American and Canadian Exchange Handbook

Page 1



CONTENTS OVERVIEW Study abroad programmes


What our students say


Does my programme participate


Application process


Where can I study abroad


FINANCIALS Can I afford it?


Costs explained


Tuition fees and the exchange programme student loans


Evidencing funds for the US


Am I eligible for financial support?

TRAVEL COVER Healthcare and travel cover


Immunisation and Covid-19 vaccinations




Stage 2


Applying for a US visa


Module (class) Selection: How do I register for classes on exchange


Transcript and grade conversion


Other differences in study


Cultural differences


What about my time at Winchester?


A ‘to do’ list


Conditions for participating


CONTACTS List of contacts


STUDY ABROAD PROGRAMMES The Exchange Programme is an opportunity to study abroad for a semester at one of our partner universities. It is an opportunity to experience a different culture first-hand, broadening your cultural awareness and understanding of another worldview. Studying abroad is an opportunity to meet people from completely different cultural backgrounds, and form friendships that will continue long after the exchange programme has finished. It also presents an opportunity to travel and visit places that have always tugged at your imagination. Without doubt, one of the most significant outcomes of studying abroad is the difference it will make to your self-reliance and independence, developing those transferable skills that can make all the difference to your future career and life choices. The Exchange study experience requires engagement with different styles and patterns of study such as more frequent assessments, different terminology, mandatory attendance and verbal participation. Students report that this can be challenging, however, their engagement with the experience enhances their academic practice, meaning they return to their studies here in Winchester with additional skills and competencies. Undertaking to study for a semester overseas is no mean challenge, aside from navigating the application processes and visa requirements, there is the actual travel, living and studying at the partner institution! But if you take part, you will mature and develop as a person, undoubtedly enhancing your career options by demonstrating your ambition to engage with something that is more than the norm. The dates for the period abroad vary depending on the Semester you have been offered, typically those on Exchange during Semester 1 will be at the host University for the ‘Fall’ Semester between late August and mid-December (dates vary), returning to the UK in time for the start of the second Semester of Year 2 (or 3 if applicable) in early January. If studying abroad in Semester 2 students complete Semester 1 at Winchester and exchange to their host University for the Spring Semester between January-May (dates vary).



DOES MY PROGRAMME PARTICIPATE? You can apply for a place on the exchange programme

“I loved Southern Oregon University, from the different

if you are currently a full-time first year student (or

environment to the welcoming lecturers. The USA was

a second year Accounting & Finance or Psychology

brilliant, I didn’t expect it to be as different as it was!”

student). However, please note students on the

Sam Hall, Film Production

following programmes cannot take part: • Acting

“The experience has opened my perspectives to a

• Animal Science and Conservation/Animal Welfare and Society

different system and culture”

• Criminology with Law

Tom Fox, Computer Science

• Cyber Crime and Forensic Investigation • Cyber Security with Law • Data Science

“I found the experience exciting. I liked being able to

• Forensic Investigative Psychology

travel to lots of different states. I really loved the United

• Music and Sound Production

States. It was a culture shock, but I would encourage

• Nursing (ALL PATHWAYS)

anyone to consider a semester abroad”

• Nutrition and Dietetics

Thomas Howe, Film Production

• Physiotherapy • Politics with Law • Primary Education with Qualified Teacher Status

“As cliche as it sounds, the exchange has been the most

• Professional Policing

incredible experience of my life. I have made great life-

• Psychology and Child Development

long friends with the fellow Winchester students who

• Psychology with Criminology

came with me, as well as exchange students from other

• Psychology with Law

universities around Britain and Europe. We also have

• Social Work

many great American friends who want to visit over the

• Sport and Exercise Psychology

summer, and I have found it very difficult leaving Maine because of all these amazing people.” Katie Way, English Language

Students normally take part on an exchange in semester 1, but the following programmes go on exchange in semester 2 instead: • Archaeological Practice

