speak volumes. The Scotsman, 31 Jan.

• Lymbery, P. (2022). England’s babbling chalk streams are witnessing a staggering decline in water voles. The Scotsman, 14 Mar.

• Lymbery, P. (2022). How to bring back birds. Birdwatching, Jul./Aug.

• Lymbery, P. (2022) We can rethink our landscapes and allow farmed animals to experience the joy of living. The Scotsman, 29 Jun.


• Knight A (2022). The weight-of-evidence position on vegan diets. Vet Times 52(21), 23.

• Lymbery, P. (2022). Bees, the ambassadors of the natural world, have an important message for humanity. The Scotsman, 6 Jun.

• Lymbery, P. (2022). Serving better: Compassion in catering at University of Winchester. Eating Better Website News, 3 May.

• Lymbery, P. (2022). Why isn’t decent food a basic right for everyone? The Scotsman, 11 Apr.


• Lymbery, P. (2022) Warning of Easter Island is one that humanity must not ignore amid our population explosion. The Scotsman, 4 Jul.

• Lymbery, P. (2022). Horrific polar bear attack on hiker in Canada should be cause for concern much closer to home. The Scotsman, 28 Feb.


• Lymbery, P. (2021). COP26 is overlooking an oven-ready solution to global warming – an end to emissionspewing factory farming. The Mailplus, 4 Nov.

• Lymbery, P (2021). Remember this New Year, protecting animals will protect us all. The Scotsman, 27 Dec.

• Lymbery, P. (2021). Why even Boris Johnson can see that plant-based alternatives to meat have a big part to play in cutting emissions. The Scotsman, 1 Nov.

• Lymbery, P. (2021). United Nations Food Systems Summit sees world leaders embrace the idea that ‘war against nature’ must end. The Scotsman, 27 Sep.

• McCulloch, S. (2022). Celebrating and discussing progress in animal welfare at the UK Parliament. animal-welfare-at-the-uk-parliament.phpwinchester.ac.uk/news-and-events/press-centre/media-articles/celebrating-and-discussing-progress-in-https://www.

• Lymbery, P. (2021). COP 26 Climate Change Summit: We can make our own hope by taking action over our diet. The Scotsman, 8 Nov.

• Lymbery, P. (2021). Shocking rate of species extinction threatens the health of the natural world. The Scotsman, 18 Oct.

• Lymbery, P. (2021). Octopus farming is immoral. The Scotsman, 11 Oct.

• Lymbery, P. (2021). An urgent call for global action to shift to regenerative farming. Nature Food 2, 17 Nov.

• Lymbery, P. (2021). Pandemic on a Plate. Resurgence & Ecologist, Jul./Aug.

• Lymbery, P. (2021). Antibiotic resistance: Misuse of these vital drugs on factory farm animals poses a serious threat to modern medicine. The Scotsman, 22 Nov.

• Lymbery, P. (2021). Why Charles Darwin and St Francis of Assisi would have been fans of organic farming. The Scotsman, 5 Oct.

• Lymbery, P. (2021). Rewilding Scotland’s wilderness should be accompanies by ‘renaturing’ its farms. The Scotsman, 13 Dec.

• Lymbery, P. (2021). COP26 Climate Change Summit: World is making serious mistakes in bid to stop dangerous global warming. The Scotsman, 15 Nov.

• Lymbery, P. (2021). Why not reimagine the festive season with family, humanity and animals in mind. The Scotsman, 25 Oct.

• Lymbery, P. (2021). The super-heroes of soil: Why the world under our feet matters and why it is under threat. The Scotsman, 6 Dec.

• Lymbery, P. (2022). Veganuary can be just as hedonistic for foodies as the festive season. The Scotsman, 4 Jan.

• Lymbery, P. (2022). Why protecting people means protecting animals too. Open Access Government, 1 Jan.

