The Divine Beatitudes of Michael Of Nebadon

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Our Divine Estate “We live, move, and have our being in the Universal Spirit.�

It is our duty to glorify the Infinite in our lives. We are each on a quest for immortality, and along the way each one of us in our own unique ways are working to bring forth the qualities of love, compassion, inner wisdom, and self empowerment from within the core of our being. In this book, I will be sharing with you an approach to living that has been tested amongst many very quietly and in their own way applying the principles and the understandings that have raised their personal life into viewing things from a higher perspective and establishing themselves into a higher life. They have learned to be in the world, yet not of it. The world will pass away over time, but the connection and realization of the eternal can take you into eternal life where you become an immortal being without the limitations of the flesh. It is an education to become more God Knowing. God is everywhere, as everything and potentially as everyone, once we establish ourselves within Him. There is a joke which goes like this: a young fish is swimming in the sea with other fish and turns to an elderly wise fish and asks her, “What’s this thing about an ocean I’ve been hearing about?” We take for granted what is right in front of us each day. The opportunity to know ourselves in a deeper and renewed way is always available to us. We must only understand how to approach ourselves in the day to day hustle and bustle of the world; How to utilize the world as a teaching tool to see and understand what and who we truly are. This small book is intended to give you the hidden keys that lay right in front of us, but are so blatantly obvious that we have become blinded by our sophistication. Truth and Love is really a very simple experience. Getting there can be the challenge. You hold within your hands the keys to simplify your understanding of who and what you are. The principles that are discussed here will unlock your own doorway into the greater and higher life in the here and now. Each day as you sincerely apply these principles, your life will begin to reflect and glorify the eternal. You will be establishing yourself into becoming immortal. The hidden keys are explained here as best I could, yet the action of your desire to

open the doorway within you may only be unlocked by you and you alone. With the right understanding of yourself and your relationship to the Source of your being all things become possible. Remember, this understanding is not another new dogma or religion or sect. You are the religion! You are the way, and you are the truth. The light that is God is your underlying identity. Understanding this shift in the way you view yourself is not something separate from you, but it is the underlying way that we each have been designed to live. It is a way of life, an approach to being our most natural self. All of existence may be yours once you learn the art and science of this approach into unifying your life with the spark of God within you. Remember, to glorify God is to embody consciousness of Him and it is your destiny to know your Godhood in the here and now. To begin to walk more closely to the source of your being and the creator of your life, so that, you experience yourself to be a “son” or “daughter” of the living God. This underlying relationship and alignment must be more deeply understood for you to have a direct realization, an experience each day of God Himself. It is your time to awaken the memory of your life’s meaning and the true purpose of your existence upon the earth. There is an understanding and a direct knowledge of His Laws which pertain to your being, that will give to you immortality. You will become filled with confidence and the strength to make the right decisions for your life. You will know that you are in alignment with His Will for you. That in itself brings happiness and fulfillment. There will be challenges and many moments of growth and self-confrontation, yet you will know that you are doing something great for yourself and from a place of self love and self-appreciation. God within you as your true identity is the only authority for your life and world. This knowledge is an understanding which must become absorbed by you over time. You’ll learn how to activate this knowledge, becoming empowered with clarity and self-love. The Creator has set forth very specific Laws which must be fulfilled by us in order to know and experience our personal Godhood,

at one with Him in our consciousness. It is impossible to be separate from God because He is omnipresent and that means (s)he is everywhere, as everything and within everyone. Creating space within you to glorify Him is the fulfillment that has been taught by many over the centuries. You begin just where you are and strive each day to align more deeply and fully with His presence dwelling right within your mind and heart. It is His plan for you to be willing to momentarily embrace your darkness with the intention of transfiguring it into unconditional love. That’s what transformation really is – changing the formation from one thing into another. Altering through the science and art of His Law yourself from a dense creature that is bound by time and space into a magnificent creature of Light that become immortal and eternally free from the limitations of time and space. As you work with yourself in this way, your “eye will become single, and your whole body will become as Light.” You have a destiny to fulfill, and it is my intention here to convey to you the magnificence, the courage required, and the acts of heroism you will have to expand into in order to choose into this destiny. We cannot escape from the evolution of ourselves into the higher perspective and the higher life. It is imminent and directly upon us to fulfill. In fact, it is the one command from the Source of all beings – “to become perfected, even as the great I Am.” You have deep within you the power and blessing to carry yourself beyond your current circumstances, securing for you the pure pleasure of attaining a higher perspective in the here and now, and a higher life in the hereafter. Can you feel your hunger for truth and freedom? To understand yourself more deeply in a way that would bring to the surface your greatest gifts. This self-knowledge will illuminate from within you the true meaning of your life and the purpose behind all outer worldly purposes. Knowledge of His principles or Law awakens greater unconditional love within you, deeper self-insight and eternal wisdom. The strength and confidence of feeling self-empowered, and the inner knowing that you are fulfilling your life’s underlying purpose will cause

to explode from within you such utter joy and enthusiasm. Make it a priority in this lifetime for you to experience the gift of immortality and eternal Life. It begins with an understanding of your very own existence and your relationship to God Himself. His Will is the most intelligent thing that you can be and do in any given moment. This small book will show you how to make His Will your own. What you work for and attain today, determines your status for tomorrow, and in the hereafter. Attaining your Godhood, becoming an awakened son or daughter of God is to allow for the presence of God to fully inhabit you as a physical person. It is to embody the consciousness of God, and this can only happen to you as you make His will your own. It is His intention that we work to transfigure our darkness – the conditions in our heart and mind – in order to create more space to allow the perfection of God to embody us and express the fullness of the consciousness of Life. There is a new consciousness blossoming upon the earth. The real meaning and purpose of life is coming to the forefront. There is an opportunity to come out from the unconscious fold of human sorrow and disappointment, by becoming permanently free from all lack and limitation, hardship and struggle. There are powerful keys to opening up your personal consciousness into a more universal awareness; to align with God, connected to the essence of your being, the source of your existence; a new definition of wealth having its foundation in the attainment of self knowledge, self-wisdom, an understanding of His will, and the creative power to make the right choices in your life. Wealth, true and lasting wealth, is to embody God and to live His will in your life. That is the highest intent, and it is what God holds for us in His Heart. It is His will to return to His children an abundance of divine insight necessary to see from a higher perspective, the perception to experience His Omnipresence more deeply in each moment, and freedom from the pain of negativity and self judgment. There is a higher relationship that must become established within you. You can learn to expand the essence of your being into your heart, mind, and even the

physical body. The outer circumstances of your life will become changed for the better once you learn to harness your creative power. You have yet to become established as a unique individual expression of God Himself, This eternal birth into the universe occurs by learning of His Laws and applying these principles to your life. The earth is similar to the womb of a pregnant woman. The unborn babe must be given time and a nurturing space to grow and mature, so that it can one day become born into a child. We have yet to become fully developed into a permanent part of creation. We must pass through this change while in the human form to become a permanent part of eternity. This isn’t intended to happen to you after you die, but it must be accomplished now while you are alive in physical form. It is your destiny to embody this hidden knowledge and learn how to apply the principles each day to your life. Then will you become fit to enter eternity. Become conscious of His intelligent energy, spiritual presence, animating force and power. There is no place where God is not. He is everywhere and there is no end to this expansion. All our outer strivings and cravings are the keys to our freedom if we dare to look more closely. You yearn for deeper contact, searching for it in the world, but it doesn’t last. A deeper experience is necessary. It’s a bit of a mystery. Happiness eludes you. Understanding your nature and identity is of primary importance. Nothing else is designed to achieve this. A feeling of emptiness endures and the inner restlessness continues. There remains that elusive something which is missing and can’t be replaced by outer stimulation and world achievements. Consciousness of Him is the answer, yet not necessarily in the way you believe. How will you make your search for God sincere, truly real, and alive? Acceptance of exactly where you are in your evolution and development is essential. You must recognize that you are not perfect and that you have certain qualities which can be improved upon. Recognition and acceptance of yourself just as you are will allow you to

go forward in your development. Your desire for deeper selfconfrontation is another hidden key to the mystery of your being. An understanding of His Law will enable you to return to a more simple way of life without the overly sophisticated mind blocking your way. You will be developing the strength to confront yourself unconditionally regardless of the issue at hand. Only this self-love can heal our pain and quiet suffering. This book will give you a way to recognize your true identity – Godhood! You and I are unique grains of sand on the beach, and yet, we are also an essential particle that makes up the entire beach. Without you and I there is no beach. The plan for immortality gives you the gift of knowing yourself as the grain of sand and as the beach at the very same time. Look around you and see if you can perceive the other grains of sand, those beautiful other souls who make up your wife, your children, your workmates. Even those we know nothing about are a part of our larger Self. What is necessary is a change in the way you see and identify yourself. Are you merely a physical body separate from all other physical bodies? Can you expand the way you are choosing to see yourself, so that, you can recognize more? You must choose each day to see things in a new way. There is a sort of ‘phantom’ self that masquerades as your real self identity. This false identity persuades you to stay focused on outer things, keeping you locked into perceiving reality only on the surface. It holds you to the world of subjectivity or relativity. What is needed in your life is greater objectivity. Approaching your life with an understanding of your Godhood, will enable you to understand the value of unconditional love, and the way you can master your life experience. This mastery is the one over-riding command from above: to learn to love yourself. Only then can you love others. With this approach to Love, you’ll begin to dissolve the inner obstructions that hold you transfixed to the surface of your being, preventing you from making profound contact with your essence. Once you regain access to Being, the obstructions or conditions within your

consciousness can become more easily healed. You will have the ability to unconditionally accept all issues within you, pleasant or unpleasant. You will be capturing your creative power. Your free will is a power needed to make the right choices. Discernment between the real and the unreal, right identification of self, and the strength of will to follow through with what you know to be the right thing to do for you. These are some of the tools to freedom. When you feel stuck, unable to move within your consciousness, you’ll recognize that it is pain rearing you out of alignment with God and His simple way. All life is evolving into a consciousness of itself. You can attempt to control the flow by grabbing hold of the branches along the sides of the river, but eventually you must let go or you’ll become stretched between the flow and your attachments. All are on a path of awakening the awareness of what we are already, but have yet to more fully know. The answers are within you. Omnipresent Love exists within us as a particle of the Universal Spirit. Omniscience can become your guide as you heal your heart and recapture your free will. You will be regaining your ability to see things more clearly and to appreciate the value of those in your life. Omnipotence from directly within us gives us the capacity to transform all things. Worship the Universal Spirit of Love, attune to the Eternal Word, and receive of the Infinite transformative power of His grace and mercy. Then have you been truly a lover of God and His creation.

The following chapters are meant to be read as a daily meditation and quiet contemplation. Allow the understandings on each page to become transmitted to the deeper parts of your being, opening yourself understanding and personal consciousness. The knowledge cannot come to the seeker, but the seeker must arise and reach deep into the knowledge. As you read, ask your own divine presence to give you the ability to go deeper into the realization of my true intent. It is meant for you to absorb a new way of living that will take you into the Higher Perspective and prepare you for the Higher Life.

1. The Original Blueprint “Become Perfected, even as the Source”

As you reawaken the original blueprint within, your personal nature and character will become purified into a unified Presence. All that you need or desire is found within this transformation. It is your duty and underlying service to Life to pursue this transformation; to become one with the spark of the Creator indwelling you and beyond. This unconditional state of being is our real estate within. There are untold treasures to be discovered and reawakened as you step forward in faith, trust, and divine transformation.

†A spark of the Eternal God resides within you.

To evolve yourself into the higher perspective and the higher life you must believe in yourself and your value as a part of God. The transformation of your hidden potential will become visible as you strive each day to achieve the working out of God’s will in your life. Only through your relationship to the spark of the Creator residing within you, will you find the impulse to give up your ideas about the meaning and purpose of your life. Your flexibility opens the doorway of your receptivity, and after all, it is in the receiving where all is accomplished. Through the power of your receptivity you become able to transform. The ways you have seen and understood yourself become altered to your benefit. Realizing that you exist within the ocean of God gives to you greater wisdom, self-love, and personal empowerment to be able to rely upon this divine relationship in all moments of

All is God in action, simultaneously existing and expressing through the vast multitude of forms and individual perspectives. You are one perspective that the Infinite holds of Itself. You and I are God existing everywhere simultaneously.

†Fulfillment is in knowing that you are co-creating a transfigurative unfoldment with the Nameless God.

You’ll become immersed in the realization of genuine spiritual reality, and the truth of this realization becomes validated by the authority of your direct experience of the divine. Creating consciousness of the spiritual reality in and around you will permanently establish for you a never ending, always expanding personal spiritual realization. It is in the knowledge and experience that you are the presence of God expressing through the human form, that you will be awakening an intuitive guidance of His presence in your life.

†I and the spark of the Eternal Father are one

†To embrace an unbounded enthusiasm in working out the Will of God; make His will your own in every moment.

The personal faith of living consciously within His security, certainty, guidance, and protection is all that is truly necessary. True service is dedicating thyself to living God’s Will. It is the predominant step needed for peace. Devotion acts as a catalyst, a refining fire, burning away all separation. Your willingness to purify your sense bound addictions will create significant space within your consciousness to allow for greater things to come.

†Surrender and expansion are the contractions and expansions of the universal Mother giving birth. Prayer is the lubricant of the engine of the soul. It is the direct route to enhance your ability to accomplish God’

Prayer is an attitude that can be cultivated by invoking your personal loyalty to the care and guidance of God. You must actively seek to root out all forces within you that are opposed to deeper alignment. As you purify you’ll find yourself able to expand into a clearer field of existence. Your progress will occur more rapidly. Every moment possesses an opportunity to choose the higher perspective and to step into the higher life.

Prayer will give you a direct response. Know and directly experience God through prayerful relations, so that, you become the authority for your life. Acknowledge the all-pervading presence, identify yourself with this presence, invite God to come into your life so He can act as a catalytic fire of transformation, become more conscious of living and moving within the ocean of God, and finally, expand your will and identity to receive greater consciousness of God.

Prayer is intended to help you surrender your emotional tension, consecrate your human impulse into the higher motivation, clarify your human viewpoint into the higher perspective, assist in the awakening of your latent soul powers to withstand and transmute the human tendencies of selfishness, self-centered narcissism, rebelliousness and arrogance.

You must go against your habitual inclinations. You must strive to do the opposite of what you would ordinarily do under certain conditions. You will become unified into a deeper alignment with the eternal principle that is God.

The secret in having a direct experience of God is within the consciousness of the presence of God. You become God conscious. You live consciously within this universal Self. Intelligent prayer, sincere worship, and the moment to moment unbroken communion with God, this is how you build the muscle to persevere into consciousness of God.

The true path to Reality is not through channeling, voices, visions, rigorous spiritual practices, mystical meditations, dogmatic beliefs, or the vicarious following of another in the hope that they will do it for you. It is a full time, 100% devoted act of pure love for God, fueled by your desire to become closer to the essence of your being.

There are specific universal laws which govern your existence. These have been set forth by the eternal Creator. The daily application of these principles open the doorway in assisting you to attain true and lasting spiritual attainment.

†The strength to make mature decisions and to follow through on your personal commitments becomes infused with courage. Confidence will blossom, as you actively express the higher will.

2. A Foundation of Truth “I AM the Transfiguration into the Eternal Worlds of pure Light.”

This path is not for everyone. Is it for you? It takes great courage to walk the pathway of divine resistance where you transcend your carnal nature and lower instinctual desires, transmuting these tendencies into the higher perspective and the greater realization of yourself. Only then will you enter the field of pure Consciousness; the state of pure unconditioned Reality.

†Fulfillment and happiness are independent of outer circumstances.

The Creator has placed a living Spark of Itself within your human being with the intention of unifying or merging your human personality with Itself. This is what was demonstrated by Jesus and others throughout history. He didn’t come to die on a cross in order to save your soul, but he came forward to show the way into eternal Life. Transfiguration of the imperfect qualities takes place through the very same knowledge of the Law that has always been taught to those who are receptive. You have this choice in each moment through the right use of your free will to fulfill the Law of your being, and prepare yourself for the higher life. Faith, trust, conscious effort, and the sincere desire to understand your existence, and to become unified with the center of your being; these are the qualities you must awaken.

As you open to receive a greater understanding, you will be required to apply the principles to your life. God makes itself known through the perceptions you encounter, a knowing, and a direct re alization of the unconditional nature of your essence. You find yourself aware and intimately involved with your true identity. Your physical body becomes more finely attuned and regenerated into the eternal vibration. Death is realized to be a human misunderstanding. This is the way, the truth, and the life everlasting.