“Studying in Canada was unforgettable. It’s very different to simply visiting on holiday, as I became completely immersed in this wonderful country and its surprising cultural differences! I would not have wanted to spend four months anywhere else.” Katy Jones, Childhood, Youth and Community Studies

• Archaeology • Computer Science • Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence • Computer Systems and Networks • Cyber Security • History and Archaeology • International Development: Global Health • Law pathways

“The experience was incredibly transformative in that it’s given me as well as many others I know, much more independence and has definitely helped me in deciding what kind of path I wish to pursue in the future.” Bryan Thomas, American Studies


• Software Engineering

APPLICATION PROCESS 2024/25 SEMESTER 1 AND 2 International Opportunities Fayre

Wednesday 18 October 2023

STAGE 1 Submit application for 2024/25 Exchange Programme to Study Abroad (ISS - WB40) in person.

Friday 19 January 2024

Interviews for applicants

January 30 to February 8

Applicants 2024/25 notified if successful.

Tuesday 13 February 2024

Nomination made to host institution

STAGE 2 Application to host institution Applications to UWEC and GCSU Applications for Shenandoah University All other partner institutions: PRE-DEPARTURE SESSION 1: Applying to your host university

1 March 2024 1 May 2024 15 May 2024

Wednesday 14 February 2024


Wednesday 6 March 2024


Wednesday 27 March 2024

PRE-DEPARTURE SESSION 4: Culture shock and homesickness

Wednesday 24 April 2024

Complete Study Abroad Agreement Form (signed by your Programme Leader)

Wednesday 26 June 2024

Depart for the US/ Canada

Mid-August to early September 2024




Eastern Illinois University (EIU) BEST FIT for: Sports (all programmes) Other programmes may apply

King’s University College, London, Ontario BEST FIT for: Interprofessional Studies

Shenandoah University, Virginia (SU) BEST FIT for: Sports programmes, Other programmes may apply

(StFX) BEST FIT for: Geography, Sport.

Some of our partner institutions are considered to be University of Southern Maine (USM) BEST FIT for: English programmes, Other programmes may apply.

a ‘BEST FIT’ for particular subject areas, and for the programmes listed, this will be the first consideration when we are matching students with places. We can sometimes be flexible as it may depend on numbers of students who have applied, so we do ask that

Westminster College, Fulton, Missouri (WEST) BEST FIT for: Accounting & Finance; Global History & Politics; Politics & Global Studies Other programmes may apply Southern Utah University (SUU) Southern Utah University | Cedar City, UT | SUU All programmes can apply Georgia College & State University (GCSU) BEST FIT for: Psychology, Business Management, Other programmes may apply Montana State University Billings (MSUB) BEST FIT for: Creative Writing, Other programmes may apply Southern Oregon University (SOU) BEST FIT for: Criminology, Forensics, Digital Media, Psychology. Other programmes may apply University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire (UWEC) BEST FIT for: Accounting & Finance, Archaeological Practice, Archaeology, Geography, History (all programmes). Other programmes may apply


you indicate your preferences, and we will try to accommodate where we can. However, please be aware that it is ultimately a University decision. Having said that, all of our partners offer a fantastic learning experience, with excellent facilities and fantastic locations.













CAN I AFFORD IT? Guide to estimated costs per 16 semester weeks: EIU






Housing / meal plan




(10 Weeks)



Application fee



$ 35



$100 application fee

Housing deposit



$ 125



$50 housing application fee

Amenities and other fees, e.g. orientation, ID, gym, etc.

$350 (Includes $50 to mail acceptance pack to you)


$ 206


Medical insurance













Living expenses







Funds to evidence







Visa fee

$160 plus $18 delivery service

$160 plus $18 delivery service

$160 plus $18 delivery service

$160 plus $18 delivery service

$160 plus $18 delivery service







StFX (Canada) CAD




KING’S (Canada) CAD

Housing / meal plan






Application Fee






Housing deposit






Amenities and other fees, e.g. Orientation, ID, Gym, etc.