• Lymbery, P. (2021). We need to talk about food and farming if we are to avoid a planetary tailspin. The Scotsman, 29 Nov.

• Lymbery, P. (2021). UN Food Systems Summit: Why radical change to agriculture is necessary. The Scotsman, 21 Sep.

• Knight A (2021). Farmed poultry: animal welfare concerns. ACAW animal welfare seminar series, [via webinar].

• Clough, DL, (2022). The end of creatures, Annual Conference of the Society for the Study of Theology, University of Warwick. [keynote].

• Clough, DL, (2021). On the mindfulness of nature, American Academy of Religion Panel ‘On the Mindfulness of Nature’.

• Clough, DL, (2021). Dominion in crisis: the vocation of Christians in a world on fire, Catholic Concern for Animals AGM, London. [invited].

• Knight A. (2022). Should cats and dogs go vegan? Darwin College, University of Cambridge. [invited oral, within the 2022 lecture series on ‘Food’]. https://youtu.be/YxjGa0MXfAc.

• Clough, DL, (2022). Christian ethics and farmed animal welfare, University of Oklahoma Institute for the Study of Human Flourishing.

• Clough, DL, (2021). Animal salvation in modern protestant theology, ‘Quel Salut Pour Les Animaux?’ conference, Paris. [invited].

• Knight A and Zemanova M (2022). Educational animal use and alternatives. Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists Science Week 2022. Gold Coast, Australia. [via webinar].


• Gadenne D. (2021). Veganism and the veterinary profession. International Association of Vegan Sociology (IAVS) Annual Conference [online].

• Knight A. (2022). To what extent should we protect animals’ rights? Somerville College, University of Oxford. [invited].

• Knight A, Mace J, O’Brien C and Carter A (2021). Enriching learning whilst reducing staff time via a screencast-

• Knight A (2021). Educational animal use and alternatives. Conference on Humane Innovations in Education, University of Sarajevo, [via webinar].

• Knight A (2021). Vegan and other alternative pet foods for dogs and cats. The 2nd International Electronic Conference on Animals— Global Sustainability and Animals: Welfare, Policies and Technologies. [invited plenary, via webinar].

• Clough, DL, (2021). A Christian ethical assessment of farming animals and How humans use animals, Quelle éthique chrétienne pour les animaux? conference, Paris [keynotes].


• McCulloch, S. (2021). Animal sentience bill is necessary for the UK to be a true world leader in animal animal-welfare-165576?utm_medium=amptwitter&utm_source=twitterhttps://theconversation.com/animal-sentience-bill-is-necessary-for-the-uk-to-be-a-true-world-leader-in-welfare.

• McCulloch, S. (2021). Animal Sentience: The Conservatives would be batty to vote against it. politics.co.uk/comment/2021/08/05/animal-sentience-the-conservatives-would-be-batty-to-vote-against-it/https://www.

• Knight A. (2022). Should cats and dogs go vegan? Webinarvet seminar series. feeding-frenzy.com/webinar/can-your-clients-dog-really-be-vegan-the-all-you-need-to-know-guide-for-the-most-recent-https://www.thewebinarvet.[invited].

• McCulloch, S. P. (2021). Promoting high animal welfare standards abroad, implications for future trade policy, and banning the export of live animals for slaughter and fattening. Animal health, welfare, and standards in the UK. Westminster Food & Nutrition Forum policy conference.

• Lymbery, P. (2021) Rewilding the soil. South Yorkshire Biodiversity Research Group (SYBRG) Rewilding the Soil and Land Conference.

• Lymbery, P. (2021) Lessons from a pandemic. 5th China Animal Health and Food Safety Conference.

• Lymbery, P. (2021) Impacts of factory farming for animals, people and the planet. Eurogroup for Animals and The Good Lobby High-level Panel Event – The Intersection of Trade and Animal Welfare in Sustainable Food Systems.