†The Way into Life everlasting is definitely specific. It is the path that all have walked on their way to the next phase of their evolution. Will you prepare yourself to enter Eternity?

God intoxication and immersion into Reality takes place through understanding the blueprint of what we are meant to be. You must choose to live and apply the Law to your life. Apply the divine Principle, and you will be carrying yourself upward into a higher vibratory level. What has at once been invisible, unknowable, and indescribable become manifest to you through your sincere devotion to following this instruction; to receive of the living water of eternity from deep within you is a hidden art. Sincere effort and determination builds character, self-respect, clarity, and conviction.

Let go of your erroneous ideas, use your time to expand your understanding, and raise your sight into ever higher perspectives of knowing God, your Father. Just believing is not enough, you must live according to what you believe.

Life is like being in the womb of a mother. Your physical body, personality, mind, emotions, and free will are meant to be put into the service of becoming eternally one with God. You are destined to become a unique individualization of God.

†Perfect yourself into the great I AM.

Your personality is a gift from the Universal Father, intended to become a unified force of God individuality! To raise your personality, thought, emotion, and subconscious inclination into the higher life through the transfiguration is your destiny. You must be willing to detach yourself from the sensory stimulations that you crave in order to become at one with God within you.

The creative responsibility is for you to understand your ability to qualify your personal divine energy back into the perfection of pure consciousness. You must master this power within yourself, if you are ever to go forward into greater Light. All temporal success falls silent before this great need to expand into a mature and potent realization of the creative responsibility that we each hold.

There is one overriding command which comes out from the Creator perfect thyself back into alignment with God. This perfection is in vibration. The singular focus of expanding your will into the higher will is essential. This alignment is the solution to all problems. There is no other way but through alignment with the God Force within thee.

This command is the plan of fulfillment. To become permanently free you must establish yourself in the eternal. This ‘spiritualization’ allows immortality to occur. Your body has the capacity of becoming so finely attuned, quickened into Godhood. The right use of your creative powers allow you to merge into a higher life; an eternal form of everlasting Light. This is an initiation. You transcend death by raising your physical body into the eternal vibration of pure Light. You become unified into the essence of your being as you ascend into a ‘seamless garment of pure Light’.

†The expansion of your will into the higher will is the key.

It is God’s Will that you take back your creative power by taking responsibility for the creative energies that you had set into motion. These are the effects or mental and emotional reactions that occur in your life. By applying your thought and feeling nature, you automatically set into motion certain qualities within your consciousness. The circumstance of your life are a direct out-picturing of these creative energies that you’ve set into motion at some point within time and space.

†The great I AM is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Creative responsibility, the expansion of your will, and the claiming of your right identity are the beginning three stages which guarantee that you will be raising your vibration. You are undivided being, made of the fabric of the universe, with the potential to become something greater. It is not God’s will that you remain an undeveloped part of life’s potential.

†God is the life of everyone.

†Omnipresence . . . He is everywhere, as everything, and everyone.

Spend your time building relationship with God by placing your attention upon Him. Place your focus upon the transient and the impermanent only, and you lose your opportunity for fulfillment and happiness. Happiness is in knowing yourself as the One, and doing the higher will of the Father.

3. False Construction “You cannot focus your attention in two places at once, and expect to become Free. You cannot serve two masters.

There is a part of yourself constructed from the defenses of your human mind, seeking to masquerade itself as the real you. Your natural and real self is an unchanging reality of pure conscious awareness. This phantom self believes itself to be real, lustfully absorbing your attention in the outer pursuit of experiences in the world of appearance. This phantom keeps you from penetrating and going deeper into yourself because it causes you to spend your time focusing upon it and its worldly projections.

Return thyself into the vast Self that you are! You are the omnipresent One. To break the trance of being small, turn away from the temporary, act from the strength to reach into the eternal. Unwind yourself from building this erroneous momentum. Will yourself into intimate association and relationship with the Eternal.

†The darkness in you is made of Light. You hold the key to transfigure this darkness back into the pure vibration of Light. How great is that darkness once it has become transfigured back into Light? It holds the keys to your freedom.

The phantom self pulls upon your attention, hooking you into one outer sensation after another, never giving you a chance to go deeper into the truth of your identity. The world is a trick of your mind, hypnotizing you to stay focused upon it. Your mind can never return to wholeness unless you break this hypnosis.

The outer circumstances in your life are a symbolic, metaphorical projection of your inner consciousness. It is designed this way so that you can slowly see what is occurring within you. You can learn to understand the symbolic nature of your life circumstances to become free. You can practice looking into this mirror and understand the reflections that you see.

†It is a chance to walk within the estate of the Unified Christ.

The phantom self lives in the past and future, always deriving its temporary satisfactions from outer things. God is the reality that remains anchored as the present moment.

†The Separation of the Wheat from the Chaff is the hidden mystery behind your transformation. It is the discernment of the phantom self from Reality that must be attained.

The phantom self believes it is disconnected from the totality of being by avoiding the present moment. If you struggle to resolve the past and hope to create a better future, then you are living as the phantom self. Your soul work begins there. Fulfillment happens when you deliver yourself from this phantom deception by holding yourself into the present moment. The present moment is the beginning of becoming free. Your mind will become whole and healed as you take your attention off the past and the fixation with the future. Now, you have the opportunity to go deeper into your Self.

All motivations have their original impetus in a desire for God. All other motivations and intents are merely the deceptions of the phantom self; its need to create an endless array of outer experiences in a sorrowful attempt to establish happiness. The inclinations of the phantom self always come to a dissatisfying conclusion. It may take you a day, or a year, or an entire lifetime to realize this. As you see the futility of projecting your desires onto the world of appearance, you will find the strength and confidence to reverse this momentum. True happiness and God fulfillment will be within your grasp. The phantom self will begin to dissolve. You will be able to enter the eternal vibrations of pure, unadulterated Light.

All that you see, taste, touch, and attempt to live within, is your creation. These are the conditional qualities and effects that you had set into motion eons ago. It is the projection of your deepest inner thoughts and unresolved emotions that end up out-picturing to form your life’s circumstances. This becomes an excellent training ground for you to enter, so that, you work out the parts of your consciousness that need resolution. You can learn to objectively interpret these appearances so that you master the powers of your creative focus. What you are choosing to make real and valuable in your life becomes a vivid three dimensional picture for you to experience and experiment with. This appearance world is the shadow world where the phantom self that you believe yourself to be, can play out its delusions of mistaken identity.

You are the omnipresent Self, yet your focus into the unreal, temporary, and always changing scene of life causes a great degeneration to take place. The physical body begins to deteriorate only when you turn away from focusing upon the source of being. The cellular structure loses its content of pure Light essence, as you dump your creative power into the temporary appearance world. It is your choice to transcend the confused and troubled nature of the phantom self, to become raised into the higher perspective and the higher life - the eternal realms of pure Light and Love. You have the capacity to become an eternal being; to meet the never ending adventure of creative expression and relationship at one with God.

What holds you back? I call it phantom doubt because this state of mind – doubt – keeps us in a state of uncertainty. Doubt is a feeling of uncertainty. When you are in doubt you aren’t able to focus with certainty and concentrate the energy of your feelings into a definite, positive focus needed to create a state of unconditional love and God perfection. It is this doubt from out of the phantom self that destroys your ability to persevere to Reality.

Doubt masquerades as arrogance, opinionated attitudes, superiority, unworthiness, guilt, bossiness, defensiveness, and a host of other diseases of the mind. Your mind was meant to stay connected into the indwelling Source; to be utilized as a means of building relationship with God. It was never meant to become drunk with perpetual lust for outer satisfaction and cravings of the senses. Your human mind has the capacity to become the Christ Mind . . . the big, whole, and empty Mind. Remove all pre-conceptions, insecurities, and tragic immaturities. Purify and surrender yourself to the vast Self, so that, you attain the eternal wealth of your divine estate.

When you are moved by doubt and fear, you are caught up in an illusory world of the phantom self; doubt being uncertainty and a wavering of your intended focus, while fear is a feeling that you are no longer in control of what manifests around you. Fear is the demonstration to you that you’ve let go of your mastery and are allowing the downward spiral of chaos to begin to reign. Fear causes you to believe that you are being victimized by uncontrollable events and outer circumstances. All that can come towards you to hurt you are the unconscious projections of your consciousness as these energies which have taken form seek to ‘play out’ within your world of appearance.

†As you become conscious of your creative responsibility and the creative power in you, you will easily detect that all in your world has been created by you, and can be powerfully dissolved at your command.

Fear masquerades as sense bound, sense driven, sense pleasure, and power motivated thoughts and actions. As fear has taken hold of you, you have become addicted to searching for an immediate gratification and solution to your self-created problems. Fear and doubt is a cycle that must become broken by your dedication to the higher will, and the desire in your heart for truth and freedom. Devote yourself to revealing to those around you your vulnerability, your truth, and allow the spark of God that you are to become a flame that enfolds you in Its radiance. Dive deeper into the Lord God of your being. Take refuge in His Self that is all of eternity.

Fear and doubt causes self protection and lack in vulnerability. When faced with painful outer circumstances and uncomfortable relationships with the people in your life, instead of seeing the reflections of your consciousness out-pictured, you become caught in manipulation, control, and abuse. Rather than taking back your power by looking at what has manifested in your appearance world and using it to expand your consciousness into God, you stay stuck in human consciousness. Doubt leads to mistrust, and mistrust spirals into suspicion and a selfdestructive web which is difficult to untangle yourself from.

Fear propels you into doubting that what comes into your space is a manifestation of your own consciousness; a vivid manifestation of the results of your creative power through the application of your thought and feeling.

To truly worship God in the highest, you must seek to manifest Consciousness of God. How you choose to see and identify yourself holds the key. Be in relationship with the Creator through your Oversoul, and bring forth the unified consciousness of being in and through your physical form. Your form is made of the Substance of Him. Then, will you be worshipping the Eternal Father in Spirit and in Truth.

The downward spiral which has disconnected you from the Source of your being didn’t occur overnight. It came about one decision at a time. Gradually, your choices had become isolated from the divine Will - the choice that God would make for you in your behalf if you allow it. This feeling and thought of disconnection creates doubt and fear within your heart and mind. You become too unworthy to rely entirely upon the eternal Father for His help. You lose your natural receptivity. As you let go of attempting to control and manipulate your surroundings, you will begin to relax more deeply in trust and faith.

The subtle ‘phantom self weapon’ of control and manipulation has become an addiction of monumental proportions within the cultures of the world. Yet, you are the creator of your personal reality. Believing that you are a victim of circumstance and accident is completely false. Mastery must be attained. Vicarious responsibility or the giving over your responsibility to another will only lead you into ensl avement. Become your own Light!

Mastering your creative power begins by scaling away the falseness in your personality, and allowing your vulnerability, innocence, and the sincere determination to know thyself to take hold in your heart. All your pre-conceived ideas, conceptual understandings, and academic knowledge cannot save you from the phantom self.

†The Light of God is in the world as your very Self

Be willing to expand and grow into the being you are meant to be. It is when you are humble and feeling good about yourself that you are able to expand your ideas about life. Choose love for the essence of your being. Surrender your misconceptions of identity. Let yourself become defined by the truth of your divine identity.

The phantom self denies the circumstances of its present reality. Become aware of what you believe yourself to be, what you think you should be, and what you aspire to be in the future. Denying the present reality makes it impossible to experience a greater reality. To the phantom self, nothing is greater than itself. Each phantom self that you meet on the street will always believe itself to be better than, smarter than, more traumatized, more in pain, and more spiritually evolved than you. Let go of playing the game and expand into the reality of true realization. Pure unconditioned reality is fulfillment.

4. Understanding the Hidden Law “Become obedient to the Law of your Being, manifest His consciousness, then will you accomplish truly great things.�

We live, move, and have our being in God. The window into a direct experience is through your heart. You are a window to the infinite Self that pervades all as water pervades the ocean. Like the hub of a wheel, the Self is all-pervading and also at the center of all things. The Self is emptied of all conditions, and naturally outpours an endless stream of Itself – pure creative power - that emanates into and through creation. You are a doorway or window which allows this emanation to flow into the creation. As you purify and align with this all-pervading emanating you become an instrument of the Will of Heaven. The creative energies interact with your personal consciousness and often become outpictured into your reality. It is highly impressionable energetic substance that responds immediately to your thought and feeling focus. Every relationship and every situation that you find yourself in is a direct creative effect of how you qualify this endless stream of energy through the focus of your thought and feeling nature.

Your life circumstances having been set into motion by you can only be transformed by you; understanding the creative power that operates in you as key. The God substance that is as an ocean everywhere is pure, unconditioned energy which upon your command via thought and feeling, becomes conditioned, qualified into manifestation. The invisible energetic substance becomes visible and formed by your creative power, and the application of your thought and feeling nature is the imprinting that births the pure energy into visible, tangible form. Understanding the right application of your thoughts and feelings is the key to becoming free from unwanted conditions in your life. God intends to manifest through you in Its pure unconditioned state as love, harmony, peace, happiness, abundance, and fulfillment. This can occur as you dissolve your personal erroneous conditions that filter God through your consciousness. Like a movie projector with a particular film which filters the Light right through it, you must dissolve the filters which continually project certain conditions onto the world of appearance of your life. This is the strategy and approach that will set you permanently free.

The creative law is a teacher and guide. It holds you to take creative responsibility for what you’ve created. Imagine that you have certain negative, painful thoughts and/or emotions about someone you know. Most importantly, what you do with this pain is integral to your healing and expansion. Avoid feeling the pain as it surfaces and you are breaking the Law of creative fulfillment. You would be failing to take responsibility for the experience of having created pain. Through the right understanding of your thought, feeling, and attention you become master of your destiny. When you are in pain is the time to compel yourself to practice the creative law of your being to become accountable for your creation.

†Weave a pattern of Light out of the negative mental & emotional conditions that arise in your life. Choose to regenerate your pain and suffering into Light.

Your choice is your free will! Alignment with God requires your absolute obedience to this creative Law. By owning your creative reaction you are reclaiming your inner power to regenerate one strand at a time into the eternal. It is the Law of cause and effect whereby you take responsibility for all that you had created in your past by understanding the right application of your focused thought and feeling. Re-enter the domain of unconditioned consciousness.

†As you create with thought and feeling, so will you experience your creation at some point within time and space.

As you create with your thought and feeling focus, so will you experience your creation within time and space. Right now you are living out of the effects of what you had created in your past – pleasant or unpleasant – it matters not to Life. Life will fulfill exactly what you focus upon with your mental and emotional attention. If held within your consciousness, the inner effects manifest as the circumstances in your life. The people you are attracted to and the circumstances that suddenly appear; each is an out-picturing of your creative consciousness. You can create suffering as easily as you can create unconditional love and self empowerment.

†Recognize your oneness with God . . . Release the world of phantom appearances . . . Reclaim your creative power, your dignity, your godhood.

Be attentive to what comes into your life each day. Your i nner consciousness will reveal itself in your personal world of appearance. Thought and feeling create vibration, and this vibration is a frequency which becomes a quality within your consciousness. Pain is a signal that you must now align with your being. You are continually using divine energetic substance to create vibration. This vibratory substance forms the conditions in and around you. Your creative power automatically qualifies your personal energy into a particular vibrational quality which acts as an imprinting within your consciousness and manifests as your personal appearance world. At some point in time you are called upon to reverse your misqualified creation back into the perfected qualities in harmony with pure Light. At the moment that you are feeling pain or an emotional reaction, the universe is asking you to fulfill the Law of your being by reversing your experience back into Light. How will you respond to the call?

This imprinting remains within your life until you requalify it. Your willingness to recognize the qualities present and to re-experience the energy as it is occurring is the moment you master your life. Releasing your tendency to blame outer appearances as the cause of your reactive experience is a profound key in this process. You have the power to remove the painful reactive emotional state by learning to change the vibrational frequency back into unconditioned Light. This energetic imprinting is a condition of density that holds you into remaining unconscious to the truth of your divine estate. You are a co-creator seeking to create at one with God.