Medical Insurance












Living expenses






Funds to Evidence






Visa Fee

$160 plus $18 delivery service

$160 plus $18 delivery service

$160 plus $18 delivery service

You will require an eTA at a cost of CAD$7

You will require an eTA at a cost of CAD$7







Plus, airfare This will depend on when you fly and where you fly to and from. We recommend you check via Google Flights, Skyscanner, Momondo or other sources. STA Travel offer student discounts


EVIDENCING FUNDS Costs that must be met before the commencement of the exchange programme (though housing may be paid by instalment). The sum of money you are required to evidence to the US institution to prove you can afford to live and study in America and thus gain a US Visa Please note that these institutions have made purchase of their medical insurance mandatory. * Indicates optiona


TUITION FEES AND THE EXCHANGE These programmes are specifically defined as ‘exchange programmes’ rather than ‘visiting’ or ‘international scholarship’ because the UoW receives students from the partner institutions as part of a reciprocal agreement. With regards to payment of tuition fees: a) UK domiciled students continue to pay tuition fees to UoW in the usual way. You must advise Student Finance England that you will be going on an exchange and provide details of where you will be studying and your start and finish dates in order that they can correctly calculate your tuition fee payments and student loan entitlement. If you are required to contribute to your

These are estimated costs in US and Canadian Dollars

tuition fees, you will need to contact the University

respectively, based on the 2023/24 figures, the

Finance department to arrange how payments will be

exchange partners will likely apply a price increase for

made during your absence.

the 2024/25 academic year. Given the cost-of-living increases that we are seeing here in the UK, it would be wise to assume as much as a 10% increase for the next academic year. The exchange rates between GBP and USD/ CAD will also fluctuate and impact on what you can expect to have to pay and provide evidence for. We

b) EU students will need to apply to the DfE for help with fees in the usual way. You will also need to advise the DfE that you are going on an exchange and provide details of where you will be studying and your start and finish dates.

recommend that you check the USD to GBP and CAD to

The address is: Student Finance Services – EU Students,

GBP exchange rates regularly,

Student Loans Company, PO Box 89, Darlington, County

Our partner institutions each offer a range of housing options and meal packages. University students in the US would expect to share a twin room, so rather than being the norm, sole occupancy options bear a

Durham, DL1 9AZ, United Kingdom (tel: 0141 243 3570). Registry can provide you with a letter to accompany your own, verifying the details of exchange and the term dates.

higher cost premium. The meal packages also vary

c) Overseas students will need to pay the full rate

usually from a basic package of 2 meals per day to an

of tuition fees for Overseas Students to the UoW in

‘unlimited option’. Self- catered options are not available

the usual way. Please contact the University Finance

to exchange students.

department to arrange how payments will be made

Although many of the costs highlighted in the guide chart above would apply if you remained in Winchester for the semester (i.e., you would still pay for housing and food), you need to consider other additional costs of the ‘extras’ (e.g., flights, US visa, deposits, medical insurance). Please also note that you will also need to have funds to cover costs when they become due,

during your absence.

STUDENT LOANS If you receive a maintenance loan from the Student Loans Company then you must contact them at least 2 months before you go to America/Canada to inform them of your study abroad plans.

for example the sections in green will need to be paid before you begin your exchange programme.


EVIDENCING FUNDS FOR THE US EXCHANGE In order to be eligible for your visa, the US Embassy requires that you prove you have sufficient money to support yourself in the US during your exchange period. This money can be in your bank or savings account, or the account of a parent, relative or guardian, or a combination of these. You will be required to supply certified bank statements as proof. This money may not be the actual money you use (you may earn money over the summer) but if you do reference other people’s accounts, it will count as an obligation on them if your funds fall short. Your Student Maintenance Loan counts toward this calculation and you will need to provide the confirmation letter that Student Finance England sends to you confirming how much maintenance loan you will be provided with.