• Zemanova M. A., Knight A. and Lybaek S. (2021). Difficult paradigm shift? Reasons for continued animal use for educational purposes revealed in non-technical summaries. 11th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences. [poster, virtual].

based flipped classroom. 20th European Conference on e‐Learning ‐ ECEL 2021, University of Applied Sciences, Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin (HTW). [via webinar], [shortlisted for 2021 e‐Learning Excellence Award].

• Lymbery, P. (2022) One Health, One Welfare: how protecting people, means protecting animals too. The International Department of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) Webinar on Food, Farming and One Health.

• Lymbery, P. (2021) Environmental health, climate change and human-animal welfare: the Interlink? 5th Africa Animal Welfare Conference – Action 2021: One Health, One Welfare - For a Better and Greener Tomorrow.

• McCulloch, S. P. (2022). National mechanisms to represent animals in policy. AnimaLaw: Visions for the future. UK Centre for Animal Law and UFAW. [Online].

• Lymbery, P. (2021) The development of intensive farming in a post-pandemic era: the key role of global consumers in promoting animal welfare. 5th Good Food Summit, China on finding and incubating the Chinese best practices and solutions for food systems, to enhance the localisation of the 2030 proposal among Chinese organisations and activists.

• Knight A (2021). Was Jack the Ripper a slaughterman? Human-animal violence and the world’s most infamous serial killer. Representations of Violence in Literature, Culture and Arts, Osmaniye Korkut Ata University, Turkey. [invited keynote, via webinar].

• McCulloch, S. P. (2022). Everyday ethics comes to BVA Live. BVA Live. Birmingham, UK.

• Lymbery, P. (2021) Implementation of One Welfare within food systems. One Welfare Conference.

• Riley, L. M. (2022). Welfare concepts and assessment: psychological and behavioural measurement. ABWAK Flamingo Workshop. [Keynote].



AndrewFACULTYKnight is Professor of Animal Welfare and Ethics, and Founding Director of the Centre for Animal Welfare; a veterinary specialist in animal welfare accredited in the UK, EU, US and New Zealand; a Fellow of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons; and a Principal Fellow of Advance HE. Andrew founded and leads Winchester’s distance-learning MSc Animal Welfare, Behaviour, Ethics and Law. He regularly publishes and presents, and has an extensive series of social media videos, on animal welfare and ethics issues. His work has attracted 14 awards and 20 research and knowledge exchange grants.



Natalie Light is a Certificated Clinical Animal Behaviourist and has been working professionally in the companion animal sector since 2006. She graduated from University of Southampton with a Zoology BSc (2:1) and Newcastle University in Applied Animal Behaviour & Welfare PGDip. She is currently completing her PhD at University of Winchester, is a Fellow of Advance HE and a part-time lecturer on the Animal Welfare and Society BA Hons at University of Winchester.

Hazel Brown is the Associate Dean (Academic Experience and Student Outcomes) for the Faculty of Health and Wellbeing, and currently Head of School for Sport, Health and Community. She joined the Centre for Animal Welfare this year after contribution to an article written by Professor Andrew Knight. Hazel is a Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society and specialises in quantitative methods.

Robert Gray is a Lecturer in Environmental History. After a BA in History at the University of Leeds, Robert completed an MA in Central European History (with Hungarian) at the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London, from where he also gained his PhD on land reform and the Hungarian peasantry in 2010. His teaching interests include environmental history from the beginnings of time to the present day and covering much of the world (and beyond), as well as a more limited range of Modern and Early Modern Central and Eastern Europe.

Adalinda Hernandez is Lecturer in Animal Welfare in the University’s Centre for Animal Welfare. She joined the centre in 2022 and teaches on the BA Animal Welfare and Society.

