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Spring…. Rebirth, New Beginnings & Change

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Know Yourself

Know Yourself

By Brodderick D. Roary

So Why Do I Love Spring

SO MUCH? It’s because it represents rebirth, new beginnings, and change. It is when mother nature wakes up from her slumber and showers us with her love and abundance. The birds are chirping, the butterflies are fluttering, the bees are buzzing, and the fragrant flowers are blooming. And let us not forget the sun — kissing us with its loving rays.

The wintry weather has dissipated, and the sun emerges from behind gray Winter skies, and shines its marvelous light while extracting humans and nature from our Winter hibernation. The beauty of Spring triggers a sense of fulfillment, love, and happiness. It is amazing to see the world come alive and experience the joy and positive vibes that it brings. To witness mother nature’s artwork as she paints her masterpiece laced with her beauty, grace, and love.

Just like nature, our lives are cyclical. We ebb and flow with the changing tides, and as with the seasons, our moods, and emotions pivot throughout the year. For me, Spring lifts my spirit, like every butterfly emerging from the cocoon rising to face the beauty of each day — rebirth, renewal, and change. Change can be scary but embracing change can create new adventures in our lives.

Spring represents a change in the flow of life, and as journey, I have grown to resist less and embrace what life brings. Spring is a lovely reminder of how beautiful change can truly be. A reminder that change is inevitable and the only constant, and it is up to us to choose how we welcome change into our lives.

Spring is the best time of year for out with the old and in with the new. Along these lines, you may be taking the time to physically clean out your living space, pack up winter gear, and prepare for the warmer climate. You may also be thinking of dusting the house and opening some windows to let a breath of fresh air through the house. These are all great things to plan as you prepare to transition from winter to spring. This time of year, is also a great opportunity for personal transformation.

To help you on your way, here are five tips to identify, assess, and let go of old mindsets and make room for new ones that will support positive changes in your life.

Make Time And Space For Yourself

Time and space do not just mean making time for yourself and the things you love to do. To get into a deeper state of self-awareness, you’ll want to set aside time without distractions—to detach from the nonstop electronic and social demands of daily life. Therefore, this also means carving out the time away from your smartphone, access to social media, and the steady stream of texts, calls, and emails.

Take Inventory

Now that you have the time and space for yourself, start to take inventory of where you are in life.

Ask yourself:

٠ What is working in my life, and what’s not?

٠ What could be improved?

٠ What do I really want?

٠ What may be holding me back from what I really want?

As you go through these questions, consider any roadblocks that are keeping you from being where you want to be. Don’t be afraid to be honest with yourself in identifying where those roadblocks are coming from—whether externally or within your own state of mind. Often the things that hold us back are our own fears or doubts, such as:

٠ Lack of self-worth

٠ Lack of confidence

٠ Lack of motivation

٠ Feeling overwhelmed

٠ Fear of failure

٠ Fear of commitment to yourself

٠ Fear of rejection

٠ Lack of patience

٠ Fear of asking for help

Write down any limiting beliefs about yourself that may be a roadblock for your personal growth. Make a list of all the things that you would like to work on and another list of all the mental roadblocks that hold you back from your full potential.

Set Your Intention

Setting your intention is the practice of conscious action in your life. Your intention can help to guide your every action as you move through your days, so the outcome is not left up to chance.

Stay Positive

During your transformation, you may find yourself feeling overwhelmed, unmotivated, or on a progress plateau. Remember not to beat yourself up when this happens. Setbacks are a normal part of the process.

As you go forward to refresh your mindset for spring, remember that the most important thing you can do is to start your practice—even if it’s just one small step—and keep at it one day at a time.


A: I look forward to performing in Memphis as a drag entertainer at least 3 times a year. One of the bookings is an annual event TRI-STATE BLACK PRIDE. Financially it would be me taking a huge pay cut in the month of June. I'm an independent contractor and my budget is weekly gigs and monthly bookings, so the months with PRIDE EVENTS lets me breathe a little easier, because that's a weekend gigs, so that is a deposit, tips and final payment that would be slashed from my budget, not to mention the relationship that I have built with the patrons over the years, it's an ole school homecoming revival fun filled drag show that we look forward to every year.

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