3 minute read

Starting in September

We are looking forward to welcoming you back to our beautiful campus this September. Our top priority is that you have a thoroughly enjoyable and safe time here. The global pandemic has changed so much about our way of life and we know many of you will have questions about what university life at Winchester will now be like. The key points for you are:

■ We want to offer you a vibrant, on campus student experience this academic year. We are planning to welcome new and returning students onto campus and into student accommodation from September.

Teaching, unless on a course that is always delivered by distance learning, will be face-to-face, supported with online elements if needed.

■ Contingency plans are ready, should we need to change to a different mode of teaching.

For example, if we need to reduce capacity in classrooms in order to socially distance, there may be a rota of when you are in that particular class face-to-face and when you are attending online.

■ Get vaccinated: we strongly encourage you to get one (or two if offered) Covid vaccines ahead of starting University. If you are able to get your first vaccine before coming to Winchester but will need to get your second once you’re here, you can use the National Booking System to book your second vaccine . We’re also planning for an on campus vaccine clinic on Monday 13 September if you need to grab a jab. We will continue to follow the latest

Government guidance on elements like face coverings and group sizes for gatherings. Whatever the rules are for universities in September, we’ll be following them.

■ Get tested: regular testing will be an important part of keeping each other safe. You should get tested before you come to Winchester, twice upon your arrival and then continue to test twice a week across the semester. We will have a testing system set up for home testing, or whatever is required by the Government.

■ Face coverings will not be mandatory in teaching and learning environments or communal areas, although for extra protection we encourage you to wear one when inside a crowded building or where social distancing can’t be maintained. ■ Social events and extracurricular opportunities will be happening wherever possible as allowed by

Government guidance.

■ We cannot wait to welcome you to campus if you are on a face-to-face course. Apart from distance learning courses, all students and staff are expected to be attending face-to-face. If a medical reason means you need support to enable you to study, please contact student.advice@winchester.ac.uk


If you are an international student, please ensure you also read all the information in the International Student Handbook. We know travel may be more complicated this year but we are here to support you.


We have always been passionate about providing a supportive and inclusive environment to help all students flourish. This has never been more true as we plan for the upcoming academic year. All of our student support services, including mental health and disability support together with careers advice, will be available from September face-to-face and/or online, as best suits.


Should you need to self-isolate once you are at Winchester, you’ll be put into a Covid Care Group on Microsoft Teams, where a channel just for you and your housemates will give you an easy way to contact us 24/7 if you need any support during your selfisolation. It’s an easy way for us to reach out regularly as well to see how you’re getting on. Our Covid Care Groups also offer a great way to get involved with online activities whilst self-isolating.

We will continue to update our Covid webpage with the latest information. Keep an eye on www.winchester.ac.uk/covid

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