Steven McCulloch is Senior Lecturer in Human-Animal Studies and Programme Leader for the BA Animal Welfare and Society. Steven qualified as a veterinary surgeon in 2002 from Bristol University and holds a BA Philosophy from Birkbeck College, London University. He has a PhD from the RVC, London for his thesis ‘The British animal health and welfare policy process: accounting for the interests of sentient species’. Steven is a diplomat of ECAWBM and a recognised veterinary specialist in Animal

Jenny Mace is a remote associate lecturer on our MSc in Animal Welfare, Behaviour, Ethics and Law, having graduated with Distinction from the same MSc herself in 2018. She has co-authored and published two papers based on her mixed-methods dissertation, which examined UK yoga teachers’ attitudes towards consuming animals. She is a Fellow of Advance HE, and currently immersed in research regarding the care of backyard chickens. She currently has one Romanian rescue dog, two adopted cats and seven ex-commercial hens in her care.

Welfare Science, Ethics and Law. Steven is Section Editor for Animals in Public Policy, Politics and Society for the journal Animals

Lisa Riley is a Lecturer in Animal Welfare. Also an animal welfare scientist and primatologist, specialising in zoo welfare assessment and cognition, environmental enrichment and welfare, Lisa has over five years’ experience lecturing and managing animal welfare programmes. She has helped organisations campaign to raise awareness of the pet primate industry in the UK, and the need for prohibition or regulation. Lisa was previously an RSPCA Senior Scientist, where she instigated a primate rehoming scheme to rescue traumatised pet primates and provide them with safe, specialised care and an opportunity to experience good welfare, trust and good health.

Neil Messer is Professor of Theology in the Department of Theology, Religion and Philosophy, University of Winchester. His research, teaching and supervision are focused on Christian ethics, including bioethics and animal ethics, and the interaction of science and theology. Recent and forthcoming publications include Theological Neuroethics: Christian Ethics Meets the Science of the Human Brain Bloomsbury, 2017) and Science in Theology: Encounters between Science and the Christian Tradition (Bloomsbury, forthcoming, 2020). He is currently working on a University-funded collaborative project on the interactions of neuroscience, theology and ethics.

Amoret Whitaker is a Senior Lecturer in Forensic Studies and Programme Leader of our BA (Hons) Forensic Studies programme. Her qualifications include a BSc in Zoology, an MSc in Taxonomy and Biodiversity, and a PhD in Forensic Entomology. She also has a Diploma in Forensic Medical Sciences. She specialises in Forensic Entomology and since 2004 has undertaken forensic casework throughout the UK for many police forces and forensic providers, attending crime scenes, deposition sites and post-mortems, analysing data and submitting reports, and attending court as required. Within the Centre for Animal Welfare her teaching applies forensic science to animal cruelty and abuse cases.

Liam Satchell is a lecturer in psychology at the University of Winchester, where he specialises in theoretical and methodological issues in applied research. His work focuses on the psychology of individual and is the Secretary for the British Society for the Psychology of Individual Differences. From this perspective, he has conducted research into personality and behavioural problems in human and non-human animals. His current research focuses on examining ways to efficiently measure welfare and wellbeing of individual animals (with Dr Lisa Riley). Elsewhere he works in other applied psychology fields of mental health, crime, sports, and education.


Donelle Gadenne is a qualified veterinary nurse and Critical Animal Studies scholar and Visiting Lecturer (teaching Sociology and Animal Welfare). She completed her BA (Hons) in Australia and MA degree in New Zealand.

Luke Gamble aims to help as many animals (and people) as he can in his veterinary career. His passion is his extracurricular work with his charities Worldwide Veterinary Service (WVS) and Mission Rabies. Luke is CEO of both, and to date has raised over twelve million pounds to support the charities and associated projects around the world. Key flagship initiatives including the launch of WVS India in 2010, WVS Thailand in 2015, establishing three international training centres (two in India, one in Thailand), and the Mission Rabies project to eliminate rabies from Malawi and the Indian State of Goa.