There are Laws which govern the bonding of energy into matter. This materialization of the pure formless, invisible Light into visibly formed matter occurs through the lens of your thought and feeling. How have the conditions in your life come to be the way they are? What has caused certain conditions in your life to appear and disappear? There is no coincidence and there are no accidents in life. The conditions and relationships that we manifest are direct reflections of the way we have used our creative energy presence. Your human experience is often stuck, unproductive, and unhappy because human life is caught within the first stage of this process. This first stage allows for the materialization of pure formless Light into formed material density. What is necessary to solve all problems and conflicts is the fulfillment of the second stage of the process; the dematerialization of density back into Light. Your suffering is the density of Light that you have allowed to linger as dense form. Painful thoughts and emotions, disharmonious outer conditions in your appearance world, conflict in relationships, remain until you step forth and master the creative Law of being. These conditions are perfectly reflecting back to you the misused power of your creative essence. It is the beauty of the Law in action. The perfect manifestation of God in action has been interrupted by your personal consciousness and its imperfections.

All is God in action expressing and awakening to the potentialities inherent in being. You are God in action, and even if you are unconscious to this fact, the Law of your being continues to operate with or without your conscious participation. As you focus upon this realization it will turn you inwards to the core or source of your creative Life. You will be taking your focus off of the temporary and placing it upon the inner perfection of the reality within you. As you find the courage to hold firmly to the inner consciousness and align yourself with this presence, you will be naturally dissolving the negative painful conditions in your life. Too much focus upon the phantom self and an over-involvement with its projected appearance world causes an overmaterialization of our consciousness into contraction and limitation.

Habitual thinking and emotional ‘stuckness’ is an accumulation within your consciousness when you continually focus energy into a particular outer condition. Energy in motion is emotion. When your energy fails to move, you experience stagnation in its movement. When you combine this stagnation with your thought focusing day after day upon the outer effects, believing the cause to be these outer effects, you create an obstacle to your freedom. To move the energy within you, you must enter consciously into your emotional world and allow your creative emotional energies to surface in a space of unconditional consciousness with full accountability to the Law of your being.

Heaviness and those varied moments of depression that overwhelm you are the effects of over-materialization of your consciousness which have returned to you through the Law. Feel the emotion, remember that you are pure unconditioned consciousness, recognize it is a moment to step free of this condition that is arising, release believing its cause to be outside yourself, and allow yourself to re-experience your energy creation as it passes back through you without judgment on your part. Call upon the infinite Spark within you and ask it to come forth to dissolve your creation. The more completely you ‘own’ your creation, the more powerful will be your transformation.

God loves all of its creation unconditionally, and since you are made in the image and likeness of God, you must love your own creation. Embracing the energies that you’ve sent into motion is the fulfillment of the Law of Life.

The materialization of Life’s energies becomes a contraction. This contraction causes us to become more fearful, doubtful, confused, defensive, protective and unreceptive. This is why you struggle to transform. You must go against your habitual inclinations and instincts. You must practice willing yourself to allow the misqualified energy to pass through you without blame or judgment. It is the Law that you reexperience the painful energies present. Fear and doubt create contraction, and this contraction causes your energies to bond into materialization. This materializing influence causes a contraction to your biological form and its thought and feeling nature. This contraction causes more fear and doubt to arise. It is a vicious cycle. The overmaterialization is the underlying cause of our unconsciousness, and unconsciousness is the chain that prevents us from reclaiming our creative power, at one with God.

I want to tell you something about atoms and molecules and the inherent vibration that is created through our attention and focus. Energy . . . divine energy presence or God, is everywhere, existing as everything and everyone. You have the responsibility to claim your identity within this vast Self. The vibrational frequency of all things is not the same. Within the atomic structure there exist units of energy called electrons which encircle the core or nucleus of the atom. All things are made of the same substance - omnipresent energy - and this energy is intelligent energy, omniscient all-knowing energy which exists throughout the universe in every nook and cranny of life. These units of energy are continually encircling around the central core or nucleus of every atomic particle and the speed at which they move determines the vibrational frequency.

†Everything is made of the very same substance . . . intelligent energy presence and primordial raw power that we may call God.

This energy is alive and saturated with consciousness within its atomic and molecular structure. The atomic rate of vibration determines its frequency, and frequency, can vary as it expands and contracts in its vibration. You and I hold the power to direct this once we become conscious of our divine estate, but for now we hold the power to more slowly and gradually change the rate of vibrational frequency through the instrument of our thought and feeling. As you expand into the greater consciousness you will find that you hold the power to change the molecular structure in a very real way. The molecular combination is the thing that changes the structure of matter from lets say an orange to a glass of water. An orange has a different molecular structure than a glass of water. That’s why they appear to be different things, yet in truth, these items are both made of the very same substance of energy. They are only vibrating differently with a slightly different molecular combination to their elements. Interesting!

†Awaken to your divine identity & quicken your atomic structure into the speed of Light. Then will you gain entrance unto eternity.

Electrons are energy in motion or e-motion. When you experience an emotion you are experiencing your energy in movement. Energy can’t be destroyed, only expanded into Light by speeding up the electronic movement around the nucleus core or contracted into matter by slowing down the electronic movement. You can do this through the power of your thought and attention. Slowing down the electron movement causes the frequency vibration to slow down, and this contraction in speed results in a materialization of pure Light substance into matter. If you spend all your days slowing down your vibration in this way, you will be creating for yourself degeneration, disease, and death because the contraction in vibrational frequency culminates with a densification and degeneration in the energy presence that you are creating with.

Quickening the movement of electrons that comprise your material body, thought, and feeling directly accelerate their vibrational frequency into Light. If you maintain your focus each day upon God, you’ll be quickening the speed of your atomic structure. Your consciousness will be refining itself into pure consciousness. You’ll be stabilizing yourself into the very next rate of vibration. This is the simple explanation of creation through thought attention and emotion power. We each have a responsibility to utilize our creative power for our upliftment. You are creating in every moment. Yet, through the right application of your thought and feeling nature, you will discover yourself living at a higher vibratory reality, graduating into the next stage of the human evolution. Become master of your circumstances through the power of your consciousness.

†I command the electronic movement of my soul to quicken unto the speed of Light.

Quickening your vibratory frequency is how you heal. Quicken your vibratory reality by focusing upon the inner Reality of God. This will cause you to resonate to God and identify with the reality of Light, which is the higher frequency rate of vibration. Focusing upon the phantom self and its appearance world binds you to matter. Focus upon the eternal Light, and naturally allow your consciousness to speed up the electronic rate of vibration. This will take you into God realization. You will be unifying your personality into alignment with God.

Disease occurs when the rate of vibration slows down and cannot sustain life. It is the exact opposite action from the quickening into eternal Light. Beyond dogma, and religious philosophies, we become raised into the higher life by quickening our consciousness into the frequency vibration of Love and Light.

The omnipresence of God forms itself into matter, like water in the ocean that forms itself into waves. This wave function of the ocean allows itself to momentarily become a particular wave identity that arises momentarily from out of the ocean. It appears as a separate expression from the totality for that moment in time and space, yet, it is destined to return itself back into the fullness of the ocean. It can then float effortlessly in the bliss of the ocean, but it never loses its individuality. Your life expression is the wave of God arising out from the omnipresence of the ocean that is its being. Through the course of your evolutionary experience, you’ve been playing out your unique wave expression. Becoming conscious that you are both a wave particle of the ocean individualized into form, and also the wholeness of the ocean itself, allows you to evolve consciously, powerfully, and with great freedom.

The transition into the higher life of Light is such that you are able to remain a uniquely individual wave, while being more conscious that your being is the very ocean of being in God. When you qualify for this expansion there are certain benefits that come with this expansion. You must evolve and awaken yourself to this understanding in order to progress into the further stages of Light, where you will know you are the ocean and the wave simultaneously and eternally. It is a great pl an, is it not?

In reality, there is only God as He becomes temporarily light or densified waves of creation, ultimately to return back into Himself at some point within time and space. Is this your moment to return back into your true state of pure individualized God Will you allow the universe to expand? God allows itself to become the darkness by having its vibration lowered in order to experience creation. The Cause of all causes allows this to occur with the understanding that it, as yourself, will be gaining an understanding of itself, becoming conscious that it is God – the very universe of Itself within time and space creation.

If the darkness that is in you be truly Light, then how great is that darkness once you have transformed it back into Light? For this reason, as you hold back from yourself embracing your imperfections, you are holding back the realization or consciousness of God. God is in the darkness or imperfection, as well as, within the pure Light. That is not to say that God in its pure state is vibrating to darkness – No! – Yet, God almighty has allowed, for the sake of the evolutionary expansion of its creation, allowing itself to participate in the expansion and contraction of creation, knowing that it is gaining an awareness of Itself through our experiences within the creation. The one command to human beings from the Creator Himself is to quicken into perfection our life, so that, the creation can expand in its vibrational frequency upwards into pure Light. As you expand into Light vibration, the universe expands into Light. You further the cause of the universe, as you allow yourself to serve this plan and expand into Light within your own physical body. This is the underlying purpose of doing the Will of the Father Mother God – to consciously participate in raising the creation of material density into pure Light. When all of creation returns into Light, something magical will take place for all of life.

†Our thought is a power of creation. Intense thought is feeling. When you say I AM and couple it with a quality of thought or emotion, you are setting into motion effects or qualities of creation. You are causing vibration to occur.

The Law of Life is the means by which you will find your freedom from the lower vibration of hatred, irresponsibility, blame, separation and such. This list is nearly endless, but the approach to arise out of this chaos is simple and precise. Whatever it is that you have set into motion through your thought and feeling nature, you are directly responsible for changing back into pure God. The anger you feel on any given occasion, the confusion you allow yourself to become immersed within, are all part of the energies that you have set into motion at a past point in time. In this moment you are living out of the effects of your past creation, and it is your responsibility to expand your understanding of this Law to set things right within yourself, to experience alignment with God once again.

Our thought and feeling nature operates through the lens of our focused attention and the power of our human free will. Whatever you focus upon with feeling and will, set up an energy vibration that you directly experience. Focus upon love and you create Love and ultimately a more unconditioned consciousness. Focus upon being stubbornly attached to the phantom self and the world of appearance, and you are creating for yourself a materialization of your consciousness and your life into density. It is a Law. This is a bit of understanding on the intricate workings of God’s Law intended for our freedom and fulfillment.

In each moment you must choose where to place your attention and focus. If your life is filled with heaviness, judgments, self-pity, and confusion, you have the inherent power to change its momentum. Demonstrate to yourself what it is you find valuable. What you are focused upon over time and space you are worshipping, and what you worship you become. If you truly love God, then it is your duty to raise yourself into love and goodness by quickening the vibratory quality of your personal consciousness. Your life just as it is now is the exact manifestation of what you’ve been worshipping via your focused attention over many, many lifetimes. It is essential to understand that the form of your physical body may change, but you carry with you the same emotional and mental energies throughout the course of your lifetimes. Your attractions and attachments will only become worked out by your diligence, sincerity, and effort. There are no miracles outside of your ability to change for the better. Only then will the miracle of Grace descend upon your personal efforts for greater freedom.

†Find the faith and courage to transfigure thy life and existence into the seamless garment of eternal Light.

Divine creative energy is continually outpouring its perfect radiation into your life, and it is completely neutral how you choose to qualify it. You can qualify this pure essence with hatred and judgment or love and humility. It is up to you how you condition your consciousness. Your focused attention and the desire for perfection and harmony create the field of energy where like circumstances can manifest to support your choices.

†Choices are of the heart blended with mind. Your actions determine your choice. Live what you know to be the highest action, the greatest truth.

What you focus upon you are worshipping, and what you worship you become in your vibrational frequency. This is the Law of creation. If you focus upon criticizing any part of life, you are imprinting upon yourself this vibratory quality. When you focus your attention with emotional energy you are setting that quality into motion; it becomes emotion! It is so important to recognize that our thought and feeling instruments held in place by our attentive focus sets into motion qualities within our consciousness. Over many lifetimes you’ve set into motion many different circumstances, and you’re responsible for every condition that exists within your life today. Honesty and the willingness to see the truth in every moment can set things right within us.

†Choose expansion, and embrace those contractions that occur along the way. Then will you become birthed into a permanent union with God.

†Your frequency vibration is the doorway that is a demonstration of your mastery of life’s conditions. It is a path of mature and complete accountability. This is the prerequisite allowing you to accelerate your progressive evolution beyond the octaves of the earth.

We are each a localized expression of God. Allow yourself to fulfill the Law of being by transforming your personal consciousness into pure consciousness. Recognize yourself as the Supreme Being, the Christ of creation; that you are this very power and presence. When there is an opportunity to re-experience your created imperfection allow these energies to pass through your consciousness, as you take full accountability for having qualified this into your expression. Release the phantom self and the world of appearances. It is not the cause of your pain and suffering; commune with God affirming your relationship with Him. Pray, asking to quicken your personal issues back into the frequency of Light.

Unifying yourself into alignment by fulfilling the Law of Being allows your physical body to embrace the higher life - seamless garment of Light. Enter into the fullness of the glory of God. His plan for your life is fulfilled through your cooperation and effort. Your focused attention builds the bridge for you into eternity. Your human life will become transfigured into the divine vibration; quickened into Light eternal.

Dedicating your life to this purpose is an art. Returning your consciousness into consciousness of God allows what is unknown to become known. What has been forgotten to be remembered. All effects will become transfigured allowing the present moment to come alive. Acceptance of your creation allows the materialization of your consciousness to pass back through you, establishing you on your way into eternal marriage with the spark of God within you. It is the fulfillment of the plan for our human life.

5. Eternal Connection “There is only one way by which you and the Father may become eternally one, and that is through the full acknowledgement, adoration and acceptance of His presence as your very Self.�

Actively build a bridge to the eternal through relationship with God by invoking from deep within you the sincerity and desire to be close to the essence of your being. This pure intention will elicit a greater response. Existential relationship is honoring and acknowledging that in eternity you and God are One and the same. Experiential relationship with God brings you into deeper realization of what is already known beyond time and space. You can realize the attainment of your efforts in contemplation and attunement to the divine by practicing seeing and relating, identifying and realizing that you are a part of the Omnipresence.

Each day you absorb His pure divine Substance, as you are unifying your personality, your nature and character, into greater alignment and integrity with God. Gradually you are making the effort to clean up your world of appearance by seeing the out-picturing of your personal consciousness made manifest. Your efforts continue to dissolve the phantom self within your thoughts and emotions, as you wash away the illusion of separation from God.

Walk consciously and know that you are an expression of the totality of Life expressing through the human form; an individualized spark of the whole. Identify more deeply with the Omnipresence of Being and you will be healing your heart and mind into union with God.

†There is a living Spirit which emanates continually and eternally out from the infinite center and intelligence of all things.

Within you there is a pool of nectar which acts as a catalytic fire of transformation. Your obedience to the Law of Being and your sincerity for purification are necessary to become at one with the spark of God within you. You awaken the ability to drink of this energetic substance which has been called the Word. Each day you receive more God. This fire eternal quickens your atomic structure into Light. The eternal life everlasting becomes a living reality for you to attain in this lifetime. It is the culmination of every lifetime you have ever lived within the earth. It is the fulfillment of your personal evolution into something greater.

†Partake daily of this living Substance that is pure intelligence and love.

It is your destiny to glorify God by making conscious and self directed effort to become at one with Him. Turn inward and develop a conscious relationship with your Essence. You have a higher Presence - an Oversoul form – of which you are an extension. Your Oversoul Presence is the originating power and individualized intelligence of you. Its guided direction, nurturing, and sustaining power, allow you to think and feel, desire and act. It outpours the energy necessary for you to exist here as an extension of Itself. It is the source of your individuality, and the destination point for you, as you transfigure yourself into the seamless garment of Light. Awaken the potential of yourself. Expand your awareness by recognizing you have no power, but you are the effect of this higher form. Your life is completely dependent upon your higher Presence. Learn to rely upon God; He will express through you His creative power, wisdom, and love. You will be building a living bridge to the Infinite. You will be entering into eternal relationship with the Source and Creator of your life and being.

We earn every phase of our advancement. It isn’t possible to advance from one stage of development to another without true effort and sincere worship. All progress and unfoldment is a manifestation of the creative order of the universe, and is invoked into the realm of the visible by you and me as we become adept at aligning with the Law of life through intense faith and trust.

Only God within you can satisfy your thirst for truth and peace, understanding and harmony. Discover the secret to building and connecting with God. Become saturated with the divine intoxication of truth, self knowledge, and God realization. He is like an ambrosial potion of pure Love that will melt your heart and allow your mind to become whole. Turn your thoughts upon Him. Find your identity in Him who is the supreme Identity of the universe.

