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What is PRIDE to Me?

Dr. Davin D. Clemons

Pride to me is surviving molestation, rape, physical abuse, childhood trauma, church rejection, family rejection, etc., well that’s the story of my life regarding my sexual orientation and PRIDE. Many people think PRIDE is this huge party, with a parade going down the street, shows with drag queens and drag kings performing but in actuality it’s more to the story than being Gay. I know the history of PRIDE is correlated to Stonewall but trust and believe there were many unreported Stonewall’s before this reported incident. No shade!!

PRIDE is respect for yourself and not letting others define you solely based off of your sexual orientation. Listen to me! You are more than your sexual orientation! You are somebody special with gifts, talents, anointings and the world is awaiting your arrival, so please stop listening to the naysayers. Now is the time to wake up and go find your PRIDE before someone else attracts your attention from the universe.

In this current movement of PRIDE in America and this era of our lives it’s more important than ever to join the campaign of self affirmation. Life is beautiful but life will screw you up and spit you out without any apology. So, this self affirmation journey will be rewarding and fulfilling which will help make you in the image of your creator. For the Bible declares in 1 Samuel 16:7 – “For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” Many LGBT people have and still are struggling to believe that God loves them just as the way they are. For the Bible declares in Genesis 1:26-27 – “Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” In my opinion until this is realized there will be no PRIDE in self. But once this proclamation is realized the PRIDE automatically comes in as self love, self conscious, black power ,etc. Because you are a God made in the image of BIG GOD! Message!!!!

PRIDE is also standing up for what’s right and doing what’s right in this fight for equality for all human kind. But, this is even more true for the minority communities to realize. In the words of the great Michael Jackson, “all I have to say is that they really don’t care about us!”

PRIDE is building our own tables of financial resources, businesses, schools, churches, Black Wall Street, entrepreneurship, etc; This is the game changer and the power move that is needed in America in order to make power brokers respect our PRIDE! PERIODT!

So, join the movement of discovering the greatest love of all which is YOU! In the words of the great Whitney Houston, “Because the greatest love of all Is happening to me / I found the greatest love of all Inside of me / The greatest love of all Is easy to achieve / Learning to love yourself, it is the greatest love of all / And if, by chance, that special place / That you've been dreaming of Leads you to a lonely place / Find your strength in love.”

I am truly Unleashed!! Say it loud “I’m BLACK GAY AND PROUD!

I wrote this song to my inner child. To the young man who was told that he was flawed because he was different. I learned DYLLÓN that my differences were not a source of weakness but were, in fact, my Superpowers! BURNSIDE

POSE and American Horror Stories talent Dyllón Burnside returns with his first new music of 2022, the inspirational Pride-themed anthem “Superpowers.”

“Superpowers” is written by Dyllón Burnside, Jeremy Dussolliet and Tim Sommers, with production from the trio plus Kinetics and One Love.

Q: How much of the character Ricky Evangelista that you played in POSE is relatable to the real you?

I get this question a lot. Ricky and I are very different. We come from very different backgrounds and have very different lived experiences. I think what makes us similar is that we are both artists and like all people, we both want to love and be loved.

Q: What are your newest projects since POSE has ended?

I have filmed two new series for streaming. American Horror Stories came out last summer, and my latest project will be streaming in the fall 2022. I’ve also been working a lot on my music, developing my sound with my producers, growing as an artist and getting my project to a solid place. I’ve been touring, performing at music festivals, producing video content for the songs. I’m also producing and developing film/TV projects and doing a lot of advocacy work.

Q: How did the Prideland project come about and how do you feel about its success?

Prideland was birthed out of my experience growing up in the South. My friend Jon Reynaga approached me with the idea saying we should go down South and investigate what it’s like for LGBTQ+ folk living there. The success of the project was really shocking. I never imagined we would win an Emmy award for it, I just thought this was a really important thing to do and it was a natural authentic expression. I learned from that, that every project should be that way, authentic and be approached with curiosity and ease. Doesn’t mean it will be easy! Prideland was not easy to make at all! But there was an ease about the process that made it magical. I want that in everything I do.




All Photos Of Dyllón Burnside BEXX FRANCOIS LLC

This song is for everyone who has been marginalized, bullied, or attacked because of who they are. It is an anthem for the strong, the survivors, for the everyday superheroes fighting on the battlefield of life.

By Umieca N. Hankton, Ph.D. Freedom in Living

If I possessed the power to present each of you with a unique gift, it would be the gift of living authentically and unapologetically. Why? There’s liberation in your truth and your willingness to live audaciously and without pause permits others to do the same. However, living authentically requires a substantial amount of bravery, vulnerability, and a willingness to be stretched outside your comfort zone. Liberation is freeing, but it’s not free. Undoubtedly, there is a cost to owning your narrative. Yet, despite inflation, please consider the benefit(s) of paying the price to be made free by your truth.

Living authentically is an outward demonstration of an inward reality. Living an authentic life means who you are and what matters to you directly aligns with how you show up in the world for yourself and others. It reflects the causes that touch your heart, open your wallet, and move you to action. Those who walk in their liberating truth move with certainty and their “yes” means yes, their “no” means no, and their “you tried it” means tread lightly next time. One of my favorite quotes from Hamilton the Musical is, “Dying is easy; living is harder.” What an absolute truth, and yet, I witness so much vitality and vibrancy in those willing to risk it all to live their undeniable truth. What are you ready to risk in order to remove the shackles placed on you by family, the church, society, or yourself? How could you live differently, more fully, if you bravely owned, nurtured, and accepted your inner truth? What truth(s) have you tried to smother or hide in hopes that others would never discover? How are these hidden truths hurting you or preventing you from thriving?

Time is indeed filled with swift transitions.

Your future self needs your present self to move into the position of readiness to thrive. Listen, there are self-righteous supremacists in black coats working through the night to rob you of your right to live freely. But, once you decide to live your truth outwardly, participation in your physical and psychological liberation takes place and the shackles of oppression and other people’s opinions loosen. • Be open to taking a deep dive into the most inner parts of yourself and be willing to give voice to what you find.

• Seek support from those living healthy, authentic, and vibrant lives. Take thorough notes of what you observe and ask questions.

• Consider both the costs and the benefits of

living authentically. Take time to determine what is acceptable to you, and how you want to show up in this world. If you must move slowly, do so, but MOVE according to what honors and feels good to you.

• Take ownership of your narrative and engage in truth-telling. No one deserves to tell your story but you, and who better to tell the story than the author.

• Create opportunities for yourself to try something new. If you ask me, fear and bravery feel the same.

So, ask yourself, when was the last time you did something for the first time?

You, my friend, will experience the fruits of your intentional works when you openly live your truth. Remember, living is an action verb. So let’s actively LIVE authentically, unapologetically, and with vibrancy!

U m ieca N. H U m ieca N. Hankton , Ph .D . ankton , Ph .D .

Dr. Hankton is a licensed clinical psychologist and the executive director of UNH Counseling Services. UNH Counseling Services is a private behavioral health agency that focuses on the health and wellness of Black women, LGBTQ+, clergy, and college students. Dr. Hankton provides clinical services to those located in TN, LA, TX, GA, WI, AL, D.C., IL, MN, & KY. Authentically Authentically

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