AM I ELIGIBLE FOR ANY FINANCIAL SUPPORT? The University Access Fund will support UK students who have been means tested by Student Finance England as having a household income below the two thresholds for support (£25k pa and £42,875 pa), are Care Leavers or Young Adult Carers or Estranged Students. Support from these funds is normally in the order of between £500-£1000 for an individual. Many students are also eligible for a Student Finance England Travel Grant which can assist you with the cost of your travel, insurance and visa. See here https://www. grants-students-england/what-youll-get for information. The webpage notes: • You must pay the first £303 of your travel costs - and your travel grant will be reduced by £1 for each £8.73 of household income over £39,796. • You can apply for: – up to 3 return journeys between your home and the overseas institution if a full academic year abroad – help with essential expenses, medical insurance and travel visas You will need to keep your receipts for your flights and other costs as you won’t be able to claim money back from SFE without them.


HEALTHCARE AND TRAVEL COVER Healthcare in the USA and Canada is different from the UK. The US healthcare system is private and can be extremely expensive. Canadian healthcare more resembles the NHS, but it can still be expensive.

IMMUNISATION AND COVID-19 VACCINATIONS No specific immunisations are required for visitors to the US or Canada, but you should ensure that your usual

Emergencies are always covered, but aftercare is not.

vaccinations are up to date. You will need to complete a

For this reason, it is absolutely essential that you are fully

medical form for your host university, so it is important

covered. The University of Winchester provides you with

to have everything in order.

travel and medical cover for the duration of your stay at

COVID-19 – All non-U.S. citizen, non-U.S. immigrants

your host University. To confirm cover, you will need to

travelling to the US by air are required to show proof

complete the Travel Cover Forms (available from the

of being fully vaccinated against COVID-19. You are

Health & Safety intranet page) four weeks prior to your

considered fully vaccinated:


• Two weeks (14 days) after your dose of an accepted single-dose vaccine

These forms will require you to disclose any pre-existing conditions for which you receive treatment. You will need to take a sufficient supply of any prescription medication with you. In addition, your host institution may decide that your pre-existing condition requires you

• Two weeks (14 days) after your second dose of an accepted 2-dose series • Two weeks (14 days) after you received the full series of an accepted COVID-19 vaccine (not placebo) in a clinical trial

Your personal property is also covered against theft, loss

• Two weeks (14 days) after you received 2 doses of any “mix-and-match” combination of accepted COVID-19 vaccines administered at least 17 days apart*

or accidental breakage.

As a UK student you are already strongly advised to be

There are exclusions from the cover, for instance for

immunised against Group C meningococcal disease.

extreme sports or for holiday time outside the semester

The same applies to US Universities. If you missed

dates. If you require cover for anything like this, then you

the immunisation sessions for Meningitis at the start

will need to provide your own travel insurance.

of year 1 and you need to follow up the tests and/or

to purchase their healthcare cover for the period of your exchange.

If you suffer an injury or become ill whilst abroad, you must contact the University Travel Cover Company

vaccinations above; please contact Student Services or your GP to arrange for this to be done before you leave.

via the 24/7 Emergency number and as soon as you

Some American universities do insist on certain specific

can. TELL THEM FIRST, not us! If you do not tell the


coverage company that you are sick or hurt, they may

SOU - students going to SOU are required to have two

not honour the policy. Keep all receipts and all medical

doses of the measles vaccine.


If you have a pre-existing health condition you may be

A few of our partner institutions require students

required to have additional vaccinations (for example

attending their university to purchase their particular

Hep B), therefore please declare any such condition

Health Cover package in addition to the Cover provided

so that we can ensure you have received the correct

by the University of Winchester. These universities are


indicated in the chart detailing estimated costs. Further information regarding the particular healthcare package required will be given in the acceptance pack your host university provides.



