3 minute read
This year’s edition of Pen & Paper is dedicated to our beloved science teacher, the late Craig Knebel. Mr. Knebel died unexpectedly last summer and we have all felt the heavy weight of his loss throughout this frst year without him. Mr. Knebel was an outstanding person, and a fantastic teacher who was loved by every student he taught. He inspired each of us through his love of science, and he was always quick and ready with jokes and a bright smile. Student excitement and enjoyment were his top priorities, and we miss his presence in our lives. Mr. Knebel supported each and every one of the students in his class in so many different ways, and his ingenuity, kindness, attentiveness, and love will forever be remembered by the Unquowa school. Mr. Knebel nurtured passion for the natural world in students, and we hope you can see some of that refected in the pieces of this year’s edition. Rest in peace and power, Mr. K.
Dear Reader,
I am more than proud to announce our thirteenth edition of Pen & Paper: “New Horizons.” As Editor-in-Chief, this edition holds a special place in my heart because of the memories our staf has made as we worked tirelessly to put this publication together. My ultimate goal for this issue was to make something meaningful: a magazine worth reading, and. I think we were able to create something even more than that: a magazine worth coming back to again and again to glean wisdom from these young poets, writers, and artists.
I hope the creative hours we spent show through our words and images, making it just as special to you as it is to us. Through the unique thoughts of its contributors, this year’s edition shines a spotlight on the concept of reminisce, refection, and remembrance. The issue takes a deep dive inside the diverse minds of those at our school, melding together into our own beautiful horizon as many of us get ready to leave our beloved school and branch out into high school. “New Horizons” could not have been created without the cooperation and collaboration of our team, ranging from Grades 5 through 8. Despite our difference in age, we came together to share our creations with one another, and glean the best of the best from them for publication. This year as Editor-in-Chief was a remarkable one for me, a wonderful way to end my time at Unquowa.
This edition of Pen & Paper could not have been possible without all of this in the Upper School. Thank you for your submissions and support.
We hope you enjoy!
Thank You, Noah Kurzenberger Editor and Chief
(Bold denotes artwork)
A Song of Sand and Fire
by Alegria Rojas ‘25
Wild Thing
by Eloise Young ‘23
by Eloise Young ‘23
Creation of A by Alegria Rojas ‘25
Little Tree by Vivian Winkelmann ‘25
Albatross by Alegria Rojas ‘25
Me, Myself, and I by Chipili Dumbwizi ‘24
Birthday by Oola Breen-Ryan ‘25
Serenity by Ebba Werring ‘23
Purple Mountain Majesties by Sarah Maximin ‘24
The Inevitable Sunlight by Oola Breen-Ryan ‘25
Standing In by Virginia Murphy ‘24
Scattered by Alegria Rojas ‘25
Daisy, Daisy by Coco Thomson ‘24 summertime sorrow by Noah Kurzenberger ‘23
Cloud Islands by Alegria Rojas ‘25
Gloria by Alegria Rojas ‘25
NYCraft by Virginia Murphy ‘24 by Adrian Omisore ‘24
‘24 by Ebba Werring ‘24
33 Memories by Oola Breen-Ryan ‘25
From Up Afar by Michael Toolan ‘24
37 Clipped Wing by Virginia Murphy ‘24
38 Pair of Wings, Never Used by Eliza Raben ‘23
40 Walking in the Dark by Raleigh Simmonds ‘23
41 Desert Sunset by Matteo Brebbia ‘24
42 Ojo Kleki
by Eliza Raben ‘23
Stopping by Woods by Sylvia
Barbuto ‘25
The Snowfakes
by Emily Toolan ‘24
Avian Quartert by Eliza
Raben ‘23
Windows 2023
by Alegria Rojas ‘25
The Empty Page by Oola Breen-Ryan ‘25
Rainbow Bridge by Alegria Rojas ‘25 54
The Wind Blows Free by Alegria Rojas ‘25
Where All the Other Trees Did Fall by Matteo Brebbia ‘24 Grasp by Eliza
Raben ‘23
The Fey Court by Coco Thomson
The Great V by Virginia Murphy
The Sun Dips Behind by Matteo Brebbia ‘24
Fruit of the Vine by Virginia Murphy
Frond of Beauty
by Chipili Dumbwizi ‘24
River Mountains
by Alegria Rojas ‘25
The Winter of Our Thirteenth Birthday by Oola
Breen-Ryan ‘25
by Bryael Gonzalez ‘24
Skelly by Wil Falk ‘23
Untrodden Snow
by Eliza Raben ‘23
Shooting Palm Tree
by Matteo Brebbia ‘24
Much Much More by Oola
Breen-Ryan ‘25
by Matteo Brebbia ‘24
Ode to the Murkey Water on Weston Street by Coco Thomson ‘24
Moonglow by Raleigh Simmonds ‘23
Running by Virginia Murphy ‘24 by Noah Kurzenberger ‘23
by Raleigh Simmonds ‘23
Actress with a Malleable Face by Eddie Musser
‘23 mirror by Noah Kurzenberger ‘23
by Ethan Kirk ‘23 by
by Matteo Brebbia ‘24
A Song of Sand and Fire
Digital photograph
Grade 6
Eloise Young
Wild Thing
Mixed media
Grade 8
Eloise Young Yes! Mixed media
Grade 8
Alegria Rojas
The Creation of A Digital photograph
Grade 6
Little Tree
Vivian Winkelmann
Grade 6
Snow falls, tracks form
The little hare races home before the storm Trees cut, dragged to their home
Decorated with lights
Pictures recorded on phones
Presents dropped under each limb
Little weights strung on him
Diferent sculptures each time Then its nailed to the wall
Sitting there near some twine, it hasn’t been watered But the homeowners claim its fne
“Little tree! Oh little tree!?
Friends yell from next door. They lean on each other through the window Till there life fades away.
Alegria Rojas
Digital photograph
Grade 6