During the early hours of the morning, attune to God by listening for His Spirit. Become immersed into the voice of the Infinite. Contemplate your identity in God. Push deeply upon this inner doorway, and then, step back in a state of passive receptivity to receive the outpouring of His presence. Breathe deeply in your daily sessions in your relationship with the great I AM. Alone and in a safe place, let go to give yourself more deeply to God. It is an active movement inward and then, a passive, gentle receptivity, as you open your heart to receive His eternity. Allow the inner doorway to swing back out to you and outpour It’s radiant emanation of Love. You are in an exchange program whereby you exchange the lower vibrations of your human self for the more perfected vibrations of eternity. It is an exercise in being assertive and then stepping back and becoming more passive in your relationship to the Infinite. God will flood your mind and feeling world with its vibratory emanation as you place your focused attention upon Him, gradually dissolving your separation and merging your identity into God Himself.

†As Above, so Below. As in the lesser, so in the greater. The inner is a blueprint of the outer, and the outer is an exact, symbolic reflection of the inner. It is wisdom to know that what governs the outer is a Law within the inner.

Life is expansion and contraction. Focus your attention within, desire to unify your mind and heart, and allow yourself to become penetrated by His Love. Relax into your breathing, becoming immersed within the rhythm of expansion and contraction. As you embrace your pain and hurt you are learning to love yourself unconditionally, even through the discomfort of those momentary contractions. Every contraction of pain and struggle becomes the fuel for the very next expansion.

Empty yourself as you attempt to become what you already are in one certain way. You already are the embodiment of God, yet, you must saturate yourself bodily in His emanation. It is your free will time to realize this reality within your consciousness. Then you will know the fulfillment of this relationship by direct experience. His omnipresence is an ocean of being that is everywhere, as everything, and evolving into consciousness as everyone. You are His presence. Let stillness take place throughout your day by immersing your heart and mind into your breathing. Attune to the stillness, building a deeper, fuller bridge to the Eternal.

Behold God as all things. You are a part of God unfolding your potential as a son or daughter of Him. He intends that you merge into His identity and become conscious of being consciousness itself. In contemplating Reality and attuning to this pure state, embrace relationship with the Creator. Through the inversion of your attention, you have the ability to realize this underlying identity. God is at the center beyond all creation, and simultaneously He is not separate from the creation, dwelling in some far off place, but a living, breathing being, a supremely transcendent consciousness that is the Being behind all forms. Even the form is made of the Essence of Him. There is nothing outside of Him. Become conscious of your existence in Him. The formless, nameless Reality is who and what you are. In consciousness of Him you will realize that all the apparent form is within you. All waves are within the ocean of God. Claim your existence in God, as God the supreme. Embrace the unchanging, unconditional, ever expanding reality of the eternal God.

Contemplate with sincerity and the desire to understand yourself, and to know that you are a particle of this all-pervasive intelligence, the underlying consciousness of everybody. Dissolve the phantom self overlay into the unconditional. Do not be misinformed of your true right and power as a divine creation, at one with God Himself. As you believe and live as you believe, so it will be for you to become the ideal. You have the ability to expand in your understanding and awareness of your sacred relationship with the God of your being; Practice seeing and relating to yourself as the divine identity. Mock up being the unified oneness. See yourself as the omnipresent God force. Give to yourself the gift of receiving life more abundant.

Contemplation is powerful! Create the time to consider the possibilities that you are the presence of formlessness; vastly intelligent, divine love made visible. You and I are the very same being in God; everywhere, as everything, and everyone. The one Essence is the power to transform your deepest pain; all-powerful to change every condition and circumstance in your life into His divine perfection.

Contemplate the all-pervading consciousness as your Being. Realize all manifest form resides within you. Experience directly the formless presence that resides in every heart and mind as God. The ocean of consciousness saturates all the space within the atmosphere. This is our true identity within the omnipresent ocean of being. This is the beginning of the awakening realization. Be courageous to persevere beyond your doubt, fear, confusion, and lack of faith. Quicken yourself into His glory. All answers are hidden within Him, and as you access consciousness of Him your problems dissolve. Only Grace and pure acceptance remain.

All that you can see is made of divine thought, constructed of His emptiness. The material world appears as a form filled world, yet this form is really empty space, the true formless identity of all things. Form is actually within you as a son/daughter of God. Your physical body is within this Self. God is the all-pervading essence that surrounds and penetrates creation. He is intending to embody the physical creation of you, and it is your free will that allows Him to enter you more deeply. Embrace this realization through sincere desire, effort, and the determination to dissolve into the real and the everlasting. If you love God, then you must desire to become God! All is God manifesting as the creation. Your body, thoughts and feelings, are made of His substance. Spend your time applying this wisdom and instruction to your everyday life. Allow God Himself to saturate you. The, will your life become transformed into a higher Life, at one with God.

Become attuned to Being during the early hours of the morning when the atmosphere is more still, and where you have yet to build up residue in your consciousness from the activity of the day. Build a bridge to relationship with Him, allowing His presence to transmute your human consciousness into a higher consciousness, and a living vibratory presence. Focus your attention in this way, devoting yourself to revealing to you the depths of your being. Allow your insecurity and discomfort to become absorbed into Him.

If you value your existence, and sincerely desire to know God, then gradually withdraw your attention from the world of appearance. Sensory stimulation and immediate gratification cannot give you happiness and fulfillment. Unhappiness is the effect of placing your attention and focus upon the unreal, which you erroneously energize each day with your attention and mis-identification. Take your attention off of the temporary outer appearance, placing it deeply into the reality of God. Time and space is ever-changing, designed merely to frustrate you so that you turn inwards seeking what is true and real. God intends that you and I turn inwards to the essence of our being. As you withdraw your attention from the outer appearance, you begin to starve the unreal within you. Over the course of time you can then step free from every conflict and tense inner struggle of your life.

There is no time to waste in the realization and fulfillment of your existence. As you expand your understanding only good can come. You are the Life that God is. Perceive your Life everywhere, knowing that you are the one Power and Presence that gives life to every appearance. Through the power of your focused attention you are sustaining every condition within your experience. Focus upon God within you, removing your attentive focus from any painful appearances. Let all tension and doubt evaporate.

†Develop a relationship with Essence. Bring His perfection into manifestation. Absorb His Infinite Intelligence. Even a morsel will expand thy intelligence exponentially.

Attain the direct experience of understanding God by expanding your faith. True faith is acknowledging that you are a part of the nameless, formless reality. Be willing to have Him open the doorways for you in your life, guide you, and reveal to you the way that is best for you. He will guide your every step Home. Your faith will become enhanced as you believe in the subtle and unseen reality of God. He is the primary, motivating, and originating power from which all has become birthed into manifestation. He is the One who sustains the creation. You are the one who sustains your personal creation. Our devotion to know and understand Life is fueled by our desire to discern the real from the unreal. This will not be understood through a mental-rational process. That will only take you further from the Truth. Indescribable, ever constant, able to be contracted and expanded through the power of our consciousness; this mysterious omnipotent Substance that is Life is the most precious commodity of all.

Because you are the one Reality, you have the right, the power, and the ability to command through your free will that all outer tendencies of thought and emotion become still and transmuted into Light. Every human being is continually using the energy and divine substance from the Essence of their being in every moment of their lives. You and I are continually using our individualized Essence to create vibration through the application of our thought and feeling nature. This is the singular power of your individual consciousness. Become still within your thoughts, and hold harmony within your feelings, then call forward from within you the transforming power of Love to purify the hardships within your life into Love. As you acknowledge your Essence by giving Him your recognition and attention, He will outpour His radiation through you. It is the purifying fire of Love, the transmutative agent of all imperfect conditions. He will expand Himself through you, as you give more of your time and space to Him.

†Ask for what you truly want, and then be willing to prepare a place in you to receive.

When you speak with authority, knowing in your heart that you are the one Consciousness, you increase your empowerment a hundredfold. It’s required that you recognize the presence of your Self as the one and only power, the only intelligence that can act in your world. If you say that you believe in God, then you must make the leap of faith to understand that this force is the only power and presence to be found anywhere.

Believing in two powers - for example - you as a person and then God somewhere within you, is to sustain the belief in two powers, two entities, two beings. This is absolutely false. Enhance your personal empowerment by dissolving your idea that two powers can exist. There is only the one God, everywhere present. This is the alignment that must occur for you. To stand tall, courageous, and command as the consciousness of the One, you will be enhancing your healing power because you have expanded and deepened your conscious realization of God. God will conduct the healing and the manifestation right through you, as you give over your human free will, and personally acknowledge the one God who does all things. Align with Him, the Omnipresence of all-Love, embrace His Omniscience, the wisdom-intelligence to guide your life better than you yourself can, and you will awaken fulfillment. Align with His Omnipotence, His Infinite power to wield the force of transformation, and you will be quickening all divine substance into the vibratory realm of Light eternal.

Attuning to the Essence of your being, and contemplating your sameness in identity is fulfillment and happiness. You’ll be dissolving into unconditional love. Every moment that you focus in this way, you’ll be re-aligning your thought and feeling into the frequency of Eternity. Acknowledge the one Presence and Intelligence, then claim it as your own Self in every thought and action that you take. See that you are God in Action in all that you do during the day and evening. You will become a living generator of divine radiation that will attract to you all love, wisdom, and the pure power for God’s activity to be expressed through you. The freedom you’ll experience through this singular focus is fulfillment. Fulfillment is not in achieving merely outer accomplishments, but it’s in being in obedient to the great Law that is God; of creating a right alignment with your true identity so that, happiness can blossom. Turn within, go deeper still, and make conscious effort to connect with your real estate. Discover and develop this real estate where you are destined to inherit the wealth that is God. Allow the outpouring of its perfect radiation to saturate you, as you dissolve into the Him.

Attune inwards in order to build relationship with divine nectar, the living Word, spoken of in the ancient texts of some of the major religions of the world. This Word emanates out from the Eternal Source of Being. Our relationship to this Life Principle is activated through devotion and loving, attention. When you think to yourself ‘I AM’, and then, follow that statement with a quality, such as compassion, you are unleashing the power of creation to imprint within your world your unique signature vibration. You are living within the effects of your unique signature vibration, and if what you are experiencing is causing you pain, then it is through unconditional Love, the Flame from within your being, that you will permanently transform. As you merge yourself into the spark of God within you, and as you attune each day to this divine reality, you’ll experience the higher perspective and be preparing to enter the Higher Life. All painful imperfect qualities will become dissolved. Pain becomes Love. Misunderstanding and judgment become compassion and understanding.

Allow yourself to trust God so deeply that you are unwilling to lay claim to any power or intelligence from within your personality. Recognize that Infinite power and guidance are within you. As you give your recognition and acknowledgment to God, He will outpour His Love.

†He who perceives Me everywhere, and beholds everything in Me, never loses sight of Me, nor do I ever lose sight of him.

It is an unconditional surrender to the source of your Being that accelerates your progressive transformation. Place no conditions upon your healing – how you believe it should look, and who needs to come forward to assist you. Let go of your ideas, your willful agenda and, erroneous desires that have lead you nowhere. Become receptive to Him. Every part of you must desire this power shift, and must understand the value of this surrender-expansion; desire to align with Him. He cannot align with you. Your expansion into His Love will empower you deeply. You will know that nothing can harm you, unless you have attracted it into your space. To understand this will give you peace and encouragement to take steps further in this direction.

†How sincere are you in desiring to go beyond your judgments and intolerance of what you see? Judgment is a gap within your understanding that must be healed through wisdom.

God within and beyond me, you are the source of my being, I give to you my need to control. I return my attention to you. I recognize that all intelligence and power to live come from you. You are the source of all things for me, and I know that you are deep within me, beyond me here, and I desire to be unified with you, as one Being.

As you ask and allow yourself to surrender and expand into the higher, you will experience a daily merging of your conditioned consciousness into unconditioned consciousness. This is the movement of your vibratory identity as it changes into the more permanent, eternal, and everlasting. You will be expanding into the unconditioned presence of the great I AM.

Your early morning attunement means asking and receiving the purifying flame of Love. You can worship the Universal Spirit, attune to the Eternal Word, or obtain this Fire energy through the Infinite Power. Ask to become saturated by His Love. Allow Him to descend upon you as you deepen your relationship with the source of your being. Through the use of this consuming flame you’ll purify the lower vibratory substance; you’ll become lighter, emptier, and more aligned. Each moment is an opportunity to practice. As you serve this ideal, becoming obedient to the inner Law of Being, your confidence will grow. The Life will respond to you in an undeniable way.

Acknowledge and identify with this unified Light that is everywhere. Spiritual insight and divine perception will flood you. Your consciousness will become dissolved, yet the true you will remain. You’ll know that you know. Your ‘misqualified’ energy will have no power over you. Pain, suffering, and feeling victimized will become washed away in the waves of love and self respect.

6. Divine Design “Acknowledge the One Presence, Intelligence and Power, and then claim it as your own in every thought, feeling, and activity.�

This power becomes awakened in you when you acknowledge the originating point from which your life has descended into existence. This deeper relationship is the catalyst to ignite and fuel your devotion. Acknowledging the essence of your being is giving your power to it, which is good! God is the one who nourishes and guides you, and has been from the very beginnings of your existence. You must raise yourself from your limitations through conscious effort. Transcend all threads of separation and misunderstanding and raise your consciousness by reaching into the Eternal. Here you will discover a much greater experience of your existence and your relationship to the Source. It is the culminating experience of human evolution to take your life and build a platform from which you will ascend into the arms of the Eternal.

Your relationship to your existence will never go away. Realize that you are a particle of the all-pervading Cosmic Christ or Supreme Being. You are God individualized as Him. You will always be that same individualization, yet, your consciousness of the Totality of yourself has the capacity to expand and contract. Each day as you transfigure your conditions into Light, you’ll be raising yourself into this Being. You will be walking in deeper alignment, joy, and happiness. You will be preparing yourself to walk right into the eternal realms of Light. You will have transcended death, becoming quickened into immortality. This is the way, the truth, and the light – it is through your individualized God Presence within you.

Build this living bridge to Reality by fulfilling His first command – to become perfected, even as He is, expanding into deep relationship realization. Build upon your understanding of how to approach the allpervading Spirit by doing it. Acknowledge Him by worshipping and adoring the source of your being, fueling your devotion and desire for union with God.

The second power of relationship is Identifying with God. It is a mistake to believe that you are a human being seeking God somewhere far outside of yourself. You must make the leap of faith and trust – the true meaning of faith and trust - by claiming you and the essence of your being are one and the same. You must begin with claiming you are a part of the Omnipresence, working each day to realize this within your personal consciousness. God asks of us to love Him by worshipping, acknowledging, and identifying with Him. What you worship, you become more alike to. The power of identifying with Him is the me ans by which we arrive. It is only the beginning of your expansion when you claim identity with God. You are building a bridge which, once established, will allow your connection to God to become a very powerful experience. This faith based relationship occurs through your unconditional surrender to God and the expansion of your free will into His Will.

Identifying with Truth is seeing and relating to yourself as formless, nameless and pure. You must transform the heavily conditioned, irrational, overly materialized consciousness. The idea that you are merely a human being separate from the one God force of the universe is completely and utterly false. God is omnipresent. She is everywhere, as everything, and intending to embody everyone once we establish our free will in God. Apply yourself to these principles. Begin by acknowledging God who dwells within your heart and mind. Each moment that you choose to see yourself as you are in God you will be awakening a more advanced vibratory field of action. Your latent conditions-imperfections will appear to become dissolved in His Love. The self you thought you were is of your past, and can become washed away into the present moment into the Light of illumination and consciousness of Omnipresent God.

†In evoking the power of realization you are learning to expand and then embody the spark of God within your heart and mind. You are creating space for God to expand in and through your physical circumstances and human expression.

When you break through the boundaries of your personal consciousness, you expand into the universe; knowing beyond any doubt and confusion what you are. Establish this realization during this lifetime, so you can bridge into the Eternal. You will become immortal in this way. Fulfill the Law of your being, expand your receptivity, and experience directly conscious, permanent contact.

Acknowledge Being. Recognize the higher originating point from which you have descended. Identify yourself as an extension of this Source of your individuality. Invoke your power to renew your faith. Be willing to expand into this divine ideal. Detach from the materializing influences that keep you small and in lack. Unify your personhood into a cohesive personality, a divine personage that is preparing to become birthed beyond the temporary into the Infinite Universe; a unique individualization of the omnipresent God.

