3 minute read

VOTE Torrey Harris for TN House of Representatives District 90

Hello World. For those that don’t know me, my name is Torrey Harris. I’m Black. I’m a member of the LGBTQIA+ Community. And I’m running for public office. Representation matters. With all that is going on in the world right now, people deserve to know they are being thought of and that someone is working to improve the world around them. Whether it’s working to expand Medicaid in Tennessee, fighting for public education, or pushing for criminal justice reform…I want to be the champion my community deserves to have.

My passion for community service didn’t just begin yesterday. Most of my personal and professional life has been centered around it. My 9-5 commitment has been in Human Resources for over 10 years. Working in HR has afforded me the opportunity to interact with a variety of personalities and backgrounds daily. In my position, I am able to fairly assess needs and wants of individuals in order to successfully collaborate for the greater good. It’s literally my job to make sure people flourish. In my personal time, I mentor young Black boys, find resources for community members, and I was a leader of a facility in our community that focuses on bettering the lives of black LGBTQIA+ people. I have hired more people of our community into roles they otherwise wouldn’t have gotten because we are always left out of the equation. I love just like anyone else and I am a true humanitarian in my own head because I am committed to the work of helping each of us live better. These things have served as the foundation for me to run for office. Simply put, I want to help improve my community.

Let’s Be Real, for quite some time my community has been underrepresented. Public schools have not gotten the funding they need. Women’s bodily autonomy has not been supported. Medicaid has not been expanded. Freedom of speech suppressed. A current State Representative that is not accessible. What’s next? My community deserves an advocate for public schools who will fight to fully fund them. We need someone who is going to push for an end to the cash bail system. We need a leader who is available and willing to keep residents informed about what’s going on in the State Legislature. District 90 deserves to have an elected official who is going to listen, empower, and serve all the residents in the district.

The community I am choosing to serve in is the very community I live in, District 90. This is not always the case for leaders in my city, but I’m a bit different. The way I’ve navigated politics is different and the way I run my campaign is different. I didn’t grow up always wanting to be an elected official. I knew that it was important to never forget where you come from and that positive investments into one’s community is what helps it grow. It was much later that the environment was prime for me to answer my political calling and arrive in position to pursue elected leadership at the state level. Be clear this is not something that I do alone. In the same manner that it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a team and a community to support a great candidate for public office.

My team. My team. My team. I would not be here without GOD who put my team here on earth. They hold me down. They boost me up. They motivate me after hours of knocking doors and dialing for dollars. They encourage me when I’m feeling defeated. They were with me when I had zero in the campaign account and have continued as it’s increased. For them, I am extremely grateful.

To the constituents of District 90, I would not be in position as the 2020 Democratic nominee for Tennessee State House District 90 without you. You believed in me as a leader and trusted my commitment to service. I am here because of you and do this for you.

My hope at the end of this process is that District 90 gets the leadership they deserve. We deserve. November is coming and I hope to bring it home for a change. Everyone will be able to say that in 2020 we elected the first ever openly LGBTQIA+ member to the either chamber of the Tennessee General Assembly and that we elected someone who is going to work to better our lives every day he walks into the State Capital.

Our lives depend on it. Vote Torry Harris District 90 in November!

Torrey Harris

For Tennessee House of Representatives District 90

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