THE APPLICATION PROCESS There are two stages to the application process,

you research your first-choice university and be able to

Stage 1 – the application to UoW to participate in the

tell us a bit about them and why you chose them as your

Exchange Programme, and Stage 2 – the application to

first choice. We also advise that you thoroughly read this

the partner institution.

handbook and attend one of the recruitment meetings


The questions we ask will be based on these materials. We may not have enough places for everyone, so you need to stand out for the right reasons! If you are successful in your interview, then you will be

What makes for a good application?

offered a place on the exchange programme. You will

If you are interested in making an application for a

be allocated the location that best fits your Winchester

place on the exchange, you are strongly encouraged to

programme of study.

research the institutions applicable to your programme,

We cannot guarantee that you will get your first

especially if a ‘BEST FIT’ is indicated. The websites for these universities will provide you with information about their location, the classes available, admissions, processes, cultural differences, facilities and housing available at each institution, all of which will inform your decision to apply. As this suggests, you will need to write your application carefully. Please indicate where you would like to study and explain why you want to study abroad for a semester. Support from your Programme Leader. You must discuss your intention to participate in the exchange programme with your Programme Leader(s). Having their support is essential to evidence that you have the academic ability to handle the challenges of a different educational system.

choice of host university, but we do take note of your preference. Most years most students go to a university of their choice. We send your nomination for a place to the host institution for confirmation that they have places available.

STAGE 2: APPLICATION TO THE HOST INSTITUTION You will receive notification around the middle of January for Semester 1 or middle of September for Semester 2 if you have been provisionally offered a place at the host institution. The next step is for you to make a formal Application to the American/Canadian host university. The partner institutions each have their own application process, and this can be a time-

Equally, please advise on the application form if

consuming process - you will need to be methodical in

you have a learning agreement in place so that we

gathering all of the required materials together!

can ensure the host institution is informed and can

Here’s an idea of what is involved in applying to your

accommodate your requirements. After you have submitted your application to the Study Abroad Team – deadline Wednesday 1st February 2023,

host • Application – this may be online, or you may need to print out forms.

the next step will be to attend a formal interview.

• Academic Recommendation – from your Personal Tutor or Programme Leader.

The interviews will take place during the week 7th – 9th

• Statement of purpose – usually 200-300 words to explain your reasons why you wish to study at your host university.

February 2023. The Interview This is a chance for us to gauge your understanding of the process and confirm your suitability to participate in the programme. The interview panel will consist of a member of the Study Abroad team and the Internationalisation Manager (or equivalent member of staff). You will be asked a series of questions about your application, so you must come prepared. We advise that


so that you are familiar with the exchange programme.

• For US partners: Financial Statement – to confirm you have access to the minimum requirement of funds requested by your host (see page x for the estimated amount you will need to evidence). • For US partners: Financial Evidence – original proof to evidence you have the amounts you have declared on your Financial Statement (this can be bank statement, student loan letter or any further original documentation you have to substantiate your funds). • A copy of your academic transcript – Registry provides this with your application, please remember

that you need to maintain a C grade average to be

take part). Exceptionally, you can take one 200 level

accepted by the host university.

class. You CANNOT take classes coded 100/0 level as

• Class Selection – either online or paper. This is to select your classes. Students taking practical courses may be required to submit an audition or portfolio.

this will result in a ‘fail’ mark back at the University of

• A copy of the biographical page of your passport (you must show your original passport to Registry who will take the copy for you).


• If your host university accept your application, then you will receive an Acceptance Pack which will allow you to complete the following steps:

results will be provided by your host institution. This

– Apply for housing at your host university Apply for your visa. – Get a rough idea of the dates when you should book your flights.