Through an understanding of the Law we realize that what we focus upon we energize into our reality. Focus upon what you desire, and remove your thought attention from that which doesn’t serve that purpose. Be aware of your misqualified energy as it passes through your consciousness. Remain focused upon God I am within you. Appreciate the value of your existence by continually returning your focused attention inwards upon this deeper Reality. Allow yourself to expand more fully into the divine identity which you seek to permanently become.

†Glorify me oh God with thy holy vibratory radiance, so that, I may glorify you within the earth. So that I may raise this imperfect human form into the perfection of the garment of thy Light.

Gratitude and appreciation for your existence . . . for your existence! Where would you be if you didn’t exist? Discovering your gratitude is a gift that will propel you into ever deeper communion with the Infinite. Appreciating your willingness to remain obedient to the Law allows your consciousness to become God-like.

The Infinite power will allow you to dissolve your human agenda into an unconditional expansion. You will be merging into the higher Will and divine Identity. A full and unconditional surrender to God’s Will in you is the doorway of Love. Be willing to give up your attachments to the temporary and your identity association with the phantom self. Give the Infinite a chance to purify you.

When you ask the Infinite to purify you, it is the greatest gift that you can give to God. You create space for God to embody you here and now as a physical creation. The Fire of Love will transform you from a dense, limited, and completely mortal creature- sense bound, time bound, space bound - into an immortal being, one with the Universal Being that pervades all. You achieve this leap in evolution by aligning, expanding, and being willing to do the Will of God.

†The Infinite Fire transfigures! You become a being of pure Light in and through your physical body. The physical body becomes transformed into the Eternal - the seamless garment of Light.

Your invitation to the Infinite to purify you raises your vibration. This voluntary surrender is not a giving up, but a giving inwards that develops the latent powers of creation that lie dormant within you. Ask and allow for this purification to occur. Expand yourself into a greater, vaster, lighter, and more intelligent version of what you presently are. All that is real and true and beautiful will remain with you, as you.

†Quicken me oh God within me, quicken our field of receptivity unto Thy pure vibration.

Dissolve your fear, doubt, and erroneous belief in separation and death. Let God embody you, taking you higher into the octaves of Light. Every outer manifestation of conflict and disease will become permanently dissolved in this transformation.

7. The Immortal Landscape “Ask from above and you will receive. Persevere with all sincerity, becoming opened up to the greatest of mysteries.�

All that we can see, taste, touch, smell is a temporary cloud. Our attention placed entirely upon the temporary can only bring more of the same. If you desire to access the Eternal, place your attention upon Him. Place your heart and mind on the Infinite, and blossom into greater consciousness of your existence. Become a true Individualization of the Supreme Being.

Freedom from every conflict is attained by removing your thought attention from the conflict, and placing it upon the spark of God within. Chaos cannot remain unless your attention is feeding into it. Our thought attention is a divine creative power.

†When your thought attention and focused awareness is upon the Unchanging Reality, your energies will become as pure as the frequency of light.

To judge another is a direct interference with the free will of the person because essentially when we judge we are saying that the person shouldn’t be doing what they are doing, and each one of us has the right and freedom to do as we wish.

Take your attention off the outer manifestation – the effects. Place it firmly upon God within you - the Cause. Then you will be creating in alignment with the Source. You will be gradually emptying yourself of all harmful conditions; manifesting the unconditional, pure consciousness of God.

Our thought attention is an act of creative worship. This hidden power enables you to energize the state of consciousness that you desire to live within; focusing your attention upon the spark of God within you, will unfold harmony, unconditional love, compassion and understanding. You are a creative power, qualifying in each moment your individual consciousness.

Your thought attention placed effortlessly upon the inner Self is the highest action that you can take to create happiness and realization fulfillment. You must be willing to give up your addictions to the sensual world of appearance which is impermanent and can only bring frustration, dissatisfaction, and confusion. Go deep beyond the confines of the senses into the state of knowing that you are Consciousness Itself. That is the pathway into eternal life. What we are in Existence we must come to know and understand in our direct experience.

Rather than run or hide from the events that appear within your personal world of appearances, it is essential to learn how to utilize these circumstances to see and reclaim your consciousness as it gets reflected back to you. For example, if there’s a person that you judge look closely at what you judge about them, then use your reflective intuition to see the symbolism that this outer manifestation is showing you. This is an area in your personal consciousness that you must embrace, accept, understand, and transform into Light. There is no coincidence and all outer manifestations are an exact reflection of inner consciousness.

The Law of Life requires that you re-capture the fullness of your consciousness bringing all personal energies into the perfection of Spirit. The most powerful way to do that is to utilize the reflections that are now manifesting in your appearance world.

This approach is simple in its way, challenging to do, and beautiful to have done it; to reclaim the creative power of your being and to become immersed in the awareness of God. It has been said that as you sow, so shall you reap the effects of that sowing. What you create with your thought and feeling nature, you’ll eventually experience in your personal reality. The untransformed effects of our thoughts and feelings appear in our world of appearance. You can intuitively understand your inner consciousness when it becomes present in your personal world. Understanding how to view your creation as a symbol in your world takes some time because it is a radically different way to approach life. However you’ll be able to master all your outer events and circumstances by making use of this power of reflection.

Owning your creative power! This means that you have given it away at some point in the past. To take it back, to see and claim back the power to make the necessary changes in your life you must see and understand that you originally created the inner turmoil and the outer events through the power of your thought and feeling. You are the creator of every event in your life. The need to recall your creative energies originally set into motion by you is an essential first step.

It is the most direct route to transform your problems. Rather than resist or rebel against what appears in your personal life, welcome the circumstance and see that you have created this symbolic reflection. God’s Law allows us to create a variety of predicaments, so that we can experience the results of our creative power and learn to wield the sword of creativity. Our free will is how we choose to continue to ‘energize’ our creative manifestation through our thought attention and focus.

†To create in alignment with the Source means that we must take responsibility for what had been created in our past.

†Can you perceive the perfection within the imperfection? What you are currently experiencing had been created by you in your past. Through the divine mirror, we are able to uncover the hidden secrets to our own destiny, and to change this destiny, we must alter our present creative energies.

Awareness of God gives you the insight to see yourself directly. Unaware of God’s Presence, we see ourselves indirectly through the reflections of our relationship to outer things. Seeing indirectly, we stay trapped within the lower perspective; we view our existence through the human mind. In the higher perspective, we see directly and this empowers us to transform into a higher life, whereby the creative energies manifesting into our appearance world become aligned with God’s will.

As a human being you know yourself through your relationship to relative reality. This is the world of opposites! You believe yourself to be a human being, separate from God, or working to get closer to Him. Relationships are conditional and very much dependent upon pleasure and pain. Here you are looking from the lower perspective, the human mind. In the higher perspective you see and know directly your relationship to God. You realize yourself at the Cause, the divine center of your Self, rather than living on the periphery whereby you are pressed to focus on outer events and temporal identities.

When you use the power of reflection, you take back your power. What you have set into motion can be more easily transformed because you are abiding within the creative Law. You empower yourself with consciousness to create anew, rather than allow these energies to play out. Our creative energy directly forms our appearance world.

What is it that stops us from fully utilizing the power of reflection? We often believe that we haven’t created the circumstances and painful relationships in our life. We judge what we think we are seeing or we attempt to escape the circumstance via blame, avoidance, denial, justification, projection, rationalization. We must wake up to the creative responsibility. All confusion, doubt, and fear occur as a result of the refusal to take back our creative power and use the power for good in our lives.

Inquire as to what is real and what is unreal. The real is that which doesn’t change. The real is you, the observing consciousness beyond all thought and emotion. God is the real, the constant, the dependable always. Discover the desire to find God amidst the rubble, noise, and interference - the appearance of the unreal. Your desire to know truth will carry you into the reality of God.

†Search and you will find the doorway to the Infinite. Persevere through confusion, doubt, and fear. Let go of thy opinions and preconceived ideas about God and Truth. Be patient and determined. It will be revealed to you. It is His promise if you persevere.

The cult of unconsciousness is perpetuated by our unwillingness to expand, to grow, and to surrender our erroneous ideas, in order to embrace a larger vision of existence. This mass agreement or cult is everywhere in society. Its central false principle is worship of the physical body. Believing that we are merely a physical body prevents us from inquiring more deeply into the deeper, fuller reality. God indwelling you is the gateway to freedom. Do not wait for God to come to you without you making the necessary effort. It is essential for each of us to raise our lives to Him.

†The power of discernment enables us to see from our heart and feel the truth of our being. To know the difference between truth and falsehood, discern God inside of you.

Find your will to raise yourself into God’s reality, and manifest the courage to live the higher perspective. The unreal phantom self lives within the past and future of time and space. It is built upon fear and the feeling that you are victimized by life’s circumstances. The higher reality is the more expanded part of your being. God is our being. Arise and walk the ancient way directly into the higher Life.

†Make no assumptions about who and what you are. Discover the courage to question the most basic and intimate assertions of your life, and command that the truth behind the meaning of your existence become self-evident.

This phantom self that I speak of exists within your mind and feeling world. It is the coalescence of your thought and emotion as it has become focused into the appearance world. In this false identity you live within the extremes such as right and wrong, good and bad, inferior and superior, smart and stupid, masculine and feminine, here and there, up and down, in and out, higher and lower, death and life, etc. There is only one way to solve this riddle inside yourself which keeps you and I from experiencing the greater fulfillment and that is to contemplate and unify these drastic opposites of the phantom mind. You must be willing to inquire as to the true nature of your identity while contemplating these opposites as the phantom mind within yourself. These unconscious energies that comprise the phantom mind keep you from expanding into the divine mind and true identity of all Life. Allow your unconsciousness to become dissolved into pure Consciousness.

The true meaning of faith and trust is to dare to claim your existence as a part of the God presence and yet, not fully experience it within your personal consciousness. Trust is to have the courage to expand and deepen your relationship to the unseen and unknown force of Spirit, even when you are unsure if it knows you exist. Faith inversion is to turn your attentive focus inwards and commune with the indwelling Reality of yourself throughout your day and even into the night as you are relaxed within your home. Harness the power of your ability to penetrate the phantom mind and pierce the veils of your forgetfulness on your way into the divine realization.

Trust in the indwelling Spark of God to lead you and guide you ever upwards into Itself. It calls to us in so many subtle ways to turn our attention inwards – to invert our mindful attention – into the inner recesses of our being. Faith inversion means to change direction of your focus and thinking and spend your days contemplating and realizing that you are conscious of being the very Consciousness of the universe Itself. You are the self Consciousness of life as it expresses throughout the creation. So when you say I AM . . . and follow this with a quality of your focus, you are literally commanding the universal creative Substance of God to fulfill your request for more of the same vibratory substance to manifest into your reality. Faith inversion commands your energies to become pulled back into the Christ center of yourself. Command all your energies that have been exteriorized into the appearance world and the phantom self identity to become returned into the Christ center within you. Recall all of your creative substance that you have placed into creation and have it become purified into the consciousness of the Pure One.

This hidden power of faith inversion allows you to stop misusing your creative power by giving you a place to focus your attention which you must focus somewhere. Focus into the inner being of yourself and watch your creative manifestations that are out of alignment with the higher will become dissolved and transported back into pure consciousness. Tuning inwards during your day will accelerate your progress tenfold, as you recoup your power to create by bringing balance to your past creative endeavors. Every bit of your energy that has been set into motion and which makes up your appearance world and phantom self identity must be recalled at some point in the individuality of you within time and space. In completing this task you will be maturing yourself as a personality while you are clarifying your consciousness into Light. You will be well on your way towards becoming established in the one consciousness and your individualization within Eternity.

Becoming conscious of being Consciousness Itself is the means by which you will combine the existential relationship with the experiential realization of your existence. You will own yourself rather than allowing yourself to be a slave to the lower passions and carnal nature of the human body. This faith inversion technique works as a protection for you to keep focused into the truth of your being. As you look outwards into the world of appearance with your physical eyes, slowly turn your attention into following your breathing. Become absorbed into the breathing and allow yourself to float inwards to ‘seeing’ and becoming aware of you that is observing all of this activity. Become conscious that you are the very Consciousness itself that exists in and throughout all of this phenomenal activity of the mind. Turn your conscious awareness to this Principle indwelling you and find your solace and peace, your comfort and protection.

Discovering yourself as pure consciousness will be experiencing you within the divine emptiness of the Spirit. This emptiness is an expanded and directly experiential knowledge of your grander Self which dwells in the beyond. It is here but also in the beyond at the same time. Practice this conscious daily merging into the greater Self in every moment that you have time, and your consciousness will become absorbed into the vastness of this open space within you. You will be allowing yourself to dissolve the conditions and density that binds you to unconsciousness and the phantom identity. You will be realizing that you aren’t a human person seeking God, but that you are the very pure consciousness that is everywhere, as everyone, and everything.

I know myself to be this all-pervading consciousness that is the Life presence behind every form. I am able to walk within this consciousness throughout the day and in my interactions with others. I see that the ‘others’ are merely the magnificent presence of this consciousness that I AM. There is a great fulfillment and peace which saturates my mind and heart in relationship to God above – the greater consciousness above us that is also us - as well as in my relationship to all the body of Life that is right here within my day to day, mundane interactions with all people. I hold each person as the divine presence and know that I AM a living part of their own consciousness as well. My nature and character have become more deeply purified and aligned with this higher intelligence of Us, and my personality works in great cooperation much of the time with the higher plan and will.

My intent is to continue to raise my consciousness and also the physical form into the vibratory frequency of pure Light. It appears that I am simply living as everyone else, but I will assure you that my attentive focus and receptivity is working to stay expanded and open to receive from the beyond through my higher Christ self and oversoul presence. I am in relationship to these aspects of my being even more so than being focused into relationship to the temporal world of appearances. I share this so that we can understand together the great need for expansion into the existential consciousness and the opportunity to radiate this realization of oneness into the time and place where we find ourselves within this octave of reality.

There is a spiritual insight which has opened for me that allows me not to have to think in linear terms, but to simply know directly through a super-intuitive intelligence. My mind is not busy with the past and future, and attempting to handle all sorts of outer conditions. The manifestations into my appearance world are deliberate and I recognize these events, circumstances, and relationships as the out picturing of my personal consciousness. I make every effort each day to view the appearance world around me and decide whether to continue to energize things or dissolve my creative energies back into pure Light. It has become ‘handle-able’ in that there is an understanding that I have arrived at which assists me greatly in being efficient in my co-creation with the Source within me.

Divine perception will occur for you as you give yourself to this faith inversion. This is the primary means to accelerating your progress into faith realization and a direct experience of the divine in your life. Walking within this higher mode of living is walking within the higher consciousness in alignment with the eternal Law of your being. Being in alignment with your innermost being is a total necessity towards manifesting happiness and fulfillment within the earth and, of course, is the prerequisite for entering into eternal Life and immortality. There is no other way that has been designed for you. Once you understand this fact, you will give yourself into this expansion and surrender. Knowing that there is a higher, more intelligent, deeper, place for you to live and move within the being of God, will set your heart on fire and that sort of devotion will take you deeper into the realization of your oneness. It isn’t a oneness where you become equal to the power and intelligence of the Creator, it is a oneness where you simply align with that and allow yourself to become raised up into the next phase of your human evolution. Your own intelligence and ability to unconditionally love and accept will become greatly expanded. You will be a demonstration of the glory of God.

†The mortal must put on Immortality and the corruptible must become incorruptible.

In this way, this approach to your life you will be walking in fuller consciousness whereby the potentials are different for you as you are raised into a higher vibration. In the lower vibration there is struggle and conflict and such, whereby in the higher vibration there is the more unconditioned life where there is harmony and effortless manifestation in alignment with the Source of yourself. Your mortal self will be quickening into the immortal vibratory field of immortality and pure Light. This transfiguring of yourself into Light is the divine will in action and it is the fulfillment of the plan for human beings.

Through faith inversion and the turning of your attention inwards and upwards into that higher relationship, you will be dissolving the conditions that cause you to be held back and obstructed. We are meant to be unique individualities of the Source, not ‘cookie cut’ reproductions of human personalities that are the same as all else. This transfiguration allows you to become transformed into a unique personality and individuality of the Source; powerful individualities, perfected within the human experience after taking back the creative power that was given to you from the beginning. Do you know what it would be for you to become infused with divine realization and emptied of your personal agenda, available to be of service to the higher will? Do not attempt to become this before you are made ready, or you will become stalled into arrogance and self-deception. Bring forth the patience and perseverance to walk through all things ephemeral, temporary, and become permanently raised into Light eternal.

