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Give it a go, that’s what everyone says about University, and you know what? It’s completely true. This is one of those no risk periods in life where you can try out a whole range of sports or societies. You can try something you’ve always wanted to do, something you’ve been scared to do, something you’ve always loved. Of course, that doesn’t mean you might be nervous to just turn to turn up in the first place, but everyone is in the same boat and the SU is there to support you.
It’s not just societies and sports though, the Union run the Vault, which is essentially a nightclub on campus. It’s the place to go for student nights, and they cover a range of genres and vibes, though for most people
BOP on Wednesday night, following sports and societies, is the big one. It’s not all club nights though, the Union also ran a variety of events such as film screenings, pub quizzes, wellbeing cafés, bingo, sporting events, Yoga and student election debates. Trust me, the debates can get very interesting.