Student Charter 2021-22

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Student Charter 2021-22



Student Charter and Service Standards CONTENTS Student Charter


Service Standards - Your Course


Service Standards - Assessment and Feedback


Service Standards - Student Voice


Service Standards – Wellbeing


If you have concerns


Student Policies and Procedures




Student Charter This charter, written together by the University and Winchester Student Union, embodies the mutual expectation from both staff and students to help ensure all members of our university community can flourish.

THE STUDENT CHARTER IS SPECIFICALLY FOR UNDERGRADUATE AND POSTGRADUATE TAUGHT STUDENTS. We are committed to providing a high-quality learning and teaching environment and working together to ensure a safe, respectful and supportive environment for all who study and work here. Our passion is to see our students grow as a whole person; where it is safe to try new things and to stand up for what you believe in. Our world faces many complex challenges and we will encourage you to develop the knowledge and understanding, skills and attributes to make a difference to these challenges locally and globally. We encourage you to be active in shaping your university experience, where your voice is welcomed at all levels and through the many opportunities for engagement. Our University learning community champions social justice and sustainability and we seek to embody these values in all that we do. We look forward to the future and our place within it, striving to ensure we are making a difference to the world around us. If you have any questions about the Student Charter, please contact or The Charter and Service Standards are reviewed annually by, and performance reported to, Student Advisory Council.

KEY TERMS Student Charter A Student Charter is a set of standards, or code of practice, that sets out the level of service that students can expect from their university, what to do if you have concerns, and how to make contact. The University’s Student Charter is reviewed annually by the Student Advisory Council. The University’s Service Standards The University’s Service Standards are descriptions of the levels of service that students can expect to receive. Service Standards underpin the Student Charter. The University would like its students to be satisfied with the education and support it provides. Service Standards, and meeting these levels of service delivery, are a key component in supporting high levels of satisfaction. Student Advisory Council Student Advisory Council is an advisory group to the Vice-Chancellor and Executive Leadership Team that includes the Student Union Sabbatical Officers, Student Union Executive Committee, student representatives from each academic subject area at the University and representatives from prescribed student demographics (e.g. BAME, disabled students, mature students and commuting students).










The teaching on your course will be engaging and will develop your academic talents. Teaching staff will provide a quality explanation of the subject in appropriate detail. Your academic experience will be underpinned by a learning environment that provides opportunities for critical engagement. The library and IT resources, facilities and course-specific resources will support your learning. We will ensure your course remains well organised and we will inform you of any unavoidable changes.

To ensure your learning experience is the best it can be, you are expected to participate in lectures, having engaged with the set preparatory material. To achieve your best, you should also explore further reading and research, using the wide variety of learning resources available to you, and take up the academic opportunities on offer, enabling you to grow as an independent scholar.

Staff will ensure the assessment criteria are available in advance of any assessment. Staff and the University will write policies in a clear and concise manner. Assessments will be marked using the relevant assessment criteria and feedback on assessed work will be timely, returned within 15 working days. The feedback you receive will be helpful in supporting your future development and will guide you on areas of improvement for future assessments.

To ensure you are well prepared for assessments, you should organise your time according to your deadlines. To achieve your best, you should read and understand the assessment criteria, as these provide the framework on which you are marked. You should keep in contact with your lecturers and Winchester Student Union and ask for support. When you receive feedback on an assessment, take time to reflect and act on the advice to enhance your future work.







Students will be represented across the University on all University boards and committees and we will encourage and value the feedback you give on your experience. We will let you know how your feedback has been acted on. Winchester Student Union represents your academic interests and will empower your voice through a variety of ways, including through the Student Academic Representative (StARs) scheme.

We hope you will make use of the many opportunities to share your opinions and views about your student experience. Ensure you speak regularly to your Course Team, Student Academic Representatives (StARs) and your Student Union. Give open and honest feedback and ensure that you make suggestions for alternative practice that would improve your experience.

We understand that there are many different areas of the Student Experience and will ensure that wellbeing is a key role in all, including your academic studies. We provide a wide range of services to help support your wellbeing. These include your Course Team, Student Services, the Student Union and the Chaplaincy. The University community is committed to both its students and staff welfare and we will offer the support you need to help you ensure your wellbeing.

There are many ways to consider wellbeing and only you know what wellbeing means to you. Please tell us if you’re not okay: we are here to support you. Reach out for support for yourself, or let us know if you’re concerned about a friend. You can support your wellbeing by getting involved in extra-curricular activities. The University has a zerotolerance policy for bullying, harassment and discrimination and we encourage students to let us know so that we can intervene and help.



Service Standards The University’s Service Standards help to define what you, as a student, can expect from the 4 key areas in the Student Charter. They provide precise descriptions of the levels of service that students can expect to receive in terms of timeliness, accessibility and quality. 1. Your Course • Your course will be designed and quality assured, or ‘validated’, by staff and students and involve external experts, to ensure that high quality standards are met. This usually takes place every 6 years. • You will be able to give feedback on your course each semester, • Your course will have a designated Home page on the University’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), where your teaching team will provide learning materials to support your study. • You will have access to library staff who can advise you on books, journals and online resources to support your learning. • You will have access to your personal Academic Engagement Dashboard showing how you are utilising all the academic tools you have access to. 2. Assessment and Feedback • Wherever possible, your written assessments (except formative assessments and those which have an exemption from anonymous marking) will be anonymised before they are marked, to minimise any possibility of discrimination or bias. • Marking criteria for your assessments are provided within the module handbooks, so that the criteria against which your work will be assessed are clear.

• Feedback on assessed work will be returned within 15 working days. 3. Student Voice • Your course should elect 2 Student Academic Representatives for each year of the course, to formally represent their classmates’ views. Elections will be arranged by your Programme Leader. • Your course shall facilitate a Student-Staff Liaison Committee meeting to discuss course-related feedback, 3 times each academic year and at least once per semester. Your course’s academic reps will be invited to attended and represent the student voice. • Minutes from your course’s Student-Staff Liaison Committee will be sent to the Student Union at the earliest possible convenience and will be made available through your Canvas home pages. • Improvements resulting from student feedback will be collated and good practice shared with both students and staff annually. 4. Wellbeing • Your University & Student Union is committed to ensuring that your wellbeing is a main priority. You can talk to your Course Team, Student Services, your Student Union and the Chaplaincy. When you contact us we will listen, respect you and we will take you seriously. • We will support you in accessing NHS provision, including local GP services. • 24/7 online mental wellbeing support is available for all students. • We will investigate all reports of bullying, harassment and discrimination.



If you have concerns

Student Policies and Procedures

Sometimes things may not go to plan. Please let us know so that we can help put things right. Contact Student Services ( who will help you find a resolution.

The University has the following Student Policies and Procedures, that inform these Service Standards. These are accessible on the main University website and available from Student Services on request;

If you feel the issue is not resolved, the University’s Complaints Policy is in place to support students. The Complaints Policy is available on the University intranet under Policies and Procedures.

• Assessment Regulations

You can also contact the Student Union Advice Centre for help with appeals, complaints and academic support

• Extenuating Circumstances Policy

• Attendance and Academic Engagement Policy • Complaints Policy • Drugs and Alcohol Policy • Race Harassment Guidance • Self-Certification for Extenuating Circumstances Policy • Sexual Harassment Policy • Student Charter • Student Disciplinary Policy • Student Voice and Representation Policy • Support to Study

University of Winchester, UKPRN: 10003614 Sparkford Road, Winchester, SO22 4NR Contact for enquiries:

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