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The nitty gritty


Registry is responsible for timetabling centrally organised exams and these are held during the Semester 1 assessment weeks in January (for semester 1 modules with professional, statutory and regulatory body requirements only) and during the three week assessment period (which follows the 12 teaching weeks) at the end of Semester 2. The timetable is published on the Intranet approximately four weeks beforehand.

Students with exam support requirements (eg extra time), must advise Student Support and Success before the end of Week 8 in Semester 1 for Semester 1 exams and before the Semester 2 Spring Break for Semester 2 exams. In each instance students must confirm their exam support on My Record by these deadlines. After this date, support arrangements will only be made for valid medical or other emergencies. A timetable for students with exam support arrangements will be available for each exam on My Record at least five working days before the start of the exam period. If you are unable to view your timetable online please contact Registry.

Please note that your Faculty or department is responsible for locally organised exams which may occur at any point within the academic year. Please contact them for further information. If you are unable to attend any form of exam, you should advise your Faculty Office at the earliest opportunity and provide appropriate medical or other evidence. Where you cannot provide evidence in advance, you must provide it within five working days of the exam.

Students who require leave of absence for exams in order to meet their commitments for religious observance should notify their programme administrator by no later than Week 4 of the semester in which the exam is running. When Ramadan falls during the May exams period Registry will, wherever possible, schedule centrally organised exams in the morning for participating students who have informed the Registry Exams Officer via email of this need by Week 4 of Semester 2.

Please refer to the Exam Regulations and Section B of the Assessment Regulations. These can be found on the Regulations, Policies and Procedures section of the website.


Resit and deferred exams for Semester 2 are usually held in mid-July. Please do not book your summer vacation until you have received your end of year results and are sure that you will not be required to return to University during this period. The July exam timetable will be published on the Intranet approximately 1 week before the exams are due to be held.


Below is a table of the Progression and Award Boards normally held each year:

Month Progression and Award Board(s) Partner/Programme(s)/Students considered

June (late) Faculty Boards All undergraduate programmes (except Social Work), and taught modules for Masters and ProfDoc programmes

July (mid) Health and Wellbeing Faculty Board Social Work and Primary Healthcare Practice programmes only

August (early) Faculty Boards

September (early) Joint Faculty Board

November (late) All Faculty and Research Degree Quality Committee Boards

March Education and/or Health and Wellbeing Faculty Exam Board(s)

April Joint Faculty Board Students who are referred from June Faculty Boards, PGCE students, undergraduate Degree Apprenticeship students, Associate students

Students who are referred from July and August Faculty Boards

All taught postgraduate programmes (excluding PGCE) and ProfDoc programmes

Students on professional programmes who are due to complete in January or are referred from September

All taught postgraduate and ProfDoc students - who are due to complete in February or are referred from November

The decision of the Progression and Award Board about whether you are eligible to proceed/graduate will be posted on My Record within seven to ten working days of the Board, and an email will be sent to your Unimail account to confirm their release. You will be able to see your module results on your Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) thereafter. Results cannot be collected in person or issued over the telephone.

Please note that admittance to the Graduation ceremony will be denied for any student with a debt to the University.

Students who receive an exit award of a Certificate of Higher Education or Diploma of Higher Education will not be invited to attend a Graduation ceremony.


The precise date for submitting outstanding first or second attempts for coursework will be confirmed with your results. This is normally mid-July for students considered at the June Progression and Award Boards. Resit exams are also normally held in mid- July. Results for summer (re)submissions and deferred/resit exams and confirmation of whether you are eligible to proceed or graduate will be posted on My Record and a notification emailed to your Unimail address approximately 10 days after the Faculty Board.


Please note that it may be necessary to amend the modules that are on offer or the times they are taught (for example, if there are last-minute staff changes). You should therefore consult Canvas, Scientia, or the Intranet for any changes to timetables. You may apply to change your modules via the appropriate Faculty Office but the deadline for changes is the end of the second week of the Semester in which the module is being run. If you wish to change your programme, you will need to complete the Internal Programme Transfer form (available from the Registry Intranet page) and ensure that it is fully completed, approved by your current programme leader, and the programme leader for the programme you wish to change to, and returned to Registry.

Registry will then write to officially confirm the transfer, if approved, and any conditions set by either programme leader. Registry will also contact the Student Loans Company (or equivalent), where appropriate, to confirm your programme change.


If, for any reason, you are uncertain about whether to continue your programme, please seek advice from a member of staff, for example your Programme Leader, Faculty Office or Student Support and Success. If you subsequently decide to withdraw, interrupt study or transfer to another programme, please contact Registry immediately to obtain and complete the necessary form. Until the relevant form is completed, and approved, you will continue to be registered as a student of the University on your current programme. If you are living in University accommodation then you must contact the Housing team to confirm your leaving arrangements.

As part of your contractual agreement with the University, you must complete the relevant withdrawal/interruption form, otherwise you will be deemed to be still in attendance and you will continue to be liable for tuition fees. Please note, this also applies to your liability to the Student Loans Company. Please note that if you wish to interrupt before completing a year of study, marks for modules that you complete or repeat. Following your return will normally be capped, unless you have relevant evidence of valid extenuating circumstances. Withdrawal/interruption of studies may affect your entitlement to University Financial Support Please refer to our website www.winchester.ac.uk/studentsandmoney or email studentsandmoney@winchester.ac.uk for more information.


University of Winchester award ceremonies are normally held during the Autumn each year. Students whose award has been confirmed before the end of the third week in August of that year will be eligible to attend the award ceremonies in Autumn of the same year. Students who have work to complete or whose award is not confirmed by this date (eg Master’s students whose results are normally confirmed in November) will be eligible to attend the ceremony in the Autumn of the following year. Please note that receiving an award does not depend on attending a ceremony.

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