When you complete your classes, a transcript of will be withheld if you have any outstanding debts at the partner. Please ensure that you have paid any outstanding debts to your host university before you leave. The UK grading/marking system differs from the US

DO NOT book flights until you are absolutely certain

and Canada – assignments in the UK are marked out of

that you have been accepted to the HOST university,

75 but out of 100 in the US/ Canada. Therefore, upon

have obtained your visa and have passed all your

receipt of your US/Canadian transcript in the Registry,

modules at the University of Winchester.

the marks need to be converted to their UK equivalent


grade as per the chart below. Please be assured that although the marks differ, the

Unless you are a US citizen, all students taking part

grades equate to the same. An ‘A’ in the US/ Canada is

on the US exchange must obtain a visa. This will cost

still an ‘A’ in the UK!

approximately £400 GBP and you will have to visit the US Embassy in London (or in your home country if you are applying as an EU/Overseas student) to attend a

This conversion is a condition of taking part. No exceptions apply.

visa interview. Once you’ve had your interview at the US

Only the equivalent of 60 CATS or 30 ECTS will be

Embassy, it will take approximately five working days

converted for credit, if you choose to take more than

for your visa to be printed/produced, and it will then be

the required credit that will be your choice.

posted to you. With regards to Canada, as you are going for less than

US (%)




75 (A)



70 (A)



69 (B)



65 (B)



60 (B)

host University along with your application forms



59 (C)

(or thereafter if they’re not ready by the application



55 (C)

deadline.) This may be online or paper. You will also be



50 (C)



49 (D)



45 (D)



40 (D)



six months you only require an eTa (Electronic Travel Authorisation) which costs approx. $7 (CAN)

MODULE (CLASS) SELECTION: HOW DO I REGISTER FOR CLASSES ON EXCHANGE? You will complete a class selection form for your

required to complete a Study Abroad Agreement form for the University of Winchester and have this signed by your programme leader(s) as an agreement of modules that are acceptable to take. Information about classes can be found in the catalogues available on the host institution website. You should consult these and your Programme Leader early


80 – 89

70 -79 (A)

for guidance on appropriate choices and attend our


70 – 79

60 – 69 (B)

Pre-departure sessions. Although classes for 2023/24


60 – 69

50 – 59 (C)


50 - 59

40 – 49 (D)




may not be published for some time, you can search for information now by looking at the Fall/ Spring 2022/23 classes. You need to select classes at level 300/0 (or level 400/0 if you will be in your third year when you


OTHER DIFFERENCES IN STUDY • Academic staff are called “faculty” and all academics are known as a “Professor.” There are also different names for first years, second years, etc. – Freshmen = V I form / FE study – Sophomore First year of university – Junior = Second year of university – Senior = Third/Final year of university • You MUST attend all the classes you sign up for. Attendance is usually mandatory and is normally part of the grading. • You MUST notify the tutor of any problems that may make you miss a class. If you do not, there may be demerits. In extremity this can include being required to leave a popular class to allow another student to take your place. • Semester 1 typically begins late August and is completed mid-December. • Classes generally start earlier in the day than at Winchester, e.g., they can start at 8.00am. They are also usually shorter, but they may meet up to three times a week. • You should also expect to be assessed on your contribution in class discussion. • Assessments, quizzes and tests can happen frequently, even every week, so you must be prepared for these. They too will count in the overall grade. • There is a difference in the way assignments/exams are graded. The grades that you get will be adjusted downwards into University of Winchester grades as noted above. • Classes can be subject to change, so please be aware that even though you may have registered for your chosen classes they can be altered or cancelled due to changes of circumstances right up the start date. You MUST contact Studyabroad@winchester. before making any change to your class selection.

CULTURAL DIFFERENCES • The US and Canada are different from the UK in more ways than people realise – in language, ethnicity and race, laws, politics, habits, food and cultural expectations for instance. • To help students adjust and make the most of their time, all universities offer Orientation and Welcome programmes. Our exchange students have strongly endorsed these, and you are strongly encouraged to attend (in fact, most of the partner universities have now made these mandatory.) • The minimum age limit for the consumption of alcohol is 21 years in the US and 19 in Canada. You will be breaking the law if you do not abide by this. You may be fined and/or lose your visa and be forced to return home. • Distance means more. Make sure you check a map to see where the host is located if you plan to travel around. • There is much less public transport available – fewer buses and very few trains. The car is king – but most students have one, so make friends.