Obedience and discipline. Obedience and discipline! Not to an outside authority that is separate from your very self. No! This kind of obedience is to listen and follow the leadings of your innermost being. Your being is governed by a Law which is the essence of God almighty, which is the source of all Love and mercy, intelligence and understanding. Worship this higher intelligence and mercy, this love and understanding by disciplining your lower nature, your human carnal self. Discipline yourself into following truth, beauty, and goodness. Does this sound like an authority outside of yourself?

Human beings as it stands right now have no free will. The concept is there and the idea exists, and it was the original plan for human life to have free will to choose. But, can you really choose freely to do as you please? Can you truly choose to manifest all that you desire? No! Why not? Because when we are given a certain amount of divine energy to create with and when, as a human population, we have already used up all that will be given to us, we must then take what we have already created and return it into pure Light, pure energy before we can go further. The vibrations and qualities that some have created for themselves have become such density and darkness, such rebellion and mis-alignment, that they are stuck by their own creating.

Imagine placing into a blender water pure and clean and then filling up the vessel with objects so dense and hardened that there is no way to further stir the solution, to loosen up the substance that was originally placed within the blender vessel. It is the same with human creation in that human beings have so created density within their mind and emotional consciousness, that nothing can penetrate in and not a single thing can become taken out. They are stuck. Then imagine on top of this conflict, humans have little understanding to see that they themselves created the ‘stuckness’ and they want to blame and deny and project the responsibility upon others. This in itself breaks the Law of our being which states that we are accountable for every bit of energetic substance that we place into motion. Our circumstances in our life are our personal creation that was set into motion at a prior point in time. Most everyone is entirely living out of the effects of what was created in the past. As a population we are stuck in the past and hoping to create good things for the future, but unwilling and unable to lay claim to our creation from the past.

Human free will was a gift that was misused and misunderstood. We must take ownership for this gift by balancing the past created substance that keeps manifesting into our personal appearance world. Everything in your personal world has been attracted to you through the energies within your emotions and mind. Everything! Through the cooperation with the Law of our being, we can begin to recall our past, dissolving it into the present moment, and head further towards the destiny which lies within our ‘future’. You cannot find your free will because it has already been used up, causing you to become densified and frozen in time. Become accountable to your creative power, dissolve through the law of Love your imperfections, and regenerate your life into Light. This is the way, the truth, and the life approach that has been demonstrated and explained and revealed for centuries.

†His Will is your key to salvation. Empty your human will by placing it in service to the higher Will . . . Only then will you manifest His consciousness and Life eternal.

The willingness to act upon what you know to be true is the means to become free. Act upon what you know! But can you really? You must begin at the beginning and take baby steps because the process at this time is intricate and requires you to become still and let the higher energies from your higher self and Source to step in and through Grace dissolve the density which disallows your co-participation in this process of free will creation. The original meaning of free will was that you would have a choice to love God and follow in His ways, Her Laws, His plan. It was with the highest intentions that human beings were given, were created to become like gods. But over the conflicted course of thousands of years and hundreds of lifetimes, we have slowly come out of alignment with Source to the point where there is very little remembrance of purpose or identity or Law.

How will you regain your true free will and begin to move along the pathway of evolution, not devolution? You must learn to live within the higher Law, surrendering your personal agenda, your arrogance to think that you know something truly valuable, and spend your time recognizing and acknowledging the higher relationship that exists, expanding into the higher identity, taking full ownership for your created substance that had been set into motion – emotion – by reexperiencing your consciousness as it seeks to pass through you into Light. As you understand what it means to be passive and receptive, and what it is for you to be active and assertive in your will, only then is there the hope for freedom and immortality. I will tell it to you like it is without the fluff and poetry because I feel in this way only can clarity come forth and help you to become free.

Who will you trust to give you the right information, the correct knowledge of your Being. Who is available to offer to you guidance and direction if you have not the discernment to tell the difference between falsehood and truth? Ask just now for your doubt to become dissolved. Ask to know the relationship that you have with your oversoul presence . . . your Source of individuality. Ask with your free will to ask. Let the fires of God beyond us all come forth and burn away the fear within the human lower nature, the mistrust, the tendency to control and manipulate outer circumstance. Embrace the eternal Law of your being which says that as you create through your thought and feeling nature so will you experience your creation. Create love; create peace by dissolving you hatred and discord. You cannot create peace directly while you still have within you all of this darkness and doubt, againstness and hatred of all kinds, judgments and laziness. How will you rise up into immortality if you do not give yourself to the higher relationship? This is the means of utilizing whatever free will you have left in you. You must unwind the past before the fullness of your creative power can be returned to you, and before you can experience true freedom and happiness.

As you allow your doubt and fears to become dissolved into the presence of Light you will expand from scared into the sacred, from the great worrier into a warrior of Light and freedom. Taste what is being offered to you in eternity, as you develop the habit of looking to the higher within you for the answers, praying for the results through the right use of your free will and human thought and feeling. Doubt is the wavering of your free will and intention. So, as you listen to these words, take action, go past the doubt and fear of not knowing this by your direct experience and set your attention upon the Reali ty; dissolve the unreality and the misidentification of yourself as being separate from the Source.

†I and my Being are one. I know and see myself as the formless One within time and space creation.

Waver not in your intent to know God, the Lord God of your own being! Fear not that you have lost control of your lives, that you have lost your mastery to co-create harmony. Fear not! Follow these simply steps into your clarity and freedom and you will prevail into the awakened state of pure consciousness and immortality. Help will come your way as you make the effort to follow through on these principles and approaches to your life. Let go of your confusion by turning your attention to the Christ within your being, and let go of your agenda, your thinking that you know. What good can possible come of what you know if you have yet to manifest happiness and harmonic perfection? What good can arise from your thinking and worrying, your future fantasizing and attempts to manipulate yourself into peace and contentment? Allow the spiritual presence above you to take command of you and your life and raise it back up into Light perfection. What can come of you holding onto your self-preservation, your survival, and your attempts at living here in a full way? There is no other way but to turn your attention upwards, inwards to the indwelling Spark of the Creator which sits right at the center of your being and beyond. Turn to that and empty yourself of all human ideas and plans and hopes for a better future, and let God step in and make Her plans right through you. I am speaking here of a vast and unlimited intelligence that you are to give yourself to.

Know the unknown; allow the unknown force of universal Love to embody you, to expand you into eternity. This is what is required more than all things. Staying attached and identified with what we know can only cause stagnation. To allow yourself to receive something beyond what you think you know is the approach into eternity. In this way will you add to your knowledge, rather than protect yourself from that expansion. Each one of us has essentially the same original desire to become free within and without. Free to express in relationship to all Life, and free to expand and deepen our self realization of the Source that gave us life.

Your free human will is a gift from the Father Mother of all. As you seek to find Truth, you will discover it within your being and beyond, but your being is the beginning of the search. You cannot believe the example of another in the hopes that that will bring forth your salvation. The only thing that is brought forth in that case is procrastination and laziness to do this for you. To listen and receive and be in relationship to someone who has come in the past is helpful, but you must place the effort through your will and desire to accomplish this great feat. There have been several who have come forth in the past to demonstrate the glorification of God by becoming more fully aligned and awakened, yet if that were enough then the world and it’s peoples would already have transfigured back into Light. It is only laziness and delay and the immature desire to shirk your responsibilities to yourself, that have kept you from achieving what the great ones came to offer. To believe in the personality of some historical character is simply not sufficient in itself to cause you and I to accomplish immortality. Do not believe so much in the exact lifetime of the past character, but seek to understand, believe, and then follow in the same approach that was so fabulously demonstrated in years past.

†May thy Will be done through me, for me, in me, and by me I will to will thy will, oh God, I will to will thy will

Believe and Live! Believe and Live in the approach used and demonstrated, and assistance will come from the higher octaves to help you accomplish this task for your self. Become a true student by willingly taking the responsibility for your actions, for the expression of your consciousness, and venture to create in alignment with the Source of your being, so that, you too may demonstrate the greater works.

Your free will is the hidden power needed to make this transition to the higher life, the more abundant life that is here and now awaiting you. What you think and feel you bring into form, and so, choose wisely what you focus upon, and what you hold in the powers of your thought and feeling world. You can use this same principle to create eternal life and immortality by choosing to focus into Reality and build a relationship to this living bridge within your being. Where your thoughts are, you are there as well because energy follows thought, and your thought and emotion create consciousness. Your thought and emotion is a powerhouse of divine energy that becomes manifest into form as you hold to a specific focus and understanding intent.

Omnipresence! In the higher octaves of pure Light all is One and the same being, but as Life manifests itself through the gradations of the lower and lower octaves of Light, it individuates Itself into different personalities and expressions. Yet, from the higher perspective every one of us is an individuation of the One Source . . . the one Light. We become different streams of the one Light with a multitude of aspects or expressions. You are the One Creator presence as it has been stepped down through the gradations into an ever further manifestation of the Source, and so, here in this octave of Light whe re there is density and separation of sorts, it is easy to believe that we are separate from the Source of all and even the Source of our particular life stream which has descended out from the Source of all Light.

†Believe and then live as I do, and you will never see death. You will be quickening your temple into eternal life more abundant. This is the fulfillment of the Plan and the Life I AM.

All of this varied expression is the Source in Action you might say. It is the One Source expressing Itself through the forms it has created . . . you have created . . . we have created. We are truly one family. From my perspective, this one action that is occurring simultaneously everywhere is God in action within the creation and also within the individual appearance worlds that exist for each of us as expressions of this One.

You are the Source expressing in each moment of your existence, in each and every moment you are responsible for the focus of your attention and the energy manifestation that involuntarily follows your focus. So, when you choose with your free will to focus your attention upon an event within the appearance world, such as a negative news event, and as you place your emotions and thought into this focus, you create energetic consciousness within you. You create through this focus certain qualities within your mind and emotion and you hold these within you as your personal creation, until at that time when your creation manifests either into the world of appearance as an event or circumstance within your personal life, or arises within your relationship with others. This discordant event which you focused upon and placed thought and emotion into is your responsibility because you are the Source materialized into this local part of the universe. You are the Source or God expressing into this locality. Your attention and focus determines the qualities that appear within your consciousness and as these qualities are held within you they create an experience of say pain or pleasure, contraction or expansion. So, how will you dissolve or get rid of certain qualities that you feel and experience within your consciousness? How do you uncondition those certain qualities that you wish to have removed from your experience?

Through the right use of your free will and the correct understanding of the power of your attention, you are able to dissolve the unwanted circumstances in your life and replace it with pleasurable and harmonious experiences that give to you satisfaction and even fulfillment. The power of qualification allows you to do just such a thing within you without ever having to handle or control or manipulate the outer circumstance, relationship, or people. All the form is merely the effects of this creation, so you don’t want to go after attempting to change the effects because what you do want to do is change the conflict or disharmony permanently. Messing with the effects actually creates further effects and all of this only alters your experience temporarily and very inadequately at that! I am sure you have had this frustrating experiencing whereby you think you have gotten rid of certain unwanted effects in your life, but then, alas, the thing returns to you showing up in some other corner of your existence; a very frustrating and disempowering sort of thing.

The right use of your creative power to qualify experiences into your consciousness begins with knowing that you yourself are the divine One in action, in expression, and that you hold within you a power to energize creation to become formed. Think about this for a moment. You hold the power to create forms within your experience. Thoughts and emotions become birthed into forms through your attention and focus and will! There is a secret to all of this great simplicity and it is realizing that when you stay focused into the indwelling Reality, the indwelling Spark, then all of your past created effects can begin to dissolve into alignment with this Spark of Love and harmony. Taking your attention off of the effects, refusing to attempt to manipulate and control the effects in your life, and holding firmly to the Cause of these effects will very quickly erase the outer created effects and the inner consciousness that is projecting the outer effects. This understanding is worth thinking about very carefully because I know how badly you want to recapture your harmony and the perfection in your lives.

This application of your creative power will come about gradually as you make the effort to hold firmly to the higher will. What I mean here is for you to continue to let go of your ideas about your life, your timing of when certain things are ‘supposed’ to take place for you. In general, I ask you to surrender into the expansion of yourself back into the vast presence that I know you and I are. We are vast and One. Your free will can only become returned to you as you dissolve back into Light your density and the imperfections that are associated with the density that holds you in bondage to human unconsciousness. Underneath all the conditions that you keep bumping your head into within your personal consciousness, and the outer manifestations of these human conditions, there exists You . . . vast, clear, radiant, and unified as the totality of pure Consciousness. It is only a matter of time before you return into the glory that once was and still is.

Your entrance back into the present moment is the threshold between your being confined within the anxiety of the past and the fears and doubts of the future. The phantom self lives in the past and future attempting to escape from either direction, wasting all this pent up creative force by vacillating back and forth, back and forth between these two extremes. This hidden power necessary to qualify your creative energies into the eternal vibration needs for you to come present and stay in the present so that it can outpour it endless stream of pure perfection through your consciousness and into the manifestation of your appearance world. If you are able to remain still for periods of time in your attunement work and then take that stillness out into your life, your transformation will be incredible, just remarkable.

If you desire my help in this matter and are willing to receive of Me, then call upon the Spirit of Truth which is my energy, and I will help you to still you’re ever racing mind and emotions. Stillness is needed because stillness will allow you to stop wavering in your intention, and like a funnel you must gather your scattered thought and direct it into the Reality of you, hold firmly to this indwelling Spark of Love that is your true identity. As you ‘will’ yourself into the present moment of the all-pervading consciousness, you will be an open vessel for the pure energies from beyond to saturate your mind and emotion with its force of Love. All is God in action expressing Itself into the creation, desiring to expand the fullness of your presence into and through the creation, raising all things back into the perfection of Light.

Create this bridge into eternity with your will and attentive focus, as you re-qualify your consciousness into pure Light, oneness with the Christ above you that will become your resurrected identity. This is a literal energetic bridge that I am talking to you of, a highway between you down here as a human being and your higher self and Oversoul presence which you will one day become. As you build this bridge and maintain it to allow for the higher energies to pour down through you, you will be allowing the re-qualification of your density and imperfection to be returned into Light eternal. This is the process in a nutshell, and it is the quickest road to your salvation. I can only assist you as much as the cosmic Law will permit because you yourself hold the keys to your freedom in terms of your human free will and your power to qualify your life back into pure Light.

God within you and above you is attempting to get your cooperation in this matter of outpouring Itself into your life and world. It is a kind of non-interference that is being asked of you just now – to stay in the present moment as often as you are able, to own and call in your energies that have been projected out into the appearance world, to build upon the inversion of your attentive focus into the reality of you, to be willing in your personality to let go of your pride and arrogance in believing that you already know these things or that you know better. Allow the ever-present flow of perfection to saturate your consciousness and remove all barriers towards your attaining the heights of divine relationship realization. Let us be up front with each other and completely honest so that we can move you levels and levels ahead of where you presently find yourself. As you believe that this is possible, and as you believe that I can help you to accomplish this great task, together we can bring forth unending fruits to you self realization and eternal freedom. I am held to this cause because I have come to assist you with this challenging achievement, and I know that you will accomplish great things.

†I AM the Transfiguration into the eternal Light

Your simple human desire in its pure form is the expansion of God’s activity into your world. Not the desire that is fixated upon manipulating outer circumstances to your pleasure, but the original desire for freedom and happiness and the unifying of your personality into God attunement. This pure desire for more Light, more consciousness, more harmony in relationships, etc., is always granted to you and I when we ask and then allow the necessary changes to occur so that there is room for these positive movements to happen. This desire is the power that wills God’s activity in your life to expand into a full manifestation of perfection. When you work to not interfere, then this perfection can become greatly expanded and sustained easily. This means no more struggle, conflicts, unhappiness, confusions, reactions, irritations for others, addictions, disease, death. I can go on and on with the words we use for letting us know that we are out of alignment with the higher will in our lives.

You and I are the Creator localized within time and space creation intending to enlarge and expand our perfection, our Love, throughout all of the creation. We are in many places simultaneously, yet, right here and now is where our work continues. Wherever you find yourselves to be in consciousness, begin here, with the understanding that as you do for you, you have done it for the collective body of God.

