1 minute read
13 & 14 July, 9.30am-5pm; Hybrid / West Downs Centre, 401 & 403
A Message From The Prme Champion
Dr Boidurjo Rick Mukhopadhyay
PRME Champion, Winchester Business School
“With an interdisciplinary and triple-helix programme agenda and purpose-driven speakers, the 2023 PRME Symposium at the Winchester Business School will bring a comprehensive set of discussion and debates on how and where business school can continue to effectively further sustainable development agenda, both nationally and internationally. This PRME symposium will gather regional businesses engaged with the sustainability agenda, national and global PRME Champions, nationally esteemed Research institutions working on SDGs and ESGs with high impact, and business school leaders on 13-14 July 2023 at the University of Winchester Business School with a hybrid option, to advance responsible management education and its wide impact on global civil society.”
Recognising the journey from ‘Take.Use.Dispose’ to ‘Make.Use.Return’, businesses are increasingly expected to strengthen their identity and role in solving the environmental and social challenges the world is facing. The larger focus on Triple Bottom Line and enhancing ESG performances have re-established businesses as a key actor besides the state in contributing to the Sustainability agenda. At the same time, business schools, working closely with industry and the state, also have a responsibility to prepare responsible leaders to rise to these global challenges in new, integrated ways, and the UN Global Compact provide the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) agenda for higher education institutions to pursue these goals with a more structured and measurable approach.
Organisations are under increasing pressure from various stakeholders to embed environmental and social purpose into business systems and structures. Our 2023 Winchester Business School PRME symposium would explore how sustainable practices have contributed to wider green agenda as well as re-evaluate the financial feasibility of ‘responsible businesses’, while also looking at the role, impact, and future of business schools in building responsible leaders for tomorrow.
Participating Institutions And Associates
• PRME Secretariat, Foundation for the Global Compact
• Centre for Circular Economy and Advanced Sustainability (CEAS), Aston University
• Growth and Business Cycle Research Group, University of Manchester
• ‘Impact of Society Award’ Winner for 2023, University of Sussex
• Westminster Development Policy Network, University of Westminster
• PRME Chapter Eurasia & PRME Champion, Almaty University, Kazakhstan
• Centre for Development and Environmental Policy (CDEP), IIM India
• GuS Periscopes Limited
• Hampshire-based SMEs engaged in sustainability and circular economy
• Conscious Planet – Save Soil
Refreshments and a Buffet Lunch will be provided. Find out more about PRME at our University Business School here: www.winchester.ac.uk/about-us/sustainability-and-social-justice/ principles-for-responsible-management-education
Winchester Business School
University of Winchester
West Downs Campus
Romsey Road
SO22 5HT
Purpose Method Research Partnership Dialogue
We commit to align our core functions and curriculum with PRME’s Principles