2 minute read

Step 5 Plan your next steps to make it happen

3 Self-employment

Why not achieve your dream job by setting up your own company? You may have a business idea, want to work freelance, as a contractor or as a start-up/business? Do you have a product or service that you want to deliver or run? To be taken seriously you will need to articulate your offer and unique selling point, have a business plan and marketing strategy. Book an appointment with our Enterprise Officer, via CareerConnect to discuss your options and get advice on how to best navigate the world of enterprise, business ownership or freelancing.

4 Taking time out

You may want to take the opportunity to do something different, add to your experience, see the world, experience diverse cultures and experience different ways of working. Future employers will appreciate the understanding of diversity and range of experiences that you will bring to them.

Taking time to weigh up your options, decide where your professional interests lie, travel and gain life experience also helps you to make more informed career decisions. Part-time work, volunteering, travelling, or completing a short course during this time will help you to further your understanding of what you want from your career.

Step 5 Plan your next step

The best way to turn your ideas and research into reality is to establish a plan and formulate your next steps. An action plan is a checklist or steps to take to achieve your goals and it doesn’t need to be complicated. There are many different templates but here are 6 steps to explain an approach to achieve your goals. ■ Outline your goal or desired aspiration ■ List the steps you need to take or tasks to complete to reach your goal ■ Include deadlines and a timescale for each task ■ Include the names of the people who can help you ■ Consider what resources are needed to complete each task-how will you access them? ■ How will you evaluate your progress?

You might choose to put all the above into a table. Aim to keep your tasks SMART.

Suggested action plan within a table

Outline your goals or aspiration List steps or tasks to do to reach your goal Add deadlines or a timescale for each step Write the names of the people who can help at each step

Outline any resources needed to complete each task

How will you know if this goal is reached?

1. 1.





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