VISITING LECTURERSMoiraHarris is an Independent Research Consultant, a Visiting Lecturer at the University of Winchester and a Senior Fellow of Advance HE. She spent 13 years as a Senior Lecturer at Harper Adams University and has an applied animal behaviour and welfare research and teaching background, specialising in farmed pigs, poultry and fish as well as zoo elephants. She is a Springer Animal Welfare book series editor, co-author of the Eurogroup for Animals report Catching Up: Fish Welfare in Wild Capture Fisheries and author of a chapter on Commercial Fisheries in the newly published Routledge Handbook of Animal Welfare

Paula Sparks is a Visiting Professor at the University of Winchester teaching an animal law and policy module to undergraduate students, covering topics around the legal protection of animals used in farming and research


Philip Lymbery is Global CEO of Compassion in World Farming, President, Eurogroup for Animals, founding Board member, World Federation for Animals and former UN 2021 Food Systems Summit Champion. An ornithologist, photographer, animal advocate and award-winning author of Farmageddon: the True Cost of Cheap Meat, and Dead Zone: Where the Wild Things Were – the first mainstream books to show factory farming as major driver of wildlife declines and at heart of what needs to change to stave off climate, nature and pandemic emergencies facing humanity. His third book is Sixty Harvests Left: How to Reach a Nature-Friendly Future

VISITING PROFESSORSDavidClough is Chair in Theology and Applied Sciences, University of Aberdeen. His recent work has focussed on the place of animals in Christian theology and ethics, with a particular interest in the ethics of farmed animal welfare. He is President of the Society for the Study of Theology (2022–2024) and Principal Investigator for the AHRC-funded project Christian Ethics of Farmed Animal Welfare.

Emily Davies completed the Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Law Masters degree in the first year, 2016-2017, receiving a distinction. Her Masters dissertation research was used as a case study to update Best Practice Guidelines for the European Endangered Species Programme, with regards to captive Jaguars. She since went on to pursue a career in academic publishing, where she oversees a portfolio of journals for John Wiley & Sons LTD. In her spare time, Emily has combined her Masters knowledge with her publishing experience to supervise and mark dissertations on behalf of the University of Winchester.

and for wildlife and companion animals. She is also executive chairperson of the UK Centre for Animal Law (A-LAW), a charity whose vision is a world where animals are fully protected by law. In her role at A-LAW she oversees the programme of animal law events, publications, and student outreach. She also works closely with animal advocacy groups, lawyers, and academics and frequently lectures about animal law.

Rebecca Hammerton, PhD student, Keeper perceptions of captive primate diets: nutritional and welfare perspectives.

Nia Parry-Howells, PhD Student, Factors affecting rescued primate welfare: Exotic pet trade, laboratory, and zoo comparisons.

Tom Gooch is a Visiting Lecturer on BA (Hons) Animal Welfare and Society, teaching Qualitative Research Methods and Researching Risk and Animals. Tom has studied BA (Hons) Animal Welfare and Society and MSc Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Law at Winchester and will hopefully achieve his AFHEA in the coming weeks. In his spare time, Tom also volunteers as a copyeditor for Animal Ask.

is a Professor of Bioethics at Princeton University, with a background in philosophy. He works mostly in practical ethics, and is best known for his book Animal Liberation and for his writings about global poverty.

She gained a PGC(HE) qualification in 2020 and PhD in 2022 in the UK researching veganism and the UK veterinary profession. She is co-author along with Professor Annie Potts of Animals in Emergencies: Learning from the Christchurch Earthquakes (2014). Further publications: Academia. edu

Pam Adams-Wright, MPhil student, An investigation into why post-weaning stereotypical pacing develops in red squirrel kittens at Wildwood Escot and Wildwood Kent.




Nicky Shaw, PhD student: Domestic dog training with an artificial agent: Learning and welfare perspectives.

Catherine Farren, PhD student, International animal protection: sociocultural factors for animal protection reform.

Elizabeth Roe, PhD Student: The sustainability of captive aye-aye populations: Breeding, genetics and welfare.

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