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•Knight A (2022). Call for evidence-based positions on vegan diets. Vet Times 52(29), 19. • Knight A (2022). The weight-of-evidence position on vegan diets. Vet Times 52(21), 23. • Lymbery, P. (2022). How to bring back birds. Birdwatching, Jul./Aug. • Lymbery, P. (2022) Pesticide coated seeds: How peregrine falcon is acting like canary in coal mine about effects of pesticides on human health. The Scotsman, 18 Jul. • Lymbery, P. (2022) Warning of Easter Island is one that humanity must not ignore amid our population explosion.

The Scotsman, 4 Jul.

•Lymbery, P. (2022) We can rethink our landscapes and allow farmed animals to experience the joy of living. The

Scotsman, 29 Jun.

•Lymbery, P. (2022) Battle for the planet: Why animal welfare holds the key. RSPCA Book of Essays: What Have

Animals Ever Done For Us? RSPCA.

•Lymbery, P. (2022). Bees, the ambassadors of the natural world, have an important message for humanity. The

Scotsman, 6 Jun.

•Lymbery, P. (2022). ‘Apocalyptic’ global food crisis is being exacerbated by factory farming of grain-fed animals,

The Scotsman, 23 May. • Lymbery, P. (2022). Farming Intensification has hit barn owls hard, but it doesn’t have to be this way. The

Scotsman, 9 May. • Lymbery, P. (2022). Serving better: Compassion in catering at University of Winchester. Eating Better Website

News, 3 May. • Lymbery, P. (2022). Worried about the rainforest? Woodlands much closer to home are being trashed. The

Scotsman, 25 Apr. • Lymbery, P. (2022). Why isn’t decent food a basic right for everyone? The Scotsman, 11 Apr. • Lymbery, P. (2022). One health, one welfare: how protecting people means protecting animals too. Biodiversity, 2. • Lymbery, P. (2022). Pet food: We love our animal companions, but what we feeding them? The Scotsman, 28 Mar. • Lymbery, P. (2022). England’s babbling chalk streams are witnessing a staggering decline in water voles. The

Scotsman, 14 Mar.

•Lymbery, P. (2022). Horrific polar bear attack on hiker in Canada should be cause for concern much closer to home. The Scotsman, 28 Feb.

•Lymbery, P. (2022). What my dog taught me about life can help Britain regain its status as a nation of true animal lover. The Scotsman, 14 Feb.

•Lymbery, P. (2022). Wolves and rewilding: Reactions to the reintroduction of this ‘apex predator’ speak volumes.

The Scotsman, 31 Jan.

•Lymbery, P. (2022). Puffins face extinction in Scotland with overfishing of their main source of food. The

Scotsman, 17 Jan.

•Lymbery, P. (2022). Veganuary can be just as hedonistic for foodies as the festive season. The Scotsman, 4 Jan. • Lymbery, P. (2022). Why protecting people means protecting animals too. Open Access Government, 1 Jan. • Lymbery, P (2021). Remember this New Year, protecting animals will protect us all. The Scotsman, 27 Dec. • Lymbery, P. (2021). Rewilding Scotland’s wilderness should be accompanies by ‘renaturing’ its farms. The

Scotsman, 13 Dec.

•Lymbery, P. (2021). The super-heroes of soil: Why the world under our feet matters and why it is under threat.

The Scotsman, 6 Dec.

•Lymbery, P. (2021). We need to talk about food and farming if we are to avoid a planetary tailspin. The Scotsman, 29 Nov.

•Lymbery, P. (2021). Antibiotic resistance: Misuse of these vital drugs on factory farm animals poses a serious threat to modern medicine. The Scotsman, 22 Nov.

•Lymbery, P. (2021). An urgent call for global action to shift to regenerative farming. Nature Food 2, 17 Nov. • Lymbery, P. (2021). COP26 Climate Change Summit: World is making serious mistakes in bid to stop dangerous global warming. The Scotsman, 15 Nov. • Lymbery, P. (2021). COP 26 Climate Change Summit: We can make our own hope by taking action over our diet.

The Scotsman, 8 Nov.

•Lymbery, P. (2021). COP26 is overlooking an oven-ready solution to global warming – an end to emissionspewing factory farming. The Mailplus, 4 Nov. • Lymbery, P. (2021). Why even Boris Johnson can see that plant-based alternatives to meat have a big part to play in cutting emissions. The Scotsman, 1 Nov. • Lymbery, P. (2021). Why not reimagine the festive season with family, humanity and animals in mind. The

Scotsman, 25 Oct.

•Lymbery, P. (2021). Shocking rate of species extinction threatens the health of the natural world. The Scotsman, 18 Oct.

•Lymbery, P. (2021). Octopus farming is immoral. The Scotsman, 11 Oct. • Lymbery, P. (2021). Why Charles Darwin and St Francis of Assisi would have been fans of organic farming. The

Scotsman, 5 Oct.

•Lymbery, P. (2021). United Nations Food Systems Summit sees world leaders embrace the idea that ‘war against nature’ must end. The Scotsman, 27 Sep. • Lymbery, P. (2021). UN Food Systems Summit: Why radical change to agriculture is necessary. The Scotsman, 21

Sep. • Lymbery, P. (2021). Pandemic on a Plate. Resurgence & Ecologist, Jul./Aug. • McCulloch, S. (2022). Celebrating and discussing progress in animal welfare at the UK Parliament. https://www. winchester.ac.uk/news-and-events/press-centre/media-articles/celebrating-and-discussing-progress-inanimal-welfare-at-the-uk-parliament.php

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