• It’s very common practice to share a room (dorms) in US and Canadian universities. In some you can apply for a single room, but they are limited and will cost more. If you have a room- mate, there will be a process to select someone with whom you are compatible! • Your visa forbids you from employment.

WHAT ABOUT MY TIME AT WINCHESTER? How do I choose my modules for the semester at Winchester? Before you complete Yr. 1 at The University of Winchester, you will also need to select your modules for your Yr. 2 study (modules you will take here at Winchester). Module catalogues and selections will be available from the Registry intranet page and My Record in March 2023, and you must ensure that you complete the selection form before you leave for the summer vacation. This is all done online, and you will need to choose modules for the semester you are planning on being away for just in case. Where will I live for the semester in Winchester? You have the option to be accommodated within University Halls in Winchester. It is not a requirement (however, it is recommended – it is cost-effective because you will only pay for the time you are there rather than a private rent which would be for the entire year) If you wish to secure University accommodation, whether Semester 1 or Semester 2, you must complete the University housing application form before the end of May 2023.

A ‘TO DO’ LIST • Talk to your family and friends about your plans to study abroad and discuss what you hope to gain from it. This will help you firm up your reasons for taking part. • Discuss the extra costs with them and consider how you will cover these. • Be sure about what those costs are likely to be and the application requirements they involve, e.g., providing evidence of your finances for the US. • Make sure you know what financial support you are eligible for from the University and from SFE. • Make sure you understand the relevant visa process and its requirements. • Research your choice of host university. Visit their websites. Don’t be shy about asking us for contact with former exchange students. They’ll be pleased to give you invaluable advice based on their own experience. • Speak to your module tutors and especially to your Programme Leader about the exchange opportunity you are interested in and about choosing classes at our partner University. • Draft your application to Winchester carefully, answering all the questions fully. • Ask for your academic recommendation early. • Be brave. Only a minority of students study abroad, but those who do usually find it the highlight of their time as a student and consider it a very worthwhile investment in their future.

CONDITIONS FOR PARTICIPATING IN THE EXCHANGE • Satisfactory completion of all current academic year modules (you must maintain AT LEAST a C grade average - a mark of 50 or more). We cannot send you if you fail. • You must make yourself fully aware of ALL the financial implications of your study abroad - the cost of the visa application, insurance, housing, living expenses, etc. If you do not, you will find the exchange unaffordable. We also recommend you leave some margin for changes in the exchange rates. • You accept that the exchange is for one semester only and cannot be extended. • You must have shown in your application that you have researched the primary institution to which you have applied, and must show an appreciation for the cultural, economic and social differences between the USA/Canada and the UK, as well as an understanding of what benefits this would bring to you as an individual.

must obtain a Canadian eTA (electronic travel authorization.) This will cost CAD $7. You will also be required to obtain medical insurance. • You must take a minimum of 12 Credits in the US (or 16 Credits if you are studying at High Point University or Southern Oregon University); or a minimum of 15 credits in Canada. • As a Year 2 student you should study classes at level 300/0, exceptionally, you can take one 200/0 level class with agreement from your PL. • As a Year 3 student you should study classes at level 400/0 • You CANNOT take classes coded 100/0 level while on exchange* – these will not count towards your degree and will result in a ‘fail’ grade being entered on your transcript. There is an exception for DOPA students attending Shenandoah University, but these 100/0 classes must be agreed with the Programme Leader. • You accept that the choice of classes at the partner will be constrained by what the partner makes available to you and by the need for your Programme Leader to approve classes. • It is your responsibility to ensure that you are taking the correct number of classes at the correct level and that all are approved by your Programme Leader. • If you need to change your classes for any reason you must inform Study Abroad (Registry) of your intention and the details of the replacement - before making the change – by email to studyabroad@winchester. • All changes require permission from Study Abroad (Registry) and your programme leader and the University is not obliged to accept any marks, grades or credits obtained in any form of assessment, essay or examination in a class which has not been approved. • Deviation from your approved classes may seriously jeopardise your progression on your programme and the final award of your degree. • You must pass all 8 modules/120 CATS credits in each year of study. This includes classes taken on the exchange. Classes failed on exchange are eligible for resubmission to Winchester. • Level 300/0 classes taken during the exchange will be regarded as equivalent to Level 5 modules at The University of Winchester for the purposes of calculating your degree classification. • You accept that all marks/grades gained on the exchange will be converted. The University reserves the right to withdraw the offer of a place to any student who fails to meet the requirements for the exchange at any stage or