†I AM the Consciousness of the Universe expanding My perfection into this localized part of creation

You hold the choice; you decree the qualities you wish to energize into the creation for you to experience. You determine the forms in thought, feeling, and physical form that you desire to have in your appearance world, remembering that whatever shows up in your world is your creation because as that outpouring of perfection met with your consciousness, it blended with either the conditions of conflict and disharmony or it merged into the unconditional state of pure consciousness and divine emptiness. In this moment of time, you are determining the conditions of the next moment in time. There are no miracles, only manifestations of the eternal Law of being. When you think and emote, a part of your life energy goes forth to sustain your creation. The great learning within the human kingdom is to take ownership and consciousness of this creative power to qualify energy, and learn to master qualifying your life presence in alignment with the higher will and design. Only then can you become fit for an immortal life in service and exciting adventure with the Source.

The right use of the power of time & space has to do with seeking first in your life the kingdom of Reality. Seek to become conscious, purely conscious of what you are and deepen your relationship to the Infinite One, call it what you may. My approach into divine realization and eternal life is a top down approach to life. Don’t sit in human unconsciousness and separation claiming that one day you’ll get around to the desire for God. Begin right now with utmost faith and trust in your heart and claim that you are intimately involved with the omnipresent Life.

This top down approach means that as you claim and learn to walk in the identity of God, all else within your life will align with that which you claim. Because it is a fact of existence that you and I are the God presence within this localized part of creation, then we cannot attempt to be something other than what we truly are because when we pretend, we can never have the experience of Truth. Its a very popular idea that you are merely human, but when through faith you seek to know the unknown, then you are breaking the mold of unconsciousness and death. Look at the general population of the world and there are certain very common beliefs that are held by millions of people – the belief in death, sinfulness, separation, disease, aging, being against, blame, seeking outer satisfactions – all part of the cult of humanity, the race belief of the species of human beings, and all absolutely wrong. So, do not look out there for a reference point on how to live your life because you will come up empty handed and confused. I will tell you that confusion is a disease on this planet that is as a plague.

Come out from the cult of unconsciousness and sheepishness where you submit willingly to the path of least resistance and stand forth to become something greater. I say to you stand forth out from the fold of unconscious human thinking and create a life that will be an inspiration for others. It comes down to faith and trust. True faith believes without initially seeing. Have faith to claim now the divine Reality, and work out the details by purifying yourself into eternity. Take this opportunity, this moment, and raise yourself out of sleepiness and the lethargy of the cult of human unconsciousness; make contact with the Spark of God within you and open to His guidance. You will be giving to yourself the greatest gift when you refuse to settle for less. You owe it to yourself to strive for greatness.

So, as you seek first to find the Will of your being and align with this Will, your life begins to align with the command you are expressing in your life – a command of action and pure desire or intent. You must make time in your life for this transfiguration to occur for you, and the most powerful way is to keep things simple and direct. Keep it simple. Don’t weigh yourself down with unnecessary material possessions that will keep you a slave in maintaining them or working long hours to pay them off on credit. Spend your days opening up the time and space to give yourself to the higher relationship where you will soon touch the hem of the seamless garment of Light.

†As you immerse yourself in His Being, your perception and experience of time and space will expand into the Infinite space and the Eternal time of God.

Most resistance to Reality comes from our physical body. Our human nature needs to be nurtured and educated. We need to understand how valuable we are. Keep balanced in your quest for higher consciousness. Balance your life by paying attention to your physical needs, and work on focusing your mind into higher thought and expression during the day. Attune to the Infinite through your thought attention and indwelling focus. Time and space will rearrange itself in your benefit as you commit to freedom.

†Desire to be within the Kingdom of Being, align with the force of God throughout the Universe. Your personal consciousness will become raised into what you have commanded.

It remains for each one of us to make an effort in this behalf. As you seek to realize your true nature the forces of heaven will assist you. God is everywhere present. You are this fabric of intelligence and awarene ss. Soon you’ll see results that are beyond your imagination. Ask for the time and space to clear up the obstacles and allow it to be orchestrated right through you.

†Indwelling Spark of my Being, I command myself into alignment with you. I offer to you my time and space to become re-established in You

Believe in your ability to awaken and live according to what’s true for you by coming into contact with the depths of your being where fulfillment exists in abundance. Work in full accord with the eternal Law and dissolve your agenda and human misunderstandings until you come into a fuller alignment and realization. Your problems cannot be solved on the level in which they’ve been created. You must be raised up into a higher vibratory level. In the higher perspective there doesn’t exist struggle and strife, hunger and disappointment. As you become quickened, you’ll discover the treasures of mental peace, calm heart, fulfilling purpose, and a greater understanding of yourself. The higher perspective will open your eyes to creation. You can participate with greater creativity in the inheritance that awaits you.

Your transmutation from a carnal creature bound by the lower nature of the physical body and its appetites and habit patterns will take time to occur. This change in stature from a worldly minded materialistic being which has been weakened by fear and doubt and other kinds of enslavements requires a certain force or will to overcome. To establish yourself within the higher vibratory levels necessary to transcend into the immortal form cannot be accomplished unless you make this adventure more than a mere hobby; it must be an occupation for you to bring forth the strength and devotion necessary to persevere into the eternal.

How will you open yourself so that your receptivity is so greatly enhanced enough to draw down to you the Infinite? What must you do to attain such hunger for Truth and Justice in your lives? I will tell you as you make the effort each day to take your time and space which has been granted to you, and work to further your gains in understanding by dissolving your past created energies of mental and emotional substance, then will you be creating the conditions to amp up your level of receptivity needed to drink of the fountain of eternal Life. Every portion of your energy that you offer into the transmutation process becomes for you the conscious fuel to make the very next leap into the higher. All is earned within the universal Plan of salvation, and it is not merely good deeds which will establish for you this upgrade in your existence. It is not selfishness to spend your time and space in obtaining the necessary character traits of perseverance, strength, courage, will, and desire for the Eternal One. It is wisdom for you to give yourselves a fair chance of attaining this goal, and it will make you a great person through your nature, character, and personality as you spend your time seeking to surrender and expand into the divine Will.

Are you on track or have you fallen away from the momentum you are building in the ever upward direction of immortality? How can you gauge yourself so that you have that strength of conviction and clarity to know that you are proceeding on course? As you clear the energetic debris of your fear and doubt, and as you build a practice of daily attunement regardless of the obviousness of the results, you will be honored from above. Staying consistently disciplined in this endeavor will have such a wonderful affect upon your personality nature in making it humble and allowing of all things, and it will cause you to become emptied of expectations, so that, you will become once again as a child in your humility and trust, hard work and innocence. I tell you the greatest gifts that can be attained while in the human form are child-like trust and innocence, awe for the creation and a deeply felt relationship realization with the God force of your being. Your ‘on trackness’ will be revealed to you if you persevere past the temptation to measure your success because the real results come about when you sincerely and entirely desire to be with God, to know and understand and experience directly the spiritual insights, perceptions, and intuitions that are part and parcel of the relationship with the divine.

Your heart desire and compulsion to become attuned to Spirit allpervading will give to you a relationship of comfort and fulfillment, deep growth and an always present knowledge that you and the divine are One.

†I AM the Transmutation and the Eternal Life Everlasting

What I am speaking to you about is the Law of your life which is a direct science of the law of vibration. There is only one thing different between the person who is awakened and consciously experiencing the glory of Oneness with God and he who has yet to have this realization, and that is the rate of their vibratory movement. If you spend your time and space quickening the rate of the electron movement around the central core of the nucleus you will find yourself being raised into such great fulfillment and Love. The use of a decree such as the one above will hold your attentive focus into the more rapid vibratory movement of eternity. You can command this vibratory action to quicken by placing your thought upon the higher thought and emotion.

When we gather together you sit within the vibratory emanation of my own electronic force field and your own vibration of your four lower bodies is raised closer into the speed of Light; your vibration becomes quickened as the electrons are spinning around the nucleus in a much faster frequency. You are lifted and experiencing more of the benefits and effects of the higher rate of vibration. But then when you leave my presence you are soon interacting with your own energy field, where your attention is drawn back into the things of the outer appearance and your own present vibratory movement. You experience then, the vibratory rate that exists within the world which is much, much slower than the rate of vibration of these activities of our mutual group focus into the higher thoughts, higher emotions, and higher Life.

Your time and space being spent on worldly considerations will draw to you the Substance and debris of the worldly minded. By this misappropriation of your time and space you change your attention and focus into either your own mind and/or the world of appearance of the collective humanity where feelings of depression, doubt, fear, and a general malaise exist because the vibratory rate of the majority of people is vibrating much too slowly to go beyond these coarser experiences. Yet all that is required is to find the discipline and obedience to hold firmly to the higher thought and feeling by focusing into the relationship with your own indwelling presence. Your time and space must be put to greater use if you are to attain the task of divine realization and the transcendence of death into immortality – becoming pure Consciousness, an individualization of the Source within eternity.

Do you know that when you are vibrating higher and higher into the speed of Light, time and space begins to recede because time and space are of the lower frequency vibration? As you become obedient to this Law of life, and as you actively apply this ideal to your daily life, time and space will open up for you by dissolving the impact they are having on your life right now. So, the speed at which the electrons move around the nucleus of every atomic particle of energy within your mental body is determined by the thoughts you entertain. This is also true for our emotional and physical bodies as well. If you want greater understanding, you must begin to use your time and space to focus upwards into the higher verities, holding your thoughts and e motions beyond the mass mental and emotional thought-emotional forms.

When you thoughts are of perfection and of the expansion of the good within God’s universe, then you are speeding up the electronic movement within the atomic particles of your mental body. You are raising that body higher and higher into the speed of Light. When you do this for each one of your lower bodies of expression, the vibratory action of the electrons within your bodies will be so rapid that they will deflect the mass thought forms of destructiveness which are anchored within the atmosphere around the earth. Like a propeller swirling around at great speeds deflecting all debris that comes into its atmosphere, your energetic bodies will do the same.

†I AM the Ocean of Being, all waves are within Me

When you allow yourself to connect with discord whether it be in your neighborhood, the newspapers, television, radio, etc, you are immediately slowing down the vibrations of the electrons, and as they slow down in vibration then these bodies are more subject to the negative influences of the mass mind of the population. As I have said, humanity is a cult of sorts which perpetuates the erroneous misunderstandings of the workings of human life. As the electrons move more slowly around the central core of the nucleus of the atomic structure a general disintegration ensues – disintegration is the reverse action of unification. The more sped up this movement occurs the greater will be our integration and the unification of our consciousness into Light speed, which is the preparatory state of God consciousness necessary to take your life into eternal Light. It is Light speed that allows us to move through the transfiguration into the resurrection and finally the ascension where you become an immortal being. As you spend your time and space focusing into the higher relationship and sincerely seek to integrate into this higher identity, you will be quickening the electronic movement into Light eternal.

†When your thought attention and devotional focus becomes singularly placed upon the Infinite One, then will your physical body, mind, soul, and personality become raised, lifted, quickened, and regenerated into the eternal Life.

The holding of your attention one-pointedly upon the divine presence of yourself, and the use of the infinite circuit of divine transformative energies, will allow the vibration of your mental, emotional, and physical bodies to stay beyond the vibratory emanations of the general decay and disintegration of the worldly consciousness. Then, you will not only repel from your space all discordant events and circumstance, you will also be living quite powerfully within the protective care and consciousness of the divine Parent of us all. This is the way, the truth, and the life understanding which emanates out from the eternal presence of us all.

Each day as you desire to quicken yourself into greater understanding and freedom, then you must draw forth from within your Oversoul presence through the Christ body or higher Mind above you, and into your own indwelling Presence the necessary fire energies that have the capacity to quicken all your four lower vehicles of expression. As you ask and allow for this quickening action, and as you focus your attention in an uplifting way, then nothing will stop you from achieving immortality at the end of this lifetime. Along the way towards that final day when you will transfigure your physical body into Light, you will be living from a very high and mighty place in consciousness. You will be fulfilling the Law of your being because it is God’s Will that we become raised up into the perfection of the great I AM.

THE KINGDOM OF HIS SOVEREIGNTY AND DIVINE SUPREMACY What is True Sovereignty for the Individual and the Society? What is Our Philosophy and Divine Precepts? How does discipleship and Private Study benefit the individual in their personal ascent into Consciousness? 1. The quality or state of being spiritually sovereign by establishing your life in Harmony, Healing, and Pure Happiness. This is the bestowed Spirit of the Universal Father and Creator of us all. This is to enter into the Kingdom of God through His righteousness and dignity, His honor and Consciousness. There is a blissful fulfillment in this alignment with the one Life Force; entering into a personal spiritual realization and relationship with the Omnipresent Life which is individualized and enfolds you, as you; the beginnings of personal sovereignty with, in, and of the Primordial Center and Source of all Life which holds the Pattern of Paradise which gave you life and existence; receiving of the threefold endowment, applying it with determination and willingness; recognition of the force of Life which animates us, reaching for the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter presence which open an avenue for personal fellowship with the Universe Sovereign Son; living the human life

spiritually/religiously and by faith and trust in the everywhere presence of God – the unchanging Truth, wisdom, and power of Life. 2. The status, dominion, power, authority, and divine right awakened in you to command the Primordial Spirit or Infinitely Intelligent Life Force to bring you to a state of Harmony, Healing, and Pure Happiness. Making conscious use of the Fire Power of Love to change all unwanted destructive conditions in life to their fulfillment; sovereignty occurs through our awakened sunship with the Triune Source – the Person of the Everlasting Father, the Person of the Eternal Son, the Person of the Infinite Spirit and their extensions within the Divine Circuits of the Trinity which reach right into the human heart and mind; consciously walking the royal road as a son or daughter of the Source; possession of natural rights and accountability as a co-creative agent holding full accountability for all that you have and will set into motion with the innocent Life Force of the Source; consciousness of yourself in and as this One Enfolding Life Presence through the techniques of intelligent prayer, invocations and decrees, sincere worship in the right use of your attention and focus, your thought and feeling powers, and direct fellowship and profound relationship with the Universe Sovereign Son Michael, the Universe Sovereign Spirit of the Mother, and the

Everlasting Planetary Administration of the Host of Heaven; unbroken dedication, consecration, and communion with God through His Paradise Trinity Endowment. 3. Supreme and independent power and authority found profoundly within your own Individualization of the Supreme Essence of the Universes; your true identity and nature in God Himself whereby you have entered into the infinite unfoldment that is a never-ending progression unto greater Truth, wisdom, and Power through the conscious use of the fire Power of Love and Mercy which brings forgiveness to all error; giving attention and loving focus unto the Primordial Center and Source and His fragmentary Essence within you; sacrifice and surrender of all untruth, all that is deemed unreal and transitory unto the Force of Life that dwells enfolding your heart and mind and soul; the act of becoming humanly and spiritually sovereign through the understanding and divine application of the Creative Word I AM; becoming one with the essence of all Life enfolding you; the courage to surrender and be of service in just this way of expanding unto the Divine Will and Intent of your own Enfolding Essence which is the gift of the Paradise Father Source and Center to every human being; acceptance of initiation to eternally do the Will of the Father Source and

through the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter Intelligence to enter into personal spiritual relationship and fellowship with the personal spiritual essence and intelligence of the Sovereign Universe Son, thus, leading into eternal salvation and personal soul redemption of all error leading to everlasting union with the particle of Paradise which enfolds you and desires to blend and merge eternally with you. In this initiation, you as a human being become spiritualized and the Father Fragment becomes personalized as you - One very unique being with eternal capability and promise; the opening to a living faith and trust that quickens you into the initiation into immortality ~ the transfiguration, resurrection, and ascension into the seamless garment of eternal Light.

4. Guided by the leading and intent of the indwelling and enfolding Spiritual Presence, plus the guidance of the Spirit of Truth, and the sponsorship and support and healing of the Infinite Mother Spirit which is also called the Holy Spirit; awakened to the plan of progressive evolution through the revelation of direct Spiritual insight and divine perception of your unique nature, identity, and life purpose; the culmination and graduation of the human evolution into becoming an immortal individualized portion of the Supreme Being, at one with the

Universal Essence and the Source; the beginnings of the eternal progression out from the womb of the Mother Earth and birthed into the Cosmos.

5. A return to your rightful status as a Sun of the Primordial Source and Center; freedom from the rough waves of the world so that you are in the world, but not caught up in the world and its outer circumstances and events; independence at one with the Spiritual Presence of thyself through the acts of Sacrifice, Surrender, Selflessness, and Service; a sovereign state of consciousness of thyself as a unique individualization of the Supreme essence of Life; realization of the Source and Center or Fatherhood Motherhood of God and the Brotherhood/Sisterhood of humanity; heightened and growing character, morals, ethics, and integrity expressed and still evolving; spiritual integration by taking upon thyself the seamless garment of eternal Life woven out from the imperfections of the garment of flesh and mortality; you have chosen to walk the royal road of Spirit whereby instead of degenerating into disease and death you unfold and quicken, raising thyself through the fivefold approach to fulfill the Plan of Life into the regeneration and redemption of your personal energetic

accumulations and momentums unto immortality at the end of this lifetime of learning or within the very next lifetime.

