Graduate Associates Handbook 2022

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Graduate Associates Handbook 2022 CONTENTS Welcome to the Graduate Associates Scheme 2 Key People/ 2 Support from the Careers 2 Making the most from your Graduate Associate Opportunity – top tips and looking 3 Careers and Opportunities Hub Menu of Services/ 4 Key 5 Celebration Event 5 Careers Advice for 5


WELCOME TO THE GRADUATE ASSOCIATES SCHEME 2022 Congratulations and welcome back to The University of Winchester, now as a Graduate Associate. We are delighted to welcome you as part of the Graduate Associates Scheme. This handbook outlines the professional development/career support available to you as part of the Graduate Associates Scheme, and as a Graduate of the University of Winchester. We wish you good luck and hope you have a successful and enjoyable time on the Graduate Associates Scheme. We are looking forward to welcoming you and working with you as part of the University community. If you have any questions, please get in touch with the Careers & Opportunities Hub Team here at the University of Winchester.

Key People/Contacts Line Manager Your Line Manager will be your first point of contact. Please arrange regular meetings/catch-ups with your Line Manager, agreed locally with you and them.

Support from the Careers Team As a graduate and as a Graduate Associate of the University of Winchester, there is a breadth of resources to access and the Careers Team will support you to explore your different options, your job search and study ideas. Whether you are looking for graduate roles, considering professional or higher study, exploring self-employment, or still thinking about your options, we are here to help.

Careers Guidance Appointments during the Graduate Associates Scheme You will be able to book one to one careers guidance discussions throughout your time as a Graduate Associate. You can book this through CareerConnect our career and opportunities platform. Go to CareerConnect/Jobteaser: and go the Appointments tab where you can view current availability and book on-line.


What happens in a careers appointment? Faculty Employability Advisers are professionally qualified and trained to enable you to help yourself, to take ownership of your career planning. During the discussion, they will listen to your ideas and help you through the process of choosing and applying for careers, work and courses. They will encourage you to identify your influences and any barriers, but they cannot do all the research or make decisions for you. In supporting you to make plans to move forward, they may refer you to other agencies that help with specific non-career queries or advice. The appointment is 40 minutes and an opportunity to look at yourself objectively. At the start the Adviser will agree with you the structure and agenda for the session and any limitations to confidentiality being maintained.

Resources to support you You have access to CareerConnect, our Careers and Opportunities Platform where you can: ■

Search for work and set choices to be alerted of roles that suit you.

View and attend our workshops and events.

Access information and advice.

Book a careers appointment with one of our Faculty Employability Advisers.

Making the most from your Graduate Associate Opportunity – top tips and looking ahead SET GOALS – What do you want to achieve on the Graduate Associates Scheme? What knowledge, skills and experience do you want to gain?

LEARN – An opportunity to learn, build on and develop your skillset. What opportunities can you get involved with to build and develop your skills?

EXPLORE your job ideas and the wider opportunities available – what next?

ASK QUESTIONS and be inquisitive – all jobs are learning experiences.

NETWORK AND CONNECT – an opportunity to meet new people, learn and engage with the Department, Faculty and wider University community.

RECORD AND REFLECT ON YOUR ACHIEVEMENTS/ SKILLS AND EXPERIENCES – to help you reflect and review your progress and look ahead to the future.

More Top Tips can be found via Target Jobs: Time to Shine! 6 ways to become a star intern:


Heading: Careers and Opportunities Hub –Events coming up See the Events Tab for all events taking place via the Careers and Opportunities Hub on CareerConnect:





22nd August

Induction to the Graduate Associates Scheme 2022


Wednesdays (Term time only)

‘Ace your Application’ – Drop-in: (CV and Application Advice)

12-2pm in SAB 303 and West Downs Centre – see CareerConnect for details

Tuesday 18th October 2022

Health, Wellbeing and Community Fair

See CareerConnect for details

Wednesday 19th October 2022

Police Recruitment Event

See CareerConnect for details

Tuesday 1st November 2022

Graduate Jobs and Placements Fair

See CareerConnect for details

14th – 18th November 2022

Global Entrepreneurship Week programme of events

See CareerConnect for details

24th November

Applying for work: Disclosing a disability and my rights at work

See CareerConnect for details

Key dates Start Date 22nd August 2022 End Date 21st February 2023 Careers and Opportunities Hub Events 2022-23 See CareerConnect - Events tab for events coming up:

Celebration Event: 14th February 2023 15.00-16.30 To celebrate the end of the Graduate Associates Scheme 2022 we will come together to celebrate the end of the scheme and what you have achieved. A time to also reflect and look ahead to the future. More details to follow.

Careers Advice for Life The University of Winchester Careers Team are here to assist you with your next steps. We provide Careers Advice for Life.


Register to CareerConnect and explore jobs, resources and events:


Explore your options after your degree in the Step by step Career Guide for Graduates


Attend a Careers & Opportunities Hub Event:


Book an appointment with a Faculty Employability Adviser:


Contact the Careers Service Visit the Careers and Opportuntiies Hub in SAB 303 CareerConnect: Access CareerConnect – our Careers and Opportunities platform go to To retain access to CareerConnect beyond your employment at the University, create an account with a personal email address at: Email: Follow us @uowcareers, @_UoWcareers @universityofwinchestercareers

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