• You must be accepted by the host university to which you have applied.

any student guilty of misconduct prior to or during

• Students taking part in the US exchange programme must obtain a US F1 or J1 visa. This will cost approximately £400 GBP and you will have to visit the US Embassy in London in person (or in your home country if you are applying as an EU/Overseas student) to attend a brief interview.

Winchester modules you are completing in your

the exchange. For example, if you fail any of the current academic year of study, you will not normally be permitted to take part in the exchange.

• Students taking part in the Canadian exchange



about any issues you might be experiencing, to listen to your concerns, and to offer support and advice as appropriate. You can book an appointment with them via their appointment page. You can also email them at

WHO DO I GO TO IF I NEED SUPPORT? Whilst you are studying abroad, you can speak to your host university for the support services but please Information on common mental health difficulties – anxiety and depression

remember, you are still a University of Winchester

If you feel that you are struggling with your mental


health, we would firstly recommend that you seek guidance from your GP or local health services as soon


as you can.

Student Support & Success is made up of a number

Is your mental health impacting you on placement?

of different professional services, each trained to help and advise students on different areas. These services include; • Student Life Advice - student.advice@winchester. • Disability and learning diversity - disability@ • Students and Money - studentsandmoney@ • Academic skills - • Student Support & Success Advisers

MANAGING YOUR MENTAL HEALTH WHILST STUDYING ABROAD I would like to speak to someone about my mental health The university has set up an agreement with CareFirst, an external counselling provider; to offer telephone and online counselling to our students. This service is free to all current students at Winchester and we would encourage you to contact CareFirst at 0800 174319 (U.K.) or +44 (0) 1452 623243 (International) to request an appointment. Please make sure you let them know you are a student at the university of Winchester when you call. CareFirst is an external service which holds separate clinical governance and so the University will not be advised as to who has accessed this service. We would also recommend you explore resources on Winchester Uni Wellbeing App (Android / Apple) and Togetherall. These services offer a variety of self-help and mental fitness tools which you can access free of charge by using your unimail email address to set up an anonymous user profile. These services do not share user information with the university. If you would like to speak to someone at the university for support, our Student Life Advisers are a team of professional staff based in Student Support and Success who are able to talk to you confidentially


If your mental health is impacting your wellbeing on your Study Abroad programme, don’t keep this to yourself. Please speak to your personal tutor and/or your Study Abroad Co-ordinator who will organise a meeting with you and your SSSA/member of the International Student Success Team to discuss support. Please take a look at Mind website, which provides an A-Z list of a variety of mental health conditions. Remember, you can access support here at Winchester if you are struggling with your mental health.




Contact: Students and Money

Regarding applications to universities, module (class) selections, official correspondence etc. Contact: Study Abroad Registry Room WB40 Tel (01962) 827455

Regarding student loan payments. Winton Building 21 Tel (01962) 827397 Email: Regarding: tuition fees. Contact: Finance Email:




Regarding additional learning support

Regarding obtaining accommodation for your semester in Winchester. Contact: Housing St. Swithun’s Lodge – Ground floor Tel (01962) 826395 Email:

Contact: Student Services Tel (01962) 826 395 Email:

FOR TRAVEL COVER QUERIES Regarding cover provided by The University of Winchester. Contact: Andy Nicolaides Email:

For more information please contact: Study Abroad Team The University of Winchester Winchester, SO22 4NR Email: Tel 01962 827455

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