6. Divine insight and spiritual perception as an outgrowth of true and living faith; faith-trust relationship, realization, and revelation of God by the God-seeking and God Knowing individual; personal spiritual relations with the Universal One Source which opens the way to experience genuine personal realization and divine Happiness, a harmony and pure happiness that is due to your alignment with life and the fulfillment of the Promise made eons ago by all who borrowed the pure energies of the Life force to create experiences with and intending to one day return those energies back into their pristine and pure state in the lifetime initiation of the regeneration; a living faith that securely holds one to knowing the certainty of God’s watchcare and guidance.

7. A living faith that is personal, original, spontaneous; extraordinary faith and direct experience of the divine presence in your life, awakening greater spirit attainment, moral, ethical devotion and integrity; intellectual emancipation and spiritual regeneration which is

catapults you to seek first and foremost the kingdom of the heavens, the Kingdom of Consciousness that is, and direct personal fellowship within this Universal Kingdom of Righteousness with the Creator Son, the Sovereign Universe Son Michael through the guidance of the Spirit of Truth who is the real and true teacher; sublime religious experience anchored and grounded, practical and ever expanding and deepening to bring forth within you pure happiness and personal fulfillment with a profound endowment of spiritual reality; consecration and dedication in the doing of the Will of Eternity; the offering of the one human gift to God our Father Mother – the expansion of our free will into God’s Will and Divine Intent. Thus, these are some of the precepts and the divine philosophy and benefits of receiving our instruction and guidance at the Temple of Sovrnty. Sovereignty or Sovrnty is each person’s destiny and inheritance as a sun of the Source and Center of all Life.

Christ Michael and His Mission to Humanity through Sovrnty Society and Salvington College Seminary "As My Father Son Spirit have given to Me of their Spirit and Life, so will I give to you of My Spirit. You need only ask and invite Me to come into thine prayers and contemplations, thine invocations and thine times when you are in worship of the Universal Originating Father Source of Us all. “As you ask and allow thyself to receive Me, I hold the capacity to flood you with My Spirit of Truth in order to guide and comfort you ... eventually leading you into all Truth. As you receive of My Comforter Spirit in your heart and mind, I will abide with you and renew thine mind into the vaster Mind. My Spirit of Truth will help you to know that you are the sons and daughters of the Universal Source. "By the old way you have sought to suppress, obey, and conform to the rules of human living; by the new way you are first transformed by My Spirit of Truth, and thereby strengthened in your heart, mind and soul by this continual spiritual renewing that I and the Universe Creative Mother Spirit offer to humanity at this time and always.

Illumination of thine life and existence is a living reality for those who are willing to receive of Us, and become partakers of the Father's bestowal Spirit in you. Hence, are you endowed with the power of the certain and joyous performance of the gracious, acceptable, and perfect will of God. "Be in His remembrance throughout thine day and evening; for it is thine faith trust relationship in the exceedingly great and precious promises of God that ensures your becoming partakers of His divine nature and ever uplifting character virtues." "First and foremost seek the Kingdom of His Consciousness which is the very Source of thine being and life. Recognition breeds remembrance, and this fosters relationship and nurtures deeper realization. "Thine illuminated heart, soul, and mind shall be an ever-potent fountain .. a perpetual spring delivering to you daily the Sacred Waters of Life Everlasting. "Our eternal association is a beacon of Intelligence and Love .. Our dedicated cooperation with expanding His Kingdom in and through each member of humanity.

"Reach unto the Fatherhood of God and to the Brotherhood of Humanity. Our purely religious educational fellowship brings an intellectual emancipation from any 'worn out' concepts and a spiritual Illumination to the individual willing to dedicate themselves to discipleship with Us. “I teach the full and complete Atonement through the Divine Plan of Salvation for human life having completed the Earth Journey at a prior time and having returned to teach the way, the truth, and the approach to an eternal life more abundant - the very next stage of progressive evolutionary development for human beings. Through this Divine Plan of Salvation and the fulfillment of the Law through Right Action of the Law of Redemption, you are destined for greater progressive Perfection; it is your divine inheritance waiting to be given to you once ye have prepared a place to receive of Him. “In this Threefold Atonement and Initiation into Life Everlasting, you build for yourself the Living Tapestry of the Seamless Garment of Eternal Light establishing immortality at the close of this lifetime or the very next. This is the Demonstration and Teaching I gave as I underwent the Transfiguration of human density into Light, the Resurrection unto

the Higher Christ Body of Light, and the Ascension back unto My Eternal Station… the Universal God Self. It is the God-given way that the Creative Center and Source has designed to expand the Kingdom of Light and Life. It is the understanding of this Great Infinite Law of Life and its Conscious Application that awakens the completion of the Threefold Atonement. “You weave this Garment of Life Everlasting out of the imperfections of the Garment or Body of mortal flesh; and it must be attained while you are still in the human imperfect form. This is your demonstration that you understand the mastery of how to redeem all things unto Light through perfected attunement with the Father's Will and Intent. It is the curriculum and completion of form through the art and science of Precipitation and Etherealization; and so, I teach the way of Salvation, the truth of Redemption, the life of the Threefold Initiation of Atonement unto Eternity. “This Plan of Salvation and the fulfillment of the Law of Redemption brings upon each aspirant eternal life everlasting established by your cooperation with divine will and law before you even touch the hem of physical death. You bypass physical body death through your mastery

and cooperation. This is the Full Forgiveness of all error set into motion by you over lifetimes of using the immaculate and pristine Life Force that is within you and which you are, in order to create all of your lifetime experiences. You heal all destructive momentums and accumulations of error. “It is a certainty that all paths lead to this culminating fulfillment for the individual. It is this Initiation into Light and Life Everlasting that must be attained in order to progress beyond the Earth curriculum of ple asure and pain, birth and death in the creative use of the individualization of God. It is the fulfillment of the Spiritual Promise given to you by Us: ‘to have life more abundant’, to do the works of the Sonship of the One Christ so that, ‘the things that I do, ye too shall do, and even greater’ and ‘he who believes as I believe shall have Life Everlasting.’ "In and through my service to humanity, I am able to bring down unto you more than you can draw down unto yourselves. You will be working with the Infinite Holy Spirit of the Universe Mother, the Universal Father bestowal within you, and My Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter Presence, in preparing your readiness to receive a greater portion of your own inheritance. I show you the way to create a Field of Receptivity that

awakens in you the Living Tapestry of Eternal Light Everlasting ... the Seamless Garment of Immortal Light.� ~Christ Michael of Nebadon

Discipleship and Private Study at Sovrnty Society and Salvington College Seminary 1. We share with you each here a few of the many benefits of discipleship at Salvington College Seminary. Those aspirants worldwide that have enough evolutionary development to complete their journey within the Earth at the end of this lifetime or the very next lifetime will have the opportunity to become guided personally by Christ Michael; the blending of spirit and matter is how the bride and the bridegroom unite eternally; it is the way in which the bestowal Spirit of the Father unites with the personality soul, mind and body of the individual to become a greater being with eternal capability; 2. You become raised up into the next stage of your progressive evolutionary career unto Paradise by learning of this vision of the Christ Intelligence for the Body of Humanity. This is the divine original design and the plan of salvation which We have formulated and designed; for each is an inseparable member within the One Body of

Humanity, and even further still, each is a manifestation of the Universal Body. Upon the complete and full Atonement you become a Conscious Individualization of God Himself in every way possible for you. You cross the bridge unto Life Everlasting and begin your journey into Our universe, out from the womb of the Mother, as the gestation period of earth life becomes fulfilled. This is the second birth. 3. In this ritual of the threefold initiation of Atonement transfiguration, resurrection, and ascension, there are the highly transformative energies of the Heavenly Host which radiate into the personal atmosphere of Our students, consuming their density and darkness in order to lighten each up and prepare each to receive in greater measure, to help you make the necessary and permanent changes to erase your separation in the atonement process. It is the necessary divine and human preparation for individuals willing to receive Our guidance, and who desire to complete their journey within the earth. It is the graduation and divine inheritance in all glory and honor and respect.

4. Students learn with lucidity about the Law of Redemption through the atonement process and how it is a science and an art to attain and must be understood correctly to apply towards immortality. 5. You will have completed the journey of the Earth; that completion is the transfiguration, resurrection, and ascension. That is what Christ Michael demonstrated and taught in the days of Galilee. He and the Host are teaching the very same procedure. Death is not a part of the divine plan of salvation. Life everlasting is the divine plan for human beings. 6. At Salvington College Seminary, you become quickened into Life; out from the densities of the human mortality with all imperfections and habitual tendencies that must become transfigured‌raised into light. 7. Michael shares with His students this illuminated avenue; where this all leads and what occurs for you after this lifetime. If a person remains ignorant of this higher knowledge and they choose to physically die, then they

experience a return to fourth dimensional levels wherein they have their long term home with friends and loved ones within the Earth itself, and yet, if they fulfill the law of Redemption and attain the Atonement by embodying their own Christ Principle of Light, then they have fulfilled the teachings of the Universal Christ ‌ the Universal Buddha ‌ and as such, a greater manifestation occurs for them. Through the threefold initiation of Atonement which is the attunement to the Plan of Salvation and the Will of the Father for human beings you transcend birth and rebirth and establish within eternal life everlasting - immortality. 8. There is a very specific understanding and requirement that must be fulfilled at some certain point in your lifetimes. You are destined to fulfill this initiation in order to prepare yourself to access the great eternity of existence. At some point during a person’s lifetimes within the womb of the Earth Mother they begin to prepare themselves for the greater life everlasting.

9. Salvington College Seminary clarifies the avenue of creature approach to the Father of all. You will come to understand where you were before this lifetime, what the purpose is in this lifetime, and where you will be heading after this lifetime. 10. The evolution from subjective perception to an objective absolute knowledge, from an overly subjective point of living to a divinely endowed objectivity requires more of the reconciliation of opposites and extremes. You become masterful at identifying and embodying the Life Consciousness within you, and you take the hand of the Host in beginning to claiming your divine authority in Christ Supreme; to command the Fire of Love to come and erase your unwanted destructive conditions in your life in order to establish Harmony, Healing, and Pure Happiness - all prerequisites on the way of the transfiguration of density into light, resurrection into the Christ Body of Light, and ascension into your own God Presence which is and remains a uniquely individualized personality of the Omnipresent Supremacy of God the Father.

11. The techniques used by Michael in the lifetime as Jesus allowed him to awaken out of the dream of separation, subjectivity and the perceptual sensory world of appearances, and thereby awaken into Knowledge and the fuller vaster Consciousness. The fallen human mind is stuck and holds in bondage the soul personality that you are. It knows itself through outer perceptions that confirm what it already thinks it knows as fact. Yet, it is always a projection and judgment of what it needs to confront within itself. I take your hand and show you how to reconcile the opposites which hold that fallen mind in place. 12. Michael teaches the threefold spirit endowment as given by the Universal Intelligence - Father, Son, and Spirit - and how this is the one and only divine circuit that gives a person the ability and power to evolve by dissolving the ego structures of duality - the false identification with the dream and the ego separation -they are not meant to be individual personalities separate from God within the dream of perception and subjectivity, but Individualizations of God with all authority and right, power and ability to command

the Life Principle of themselves into transfiguring all darkness and density into light. This is the fulfillment of the Spiritual Promise that they agreed to eons ago at the beginning of their incarnations in the garment of flesh. 13. Sovrnty Society and Salvington College Seminary is intended to prepare students in their receptivity towards fulfilling the threefold initiation of Atonement unto the seamless garment of Light eternal. This is the core of what Michael teaches and shares with students worldwide, while walking with them through the Circuits of the three Persons of the triune One God. 14. He shows you the law of forgiveness through the law of Redemption and this reconciliation of opposites so that you become able to dissolve and consume all recalcitrant energies within your personality soul such as fear and doubt; thus will you fulfill the Spiritual Promise of ‘as ye sow, so shall ye reap’; Michael shows them the way and approach used by Him in demonstrating how to bring into

manifestation a permanent freedom and immortality - Light and greater Life more abundant. 15. The divine radiation within Sovrnty Society comes down from the octaves of pure light and Life through the Heavenly Host, who stand with Us, as it is the radiation and divine energy which is outpoured to Michael’s disciples and all others in the civilization who yearn for truth and justice within themselves. At the Seminary, there is an intense outpouring of the Life Principle to each one that aligns their free will with God's Will and attunes their life and motivations with His Plan of Salvation and Law of Redemption. 16. Christ Michael shows you the spiritual techniques given by the Universal Intelligence to humanity in order to ‘remember’, and to remember is to become once again a living member of the One Body of God the Supremacy; for there is only One Omnipresent family of Life everywhere. In consciousness and divine radiation, you are destined to become in your awareness that One Body of humanity, and

all the kingdoms of the earth world. Then, in consciousness and life experience you will stand forth and say, “All is within Me . . . All hearts are Mine just as my heart belongs to the All.� Each must eventually claim this for themselves in accepting their inheritance from the Father. We are here to facilitate that receptivity in each. Once you have made the effort to accomplish this task of your Paradise career you adjust the momentum of your existence from birth and rebirth, error and misperception, separation and sorrows unto existing within the Universal Body of the Supreme Christ as an individualized Sun of God with consciousness of the totality. 17. Michael has said that He comes to bear witness to Truth, and to give His demonstration of It. Second, he walks with you in your private study with Him, and ushers you into a fuller acknowledgement and recognition of the Christ Consciousness of you. Together with your participation and efforts, He is able to show you how to make that a permanent accomplishment; to walk the Earth as a living Christ and to then fulfill the Atonement; the completion of

all lifetimes in the sacred ritual of transfiguration, resurrection, and ascension. You do not just dissolve after this lifetime into some amorphous oneness and lose your personality and individuality; for God almighty has a much grander Plan than merely that for each one part of Himself. Instead, you become an Individualization of the Supreme Christ at One with the Father’s Will and Intent and in Service and Expression within this our local universe. The garment of Light is the merging eternally with the Christ Principle of yourself which enfolds you and surrounds you and has been guiding you throughout the centuries of thousands of lifetimes. You are destined at some certain point in time to fulfill the mandates of heaven to perfect thyself‌thy vibrational frequency back into Light Supreme, even as the great I AM, and in that, you transcend degeneration, disease, and physical death. Your physical body becomes quickened electronically, atomically, and spiritually unto the very same frequency vibration as the enfolding Christ of become a uniquely personalized individualization of the Christ Principle i n

consciousness and awareness, unified and one with the body of the Universal Christ. 18. At the Society and College Seminary, We help students realize their role in the atonement and to understand the role of Michael/Jesus in the atonement for this universe. Michael explains how the Supreme or Christ Intelligence cancels out all errors in the atonement process for each person and what that means and how to cooperate to receive these accelerated results. This is the atonement of the ages. It is the Eternal Embrace of all lifetimes of your efforts to gain the heavens. Michael speaks of the resurrection and its attainment for every personality soul who desires to travel godward by embracing His Word and the greater life. You become illuminated and truly able to stand up within yourself to claim, "I AM the Resurrection and the Life Everlasting." 19. Michael and the Universe Mother Spirit show you and explain to you how to glorify God in you and as you in the Holy Encounter; in each moment of your unfoldment there

are many evolutionary points of convergence whereby you gain the right and capacity to eliminate the density and embrace more of the Infinite virtues and values of the Source. Michael teaches and shares as a brother and friend to you, the fuller understanding of the Plan of Salvation and the fulfillment of the Law of Redemption which leads you into the Atonement – full and complete and eternally permanent. Your cooperation and attunement to the Will of the Father becomes manifest in you, by you, through you, for you, and even as you upon your fulfillment of this Spiritual Promise.

For further information, please contact us at: Our central hub with all web links is: We have several sites public and private within the Seminary College. One other site you may find of interest is:

SOVRNTY SOCIETY AND SALVINGTON COLLEGE SEMINARY is a NonProfit Religious Corporation in the State of Oregon that offers the teachings of the Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter and the Holy Spirit. This illuminates the highway of approach into union with the Father, Son, and Spirit of Existence.

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